r- Rave You Piayed. at This Netv to'0hic ttc,' adu aitage iii the lectories' rorni of Pastinue ? 'Cxan tho cut i iix nilalix idttal The ergciiizor cf bazazrs anxd siL oîo o01ing I lle situafionx cvet, ilar catertaiiîxbcîts, iutte sîeak cf i r. Paulson lis ofif xphion thnt "fli the aveage family lhcstess. lathlkte.lkof'si-iîgwclad Couxntry wiheîxthe 1lo ri g cx'xxngs1 ket-sp-ln welad cenie, is always ofn thc loeu for ,tee lfifashicîx 'firodper, mxust seen- -- ~---, t '- - - '-'-il-i k N'OTýES AN]i) COMMENT.X Illtherapid march of modern do- iiflsie imp)roveimmnts, aceleratCd by Izlbor saving de-ices and 'mx ective ,genius, the old fasbioned adjuncts of the home are disipppýring :oýA, after the other. The attic, as it vised te be, n oge Pt.l o Iii iioderii the roef big enouýghto sere ol which gradually are pushed eut of their places beLov stairs and sent up wheie theyw'il be out cf harm's*- v ay anýid out of siglit, also. TI-!e spatroc hamnber no longer Cxists in thie sn it Once did, Mwhcn il -Ias only Ti own opon on thie rare ocýý caios f faimily sate The parler, thai d-trk, nstres oawith itsi dividî s its func ýi hrns uith a sitting rcolai, carcîroônim, ani smoking rooml. Tue db iig i*coiiii, niiins, andI pro- 1 aMd ahx a ï xiiirenlain, f'"r mn (,,t ot. No m-rch of progVecs can> 'ihcre is lert- the ki[chen, but how 1 long 'il l U o b t 2 Dis? sshîg th problenm la Cood lleal'th, Dc. l'avid. Paulsea is cf opinioni, in 1, o f thmag tiaber mfready i ý,ctooke illeîc cae jOli ha e n 0 Oflth i'îarket, theonkIli n oon ci i(1- le far show thatcecKOal feoJs arey The cared xrit frt1rcomude ,texpe, wicuî ximn muce morsP, ftorri dl y thn thcri5i l)gn ýL eina-ckien., l-xre scle fa" peJoi ,oi icnl factories. [t is ckowedc1ex ry- ,whoeeCiat frits ca" o camied, and j.anis, prie'-erx us. and pickles put up poindua au!. Pmxinproviag, ecry uy I gidlytestfy e ti beefit ru Oittheotiir haîîd tu Cape Cel cevd"Mu l.G VPA,43 etfn smeeite at Icpec )f ta, pr1 d-10 d wa.s; tixe ang fis or Teoriey mst belcv itwo l el11 ie?" zand gýrowing înucleus cf pre-Brifish SureIy vem (caýnot islh to re- Pupui-laf ion, lthe Begacn~e ri- m'OUn n we kedlik U12-,7PinkanI, -whgose address ti lx oseciidency, is Johitnýeslurig; i~ Lnu, ass, wil anwerchee-and yct thceJBritish eeantno addressee d teeher byn ÀlekIwomenI Perlaps ue hs j s thwekn . w l- its of txe Iland 'an'iaene con- edetat will he)pyeur cs-trilution te the enSs et ofli e try lier to-day - * costs nothing. Ceî,t waatheugxixcithe)r 'lie Ecg- lish cooiists ii natal er th)e Dutch a'eesin 4Cape Colcny arc to Pc cail- Fluîxty. lMe lad xveîîdçerful pewer toed upon tc paty a penny cf tHiedbt.. Istîr the admniration for doug hty I hfiat is te say, fixe English-speaking- d.ces e daiagxthiuî s lten ic inliabitants of the Riand, whe ferin- , erly cxpaidthat thoy w'ýe plua- cxey by~ bras. Wiic ls terçsdered hy the lleers. are aew te o L aboudef facxcieîîcîî, thro vasexpes6d to Pcaxricr exactions at tPe ne-ver anytliriig fa tleiin 'viix thlhands ot thePe 3itish Govermeat, mosf prmise mild f>bjecftet. A s a1nnd arc --te tdtemo-e telld thaIt lne iieconclusion 'viIl]. e ileached u lti] il.,Chambeinali as nuIade apronleaint "f jo-1 i)mxslur'srs-ouMos iand cf t, he WhvIlesituation ila Sentit Africa. We say the whole situation ia Soutbj Africa, because Mr'. Chiamberlain is- tee shrewd a mac te oxveloek the primarlY p 'os f tIc warjust e...nd- ed. Tînt puirpese 'a easr e! llte Dti l PlI)SouhArcj Wi,ý'so far a l3itfhsaeao 'vome cencerned, 'vas to seucrefor Eno-hand, instoad cf Franco, ascen-ý daicy il-, North America. In the one case a;,Slantheo ti'eî'the purpose înay- b e fiustratedl in1the end, and the pr,,po,,'fleraencO gaiiîed at the cocf se much blond and treasnre imay imi-- peýrceptibly tie lest if tue riis Gexermentshould ostî'aalge îtheonca s-ctionn cf Southi Africa on whîch she 1hou]d b le chiocnidently ta rely. Thatý section is the Witvwa-tersî.and, er, lai ofher -word:. the,- Trans-aal, wliri tI Ranîd will horeaitor prar- ticah]P centre]. Natal, indeeci, is loy aI, blmn te iaîanC uxveak ,to effer Lany s 1rins rSstance te a oi,- coî'f cd rnwlton ar ococ gxxexeCIit fer S"outhI',Airia ne pendenco - b HOUSÂNS0ftel' are prisoer of dinease as securely T as bonghtbeywere confin, ibebint- br.Mn bav e f or ge d eair otxirc haar1is bvytut,, lepsar t cntgions disease, .or tL c e yces.ses of 1rna Iboà7 U ey 1 l i- arenOt the men tbeýY Onghto te or uiëd te be. The vintior, add vitalityr of ahodaie Ick Agre yen necrvons ,aud despoUdentf? t!v1ire i te .iir!iirh,? bave yei to ore yxxset trougli Utheday',s vworlt? ibava you littie arn- biinard einargy 2 arece irritable and excitable? eves' en d"e, pesda, d agg,,ard leig mnoypoor aàxd fagged? bave yac weak back 'Witl dreasaýalaSses at Ilgt? Leposltla iseweak seyzUally ?-you have Curie r-Nu Py.2 5 y.mra in Dctreit. B~ rthbl . ear S nk-of O! ed estalslished, jbycias Cnusnlse Fe. ka jircc. Write1fer Question B1ink fer Horie Treatmecý,t. D4 HELBY ZT2EET. DTO? IR An Ext ra- ordinary Offer! Electric Beits in the Reach of-Ail. We Ai'e Selling the Best Eleetrie Belt, An- thet W-UI a t ia Piep wtWin ~thA _ i. "v .-04~%t'~ ' --' tk . t.,.44 '4t5 43 Orin a.i t '439 '-4 -03 '-r- -t-t-,Ot~i4, 4-44- 4- r-. --tO-- ~ N ~ tx'-- ilten .~ ~~ ~ 7. i, r. ý TW ~ S ' -fli 1, dv v~ ,,-iii t 1 1 , 'ýl- 5 c-[l Is_ 1'-, ~ r( 1 1-- - - - - - - - - t-c ~ 'r'- lt-v ~r sa~~; ~stt~i:xt~ ~axa~vt- - ul~-'lx~- ~ 44-at'r-~, r-rrit &. .. ,4tr4it~ raa- '-~~t~r~t 0----------- - - ~'-'i- - - iartî~ts t -~ t ij~.5 1'1 ~v.- '5jkt'~îît-~1~-5' ~ '-"i - - ~1'~ .,',-'i',,.,-,,~- '-' t z 1. -' - tSI t t-t-ri~ti t-t "'.kk4444444 '-"~ "'"'ttt.4'~ ~ ______ -.443gr-tr-4444'44----i444-i4---4444-'-~- -45~--~t~--f+)5~" .i ________________________ - I---,,,' .,,5.----.,~ f s t *- j- , 4 ~, - 4.x.c4--.-c-c xrç,i- i ..'. ., ...., ~ ~3. . .k.r.4k ;kt.S~..' - r--'- r .,., r v-ii~-- - 7"-~r-di ',c~ti -I-î--' -'- -. ~-~- ______ ~ ~ n~vr e'- wa ~A W4t a~a'- e a n lady of Richnond, Va., a great sufferer with Mwornan's iraubles, tells how she as cured. "Fe orn ycars Ir snffcred with1 backaclxc, s-oeboartiag-down pains,1 Uccrit, an'ziiing c1 the ob I tried ayreeis but netling1 gaveaypoiierlc. la 1ae 91.We liad taîf en thi fîrFt hfi iîbottleý 1, Ilaia ast impro- moent, -11h:ie ytaýkea tea bottbes ivitîx the resaitat I feel 111f e a'ne 'vomiln. IhnIemecdtlf1IVg the VgtbeCmo foît l 'vora onit amd was fs prahn only 9,1oas.N1i vih 0 F n-A A -mm "Qu 1