Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 26 Nov 1902, p. 7

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k-,PERSONAL TIT-EITS. instrumental in sýavin eîer a a- DEFÈNCE '0F LONDONýc_11. cred lives from do in.Lits !flrst rocu asmdeaîte alya1 tFortifications Ere-ýcdand Bt Notes of Interest Ab)o ut sorte 1fiteen, when hc lne t e- teries I1Iounte. Prominent People. rilic saadsfl begtt hr The Slhah of Fersialias more hard a~ugfhu hola unltt 'sac frontLndnss cas'-h put by thaln any ether Sover- 1111Y Mhl-own veboard from makEtots0 a fr-echa caace ign. -lInlits palace at Tehecran htwa aevoigf mk ee- aebensto fo ofctt h M"in0 , 1'e!King of Kings" is snppose!d te o a bre.He w js a magnicn metroIpolis againstape5betae aod s t aswla byhave ne lebsa asum thansso 00 swmme, but snueusel-a-icsetwrfen hii.jdgg Ye r Yei000. rfcn efrstoid en is Casttu fristatemlents 1adecon WednesdaJiy les~ieace ib-ale8 i, an le altimatly d ýied tj fcon- night, if lias hitherf eobeenJiuint- ordlnrfly U1d.Sir Ileary Irving lias a weaheness getoeffi ug.lewsfi adequaehy profectedj ,11An anneunce- fo e.le lkst rwi ir-pssess-,)Iorfetfive rmedais frein the ment Cote e efect iittie exten- self, and neie, travels any long dis-Boa.,rd tf Trade and Royal Hlumane sive buaildinîgs havebe npeted et - tance witlioýut takinig a fulfea Seciety, besides -nanîrous testi- Wold'inghami, Surreyý, oi,ýe-e miles oqapaen wthhlm Sr lcry ~nienials. seufli et London; fer usef as a mc- -favorite brati s an expensive China izitocerinIhfr t ea. ~WOLVES RAVAGE FLOCKS. foifefnee London, rvasfer )kifg theficst time the exiftcaceoet im- le Mt'- , _, iîd on eE h rtsiPim îitrla liosez District et France Terrer- portant War Office eoain.ift is O~1I~ pi'Psiidte ~pi obably delivered more speeches in ie ySvg ai tfdfb he odIe fstc a single day f han any ether public A desijatch frorn London sots :-A over is post of inn ndr achief ta eýnt-ai sizsi.lutn. Soe t ime ago lie delivered mclioft înr.-voives lias 'appeared in of flhe British arnîy Le perseanly in- six spleechies befere as mnay public ftle lilisez district of France and V esfigated flic defeares of (iioLodon, Nef lrnAeif iIT metings -nithin fwelve heurs. As! created enormoas hac armong the a nd found tlirnte ie very imper- oai f fthemeetings suas hled ti ttelcks. 'fhe sitiagers are ita a atie1te t. Sioce f len po,ertul iibatteries a disfinctly difierent cnd ta viesu, lis etof pnnic, amd every niglit retire tolhav e been iaîoanted on clos ýatiens y ORSI1RE~FORSAL-Frin asksua ne bvany-means an easy ba;-ricaded homes witli their sheop.co adigfi prjincipal rcgds lie- 7,,il~a~e (reve iFerd: Ege ready te wean, one. Tliey do- notventure abroad atter tween aLoadon and thLe soufli ccast. a hllot of May pigi lielli sexes. aisoBo oar New__ dot-kfdcetinota flc dayf ae oel lit for srvi ce and suws laiifarrow, lecluding t Nusu ,ortificationstare being rapidl tiweefn Iîý,-iz inr.lit Pîcltry I Lave, prinies tehni Conei on ii cemnpay. 'flic solves matît e-iy construce cdalorag flhebnlofetthe fer sale 'Rouie DueLs. Toulonse Geese, Broenz b e smeep ati oor fs on -lie la le roae.Asni laeadW igia isbe Turkeys i d C dees ef the followeg vartet- yny) Sh no mt3spofo a 10Pta hYecritrAsnllIT msndVlig, 'ii bn Îles: L3arîed aiad White rlic-ms, Liglt andDark: disl-i-ritd dagli1r. ter 'lusband faine.r lid a alele Rofe 18 torril fitfd up ais a centrefrmeui- nrae aîghane, ItutWyandottes can lad p csiec cln tng n Buf OplLu.T. J. COEs, Bewmaaville, I - is-fo frtune, vlilsf 5he ,Ti- tc Pieces.1itt tien.beonin âwox 18i. ..4-8mý I eys inu alwaiie e$50,000 a îesr e C eoiOer fatn'et- sure se mnangled P ~~front flicenîpr iretAutria aand et ncaoitiglifttat evenf heir skiasHIHTI TE $12500 front lieýr ffil'.ier, flic latter sucre valaeless. Ilecuetts basitie becnFr ge' piincf eCn WTANTED -A -go erreseitttvelbeinig a potofehlir desry suhitdliEs1 cf th li e, oet. uilntfor ce orinratpion etteCn V te seli ruit-tre )y dismet rict,, iing 'epod ivas tînîtle te nifi» Mient 01 Alpine t-o)s te anýut cntatonCap eTc., te1 owmavi Je -ed ner by insict ý h rb iie h s- sdw 'frts Uea, n elr o cmmiot0 bstdand ihficrs -ie s wcisdsn tef lie mouýntaîn test-'flie London 'fiiaýs'Frsd~ac Whavi v er 600 acreiýs ede clt ofausî îid rangeaient occurred. nflOSSuS ihere thîey tako etu . says Dr. Loir cf flic Pasteu I.î nsti- (tekl Cndatedy.0r tock ta er- ________ fte, s-ite lis goule, Io l-lat cd ra f-ee ieaa, e e elveed "tn god M-.Cares Ilcnry iblis is an offi- dearsuifbflic atbrck etlitdrplt codiiotrîetonme o prItI asemoie e., -jio ci ale lcdistinction eoFrfvrSitylar a there, wrie alttretc Ive torritoýry1. Appis- lEl iAMNU1iSERYbeiu tc snalst salary et any u. Winsho's; Soothing lsyrup lias Temps, derrribing lits jea-nyt CeMrÂsv, loonto, Octt7,tin, iac thficservice o et lcInte reî sed by imillions oet mofliers for ishichliehicrefera f0 a cenceîtrtt Sta-sGcernint-tt distincion, tlitech;dre il wle teethiig. if dis- camp whidi lie vsitt&l, cduici A ýNS ANTED.-Eithier on fulljVp1rnPs, net vcry higly apprcCeNt- turbeddlit iiglif andbroken of your- says enabhe-d fI- Beerste pIlon o -i errîttu.Are yeu iatilaîheri withlptd. tli i hekeeper of a liglihîfhmu use esf cy a, sick ( d.iuld safîerîng and cry- resitance. Pr. Lotir scli jle yonrlaeome? Je yo ' r ine fally oecupi dij at 1\nýntuck-ef larbor, and recivs 'a ing witb pah i f Cutting leeth. seaýd lits jtdlosu pa,_scn, agrsl'iiîoiin me.ot, e ce : . We cee gve yeti employient, lî iimeti eougoGd terima or conraetcut py:ranr cti ofet51 a tear. 1-10 w- at once 7ib;et a botthe of 'Mr1s. etficwconcentration ca-p, 1 yoîî ll o bacl uiîoesai yen secuie forr.', lic lit aneverr ased lanf lits W ses loohi Syrap- fer Chil- Fecian freinJ-sasag us t ori ime. e eolyu l e 1 aiipîricular higliýtheuse, and, thouglil dren TcÏethiicg.,If wii relies-e fi Jthlaýdy, ccd a DBuer ai,1Sidlic j itevrbi t ue ,iý;e- 1,toeIocr geîdm.No 11fr. GCubasliaýs f0 lis-P there, lic las p1t-liftle sullerer tmrnediatehy, De,- repcrfcrd cruclifies ushicht x, ic i (eolirqied-I; oufishabsoiutîly fric, ne w-om-lýte do, bat is alhouved te pcnd luponit if.mofliers, ftere is co Etirope driing licS a lricaiî :i hve thlelargest iut(eint Ca nada, er jkcep Leon,- ad irced cats fer a iei- mnista.ke about ,if. If cures Diari- war nowvrld any eitec.Dr. Soc cre, alar e ae e gvaneo as rephood. hîcea, regulates tvie Stentacl anîd Loir isu oeecamp suicýli sa7hu ysented. If y, u wnt te oprsethtéelargest, Bses uesWn eisottenis f-ehiea hsi.Tue bus;me Mnuit non cicran1* tki. anursery, write lus. Bw-. cre-in Clet lu wlie entliyeur wh ie. 8105E & WFLL- It ino e ceraIlly keousa tiat oae Cama, teduces lattammation, àan --Iyvcry ean anîd l ( otr 1Nec m-ciesCanaas inetoî rs'nies", £oonto, of tflic fîacst w-enlera lan cibroidery gises ton.2,and eergy to flic wlhe lie ilt igybidnsoccupe Oetfrho, is thie Grand Duke ot-fese. îe lias , systeni. -Mrs. Winshow's Soothin;g iy flic British gueinBuwyo ln3 R7-1 ofthe best designcd !amn td r te! ,nteof flic Ssrap" tutr chîihdmen teefhiag is plia-I FOnd dsR able fa-Ous , DfIl ia~mot lborafentm-cofiand lis sancfte fise faste and is the pre- CANADIAN FLOUR11. ecccty, bi s h onth hai e1l.n .-2. ,,edl,,v,,.k mcdlillstery are al-o script-on et on- cf tlie oldest and Drotokoowe ,tas Orchard Dale, on whtc s remarlimbo. îHe ita acomposer ef or- best eIale scmsndnre aWill Ee açieInt o Be P t Ja-] hoe ith a.y ii moderiianvedieeomo iclîidîn.-I îgicîit1y, anud un xquisif c expontent flic United Sftates. rire 25 cents a pan Exhibitîi. kfcraace, hard su-,d soft war; ahi theèr fat on 1fl" icpaîeferte. ln contrasf 0bfl. Sh b h rgit Olbuildungs tUai ai-e iiecesary witi ahueulacce uft f10 rad ukes sotncwhiat chmn tlrougiouf flic world. Be sure amni A despatch front Ottawkia s-aYs: Tihe wstmr. Oie etboit orebarde liti cuty. Tcei TnlwsSohn olcino xiisfr:h aa soit! 8 fist-dlhs IFatinlias tie-er bien neti. cf o accenîplishînts flic Grand îmskfor Mrs. Wnlss Seha olcine xiisfrfi aa Ternis sit hoemeade te suit punerhaser. As Mri.Dchs deligîf s iha 'vl manly sports, syrup.' xiitot lie hld-l- Osaka Wilihams Las decided to retire fri farmiiîg heist a w-ndertaly darimîg rider, and I ext MardIi, suillil li six cars, repre- offers the tarin et a î easonaableo rate and on - IsOting ersryf-ling producef o vreaytermes et paymient, a sunaîl acseaa1t driveos foot c-iaîîd and tandetm suitli TONS 0F DRESSED LEGS. mLnufacfured tn Cmnada. 1fr. hetug rend deo wni Appi eX.1.coii-idetabhe akihl.- I Wîauxîs ounr u pouihea o eli184, ' in ntMi:eAssIn- utcliison, w-lie , ;Ili le-ave owmall.4-tf - rogFf arniing i naioAs -for Ja-pan next meontis, w-th tfaire __________ 'ficb-se aile eN --s oke a ing Largt Proportions. sithlimlta a cotiphefe baicirg ouffit' short 1- lhobefore his tragie deafli A ilespsf ch ftein Torontesanys: 'fli for fhec purpose of dentonstrating ~ sbitlis Ica sureregtirdmsg eliuc--bsi o'- f freg 'fari:i-g sounis bo- Canadlan fleur caie,,miaaafac- tin. ircphiorel: -1 was eIacafud i rocsefhiag 111-o a joke-, but raioimug fared tnt c firsl. chas. hi-ed, an-Id af fle ltu Matîpat Celcre at Aix- and jfi-egsformo-t on a business liais fliat Canami four aJs es eaiy flic Lt ce, St. louis in Paris. I heaf lis assurniimg LIge proportions la On-' as good and btter ine-d a sente CALIFORNIA POINTS illy as athiet- iieniI ua quite youmg, tarie. T'flicinamd for the lresse-d grades flnliAmrc rdu, anîd as îny itîtfler suas sery ue-ak ta hegs la extensive in tlicUitecd Stat e s wlileliatprescrit h-stic preeienco I lier attitude ofsuards mue 1Isuas able sud ta flicthe cters cf population ion-fte Ja.pacese masrket. Round,,lrip Tourist fickets geed for te ocsclop ilimi at'w-a way. I nid j bre. One frog farmtainOntario------ >t n ine menths oun sale te ail thc pepular cett bora tto etcadti mil Isuas eighfjr-oduced ti000 pounds et dressed GERDIIAN IliON TRA-DE. A Sad Letter frýom a. lady wvhose Hlusband wasDispt. How Sie Cured Hlim with a secret ' Ilid for yeal ahely berce tise disgne, , suffertîfg, msery aid privations duc o temy hcsiaid's drimkisg lhabits. H-eurng of yu nsaros- iiuui r-edy tertio cureetdikit, wi-hi1Icouirigive amy hüsiaîîds'reti, t deý- cideli te, ry ih. I prurid c package 'I' amxed il la li'i foodlaid ceffea, id, n s tle rceyu- dorIes and tasteiess, lý i I id e ,eue-lai uuvitiat me quiclr '-iesedis crasiig for liquer, Hie suce bîgan t a pin ript ciie, is appetite for sulid food neterned hi stucli te lii s-oriz r gularhy, aid uve nous- l-eva liappyhole. Aftur le Nsas ciipIhctciy cuhtd'I1 tetd lime eut 1 hird donc, wheuî le nekiossi- cdged lcai it li e nis omas iîg, cs ho lad net tiheeletion te lireak offetLi oie accord. h hearflysdvite aIt eeîsn afflictedsu Iwas te gis-i youn nemedy a tril." A Laywocures her hsado lis rikg -afswrf oflher- A PATHETIC LUTTER "1Il l]ferArslong ime lirai ihu,!n.-Ilgf-trying tho, '.l'aie e c Semn a mpini en nei inmy buîvbîmdfor his dIiidt ui, at maiafralulhi moult dmiSrer tt ath gi-in seicieje, and fie thoughit encens-id mi. Ibu À telfer-Sruy a week, but cime day ,;bns e C a eie li-u1vry uCli iîioxitatmd and imi aeks iaiar arl I aei tii-vw off ill'uur and determie eimt iefo tei tare emOrrlhame trocnt te rein hmanm ,e h hazar, homt fer pur Tpttehî,sSaarsP- surip l'_1Io, Paid att ilteails cutffoo ai dirrctoul cecit rmeet ,1 ingdaîueu d pr;1 dfor île eat A. rea gav,1ýe Iiii acre ia-tçime aitoppmr. lHe neN-m-tîseced a ululigaicl h en ioldiy huatr igîcu o ILigh naIý:,uiarly, as lieddscoveredut ea tinliai met cary ire,in-,îîcy ldy thngihîg-v. Ii hop ad ippiitcseuý l 1 cea-li , eeainight lutine lïuîd, rc ant icd everythiug iiidean te a aciiahert; for my hsuiban'lied teid init %ihh -y sasvile etmftaidhle wastteidng a ditîia 'lt ti, It e-as eilY ir tr, fer biture Ilied gis-e Luîlefth tn lie hd tupped drnnîg alto- I g iionbull ept b'igliitiheuedicine titi ht amgan ad mii ei'fer anoemenlot, te hu i badif li b-5 cdl 1relapse, as lie ied dn ri prci es btur. lic nover lai aid I em arumsn Yeuthis lette o tellniyon bovv uienhuuil aca. 1 1 LOnimtY hîhmfIlii cure theworst cveu,' - ierselif te cCure lier Fa"xer - STQRY 0F 1-1ER SUCOES. iA portion of ber lette o rse as fohiols - I 'My ftuler liad otten promiuod moulier te tint,ý dnîg, and would do se for a tie bat titi ncturnnd ue lu nircîcmver tilîse een. Vie day cIter a terrible spred lie aaid te cs :e lus nu usai. 1 ceut suop drni-ng.' 0cr han.rs acd to turc tu suono, and use decided te try tisec Tatulet SamriaPrescipii, wil - read atbout lii cpi)pent. \e ae is b remcdy, eîtireiy vwithLotliiioolcg, nhie, tes, ceffée, or food reguiarly, acnigto directions, mnd lie ces-ar kicýw licwae alii. Oie package reinouvd-m!li li ireforiqur and lie aya h i cew di, tasîtuite hlm. pis heati aid applite are aime wondertulhiy mi- pros-id. aid nuoanesould know hlm for the taiecanlu t 'smowfitteen mentis sunce wc gave i ta hm a id use féel ture iliru the change hs for gueul, Pleate tend me oie of your uitile bocoks, ai I want te give lu te a frheîd. - and pamphlet giving fuil particula!ýrs, testimonials erle price sent in plain -sealed envelope, Correspendenice sacredly cenfidential. Enclose stamp 40r replýy. AddressThao Samaràa Remed-v Co.. -2 i'Jorda-n Street, Teronto, Canada. D17IT1T~hTTnvr l11 I\T1UAVw-unded surface. Thlic crrcasa m, nd MORSE 31IEAT IN SAUSAGES PIbfVfllh1IONU1 6F ANTHRJflA escreta are te lic dreaded as thie SOURCES 0F INFE CTION. Higli Prices ln Berlin I.ead te AND ITS CURE IN MA11 AND) If alter ueath theflcbood lie con- Eain fLw TH 'OE NML. fiacd wiflin ftle body, mnd dis- Adepfl front Berlin ay TH LWE NIIII.. chiarges troin flic nafurat elsenînga lia Quotations liee for fat 6 ý0!ead pres-uafud by plmîggt-tg thora ifliherses for sagtnn aefîe Somne Fractîcal Ilints by. the De--tfevsu saturtedswit h a fw-ccfy peri frein .$37.50 amd t$40 te 25 ad iiainien Departraînt et Ag- cent. solutfions et co-bohie adid, and fer f air f0 iiiddtiag -and le-an front' riculture. flie carcassab e rtried, mut draggcd, $25 te $18-75mcd $2'0, tut conse- to the place prcparcd for buu-iag qîeace eofftli expostures eftheflcarige lanteply f0 tic question, "Ta an- if,110ise femction is likely te f aie quantifies of honte mneat sold as beef furax a damnger te luuiiaifyV? - place frein if. As a precautlonary or asod for cîakiag sausnges. Merse- put necently by a daily nesuspapern1icasure, licevoer, Oie sthalladsduat- demI lias long licen a rcguhar article anthrax ta a bheed disease wulidli af- 'coundiega uliere the deafli eccurreà- et food, but municipal ot-dinances in tacts aîl dintestic anistala. Carats- - hoalfi lie fleneghmly disiafcctod, as moat cities requin finît ifsi-ail lie or-a or fleali cafers, dega fer example, j iol ns the cart or 'wagon tansubichld ssu eDîoy a hîgli degi-e etofprotection i'iflias Icncarricd. a ui againt it butat trnes hey'flicThecxtraeu-dinary ligli pnices et agamia if bu cftines lîe, fc, Altter uî-ning Oie carrais liuîry jieat, hsosues-er, haie caused oxten- amccurei. Macnisiraselt ha quife aus-tfli c ialies deepît uith itite. Th ic eeainsoftelw n ceptible, and shicea, goats, blincvd nisks fliat anc rua by - arleayiae crasns ethflicleu, hodsa caffle. rasd trses-au-e espedl Il-v lt-a- - tmss inidealing i auîy j crcssgr-ae mces a u aec e~ suit flc racof steaks and sonp bones as liee. Wlilho lhe te coafruot if. Thlic t-cult de- froint uichi millitons of millions ethflicerman troatters are rloscd te pends apen fie pttiboe 'idy iiterfi osp ores rcay bc gis-eut off, îliat l totn. I u~î-<o 1sli mat asate netatheflicimportation et lis-,c ci fe, flic Passes flic stnacliandd <me ct I iii o.o-cfhsliep sin, cdprobîititien does nef apply f0 elfi, _. pswîe, ndireken-done lieses. w-hiei are fisc(, intestines deatlit -îlL- ' w A i 1 -d emumîoausly redure tic flic case of easma a ouuîd ci n - s mhruti njutîbclie i-ous, hîoughf byahiphoad fi-oui Emighand, liaad or flic leg givsahlicpoiso~.c-- --i.ti rpoefsctscrmr eepeiaily f0 Iîaailirg and Brenton, frnc tre tie _ed; flan tuerri -ad nef lc ia udertaken byltad ac aftfccd for butcrbcng. If taL1i1gn1amif pustules foia. 0f- aîî uîxprrtc1 uro-adoume apredicted fimat ae siai-per enfonce- fontîlaes sucu pitientfs5 10 acceunt slîouhd ohd or deulitel ment, eftflhec-sre msat endimîmîces la coe-r; peîsibly occ ln fuse lyipli lic used. Pretective lyntphl ilrly - s resuhftutn a sighf increase nîay die. Thse suaise tuay lic said tfifntnsr li obfniiîed flirougli fli Doii- halb-------fumcaf, anid piarficalar- lionisefusteck, but shîcep antd goas- iePepartîcent cf Agricultu rc af i y s - -i ý- sutti omie cm- tu.o 'curiouîs exceptilons, r uIsýCotunt t oîsci-flird on fie ondin-- bas-e liffla or neo reaiting pois-rs, at-s-rit-ail pric.A -Cr1D -7 OVS ccd athramx once in a tiecli eftenj C 12.I OVS climaen-laiis sACCEPTS CONDITIONS. Proves Ti-ufis h 'y Br±ngrng 1-ie cause outhfluadisease it.a, anmt Bc fl tee amati by fia- te taLe, en y thie Argentin-a Caffle to e FiItiporteti A desafcli front l'ecetacgulhene cye uîîaidcd. litdortheis microscope te Bitain af Once. saya --Sami ra-aca, a ftâIl. athictie if loks lire c roui about fis-c timites A despal cli front Leurdeme sas-s :- y eung buck Itîdian cf aut tûi wenty as, long as if ista hîd. iis-ctimon- Tie Pi-cshdeit corflic Argentine le- years of age, suas omit sitît lus w-ttc saut-ofetfhiesc medsor baclhi put cend public lias senît a vtelogramaiiinsuhicl in tahficTowntship ot Fcoes ci, ne-ar te end aigltit casure eote inc ta in cet iecmdiitsnîe yMoon ihtsc. TIC suas alonc. Sdeî heagh. Ttisrod-ikcplamt ges t Bîlif lMon. lichent Wiliain tilaniliait ]y fis-o w-ocsina a pck appearet omi sced ander crtnaici citost acces, alI tresident &oflichemoad etAgrirvutl- itise scene mamd îmade stmigit toorflic poinît.te clenemer-lred liccause iftatre, uider suhidi Argentilac caffle j oîmag Indiai, 'fly lsad wiaded litr, ta fuis peculiac-ty svhiicligivssif r ee rjg ornhm on ahuseaf chithi o pro er ou- caI-ag c i iported im i Fmgland 'l'liemd ur-tymg ertalmdsn -ltdpwrfocuigconitionsiaaei-,tat Argttt ala tw-aited ttil flieferemtoat suas lusses. 'lce seeda (spores) ca lc îî11iîDiel-a t Iu-tmn fsety-i-iadae ia ccad oh hetad celd, ati raAnt hie er e-t-slii a d-t aiais Art, t iiiCt ler oua dlocks ,id sulir'a Ie riloi hisrile cc1dacif a i lieefobit fît-inutedri sg eteim icfcd _ balleýt itsto lisisasrarltafi

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