Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 11 Jun 1902, p. 5

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Haïr Brush Sale. We have ordered an im- mense stock of Hair Brushes, Tooth Brushes, Hat Brushes, etc., direct fromn the most noted Brush manutacturer8 In the world and in order to make room for the new goods we will give decided bargains in ail lines during the mnonth of June,. Our -prices will- surprise you Roeg. Zn5o Bair Brushes STT& J URY' Druggists and Opticians. A ORIIGIST It has aiways been our ambition to give the public better goods and botter service thak ean bc found elsewhere. We now take 1picasure in' announcing that we have given Mr. Frank Kersiake ani interest in our business ani customners deaiing at our Mtore wili here- qfter receive the carefui atten- tion of 2 graduate druggists and 2 graduate opticians. Mr. Kersiake needs no0 word of introduction to our customers as he has been with us, first as apprentice and thon as assistant for over 5 years. Every detail of our busi- ness will reeeive careful atten- tion and every customer eau depend on getting the best in the market at the lowest pos- sible ,prices. Stott N J ury, Druggi stsand Opticians. Backache the arducuti bave trouble with their i éhinkwaa due ta ulittïiseosanbn- k*vrat Mny work. The trouble abs Nmsniem quit. severe, so 1 gais a bottle 9 D#Piteher'a Bacliache Kidisey Tâblets at.RoW. drug store.- They certainly actedi ndîdly wth me, for 1ha otgise h:r& ofle until gais completi reieL P ?îce 3û*o.&boxit aiu dregüm S b mmilT" fLsiý ZIRA Pnuaa *ooWC BOWMANVILLE, JUNE 11, 1902. GRAND VRUNK BAILWAY. BoWMAN VILLE ,TÂTIo5N GGeEAM .GOrNEsWEST., Zypress5 ...9_, 32 .1s.E1pre5B ...~. 5 15 .m Expreu... l, 127 I1LocalI...... X 10 3 uesge...550p.Mý .8sasger...1i60 p. M, l.c . 6à8p.m I lxprBs... 7581 E-xpress dlees flot go wezt Monday Mornlug. SToTT a J uuy. To wu Agents LOCAL AND OTRIERWISE, I lEditor Harry Gale, Coîborne, was lu lown Tuesday. Mr. Abert B. Couch, Tloronto, was home over Sunday. Openissg for a smart boy to learn printing atIbis office. Mr, Chas. BaskerviIle,Rochester, N'. Y., is guest o! hie mother. Mrs. W. H. Williams is visiting her ister Mrs C. E. Ewing, Cobourg. Mrs. Wm. Humphrey and son WiIlie, visited friends in Toronto recenlly. The Misses Oram, Toronto, were guests of Mrs. C. Osborne Iast week. Mr. Milton Limbert. Toronto, was guest of Miss Delta Osborne, Sunday. Mr, Chas. F. Rice sold bis flue peu of prize Buf Leghorns le Mrs. M. Burk recently. Ebenezer anniversary Sunday and Monday was a grond succeas. Ful particulars nexi week. Mr. W. Rickard-, M.P.P , Mr. W. H. Reid, ex-M.P.P., and Mr. Robt. Cowan, C C., were lu town Monday. Miss Aunie J. Mollon and littie Mis$ Alexandra B1untin, Toronto, were recent guesîs ai Mr. H. Mollon's. Babyla Cald May be cured lua niglit by uBn8 Vapo-Creolene, which hiaî been extenisiveiy bi use for twenty-four Yeats. Ail drugaiste. Mr. C. M. Cawker is conflned le bis home with a severe pain in bis head which causes bim intense suffering at limes. Miss A. Coulsun, Miss S. Coulson, Newcastle, Mr. Nqorman McLean, Oshawa, were Sunday vîsitors aI Mr. J. McLean 's. If you think of going le Europe ask M. A. James for rates and sailings. -He knows the best beats and gels the hest ,berths for bis passengers. Durham Old Boys have decided te hold tbeir annuel picnic in the -rounds e! Dr. John Hoakin, Rosedale. 'Poronto, on Civic Holiday, Aug 4th.-' From le-day Coucli, Johnston & Cry- derrnan will souI off the balance of their New Spring Coals at haîf -price., Prof.A, H. Reynar of Vietoria University is 1h. new president of Bay 0f Quinte Conference and Rev. B 1Greatrix, Campbeilford. la Secretary. County Councillors J. H., Devitl, Thos Baker, M. A. James and P. C. Trebiicock are in Cobourg Ihîs week a4ltending the June session of 1h. 1 ouneil. W e congratulate Mr. Ernest H. Jolliffe and Miss Ruby M IJoiliffe, son and daughier of 11ev. W. J., Jolliffe, 13 U.L., on their success lu the third year exama. at Toronto University. According bo the firsl draf t cf stations 1o! the Bay of Quinte Conference the only changes in Bowmanviiie district are: Bowmanvile-Rev. D.0 Crossley; Orono-Rev, W.B. Tueker; Medcalf Si. shawa-Rev. R Barns The female base bail plavs known as Boston Bloomers who travel in a palace car tried conclusions on the diamond bore Fridav wilh lb. home team, and were beaten by 10 to i9. They were a loi of well-behaved girls anai four or five cf lhem play ed goond bail, but tb. resi were weak aIe the bal. .Nearly 1000 witnessed tbe game ber., . nany coming from the country. Mr. F_ J. Garrett wa$ umDireý. Rev. W. H. Moore, Edwardsburg, Mich., preached lu tbe Methodiat church Sunday to average audiences. His mnorning subjeci was «'God'Produci and Purpose" showing man's respon. sibilily and lu 1he evening the «"Law o! 1Labor" was discussed. Judging by those sermons, we shoild consîder Mr, Moore avery good preacher, and con- ider the people forlunale who have hlm for a pastor. Hie sang a beautif ni solo at the close of is mornfing discours.. Mr. Moore is very sure of a cordial Wei. corne whenever he favore Bowmanviiie with a visil. We are up againsI lem lu almost everY City, lowu and siate lu the Repn*blic. We mean Canadian boys Ocnupying ieading and rtsponsible Positions. Olad are we aI ail limes le noie the succees of our Durham Boys pariicularly. Dr. Fred. W. Cryderman bas sent us a copy cf "The Leucocyte" a menlhly magazine pubiished by lbe tion Day-wi'îch ail members are re- toesedl attend and brin,- thAir red.Bring ypour lunch basket and enjoy a pleas'inl afiernoon. Chilciren Ory for C A STOR"1Pl A. tensive repaire, anti a greaý many changes bave been effecteti for the cam!ori e! the people. Her' saloon bas been -reatlv eniergeti. The baggage- roem bas been put directiy acrosa !rom the Purser's office. 5he has also been suppiiet i wth one adtilonal boler- thus increasing lier speeti. Mr. Hep- buru, who wes purser lest yeer, le naw assistant agent lu Toronto.,1'Mr. J, W. Hazlett succeeds hl milunltat office, The, other officers are tbe same * ast est a, Mies Beacock le visiting relatives lu Cartwright.- Good covered buggy for $35. Apply to M. A. James. STATIESKAN to new subseribers bal- auce of 1902 for soc. The new Louisine Siik-s lu ail colore at Couch, Jobuston & Cryderman's. 10),000 odez gooti freeli eggs wanted Will pay yen 18e., Cawker & Tait, Our offer of! eeold and one actuel new subseriber fer 81.50 euhl holde good. M, A. James is Goverument issuer of Marriage Licenses fer Durham Countv.* Mr. Levi. Morris and Dr. W.E. Tilley were lu N apanee last week attendiug Conference. Ladies' New Spi in,- Ceaie selling off aI bal-price.ai Conch, Johueton & Crytiermau'e. Mr. John Heilyar is viiîing his daughter, Mrs. (Rev.) S. T. BartietI, Napane.., Gooti goeds, f air prices and every- thing as represenied st Cawker & Taii's grocery store. Turnip Seed-fresh andi carefuily selecteti. noue beller or cheaper. Cawker & Tait. Boys' Waab Suits-58c le 81.50 ai West End House. New Patterns, timmeti neatly pretty filters. New Blouses just in aI West Endi Houe.. Pure white mualin blouses' nieely trimmeti 75e and $1.00. If Yo wanyour Insurance always ookdatr, eau ai my office or Phone No. 50, Hearry Canu, agent. In wasbing woollens and flannels, the sofis soap matie from Lever's Dry Soap powder), will b. founti very satisfactory. For ail Kitiney and Blatider Troublas Iry Miller's Kidney anti Bladder Pilis. Soid by Stott & Jury, drnggists. Pine Apples-Thia le the week to preserve Pin. Apple Come te uà-we wlli iierest yen. Cawker & Tait This week we will bc buey geiling our store aI the Lake lu readiness for the Summer tratie. Cawker & Tait. SHINGHES-Go i o H. Hocken's, norlh o! iown, for gond shingies. Tbey are extra quality andt cheep. 22-4w45 'Young Gents, M. Mayer has a full line o! spring bale, caps, and lies, new nabby and- nice. Cille see them,p1oase. Mrs. John Reid, Mr. and Mrs W. H. i'earn were lu Osliawa Thurstiey attend - ing lb. funeral o! lier sisier Mrs. R. Kinver. F. C. Pethick la agent fer The Edison Phonograph. Prices fromn $10 te $100. Recorda 60e eacb or 85 00 a doz. Cal andi bear il talk. Gentlemen, now l ib he lime le buy ,your Spring lbaI, cap or neckti.s. M. Mayer bas fuil linos of gents' furuishinga Inspection îuviiedi.11 Specials lu Dry Gonds Depi. Ibis week aI West Endi liuse hundreds of yards o! Embroidery aI 4c yd. A great, big pair o-f towels for 10c. Thai stomacb trouble will cease if yon will take Milier's Compound I lon Pille. One a!lter eacb meel. Solti by Stott & Jury, druggists, These 11111e black pille for stomacb andi liver (The Perfect Liver, F111) are sold ai McDermid's Drug Store, for 15o per box or 2 for 25c. Our Ordered Ciolhing is well eut, weil matie always -Ives the utmosi sat lefaction 10 tbe wearer. Coucb, John- sien & Cryderman. The bot season is net far off-Mr. man bow about a flannel suit or sum- mer ceat-lake a look aI McMurtry's clotbing before bus ing, Harry Canu, General Insurence agency, Pire, Liue, Plaie Glass anti Ac- cident Insurancýe; Real estate bnughi anti sod., Phone No. 50. New loi o! Dominion Suependers juet recelved ai West End I ouso. Take a look aI their new summer braces 25e pr, Coronetion Bmaes 25C p4ir, General Insurance Agency, aise real estate hantileti. The best stock andi mutuai companies. Phone No. 50. Harry Canu, Bowmanviile. Coucli, Jobuston & Cryderaian have neyer sh<.wu as fluea stock o! Dres Gootis, Dreas Musîlus, Chambrays andi Prinîs as they do ibis season. A 15e botîlie ef aur Furulinre poliah will remove ail stains freom your furni- ture anti wiIl make il alune like uew- sold ti McDermid'e Drug ,Store. Hliemnauy friende ill regrette hear o! the comparatively siiden death o! MrLtd. Brown, near Kirby. 1H. wat3 a very fiue man anti greatly respecteti. Best o! Companies. bath stock and mautuel. Car. and attention given te the details of your lnsurance. Phone 50. Harry Caun, lbe.Ilfe Insurance Agent, Bqwmanville. Mr. Jabez and Miss Annie Wright, Biackstock, wore Lguesis e! Mn, John On 'aturday Peterboro plaYedthelb first iohom"game o! lb. Midianti League series whicb resultet inl a victory fer tbe locale b ' a score o! 14 te 8. Aflter the thirti inuinge the gae waýi inter- ,eeting, eacb teem scering euh' 2 rus Peterboro made au. itài-the firet andt wo more lu Ihe aeventh. Bowmanville was blankedin their bal! o! tb, firat, but piled up seven lu the second anti five lu th. tbirti; ihey scoreti another lu the fourib anti eue lu the sixtà For lb. visiiors Eerls etertedthelb.twirling-. but was replaceti in the eixth bv McCabo- the one-armnet man. For- the locUlas Osborne mras an th.-4 sleb and heldti îem tiown lu flue shape. The, nexi gam@ la lu Oshawaeno June 21. Following was tbe score by innings:- 11. H E, Peterboro - 10 00 0 0200-S 6 6 Bowmenvilue -0 7 5 10O 10O(O x- M Il f8 Snmmary-Two-bes6 tbits,, Wïi(ax 2; Rase on bauls, off Earls C), ofi 4eCebe 1, .ýf Osborne 6; Tîuîe o! ganw 2 boumas. Umpire MeAlden - 1 - 1 Mr, Wm, H'Eamblyn, HamilIton. Is home. -. Trunke anid teleeopes ebeap at The' Magon Co's. Mr. Geo. Porter, Taronto, spent Sun- day in town. 1Mrs. Mitchellisl advertising for a servant girl The Public Sehool Board le advertis- ing for a janilor. Mr. John Tap'son, Peterboro, was ihome oyer Sunday. SMr. Robi.Tod, Toronto* spentlSunday wilh bis maîher, Mrs. Chas. Ted, Ladies,!(f you. would se. samething real fine viait Cawker &, Tail's China Parler. MilIer's Compound Iron Pilla, 50 doses 25 cents. Sold by Slott & Jury, drug- gista. Spriug overcoals are stillin demand. The Mason Ce. have lbe besi assart- ment. Miller's Kidnev and Blatider Pille are soldat 25c. per box. SolId> by Stoit & Jury, druggiste. Concb, Johuston & Cryderman are doing a big business lu Carpets, Cur- [tains and Linoleums. Are yen a judge of lea ? If se. try The Mason Co's. "Glencairn" Blk lea worih 40c new selling for 25c, Miller~s KidIney and Biadder Pilla cleanse th. systema and purify the biood.. Sold by Stett & Jury, drnggisls. Men'e Bine Worsied Suite D. B. coale or veets only $5.50 suit. These are only 10 be bad at The Mason Co'e. Men's Hais betb suiff and soft-ibe latesi English and American 'styles ai Conch, Jobuston & Cryderman's. SWbiltemore, Gi Edge, Etile and Champion aise ",Ideal," Quickshine, Nonsnch, etc., ai The Mason Co's. Our Ready-made CIoibing is new and freGb and mnade up in th. laleet styles. Coucb. Johosion & Cr.yderman. Dr. Ncrman*s Compondt Iron Pills cure nervousuess, increases the appetite and enricli the blooti. Se-Id ai MeDer- mld's Drug Store. Spring Hais arrived- The largeet and best eeleeied stock of new and sty- lal Christie and Fedora H1alsata M. Mayer's. Creme *Dentifrice cleanses lb. leeih and keepa ihem sound ai pearly. Sold ai McDermid's Drng ,Store, Bow- manville. For Bliounesa, Torpid Liver, d> e- ? epsia aud constipaion use Perfect r ver Pis, sold aiMcDermid',u Drug Store aI 15e per box or 2 for 25c. A great chance in Embroideries at The Mason Co's. Mill-ends o! the very choiceet designs 4î yds each ýbeing sold at bal! prièe. Cali aI Pethick 's Barber Sbop and bear eue o! the Genuine Edison Phono grapha. the loudesi and clearesi talkiug machine in tb. world. Sait Rheum and ail eczematous cou- diÉinns e! the skin are cured by tb. use of Miller's Cernpound Iron Pille. Sold by Stoil & Jury, druggss.î Scores perhapa hundreds o! suits bave been sold during the past fewý- weeks ài The Mason Co's big sale. Bring your friend with yen wbo had a bargain elsewhere and see how easy il à te do belier right ber. At the, Out'rio Medical Àssorciation annuai convention in To,nto, last week, lu the medical section the foilow- ing papors were read :-"Peumonia," by Dr David Hloig, Oshawa%; "Treat ment of Pueumonia," by Dr. J. C. Mitchell, Enniskilleu; "Where can nur consumpives besi b. treateti?" by Dr. J. H.- ElliotI, Gravenhurst. This î8 a pretly gooti record for lbe Liberai medîces o! ibis disti ici. To tb. Post's commente ýabout tb. rude Irealment te whicb ouit base bail ieam was subjected wheu they visiled tb. counlios' capitl, we beg io say that we ceriaiuly do boldti he Cobourg Ieam andi people respousible fur permiiling a gang of hootilurus 10 ry te kili th. Bewxianville ieam for winnin-- hi match by 9 10 4.' It la a disgrace t-0 Coi~oi n teamtestand comnplaicbnily by and aee a gauig o! boodlums throwv- inuS chunks of muti, brickbate, and any oldti iing ibey could lay banda ou ai tbeir guesta, for our ieam was lu a sense guesis of Cobourgers lu generat and, of the base bail leam le particular anti therefore bv standing quietI_' by and allowing lhem tei he moubed they were cousenting parties. Badi as was tb. conduer e! the boys, bowever, infinitely more reprehensiblin luh. c"nduct of a newapaper for eoudoning the outrage anti imitaling tb, hoodium's conduel by hurling poisoneti daggers aI a friendiy confrere for telliug lb. bo 'ys Ihey sbÏould have- behaved better and advising our cilizeus to Ireat lhe Cobcurg ieam with becoming eourtesy when they visit our iewn. Read the commenta in the Oreno News. EXCURSION TO TORONTO. -FRED. R., FOLEYI' Parlor Shoe Store. Mr. J. J. Preston, M. P. P., for East Durham, Betbany, hasea majority o! 681, MilIer's Grip Powders Cure., Soiti by Stott & Jury, drnggists. 11ev. W. H. Moore, Edwardsburg, Mich., was gueat of bis cousins, Mrs. N. E. Goulti anti Mrs. Jas. Deymen .wbie in iown. If you are liredti aking the large olti. feehioneti gripinlg pille,- tîy Carter's Little Liver Pille anti take some cemfort A man can'I stand everytbing. One pill a dose. Try ibem. PALMISTRY. Consult Madame Livinaki on ait affaire o! Love, Business anti Marriage. Bennett Hanse, Bewmanvile. Short time anly. Boom il. Fe, 25 anti 5Oc. A CARD. We, the undersigneti, td a ereby a gree le refundthelb money on a 50-ce nt bottie o! Grene's Warranted Syrup o! Tai, if it faila te cure your ceugh or coiti. We also guarante. a 25 cent bottie le Prove satisfaetory or muoey refundeti.Solti by, STOTT & JuRy anti J. HIGGINBOTRrtM & SON *~ooeeo~e e G G e 4 G G G G G G G G G G G G G G G G G G G ...Caker &Tait... BOWMANVILLE. W. alwave leat inlu ig-ciassý Groceries anti the volume o! o business combineti witb Ihe facI that for evervibin'g we buy w, pay spot cash, tberefore enables us te seli, bem at prices askcti foi infemior gootis. SUGAR CURED MEAT5. 1are bigb anti will be bigbh lu price. timg the summer moutha. W. ask yeu 10 try cur nains wbich are cureti ssecialiy for Our irade. We cen give yen Smoked Shoultiers, sugar cureti, milti anti cut up well, in place o! t5îe hsgber priceti berna, CRO CKERY AND GLASSWARE. Our reduction sale in ibis deparimeul bas been n elI aitentiet anti scores o! customers bave expressodti hemselves as pleaseti anti profitet b-v purchases matie; andt t make room fer beavy purchases O! import China we will continue as fer as possible every bargain pie vîously ativertiseti. 97 PICE DINNIER SET FOR $5.5o. 1 doz. -- inner Pules, 1 doz. Soup Plates, 1 doz. Tee Plates, 1 dez. Cups anti Saucera, I1tioz, Frui Napples, 1 tiez. Butter Nea pies-, 2 Platiers, 2 coyereti Diebes, Sugar Bowl, Tee Pol, SlpCow, Cream Jug. The reguler selling priceo! thoesotses is 87.50, but t0 clear ont we wlll seli lb. balance et trie above prices. Htighest Price Paid for ail Farm Produce. CPý\fWxKE'R a&-TFUT. w * BORN BowEN-In Clarke, May 318t, to Mr, and Mrs. Geo. Bowen, a son. DTJNXÂm-In Toronto. May 24th, to Mr. and Mr$. Josephi Duanha, (nee Alli e Patton) a daughter. MARRIED- MooRE-MkcKiE-At Shirley, Ma y 24th, by Rov. Wm. Cooper, Win. Fredrick Mýoore and Miss Mary Mackle, both of Reach. SMALL-FRÂ5E]R-At 7 llomewood avenue, Toronto, Joue Sra, by the father of the bride, Fritz Hubert Small, Esq., A M., of Worchester, Mass., and Miss Anna, eldest dauiZhter of Rev. R. Douglas Fraser, M. A., Toronto, formerly of Bowmanville. CRÂGG-MIG RT-ln Peterboro, Joue Srd, by Rey. Edward Cragg Brighton, fatber of the groom, assisted by RLv. W. J. M. Cragg, B. A , Philadeiphia, Pa.. Rev.Charles Edward Cragg, S.T.L., Orono, and Miss Bertha May, daughter of Mr. Wm. Might, Peterboro. kiLEMoN-WicHETi,-0I May 28th, b y Rev.W, Jý Wickett Marvin. asisted by Rev. Robinson, Manilla. Jo'ln L. Slemynon and Miss &arali J. Wickett, eldesi daughter of Win. H. Wickett, ail of Little Britain. DIED GALE-In Bowmanville, Joue 81h,Roland Hill, infant son of Mr. andi Mrs. Jas. Gale, aged il week8. >RUNNÂLLS-In Hope, Jue Sth, aged 13 years and nine months, Cecil Wilfred, youngest son of Mr. Richard Jiunnalls. HENRY-In Orono,' Joue. rd, Marthia NoûbIe. wife of Wm. Henry, aged 68years. JOMàNSTONý-At il Isabella Si., Toronto, Joue 5th, E. J. Johuston, formerly of WbItby, in his 57th year. 111TE-At Torouto General Hospital, Ma 30, Mary Elizabeth i'owers, beloed ife ofaJoh liele, Oshawa, aged 29 years. Baî0uas-In Myrtle Joue 3rdl, Phoebe Ansi Kerr, relict of the late David Briggs, inulher 7911î year. KINVER-lu Oshawa, Joue Ird, Cella An Rennison, deluved wif e of Mr. Richard Rinver, aged 52 years, sister of t.oueiomn ville. WÂLKER-I> Wlilby township, May 28th, James Walker, aged 83 y.ears. MiLLER- At Seagrave, May 2.ith, John Miller, aged 74 years. 1HEwsoN-In Oshawajuie llrd,Luke Hewson, aged iOt years. BitOWN-Iu) Clarke, J une 5th, Richard Brdwn, In his 59th year. Brother of Mrs. W. McCluog, B )Wmanvtlle WHITE-At Port Hope,, Mny 291h, aged 59 yeo's, Sara Jane 'Boudy, wife of John C. White. Beware of Ointments for Catarrh that Contain Mtdeury as mercury will Surely dcstroy the sense ofi soleil and completely dei an~ge the whole, sys- lim when enteriug il through the mucuous sur- faces. Such artiel,'s should never Pc used ex. Cept onZoescril)tioos frosu reputable physiclans, as the danage they wiIl do is ton fold to the F od you can posoifbly derive frein them. llall's atarahi Cure, mauufactured by F. J. Cheney & Co., Toleda 0., coutajus Ino mercury, and !s taken interualiy, aetiug dircctly upon the blood and mucuous surfaces of the systemn. lu buying Hall's Catarrh Cure he sure you get tbe genuine. It is taken internaliy, aud siade lu Toledo; Ohio, by F. J. Cheney & Co. Pestimoials free, ýýol4 by Digit1pricu 71c, per' b3tlc, R laliVs Farmiy Puis ar~e theehet. Uood- Value IN Wall Pape-r.ý 500 Rolis 22 inch Gilt Em- bossed Paper, 10e per roll, with 22 inch Frieze to match. Room Moulding Ail colors, 2 and 3c per foot, BIG 20, Bowmnanviile. e.MONUMýENTSoU Good ,Work, BestPlaterials, Artistie Desig ns, Prices Reasonable, E. R.,BOUNSALI, 15 BOWMANVL7,EONT. rHE HARMO NY MALE QUARTETTE BOWMANVILLE, ONT. P. H. PRoar, irsi Teno, A&. E. MCLA 1jHLIN Second Tenor, H. J, KNîarrr, Piret ]Base, W. J. S. RICRARD, Second Basa, CONCERT ENGAGEMENTS. Atitregs al éorresoondence lu . FROS'r, usical Directorl Bowmanviile. 48-6uî, St. gala Ladies' Tailor-made 1 Sp-p-Costumes1 Exactly HaIf- Prioe. , These are ail new,,of -uhe Elatest styles and beautifully Smade, but must be cleared ,out at once. First corne Sfirst choice.'E $15 Costumes for $7,5f $12 Costumesfor--$6.00 $10OCostumes for $5.00 1 Sp- -S Grea BarainHous forGenral ry NetDo t tnar ak BW NVLE -S THIE FAMOUS SEQE FOR WQOMEN, Ilost Perfect Fitting Shoe Millionq o! d'feJihted 'vomel) luthe Unifteti States anti Cnsiada 'estify te the perfect, pasqe andi satisfactery qualllies o! Ibi, shoe. BOOTS $3.75, OXFORDS $3.00, BASE BALL. r i L liftý Ab, ý«K A I I o I i 3 i o

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