Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 14 May 1902, p. 8

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I T I EVENý THE INDIANS PAINT * You ean do 111if the Paints are ntght; it ils easy te do yolur- wn painting. You'l1 find the Jewal Paints perfect * eil quality. Ttrey are jus'. right for interior and extenior work and you eau brightan your home without worry or e-xpanse. * W. iL ustail. PHO1NE 74. BINDER TWINE. This Company bas set its pices on t7wina for the harvest of 1902. 1TwELvE MANTHIaTEENi CENTS. The farmers of Canada can jusî suit themseives as 10 buying. Our agents are instnucted to only cail once and not ask a man te buy twiee. We conîend 'tis ls the greatýMother Cotnpany and the oniN' trtuly co-operative one lu Can- ada. Il bas alone been instrumental for tan years lu settng and controling the price on Binder Twine. If with- drawl le forced upon uas throuelh scep- ticisme or indiffenence oun stafeîieiI wili' be very quickly dernonstrated, TEE ,FÂnuiEs' BiNDErR rWINE CO., Lirniîed, Joseph Stratferd, 18-6w. Gen't Man., Brantford. OnI. OBITUARY. Iu Dr. Waiker's pivate hospital, To- route, Apni 28rd, John Pbilp af the township af Egnemout, Grey Ce., diad: aged 55 years, 6 manths. fils romains ware takan hbea 1tha family resi- dence on the 241h uit., nnd the follow- iug Sattirday were borne by bis four brothens and two sons te their lasI rest- ing place fellowed by a large number af fieuds and neighbors. Deceaeed leaves a wif e, 2 son~s and -l daugbîene. fia was a son af the ate William Philp of Cartwright, brother nf Rev. Wm. Phip af Montreal Conference, Rav. Jos. Philp cf London -Conferance, Messre. Thornas Philp of Killarnay, Man., and Robent and Richard Phiip, Cart wright. A New Brunlswick Lady Who Ha d Becuile a Physîcal Wreok Is giarve1IonsIy Restored, She Wauid Hava The Whole World Kuow Thali PAINE'S GELERY COIPOUND Was fier Dlilverer Proma Disease. A Speciai Massageof Cemfont For Sick and Dospendent Women. ~'/j~-*--..~~~ Tan years cf suffering frorn treachar- 'ous kiuney dise ase le of itseaf a haavy ' ~ record of siekuase and agouy for oua Cail at the Central Barber Shop for a frail woman. Wben we add te kiduey geod Shava or flair Cul, opposite the suffaing, nenvousuasse, leeplese ,andA Standard Bank. conbinued overwork lu the home, il marks a condition of tif e that draws -W. CHARTRAN, forth aur tenderedt and deapeer sym- Bowmanville. propietor. ptis __________Such a condition of 111e vas bringing 17 E 4*4U MM's.W. Irvinie, of Queen St., St. John, N. B.N, very close to the dark grave. Not- E.&R'uvix SALEMjj jwthtanding the negular use of cmo advertised rernedies and dectors' pre- -0F- scriptions, the ravages of disease Valuble ouseProprtv centinued, and friande of Mrs. Irvine Valubte ouseProprtiv said wlth sad yoicee, "sha vae going -IN-lest te death" the Town of Bowmanville. JuLstîbafere de'tdity disease couid finish ils work, bthe use af that woudrous hife- Ti'trcwililbe offened for sale by Public <Iuct- giver, Paiue's Celeny Compound, wae ton ai the BalmoralI lotel in the Town of 1mw. recomrnended. Soon, hope-a new hope1 mairviiie on Wednesday the 21st May. 1M2,. 5. -cheered the sad heant and brightaned u o'lock Iu the foreno)on liv Levi A. vV. Tala Esq., auctioneen, hat valn'bie PIopetY si Liatt up tic pailid face. A powesful, search- ed cuj.t'ac Vet sidpfelofamte Street in the Tcuoan i eoi-D aetWSWo.jga of Bowmaîîiville, dcm'ýribad aýý taiiows Bau g liootfiiuaen t wasmwkingnaI compeodl474 Town Lot No. 13 froning ou cael bcno fdsae lwsmkn~ e teStneet and tise Nortli hait af Town Lot No . bliod ; il w5.s neurishiug aInd str7ength- '14in subdivision of lckNaC35itheaTown fl neniug nenves aud body'; il was saviug fluwmaliviliaas laid dmiWU on plan i f tin'isd apclosoe Town ragîstered in the Rcgitry Ofce fer he WesBtlZRiimmg i thaCourty ni Duin- by nue Taka cemfort aud chear, ya weary, John imeedlUI)g U, taîoig b",dmasreanusckmand diseased wmrfrom Mns, s-onia ar mr ee . tTpomî!)(iiLihIspsaicy "s expanientue. The namedy liat wit mnsad ou an tamekieian ddtiaisucesfulymet iaud !cenquerad ber eonteîning l in 17 snmalso 1ang rmaîrnî. ilwtîn aD etvu stable. 1hr s odwall and citerit on' p1eie. uAsvea ri arn tracs 11Tue cace, Mys. Invine sýpeake ,f ol br case as yraa'iqea je sjuae itsehasridentC8pr elos Tha peinty wiiihaofaed1ujee"t pe~s-eiipr tant ai tta,î* pandemomy i g'a I ta b im aeVa enda)rIs SallItWrîaiCc a oto rsr-pto(ibut ith utleon wîilbemad i o ti le day of slF mnmihtwIîI uAeerok aputtoi la .3. KCTi A .5itAITA. E!S. 0a- vslaatiguw;mvticsai." cuteetBo asvllont., or thaeia- s on aInt et" Imsle DaC&3 toil, an'.- nas are troubles eft lie past, ana imy 0ur'o7fe.1t. eue OId ann D-aeaclual cueallïaith is gord. lua aword, i alit naw suI)seibar for $1.50 lill mirAs red; I: 1wish yen te puia0ýh Ibis se that good. hAol can read il." %t ïa"atiIn $L*omaut BOWMANVILLE_ MAY 14, 1901, MAPLE GROVE. Rl Feingl of Strreng-âth, I Is one of the greatest pleasures of 11f e SGain this strength by taking our great Sprîng medicines. 7T5cts, per bottie. S3eef, iron and Wine 0 75ets. per bottie. J. IIQ1NBTHA &SON PHONE ,92, Oheniiets and Druggiets. JFIN POTTELLR, groo M. M.A. J aines is uovaruiment issuer of Marniagi. Licenses foýr Dunbam A very quiet marriage took place on wednesday atternoon Whou Mr. Jofin C Pipher of Stouffville and Miss Janet E1. (Netta) Scott of Ibis place were mar- lied by U.ev. J. J. Liddy at the Parsan- aze, Oshawa. The happy yeuag pair lefI for their borne near Stouff ville Fnl- day. 'Miss Scotti wl be greatly missed here inl the League and choir, sbe hav- ing been a. willing belper in musie and singing. The heartiesî congratula- tion cf Ibis cornmuuitv le extended. - .The Woman'$ Missionary Society will hold an At Home Wednesday a fternoon May 21. Nice program and liglît ne- fneshments. Ail are invited te attend, aI the Sons' ... .... ,Mr. A. W. Poley is hatching chicen for the Dominion Govermrent.- Seo article ou an inside page. -...Mr. W. Rieckard is the man for Maple Grave. Electors hereabout want reports frorn the flouse of ils pro- ceedings. Hoeisa fine ail-round man. Maple Grove temperance people want ta vote with a clean conscience, so tbey will vota for Riekard, Rose and good governent .... Mrs. R. D. Snowden wae talien very iii last week with acute indigestion. She was thcaught dying for one hour, but the Dr. speedily suru moned brought relief...-. Mn. T. J. Cale, le getting great demand for bis bronze turkav eggs. Cannot supply onders fast enough. , , Arbor Day was abserv- ed aI our sehool bY a general eleaning up. ' r. Jno. Stevons sold a horse last week for, a good price.... Jack Frost eut the eariy petatoes Friday night, The Colons Produced By The DIAMOIND: DIES Are Admired By Ail Who Have A Taste For Caler Beauîy. The calons prodnced by the Diamond D1yes on ail woai, rnixed gaods and al cetton goode are adrnired by ail ladies who have a baste for celer beauty. Thene le a depth, fulness and nichnese lu Diarnond Dye celors Ihat manufac- turons of other home dyes bave neyer beau able te produce., Garmeuts and matenials dyed wiîbhah Diamond Dyes, show dlean and perfect colons that standfast as long as the goods hoid together. Colore produced by the carninon package dyce are duli, rnuldy and stnaaked, giving full proof of adulteratione and worthlees coloring ingredients. When i t le genarallv undenetood thal Diamond Dyes witii al thef r supenior -qualities and a, guaranten »f perfect wonk are sold at samne price as the poonly prepared dyes, it will heaa difficuit undenîaking te find a woman wbo will nisk bier goods with the dan gerl- Ous adulîerations put up in imitation et tha Diamond Dyes, Send your addnees ont a Post Card te Tha Wollo &,Richardson Co . Lirnitad, 200 Mounain St., Montreal, P. Q, and yau will, raceive post paîd full range af dasiguis lu the new Diamond Dye Mat and Rug Patterns., HORSE ROUTES. Mn. John Joli, Hiampton., bas bouglit front Messrs. Smith and Richardson the pure bred importect Clydesdaie stallian ',Theaksten" (10655), sire Holynood. fi l a fine herse, dark bay, 17 bauds high, with short legs and dlean fiat boue. Seo route naxt week. THNiARSroN, owned by Joli, Smith& 'Richardson, w-ill standt at Joe. Hawkev's Monday naon; own stable, Hampton, night; Tuesday Gee. Leask's, night ; Wadnesday fi, Reeson's, East Whitby, nigbt; Thureday noonWesiev Glaspall s, R. Oka's. Ceurtice, night; Friday Ben- nettLieuse, Bowrnanvf lle, nooni; aur owu stable nlght. Terme $15. JOHN JOLL. groom. THE ARCiHER, John Joii's,_ Hampton, wll have stands: Monday noon, Jos. Beil's, EnniekiliLen;owýn Stable night ; TuaaGe . ( Leas'snight; Wednes- day Herbent Reason's, con. 6 East Wbitby, night; Thunsday Wesley G Ioal', Taunton, noon; R. Oke's, Courtice, night; Fniday noon, Bennett flouse, Beýwmanviile, home nigbt. Ternis $14. HARET WELCR, groom. EAsr'ILDLADDIE owned 'by R Beith & Co. will have stands; Monday nigbt John Oke's. Ebenazer; Tuesday Central botel, Oshawa; Wadnesday Thos. Short's, Foley, noont; Gea. Reid'sQ Bradley's' night;- Thursday Enoch Stevens, Eniniekillen, noan; mos. Hawkay's. Tyroe, night; Fridav' , W. Pattenson's, Kinby, naon; Bennett's, Newcastle night; Saturday ta oui stable, Bawmanvilie. Tarms $14. -ABEL SCOTT. groom. INGRAm's Hi, Mn. Chester Power'E World's Fair Prize Winnîng ClydeedalE will have stands aftar May 12 during seasen as foilows - A.7E. Rundle's Mon. day nighlt; RobI. Moere'e, Zion, Tuesday noon; Jas, Moorey's, Enfiald, n.ght; »Rd. Ashton's, flaydon, WeduesdaN 1909. Ralnrn tickets bc iils.ued ut SI1N GLE F AR E Betweep ail sutou m amd;ail stations in Canada ta îic-mo mmut vieli; PortC Huron, Midi.; Ls Cvi gas NY - BombaY Jc-t,, N. Y; H.m a.N 'm PS'prinugs NYI Hamaes ,mlt, NY lian Pod, vt.; ail statin 'a'LaCabu it from Btilom and SsmssaiBde .Y GOOD OINGMAY 3 OR 24. ValîA meo. umi~ùamtlctuatio)i mi as- homme ly2t.1902. Tuceum ; ai, îifarntin romamgents (Graîîtl T,îuîî k taiway S.sIçm. JýAS. D. lIeDONALD, Ditit Passangar Agaent, Toranto. ST OTT &, à RY, Local Agents. TUE, MASION C.4, BO WMAN VILL Edo Apply This Test To Vour Nervos tud7y thesesymptoins. hey &re for yon gudane. ou snay fnot hvethom il, but if yon bave any of thom your ner- ,Vous system fa flot up te tthe mark, and à litile extra expenditure of nerve force =&ay brlng the dreadful dowiifall. lutolerance of motion, notase and light; twltching cf tihe muscles of thé. face and oyeids; fatigulng seep, suddon startlngw gknd jerklngs of the limbs; dlxxlness and flashes ofi ight before the eyes; frrltabilitY and restiessnesln every part cf the body ; headache, indigestion, feelings of weariness and depression, and loss of, interest la the. Affaira ci lifé. Se long as the daily expendlture of nerve force is greater than the daiiy Incarne, physical bankruptcy is certain ta resait sooner or later. Nerve force must b@ increased, and this can beat bc aecom.. pilshed by the. use of Dr. Chases Nerve iood. becanse ih containIS in conrentrated form the very elements of nature which go dlrectiy te forma nervous energY. 50 cents a box, ail dealers, or Ed&nansou, Bates & Co,, Toron to. Dr,, Chase's Nerve Food TY RONE. Recent visitors: Mr. E. G, P. Pollard and Miss Birdie Pollard, Oshawa, at Reeve A. E. Clemens'; Mr. Mark Allun, Newca'ýtle, and Miss Eva Matthews,1 Buffalo, at Mr. J Sanders'; Miss l'en- fouud, Ebenezer, with friends. . .. Mr Fred. W, 0. Werry, B. A.,, is home from Riverside, Cal-,...Six active and four associate members werereceived at the League Frkday' vevening The newl ' elected Leag',uoelcers are: President -Oswald Poliard; t Vice-Wilbur Woodiey; 8rd Vice-Miss L. Davev; 4t1î Vice-Miss Carnie -ouch; Secrearv- Miss Ethel Skiriner; Treasurer-Miss Maude Curtis; Music-Mise L. Cade.., Rev J. S. McMullen wiii preach te mormbers of Sons of Englasxd who wil attend service lu Tyrone church next 1Sunday'eveliing. If you had taken two of Carter's Little Liver Pis bel ore retiring you would not have had that copted tongue or bad taste in the mouth Ibis morning. Keep a vial with you for occasionai use. SOLINA. Mr. Win. Ashton is very il1 with pleur- isy and pneu monia . .. Miss Delta Werry has been very much worse, but is im- proving nicely now. .Mrs Lick, Oshawa, has been guest at Mr. T. Bakers's, C.C.. Division wiil enjoy a social evcning -ths L week, garnes, etc..%. . Heavy frosts have not done as much damage as was ex pected. Nearly 4j ichi of ime Friday inîght.,. Mr. D Montgomery has been renovating hs house. . . Recent visitors: Mr. and Mrs. S. Bray, Enfield, and Mr. and1 Mrs. M. A James,' Bowmnanville, aI -n.W. Werryï ;Mr and Mrs. S. C. Rundie, Maple G-rove, at Mr. C. T. 1Langmiaid's: M. ) Blair, Taunton, and Mrs. lino. Hal,0 Enfield, at Mr. A. L. Paýscoe's; Mn. Jno Reynolds at Toronto. -..Anniversaý,ry preparations areweli" onward for May 25 and 26. We expect the best program for years. WVatch for bis. STÂTE O or 0 , id£Y OF ToLD, ss FRANK J. CRENEY Makes oath that lie la the senior partner of the firmn of F.J. CRENIY & Co., doing business ini the City oi Teledo. County and State aforesaid, and thai said firm twill pay the eum of ONE HUNDIRD DOLLARS for each and every case of Catarrh that cannai lbe eured by the use of HALL'S CAmui CUE. FRANK J. CHENEY. Sworn to before mne snd subscibed inu my preseoce, this 6th day of December, A. D. 1886. A.W. GLEASON, fýý 1 Notary Public, Hallsa Catarrh Cure is taken internally and acte directly on the blood and inucous surfaces of thse systemn. Seud for testimonials, free. F. J. CHtENEY & CO., Toedo, 0. Sold by Druggists, 75c. Hali's Famtily Pills are the beet, COMING S. S. ANNIVERSARIES. Tyrone, Sunday May 25. Eldad. Solina, May 25 and 26. Providence, J une ti and 2. Maple Grove, June 15 and 16. Township oftDarlington COURT 0F REVISION AND APPEAL. Notice is hereby given that the llrsù sitting of th. CortniR f-sî fortieTou i fth g Clothingd% Stock We have received more new Clothing this Sprin than we ee did beère iii one season, and as the, season is late we have to hiustle to get them ail sold. We have received four large lots thîs week inoluding some of the prottiest Boy's Suits we have y et shown, and values are excellent. We have double the number of Worsted ýSuits we had last Spring, We 5ust Si Men's Clothing. $5.oo Tweed and Serge Suits, S. B. or D. B. coats 3 0D $8.oo Men's aIl wool Tweeds, good patterns, plain or check .......... ........... *-"........'50 $9.oo Men's imported Scotch and English Tweeds, neat new patterns ..........................O6 0 $ 12,50 Men's black Worsted Suits, sack or skirt coals, ... . . . . . . . . . . . . .10.00 ' $ i .oo "Our Special" black, grey or blue Worstcd, D.B. or"S. B. veste ...... .................-.1000 $9,eo Blne or black Worsted Serge, Sack Suits, sizes 3610o44 ........... -..............-.5 $ 1.25 Men's Veste, fine tweeds......... ....... 0 31 fulil Fange of ,Me n'8Work Clotting at Sale Prices. Bo0ys' Clothing. Boys' Blouse 'Suits, 75c, 1.00, 1.25, 15o and 19 Boy s' Fane y Veste Suits for boys 4 to 7 years,, price $2.50 10....................... .. -.. 4 Boys' 2-piece Suite, for boys 5 to i i years old, a clearing lot at ... ............................. 150 Boys' bine Worsted Suite in every size at special value. Ourn 2-piece plaited blue Worsted Suit,' at $3.00, and .13-piece Sî:its a, $5.oo, are sellers. Boys' 2 piece Tweed Suite. About 2o Suits for boys 4 t0 7 y ears olcl, aI .................... 100 These are last season's styles and cost more money wholesale. Grocery Dept Our Grocery Stock ie well aesorted and we are sel- ling fneely like this: Best buik Pickles 11just in" reg. i5c per quart foi roc. Higli Grade Pickles in bottles, "Rose-matys" reg,_ 15c. for loc. D. M. Feiry's Seeds, reg. 5c a pag. at 3 pkgs. for:îoc cci 49 99 Il oc a pkg. at 3 pkgs. for 25c A lot of Crocks and Flower Pots will seil at haîf price- Our 25c. Tea, black or green, 5 lbs for - 1.00 Dry Goods Dept. Short Iengths of Carpets-1 3 ends rpnging in Iength from 6 to 18 y ards. They are our best ca'rpets, worth up to $1.005 sale price per yard.,...................2...............- Jiosiery. 10 dozen pairs Ladies blgkkCashmere ilose, plain and ribbed, regnilar 50c quality,,durîug this sale the puice is 35c or .. ...........S frO Ladiîes Vests. 0uiy about 3 dozen in the lot, long' ,sle3Ve8, well made, medium weîght. Sale prile .......-.2o....p Pri ntLs We have an îrmmeîîse stock of Ioveiy patterns, as a Spec ial Attraction, we will seCi a lot of 12,1c ïIPrints for c N. B-Cul ont thîs coupon and bring lte oThe Mason Ce. It is guu,îxi fr 25--n ~ s ot $I.oo Tis often is only good betore May 24tn and je intended to bc)om ouýr geat a7-7r&n n - l Boox)ts and Slioes. Our new -Spring Stock is zlow ail here. We have- secured some excellent lines in box caif and dongolas. -We are showing a large range of Ladies' Oxfords, prices from 85c to-.................2 5Oe We have sorne very speciai value in children's boots at 50c, 75c and............ .......... 100 Our Boys Boots can'î beat for value. See our lune at .......................... ...... ......1.5 LOOK THR OUGH OUR BOOTS AND -ýSH0E DEPTO uentüs' urnishlngks,. A full range of Chnisty's ,S,> it 'and S.tiff Flats for which we are sole agents. A new line of eoiored Shirts, sizes 14k bO 17, wonîh $î.oo, for this sale .............-s See our ncw Cononation' Vies at, each, 2e~ Extra special value in Caps at Je-w yellry Dep*t. During Ibis sale we will i llArn ýri"ctn Nickle Watches for... ...... ..................... 1.00~ Gents' Silver Case Waltharn, 'stem windirrg, open face Watches, for,.,............ ......... 0. Gents' Goid Filled Case, warranted for 2o years stem wind, Waltharn rxavemnent, for. ...1OO Ladies Solid Goid Watches frn-) $8 o up. Clocks, >'Vwçiiry, Silverware, spectacles, Et-c, al atý equally low prices. You never heard such low .prices, queted befone andnay flot again. spectacles in Geat Vapiety. EYESIGHT TESTED FREE;- SpeiaSee yl ht2 th hiki 24th THE îAASON, Coe

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