Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 29 Oct 1902, p. 4

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ONLY $30.00. Very Iatest'imlproved with Duplex Grate, Ovcn Thex'moineter, High Sheif and Reservoir. This is ue of the mianiy blrg iins we are offeriug this season. WYe ha ve gatlîered toZ4etther the la rest and most ,complete line of Stove-; and Ranges ever offered in tis locality. Al very carefully selecteýd and fully guaranteed. Your inspectioa invited. RIBOn. dorweqtnof fPnt Ofrice. lu-One 66. So ~fli~ _______ The ÇanadîaH Statesluan BOWMANVILLE. OCT. 29, 1902 HORSE BREEDING FUR PROFIT. As farmers are now and are likely for some years te make considerabie money by horse breeding-, we beel justi. fled in offering a few suggestions. Three classes of horees when well bred brin.- good prices aiways - heavy draught. carrnage and saddle. Farmers can make good rnoney breeding a&l three classes, but the chancoes of makin.- most money 15 in breeding heavy draughlt. By mating a reasonably good mare to a very geod Cl> de'herse, the chances are te te eone of getting a good Mvr. Clemeince'gseli for 1401, ibere is mouey ini raising. beavy herses. -For the good of the community we hope Our farmers wil l ot se Il their boit young heavy draught and general purpose mares, because as we stated last week, these are veritable goid mines. This is hew we view the matter. Weil hred Ci> desd aies command îpaying prices always and when proper care is exer- cised tbe risk et breeding thora is small; and as one ef this breed wilI earn ts own keep alter 'two 3 ears. the cest of rearing is much less than in the case et the emailer breede. The next class is the carniage herse. We wish te be cerrectly understood here We do flot include roadster horses a breed which never pays anvone to raise. A real good catrnage herse will soli in the large markets for double er threc timie8 as: much as a goed road hotso. Dr. ibid of the Ortarfe g.. cultural College says these are two distinct types et herses and should neyer be shown in the same class at tairs. The road horse is valuable for his per- formance in getting eover the road, the carrnage herse for bis attractiveness, his sty le and action, in addition te bis road qualities. The carriage herse In demand to-day must have action, higli action, folding his knees and bocks well and he must do this ne matter whethor going f5ve miles an hour or tfiteon. He must hoid up bis head without aid et a check and always lok prend. In size he may vary frein 16.2 te 16 hands or even slightly eo'er. As a general nul. a eturriage herse should bave more sub- stance than the roadster, b. more hor- izontal, in the croup and above ail, musthave a_ high preud head. The West End House. Leading Dry Goods House. -West End House. We Invite coffparison ini our 811k and Velvet Departnient. I le Imfport Direct Ail of Our Silks and Velvets. Taking quality as the first essential point and then the price, we can saeyou rnoney on every yard of Silk, Satin or Velvet you buy. We have every new and popular silk on the rnarket in ail the fashionable shades and we extend to the ladies a cordial invitation to corne and compare u themselves if our goods are flot exactly as represetecL- 27 inch India .SiIk, 50e yd. Louisine SiIks,75c d,- LAciATNS Lades hohave beught our Black Nice sot t finish, excellent for waists, in One of th e best silks on the market Satins sceem se well pleaaed with thcm that â Spale blue, navy, turquoise, mess green, for waists, 5 sot ot it will net eut; in pale in nearly every case they send their friends cardinal, white, cream, grey, biscuit aud green, grey, Pink, pale blue and black. here. That speaks well for the, quality of pick. ~~~~Colored TaffetaSilk,7icyd.s. rc $0Ond$2. Chies Sik~~ S y. ftaYou ailknow how stylish the Taf- BLACK SILKS AND PRICES. bine, turquoise, white, receda green, FINEST QUALITIES. lI a fine even thread, niee soft finish, vera rose. cardinal. Peau de Seire, per yard $1.00 Sjust the goods fer drapes and f ancy work; Brocade, soft finish, per yard - .90 SlI pink, pale bine, canary, white, cardinal1 Bengaline, extra heavy, per yard 1.25 Sgreen and many other popular shades"', British Sl k, 50C yt1. Taffettas, - 75c, 61.00 snd $1,25 We have this silk enly in white and (12 Taffetta Unentable.) black and te ladies who want a coet t oire, geod value, per yard 1.'00 SPlain Colored Satins, 750 yd . good wearing siîk -e ean recemniend il Merv, s ricli silk, per yard 1.00 very highly. Moire Velour, extra heavy, per yard 1.50 *4 W.hae ehe~tt~nin s aying that __________________ Louisine, for waîsts, yer y ara 75 - tbis is the finest line fer the money we ever ____________________ had and with such prett y shades as pale Fancy XVaist Silks. Royal Cavendish Velvets. ,~ ine pik, hit, geen cadinl, ers Plain ground, pale blue, cardinal, li turquoise, pale bine, white, white, rose, canary, grey, brown aud navy; no0 navy sud pixik Taffetta Si1k with white lemnon, verarose and pink, 65c per yard. ltW wonder it has been such a big seller with polka dot, extra fine quality, per yd. 61.lPopular shade Velvets, "Stanley Brand" M s White Moire, extra quality, 861. 50 yd. 1 5c per yard. Our stock of Silks, Satins, Velvets, Velvet Ribbons, Neck Ribbons L% brim full of nice goods and w we are quite sure we can more than please you in your wants. QualÎty first, price next. John [mlMcMurtry, BO WMANVILE.

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