fadulties of old age th grace of the Il tonLord Jesus Christ is ,iîii!cient to SONE LTTI ÂN YÂ GES overcome the burdeni of Llie buzzing locusts. What was the testiriony of the agcd Thomnas tutri , h groat __________________Christian wrtrrior of old Scotland? h Standing before a lreasserablage ~L T 142 ~ P~41 ~of littie children, he said: "Dont j vyien thle Faulules ]Begin± to F ilan th call me an old mail, as some --pe do. W y, 1 amn as yeoung atnd hp py Hair ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ n anygis o W ie ý, 1i chuild, sittirlg bofore ni o-, t~ orn~se ô'have the sable kind of divine re-en- 1n otra ei h î.e u F4 2 forcemnent te, nicet the burdensome tho ie foot is phatd io thed ,ô1wb Wii. ciydOO insectile aninoyances that afflict thnemýartis irl ht it e eîsfine tfurnJ~ .+. It Éq ne the drut an sunl'en knee deep in the cloer tops. théfrehes ad he notgtge uonMy hearing may not lie as accurate --I -I t A dospatcih froni Chicago says tershsan th ogge as it once Mas but ni, ars are Bey. Frank De Wijtt 'raîrage preach- ofthe fand r-. th t wer n the> atience, coatinunîly hearing thé seu ds 0f ed fr0111 the following text :-Ec- 1of the fner. Iti's torwihinoolnce sweetest naiusc. My- oye May not be I;7ust Bo3ar Signature et clesiastes xii.. 5, -The grasshopper nnd flot roeturning thonsI. 1t is the 1as keen to read a book, but muy eye shajl be a burden." aoaslte1a,, ,,d g& iglt icontinually becomiing Mr A unique text, ,ýapable of miany anoad f tefr ad gt-inspire(] to sýee the beauties, of earth différent interprétationis. Somle su) vti. drun i the mlpdt of the ar- am 'el as the beauties cf heaven. 1 poeteSolornonic *'Iborden" ofthe farest. n it stiity the te hosane liot aold mn. As Iapriroach gra.sshoppor, or, more strictly speak- colî we to dring thno bethere My second chuildhood I hiave begu-n Sce pacgSlnile Wrapper Belciw. lng, of the ensterfi îocust, toreîcrs to lold aae tof drfn ethea overheated . the nagging pains of the ch .cd soIht ths aniot t e trals tha andc of noN or oading joy s." Studyl emyame alla as easy dyspeptic. The locusts,, properly ed ti o 1ebgtil htthe faces, the boa'îtifui hpyfaces, 'ltk sMacookod, ,vere edible. They constitut- th ierocht. i the oeso mon oir 0 u ae hrsi o nd ie F~Rr~Pa~ei~ ed one of the niost délicate of foods. Moncan.I s h i drc- about, andc yen li ari s KThey werc often sred to ioyahid5 ng, of a certain important letter. it beor fore thatucgdeo th CAFR E î v-l ici s the rudenoss of the clork that Lor .Ienus Chit ssùlcetoa muaateb~n'aos drives customers away. It is the imid the decaying physical and lnen- 77tEL wooual o siiaO n~o'~ burdeal of the bu7zfug Iocust. \'es, kind of diet. Thus some commen,,tinstr. nda- t 'i~ F~ TOPID IVER tor assri tot ti ligre o ticniloster. an laivers and (ioctors, taifclthtéli h burden 0fcs LL~tr asCNSTPATON that thf ol r couthet and inerchants and farjuers ai-d cm-1tcbzin out tot san icnThis thc burden of tie locust is I. ~ployés alite, me ail need thle grace 'very practîcal tem. Tcex P-,If ed with Pain because 1l digestive of Cod ini our liearts to overcome talotht tiough tic gos e 0 'O l PEWl organs have given out. The dinnor th ic t i noacsa ela h ece httog h opl o ofioutsxvii ielas.ac i'tead ll ti noace sicla i Jesus Christ is ago.d religion to of lcuss wich ie bs êten ns- litrials of lufe. ýC,~ae udies and cotentil cri-js ý 01] û of boing traîisfornied loto bloodl 7'ql dbus and yeteptbl iti is It asgelat re ~. ~ 'an-d belne and, nerve and oies-le- i uin mvbich are dnily ia de against Higion to livo by. ton itm 610KH1~AACH. l~og ike a lump of leadl within sad0rmnea oatscai shouldtake Chist vitii us3 to sling hlm. Otheis asethtat ti10 test is cd as among the insectile, rm o f the lullaby to the baby- aud to got DRï. À_ POTTErq. theilur of an agcd mail mLosec -multitudinous locusts. A good, tlîe early breakfast. it moians that r)ff adeqide ,bicl.opsierot en-îaciated( body, with ils shiivlled htP vehemcnt lîcalthy criticismn we shouïd take Christ witi us to iCci , crgatiin'ai chnreb, Bowmanvilie. 25C Gml libs and curved backbonc, lia;Sgogtt esiiiuj p oiep liarness up the horse and siuck - _ 11pn isolfthe or of te ult toerle man.rtl ouhif toar tiecdora. It meamîs that me should DENTISTRY.grassehopper. Thus 'îithoiî's in hiS av teaemon. ou ghtndan th e noi Christ to go into partnersiip f- C BONIIYCASTLE, L D 9 D S, Ho""e old atge mas supposod to have licou w-~teabtos ldad teuth us la business nd miot have Giraduate luDeiitistry of itoto Universitysprtithsan yta avg cenra Milier. Etrncechngd itot1i-schrpi.-inscte-orous message starts the sluggisi hila bo a sfient partoor eltber. It fi istdor West of Big 20, Bowinanville cause the Greeîk gods who had pro- blood coursing througi thic artories, simioîy mens me silould have Christ - mised hlm immaortality upon earth and volas of our iavalid body. Tt î ns a practical helpmatel during the MISS ETHEL MORRIS, iad refnsed to endoîir uni with etOr- mieni an srnsy is inivading a fori. mreek day as weli as a Sabbath coin- JIZ7TXST. Instructions given ia PAINTING fiai youth. landfl that the commanding general is paion on our way t hri 13, Cil. Water Colot, and C('ana. Sketchi,,gand But, thougli mony interprotatiolisnos crfuabtilsctsad_________ ri,i igfrom naturýe. KILN on pemise, lir, r11-t crflaou cusad il gRat nua] priecs, i1.6m. are ofiered to explain the menîmg of sentries and countersigns and powx- nsy text, tlioî' i5 one siample inter- dor and bullets and guns and coni- jPRINCE OF WALES DIADEM. DIR. J. C. MITCHELL, pretation mlîiciî, 1 beliove, wxill ap- missary supplies. It is, when a mari 1 MU .M BER OF COLTEGEOTPRYSICIAxs réal to tic commion seasoe of ail. fecis that ho is, comnpletely surround- Periaps tlie Mnost remarkable lîead- .LIand Surgeons, Ontario,Coroner, etc, solomon used the ligure of tic eiirp- ed by rivais and by honest crities gear whfci the coronation Propara- Residence, Ennlitkiilen. 74 ing grassmopiier to illu-itraLtc thec met wlio do not lielievo in tie way lie is, tory brouglît forth is îîot théc King's _________________________that if w e do îîot haveo the grace doing th-at ho puts forth is best crown, but tint of tié Prince of )of G od la our hennis there ili cole elrisadiv utoWales. The existence of this di adera A. E. MoLAUOHLIN, a time mhen the lîttle aIiIoyances of eege dlisPtohas beon generally ignored. mlîici. is Etrriî ter, Solilitor- and Conveyancer. Offce- lii e wili tease and tautalize and FRIS IGIIESI STANDARD. excusable, as it has nover figured Uh kley Block, King street, Howmanyillctobeuee stebzigo r h eal tteTwr xoaey to an ai reaonable rates. 48-lyr, .'oui s vaa i uz fa But tiere is a Christian as mdll as amnong te ngaautheowr _insect eau dostroy tihe slumnbors 0f a an um-Christin way of Meeting the and was only once wora by King> ]ROBERT YOUNG, V. B. sleeping inxalid, or as thé slktmlninlg criticismns of rivais and of tiosýe EdwaiU, and thon lu India on the ('EIC N ~ LOo f a door makes a nervous pros- who anc jealous 0f our success-es. One Occasion of us great: Durban ut F C LIN TownRail I Kotanc, wer hewl b trated patient start up la friglit and way 1, to doa lttegetDelhi. It roserubles an ordinary run à lrom 8 a. m. te 9 p. m. Night cafis at bedews his eold forehead with clans- disciple of Socrates, did wien ho corouet, but its appox beurs a tuf t rpsiderce, directly oppeôýite Dii Shed. il-lyr myv sweat. Tic wfsest of ail mn ma todtn vats osl in e f fonCiers tippod witi gold. Tioso sensto say to you and me, "Tcstreets more laughing ut ehis singing.artitMfetrs0'icfrw, jýAREIAGE LICENSES,-M. A religýion 0 f tic Lord Jesus Christ is Ho ansî-vered, "Tison I msust Icaru wiici is tic rarest meinîber 0f the .21JAM'Es, Issuer of Marriage Lieums'st u t s e ,ecntýl for the litile to sin botter, so tînt tîey wiîî not f unîily of tic bird of prdsA Reilienüe; ceaire 8treet. troulyles as for tic big, for tie mn- laugi." The otior may is to do as tic foniwai is net or,.ly uncosumon -sectile trials as,ý for tic mountailsois Alexander Pope, tic valu and super- but also fréquents the hIýnns of tfg- a 813PSON & BLAIR. afflictioni." Tiseý iou-Pose of tbis 5Cr- senîsitive poeo f England, nsed to ers, its capture is aii matte r of tie r.B.SIPON Qo., CHAS. p. BLAIR mon is to dsuseinme of tic littie do. Instea,ýd of going ailend and do- grca'tost danger nnd dmfficulty. More- PoîlteaSoieorNetaries, etc, isforriI5 annoyancoS of 111e and to state îom iag tie mv(rk tint God gave hlm to over, 't muet becagi aiv and FIÇÏI ï;,-Uý_1ý',Rin Siee. owmnvll byth grceôfGod, me may com- do, and on account of is enemies' tic feathen plitckedc frenr, tic te-i of Blk 4-iis in tet omnilab h rc ftic living bird, as inistaaty ifter Si1Lsfer- tte Ontarie Bauk. Private bat thons. I want to prosent u criticissus doing it botter and botterdeite plmg osislur. soya car.o at owesixatmtheme to tiie wiose physicai and all the tlîîîe, hoe wasted nîost of PisRocits trmakbein ti menal rasie hve oos penatue-tise in bickorings and backbiting Prince of Waies' featherls took 20 fi. F. HUNTEIC, !y meakouied iy tic strenilous, lard- and Iu tnyiag to dcstroy tic répsuta- years to coîbeci, cost the lives of a 'R RBSTER,SOLICITOR,NOTAR' ,,o,.Iriiig lives they have bencol i-S tions oftoseîm oe attacking dozen huniers anmd arc wonili £10,- ,J1 Publie Cenvoy aî.eor, Ittney, Private ad pelled to bond, as mdil as to tiosýe ui. The one may 18 to do as ID.00 iQompanîý Funds tolead at iewesi current rame, mioseoOnde strong bodies are border- L. Moody dld. I-00a0.ttc i 0)FFICýES:,Kia g St., opposite Dr. Haradea' i-ig p nenvotis collapse on accourit of lits 111e to nover iaidividually at- fleta Rcus.Boaîavibe i Sx" of thec naturai tack a perseon mio had attacked hlm. THE LOVE 0F MOTIIERS. $ "O dllo 0 TO LEND APPIIOACII 0F OLD AGE. Tic more M~r. Moody mas persoual- Anîong tic lomer animais the mo- ai.5 Vru 0 on goed mort- The kitchen ad nedroomas nd nors- ly assailed andi misrersned tic tiîer's love for lier ofispriag lasts F re go eculilty atm.eaei mes oi ilt ta,Mooh-ulgotCdinpae A.R.eLucraqiiiîrewaniîeo~ ery and parler of tic avcrage honeme iî.odgoo dinra on oay until the offspring. arc able to ~ . ad ask tic Divine Fatien to muake shif t for tiemsolves. Tic ion miii 1_611rex cal many of the s0 called petty lus lfe, so pure ad troc tint ticrefotadigtorledmnciks an ummîoacs th mi i ao rad morl iiglst not rejîsin in Pis heurt any but wica tlîcy become featiîered and rorîofmh ta îhpp initic epaîd ou f het cause for tic charge mhlch Pis caoe- cosmce to do their oma f oraging xvi c ad noher. 1 tc u-mies more making. Tic othen may tic niotiier ion becomes indilieenat llIûUIJHUbandU iotîra ti b e a fne is to do as niany others are doing. teotern ansd thinks only of hatehiîsg --early la tic mornig, mica tican derogatory us and combot u Will~~~an stinin abouttc otefrt ane il o çrthteepi fouian tîîe on e caîf enîy dur- W'ii P a Blck~oc onticfisi amupe mii nt ork cht xenP and our work, me prove, tint mc are iog tic ssickliag penied. Caninie Mondav of oaci inonth. at Orono 2nsf fies iom tie grasshop.ier Mauy Pc- not falseiy cendencnd in ail par- damns ceuse to showx affection to ther Monda,' aIl dai, and ai Newcastle It doine a burdea. It ls the trouble of ticulursý. tlîat ut Toast me have ts rga fe i up g. S Wýýednesday frons 2 p Ms. gcttiîîg thse cildron off to sciool ut the pfrîîaimbcuom otrogi ate ete aisima agdonio Omca'TempranceSt.,Bowman. the rigin tiîe, wiea tic ied îmotb- îuating for tPe faults in our acigi- ilwteP.maseis iemtr lvi!lle,rear of Higgiil)ubi',s dirug store, or finds tint lion boy bas moru a ber 's lives instcad of trying miii nulo intinc emnures théy milleri - hoýe, la enet0 ilse siocings pad divine help, to correct- the evils- mn -youn 1g 0005 arc icplss nïd couses 1~. rfl tereLe otnooie Ican pai te 0r owuý. mcmi thcy bave groma np,. Rlom dit- _&U K pu-,tig ou. hi pis 'o ticr unnya c l Tlis, nsy brother, I maut you, iy feront is tic love 0f a- îiuïnaîî ne-tso iunio u apan 0 sisor maitic Grade of God, to risc hlgier and for lier cildren. Týint love nover C.IAR D NLD.. your litile girl lost wi'en sic tooir Iighior in tic spiritual bile auil ut dies, and seenss te. grow More lat- C.dut 0f PRoyal Cllege . thorai to inuke doil's dresses, It is lat you are ut an altitude above teaso uccording ns tise, chldren lie- G Rliit f h ovlCllg f tic anuoyance of iavinig the butchen and ont of car-shot of the buzzing cone bosl dbseoriyo t u Denal urgons Onanl nn le goceymas ml t Pnugsound of tic bocusts of Inuit flnding iblack sicop is 0f ton tic bost bo- GIFIE-ppsio .inha'sofic.homse the roget.ablcs aad tPe meut in consmies. 1 mont you to risc sO îovod. VITAL1ZppsieD T, gAnIR ofie tiale to ho cooked for dinuer. And lîlgi in tic spiritual l11e that -you - thon theo is tie anuboyandd to tic will net cure mini people May say LD UZN iif ofJ1 p hleausng is mefbns acot or tuit about you or youns as long LD UZN plainTTc II'fTÉNIfl hit mas ic n tn as yon en brng these people to Lady Curzon, videroine of India, a, rvcd 0f tise, ti h agn love and live for Christ. R1usny Chicugo wman, is activeby cngaged ile toc ail god s hokers oftl spcaking, it is amfily liard to Pour 1in pronsoting every sort of philan- Paxl ing' alot go peobkepî' la fr tie potty unnoyances of or niigb-1 tirepic mork amnoag tic native o J ~dinner ut tise lasi momnt ivien you bore, criticising youý and snyiog mie f i ouiy ic Qena Thsis la dy màtie :-Eac-a year as e- iPdetthn ad miaas tigs about your w%-ip and Victoria, memorial, mil u u the new impro cenis are placod onar n hase noîing suni abne ini cildron. Tt le sard fromas n hman undertukes lu udvne, is tic oct- li îakiImwasmaei aspe1tal laront haoe otien s. tb i tise siu on orfanIs- -îniî a gromu of the Lady Dufieria méedical - ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ --- - ----- o a o u i-ig sbe isfo i ---- d vigo--- tin tic-- iaad io V o~'t1 th skn v. ý,~O i-as' un' you ýut fr tie ilvr las iot he ld igo, tat he andmeut affords a safe and certain cure. It BELIEF.spoon-if you morîid eîly ast. Piia whini once grasped and w'ieldcd tIse M cerna te be iniIesalel scores IIER BLIEF.to iolp you to bear tPe'burnc of luIlt of a smord mnuet nom do the of tiousands 0£ hemes; fi( centts a box, "Vlon believe in short engage- tic g-rassloppen eiali choies anouid Ise olS Peome- ai l dealers, or Edmnanson, Bates & Co., issents, don't yen, dean?" asked tie if it is imusïortaîsi for wiNe and steud. Iu is liard to knom tint uP- Toronto. lhnppIy an cpd ler.motiiers teý PaN c tPe gcoof GoS, on ici treiîbhiîîg sulreof ol r "hotengagemenots hacve nîmnyvs la oee>eecuietcilat'i g.ce P cilt0 sî been 1nsy raieu, daniing,"1l rcp", sic.ý mai ; Putco f ic srliqimesl-gasoo's oyeabcm Alld even thonu le dlid îîot en uil, is alto imotn frhsbudmn îny cnuingbre ba~~~yr. Punchbaiý1s and Iaiîs -1 rCos t omyIrcdasdtedc~n WIIY WGtIL 18 8~i ~I1EAP ALFRED IIIANSELI, SIREWSBUJRY, ENG. Objections to Legisiation for Pro- tection to Wool Grow- ors, Thc objectionîs to the proposed IliC-eru-nenaillhtare rathes- stngiy put by tic Textile World, a paperi jadgiag froni its nainc, milci Phas ïus synupathies saialy mith the mnfudtuu'ens. They ointe tuinu if thue bill becomes bau no fabrie con- taining île sligitcst proportion caf mool mili corne into the United Sta tes, for tiere is no inethoti k-nowna ir mais of detcrmining how mmmucciof tise wool in a f ahnic hue lieu anS hou isanch Pas not been subjec ted to a aîanufaciuring pro- cess Pcf ore it mocheS Chie ailimicro it mas luot coni cnted into cloth. This, I ains inormed, is incorrect. Thé Bradford Ccndiioning IHouse ena doterusine irhut amuy fabrie is mnaSo of by actual poncentages. Tt is etatcd tint tic Custom flouse officiais dan distinguieli cottelilin- on, silk, unS certain othor fibres from mool anS moellensheoddy; but they ii Pc forceS eltiien to refuse adm"ifission to tic goode or accepi tuie statcmcît 0f tiheiimpor'tern ns to hou saniclu ool siodSy thore is lu thse cioti. THTE NEXT OB3JECTION las neferomîcc to theo onactiint tusat ail goods insuuufaciurcd prion to tic passage of tic Aci, anS w'hich hmd passeS ont of the maSds of the man- ufacturer anuS Étie iiigrderiots of uhici. are foi Irmo, shahl be label- bcd 'Manuactured prior to tic Pane Fibre Adi: compositiounot knomn." TPie article ia qucstiou ceatentis tint tPe sanufactrîred gootis tias pluced under a bau i ouid aîsprcaach in valiue $850,000,000, and liy label- liag ihomn they wouid Pc ca-si under suspicioun egardlese of iucit. This, 1 Cake it, couid Pc ninim- ized +,0 a great extent by postpýoniuîg tic bill comning iato operation until a ycar or se hsuS lapseS fr05 uis bccoming lmm. Wiien margarine mas solS ns but- ter a great hue anS cry iras nuiseS, ,ind ighly so, because the fat of ais e::xvs mas scig soiS as Cie produci caf ah ou nd no, orseoti, becususe na siiiiplO miua'osCopic examnhation (as lý tipcaenso ithi umargarine) miii not d iîsdiose thue lu us, mc anc ColS ini CIlsý article that no attompt mnusi lie made to protect thc public anS ensure thdr Pchng nble to puchuso a pure moellon gansent. Difficul- tics mere muSe to lic ovrcie, and me sionîd net Pc content to sit dowiaunS tahcc h as an accepteS fuel, imt uliore je ao solution of Cliiitariblent. Anotiier, difficîîty tîmat tle uriers sec is iliat honcot manufacturcas of gecads eomîaining 90 per cent. of îî 00 w'ouid tag Cluein us ixod on shoddy goods, muilet tPe isionest manufactturer cf goode coniaining 90 per cent. of sioddy meald tag tiens as al mool. This difficulty nîay arise, but 1, arn under the ins- p res ioisn Clint te mcsnk fun90 per cent. of shoddy a coneiderable anaient of coiton mausi ho used, anS tie dsueonesi manufacturer mouiti probably inS issei MULCTEI) IN A IIEAVY FINE. As iciore statcd, undoabiedly seinse sPodSy is Ian btter, ad mouit muake a better clou uthn some sorts tf foncign, lbm-grade Kcîapy mooi, but tiese aione, anS net adurau't- ed, mould not iake ri -,ih to de" dive anyonc, ami" nerefore mouid not cossa-to uith any ectepit tc udulter-sced goods. lian tihîre are mny ifficulisinsl the way of gettiusg practicul bogishu- tije on tic subject cannet ho del nieS, but tle inmportanuce of prosiot- ing houu'sty amnst inaccturers anti protecting île people ironsIim- position dcmnads tic ooious atten- tion of tic Logisînturo of ahi civ il- izeti coumtries, becacuse, as a matier of f net, it u eabiy conceneîstic musses of tic Peoplee more Chais tic shseep nmen ulo um-e dinectly inieresi-' ed, because under present conditions ahi tic pooner clas ses are ontlnely clatiniiiticemduiraieti goodo. Tmore dan Pce no rquesion tiat tic nsajoriiy tof auciu anS monuen uho go into a sisop to purclu se moolleii gootis have no kneîvleclge of tic cx- tcnsive D'oud Saily pcmptruicd in seliing thîci geeds hargeiy comiposeti of -subsLi1itts for mool, and tiaýt 90 petcent. f tic buers hse uo d ýýtt wirl atilg erw'e111g, t1ley areCU etu u'dmsg a article from mwhielu ram mool is con- THE MIIODERN POLICY. soicaous by uts absence. This Presses ieavily on tic labor- Briieh lVunicipalities Carry ing and nitisan classes, mhso pacti-TiirOnUlte. cally mever get nnythiing cxccpt so- TerOn tiis enlieS cleap goods, but, uhici mould Thes policy cof municipal omner lic more trutPfnlby designatcd if cali- and eperatioîs of sireet nailmayi ed bo-priced goods. Iu is contend- muking rapid progress in tiec ed tint even if the prude more soiao- cd Kiuigdosi. Ont of 213 ander wiîat oniancoti, tic gunle wooliea inigs, mith n total mileageo f1 gansent mould gire a greator comn- about 100, miti a miiongeo0f for't and icultis, mear mach longer, belong to tic local autiorities. anS in uic end prove mach more eco- tranmays, ommed by Bimni nomical tin adulteauted goode. Edinburgh, Olham, anS twc r In conclusion h beg to express mny four otimer tomîîs, are lcased, but seisse of obligation to, tic nurnsroas tendency le tomas-S municipal c1 cornospondenis in E ngland. the tion. Binrminghsamnsl a gooti United States, andi Cnnada for mcch ample caf profitable leasing, bat vuluable information supplieS il) me. conporatiou Pas decidcd to mu palize thse service ns tic lease; HOW TO CIÂMB SSTAIRS. ia. Ediabunglu, miti total re of £57,660, hue a surplus profi Go Slowly, Treadl on Bal of Foot £5,230 afior siîuking fui-d payai and Don-'t Lean Forward. but is iuviag trouble miitite TPose stairs miii ho tic deth of punies. me ye, Yoa Pare icard tic cx- Trmwnays are operatoti ns wl pressiou of sucisenuimeunt, if, indeed owncd by forty-one municipali you haro niot bu tich probnbiiity of anS, as ncurly ail own tieir cie tic sasne aavoiced pnopîecy, says a ligliting snpply, tic introductioi unitr l MedcalTuli cictric traction is pnoceedin-, Girls cempiain to ni,, )f linekache, nonsicaluy. Tic mails objeets aa'd quickly say. "Vou kuom 1 have this pnhir'y are reduction of f to go up anuS doxvstairs s5 mach ssencldvlpei o tuis year." Tic fligits to mîicliurbe, and ticeiniprovomnet of îîcy a-cicr are in a toma hall ; tic tiiode of traion, but mien the stops arc higi Stic fligite are vestimeats required for equlpr long-yet >sose ea im ib tiens ev construiction accouint, aind tie ernu uinies a day unSmiunet have a disse cifprivate cons01panies, grmnbluig- back or aay otîier uncoi- bLeca iquiidated b hu ic oratio fontable resaît. Tic secret les in siaking funde, tic trummmy tic may thsey do it. mili ho a largo source of profit A girl is puttiog a sovene strain on tie lien backis mhcî suie goe up stuia's RELIEF OlP TAXPAYERS. using a ioasy, niai-footod tr'amp Glasgow baS hast year a hal Sic- is cacomfortable, tic heavy of £1-17,888 from horse undS ci stop jars lier spine anS icad, anSdilS traction, of uiici £12,500 uerl inake tic ordenu ns short as possible tPe common good, ad the nomsi sic hurries, amiS possibly runs. Nýa- of ulîich une required for iate tnrnlly tie body remensimate ut depreciation, geucmal neserve, sudh unjuot treutient. sinkîng funS. Liverpool lsad a I hure matcied curefully tic mri-anoce of £ý147,056, of miich £16 non mhidi mosi people adopi unS mus uvaiilublo for tic relief of ihink you mili agnoe tint this 135 a payers. Leds lPaS a gnose prof very coninon spectacle, one wman £61,797, anS a surplus-of £31, 1 iroquently' sec usccodîîmg staîrs ulter paymcnt of sinking fanS leans sofui' oser tint wheu Sic interest, £21,058, bcing applied turne tise spiral sic invrniably puis tic relief of rates. Sheffield i hem uinnds on ticetipper staine. morkeing balance of £48,657, Try anotlueî' uy if you manit to £h0 000 mus transferred fnomn feei ah tPhe exhiiumtion anS buoy- surplus accot lainrelief of i ancy of an excellent exercise. Kocp Tic gross profits of other tom:s thte meiglît w cli over the advanced Bradford, £6,989; Aberdeen, foot, mii tise ciesitich furtiereet 769- Blackburn, £1 2,423; D( point fonmard. To sirike only tic £2,948; Halifax, £9,076; Souti bail of ,tPe foot on theo atair giros ton, £11 940, aniS u £23,000 buoyaacy of step to Msost people, lMalncester le- in tic trans aithugi5050Clam~ tcy an pacestage, but uili l lave in tic cous tic miole foot lighly on tic stairs a 'fou years 150 miles of eci to good adrautage. linos anrier municipal opera' Be sure and tako youn tise. Be- Loudon Pas a uonkiog halac memaber yoa areistilsg the meigit £12861 Irons is nortirn of tic body many tises, and it is soutiern tranmays, but it is ai. no iiglst exercise. cd by iatenest anS siaking fanS Tic morkthti back bas to do ougit monts. Huddersfield le tie to bc no grenier gomng upsiaIns cor- toua Paving a Seficit for woc nectly tian miwen on a lerel. Tie expense, aithoagi Dundee b; legs are th~ enhers of your bodily balances its accotat. About comnsuniiy uhici 'ougit to peni ors nom schonssfon tic municipe tint service for you. tion of tramways arc nom ia I Pave knomu m 'edieul autiorities grese. to rocommend mabkiug up stairs coi-_______ rectuy as gooti exorcise for reduding AIYO YSC NS promnoct abdomen anS relieving la- FfIL FPYIIN digestion. Thie aumber of, tiose'bearng Tierefore, tic cosmoaiy concecred ame of Lister miso have bocu bsugiear of soîno ieuet.eepem's suy cnt in miedical science is renesani Pecose a boon. Ticy ought to Edmard Lister, educatod ut reaci thc top of thue stains exhilarut- andi Camsbridge, mas n physidial cd, feeling tic glou of healtisini Elizabeth anS James I., and exorcise. youngor brother, Sir Maithew, tic sasne office to Anne of Demn SCRIPTIJBE CAKE. Jamies h., anti Chane I. Mi Lister, son of Sir Martin and 'more mas a ciurch bazaur in the hem of Sir IMatticu, mas a fi village of Cosrie, Sirutheurn, Scot-zogitadscn hiin hand, Augusi 23, unS n novelty ai ue ne Lord Lister lis nem one 0f tie sînalis iras a sale 0f mnw iswiharsadagser0ti iras calbeS "SenipturG cake, hiisPrf ye f Eibrî ma i egot desnand. it mas mSade '0 0 dabri r tPen fiinst emineoco. She aecormag s macmoilofinthecîp Take four and one-inîf cutis of I. Kings 4, 22 (finsi clause); oaeandS 000 mlif dupe of Judges 5: 25 (last clause); tmo Cops of Jereminis 5: 20; tîro cups of I. Sansuel 30- 12; imo ceps of Nau 3: 12 ; one ccp 0f Isumbers 17: 8; tmo tablesipoonfuis oaf I. Samuel 15: 25; seaSon to taste mith I. Cinonicles 9: 9, six cf Jeremials 17: 1h, a pindi of Leviti- eus 2: 13, ml a cup of Jutiges 4: 19 (but.iag pcamder). Fiusaiiy, folloml Solomnon'e prescripion, Proverbe 23: 15, for usmking a good cuilS, and you have a good cuare. TIB,'S AN "P' IN NEEBLE. "M;cm do ycau opel1 iseetile, Luch by?'" asredthe titocher. "N--iS-ic.needl," mus the re- "Won," suiS tic teacien, ineetLelee" erslip te is Unit- eriai- 1,307 f689, ýThe venty- ut the openn- iunici- s faîl it of nents, Scoin- hutes, lectic ou of ý' eco- ts caf f ares, mue- e in- ýmeut, pur- have an of eervice it for alance lectil ai to aSner Lresi, nd abai- L6,045 tait- Ofit of and Sd for, had n andi tic rates, s are, 1£8,- lover, ,amP- )0. cition te of' lectnie -tiof. ce caf and ssorb- ipuy- eonly arking )an0ly flfty aliza- pro- the ensin- -kabie. ;Eton an to is filleS minark, Ilartin Enep- -sous au to )w 75, le iae aSunr- Ledieti Trhe hideou-1s evidences of scrof nia are very embarrassing to everyone who is afflicted by iL Trhe sores on one'ýs face-disfiguring and unis-ghtiy-are, exceedingly humniliating to everybody, e particularlyto soie younggirl whocherishesher appear--i ance and longs to have a clear and beautiful complexion. Miss EdythCooper of Cornwall, suffered severely 'cwith scrof nia, and tried every possible mean ls to get'> well. She couid obtain nothing that could do lier good - until she tried Ozone. She' s a warm, friend of Ozone's now. Read the letter she seuds us. "After suffering froni serofula for a long time, for rhieh medical aid seemed of no avail, 1 started to use Ozone, and to-day ara thankful for the complete cure it bas performed '-ii n y case. 1 could fll columnis witb~ words of gratitude, and then nlot express the joy I feel at having fouuid sucb wonderful produet, which cured me af ter physl lans bad pronouneed my case incurable. 'II canuot recommend your Ozone too high,'y." (Signed) Miss EDYTHI COOPER, COrnWalI, Ont. Physicians, druggists and men who know about ît, endorse Powley's Liquified Ozone because it is f-o good in curing disease. Ask your druggist about it the next time you see him. He may know someone who lias tried it on a bad case of scrofula and lie can tell y * just what the resuits were. THEGOZONE GO., of Toronto-,, Llmited, Termi,-to an-'Chic3,ago. a f 0w years ago. -But for Lord Lis- ter's grent discoîeýry in 1867, kuomai as tic aatiseptic ironisent, tic( operation on iog Edmnu'd cu not posiÀbly h cv been attempteil. Lord Lister has tic distinction of Ping the firet medical peer.. "NO." On the corner-sione of tiai fabnic whici mc cniihle' aniood is en- graveS tic monosyllable "No." -le wi'o canly leuras tic use of tint in-. vaînabie mord Pas already leîned tic xay to pence, unS consfont, antd sniety. Au easy comapliance frus- traites everytuiing. _Respect for othere need not degeocrate into servitude ; but respect for onesel f-tint le tic very alpha and oscega of ail inuarri cmand. If tuis globe more coolcîl to 220 Segrees heluzoro centigrade, tise, caimnOspheire m - ,ould bcm iuS anSio ason of gas laboult 35 fotdeep. j 2