uIt cleainses the system from 11-1loîl Ion Sllliith, and by five -shorlu storie- cf grot r aiicty ini subtect' the~ crown, of the ne'îd to the aui!5taue . 1fr. isle 'Captairi soies of the feet. aijin"la À, th scond intalinent ro aeitecif as tire Lest etory cf adi enture frM. lDavis hue ex or If you arc îroubled with iritten.Mr-. ,iaitir's "-Oliver EIbm" Bouls, Pimples, Dyspe-psia, îlirs nah a crisis in biis l1cm ar- faitrs ot ir these senlals are ics-i i nclgestion, Conistipîon, Ù, 17 WrlerAppfleton Clan,-j. Biliousn-ess, H ea d a ches e i irters :James ltobb Cirurcli Scrofula, Eczenaor any trouble1eq11 of {~ ii uutha e Rerg arising from disordrdatecc cdricand'lre irai w it te arsertch 0 t he Stomi-ach-, 1Lver, l3oWelS (or Wstcaleci -Tire -lai) ,îrd rreCt ' Blood, give BuirdockPl1ood1 'lcl-ukSqtlaic" n T1eNe he] O' -1agte ~d ltoinado 1 (or- 1 4te cr e r m n y r f n e , Wîrîm ea1L1~ alrr c i -L 1 ( cUroc o y OVERCOMES To IA BITUAL CONSTPATO PERMANEN!I7Y" ITS ~ rC5 £3UY THE GENUINE -M4N'F'DBSY LI~ LA BY A 5til GP(GITs I cE 50e PtRETF. thireu. Xirtever iiraybe sad or the progre sruade byConilîrvr- tics, not cire cf tirera would as yet profes to rani,, in respect to faire air tseîracswith iugiard's old- est seat cf i arning. Iu Cermaîry the casse iotlrevwlse. 'l'o scal, uc-J lhing of tire colossal Univ'ersity of Ber lin, whMcli 1o0otrn rstitrution li tire wc'ld dcx oteti to tire Irigir edtrlarlir l'air.preteirtl to tri,1rie nrrrst rerogîrize tihe l'art iria ilruanv a. sirraill un rivrs enisire GCei'inaur Emprire claimnie SLf r iOrity e r eltirt Oxford or Cairribridge us -ear'dstIe cirineirce of 'ils poenisiita irrg, pirilo'sci r- rd r-rr.It le. -f Tefinîal step in tire pi'oce'of rr l re i înig tire oId friendsip ceinrcîiied aýt Solferino and butageirta, ui fe- ward lîrterruptefi 1 tIre îisfontuîîc cof both rcountries, was t akeir whlen tht Italibanard trench C Goi emîrents errtered 'lîrto the recmi agr'eemenrt by wbielithirires~pective irteî'esl. in tire -Medi hter ani wýere zadjus ted. the righit olihe formracipower to tire re- vr esioni of Tripoli being distiartly aicl rrwIedged. Suchir eîing tire ami- rabie terniR upoîr whiciî Franîce and .taiv irew stand, it is obilue that the lastiiied power w ould not have aisse ted t a reireral of the Triple Ailane oranhidodcennial period unileesil ira iiudistiîîctly under- stOcd itIrL no attempt siîould be chnando .--eedMi'.Wdd d n.%es.are anunaliY 'wePîtt,)a")-i=ture grave 1Tiernegiealy indirrin, nilerecse . elf abuaadoeîniniîe Diseases have ruinaeti a t!wrecketi he life cf many a proiî te Io n ean ave vnayotlîefolleigsmpou:Nervens andi Depond,,ent,' iret! ela nn1& g k- Amubition; Memory Penn; EasilyFtgei;Ectbeanifrt iFn ir Pîmiples on the Face; Dreams anti-Draina at Niglît; Res!less; Haggarti ]loking; Bletches; ore Throat; Hlair Iýeose; Pains le thre fBody; Sanuken Eyes ',Li e ess; Distnî,stfnl anti Lack ci Energy anti Stretngth. Our .e ciTreairni twiii irnîltiyou up 'nentally, pllyaically antia uznIly. ures Gîiarânted or ânePuy. 25 YVEARS IN DETROIT. -- 5S SECURITY. 4WNo Nemes Used i Wthout W, itten Consent. -A NERVOUS WRECa.--& HÂPPV LIFS1. T. P. EazaasoN irhas a Narrow Escape. "I irve on a farm. At achocli1 learneti an early habit, whichi weakenet ime physiraîly, eexnailyanti metialiy. Tant' yDoct re s aicl 1iras golîng into 4"de-uine" (Connînrption). Finaly,'41The Golden hMouitor, 'editeti bv Drs. Kennediy & Kergan 'feu inoa=v hauds. 1 learneât he truihi anti cause. Self abus hat sappeti n1y 1iaty. Illtie New MMdlwd Treaimont andi was cnred. My frientis tinmk I iras cdeio Consutmption. 1 have sent riieni nratry patients, ail of ivîrein iere cnreti, Their New e thioti Treatnrent snpplies vigor, Vîtality znti manirent.*" CensItaIan res9Beki Fra. .Write te' Que3ties Sisek fer Hoe .Treatment. VDrs5 enncd erg , 14.9 helby Streût, 1--r I Il Il . 1 ILiterary Notes. -In the M[ay Me Ciure's appears the second of George W. Smalley's not- able pap, on 'English apSs-atesinen aiî ~ules-holisU this timie. lu- ludinig the oaqi f Slsuy Lord Curzon, Siilliam larout, Lrodriok, aud Mr. GeorgeWyha. llareiy are wo e de so good a chance to learr soiuetlring of tho persoiial and social qualities of foreign statesmen as Mr. Snialiey gires nuseo Mr, Sinalley telle us about the mea as ther r innde kniow theai, aud1 as lie himself lias knlown thein. Th(- article, onlivened with many anecdo)tes, le delightful reand- iag throughout, and theugli iL adds uothing to one's knowiodge of Eug- lish politices, gives a splendid idea cf English ideals of statesruans1ýip, anid of the stuif of which the Briltl statesin are made. A series which 9hould have been anrnsiang etory of a hog-guessIhng coatest, eatitled "The Thîrd anrd a Hall Coeration," Cornelia Atwucod Pratt telle the story cf a W esteru w omaîr wlro becamie a great artiet0, anrd Caries Warreni suggests pathe tic little tragedy entitled '1wIt Enîds w ir 'iende." There le no ran whose opinion ou roreiga ffir crries greater weight than ScuatÏori I odgeo f Massachuisette. Lastsui ejr ho ruade an oxtensiv etp trougi R usela; and he eiahodies is M reSSions ila n u ar-t c le lr7iC b clcly dilers ainanp'y Irespectsý cm theviews recently -expre-ssed byI 1r.it'i adelip iand M .Noý,IM inl thsMagazine. ILeury van iLDvkc's pocai commnireioratilng the cencejcîriali 0ùf th%ý1bltth of Vlctor Il ugo is priLntod, anrd "Tire Story of Tiî,ree Sttes" by Alfred Mathewsis lcton- ciudedc. It contain& sorne wonderfîîl color pltre y Pyle, Yobn, and Fiiik. IvcClur-,*s Maigazine for M'ay le notable for contaiîring the first la- stalilîeîit cf ftiStone s story of l NOTES AND COMMENTS Apersoîr of exclnsively sedentar habite la these days is generally re- lieve,ýd by sone kinfi of sportiveness. TIo exorcise lunue way or another is the fashilon or he Uic iagen'd none is toolfi or too delicate to indulge in sIoreforai of out-of-door play. A n.ioderai versioni of thre talî f(a clcella rer(entIy pubiished in a inaga- zinc île entitled "Sanideielia" lu re- fereirce to. the abused heroiues en- forc'ed duty of coîtinually saadpaper- ing her liaughty sisters' golf sticks, and wlîen the Prince seks the de- spi.sed girl he bears lunIis lrand, la- stead of a tiiuy ball-roo-m elipper, a geuerous-sized golf.Slroe. This shows the tenclency of the age, and it le further revealcd lu the'-oca cata-' logue of books on atidetie and sp or ts which publishere sec fit to le- sible groundseta young Gerriran of promise slrould prefer to spend tlrree of the beet ye-ars 0 f bis hife ut Ox- ford ratirer thaa la a unir orsity of his native land, It les true tbat the value of trax ci, considered ais a part of' education, bas always been ae- kn-iowleýdged la Gerniany. But travel la the great world le onie tbuîîg; n Contiin uons soj ourn of' tbrco cure lu an acaderaical atmnospirî, wlriclr, at bost, imuettbe iarrow, and at al or ents ile allen, les another thlng. On the whole, tire drift of Ccniian lopin- ion is that, aithougir, in Tentonie cye, $1,250 a yenr is a splendid la- corne, it le not worth tihe sacrifice of threc yars on the threshold cf nman- hood. Accorliirg te a telegrain froar Vi-i oîna the Austro-Iluagarian Foreign Office bias asseated to a continuance cf the Triple Alliance for a third miade Lto interferc. with 1thr commer- EIJ~1NW I IB cil aud poiitical agre'nneils between O EHN N WISLS the Frenchi and Itajian Gov'eramente. The un.derstaading eîearly implies CEORGIA PINE IS THE BEST that Èrance shall not be made the WOOD TO USIE. object of attack, and that Itaiy is flo bond o c-oprat wih 0r- Vir, F. W. Hodsoir Tells Eow to not t co-perae wit ' Cci- ake a Proper Buidn g mayand Austria unlees thIlose pow- for Silo. ers should be the vct cî f unpTro- hahen rttnlrgrdt vokefi aggressionon the part of the chbsenwrtnirgade Frenh-Iussan eage. a ohersilos and silo, building, and numer- wrds, h-uTipnLe Aae, In ther ous plans have been publshefi, but for dsw hihe rl A l la n e , reli nsthe in actual expe iic cnone of the>. fori wichItay'snewreltios ihas provecl entiiely satisfactory. have compelled, it to takei, jS Sorne are too expensive for ordinary truly, wlîat Bisrjtaî ck always alleged farmers, others are cheap, but lasr, it to be, a guaranty of international onîvy a few _yLars. Thre round stave peace. silo le one of the cheapest sorte. 4--- and if it, were not hiable to collapse on accouùint of sbrinkage of the A M~ODERN POMYPEII, staves, and the expansion of the iron hoops, it woujd bc very satis- City fSt.Pierre, Martinique, factoî'y. Eniey Destroyed. disadvanitages beiug overcome. A, A despatch to' the London Times aumber of faî'mers ia the UJnited froni St. Thomias says that the city! States have adopted the plan of -CTUALLY; 1 -1