Dr. Pitcher, Saves An OId, Lady's Lite. Mrs. Barclay, of Ridgetowin, Ont., Cured by Dr. Pitcher's Backache Kidney Tablets Ater Sluffering Many Years. Mr. P. - Bawden, the WeI-Known Ridgetown Druggist, Endorses M rs. Barclay's Statements. GRAND VRUNK RAILWAY. BowMANVILLE nSTATION eoI8G EÂBT. G WEST. ~7r 3s92 a. m. Express... 5 15a. m Exres. 027'IjLocal .. 310 t Passenger .... 3 50 P.m Passenger...1 50 p. m, Local ..... 658 p.M. Express.. . 7 38 ' Express does not go west Monday mgrflilg. STOTT & JuRy. Town Agents eatinÙdiu tttma BOWMANVILLE, MAR. 5, 1902. Nut Taffv-Saturday only-1Oe. par lb at Tod's. Miller's rou Tonie Pis and Grip powders at McDermid's Drug Store. Ladies requiriug hair doue over should eall ou Mrs. Dickinson, King st Miler's Worm Powders cure fever in chiidren. Sold by Stott & Jury druggists. Our offer of one old and one actuai new subscriber for $1.50 stili holds good. Save your coal by usiug soma of our uew weather strip. M. D. Williams & Son. A lot of new Dress goods selIiug off at haif price at Couch, J ohuston & Cryder- mnan's. Mr. Wm. Clemeuce, 'Alinwood, is visitiug bis brotber-in-law, Mr. Johu Beacock. Miller's Compound ron Pills, ouly 25 cents for 5o doses. Sold by Stott & Jury druggists. Couch. Johnston & flrvdiArm an will Try Tod 's Zephyr Cream loaf it is a good seller. Court Pride Of OntPrlo' will \hold its At Borne March 12. Miller's Grip Powders Cure.' Sold by Stott & Jury druggists, MiiIer's Trou Tonte PIl and Grip powders at McDermid's Drug Store. Mrii. (Rev.) C. Parker. Colborue, was guest of Miss E. L. Rundie, last week. Yoit get ai! premiums given with auy paper wheu ordered at THEn STATESMAN office. New collar forms, uew collar points and collar Fcatherboie ju,,t lu at Me- Murtry 's. Appreutice wauted at once to learu tne Miilinery, Apply to Mrs. W. DINGMAN Bowmanville. 9-3w. Miller's Worm Powders for sailow skin; old or young. Soid by Stott & Jury, druggists. Everv, dollar paid iuto THE STATES mAN office tis month wiii receive a cheerful greetiug. If you waut au up-to-ciate eut, leave ;rour order witb Will. Alexander over he Mason Co's Store. New lace curtains, uew white qujîts, new floor oiîcloths, big range to choose from at tbeWest End House. Deessrnakiug or'other Sewing (]oue by the daY Or at îny home at moderate prices. ANNME BARRETT, Queeu St. 10-tf Spring moving will soon be bore. Ask M. A. James wbat rent he wants for the residence over Freelaud's Studio. Spring Ilats arrived- The laest Nut Taffy-Saturday ouly-10c. per lb at Tod's.- Misa Crowley, Lindsay, Is visiting frienda in town. Tait's photos are no highe r lu price than othors, quality equal té the best, See the uewest style lu photos at Tait's studio-Artist's' prQofs.-Tbey are uobbi-, The biggest range o f Crum's fine En2lishi Prints to pick from lun towu at McMnrtry 's. Daiuty Musins iu either plain or- figured at McýMurtrv 's, amonzst them Demities lu paie bine. Pink, Nule green and eauary shades.* Your photo on your hauderehief free with 1 dozen photos at Tait's Gallery, opposite Town Hall outrance. Photos warranted not to wash ont. New lot of Valenciennes Laces lu at McMurtry's and also pile after pile of brand uew Embroiderios to pick frorn, 12 yds of Torchon Lace for 8c. Wîii Alexandor baviug reuted a room over The Mason Co's. store ta prepared to do Custom Tailoring in ail ita ieading branches and at prices consistent with good wor<. For cuts, wounda, chilblaius, chapped bauds, rheumatism, stiff joints, hurna scalds, bites- of iuseets, croup, couzh's, colds, Hagyard's Yellow 011 will ho found an excellent remedy, Price 25 cents. AIl dealers. DISSOLUTIUN 0F PARTNERSHIP N OTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN TIJAT the Co-nartnership hteret<,fore çmh Carpets, Lace Cuî'tains, Flooî ai Cloths, Ladies' Whitewear, ~Shirtings, Tabile Linens and Nq tnd Tiable Oil Flannelettes, ,apkins', Tick- PEO"PLE'8 STORE% l This -Week.