Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 11 Jun 1902, p. 7

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Cenuiine Lijttie Liver Pise Must Beau' Signature of Sea Pac=SlmiIc Wrapper Bltsow. ttakeas sugar. ~ RTE ~FOI HEADOAlL FOR BIZINSES. 1~ AO TORPID LIVER. P(L.FOR CONSTIPATIOLÉ FOR r! CMPEX7 NCURE SICK NEADACHE. DR. IL. PO¶'iER. ,fongregotiox ai c-i urcb, Bowmanviiie. -25-6 m* DENTISTRY. GOBONNYCASTLE,L DS,DD S, HTouer Gr.idiate luDetlstry of Toronto University 10[FIF:-Over Central 'llîiiery. Entrauce 1rnit door West of Big 20, flowiranvtlle MISS ETHEL MORRIS, .AIITIST. Instructiois glvenin PAINTING' Il uti. WVater Culer and China. Sketchiug and fIl ix iig f,-om nature. liILN on p enlises, fir igai uisual prices .51.6m. DR. J. C. MITCHELL, m4 EMB3EROF COLIEGEOF PHYSICIANS ..Li.ud Sui geous, Oiitarie,oCoroner, etc, Residence, Ennlekilsen. 74 A&.. MoLAUGHLIK. *eafter,8oicitor aud Coueyancer. Offlce:- ) ii ràs.kie Block, h51 g mttest, iloçmanili'. 'MC! ey te lban ai reasoniable rate'. 48-lyr, ROBERT IOIJNG, V. S. O FFICE IN UIISEV5 BLOCÇ, OPPOS 0ies Towt Ili Entraîtus. where hie wili bc ouxî d 1,-m S a, mi. te 9 1). mi. Night taiis ai residence, dîrsstly opposite Drill Shed. 17-lyr MARIlAGE LICENSEý,--M. Aý JIElýs, Issuer of Marriage- Licenses. R leueCentré street. SIMPSON &BLAIR. 1P. B.ý SIMPSON, Q. o., CHAS. P'. BLAIR SalieS olictors, Notaries, etc, Nlirri-t bruit, up-stairs, ing StresS. 8-owýmaivilïo ilc1iiters for t'e Otiaîlo Banit. Private moiixeys Iuai eS. at leu est i ates A REISI E ,S0 LÀ FO RNOTARY 'OFF ICES: Rt g St., opposite Dir. Harndsîî'e ,Denital Roena-. Bowmanvlie. il 6mý $50.90 0 00 ton od ot A,. IcL.Âuonaîzs..iolicitor,Bewmanville,Ont 16 -6m, D EIN 1 T S. Will be at Black-tock on the first Monday of each month. at Orono 2nre MondJav ail daý, and at Newcastle lst V'ednesday froîn 2 p nm. Orricxs:--Temperance St., Bowman. ville,rear of 1ligginbotham's drug store CHARNDEN, L.D.S. ,Graduate of the i1o% ai Colloge of Dental Surgeons, Ontario. 'OFFICE-Opposite T Bingham's office. VII f LIZED AIR. This is my reotto :-Eachi ýear as tho new improvements are placed on ÀI)VERTISIN4G RATES. Ti CANADIAN STANTESMAN is pî:blished evsry Wednesday maorning at the office 2d SiTTs- ACBlock. Ring StreeS, Bowmanviile. Oiit., by . A. JÂteas, Lditer anS.Propr-ietor. Subserip ýune 51.50 per aîteunt or $1.00 if paid sti-ictiy D, qdvance. Advertisin g rates, transtent uit er iing, ten centsa por linc. ftrat insertion ive sente per lins eaîch subst-Quent ineerann Con- GO à MONGR n[ Mr. Talmage Speaks o: .and B1essiný f the Ilorrors of War gs of Peace. iEttered according te Ait of the Parliameni of natien gî-oanîng under the weiglit of Ciiaas ini the year One ThousanS. Çîne Hue- useless ta.xation. It dccc net neod dred sud Two, by Wi1iia Pfaiiy, of Toronto, ae the Departmout of Asricuiture, Ottawa.1 te have fower merchants, fewor A despatch frein Chicago eayq: Ischool teachers, fewor lawyers and l{ev. Frank De Witt Talmage preacb- iiitei s' and memhanics and f amers ed freon the following text: Ezohýiel in ci-dec te have more piivates aad xxxvii, 3, "Can those bones livo?" lieutenants and captains and majors A dark, gructoe valoy, poopled and coeles anid genorals. If we with the strangest of ah eItratage have the right kind of homos, thoro hcsts, a great army ef bleached will be effilcers and arivatos reacly te skeletons, is the scoeue of the pro- pro teet the cossitry frein a loroign phot's vision. Araid the millitons feu whenover they arc nceded. AnS. and billions' cf dry bonies there je 'hat kitid of fighting meni do volun- neot the gleain of oeo ye, the boat- ter, mako? The very bout the iug et cno heart, the welcome of ene world has over Seeti! hau'dclasp. Ail are motionless. Ail DEEIS 0F HEROJSM. 1 are de-ad. Thon, iti the silence, A man nover flghts as weli as! there contes a veice askiug the 'no- whea ho is a civilian, taken eut cf montons question, "Cen thoeu boues the ordinary walhs of ie, te fight live?" Antd, strange to say, as if for thae defence Of his ewnahomne and. la answer, the drty boes begin te natiavc land. Where la ail the Pages! move, the joints, like rusty hinges, cf history eau yoafibid greator deeds creaking frein long disuso. The dif- than thosco oxhibitoS. by volunteos feront seoetons lift tliteiseives and Ah, la this lanS. of the free riithe stand up. Thon, stranger stil, these bravo we do net want a greater 1 seoeton orins stoop down, as WOv standing armny ! We do ueed, how- weubd te galber the frcub, ciean eover, more cocsecratcd homes ; w e buinn afttr a morning bath, and they do neeS. more fatimers anC methors elothô 'ëtheinseives li garnments, Of wlîo aili b-cilS.. the right kinS. of flesh and. leod. God first ashoS. fam-ily citis ;ne de îîocd the îight Ezekiel xhthor the dry bones- ceulS. kind of Christian charchos, wbere live. Thon (led showed the pro- those eilîdreti cauibo brought, in phot by visuat inanifestation that contract with Cod ;ave aeS those thoy ceulS.. Christian boys anS. girlsstaut e(la 1II\SPIRATION 0F EXAMPLE. the right kinS. of avecatietîs. Thon The donS. ef our bnttleaobcle arc in- wben war comeg, if it muest cernee teriuely alive te-day la thiir inspit'- the Christian homos cof the north ing exanspies. Every truc seldier anS. the s'aîth, the enut and the ktîows wn-tntI iean by the ovor- est, wil liS.d up their sons for the whelming power or a personal cx- battie and their daaghters for the ample. It le thîe abiiity which a fîeld bospitais. bravo leader, by a aoed of hereisin, The Christian cieaci of our battie- lias te instii the courage of bis ewa fields ai-e iîîtenseiy alive te day in lufe ito other lives. Thero cones a the heaveniy recognitions avich crisis la the battie. What dees the have lbren given to tlîer. Inapossiboe assaulting brigade commrander do? le it te suppose that God woubS. ibecs ho keep hie, position in the roar aiiow hie servaats whe dieS.lupon et his treope, whero ho lias a right the battlofid te go uni ewarded. te etay? lices lie send oneof hbisIn Tuthe beautiful sermon upoa thel staff efficers te iuad la the charge? îîîunt Christ pronounceS. a bieseing- becs ho look ai ter his owa eafety? on tlaue avhese lix os werc ful0f Oh, ne.le Sraws his sword and teaî-s and heartaches, poerLy and stops te the front of his brigade. pereecutien, sanader and death. Do Hoe hurriedly ettore a few iîîepiriug net Chiist's words appiy te these words. Ilc says; "Men, the safety brave mon ? bld they net exiltor of the whoie army depends uponi this eough ? Were net their wounds nievo. Eitber we mnuet captairc yen- dep onough ? Did not thcy henget' dur hili and break that eppesing enough and hax ,e hoaiosicknesseon- line, or elso the whoie force muet eugh ? DiS. net mnny a fair cheek- retreat et- surroncber. Seme cf us oS. beylunder hie bianket at night mny Lay down eut- livos thore. Xili scob himself te sloep, or, uinabie te yoîî fellew, me, mou? i" asI ne rîan siccp, keen on crylug. "Oh, mother, te go where I ani net ready te iead. mether, if I ceubd enly scec mther!" 1 ask ne man to'charge vbere it, In oe eof the national nieurne J1 may net be possible for hura te stop snw a lBie which had saxud a soi- over rny donS. body. Mon, will yea Sier's life. When the yemig t itan go? Witt yoe go?" And thon ail l&.t homte, hiesasothor gave it te dowii the lineocf titroats thcre cornes hlm. lit battle ho waS carryîng it in the bearso aneweî: "Ayc, generai, his- ceat peeket just omer the hoart. ve xiii go! We wil go!" Thbis was A flying latllet aliiest eut ittc xvy the aaay Maruital ŽNey did avhen ho tbîeugh the lBie, but it avas stop-' led the OlS. Guard down inte the red et oee of the leaxe of the ravineo (f Obain, arbore the Waterloo foUr gosidelS. Jbld net rnaiîy a dy- tragcdy was practicaiiy endoS.. Thie iag F e li- a v-e oftliese Bibbosi -was the avay Richard Neville, EnrliIn bis baud ? 1 îiLe ho twecp ocaur of Warwick, diS. tpon tue battIcllcld -it avben ho avas Syiiig fatr avay frein cf Barîiet, W hex the great. king- b orne ? Can Ged foi get bis Chi is- innkcr saav tiit bis treops wee -, tiati seidiers M-be dieS. uîon the bat- iitg routted, ho roe t t the top of tletl d ? No, ne ! The Pible de- the blli and. dismeuntoS.. Tiacre, crihes the ontrance luto boaxeon cf a aitiîin sigbt ef bis mni, ho drove Imlghty bout nîarcbiag tlireuirbtbe lis sxxord into the neart ef bis noble gates as beoe the toxieaving stand avar charger. Thon, bavicg cut oif ch an cx-rthly rider. St. John lu ai posblity ef peruonal escape, ho aplocaiyptic aision ct-led eut la rap calteS. lis, treeps, syiliîg: "The ture aîs ho saw thora. "W ho are commaînder of the Eîillish forces is tiieso nbo are arrayed iii white bure te cenquer oir die! Wil ils rclies, aîîd wbeuce canme tbey r" mcon be aiiliiag te die wlthî him?" Tieomut bave beau manar su-en The retroatiîîg soldiers, gathe-eS by bis prepheticeoye avbc camîe frein arouaS. their nocble leader anS.d (ied Oeur btic lt texvom the anuwei- by thoasands as the Fart cf War- that ho recelaod wouid appl-i, wick himsecf (lied. Wai- may hbcll, "Tbcse at-e tbu2y which can eout c-f as bas becia lluntly declared, but groît tribulaticn and haae wauhed by the bi.îan cf the. bot, iissing, their robesanruStade theiti xvito doînoniaceliantes of tlîat a u in- intue bieod oh the Lambl." ferne are cccii thie iereic ciceds cf AN INCIDEXNT 01 t'U1E CI-IMEA. nîany utuose noble haros Lave licou Wbon the ELiglisb. soldicîs carne trieS. nnd puiioS by the fies cf back, freon the Crirnea war, ail Lon- an eaethhy martyrdenai. doti turned eut te grect thora. Aftor A BATTLEFIELI) BEQUEST. tbey baS. îarched past the rex iew- The de-rd oh our bhatthefilds arc in- ing stand Quectu Victoria and the tensely aive te-day ln the influence pritace consort arose le receixe thos-o ef the sorron-ing loed od nes who berces wbo xvie o tble decorated worc eft bercft. Seiîictimes aa ntie aitb medali. As eacb soidier <ap7 apt te errcaccnsly Lelieve thaîtthIe jîroe blt, the Qucea, with ber ewn enhy stffrlugs cr war worc te bu baud, pinr.ed the modal tipon thc founS. in the gîînshîet weunds and hîîoast cf the iniata cle aishîcî to the swanp foyers, in the haartrenS.- hener. Sonue c h to.' soldieru haS. iîîg cries cf "Water! WaLter!" hcard an eîîîpty slccxc somo carîne on at uight frein the arueîtded bying ho- erutchues ucinuu baS. their bonds tavecnth Ie contenc-iiîg line, la the bandcagcS.. At haut ttere camne a colds. the honte, the, uinger. thec itter. In it wns carrneS.the pitysi- aeatinesse aîd the homesickness suf- cal wreck of a mn.iBotlicf hile fereS. ly thie men at the ront. Buit legs liaS. ben shoi î, - Oe oc-ifts I have alwnîs blieveS. chat thie arme was getie,. Hie liedy tanS. im- wives ana inotbors andS the sisterspuy bctî riddieS. witiî bultets., Then and.sxetlcai-ts, wiî staycd at home thc qaccu, axth tears in lier eyes, te weep suffereS.'bar nmere thîn the bade the bcaî ors hnht. Sic bift ber hîxsbandSs and. sous and brotiiers arbe pince and deucendeS. the stop s cf ber donceS. tîcir unuiferis and waent .- forth te db.ý Thînk cf their saS., Sn-al-y nîgbte! Thitairof their staît- leS. cars vhien the ruîaîrs wore board that a great battue was about te iesbcUa n feught! Tliink oftbeltr aet eyes, eart Trouble scannîng the lonignoaspiper cehuinns oh tise donS.and. îîiseîng! 'lint awrii n orS. - 'tnsing!"- Think e1 the 1 Mn. George Wehber, St. George Street, peverty avhicla the yeuang xiS.owv baS Chathami, Ont., claes:-" I avas vany sen- stand te the side of the littor. She beut ovcr the poor v-teran Ont ac- count cf lis sulferinge the queen vîsihe-d te honor hlmn more than any of t)ie i-est. Se the more the Chtîs- tien dead of etîr battlef'elds suffercd the more Christ has, honored thein. 'Iherefere the more areý they aixe to-day in the heaxeniy runions. . 'Greater loe e ath ne man than this, that a man iay dewn hie if e fer hie friende." Every oeeof tse- dead hercs paid the greatest of aill sacrifices for his country. They gave their lixes in ',rder that othere miglit live. MJNay we reahize that when we ser've our Lord and Master liest, f hen we serv e 'oUet our nation. MAay the sorrew and the sadnoss, the sufferiugs and the deaths istil in oui' heurts a pro- feund Joic cf icace nîd a deeper censccration te hlm whose c amre je the Prinice of Peace. Lct us labor te se diseminate the teachings cf Josî ,s that 'tar in the futYire shall becnorne an ina ossibility. rfiea shall ho only gospel pence. Then ail tic p'eople wilI net c nly lov e the Lord their G-od with ail tbe'.r hcarts, but they shahloe otheir neigbeis ns the.asýel- oes. Thon war shail ho e e m rerberoS. ns the r3ad resait of dis- P-ensions that are ne longer settted iiy the sword, but are ubt-miî-fsd ie the arbitramen.t cf the Prince of Peace. Thon the giery cf Vie Lord shaîl er this land as the waters cever the sea. FOR OVEII SIXTY YEARS jON THE FARM. MILK FEVER CUl-IS. Every ittbe n'hile we se ptiblisiieS. certain cures ber tic terrile disense lu coave içîteavaas iilk lever. The boss fric this source is ne doulit hcnry, and. ut is aortb white te de ahlinl our powaer te check its rav- ages, n'uirosM. E. L. Vitncent. But runy it nt bc possibale fiant bore, as iii se iuany ethior Instances, the traditicual "cunîce eofi novent- ion" may bc Worthî the peinS.of cure? Tit scins te une se. It bas beca îay practice sialoe oîaiug on the farua te bllow the bellewlg plan wlth eows due te ceale fresit la the spniag chf the yenr, as wcil as ia eaehy suimuler, Tlre cof 4 aveeks before the eow le due te give mllk ahi beavy grain is talcen a way feoin lier. Ia the llace ef this the very lest efh hay le given te tlae eews, anS. in otior waye cane e i ineaseS. utmi tite critical perioSi corne on. The saine day flic caif is borta a va- flon cf txve quarute cf bran le gir- on, avellmixeS. aitb avarna xxater or the firut uîilk taboun frein the c0W. This assistu ia a i-eet important way in clearinag na the sysem oh the cow. For tave days th2 cow la not aliowe oS.t drink colS. water. At is ueîuething of a choru te avarin and carry Ïavgtou- te a bord ofci evis ln this n'ny, bat if wihl pny. Belere iettiîag the cow eoxt te dritik aitb the reet I give b ler a pail oh the waruteS. water, tuas partîally îueueh- lng lier thurst bebore she goe to flic cohS. nator. Nexe I gradlua thy begîn te put the coxe hact ou her rationa cf ineal. keeping ep in tflic nuxhihu flic bran, until at hast I bave bier tak- iug lier aceusteunec i îatfty cf the beavietr focS.. lInthisway I hiave sueceedeS. in uemeoviug ahi danger cf mllk tover,andS.have nt a a c-case in tbiuteen year3. Scuietimes if le nei ellomiliiitbe ccxv eut before slue hegins te give rniik reguîiarly. This1 remioves any possible danger cf pto- rnaine-peiseuuing.1 One of the lest cews 1I kuow of- a spleuidS, la-ge anc-i lealbhy ani- mal betongitxg te naus'lgbbor - n littie whîle augo dieS. froin everS.rink-1 iug et n cel(l utream'tue day aiter she liaS.lber celf. I behieve naany cases of milk bover nîay bic traccSl. te the chu t oleavlng taking se macla colS. aater beotie the ccxv sh.ouhS. hînve it. No dISulit a 'dese cf salte or saltpctî-e, guveta a hexe Says befoec the e-w le drue, le auetaer Pi'ven- tien. AnS. le if net ixucli botter te tiîink ohfflicue things beboroxîanS titan te regret that wc diS. uot wn'eA t lýS teeon e PRO)FIT IN POITLTRY. If there aras ever neeS. cf the ilS. slang phase c-ilf caution, net te bite fil more than you eau ciîew, ih le ln the peultryý business, arlere se many stunhble ou thie rock oh nttemptuag tee rach. They cvorstoek their place aifl pouitîy, anS. finS. te their consternation that they cannet ne- ciîaaïoS.te tîsoîn îc-i, anc-htheir bouses tbrough sicknese anS. crouvS.itag, ho- cerne se formidable thunt tiiear hese henut. Titane earilietic botter aS.- vice then te inanke ht the lirst par- -pose lu tbe business te maise a fheck oh fity foxvhuofehee aricty, 1a11of whîclî. are cf geeS. qrality aniS con- dition. On evcry barun this number staalS. at least bele kpt. Why limînt it te twenty on tbirty? Brng the nunaber up te fil ty et etîce, anS unake thie thie unit cf flue businîess. Thereaiter lot each luarcase lie ou flac score oh fil ty. Wiieu 1ou eau handiee i loc cf i fuity satiafactor- ihy, stnrt iii ivita Lba second unit, Iorxning tue near hock trotta the liest blonS. cf the ctd or near stock, aild increasu it graS.aiy tîntil if is ce- cruiteS. up te the li-îit. Diar flan lino sti-icthy at flfty, anS. cither do noS go beonS. that number or beg-in a acw licck. FEE-DINCI FOR BEEF. It 15 n wehl estahuhisheS. principie ln animal nutrition that n Younganul- tmalutakes enoce econaericah gains tbananuta ider eue, anS. thaf flic nînount of focS. for n giveit gaisa it- c es as tlaje age cf ftue naiiîaalaS. vaisces teavard îîatunity. Therefoe the pchucy cf feedonss aotîlS ne te inake use of onîly uaatcurity as far as practialile. Ia cases whîero lands are eheap anS. pastuies anS. cearse hoS.ders or feede carubl ad nS.ttabtun- dance, it naYyeyt lie desiunblcte take more time in ftnislaiing a uteor for mnark:et, aniS.tereby seurs -a -.NgWinýlew'-,-.conihi gSyrniphasls-ni t we4by mailions of meihite,. for ibPt childen whilc-1 teethi g. 1.t dl tui --S.ai uight a id brokea ni y'n ii ,-st lysa sickc obuS su .erit-g and crying olb fhpa u i tlg tcýt-e at ainuesanaî gui a b1) e of 'Mir.IVti ow ' Scig Syrtîl -'-r Chidten Teetlii. g. i wiil eiieve thi- limr hi tuffererac ootce. DfupeoS.upoîxi i,muthers. ieth, e P n i c ike abonti hIt cure'?litant oea ogulats the -toeue s tdbout'el, cures Wid Jc oi ftetît-St e g.xm . reil tes !itidainituatieti andu gives tics a d e,,egu' tethe Ivh-sie .y-îexn %4r.instows' Sonîhi g Sytupý for chilfirsî ieeihing le pleasant un te ta--te aiid l i te lpi c, iptioiio eh ofeItise oldeit suiS. lest ernale î?iiY leiîaa tS. nursiesi lx tite IlteS. StaSe- Prte 2ic a botte. SilS. by ail S.tuggist thron gh1 oui them-o.id. Be su-e anc-ia3kfoi- lIt. \WINu RLOWS& So.'thixtg hlruu STJMYMER BEVERAGES. Sonie Palatable Drinks hor Thlrsty People. At the soda feunteins yorung poets lu white advjes thein hordes of bot anS. tbirsty visitons to try "a peacb bloav sangut us, a Cutawha rîey .or a ruse leaf clisîbet." If yon select oesoh these drinks, enchanted by tbe benuty ohfics anme, the attendant aill take a glass in either haS. anS. go througli a clever juggling act la the îuixiug of it. fe aveu put into a peacli b1oa sangare peacli, lime, grape aniS.huckleberry syrup, lenion andS sherry. A mnît sungare contains grapu juîiee, mint und. pitusapple; but these are ouby a hew of the înany deiscieus refresbing iceS. drinks iaveated te help us keep ut non- mal temperature during thxe saner solstice.fIlers are soins others vhich yen eau unake youselh-- LEMON ICE. Two quarts ohfnîilk,- onu quart of uneuni, three 'cups oh sugir, titres sggs, oea-quarter oh a box of gelatin, jxice ofe txvo ioins and. eue orange, and. grated rnS.oh three lemons. Mix the sugar, julcesanS. tinS. ohthe enintis anS. orange juice anS. set acide. Souk geLpatin in eue- liaIt plut of niihk; sceiS. ttxe milk and. ereani anS. pour the geInt l u ntih dis- solved.. When colS. pently freeze, then aSd lemnu julce anS. sagar aud eggs bustes sepnratehy; turm fhe, crauk raplS.- ly anS. treeze. PIASP13ERRY ICE <'REAM. Onte quert ereani. eue quart reespler- ies, one largo cup of stigan anS.oe pint of îuîlk. Mssh sugar anti hernies aud let theun stand hait an heur; tlten squteeze themtu ixoughi clîcese ciotb. Atter this bas bt-en dent-, peur the rnilk on tîte pulp ands. queeze agein untit perteetly dry. Thene shoulS. le nctbiug left lu the cinth'bat a bail of seeds- ScaiS. the creani, aud avbn cool adS. to the fruit mixture; nS.S somos lemen luit-e anS. freeze. ANLAICE CREAM. One qutrt fruran, one plut et mibk, tavo capesagan, avhites ot two eggs, oe teaspoonful vantlla. Mix the slrgar with creain anS. nilhk. aS.Sflavorinusud strain into freezt-r. Beat the Wbites te stiff froth aud ndd juest betnre freezing. PEACU ICE C REAM. Oae qurt cf penches, cone plat et rilk, tavo caîps cf sugar, avhites oh tavo eggs, oe dozen ripe pealibos; pare anS. nuisit the penches, nS.S.sr1'gar, and l et it stand; ndd ereaut anS. mi, u nS., just bc- fore freezing. thue beatun aviites CîDER SEBT Oas plut of oranîge jaiicu, one- quart oh sweet cider neepouutuofetsagan. Mix eider, orange juilce andtSsùgar until thon- oughly dissolveS.. Stre in and freeze. PINiEAPPLE WA-FFJI ICE. Tavo large piîîeapples, oe anS.as quar- tee pounde sugar, one quinn: ohfaxater, jules of taxo tenions. Beilla sugrad nater together five mîinutes, add grateS. plucappie anS. lenicu jules wheu cool; then freeze. ORANGEADE. Make a syrup by boillag together fer ton or fiteen minutes onu caup oh sugar and. a plut of axater; eS.d te tItis oe plut oh orange jule anS. let it cool. Pour ever gobiets hall filleS. ayith eracked les. TUE AMEIZIICAN ADif'S P- POSAL. At a dianeoui the- yacht oh a prom-. litent member of New York eociety, an Erglishman, avbo was * presect ou Sir Thomas Lipton's yachý, avhea bu awas eîtertniniug King Edavard, was discus- sing the accident wbiehî on that occa- sien seriousbly theateneS. the lives oh al ou board. "Pleophe tittîs know," l ie eS, "hoxv neanly EngianS. came te ioeiug hon King. It would thare beun impossible, baS. it conte te the avoret, te have sav- eS. ail, aud if it hba.lecottat necessary te niake a cheice, whomi shoctîS. ae have caveS., the ladies of ltte party or the King9h" Ail weres suent ponS.eriug the ethies anS. nirais oh the question. No one voutureS. te offer a solution oif the- dif- flcuty. Thle continueS. silence began te lie embaeraesiug, wahen a young Arerican avoman reeiereS. the situation hy proposing:- "Wbuy not let GodS ave thue King?" " Great Scott, mac, what arc you Solrg witb four ainrrin dlocks itn voue neoin ?" "'l aattotetryanaS get n littte uieep.' 'Uow eathiit lhp 'ou ?""My aaîbe axdaitlxy eThis would be a cleaner, brighter world if every housekeceper used it M lpie-orpleasures;Dli -y u efforts; Suhf1ý-raoïs-from your cares; Add- to your life. Made only by THE N. K. FAIRBANK COMPANY, Chicago, New Yorkc. 2oslo, Montreal1. TieBeaver Block S"al1e We have sold piles of Boots the lasIt fve or six weeks and have lots to dispose of yet, and very eheap-first-elass goods at very small nrioas. Oui carry a good. assortment of Ladies' Oxford,colored and ýblack at $1.00. Men's Caif and Cordovan Blmns, sewed and rivitted, frOn $1.40 Lo $2.50, worth $2.00 to $3.50. Chuildren's Button and lls 25c, 50e, 75c, wortl' 5Oe, 75c, and $1.00. Misses', Boys' and Youths' to correspond in priceb. We will tell you what the stock is in each and every pair-. The reason we do that is because we know. Latest Spring styles now- h stock in every Elle. The public is invited to inspect our stock; no trouble to show goods-we do it with pleasure. Trunks, Bags, Satchels; Shawl Straps, fancy and plain;- Dresming, the very best that cau be bought. Cheap trash dressing is dear, it will muin the boots it is appli. ed to. Repairing done in al its branches iu first-class style. Fine work nmade to order, sure-it or no sale. Thanking my custonier's for pas: avors and hoping for a continnance of the aino. De D avIS.É3 Beaver Block. Bowmanvilie. uood %CraI Veqs Raîsed0%. IS USEZ). For suppletnenting the supply of whole milk or for enriching- separated or skimmed milk, or if necessary for raising the calvts without any ilk wvhatever after a few weeks old. It is by far the mostpopular caif food on the market. Price-50 lb. bag $2; 1001lb. $3.50. SOLO BY BOWMAN VILLE.123 0 Page Weven Wire Fence lis the only' reliabie fence fer holding stock owing to, the continuons cou or spiral spring. No.7 .,page" wire wiii withstanda strainof 5,O00pounds; ç ordinary No. 7 wire wiil only stand a strain 0 I ,7 pounds Commen vwire-when coiled or bent j/ 1 wil strUighten out witlt the first airain and reniain C so. Page fences are now ver cheap, and ion ltnow they have always been the ~est. g.ne-r u~ sed by ail Canadian railways. ac near e Age Tester The Pags Wire Feeice C.., Lmiied, WalkrsIllls, Ont, 4 Webeg ti cati yotir attentio'ltita a naîdluipnî Barla' s Patent Attaclinent FOR TRE CURE OF * Batkirig and Kicking Horses. * Wiil control anly vice known to a hese 1Ivalable for li breaking flu colts Can be adjustead lut;t wo-minute,,and u8ed with anty'hârttss, vehiele oýr nimetTo the priogrssvefrmer aud hor8eemnibis 1iýa1rticle isa aneces- st.Apply te ROBERT HQOEY, 33-1 yrBLACKSTOCK. I guranse m Laesi Metod reatsnite o a ermnentsudpostivecur fo 1ais t rans, ersby iving athetenstto r.prperaneinvt atdîzest prts 1r- stores loat powers; ln Stricture l absorba the Strieturs tissue, stops smarting sensation, aer'rousneas, weakness, backacho, etc., whl iUn ail prostatic troubles t le the trmai- ment par exoeilenoo, Se positive arn I thaï my treatmet wii cure Yeu, iou. eau PAY WHEN CURED Yon need pay nothieg until you are convinced that a thoreugh sud complets cure bas "Lai ilie GOLD ,ST lewia dfvtwwca ter. Matri ofi titis character louaS. lu the mnutaal state cenanîcu- hy hucavua as "hi rdpan" mabces, nbeu preperly applieS., a very souS. andS duralhe vend. Iu soil composeS. cf n mixture of sanS., griotet, anS.cbny, ahi that le cocesunry te niake a gooS. rond le te ci-cavathîe surface, keep the t-uts anS. botes illeS., aS. the Sitctucs ope,,, nS.froc. Europe lies on an a-xeraga , -10O) lcet aboas the son Africa, 2,020 and. Asia' 3,16f).

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