Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 5 Mar 1902, p. 4

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The Original 1$s the Purpie and GiIt Package. It i an antiseptie Tooth 1Paste, sweetens th e breath, prevents decay and is a tonaie for the teeth and1 25e per box. SOLD OINLY AT MeDERMID' S DUNG STOî'RE BO WM ANVIL LE. if a Man's In Love That's his business. -IF A GIRL'S IN LOVE, That's ber business. IF THEY GET MARRIED, That's our business. Because we know they are sure to -Want Luttrell's JerseyCreamBread, Alex. Luttreli. BowmANVILLE. 8 J. S. Rundle's 'Bargain zSale MARCII 3 10 9, INCLUSIVE 2 Saskatchewan and 2 Goat Robes, 2 Imitation Fur Coats, 24 pairs Lined aud Coyerad Mitta, New Cuttnr, Grand Jawell Stova, Telescopes and Hand Bags, Palper. Everybody cali and look at them if youi do want to buy. J. 5. Rundle's 11arness, Twine, Implement and Carniage Emnporium, opposite T. Tod's store, Bowmanville. THE PRESSURE 0F BUSINESS. is greatly relieved by use of the LONG DISTANCE TELEPHONE Ton reaeh yourceustomer in a few -eeonds and much eau be accomp- ished at cost of littie time and trouble. Bell Telephone Co. of Canada. iBlllsal's larbie Works....§, Good Work, i3est Materials, Artistie Desig ns, Prices Reasonable, E. R. BOi 0UNSA LL î 15 BOWMANVILLE, ONT, Wall, Pia *pe r BOWMANVILLE. MAR. 5, 1902 LIBERAL CONVENTION, The Lîberals of West Durham are re quested.to attend in convention ai tbe tawn hall, Bowmanvîlle, on Wednasday, Miarch 5th, ricxt, at 2 p mi , sharp The abject of meeting is to elect officers, con- firm the nomination of a canididate for the approaching election, obtain accepi- ance, hear addnesses fnom the candidate and others, and prepare for and perfect the organization M A JAMES, A E. CLEMENS, Secnetary. Presideut, West Durham Reform Association February, 25, 1902. Libeaas are in the saddie in the Senate at Ottawa for the first lime in 40 yeans, baviug naw a majority in attendanca and last week asseted their îight ta appoint the committees, a right wbichi the Con senvatives bad, tbaugh raluctantly, to yield la them During ail the years of their ascendaucy Couservativas have used thein power for y artizan purposes and now thay must ual biame the Liber- als if ihey copy thair example. We do hope, bowever, that the inlerasîs af the country will raceive due consideration by tbem and that tbay will flot make a sirictiy partizan use af the pawer tbey uaw possess in the Uppen Chamben. Dr Bell's bill ta amend the County Councis Act bas mcci,cd its quietus for ibis year at leasi Uis bill wauld, if passed, make reaves and mayors m em- bers ai caunîty councils on much the same basis as formerly. Ha siated in support af the measune that by the present Act an inferion class of men had been elected ta serve-a stalemeut that was nai endors cd by mauy members., Hon. Mm. Har- court argued that the present Adt 15 a distinct advance on the old baal of things and the bill vas dafeated an a division, as it should ha. The present Act is giving antire satisfactian in ibis part ai the Pro- vince as we have neasan ta beliave it is geuerally. * : The, succcss ai the Liberal candidate (Stewart) wba won by 1003 voles aven R. L. Richardsan in tbe Lisgar, Manitoba, election lasI week, should be a death blaw la the latlar's palitical ambition. Out ai ncarly 7000 'volas, Richardson received 1522. Eveuts cails bim a- political, Pharisea and if bis campaigu bhas beau cbaracîarized-by such hypocrisy andsham beroics as are cbargcd against him, hae bus gaibis daserîs. One lhing we cannaI uidersltaud abaut the laie Lisg-ar cam- paigu, whicb is that the Toronto Tale- gram shauld publish such unreliabe despatchas about the joint meetings and wbeu iba result ai the conlesi proved the falsity ai the accounits w fred to that paper, the editar flods campDelled ta deiend the sonder'and lried ta discount tbe Glabe's daspatchas which w arc vaifiad by the ressîlts ta the latter X,ý bat cvii pawer can have gai b'd of the Telegramaof laIe anyway ? Nat very aitan do we people in country tawns anjoy. the privilega ai atlendiug Grand Opera ar a vary hi._, b ciass concert, Tbursday igbt, Fab. 2atb, -being in To. onto we wcnîta Massey Hall ta bear the concert given by the N! endeissorin Chair and tbe Pitls-burg Orchestra. -Artislically wve are tld these lwa musical orgqniza- lions have few superians in auy country. This Chair ai 400 sel ected vaices bas been trained by Mm. A S Vogt, the most suc- cassful musical direolor in the Dominion,, andi the unsitad praise given bis choir on ibis Occasion was cartainly well merit- cd, for wbila ive have heard the greal choruses sung in Alberti Hall, -Landau, and in aihar large cities, wc do nat ne- menîber aven haaring the aquai ai "Car- man Mach"and the' Belis ai St. Michailîs Taxi c." Thesa may ual' bave bean the star numbars ta tbe campaient critic, but to aur cars it was music the lika of whieh oua cannai command adiectives sufficiant-ý yslrang ta quaity 'Tile Mendeissobuý Chir is a greai credit ta Toronto and the claver instructar. And possibly the Pittsburg Orchestra with Mr. Victor Herbent as conductor bas no superiar outsida af Boston on Ibis continent. ACSGENTLY~L~ CLEANSES pl E SYSTE,, EFrECTUALLY; OVERCOMES ~ liA~flAL PERMANENTLY IIATSrPC fO A u EAi M Ru TS. PRICU3.0c.FtR OU A MOTHER'S ADYICE. She Tells How Little Ones Can bel Kecit Well, Coutented and Happy. When baby is cross and irritable you may rest assured lha is flot well. aven if vou Efe unable to see any symptoms ot his illness other than f retfulness. It is flot natural for a baby to be cross and bois flot so witbout reason. H1e has no other way of telling bis troubles than by crossuess and crying. When baby is cross give hlm Babv's Own Tablets, thevy wiIl soon make him good-natuned and happy, becau5e thev will cool bis bot littie mcuth, ease his sour little stomacb and balp bis obstinate little teeth through painlassly. Ttiese Tab- let-; are just what evers mothan needs for bier littie ones-anci for hier older bilidren too. Mrs. Clarence McKay, Rosewa 'v, N. S., says:-I find Baby's Own Tablots the best medicina I have aven used for mv littla ones. When my baby was four montbs old hae was very much troubled with indigestion Ha would vomit his food as soon as he took it, no0 inatter what I gava him and hie seemed to be always bungny and kept thin and delicate. 11e also suffered from consti- pation. After giving hlm the Tablets a few days the vomiting ceasad and bis bowels became regular, and I inust sav that. sinca I began the use of the rabý- lets I hava bad iess troubla with tbis baby than I had with any of the rest of m.v cbildran " Every mother should keap !aby's Own Tablets lu tha bougie at ail times-thera is 1no telling when an amerngeriecy may arisa. These Tablets are a certain cura for ail the intir aliments of littie ones suth as constipation, indigestion, collc, diarrhoea, sour stomacli, anid simple feyer. They break Up colds, prevefit croup, and allav the irritation accom- panyiug the cutting of teetb. Tbey ana soid under a guarantea to contaîi no opiate or other barmful. drug, and dis- soived in water mav bo given with ab- solute safetv ta the soungest infant. Sold bv ail druggists at 25 cents a box, or sent postpaici on receipt o! price by addressing the Dr. Williams' Medicine Co., Brock ville, Ont. We congratulate Mr. Geo. Spence, Cobourg, ex-Wardcn of these United Counties, on being the choice of the WVest Northumberland Conservatives to contest the riding in the coming Provincial eections. Not that we expect to sec bim a winner in the political race, beLause in a contest in which Mr Sam. Clarke is a competitor it would be useless to even think of any other man coming in better than a second, But Mr. Spence is one of our colleagues in the Counties' Council and we are pleased to sec that in our i anks are men considered worthy to re present their constituency in the halls of the Provincial Legisiature Mr. Spence is one of the best posted members of the council, a forceful speaker and' a pretty decent ail round sort of a feliow. But if we know West Northumberland, and we think we do, his chances against Sam. Clarke are in a ratic of say 1 to 1000. Bystander, the very wisc and versatile writer aptly says :-I like the modern world, but I like romance better Give me the electric button, but give* me also the tender heart, the swcet idylîs of youth which 1 fear are being ruthlcss[y trampled on by our modern civi ization. "Sweet St. Valentine" scems in danger of total eclipse. 'Tis pitv ! For, in a younger and ampler day, St. Valenitine stood for what wa~s charming, innocent and roman tic, and the unalloyed joy of' youthful hearts' If hie ap5peared in caricature, hie wvas merely whî:msical; while in his proper guise or sentiment he was deLightful Can we forget the silver paper, the filagree edges, the subtie contrivànce by which you could just get a peep at Cupid from the recesses of a valentine which cost you ail your pocket ni1oney tor a. month ? WVith what feelings of hope and treoidation one f ollowed the missive to its destination! How wou!d it be received ? would there be a shy return which just hinted at e- ciprocal feelingy? Wcll, the valentine, Stelling of youtthful love, was, in' many cases, the means of consecrating life-long 1attachments, and many a great man in days that are gyone , having lived bis life, anld reaýized hîis ambition, and servcd the world, turncd to a simple valentine, treasured carefully, to bring back (if possible) something of the perfume of a 1lost, a happy, an incomparable epoch in bis early youth, when the world was de bonaire, and life went to happy rhyming measures It is aIl dead 110w. Ail too truc. A radicalîchange bas corne over us We are intensely practical-now. 'e have the new womian, who laughs at sentiment, and gives you essays upon art and thec esoteric; the women who will not bear the burdens of wifehood and motber- hood, and who looks with contempt upon those of lier sisters who are stili foolish enough to, think of home as the most sacrcd spot on earth. We cram our children with facts We understand one thig-he. osel1f ettngon.Wear Your ricb pure cream for butter, wiîv spoil y our work by using a common and- impure butter colon? WELLS, RICHIARDSON & CO'S "IiMPROVED BIUTTER COLOR"l gives butter the natural golden June shade that no other colon can produce, and neyer fade. from the butter. 'Do flot use a vile substitute. At ail times insist upon ihaving' the kind thlat makes priza butter. Sold by aIl dealers. Big rush li subscriplions at this office cheers the publishcr's heart.' During a journalistic experience af nearir 24 yaars, we do 1101 ramember a month wben s0 many new sî ibscriptions came in unsolicit- cd as duning eth month afil'ebruary, W bat attractive fc eature THE STATESMAN possasses nom, to 'induce sa many naw patrons to iuvest in it wc are at a loss ta say. lt is a very newsy paper we admit- sa it has beau for many years But we're ual kîckingoaven new subscriplions. Ve lika them and will take fnesh courage and make tha paper stili more attractive. Tell, your friands and neighbors Ihat THE STATESMAN is experiencing a grand sub scription boom the finst month iu ils.ow n business home. In ibis caunection we may say also that fewer persa ns bave ordaned thair paper,-discontinued than usual at the end of the year. ORONO. Mns; Win. fenrv' is in failing bealth ...nl. Addison Rtickaby bas gone 10 Cannington. .. . Mn. James MeCormack was iu the city laft week. '. . MrsJamos E Rickard and daughter, Dorothv, are sick .. . .Mr. E- P. Doncaster, Bowman- ville, was home Sunday week.. .. Mrs. Chas. Black bas recovered from ber rocent ilînesa ...Miss May Vinson is attonding the millineny openings at Toronto. . .. Miss May Hawthorn, Hope Township, is visiting at Mrs. Hanny's.. ...Mr. and Mrs. Fred Heal, Bowman- ville, visitad at Mr. J L. Rowe's recent Iv.. . .Miss L. Hall bas rotunned to ber home in Osbawa.. ..Mrs. DavidDarch and soil Leonard, Bowmanville, visited haro recenîly... Mn. Robent Watson is homei fnnm New York. ou account o! the citical illnass of bis mother,. ... Mn. and! Mrs. Thos, Sharpe attended the erystal wedding o! Mr. and Mrs. E. H. McCulîagb, Newtonville .. . .Mr. Willie Hlli, Pont Hope, and Mn. Jas. Clarke, Cobourg, visited Mr. R. Hli ncontly.. .... Mrs. Jas, Millar bas neturned home fromWaubaushene, whore sha hes been for the pasG three montbs...,. Mr.Alfred Momdnt, Nýew York, was home oven Sundav at bis fathe)v's, Mn. R. Moment. Aifred is conductiîg- a bnanch china- ware bouse, in connoction with the grée«at establishment at Limogues, France.... Mn. Edson Keat visitod bis mother last waek. Edson, who bas beau baggage master ai Bonaventure statign, MVotreal for some time past, bas returnad to bis 016î job at Belleville station ...Miss Beatrice Foster is at- tending Leamington Business Collage ...Mn. Fred W, Rutherford, wbo for upwards o! three years filad the nesponà sible position o! chie! lark o! the. Army and Navy Goneral Hlospital at flot Springs, Ankansas, bas received honor- able disebarge, and is now, with bis bride, Miss Poearl Mamrelle, of Waco,- Taxais, spending bis honeymoon with relatives haro ...The ladies- o! the Metbodist churcb W. M. S , shoWing tbeir appreciation o! the rervices of, Mra. Luxon their Treasuner for over 17 years, prasanting ler witb a "Lifei Membership"' gold pin. TZ>IGS FOR SALE-Ma pie Grove JLYrkshires, ail bred fram show stock; pigs from two to three montho, and youqjg sows lu farrw y Yorksliires won ail the first prizes in their class at Bowmnanviiie, and oest ai five ather shows, inciuding dipioma ai W'hitby for best peuof Yarks; arders booked for sr'i p7s c holce sow's ta farrow lueinuding 2 PTr auýto winers; satisfaction sud saf c arrivai guaranteed. T. J. COLE, Bawm'fanViiie. 10 ,4L.1. BOWMAN VILLE MARKETS. coerreetc-Il by J.3icMlurtry eaeh Tuesday fLOUIR, P~ 100 l'os.........$81 90 ta $2 30 WHEAT, Fll, bush .... 0 0t' O 75 t' pnig........t O 0 O75 Ried Filde... . 0 00" 08 il Goose ....0 00"t0 65 BARLEY, e bush, No. 1 ... 0O 0)fi 0O53 il if fi2 ... 040"il0 50 et fi fi 3... 025le 0 31 'l fiTwo nowed 0 40'il050 (JATS, white n........,.. 00 et O 40 RYE r............O00If0 nO5,1 BuOItwHrEAT fi ......O0 00 '0 O50 PE As, Bîxeke ve, t> bush1.. O 00 0 00 If Canadian BeautiesO 70 fi O 80 l' Mummey i" O 00 't O 00 Il Smaii if O 60) il 065 ilBue e t' 000 î 0 65 t3irrTER, best table, P 111. O 0 0 0 17 Eqs, Pdoz ..........011Il'0 20 P0r'ATOES V4 bush .......O0 t' O 40 LUAY, et'n ................800 '9 00 Advice Wo rt h Following Wben s everal bundrad people have tested a new remedy, and found it good, ibere le a temptation to iry it. Bui when ihousands o! men al aven Canada hava beau completely cured of Nervous Weak- nase, Kidney, Urinary and Sexual Disorders by a reliable treatment like ihai o! Dr. Bobeniz, and oui o! (f Sold in Bowmanvilie by W- T. ALLEN, "lBig 2M" STOCK FR SALE-If voit wa nt a I oug .igrade or sharrtbomn,' pure, ex- eiint~~e.Cail or mîite ta WILLIÂ*A A Sol id Foundation for the foot lessens the chances af catch- ing cold. This is tho soason when DAMP-PROOF FOOTWEAR sbould te worn. Thaws, raim, mud and siusb cail for stout footwear. gratitude recommend ibis Doctor in KING'S CORK SLEEPER INSOIE evary way, it seams almost a duiy tein btyo r nehg, ave thai every man, who is similarly MENS AND IWflMEN'S' affeeted~~'Ui lhua a omiwitttmti 'esfulphyicin a 1 obainhisstylisb, very comfortable and durable. advice. Dr. Boberiz' address is Fred., R. Foley. 565 Woodward Ave., Datrolit,. Mieb. Parlor Shoe Store - Bowmariville, TeA A Coffqe The very best Chase and Sanborn Coffea, for something- - good it zan't be b.eat. We have a few Spacials for ibis week-Pure Mapla Syrup, Canned Pineapple, Corn, Peas and Tomatoas, ibe vary best. Have you tnied our Special Baking Powder, it can't be beat 15o per pound. aI TELEPHIONE 57 BOWMANVILLE. -I WEI NDHOIS. (The Men's Store,) WE8T N UE Men'L $2 worth Apin of Hat, Footwear.Vaus GetiIo a When a- man Geatsofyu ant buys his Spring aaro!Boots tha ath nauly e~ ~ ~ fit well, kok well, wnt bsinne'swrt. e h e hndadthell waswell and isa athsmnyswrh e av hnddte wod era a WÂEFIELD ENGLtSIIfHAT for years and have yet to good genralail-find a dissatisfied eustomer. The New Spring Shapas round Boot, take a walk down to the West End flouse have arrivad and hyaebats.W sl henw and uy apair oflight grey, stitehed Fedora, King Qua1ity or NOPherson's Un111io ade Boots eSpca ale9 . (New shapes a re just in.) S eilV le9 c Shirs tht ]q- Waterproofs for wil stndN Rainy Weather. When you buy your Waterproof' Coat here and L aundry. pay $5.00 or more fur il, you get a guarantea wi th -A Whenyoubuy ~.your Coat. Tbe Coats are guaranteed to us by tha .. G. R. or Crescent Brand manufacturars. Shirt you take no0 risk; àK ~~~fins-class frt Itters, elegant W u oRs colns ndpatterns, non-wasbout XeR nINoR s co.os an up-to date i every partieular.Clas You R<un'No RisIk> W. G. & R. stand-up-turn-down, olr are kept here - :z for 2.5c. E Every Man ShouldHave One, MLeading Olothing and Men's Furnishing Store in West Durbamn. BOWMFýNVILLE. THE MEN'S MFPN 1 1 1

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