Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 3 Dec 1902, p. 6

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Cenuine L!ýittie Liver Plus., MýÈlust Bear Glgnature of Se e c.Simnie Wrapper Below. Soinetiines -ie arc. greeted in the morning by flaiga at haelf,-inast for some prominent ojfficiai who yesterday -was apparenitly ini perfect health. When weinîlrethe ailuient by w'uilc hew, s stickýen it ha.11ot 1un- comnto be to)ld 0a-uc. e ndigeS.. SK11IM-mILu CALVS I guarautee mry Lalesl Vethud Tirealme!c Veicocele eud S triclure, vwlthout cxig Religious Liberty Is Not Always Ilonored in This Twenitieth IiCenitury. Moe ne- erdlng t teitôthe P laliument i~guard lîati to pray xith theit ke-en, Ceiaa.ii Oe sa Oe 'lflue,&Nis bm 't oe xd 0 dsdad T51 tli, yfT asoa i îgilî e e n oen 5k.Dsar$ea ai£SlcUtUS. a5~JTHE I'ILGIitll\I FATIERS on Airica,'s first Tisaîu'sgiuing day A dcspatch frorn Chicago say s: rjoiccti heca use their hartests weîe E3ev. Frank 1De Witt Talinag e precîch- ail gth.Iered ln. Noter tit i ixtci uxt cd Irons the fi)loiuv ig texýt: 1'stlm xxomnet îL-i citiltrir on rI- larder c, 4. "B3e thaakfui ucto liiî" tisaiit Lite e stnrdy disciples 0f.Christ Thanksgiving day uf 1620os deri:isste tist tca acuatls of iliir tiienie tu-day. Plymouth rock is the îiSOOUPIin iiArn'ýrica. Tuioy xxre pulpit. The migity trees of the, strict Dbaatcus ut, thorigh the Aunericais forests aie the massive pil-Ipilgriex fat heis wire strict ob'ýervers lars of tue saiicteary. Our dome ts lof the- Lord'.- day as a 'day of ccst, te blue skies of the, heaxotîeis. The tlioy just as rigidly belitveti that sunsixine of the 'Iuîdiaiî suluntcr," the otiier six tiays ut the iveek sboîîld wshidli deriveti its nanie froia te' 10 tt sof liar I andti oxh-tîsting tluuîe of Massasoit's -tisit ta the xx c-rk- i iuc -Liccticîl iy -orket Ilh naouth coloay to, ho the pilgrinis' fhtise ,' oxcept Sanda-t, anti as ac ro- guect on tltiî first Tuianksgîx in uug cii f tit ist suunmei's xx rk xx day, shall bho uerillumninationt. 'Tlie finti' Ihat tîhe'e tlity-u10n'ritnot ,i n'axes of the f-tutoatess dcep, xttls ouîyiYbttbsoi csî bouses anti lotir thîir white frngors et focmain e- public- t-n ldiritg, iiiciuting the fuit, ripounthe îiany koys of prcîîcctug but tbey also cleared ncuc-P cf thatý rock, shahllociti in oui-siti T-'he:rox-gh l Nun Euîgiaid sali. TPh1 FnamieiinZ, GrLdi; sud Gnra iiepitIr work Tire uauzs a rerpeectfully sletd WM. FISHLEIGH IIOWMANVILLL. Market Square. IL is otmtth lat ineat-is-400,-- 90000 tigaisaefurwcurîiîavc- --ivy i car ti S'ATESM-AN to end uf 1903 (wouI) iO S'rAEiM ,Gilbe and Pî'eînîunîi S STAmauANnd iWeekly Mail i9 iTtSAx and eFarniIy Ileraid 2 C STATESMAN anid Farnlîng (WeOkl Iv) 93 I STÂTESMAN and Farrner'a Aîlvoeate Q.0w STÂnE,iiAîÀa and Guardisuit 2 00i STAIESMAN andtiMortreal itniess 1 75 STATESsiAS and Meseugbr i 25 STATESMANanfd "iloîtreal lIeîald 1 75 STA1'ESMAN aîîd Western Ad-ertiseri 75i ,S'ATZsàMAN and Breler"s.Gazette 2 5-3 STATsANÂandLadies'lomoeJonrnal2 00 SrA-rnsýAîN nn-d Toronto World 3 00 STSMNand Daily Globe 4 7-, STATESMAN and Torontto Daily-Star 2 50 STrATESMAAN und Evoning GClobe85 STATESMAN a0d ,iDailv Wtes 85 STATESMAN and WoMl<ly Sun i 9- I- ov goi, Mr. Sberwo1l'all. Dr, a f rerean ou the Canad.AtMlantic Railsas', li «iag nt Maiaxtaka, Ont., wrot:-" 1 nia great sufférer îrom bleediug piles. uit25the prolrading piles cerne ewcausiog murh, misery andi uneasi- cris, nti tet'iries 1 amn subject to 3,odugpa sd tl-ey bJ(eio te sucI ian iaen s ak e îr eak.Ifi Dr. (hse umenul -dcýuribiC fail- OnMarch 1;~c hwoe-"cod iug to sny promise , 1 nuw lake pleasure i'n wriîing te yeu.»If yen reteember, yuu sent nie a box cf Dr. Chassa Oiutmcnt fer bloutiing piles sotie Ibree monîhs ago. 1 used ht faithfully, aud ci say .ihat it prevecl a Godsenti, for it bas entirely cured mie of bleediug piles. ýI xw'uld have written sonner -but 1 wauted te bc able t tell you that It 'as a ercimanacnt cure. Thia syeun uuse fer tie enafit cf other sufiering peuple. There are sexierai people here wbe have been cureti cf very severe cases of Protruding piles by using this great eintment." 6e centýs baxuat al dealers, or Edmansoc, Bts&Ce., Trno diiaiga fîml x ic-as- abs con elt-,' 1, !botacr of a daugb ter l- a steal f ptsou ? 3il'T-iG LOVED CNES. TîlI pi ilftîmeiS ri Oluced i i!tle 'I',oi'-tti l et- siiqhuld scoun o t-e- unie iithrluicd ons xxli xxcre lkit tinti la L-ciie. The whel;etîin o t f iigibr xiir in 16'10 1 ttinluLeydc il iti iot r t-heii"Atinti fi 1620,. as niany ,tele'-opo. INo. Oniv, a! smnaïli part:, 2 tan,- i-, olison an d childreri Ceae fi L. Ii'e xast inajority of tii ai cuiiiunit,'-i oainced behiati. Ant fi oLc eAmnericeiigîimjson Plyî,,ouiî's firt t fieîssgivî'ig (iay xx i-eli inii the hope tbat John llr ,onand tie absent neembers of bis sri1tual dlocL wuuld soun lie by their Tde rfhy did eut thon kriox that l attnoluld first caim their te'oxcd ator a'îd itat his boîtes xxoult1i,,e buîied lantheil [le cîi- tht Mocca ef l ýi iny aiîtgm Ti djii lot -o îizo tat nost f th-- t 1e i- ctiri 1tCIx wuit yoii to li 1,0nltxouC, xish -Mv the leg -h ci i se xii, ch Cuti ias shxx ret epti oudtiîig ,tise last t, eicotbss-ofcn u,- heartinu g-iiIl, t heuî. liav the t Lica -t cha 1ir gayurdeîp rooau tcacm 5 ou iatu) rearthlv ti i-ne isxto ho x-e-- s îv i 1-e-core, îaay yoxî Pore anti io',rclxo tu -ve tour Ms Ltera o iie oe-done I loreo. "Ad 1 cho artlsy-ilrsth at are iecI t-~a uy~ou lie as faUiful ta Gi- i-is- b o horume, yoei- vwifc. --iichildi-en and to the tp-car xxorldc'lage as w erce t'pb- ftheis t'u tOc lrincimcs xx iich tihey 1Wa c~ do for vouC" the phy- sicialti askîti ltPegotixxor'uun x-Po hai ntrchis cocsultineg1ruent,. ' 1thnkisioulti bhave a comm1i- Sion," sho eturet, uespectfully but f -ely "x-ry chflt inu our sti-cot cacgitth ni c-esfronim Jybaby"- airnibrj Chefl-"W t xx&s that J1ý forinr? atebiCo- theuotlik muir- kwdoses viii work wOendîrStupon the VtalniOrgane,; Strengthen- ing tse muScuIar S tem, resturing thse Iongý latCrpiexion, bingin.g bacthse keen ,dgc of appetitci anC areusier- vibIs Ui Rozebsid of 21calclth liseihIoleie ily elcA esery o bc hmanfrao.Thesa arc "farts" pdmitteti bytboseauda, in al ciaits cf soviet--. and onue of tUicait gur,-. auteeSte f tc Narvros asud febilitated f féiadiIne lnthe W%" d lie-'em~ i-ilsbave beela berbro th-ptb--fr hait a centc.sy, ancy aBs-ntiti-niaitppular t'amiiy aiedîie vo îî'îtosiiisare publislîied, axa ~Ell1qMEN THEMEL t. Prrpard cIr îyTisina BeelA U. St 1, 12Tt diving uf their xx hes aît IFO chd i mLta a"ee bcyondtihid-IW A stro1-jtî 'Lu0endure. r hi5 las-t i' prohabhxLte worst of ali; but ail ni- badl <netîgli,ait itany otiîeîs I iliglut ,l ie aîtad Like othei- guodtIdt~ngs. nou ,aa itovoerioe. POUT1iT \XRDrbart anra nvItgor:.te thoe zwvem. -PUTR AR.ThLy buillup the us ns y g F-ian for pienty oi roosîilig- roua tasîoohrýemdwîî'o in th e t'ew hos- They cure Thy oa c;t Is Fai i 'ç, Pliainof th. e aa't, Pftop meF lalmoist-CIas rol r ed zeC7fLGipO Mnast or Dizzlt ce, sters. SpeIls, Aoena eOnorai ïDobilite Tlue bons ithat-pass their iiit eariy! tam belrugeuadon are the unes lu kecp for' cariy wîx- - Thry have nr ýed 0theins. Th,y ovi ure you. oi- 5 'lIectie" bu-eedei-s fer tua-t 5cecbar5eýcL.Aldeiro stock, unly broati, lull-bliisteti Tl' aT. ýdiÎbuànCLmtdTr~oOt q birds shxouiti l'ochosî,n. __________________ Siidnîrsecti xlîl Prlp tii has-i- ___ nuioltirgin lefoxtIs. Liu'-ý,d lîtal i otCxp~~ A îso ei Jfor the sti;t u-o, .-' r escamîîyuidmnby'yoa ciaoe ggs ai-rcxes enspei -À LdesSffeail siss idoue. lcn bucf or nueittoii sheiti Retdî Tis is abouît theit- relativeo footid box-,5.2,0dgee logtî, per ox i auue. ~~~~~lor 2 aieoneeilep-te amui he sil L lie too cd dîi-ig Je y -2 Hfilitbc3,04til -, t 'n ai" tWoLr h ls'hock îgus tJs nid dug -- ~u~ ~UUC.~ kjmnuîîaso ail drains, tlsereby givlug tIse orgaus the It is tinýie: people learned that in- raor nî-s aih rieia stores lst powrers; luStricture Ilabsorbe th digstionm or any formete profit than nino-tentlis of nervouaness, weakness, backache, etc.. whil c somch roble i no athe farmiers imiagine, but inxst of ment par excellence. So positive arn I tingii to trifle with. The toj i o orast.i setaPAY-WHE reui myflt efaal 6fference between hory and p Irac Voeunened pay uothiugunutil you are couvir 'csUt my nt li faalbeen established. Thir shouid convince you but there cati be n tc, btoewo îehd. Fn Treatment, otherwise 1 could flot me-ke you1 conitin f dseaedskii-inilk calves sixnîontlhs' nid fre- has reiled to cure yen, oeil or write me. stonach w'hich does (iiitl rn 1 e$0 per heati Each Tmne, You Cali Y, otcarry with it phys. and at that rate they ai-e profitable O ahtm o rt trcie es icllossan weakness.ite o f raisieg teihsbe estabiished in Detroit, and the cures 1 accom Dr. iere'sGolen ePt witiîîî reasonable liimits. There piaced me as the forernesi specialist oS thsec DrMedcl sGold SSlers e cwuk itl~w rite for bleuit for b'anis for home treatmenx M dclDsoeY lssiers ntewr ni n those who cannai cadi 1BO0K FREE.À cures indigestion 'and beruîiaos cxpei-ta .-hi i .rmWndoCeai nlysd express e other fora of disease siniple anîd sure. Thîue alf must bu ReO D E G 208 W, sffecting the stoniach tai on frein the niother cariy; Soite and its ailied organs of do it xvhen they aie a few lioxrs old, digetio and fltîio.ati is fed by banid xithout knon'___________________ ýYit eniables thse erfect diges- ing aen thiî'g abouet sucking. Fi eý tioni and assimilation of quarts a day dix ritiot into three nieais to lie of îeuch- value. Sonie Sait fýýoL. 1,holid ho ail the cauf is fed at firsL . %Wurk is now n' apiogress at thel "Thrianks to Dr. Pierres Golden land tiîis quiaetity is graduallv in- Wisconsin station, bat n'o are eut Mdci Dies H GeMn, cf eigMr, creaFed to six querts. The largest re'ady tu pîibiish any Vesîtits as yet. Pa. 'Tt is the uiily mediciao iîîea f meals shouid ho given aiglît amd W o always feed sait tu ail oijr h-te doncuen'eiîygond. I tvtied every-iiîornhrîg thu oi hn ft o eie~and oîîly liaif as muciili at hogs Lat the stationî lares, and whiie tic, , d foud 1 vas 01e1V ihrowinlg 1i01 'liTe iîîilk, should be as nceur ttc cannot speak positixeiy as to the i max- eîGolde ïy.clDýcteyad re III IiýI Tison 1 iseirdcof flector the tcmupei-ature of the coxv as pus- rcsults, we believu on the uhole that Dtaie of it. and te esc loyfound it was doing S- 1 ell au rniilk shoulti bc fed ihcy are, favorable. X'vcadmnit the aii to bë Iapernent 1ud c'aiti e or stretching or lesof lime. in Varicoce e !L 'ualize% circýulation, stopis pains in the groins, teir )roper nutritýion, vitalizes the paýrts and re- heStricture tissue, stops smertingksenisationi, le in a il prosatîj troubles it le the trest- tha; my treatment wili cure you, you Can E.N CURED .nced that a t horough and compiete cure bas i thet 1 have confidence iu my Latest Method titis proposition. It makes no difference who Vou See Me Personally, onal attention. The nunîber of years 1 arn npished eSter given up by other doctors, bas ceuntry CONSULTATION FREE. Cail or ,n. Pect system of home treatment for AU1 medicines for Cenedian patients shippP.d charges prepaid. Nothing sent . . 0D NO&OWARD AVE., COt. WILCOX ST. DETROIT, MION.

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