Gratiiate of tbe Rovai College of Dental Surgeons, Ontario. *{FIE-Opposite T Bing'eam's office. il 1ýVI-ALJZ-ED AIR Thisfs f i m iotta:-ac ear as the nlew liapro rementLs are placed on the maruket, 1 awS s m&keL it a speciai point to spare ne expenseý in equiipping 'Iny ShIOp withI the beqt go ode alid appli- anices, giving My patronls o)pp-ortunities unobtainable otide of lîargeý manufac- t.VIies A suppl.y of higIi gaesuni- drles alwaî s kept in stoýck Brazing Enamneling-, Grinding ai Goneral IepafI wvork. TievulcanIizingý a specialtv. Youir eSteeýmedI latronage WMv. FISH'LEIGH, BOWMAN ILLE. rarKt Square. WE WIANT MEN EVERY WEEK DAY. 1090~- ,e WTD' te lea e 'their irnea,,irie, fo r l'aIl anti Winter Suits to ie mat ii- upLa ver y latest stOie and fln 11 1rned W'e niake men's anti bovs tui ts equïal te- any and pices lower that nrsn%. Brinz us Sour wrinkled clothe, to be, pres,(ed andi matie like a new ïuits M e ieeep) samples ef Cloth-prices rigtt JOHN 'r. ALLIN, the fashionable tailler neryopposite STATES-MAN office, Bow manvhle .., P'omponis Parent Un"in - ah ~es en sayyen loe ydag- *WeathySuier "Icouditi if Il lI ln the snhaning of tihe act, tihe drunk- ivhich ,heek yonr sun shahl reati first, malioens. assists snaîenýrjIaly in eea- ard is inforaieti that il ulli ho u anethor bey lias read bolli ; reati olny of clothing. Thus la their fr1- ffnefer hii te obtain, or at- anitling ive heurs a day and yen gid duie, once lu theiriskin lent, offencothe whle family xiii divest themn- tempt te obtain, et auy club or li- Will soon ho learsîed, - It seenis te selves of every stitch 0f clothing, censd peinies ny ntoxcatng e certain that the well lirouglit np unemnbarrassed liy the fract that se liqor or pnio cftlreoyeas.chid of the future iili lie innocent mnany familles share the tout with litu fvi or illeal ioflilaseîlse o-ofa cqsitac it lebatthein. Sociability is early dovelop-. T.twil bcillgalforblii, ithr er-of n aquantace ithBlubeaded, wlien oae's next door neiglhor sonaaly or hy deputy, te hbuy a bot- Jack the Giant Riller, and other on either sido 15 only separateti hy ile of wine or spirits ut a grocerýs bloti thirsty heroes, andi that ho- an inîaginary Uinoeletwean the deer shop. Moauxvhubc, al icenseti per- cause of lier impossible venture with s.imi you sleep on and the one hie does. The wintor deerskin serves as sens anti secretaries of clubs within a. Wolf even the well intentioneti Redi led and bedding at -niglit andi as the aroc a w nhicli tle court jeSit- Ridirs g Rooti wil he shunnei. -0-f parler furnituro in the day. Coai-. natoti are furuisheti with the means! co'urse, Cindereila wiil have te go munity of gootis is almost impera- of ientfyin th prscried ers ne t euby on, iccount 0f lier absurd tive, unetio h15 arrangtement. Thns, when one kilis a sei ail are fed, and infus med that if drink is SIp godasother lilt hocauso lier Story and likewise, when hoe doesn't, ali pliedt t the offender hoci y ines w illi would sce oust point the.moral that1 go linngry tegether. hoc inflisteti on thoe who sulpply it happy mniagos may hbcmade te The result is that whever hoe is depend upon lime fit of a sflper. SMALL SAVINGS. knoxsn the effender la ahselutely siut Sv iob utn hus I off(nm lcho. hoderesig f- Even the olti standard boeoks are their propor places, planning your fect 0f sucli a prohibition' ipoi hbh- rondesînr'<î An Emglsh writer ne- work systematicably and performing itua drnkes iuy b inagind. ne!il n the quickest suanner. irtualciiners snayho im -agincti. Cenîly expresscd scera fo r the "nau-11Save strength by using modern scons stufi" containoti in that olti coevniences, resting when possible plainedt , ta h oldnt cýanti ionsing untiene the unnecessary te hii tht li weud ne ,hofaioente, 'Swiss Faiby Robinson,'" ptt1 ig ,het get a_ drink agai fr 1h anti the fact that Dickens assumes a Sv ee ybyu nywc nex tre ~cas aidteth ~cgs-genial anti humeron s attitude te-lis needeti, anti that of the best quai-. î'.ards intoxication is saidt terenderivtatc cafodd "Why dent yn hag m etSave doot by judiciously comhin- One?" Fremi the North of Eni'cn mauy o! lits novos unsuitable for ing and using the lefI-over portions, a rep)ort lias licou pubIishi( that a the youîsg nmmd..Anti some parents by cane te avoîd waste ln ceeixing, hlackblsted dr-unkard couinntteti sui- _________________ anti the tlioughtful adaptation of cido intimer tan coitnue wte facel varions kintis te the neetis of the funhorisoation (rouii alcohol. consumon-S. Save voget chIes hy lbortfng out the 1~~ cut or bruiseti onces anti sterng in a As igit av liouexpcttiwtu re ool cllar, frec frein (rost. new art lias throwa a great dccl of Save apples liy cape in liandling, extra work upon the police ýcourts Ur , te remove those that show but, ei entuably, a nuarket i timn- r EJkJ dcayeti spots ant i canning thenm if I nocessary. tien la the charges of drunkeinsess îhteotstdadre- Sofuliycongsvaltns ma « v h- eeketi for. There is ne ý ýa tlime whiea a lot file is kcpt for tionlit that the iaw ls lieing igorous-. ssoo h ts rorng or Loaking. iy cuforceti in the arge cille, Put .of4 yc-exeinc1n il omans e h sen wlieheril ili is orepoplarto-ay i 1 "My dea," saiti a w h lo hati it ercaiinstoutc la thethrmcîîIl, li colLlrý-,:1,ben marrieti thnee yeans, as she doua- everut n tebSmaore.un-betamnetiacress the tab -le ,on lier lord try towuis anti rural districts, where I--ai miiaster, "tell mie wict tlrst at- the litho publicelieuse cannot exist trecteti yen te me. Watpleasant if tippling antid maknesare pe-:7claractenistic titi I »es,_s s îhicl ventti.Evenin he lrge citis s placeti me aheve oth r een ln ventd. Een i lli_ yeur sigît?" ,Ant 1iirlord anti mas- of reunrse, the lais'dees net reach the ter simply saiti: -J givo it tp.". quiet drnker, who, liy neîaiaiug, t P"Wýhat honer iý ii nPe licfor the lieuse, nioids arrest anti the chance . j mua Who disovs lie Nri of heing placeti on the blackist 0 oo" îe-oil ocgra ie habituel offendens. sao. "A1(-ce? "Ysc- _______________ is darefuilypr'epared froin in'swl os en hr. Ai1ýthougli the turil iin iithie Bai- Red Spiruce -G11:1, rtiio Is Wantekneîv - "I shouit kan fdIectisil Aninutteiit elng otig r- îî ko, lr. W.,o-why you areo Inneous te hUe citos ct ifn l g. Thei sesibe u ý 1 causeIi,: of-)ift perties. n tis lesntt taeandi is alwacs effecituai. 2-, cents. At alDrugsts ly you dea't th~i s ae d ul ostl' re Snne nus th amst encesyaii, iie employes and-58 other pensons w ere injured, and one passenger, one ema- ploye andi 39 other pensons were kili- eti. The accidents due te the work of coupling cars numbered 241 (15 being fatal), against 2990, 363, 355 and 343 in tise leur preceding years. ELECTRIC RAILWAY RECORD.' Up te June 30 there wero 55R miles of electnic rail-uays cempleted, the miles with steel rails and 169 with double track. The paid-up capital arniounted te $41,593,063, of xshich the municipal aie amnounteci te, $173,000 (includiug $100,000 suli- scnsptions te shares and $4dko00 boans). The gross earuings aggre- gated $6,486,488, an increase of $718,155, and the vrorlng expenses $3,802,855, an increaso of $367,692,, leaving net earnings $2,683,583, an increase of $350,463. The numbor of passengers carrieti was 137, 681,- 402, an increase of 16,744,746, and the freiglit carried amnonnted te 266,- 182 tons, a decroase of 21,744 tons. The car mileage was 35,833,841, an increase of 4,083,087 miles. Eiglit porsens wero killed. Power was sup- pleti in thirtoon cases by w ater, andi in twenty-sevon cases by steam. On- tarie has 334 miles; Quebec 140; New Brunswick 1-2; Manitoba 13, andi Britishi Columbia 45 miles. One company has çeased operation. INTERCOLONIAL PROSPERING. The. grees eurnings of the Interco-, There are forais of indgsto and dy s- pepsia wbich cao neyer !)e reached by ordinaLry stomnad mdiinsandi so-called digestants. The kidineys and liver are involvedi, andi thoogLi dthe stomnach may te ail igt, ài i thepart of digestion whicli talies place ini the intestines that is imiperfeet.1. Ali ovr thecourntry are peopiewvho are suffeýring (rorrijost thia k!inti ofidigestion. They donÉte wl, becaurse they dont se the righit med1ic1ine. Dr. Chase's Kidlney-Liver PlUýs are zIamirably suitetI for this very trouble. Tliey act directly on the k'idneyis, lver anid bowels. removýýe thiecausati make -a Permanent corofintstnalinigetinbachache, and diseAses of the filtering andi cxcretory organs. Dr. Chase's Kidne-y-Live-r Pjils are veg- etabli in cmoitoand remnarsbly prompt andi effectivem n -ction. Tliey are keput inthooýsand"s cf homes as 2a standard meý,dicin1e, and. have proven by years of trial to be tht a rival. One p'11 a dose, 2-5 ce-nts a box. Ai ail dealers, or E dmanson, Bat es &1- Co.. Toronto. Pi e- rL Pv r 0 11' bonal iincreased by $699,150, total- Mrs. Climiber- "My dear, TMrs., ling $5,671,388, as aaigant$, Highup has had her portrait paintod 674,563 for working expenses. Cein-. by a celebrated artist, and 1 haveni't paring the carnings with tisose of a thing but a common, ordinaryý, prev jous ýyears the passenger traffie everyday phiotograph to show." Rs proluced $1,770,941, or 31.23 per band (a wiso man) -- The idea of cent. of the gross Qarnings, an in- advertising te the whole' world that crease of $163,777. The freight her complexion is se bad that 'it trathec amounted to $644,513, or 64.- won't stand the camneral" Mrâ. 26 per ce nt. of the gross earlhings, Climber -"Well, that's true." an increase of $523,507, nnd the car-________ niage of mýail and express freiglits produced $255,931, or 4.51 per cent., TAXINO- BACHELORS. of the'gross carnings, ani Increnase of In one of the States of Argen<ltine $11,,868, and the eariiaigs per mille i ini araebcw of rilwa wer $,313.92. oTe Whas completed lis twentietli yesq-. oOkng xpenses per mile ,including If from that date and until hoe pas,- the rentai of the extension te Mont-sehitirehyarowses e reai ainiunted te $4,240.25, an in- romnain single, ho nst pay $5 ar crease of $86-81. 4m -nonth te the State. For the niext ROVA PE)l ( 1,ES. five years the tam increases 100 per ROYALPEDIGEES. cent., between thirty-five and flfty ho Accordling Lte a Urejichi student has te pay $20 a nionth, and from wliolia ben tacig to'dscent O!flfty te iseventy-ffivé'$80. Aftor thc the Roýyal leuesiiEroe the seventy-fifth y ear has beon reachied a crownoed-hoakds poes fw daimns te bachelor noeq eaSy pay $9) perta-u race eu -lation1sbip wt tho people ini, while after eighty hoe is free whom they ýv govern. Fol intane, rom ithe tax. King lfno0f Spain is four-fsfths Austrian, King Victor Emmanuel isA o S RT mnore Austrian than Italiani, theo Emnporor Francis Josephi and his pro- If the mierchants of a, conmimity sumptivo heir are for a largo part w-ýant mnch business ii lirtht coin- Bavarian and Italian, the King of imnnity they mnustiarly and persisjýt- Swedess and Noms ay is of Bearnalso ently push the waes ofïýred 'la that and Frenchi source, the King of tOwn. They inist sar ealy and, Greece is a Dane, the King of Ser- keep at it actielandget ha via is half Russicul, the Prince of returns th(,y can for thieirinet- Bulgaria lias ne Bulgarian blood in ment, al the whuile rmmelgta hlma, the Emiperor of Russia is very piishing mnakes prsprt ad pros- mnucli Jaish or Germanw, theRKing persÎtY is tho conpnietofre~ 0f the Be,1lislias ne Belgian bloodsoalefr. iii hlm, ath e Ré, ing 0f 1Enigland is ________________ S-axe-(coburg,<-IIanoer, Normnan, end opvetyoth D des-_t'hon,,hrine's Jit i- Î- s ertain _____ +and bsoItecureforeac Clijs o RE CTI G aBY. and)I evc', f!ctcry frmci.F),( iiching't the anuactrerihaeil('nted t.Seater