Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 29 Oct 1902, p. 5

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.Uin, A in t+hiz 1w~iuIa~~4UWn County Are Wearing Sýpectacles Fitted by Us A-ny of- t-hese---peûple can, if they desire, re- tur.n their Mlasses and get back every cent they paid us. Do you want, better evidence as to our abil- ity to give perfect satis- facion, both in price and accuracy ? Eye comfort guaran- t.eed 1-1ith every pair of Spectacles we seli. Stott . J ury, The Peoffle's Opticians. .BO WMAN VILLE. Delfghtfully Delicious, 'Surprisingly Refreshing, Docidedly Invigoratingî Esnphatically Iiarmless, Superbly Charming. BOWMANVILLE, OCT. 29. 1902. GRAND VRUNK RAILWAY. BoWiu.sVILLE STATIoeq QOInsaEAST. Goine 5WESTj. Ma.-5a-.1p's.. 5-- - Exprees..... 1025 t oa . 101 Mixd ......856 p.M. 1 Passenger- 1 I42 P.vM Local.... 658 p.m j1 Mixed.. .3788 *Empyess ...Il 25 P im Erssdoes flot go iwest Monday morning. fs.eludysnlghi onrly. STOTT & IlrnTY. Townl Agents Miss Kate Elliott las returned home from Brookivn, N. Y. Mrs. James Jtrvis, Toronto, lias been visiting at Mr. R. Jarvis'. Ontario Countv Plowing match will bc held at RazlÏn Nov. 6th. Mr. H. C. Tait is enjoying a holiday wlth friends in Toronto and Gait. Mrs. C. L. Munson recently vlsited her niece Mrs. F. A Philp, Coborne. Mrs. Harry. Jonesas pent the Thauks- giving week with friends lu Toronto. Xider, have you a dollar ln your pechet that you ewe us? We need it. Mr, and Mrs. J. L. Smith, Whitby, are enjoying, a trip ta Atlantic City, N. J. SAn obituary of John Carscadden and1 report of Home for Aged are on an luside page. Mrs. L. A., W, Tole attended the Miss Beatnîce Tamblyn of the Scheol of Prac'ical Science. Toronto, was home recontly. Mr. and âMns. Robt. Downs visîted their--daughter, Mise Lola Downs at Coiborno recently. Mrs. Geo. Bickell sr., Miss Nellie Bickol], Mrs. T. F. ,James andi family have rernovedt t Oshawa. Mrs.'W. H, Greenwood and family, Toronto were recent guests of ber father, Mn. W. W, Tamblyn, M. A. lu wasahing woollens andi fianuels, the soft osp madie from Lever'. Dry Soap (a powder), viii ho found v.ry .tifaetory. Rev. R. Seaboru, rector of St. John's Church, attendeti the 'Convocation of Trinity University, Toronto, Wednes- day. iMn and Mn@ John Groveb, Graven- hurat, bave hoon visiting lier cousin, Mn@. Rd. Feston. andi other relatives ber@. Miss Susie Belîman bas beon en. gaged as teacher et Salem School fer 1902. Miss Howson bas resigned aften six years faithful service. WiII be founti and excellent remedv servic Cloth ng the past two yeans; thon again tore la vast diffeence lu the prico and every man lites to gave' a five spot McMurtnv selîs the 2Oth Century Clothing, acknowlodgod to be the best lu Canada. Ovarcoats $8 50,1 U10.00, $12-00 and $16.50, Suits $5.00 te $18350. Miss Loua- Mason isvisittng relatives at Ebouezen. Forthe fiuest stock of ladies suitings Pud droas goods of aIl kinds. cail at Couch, Johuston & Cryderman'a. Betone thoir depantune for Lindsay, frieuds of Mrs W. Roenigk presontoti her with a mantel dlock andi au address of appreciation The best wishos of our cîtîzens go with thom. Rov. J. H. Tunnbull, M. A,, visited Campbellford. Mouday evening ofthis week and gave an atidresln the Presbytenlan church. My nervousuess bas lef t me euitirely, as a result of taking Millor's Compoundi Iron Pills . Sold by Stott & Jury, drug- gists. The Great National Herse Show will ho held in Madison Square Garden, New York Citv, ou Nov, l7th te 22nd. Entries must _ho made bv Oct 25th. Miss Shirley Morison ha$ gene to Toronto to roside. Miller's Grip Powders Cure. Sold by Stott & Jury, dnuggists. M others should ail read the beautiful sermon iu this paper. 1 Openiug for a smart boy to loarn pnîtîng at this office. Mr. R. R. Smale bas returued from Seotland and England. Miss Lillie Sanders, Tvroue,Iis visit- iug ber Aunt Mrs. John Brock. people liîed long in oldon times. Read about it on inside page. TnB STATESMÂN goes free balance of 1902 to new subsctibers for 1903 Mn. John Sutherland, flamilton. was Sunday gueat at Mr. Trebilcock's Miller's Drink Cure is a home troat- ment and doeb not necossitate being cooped up lu a golti cure establishmient for woeks with consequent publicity and comment, owiug to absence froin business. SeId by Sto tt & Jury, drug. gists. .Additional locals will be fouud on au inside, page, also our 1908 clubbiug rates. Auni-vcnrv rservices lu conuection wlth St. Paul's con gregation wiil be held ou Nov 8th. Rev. G R Fasken, B A.. o! St. Paul's churcli, Tonouoto, wlll bo the preacher. A lecture will niso be givon the following Monday ovening by Mr Fasken, accompanied by a musical progrftm. Readv-for service versus Custom Tailori g-you a't help but notice +t,,. .,ýM ini, = Àn i n rayfr Mn. W.M. Horsey, Police Magistrate. ou Friday presided ever the prelinîinary trial et the King vs. Coyle anti con ducteti the court with.h dignity and abilîtyv as te win (rom the two distin- guisbedlel counsel the aros words ef praise and admiration. Atten adjeurument i t w as remanket b y several persons how wel! he verfionmed bis duties fer a new incumbent. Tim PoLiCEIIÂtîs EvrnxNc.-loIlice- man Peter Morris, Toronto, says that for years ho was troubleti with habituai constipation, anti tbouzILiho spout mauch money fer metilcine, was oulv tiisap- pointeti with the resuits. He now necommenda Dr. Chase's Kidnoy>Liver Pills te bis fientis because it cured hlmn ef his troublesorne alIment. You can be cured of constipation by this treat- ment, One pili a dose, 25 cents a box. Wheu lemving youn onder for a suit on evercoat, vou want te feol sure ilhat it Witt ho Weilleut, Weilitrimmed and weli made. Loave endors at Couch. Jobhue- ton & Cnydrman's and you willl fot be disappolutoti.j Cawker & Tait want goed' sound petatoos. POWELL-Im Whitby, ct. 2 it, James B. Powell ,ln hia 75h year. LiumsnzxN-At Niagara, ont..Cet. 1tb, Mrg,J. Tnrnden, daughter o!f Mr. and Ms. Ed. Wonacott, Darlington. egeti 51 years. ALLDaEAD-In Mienvers, Ct, 22nd, Mercy A nun Âfdread, aged 22 years. PAR-In Oshawa, Oct, l7th, Elizabeth Park, reiict of the laie William Park, aged 76 yearle. MITCHELL-At Cobourg, suddenly, on Oct. 251h,, William Mitchell, proprietor matting Factory, lu hie 74 year. BOWMAN VILLE MARKETS. Correotedby J.Me.Murtry oaoh Tunay Fwuuip 00 fbs........ 81 80 to 82 20 WjEÂTFaîl, buah .... 0 o,)il067 Sprrng........ 000Oil0 67 Rt ediPife.......0 00 0 72 Goose ....0 00 0 60 BA1tLEY, I bush, No. 1 ... 000 r'e 040 et le Ir 2 ... 040"el0 88 n n3 ...000 le000 "Two rowed 0 40 ri O0O OÂrS, white ".............. 000"el0 28 RYB, 'le...........0 00" if 0w BU(CKWIRA . f............O0 0 IO 50 Puu., Blackeye, VI bush.. 0 00"et 00 et Canadian Beauties O0 0"etO70 " Mumme4y il 0 00"If000o t, Small le O 60 'f O 65 91 lu le 000on f 0nAi Horse wanted-see advt. General servaut watedi-see advt. Miss Holland, Toronto, is guest of Miss Armrour. hunters excursion via G. T. R Oct. 24 to Nov. lst. See advt. Mr. W. H. Hollaud, Toronto, wvas lu towu recently 0ou businesis. Bellots- of groat man wi!l iuterest everybod'v. See inside page, Marriag-e licenses onlly $2 at STATES-- MAN Office, No wituoss needed. Smart boy wanted at once to loarul PI inting at Turs STATSE5MAN office. M A. James is Govern-meut issuer et Mariage Licenses for Durham Countv, Mr. Peter Gillard, Nýýewark,, N. Y., la visitin.- bis sister, Mirs. John Libby, at Mr. F. H,. Mason 's. Whcn your business becomes irksomne andti istastefuil, sou Rae fot weil. Milor's Compouind iron Pillq wilI make it a pleasure to attend te business. Sold by Stott & Jury, druggigts. Mr. Isaac Haggith and daughter Mrs. Mutton atteuded the funora of his sou the late Richard Hlaggith at Centralia. if you once try Carter's L-ttie LiVon Pis for sick headache, biliousness or constipation, 3you will nover be without them. They are purelyvegotable, smaîl and easy to take. Don't fonget this. Mrs Goo. Mitchell, Toronto. andi daughter, Pins. W G. Buîndieý, have been guests at Mr. Ezra Gifford's. Oongba, colde. liouruenue, andl o* tiê broat BORN flurcHisoiq-In Cedar Dale. Oct. 28rd, tu Mr Und Mrs. Alfred Rutchison, a son, SNMITH-In Darlington, Oct. liffl, to Mr. and Mgrs. Colin Smith, a son. MARRIED. MCFBETbR-SINCLXIR-A t t he Methodîi Varàonage, Oct. 22nd, by 11ev. D. 0, Crossley. Mr. C. Wesley McFeetert3 Tyrone, And Char lotte, (Dolly) seond daughter of Mr. John Sinclair, Bownianvilie. Pasadena, Cal., Se pt. l7th, by 11ev. Win. Me. Cormackr StanleyF rederick, son of Mr. Thos. melu nd Los. Angeles, forraerly of Btowman- ville adMjsb Sue. i., daughter of Mr. Wesley Shaffer of Pasadena, Cal. GUY-Rici-At Oshawa, Oct. 20th, by Re(ýv. J. J Rae. Mabel Evelyn, danglite r of Mr. Geo. Rîce and Edgar J. G4uy, Toronto. PÂAKE-LAWRY-I n HaMilton, Oct. 2211(l by 11ey. Canon \Vade, Mr. Geo. Parke and Miss 1Louise M,, daughter of the late Tho4. Lawry, both of tHamilton. MCCULOCH-MCFTYYE-A±the residencee of MLr. Alex. Stewart, Port Ferry, Oct. l5th, by Rev. Wm. Cooper, B. A.. Mr. John McCulloch, M. D., Blackstock, and Miss Sara Jane Mc- Fadyen, Shoal Lake, Manitoba. MEER-HIEGINBOTIHÂM-At Virden, Oct. 151h, by 11ev. W. P. Locke, at the residence of the bride's parents, Eth elbert B. Meek, B.A., B.D , Altona and Hattie Louise, eldest daughter o! J. W. Higizginb tham, Esq.,of Vlrden,Mainitolla, formerly of Bowmnanville. Waltv-TixDÂLI.--In Toronto, Oct. 22nd, >y 11ev. John Neil pastor o! WeqtnI±.A- cbnrch, Mr. Alexander C. Wright, Bowman- ville, and Mise Keturah Tindail, Drayton, Ont. DIED McLEAN-At Port Hlope, Oct. 22nd, Ilarry Grant, sîxth son of Col. Wm. Mcbean, ageçt 1e years. FIELn-At Cobonr,Oct. 2iet. James Douglas, son of the laie C. C. Field, in hie 28th year. HAGarru-At CentraliaOnt., Ct. 14, Richard H1aZgth,ýa~ 46 years. Son of Mr. 1. Hagglîh, e. an d T, Ihave jusi NEV English Porcelain Dinner Sets. shape, highly deco-atecl desigas in blue or were imported direct from the Potteries in vinced that they are the best value that hi to convînce you we ask ýn inspection oft ,5 nifiety- seven picce Sets, value Octobe 25 ten piece Toilet, Sets, value $5.5 Octobel CAWKE - -- w w w w w w w ietS±ts,. M.iny crive, n)ei tstarriv2d auJ aa l sho vm in, t S H ADPZS, ;N'EW C NEW PRKC DI1N N E R w oesesse~se~a~ammee E: invite you to visit our store. ~ àl-did--va-rîety- -o-f -Iiiicnr ,w and desirable patterns ready foc your inspection. )EOORATIONS r* 97 pleces, uew r efï).rm )r recn toies. Ta ese Seýs na England and we are can- im even bee-n off 2red, atnd these gouds. el 1.50 er Cnlina Sale $7.50. er China Sale $4.00. 1O& TAIT. O o o G f o --- - - - - - - - r 1 Provincial babbath 15chool Uonveutlon!Tne vast iniproym islly-itli-- 1 ailmmteurecuie i m i Wr"iuuitbi j3kh i -1-1 il -U -L 6

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