Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 29 Jan 1902, p. 6

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I ts*eéete*.teêê*tt*clutched di the collar of WII's suit. Jtis tirne ? W- '«uiii, ýr.e hwstation JTI h .'II l BEBI san appropriation o! $187,75-3 as" bU ~ AGR I Ian ea ajbrow wlth Myj fist, andi emeut yen, but '«are tec, tata', and fLEUUna±ÂuM tL, m1ax.s $192,531 îast year. A grant lGHaR i il ~f groane e '«ecaine ack orna, and have --if $4,00O t e ee fouse ot Refuge, i¶> Ihad the procession cornma li been waiting :or yen ever siace, an!i NOTES 0F PROCEEDTNGS lu' Essex, tnd $55500 te the flouse ef i T NO. 54-r etahrlallhý3ÏÏ, and I kaew '«hat awuitud awfully une.sy." E OS lfgBat -r tuket A Cbatbam Mother ToUs bow Rîw r o' h i n dl! I ~~~~~~~~them'in the dining-roorn. 1 ened 1£ had been feing b n pcktfor iOTROJGvrretFos st:y~9 agtrwoaîobo Bloss, rite total aaLunnt te bu e, it tcdoftheinaYur Or uctür teau ut a for curre,ît axpinditure is bbhdiSý- municîplty where a strika or lpck-. 980; on -apital accouait, outoti,273, Q id, he secre- $4 04228j lcking) sliah piecead te such IFor civil gevernaicat $85,040 isniicipalitir and use bis best encas- îcquîrcd, as agamnst 6zb,07 for! ors '«îth ail parties cencrned tot t hast yeux. 'Iho thief ite nîs - avait sncb strilte or lock-out. rer are $1,325, undur tt'heait of THIE ]OLL TAX. inspection et public instituti ons, anti Mr Mardiarîniti (M'est Elgintinjtte- $100descrlibatias tiisilaneouis. duceti bis uactoteabehish itht pol tax, j hr isl a decreasa ef b1,030Oinla ainPanten inoasure te bis bill te ME Wt b 1 t >ru-i ipteo son t,ýugdry Aflar Hier I '«n a d t ata th o ParI iani...... ...... ai. Nov, 23 Mon. Nov 25 they '«etc expacthn-nme,- thon. Baut Llttan i0W ..........' Dec i " q Wniianl ...... ...." 14 lnî my shace .io', antinet '«ait. Rip- Parbiia..........O 21tit -,uait c Ntttt..... ..."Jan. 4 Jan.,a i .l -lt ri. W.........1t .0 , Thoen 1'«unt bakt te the,. batrooni, Tatisl,.....,, 18S ~20 igît -eau et ofJatast cîgai s, stratch- cor '17ia...... ~ 5 . ti eti mysuli ont !la an c. sy-'lii,'i RATES OF, PAS SAGE îny faut te the pratu, i'«bp-e a '«arui Fit-st cOtointiCýoU ii n'jwsi, raicîitie5 fic jyet gloweuc, atàd mokcit anti an" dp'a d.Set tiln -3'te 40.0f),Loti "dcii ati dott5 _xraTi-d Ctasi$ î5aad ,t9C-hive r- 1ro. L onotderry, Lontdotn, G.ig.ow Éand iL'«as. cet a. o-seti until an ugîtt- haifas. I-J ni ras trying teinert s by Jior'IPItktssznd every Infornmation toto the loch off the fretnt door, 1 app.ly te j mci triatthe serprise I1'«as poing, 1M. A. JAMES, o t gîv,2,iJasm-ssud e-sm. Just thon) Allan Llueis not Bwnt eth, hall ceer eoid 'Pheýndor 1" rcrnaritoti a roice. flTANTED-Trnîqtwor-tlirMen andi outlo ht'atiuialto iit iVe,ýnsen ttrevel anti .dvartise foir nideu t esttt1!lteti bo s t eitit icai sta'tdtur. 1 Itit ppt.d barkth ite cthair,'Plia Ss"î i uia dt'xpete's cli payable lit roîc, tii net beoeaite Jamas I i CaS'h. N> ('et vîeiîtg rîçLqtirelîi. (tO rire atti lad 'nee r >uaîd it befiorüt andi coie scsif adedd-t tatopeti nvei1p,. Addrieas8M&AsazIL, wM5 ca. ion tîtttîtcig p,!A '«liapa0îoîainaor t'. e-iasie (tacIl 4wbcsera nie. 1 dused tihropa n the deor in horott of rue, liche-liîtanti foot i ta' rIif Ini arote tr dreeta Ou M ettable Smen ù te iteanc 1cir rooni, anti thereI 'ivas Vo'ery iuraiîty thougttý ont Cat ta otttrudoce ta a ua-e-u h'le only donc ef eut gînl, tacirg up cxit]led 1i0 île ahall. Y pausced, anti spicoe pacsais dîrbotngenttiaderteîg istenut i ,ivon. etter eamsitercasyt00 pttotad "Oh, nypertaligO i edol't axpsnî3eesetteaimn,,eS Otte pet day . sdy cruiaet i ta faariî îînevotreas ,tha oxperience neediti. '«rite Lo titpaticelars, do.it xx as aiscortrua. X 'ac an or, the3 EMPIRE MilDIÇINE GO., tendon, ont. f ul, crucl i mest-r hom iar 'eI, ut haast, Li'iîan, L a ha,_rt tIcatieg, ' saitiaoierTnn ina "vo1ct, iîrla rppA Loff I'îu e, v 'sla t. "tirdlath iedsur ve a gee 1-i -dtiatoff syinpuiliy foi that, du'i' kàjeu, Will 9 best Cugh Mdîcîn. I dard refareacas te thie polira, Tht tst CagisMadiine, andti ie jingling ef an axcietitlti- ABSOtLUTE- SAFETY phono-bell, folo'«ot by cails for shouldb.t- gh f irst thouglit and 1tîree or four inate bu sont ur- oýUest b. rigo7rousiy inhisted rn.tesain upon when buylng medicîne,fron that stil o at1spn fo'r upn tt saiety -dependa '«îe'e long n-lit loceuittup nîIL on I if.. ALLEN-'S LUNG "urb tt iotchu/ xt i BLS.Aý'M contains neoOPIUM. turuti James conitng ie'w a ath4- Ira anti erm iand srsze., sUre. andii prompt lan cases of Croup, niornlng anticel-gne a feel, '«but Ida. dew-P-seated CougIsE. li 'as mabîng atrrangetuants fer m cas? What adifterence b- Itauhlian"$.20pu ic a thca Q-7 BNS L-W tenthe, .grain-t-ed and tficedatgtectt ee aa at araue $1000 ev(,ur hlas ir ncuryiaiiOttuqnte st gras-fd hrs 1 he irs cart!,-.eevisitations of Provid ica'fo l'ativu librarieqn antid21)te thu 1ie- bonus t to uiîidstry alreaiy astab-; gras-td hrs! Te frstvth pýilosOPhy- puty Ceni)'issioer ef Public e, rks, t lishietintathe poi Tu his subjat strngan fuNet iner te «1hen îifs mether t" gasped theaI le adinistraîtion off justice '«iii bas taustit math troubît reccntly bu- V ,'i Vourdrfuther's sale. (loteon jour 448,year asAagainst $155,214 tcuea tha Villae s of- Aurora anti second fiabby, weaK'and tîreu Yu nterqsf.Gt nyu ast ya.Arcductîon eof oo,. 1$i Markhat-n. Mr. Patulie's bill proviti- tings, but do't hurry or '«erry. mde la the expOnses et' uoty judg- as that ne mucli oihr can ho matie, eut betere hie begins. The lt's tee late te bc ai nny use, but ues ta groupati conuetis, Provincial- 4--- feeding makes the differéecPH l'liy back anti se'«bat I eau de. police on tha Niaigara anti Detroit The Dector-"I think yen undar- 1oahy cama e ta tllyeunont te gut hivers ceet $900 noe titan last stand (uj ynew the direutiens for Children are net allike either. uxci-td " year. those medichtas, andi tili-tefer ye'ire "Fo'r wecy's sak," inipioreti the FOR FDIJCAT1ON. dyspepsia. Patient-Wliy, Iliave't Oneisroybrihteydf ull altist tainting woeman, "tell nma the Fer educatten $785,6399 is asketi, dyspap-sia, decter.'- Plihe ctor.- werstt"as against $778,922 last year. Thlire "Oh, but yeu xiii hava it '«len et lite and laughter, anether ls wuî"t,!, ,iîju '«iiihave it, tUe con- 15 ani tcreasu ef $'0o0ofur nigli yeu'va takun thone other xtemüdies t pale, weak and duli, The feed- eqene b on y inr ow'n huait, Sci'eols andiColagijatus. Iligh - 0. , ' Mry. l'ra triadti t prepare you, Schoîs and CellegiaEta'teý ii cost SUIISCUsIPIlION RAÂTES. ing- -ahi is respeîîsible. anti if yen ivili kaow-don't excite .?$119,1-75, cemparati 'itli $115,675S-rnM'tend!192$0( b bourýsaît, try anti kuap calai-but our ln10.Teei ato ne-SAEAýGoeadPeim 18 Sickly children need special kitto ncbiuntey's enoirett, and anailo~i 91 hr sapr ta x UTSAOihet r.mm 1P nagibi rei - a $1,000 te the Normai Cellogu. 'Sraîsa1d*\aky al i9o feedin-. Trej-den't"t'eeltheir Susriui u rn adat'l'ho apprupria tiens te public lib- S-ar,A N A-,anti "PamItilv leraiti- t 9G yas ct'Enuso d s i raries anti art schools N $60,900, or ý;TA'UESMAN andi Farmîn g ('«cakîx I) 1i O oaAsTASICttrFOR fIEs 000K, 1$2,000 ieorathan a year age. rj '«e TATFISÂAN anti iarmer'a Ativoeato i 90 A AKFO H, OK grants are eut et! untier tha heat off STATEAsAara' itiGîai 2 GO just the rîgîît richness te theiri A goti story i5 tolti of a citizen 1iniscahianeour-$300, lot îerly grant- Sý'TAraT.eSIA N andi Xleuteai Witness 1 75 diet. Lt is likNo gIrain te the nouveau riche uhose tiesir o te 'show uti te the Deominion Fitucation, anti SvxrsIMAa a it genýr 1 2 litn lioq '«s nl eceeot b lts$150 fer cotise! ia,3ting the scheel STATESÎMAN ai 'Montreai Ileralti 1 75 herse. The child gets new ignoronce. At dluner one day Onoetf1 awý, anti reguaterns. STAxrSsANa anti XVesteýrî Advertiseri. 75 bsgucsts, a '«cii-i aawa itartry PUBLIC0 INSTITUIJTONS, S-TATESMAN anti Breadler's Gazette 2 î50 appetite andI strong dgcti lergyman, soiti h prpizc,,.îfrpbi i-SAEMNDý0 is moe Y'ItinodantX' and hligaveisa5~I&5 te er pulia TA TErAFs&"Z nant'Poronto Worid 3 Go Scott's Emtiîonien ainennce i $80,4STTtMA sd Dli Glbe 4 75 titan f oed, Tt is a stren Te"n' rci" 'ashauiaai.27 epaet «ihL8110 as.STATSA niTrnt.ai tr250 fielitineepgrntAluls guct âi Pi siin orlm ePa- &r'ýA'ESM"AN antiEa nn Globe 3 50 medii,ýn e, t-)Uses U ul «i.gn i alied ils ceNt. tints at eouggets $30,858. .vvsa niDivWtes 35 j'uint1 give yen carty blanch y Spacial raîtofr agricultaral STATESRAN anti Weukiv Sun 1 9 chlden ptsne fes ot hi fr o iner neh dem andeti. P l'oissar ct_5000, the total 'S-TA-rrsm N ana Saturday Globe 2 50 cnesandredblùd ito alethe sicyendid, sîr," rupiiede -eticVtr tOnheati off agris- S'Â'asMsd Toronto Newas il 50 eules. Lt aes ol idre go. t .dnii't I telli yentehave jtien 5,85 T'lera is a grant off 117CI191, . eryttetag t hat nnybody had ?- $1.500 fer an experimuntai coin Scett's Emuýlsierxnimakes erdi- 'es sr-you aià, sir." j stoîaga station, WE WAT MEN i 'Ycsý Weil, ne'« it seunis that at HOSPITALS AND OHARITIES. EVERY WEEK DAY, ~~ ~nary teed do its X's tliey hava epigrenis at de~ssert, e -piasatiuaîie.hr duy.dn gooti onn, tee, anti folkni s 1000 MES WANTED' t a ve their Ibs iNtsraseae 01uLl£bae tboy comaue, e'« measure forFait andi Winter Suits te the Irae eMath cOf bceits auti «lat's more, uoek 'cm bettr - M. HAEShmadie up lita ery latesi tleat t i m' allimant islaoitn tiaqnoe îoit guaranteeti. We make menàsand beys t nippn oifewriy taoue, .CAAUHCUE.,JL ,z4 suites equal ta any anti prices lewer tban a'er rtsml SVEN TONS 0F COPPERS, 5ý snt direcit oe diseasel mans'. Dring us your wrike ite iBena, offFtrierLoadeaiCeaatyi by- heImproved Binwer, te ho presseti antimadie like a'noir suit, Nir- Benn. of theWLondonrCosais tse cers, cdean the ait We keep simples of cith-pricos riglit. ono<~û CANDAet opprs'«ckly'«ra aku feaites sd Oeaee ~urea J oastT. ALLIN the fashionable taller, c,ýNmA of;oPers atîtAtasmfeedit .Feve. lwc the eunui's ram assnger, W fre, Al delers et r. . Cai nearly oppogite §TATESMAN offce, Soir QAani .ai trgas.j iL! 'W1 04_t-setn, slirMdite,, Tor.A. W. khie -avîi45-t peua. Tae neo te sluMtur tepilan Imiaton ae aneus. PrsiveNo, 1 $dUm i o 2 male onrei etrie aed iwe Een th siaope 'li" 4ovkC opny. W in rOt ,lîîry J HigtbtîaîîG ouam auJ de tulUra dregg sic Tee MacîfhirusbanMe ÔnIy ne Ae t'E lui e heer ag*e -T caoat stad i,; ti; x, USAr ue tihnefrinth bload properJly or ta ta the-ibatwï eGtaraiereuits.fAr the mut n cMi atten e Ladiu uaed thm: DoIbas taknD i'Kida' Pilla, Iwb Ir prcw"da 'e ia lxi hereo fraum tisa ad pin lat.e et l aend back '«1h w ioh I- ave basa af,,hidcteýd the ýs pal ix yar. he dd ies eonthtluharips ecmmUdtS.a an ecelent ediine or hennati tou j and ~ ès bakae"Okas O, PîcA a I lu agiclt rie met, rlia i -~

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