L, asuf-111Lnt pl-yunT-e aine t acren for, s oi ta unül iynirnli ndilT Lr a pevou t eviafuiofotmikand the \white of an Gladstone, and Cccii Uhuýdos, affect age. T-da I an lit ouse m sricea elssowtc a hedogg beaiten to fa foafs. Battili the destines of theirgnraiad --a ~ fi' mescl rc aiysei-the sormy, ndetiih,.coaxiin uted lu0 to the"c], and wui(s)oneuon liglitund ay there is nu living proaiypus- is only Chat i tobecxpc id-n: basten the old îman'Idl t, as the u1ý f fl lesw oismw fP ehggnkýP short tlbat Iarn breakling iut,. lHe:'a cuiprit. The deducil o eenedthpudJels]b ofspirI fooit I to yncnoJman uulder- uny posIble une la xiw 0f my1ubvor grutale lîst wedint of ruIta, otbree nlnd na ah pnds fbaudUpbneccloslwelh stnd ltsown body bulorta nweg o i ueeet nu sAmi onfacieth 0f an uih tbický, tablepoontul aIl,0f--i-n-mon andare seMnuwededgpltes oltit aspic andgratd nandg myei. lan dues lot bekupnthe peculuIarmnus lenLployed',. By clave'im A SURE SIGN.ýýjý in a few short tee h es, vids omne seans leW s mon then adnia- tley . anm be surfnced. Thon t1he ia-PuptefibotatevierlaaStl ualdtic to I hae sudid msoif for years.It iusteribn teauicus drug lu his 1,île- dxîdal*eesar iud rbocn ntil Soft, res"trogha clne,bsweundadscsrg ht wîi ftl t n), a lu in. P ( l()ý ?ofifotduilled thr1, glstlie coneread, liRidîmond, if you lad stfudied 1mY nihat idea coutd be dtmise a fr nHUp altjee ogsCain rpsWi-Pick unIy (weard' for the itml a h er case you couild fltbave descibed woe.1Row, tien y It struck me1une unehurdth anid tfythu-sun rpe f e sî, eiugOe0ftea nditva ttg t:1w syu]ptomIs clearr." thbat the so(luin uuId ounly 1-'o ar- adhuvapod arulrihelaxr arflfofL ra:li kn.mareaie elother.said'itLOs as tf eeywodws ao cffrt. Tbpotnt 0 hcîn itsvl C ord-and tf y-six touadtiTelg- wtbodwtr u it eterci say that ILira ast,ýoishdluwauolid h si'sdtl oine, est ("LuuHM n~>îui îî ~ o u ilerbdeti ithaynd vna- A nnau bý en araid to puti mi dl .wa iposibeCorme.ore l.iTlatcano betrnbeaue hord!- Tcrie, am wyl n , for my dutng su would uny fi 'd fabout Iine oo-îudrdt isu aalag. Cuvler up and J l e lem cook ýlehý1di 1ýý 1nýýad1f Prolideti wtth h e azini dote ie l d Caretullyu tura offa w ;,1 e liai juice ni sIfg acut urii." .ad in '1ýtli "As !rue as hmevas arcl is merACANAL W!RKED!IlAMOPEL with litnIula tic a olsss.Jut he lca wrtyknw os," lie whispeïordosule(nay -"r-lie- - nANAuldibe shoefor somefdays. linm e hat1Iaui beng siwt pisý- ilnî pecediya wld'spkenh il, A osti aos ~tmis pcl- Scal at oncei. hv! ae1dlitus.as Jamlie, ,vin-pSsing bIly, an-d ti oued."ohtir renurrc< toy wmmd, 'and 1like ptucd b(I lyah;ici the dîrectur 0f th JelyaybemtiebyLnkli ng the I aï u unpnpaedfo)r the an- sa flash the wy e deîciitself LuoISuez Canlian tlinia fi nce ime s e pof cOtuns of Pur iceasaiere, iami, an oiunete u L)ilg n~ucmafor,"rulu to tlithe men. Net orning, atter a conversa- exact oslition uti l v->ssels Pnsi sed for crab a "pple jcyAheIl stLue? "spoicinlad Sbeclub itlae as I1Lionwitli bis turtihiCho wsecaiti tîougi iL. Amtieodl ts laced in, th O RSRVSFRN. 'es"ndJaieasleoote ]f i nitm at ithe table. a ne n,, l I .1 eti theTuners, anti offce fut or.t Siand tce wioleu, oniý ýifýýh okIl toadshm n akn lt ritmypnoLdy oe stuu eurbs 'oteeralth wus durrng . lie9hrugi yohe e uL ea. My', exmnîin and quesiunngsc gcepu nid me, aoti y Jo,nyLon ,,f cadi sl eig srsd< byperfSct uns , lay smoutlpbptei imade suiuion convicion. T ihere the flre 'gouesthe bell. lleen, JInmustrmapire n the nmudl. I 1thus newspaper npt ILu]presulner "S gove no'euh%< gno gnm- wasnfl o Uc eat doubt of it. Ienve ryou ito finih" th-onurl uite easy Lu arranage forves-sls atrak. lamel'My su remain un- ously, aad recooenuîing su re- MI sucs<rng ron the Cuutui Jimhe m oe and wotnoaawr asgCaIothe. LUi rturnirg Iotu WiY. FAi rose lucantlys ndie froinVaugirard ta bis lbrn.new i, vair- s1bip "Pax," for -a irsýt TRIýAL 0F ITS POWVýERS. At a heigIlt it tI, otabo"ve the c 1]ywhegreat bonsudayc- 'odd, ndmit al d iLs psegr shut owawrds lroughthIle nai. Th etweýs tHe mure fis H [be- cause thoinvento)r had harýIdly ever mil lled a stlatitient eothuig tha te oplatibon ut Bel-lium ish the onset laEurpe, here bce lordship couid do notàing unider theý circtunstanes but acquiesceý, aniL 'Lady Cuwoper was accrwd inilgly broulithom ,frîn umeto 1become- wudhave \ en the irst to m- liaior matcho , ae L nsalo In th yoar when ticpe sn tmptuus ouîgPrince, i t vnsd- sire %- hy i ohtai e sbhoulcmd vmarry an1d sti iw.Accordlingiy anl alu (f 4 t otrisof URoyal gagmon ws putin fllits way, ant -veriv effort mad te ")imnuo hlm ito indicat it( is chuice. IdeiL was snd th1a1ýt the Prin; 1ce wns not low cd aiue'spene ;and tn ina fit ut% depe lto nledayii ý, e dasliede 1nt1;s mtirsbuoranti thus deo red inîse :f*.'lOo()k ïlr,, motlier1 21, forU'i e 'C1SUsIke e lec 1t bu ciitý thatbi albmanyl wv>i)maa i y(-ui con- s lirft tu ;)0your uure dau1,ghter!- Anla, ndllmarry sraiv toff!, bav1ld frHicepat ree moatisýjL, I nia oi, 11t insae."The 1-prs iUdrickwn1,,sauprlsýod a's ,we i laS1 ple'-1ed, ,dfie prosenjtEmrn