NewStvo~ ~BON J) A We open the season ap - ~ with a magnifleent as- >1 peti' sortmnent of1 Stoves and ther Ranges.of Swas ann Wesel.toves of a sir erior quaahty only, those that put The Çjanadiall Statesinan WMNVILLE. OCT. 1, 1902 WEST DURHAM ELECTION. despatch from Cobourg, Saturday s:TheWest Durham election trial ne off here this morning at the Court use before Chief Justice Falcon- dge and Mr. Justice Street. Mr. E S. iHuycke, K. C., of Cobourg, eared for the respondent,Mr. Rlobert hý .1. P. No one appeared for the Âtioner, James McCormick, and no lence wap offered. The petition was ýefore dulv dismissed, thus conflrm- SMr. Beitli in his seat for the balance thparliamentary terni. ;o ends another fissie, There neyer , any evidence to offer and the noyance to whichi Mr. Beith bas been twas the outcome of 11-feeling on West En«d buse. (We can Save 1011 Iioley on Your Fali Wants.) West End Bouse. A Savîng of lYonoy on Boady-tomWear Skîorts. SkirtîS Tliat Fit Wdll And Made Up Out 0f Good ClotLh, s only Black- and Girey Serge Skirts, silesia' lining, velvet bindingegr27, for $2.00 il1 only INavy, Grey, Black and. Tweed Mixture Skirts, good wearing celoth in every one f them; some have velvet bindin.), others brush binding, ail of them lined with good silesia and linenette; some have plain seams, others raised, worth as high as $3.75, for 2.75 8 nnlv Navv. Black and (4rev, Pure Wool. lleavv Cheviot Skirts. made Un with<omt lininLe .4 5