Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 22 Apr 1903, p. 2

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'lr'elio olos.Te otTence is___ hl sessions; stu.dy immncdiately 110 flot s serio)s1s caý1t1 tietalin g, but e afte the closeof schooii beforo the in Prosecuin lg the lssrcharge evi- iid ancld y have bepn regted by Ldence is oi:fteýn d oio f the great- UU;pay orothcriable change ol el,.h ;teoliu ccti.on1; stndy imediately ahte ýD OïIGFOR SMUI4GLERS flouse atinig ahearty icl There is scarcely a departinent of. ThL chilcirea should have fixeci the Canadian Government that is lhours 'for study. 1otr sist ) 'b the imounted police. AJU IE. Parents shmild nover urge chilciren Duties and Dangers of This The collection of revenue along the to make extra efforts to obtain pro- 7> possibl 'th t 'lot Saotion, nrshwannoyanceifte Spedd Foc f some such patrol. The smugglor lute do se. What chidren neeci for Spedd Fre p en ýr11efs' )ii3nsTk Suaderstands that commercial pria- c tw Wt DmlnsTk inteliectuilaiian moral progrcss is ______ciple by which tho consumners pay twO ou s f Ibcd suitable for sseai ok If for aay, gooci ~~~ ~~duty, andi Whoualhocan evado the Stewiiig, aeckpiocepicrrýjed, two r1o tcnlii ntpomtda I'oward the evening cf a day in the men vas organizeci. Subseoiuent collecter hie gathers iu the duty hilm- encens, twO ro potaltooes, two the endi cf thoe termi, ho shouid not late spring of 1898 two men pu-shedi acts have ameaded the original pro- self.1 But anoone entoring Canada quarts of water anci tw tablespeen-1ho ropriînandced, but enceuraged te their jaded herses ifoto teitiag isin n res a ,adtefrem the seuth ils gonraîîy accosted fuls Off leur. Ciit thý e Pool inte lnch tyaan No luc prns b ford where the Dlalton trail crosses -number of in is 00W limnited te 1,- several times by the police beoeolho square pieces ; put> -seeof tho boof finding f anit witb the teacher, wea- thé Kicliing Herse river, just abeve 000» reaches a place wi>ere 'smuggied fat i n a fryrg pa ad 'whoa hotet irifunc o o the peint whore the latter empties The Northwest Territories'are, di- goocis could ieh sold. The rush of Put in thoe nin very thick, andonhrlunc orge. lathe Cternatand ars pint Oc- over, but still there are three or over a brisk firo. Dredge the meat tween Alaska and British Columbia, a00 stations. iTo e toaforfcnissof four a week roakiag their way w'ith w"ll with the fou)ýr andi put in the "The sweet pea is a peculiar W rites, an Amlerican correspondent.010cstais.sienerree actig em-wagns or pacrhresaegtu a n i si ai oi bend plant," says Eben E. P.exford, "la TIhe crss.ing, aiways dangeilous, 1w as o meinmsi M, n cin oi acisc,oi ag rs aad doagtefaquato cf a taspefll cf peprmn ut nik htgNo te at'its werst. The ruerat9 loo i ssioner, eigbt superintendents, 29 trait that precedeci the railroaci fromn thon add a teaspoonful of sait anci somne reswcts, andi requires treat- ia y t aestslugand uroi- etcrinlary surgeons, 50 staff1 sur- At maniv peints aleng tne trail and and the water,' -wichrmust bhoiel- Plants if we- would have it do its 'ng b, it watrs tssin androi-o'er the open prairies these trave.- i4g, simlmer ntil meat is tender liest. Tt must be plantei very early iing lîke the surface of a mlghty ens,, 51 sergeants, 051 copoils, osaemtb u arl aiteraotcoac u alhus hn-ssel at stegen a canîdIron. Part cf the irai bar cf -171 constables anci72 seoots, mak-orarmt yteptondterautnendoe-lfhrste asjo i cashegudcn th rgla or aswahd.wyug filial a total cf 741 mon vwith cunsteais papers are exemiacci for acic the potateses t cntl thick slces; hob dug np to recei1ve the, seeci. Thi s th on init lace hed aveci a ttnles hess ui 8polsnhsecnparison witb t' dir outfts. simmer until the potatees are verylhecause it is a p)ýlnt ilýat ldos bet-ý 78 rrles hroungh Anierican giassos this looks nearly doue; thondr-op the dumpling ter ilu Cool waer ha ahet bec c qicsad.Hall way over, parltefonirfraiiie an _ïnwrranted intrusion, but batter by large spoufuls on top Ëf and thep conditionsý whichprvi in oue after the other. the herses lost DISTAN_\CE OP 800 MITES, on the prairie it Ceuies as a wclcorne stew; coecr and let buil for ton lain- 1 SPring,ý are precisciy those best suit- thleir footings anci began flouadering kcelping ona cattie raiciing, steal- break la thio nonotony of travel. utes; do net lift the covor la theied te it in gcttlng a start. If it heiplesSly in the yieiding sanci. One ing ad sauggiing, ln the latter case liesides, thle ipatrol is ready with full meantime or theyý wili full. Use bak- forai istrong roots bofore, the bot cfthe mon threw hiniseil frein bis p~iî atclratnint h information regarding~ traits, routes ing powder biscuit recipe for ilîmp- weatiier is osn s ndteoot scietesebsstruggling'imou, illicit traffic of intoxicants. They and travelingý conditions, anci is pro- liigs, enlyiy nîke it soft enough te, are deep lu the son, wiîere tlîoy will wh ereupoa the Iriglîteniecianial, re- wthteIiiaefrete O-pareri te receive anci investigate any drop from the spo 1 Or'you can romain rmolat aî ol sn x eaedfromn bis burden, sprang for- di',ance against frairie lires, have report against settiers, limrismen, inake up into tiny biscuit anci stew Pect fille flowers, and a great nanuy ward, .erked the bridle from uis cag ft ebudr urantine lu ancietiier tînvelers aieîîg the route, on top of the stew. Serve withcftebuifwgveta aio ate Pac, lungeli lis way the interier, andi keep order geneî ai- Thougb the Kiondiker mnay baie hlldudmplings on top of tPe stew. Planting, which brings its reets Trog othe bak ni aioeJof.ly v er an area of 300,000O square hsoti nicsinsppr xn- Maîble Cake--Beat haif a cup 0fna te.surface, ad a late one, Th JO or herse was saVept down te m ailes. Thei0 lspocters try criminali nec imany timies, ho ivas cemipensat- butter te a croajm ; add graduaily Which obliges it to get its, staît la î ay te tuebar onk,%the riist ilditscases, nmore thaci balf fthe Convic- d by tPh erfectsafety assureci Poth oeeanci one-hall cupluls cf suiqar ; weatler net to, lis lkn, ec ah frac a, fri he' t ik d t in ef la tiens secured la the Northwest la tPe hiis, anfi geecs duriîig the trip thon haf a culp of water, alternat- not Wonder il it disappoint)s -s. The th aide ast decado having beeîî la thir thrc)il. P Ca adian territri. ing with tw e cupfulAS f flur: 'thn Plan I olon' witP it is this : la! On regainiag the trail, t1le latter courts. INDIAN SCOUTS. ýadd a gooci pilîci cf Sait sud h pi i -hd tuechsabu was AprilfIedgtV-shapeistreuchraiabout n'he rie t e bscmaio, Te maiatain order anci te preserve At the distribution of rations on n'bites cf leur eggs beaten stiff, rinci six inches dleep. I s0w tPe seoci in tegrim resiglation of the hope- confidence la tbe security ofi lue and the Indian reserves tPe presence cf anci juice of0ne lonon and tn'e even tlie bottom cof these about an incP fae, settiiug d loto tP treaiec i bi property $1,200,000 square ailles of the poelice ils aise nocessnry, for it is teaspoonfuls cf bainig pewder. Foir apart. I cever it with about an quiksadsscace ift fet fom thectrritery, nith an open boundary Of a time wbcn-the Indians arc apt te the dark part beat fonrth cup cf iach of soif, whlch I presdw quiek ',cis, care iftyafeot rosie -000 miles ona aforeiga country; a quarrel ameug tbeniselv es aci aise butter te a crealîl ; acicoe ucp of! firîiy. When the plants have grown11 beaak. Wtb frcehi, ane ospurry e on- yas yet but sparsely set- te grow. dissatislied n'ith their ai- broWn sugar anîd the yeiks cf leur lite a Peight of three loches I fil !in hlm te the aid cf the aling man, jtieci, anîd that lu part by allen race, o1 1wance. To assist la tbiis service eggs heaton; thon acici al a cap cf about Cheso with seme 0of the soil but the animai, sbilî cring with w hile native tribes Ywith primiiti\ eltulion scouts are nlon' eîployedc, ivater and one aci a hall cupluls ofthrown ont freini the trench. I con-1 frigbt, refuseci te bucige. aln aidcias cf rigbts aund property >er anci they Wear tPe brewn duck fa- fidjur; beat unitil smooth; thonî acici tinue te do this ut intoriais as the Trirs ndeavr, the ave 1stil numeoes, was an ambitions unlýl- tigue uniforsnocf the force. Their two ounces cf checelate mepltoci over 1'vilnes reach up-vnotil the -trechil ts ndovorbs the brao 1010w dertaking for a youug nation, but terîncf engagement is from nccntb hot n'ater andi cae teaspoon of van- filueci. ln this way I sucrc-i lug- spra t bng o o bi an d tie oaciersho the succos that every n'ere tteuceci 1te m o th anci as a îrule tey render illa ; mix w ell anci acici wo exel ig the roots f tPe -plants de<P in ragrvrreovei t is os great a ucatter cf prido te gooci serice, tlîough incliinec to ire teaspoonfls cf akg poir coimitsi]Teettelsfr lngriveeffrt sevciotals des- Canadians, ns it la of n'nder te the of the w ork in a short ime. greaso a cake .pan ; put la a layer them i s one macie by fasteniug cearse, pefrtateeort o ave.t 11 o i est cf the wnorld. TPe Mounteci Po- The ferce is stili teo agreat'extent cf the nwhite, 'thon a layer cf the imesheci n'ire aettiug !te pois. Tt lice are the executiveo o nsit tPte constituteci autherity of the ter- darh, andci nutil ail is useci shouldIci h at leat six foot n'ido, as A 'IHRILLII\G MOMENT. anthcrity la the territeries, anci it riteries. The guard roins are the bake fla a nioderateo oen oeheur ;tbe sn'eot pea makes a rampant Ail this ime nct a senaic îel seidcmn that a govrnmiental masti- oaiy leckuipsa ndi jolis for short-thsmxueonhoaoclaayrgwt udrfvrbl crc - Iroin the unan la tPe quichsancs. The tution serve§ its purpose botter or as time prisonors, leîîg-term .convicts cake pans, pnttung whPiteocr choco- stances. Iu order Co assure aý icy ingera of the riveor cropt up Pis n'ell. beiuîg takon Ce the penitentiary at late lcing betn'een. i bouatiful crop of fion'ers throoghlouit lieaving lorcn, as tPe sauci pulleci ce- TPe nature of the duties cevolxlng Stone. y Ivluntain. Thîe inspectors, Gced Breaci Toho four pouacis of tPe season it is absoin. teiy necessary leatlossly 11cmi belon'. Non' the n'a- on the pclice fa gradualiy chan giug are justices cf the pence, aci travei flour andcoe cupfuni of yeast. Mixi to preveîit the formation of seeci. ter loppeci about bis n'aist; non' the aud the force is adoptiuîg ltself te ite different points la thoîr diicsions the yeast iiglîtly un the micdle of' Go ovor the vines daily anci remove curroat corrioci aw'ay a ion'w tons cf the change. The tiî... wl,en it vias te holci court. IT'board an of'îcer tlue fleur n'itb a uitie sait. Thisi every f ower past lits prine. If this1ý sanci 5oniewheîre belon', and lie feit police, jury, jucige, parlianient aci te11 of a recent eveutit un hich ho quaatity of flour requireci three anci 'adi ice fa foilowed, n'e cao have fine tPechli in 0fth iater on bis pieniptentiary comnbineciid ut Os alc pnteottepr f oeehall cupfnîs cf lukcwarma water. lflowors, anci pleaty cf theso, Is cheat. Ile haci struggied w'ile there but the îien duties are noue tîe ls undortaker, clergynman aDd executor. Mix aIl teoa stlff deug-h at aiiglît 'June te Noveucher." n'as Pope, acidnhen that hope n'as cuercus. TPe officers cf the force ThPe officers, oaci eccasienally tilO andi keep n'armu to risc.lu tP gene Pe hadc caseci te struggie. lHe are sensible of the f oct to tl emn reteobtosi taeï, morla kurditnoo docilot h almeat suiieci as the bouse baikeci on longer safe for o single peîicemnîauputes hat arise betn'eea settiers, risc ogoin. Mlien uorîy risen, cnt PlIT IIEYN'S GICEETING. the bank, se for beonc i bnan bho to go loto an Indiea reservatien toe eauecai hoe lom Froonpiecos frein it tPe size cf a 10foacind iet IHeyan'as a DuCcb naval offi- konw birseif te ho, but, when Pis . Cke eut a mon wnted 1or soîne countrios, oundi OC oery fereigu coi-, monld lightIy on a 1beard for tPe crnh atuei000 te'pns coupouion rusheci into the uriver anci theft or 'deprodation. 'Ti-e ludion onay ct us ueessory Chat a sociober cf Pans, using onfly a sprinkling lolier-fo ats la 1628. on'the n'as hegaiCe nade te lis rescue the care- bandit is beginniucg te egr things the forceho stationiecite icaru Cthe fleur to prevent sticking Ce the roceiveci at home upon bis rotura la lesa lok gave w'ay te eue f- con- froua the saune poilu 0f v-l. nsbis n'avs of the pepe and hecompe pIer-:board. CoverIle panasn'ben tP tolc inluthe "Naval IHeroca cf I-l- cern aud consternotion,oaîd he biche "n'hite brother," n'bo may Pown'oally famnilior witb thern. This blaves are r(,, onii set ila Owarm!bnci." The homne-coiîing nos sucb silence for the irst tin'e, sheuting hat police authenity wvli nitimatoly di 4y requires mcei cf tact andi judg- paet ue frteoe. Whna eBtbonbfr l aico oboî e the roar cf the river: "Get bulog hlm to puniahur:-,i .yet P ii net, anci whon sîîciîare secureci slacetly iht bak-te ocen hnasxpnonDucci Wefrerho n'ont Pive ont cf tCuls,,Jack, you foei; you can'C wiiiing te figbt for tempol ary 11h- Chir services are meat i aluiablo. The have a oset doudcous breaci, aci recoptien na u fuhudc n heip me a bit aci you'Il cuiy get erty- with a single Constable. At one systoso cfofcutpest patrof keops every, broaci Chat dee(ýs net dry quickly. thusass. oEerywfere oune n'a a- stuck yoursclf." Still Jach presseci time Che ludion haci o revoreoce for jstation fuilyinlforamef. as te îvhat Seei pla-osonuple 0ei evrn'her befrea 'erw e hum- on; anoother stop, aci ho, Ceo, n'ouid gigo te scarlot tnnic, the yeiiow-stripeciisgi n lathe district, andcius, alî urer 15 unbr-o Seîuanci 50ingd, eellowere riniug anci cbron- bo la tPe grip of the sond devii. A reuser, aoci the antbocity if repire- aise a burueau cf information for thea, eeeaioa e hruh7dsr setn teoei sPero 1 suciden inspiration carne to tlPe senteci. Thot o single Constable inteuler depurroent. The ai stem 01. laraneareaci ym-,t etthouglOi iwePis hourtlgs progrles fr cinC cicredcimon. One of lis submorged 'coulci go inte a reseri atien afone Crili efore enlistineat glu s os nna ýi nat n e ti ipebshnr lsporssfo iy luouîds'fumbleci fer a moment OC Pisaci Cakze eut nny ludion n'onte, ischance te show Choir finessanodcite tbiag Cedo if eue ocly kno's lio'. city n'as an unbrohen ovation. But Poister aci thon appeareci aboie the orideaco e f tPe respect the trilles decide iutelligently before signing for Peel tart -ape very Chiuî, cnt tPem Cthat n'as net tPe euud. 'The Dutcb water witb its numbiug figls bore fer the police aci the authority 1the rogulation terni cf five î enra. In quarters aci remove the ceres iheusewlfe is uîoted for lber cicanii-1 gcaspiag the bondie cf Pis big ce- Cbey repreenteci. But it la but lin- I-Tlue Port plaveci by the Northn'est andi seeds. As fast as yen <,an Peel nesa. After ail Chat feastiag, Piet1 volver, aci the Cwo mou, frienciscf imon Ce sacrilfice future ren'ards for Meuntoci Police la tue Boer w'ar i s andi quarter Cheun drop the applos in Hleyn turnoc i Ps stops Ce the homue1 o relationship knowa only Cc hose prescrit acivantage, aci the Indian Wei known. Their frontier training, a saucepan i0n'buicb yen bave ai- cf Pis twe sisters la the village of1 n'ho have docndac dareci togother, malefactor conuet ho depeuleci upon Chir mnrksnîaship, Chir power ef reody placedci clci nater te the Brceck, uîeted os Che most scrupui-1 lol.ed into each otluer's Cires along te subsit te arreat \whIen the outhuor- enducing bordauîip aci Chir chor- ceptb of twe luches. Wlien tPe Of1 ouslv neat ten'n in ail Chat lanci cf the blue-Piack barrel of the Coi's ity againat hlm is net hacheci with aecteristic bravery atoci Cheso ia Ples are aIl in, put the sancepan sporiesa paint anci gîisteaung matai lot-fn.gonci steaci, ad te sevoral com-l over a slow lire, coer ih tili the n'a-I disPoes. Thero Plot auîneuneci hiso-1 fory-fur.AIIMS AND-NUMBEIf . ponies rocruitei lrom Chir ranks Cor reaches tPe beiling peint, thonself by tPe-kuiecher on the ciorî. "Jite to lve dot lseoci m te Pil- Ttn'euld ho o mîstahe Ce say hat Lord R'oberts givea tPe credit of -sav- remove Ctie coveraci lot the Opplea This n'as aaswered by eue of bis n'lth the sCa of a murcier on mytoCio aeis eet fer PO- lng the day iii tno 0f tPe importantsumeahnt nprpilyCiyn sisterS, n'ho, ou cpeaing the doeu nylice authority; but hat respect is engagements Clint paveci the way te con piorce theso essiiy with a Proo aci seeing who n'as Chere, inateoci cf soul. -Yoî kaow as n'el os 1 d or Clin tChose cartricigea are waterproof almcre read5 C0n'ards a, force c f British supu'emacy ia South Africa. spliîut; thon spniankle the su-gar ovor1 falling upen Che ueck' of lier hero- com oeter te oci wil sot." f a dozen han Cun'ards o single thenu aîîd let tîhem just simmer until rte sCesae fsc o For on instant the other hesitat- Constable. The chang_ýe dc, not un- + it is ailîneltd. lieiove the sauce- j nonld do la auy othor land_, coelly e.d I tht nsantth srgig n-crease, but Ctends caCher te lessea tPe YAWN AIDE AND LONG, pan from tPe lire ad lot it tand lookoci OC hus foot, oai soeing 'Chat drurnso flcrvrfr chcaces cf nu 11jl1iOn otbroak, for Ifîî i! eu el lie ywniug dohctn'il get colci ho- Pis boots were nuîddy, saici, "So, cieccurrents cf tPe i ciCocofa u lwcs eineusare partaking foce trigit iC (, t hr athehhr Pugr inosa ia tPeebowohs c more cf the natre oc1f individuai l u or o urr ackeciftPe utgahblet.o is frpiet, ila that you Julistayth: r the San~d bd aiJc îl bc Cubto rbalwPrlm. ociI u.your acouth anci make ao(table.-'iii 1 briug yonralpr. anci stsadteciiblînseil uat la CimedCeaie effort te cîeurccme the ijcina- t ted 0f Take fromton Ce sco is osrdla te nlciie f tJ aigle policemainla snet solo in tin. aw nol, oac wde uc o akauchle cfbef swiriing, gurgling verexPisfoo- ,aingauratsamon Cegbsovo rires relaxec.,in oa qulle cf fa 1,n'eIn.u the ineat orderly city of the ieag. ht is Chue rigPC thiuug foryen cn to i uabout er n'ihotr, ollen'- 2 EKY FR SRE Uniteci States. A ceceai. attempt Cc do. Moreoverý, h laa geeci tuingtilthCe gPol a s evoeahers r un SINXNG sink ont cf sfght ancier a spiniiung OC arrest rosuitec iluntPe shooting cf fer soci ety in genc au.lu. tmeansa etthe giate Pa s cme lly. Tbngout A gentleman '11,n. neai'Dorkiag,j PATCH OP0F YELLOW FOAM. so on men hefore tPe Chree lacions stretc-hug, a relaxation cf the auna--ct enetxr aai ikugetEngiauci, ias consderably sur- Th'le fehiening day Chia brief entry lu o sheltereci rifle piC w'ere killeci clos, andc an expaona f Che inter- oîuy bits cf fat orska Seasea priseci Chat bis gordouer, who haci n'as nmade ln the record bock of Chue îitb aabohelI. 1cr econemy cf tPe buman breasi n'ithi pepluor ad soit ad sn'et Mac- 1heen ç'ith ihua ,for 5ears, suddeuiy Noîthîcest Mountecl Police OC Pleas- The border, patrol is an inipria which la Cura eacis teoan expnsion- ierum (or cther lierb) Co Caste. anC camp, anciendote of May 19, port cf the police service, aci 1i l cf tPehomt, andexauspiions cf -0Son te etef ler ut iet bock geavoextce, atems egv n 1898:nmaintaineci censtauthy, thouglu îith lninteghoc sirtosa n u ieCec huc o bu enioymlent elsenhere. Some ime- "Constahie Fredorlck 1 lmier met inteational ircgulacity, se that tmtP xlec das.I a goditw urs oI.Lo tPlioc ftern'arcis hoerecegucizociPis formier deat hydconla OCChu foci f Cue iran orluaigrnt cie kaws o fo w-nu, oëlcietPe alan or _--,na hen acicithe seasonoi ment. Lt- al gree iuigtP tet fL baes hPoelethon tPe one detailoci. western border country aci tPe pe- Accufo- i Ce n aCalclitta deutem- thon tn'.uio' 'i dty ii lu e 00opendîî10isl apouu.e P Alter tPe Hudson Boy Crritcry lice patroluingCthe rouges are Isînil îi.orari, a uiv u nd lb ematie hidýi try ar aiifpe'bc smue lgaei îrdicPnc te apeimîg eloc f i n'as purchaseci hy the Dominion Gov- lar uiCP ail the Praucis in hir dis- bias SPI 'ig ui, ofterirg a aIde scope games requi: ig hcefh skill sudc iiaoc abafsc oohr i enummiet fi Pecaino recessary te pre- trict aci able te dotect tueic ulis for la lîucapital. Ih ophea Cithatactivity. Thmoy shealci uot 'ho Per-lliPe resncao f soi aci oge'cis in C pore fortPe protection cf hose n'bo varions forma. TPe killing of cattle horeie Nangrcat cleluincifuorr.Oa nen' aultecitoattenud social Iparties or i mih omstieînsCoe c- is watched, camfuily fai hierrui- quaiter ' Imogs, al l'h lui'a ccit irto1iiiments, on anl eeiug prc- cordiugly, the British Parliamn atre.Evc o 'oPla n -uply lib tPemi'IiPocI. T'roy a-c'gnsbo dy iy soh I ihîou'PC rltPe toasta te aight 183gave teCanadiana vrnet nma srequicoci lîekbiudteg, . 1 u57 te Gveumet nîaf a y ln e have ous( mifor t h'ha- eonispencu in 5icer, net iasthuan alîme, 'eue e hof ciliglit andamooing s aaihecity to organlze o force te ho the bide pucacheci Py an officiel in- foliel th'C 'e fi eg's okhu nunjl.e , n oci,ifpossibie, CciiPeurs ent of natcure." "They arc '- "But yen calueci the aorChwest mmuk-tocipolice, specter aci Ce expose it r ulmo iOy Lnsitiathoer, amd i le clmug eîe"y turut-y-fouur. 'ave Binks owoxn for a tepieC hat îs Whboacre te oct fer tPe btter pro- comspcuoris place for, a suuocifleo u.., I15.0 tlic punt dîcte Thle followiig luacticcaslîhould hb decmnedhy Peoîy aciserions." "0f ' Son o.tion cf v Ian'su e! ri'in Chue Cloue. Part of the pnC"ol i bo ho _ su.b1. l neif i la ic i Ctue prohib'teci as injurions te hesitP .:' course. If there is anytluag forînier Nor'lîwest Teritoles ie rnumuber te heuse vii ICamng 011 the aie ac-ife u, c mint 0f s uiüuu Stud'y befo-- ofep"tkn food ilui jhan DIaPo rying te tackle a great cof ilinrbiag limioci Cc 300). Imu theaci rouchers, aud if a d'incassie P ool c -' amýýditlum-akos n iery the uuoruuinug; fl: e lapici 'qclg of principl, that le desn't fully under- t autu o f l1873 a aniall ferPai cf 19e fqund l n'iCo'îa lbide <un tît fnheo.cIiîgnfiboticl eecton i oasjusstfrele,'!i iii tadI ooCPan wo lla" ' KJ~U' IJiEER TR3EÂSURE8 ISWONDEIIFUL C LETIONi 0F CUII.I0S. 4i 110w to Keep Well adt trong. War Mementos of Every Campaign Since the Ahyssinianl TRIPLE ONE -AS THINiýGS I . War. WiCP tPe potentinlîies cf iCl Quite opari frein.tPe troasurea drops of n'otecr" aci "uile grains n'hiicb become tPe prcpeu'Cy 0f,.very cf sanci" meat-cf as Pave bonfa- Britis h Sovereugn, anici ch con- miilior froso dlilduîooc inpward, oaciL sisi for tPe luroat port cf golci aci oýxpeleace toachiesChat fl if le itacîf la sivrplate, çweighiiig ,aittermd n f fes l e, o' tn'eatiî-cy-ight Cens aci calcuoi a cisuficieaiiy reolizeci Chat Ipro- nearly Cen millionî dollarsKîi ir malýL-ýture deoth us of ion the cumuila- word possosses a private cietim tire resuli offrtifles tChat i,-11 on of curies of n'Pich ittIe isla kon'n. heaitli, Lilehita cýÀstht apa of The museun aar tPe euris slight censoquonceute u nonLet entrance ai Windsor a as rcally os- but wbicb, otrluneiiîlunefor tablisheci ns roceatiy as 1896, Mien eviiitPe cosi robuat constitutions, sonie norkmen ongape-(d lan epafcing acdiînay War oui the Pardiesi. of tPe casthe broughit te IigPt o nutimn- tissues, c'en as drops cf w'ater Weoar ber of relies datiu)g 'froio tPe Sua awoy a atone, htisl net tPe one periech, anci theso, vwîtP sncb as were, grand, hîerouc orubreak agaiast tP:- pecaonally cehlectei Py Qu'on Vic- lan'a cf Pyglene Chai iîncirminemu Coria, have Pe sest apart i nfh sev- Peaith so much as the lile sias cf erai aLtendouits Ce look afier tPem. omission and coîuumhssiouu againat War memi)cnoîc are presoat ia large sono aund sauitnry living Chatiare of nucuiberas, evcry campomga oi cocent dnily, nay, Pioucly occorrice omnong iyears being repcrsuted sinceti he Chose wPo die sicccply because they Abysahahan Wnr, nitPte conclusion do aoC Paon' lon' te live, writes of n'hicb Lord Nluier preseateci tPeDr RoberCaonallnace. iQucen with King Thood or's, cap Amoag tPe cOîn',uenest litile Pnb- aci gelci seal. Subsoqnentiy Lordfis Chat Placier lîcaîthior cugoador Rolber~ts acideci tPe scarlot sacidie' positive 111 hcaltb are Cboe asso- ecigec i a lbgolci acidCtme ailver bit diatec iv 'hP ucb conîmon every day capturec i uen tPe laCe Amneer of Af- occourronces as ootiîug aci drlnkiag. ghaaistaa, sud Lord Kichener pro- sleeping, smoking, bathiug, dressing, sentoci Che criisoe banner of Wad n'aîhcng, anci so forlth. TPe fiehd for BisPora CaPo tai irucet. 1tbe acquiremeat c - f il] eoCis o Theclleiion cf lci hin n's mmdc coý, ai persans mn(anci do) got togetho(r hy PlielaC e a ci eo, drinkL, sioep amkhCe, cross, is compesoc(i cf 10,000 pieces1, is lis ~wnik hemaclcl ai iint h11oaith value bolng put at $750,000. EvorY n'itb a devotien n'octhy of a botter pico fa tabulatec inl a bnok Iepi cause. 1 aol ceasidon tPe liî, lebaci for thue purposo, anci agains iat îch hnbit.s asseniateci with eacb cf ïChose enctry is aorcorodc of Nvbot the article forms of bumotui activity ha detil, in qneation la n'orth, n'iC n brihef andcishoýw lbon' CPoy hollunce healtb, ACCOUTNT 0F OrITS IIseR. 50Cht in ifuture the reacier wulh Onme cisascri soirvce aîoc rpesnakuon'exv t wîat Pie may do aci $150,000, ït beiuîg cf Sevres ivare htemanodoihsdsr b of extroame beaory,; aIiile o brealefoat to hive Ceoa green elci' oge. i onio i ot Gerg L1. Lonl Pis TRIPLE TWO : DRINITKING. S b i i t i a y , i n 1 8 1 0 , b y, îl s f i v e d n g h - L t u s e g l c m ( s w e i co o d e u d o ) pioceo, is W'orth $5),00 Among the vien's of my cooedical, brethiruin wbea fumitrure is thie writiag -c eslç -glu oui 1 say, aasocnpuî ticalhy as I. con, Chat b'y JLlonry VIT II. c BAo eyn on poople drinkç a great deah mccc oe lco- ther wndig ,ey; i1se an oie Vente- bouc liquor ilion is goci for theso. tian chair iieci Py tPe Doges aci A "smoll Scotch" seenî,s a small dateci100 A s4oficI ,ilver table cf motter, aci se N may ho; bat in o Cthe saaîio perieci is aotluen renanor multitcude of "smalh Scotches" Chere on n'hicb Clue King sets groot store. is Physilogucal cisater anci final TPe XKiag's .col lection cf fbathmer jruin. If mounPan' n'PaC they ivero cleaka's is x'aiueci ai $50,000. OhY ncally "gclng to bave" lofer onu, 10 are omooiofgcihack udjtPe shape of gent, iver diseas, cnrimsseféathers froso tPe iiga cf .BnigbC's 'disoase, Peart disease docre- lao non' oxtiuîcu speches of parnet. andi bral rouPies, aci cihor dam lotions n'ece given Cc George UV. by the f1cm hoalCP tocnmoouate mo1n- K~in- of the Snîudn'fch TIsionis in lton, C' hoy 'onld ig Cheir oan- ýI24. Soine of tiefc br are sesnor ore corefmuliy. !minute as Co îuriaoear_1ca O ith-te habit eof pln et'e marvel' cf inguiiy. -A!nother inca- moassoun aicmpty samnuacu t i st oursen'ich OC ope imle bologeci Ce o inuos coolutsel ov a savage petontoie is Tippoo Sa- so Pc frotten, ch p, rfi tu P-ib'sa egbe, taPon frein Pis Chrene OC n'lth a speclol afinity for nrecha Seriîmigpaim. Thue hirci, early whoeovitality i lu.ol'os epeae hIef-size, ha cf sohici golci ; tPe beak sud n'hose activities, it prlza ui1 nings are tippec i wthî diaunaondo. WPile oni the sucject of diko There la also .oagolci tigcr'a bond cought, perbaps, to mninCa from the saimosource, tîmoe ea c f iboeeha ne record cel ay ole ovhngý e which are cf priceless crystal. dieci freo excessve ndu- o in Net far oway may Pc fouaci tPe pure n'atec. Wonu. cf Chi uoatie- collection of walkiag-sticks King cossaory cf focis ycs, woter,1auge Edwnrd inherîteci fri Pismnither, as lu. may appear CctPenpioo NUMBERING 187 IN ALL, phîcal, la as înuch afodeeias he- auîcimany of u.uem c 1f grent value, steaks or porridge-is a cenîmnea Oneci hos, uunhasci C te Cl-couac of ill-healClî. It cuimtitutes One i tesepurhase atthe ul-about 7.5 per cent of Che Pull. of tPe loden' sale fa 1897, is carveci tone- Iell useat soaheto prer ont Wisclom andi Pcluy, $800 tPe foocitssiest a intPeasaelaenuof Pavhng boon pai terilu..'Aîiother, cf thefodast ithelbrtonf Plac cal, engiahly eloneci te digestive anci ether juices, aci Charles IL., wPile a Chird la macle unecessary CctPeeilnoawr lro tP necu cftP luîeaage" cof the body. o iecesary 15 Alabama, tPe bandle hoiug cair veciC vtlIncin'caGlsttaoe ropeset CpCaa enîestPesjcp-privatiocouses ceatiu. Andc yet per. hntisy il TPe royal library, a hch non' cea- monacn'cuomea, wîatisy il sisia of 125,000 volumes, cwes hts mniy rn niigohrhnna origin Cc tPe iatc Prince Consort, toi-, trying to pot nature off qwith oac cenîci net ho purcplaseci fon porC , sherry, champagne, n'bisk,ýey, $50)0,000. A second colection cf cognac, or liquorls. This mayseo 10,000 i'eiuuies, for whlch the Kinug a aolmttrPrt it la assoredhyl" n'as himseif roaponalble while Prince aehro hs nfo htj P cf ý Wales, reposes OCa Saadrnghacn. long rua injure lîeaitb. In tPe Windsor colleton ore nisny TPde'tcncomuemnlhlt books of priceless valne, notnbly Che aci positive Injury te hC Chat omise Illoiuiz Psalten, of wblch enly one froso overyday rors in oot-,ing ac cther intact copy exiqs. t. s value Pardly boss thaa Chose oýiLtiiutablo la $40,000.- There are aise boMS.tobchaiaicrlku. Ppe of Mozart's firsC epe-a owci tPe ,copyonn'ogywng fci aegy cf Sýhaçespeare'a ivonka- useci by cookeci, at n'rouîg huoom. his oa ChabesI Aîeue~ Pe ieu,îne mrecomprehleusive, indfictuneant, 7bot iC is 2100 ngraViagsafaler sucm mas- Cors as RaphuaclI DoVinci, etc. Net tlue leasti ilte1'os ring fonture of the E'ing's pnivrite nsoun h is collection of golci keya n'bich ihave been preseutoci Ce biai at varions_ timea nhen i euing public buildings. To eoch hsatniich ,ci a concise ac- ceuni of tPe corrouy n'itlî n'icP it iras corunectpel,' tPe total value of tPe collection îPiuîg placeci ai $25,- DOO.-London Tii-Dits. F'LEPIIANTS AS ROAD MAKERS. TPe Congo Froc StoCe Goveramî'ni is ceuisiructing a road iii tho enth- rn port of tPe Stalle for the Crans- pent of liossenge's andc goocis by noana cf motor-cars. TPe non' route, of mvhiem ncarfy 450 miles unie beeu compiceed, wilu jointPe imuportntîitrading contres of Domîgu ai-id Lado. Whlc înkiuig tho"' nose i local ciglineen bit upen CIme happy idea cf dii g forty elelîhmnts 'np mci clown tPe prcmfcctccl Pghway aun- til tPe tPick ondcm'growtP n'as tramîîlecl dewn, nilowng the naivies eo cecnploie the Cash. I'IERCIN-\G THI EART. Dr. Coaley, the uîoCcd mivisoc- tiouisi, caimrs te Pave disccvored a inthociofci îjectiug saline solution nte CIme he'urt w'ithout causing tPs lcath of the subjoct. Hol uses an instrumuent crilciin ongaonatoue, è-onsistirg of a fine, hellon' goic meecils eight inchi s long, with wPlclu me plerces the Pceart andel bjecta tPe sotion. W Pen tPe action cf Cime moort is eiaageocsiy a'eak it la as- seriel thut tPe injection mviii stimu-1 late it,ndicithua pi'eoog' oaci pos- siPly Save lufe. Martunique' ahcch a1lî bauNP totmîhu ahandàoied, ha 35 ciiilecslng cied Ircai 7 te 10 miles lunmuicltb. tPe truth. WPea 1 say poi n n'rongly, I1amoan Chat suepcl dine as if eating Xer o 1 ohn othors îns IflU.a'eca pe1aoce'. Itis neither tîme o ee r the othor. Eajt- log is ceaily a solOllinacio, te ho perfouneci, hion'ox c, without unL- due seîemîuity. Eating, mlaawo, is a duty te ho douce, but n'ilvor oi'erdone. The dcuenecîi;ihýment cf the body iha o hrocoas te Pc nador- tolcen delibenately, n'ltlmui lmmiry. Fooci musC ho chon'od suonly. if lued be lteel, Chou gooti lealtil is m,.eîy tC e hobacreci. "Lightning lu-nches"huar-e iPoly te- o oioa, hy "th nering" pains. Romiýember Chat nhat l î'otPccwuug mls ni'ib c hwng n'el, minci irlat is s'uo'e in haste lroquoîîtly faîls Ce ho du- gosier] at leaure. 1TRIFLE THRE E TG Many peoplei regard the nature cf tPe fooci they oic oîtiag os quito oa Cifling motter amîcipny more attea-, tion tCe lunerantiiy thon to tPe rqualty cf Choir fodci. Thîca Cie , brain n'worecuîaikps a hear'ty hi, cheon of, soy, steak ndic kidoey pie, n'itP Poli oa piîct of, sLtl., ndcisocýe sn'oot te foîhen', duran'endcrs mvby ho feebo se sleepy. sud n'Py Pilliann flashes cf nir anîci f ights of urn- agiuatien .neoilner enîanite ce- piously froso hi0 P"o mu. îHe bero'ets Chat 'whouî tIe aniu l'aiongans nie hushcst tPe menta'l uu'gdn 15 moï slugglsh ; ho fouis Chai Pis lnlin muental poîrs arecon Chie w ane'ue becocues feanful, lriable, anîd 5p bass, and luIs istresa rsncts oui1:Pisý organs ouf digestioni, mu ich jmîCi affect PIs cerebral urgouua. /mmAnd tPe vicdons cycle gc.s on, cr01 pou- Poshi.i Palih, citier c Pci o mninci, breaks demi 'i. -Tuil cias trepho uigbCht hacebeen asu ec. v tii.liig altenniion ini the ciic.iu hulîc!ion menu, for 1-eho weuldiai sati-f4Lul tPe domnisdofl isV tcccl oac terqruirnenmiei'ts col li ru hy huîching on a etipufu fdmuoe

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