Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 22 Jan 1902, p. 8

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Meelure' s A Evou interested ln your fellows? Are y ou concerned in the aff airs oilfe? Do you care anvthing about the great men who have jbrought'about the conditions in wbich i ou lilv and those who are in power to.dav P Do you enjiv wholesome, animated stories that are true t- ife? Do you care for beauty in any foi-in? Then there is no escape fOI vou; you must join the army who read McClutre's reguiarly. A FEW FEATURES FOR 1902. MW ROMANTIC LOVE STOItY bv B3ooth - kington. author of "The Gi deman from J udiana" and "Monsieur beaueaire," a tale of love mx,~ ~~~~o 'e~ u ri bn !allant men and beautiful women. It deals wuà lit in Indiana at the ime of vie Maxîcan War, U liE STOU'Y 0F TilE STAND)ARD 011, by Ida M. Tarbeil, author of i uof Napoleon," I"Lifeot Lincoln," etc A dramatie, human story of J t irst and stili the greatestof ail trusts-flot an economie treatiso, but icîting history. ýi~ test of the Old Masters by Clara Morris's Stage Recollec- LaFarge Interesting an'l tions. Stories of Salvini, Bera- fui papers on1 Michelangelo, hardt, Mrs Siddous and others. Re.Lembrandt. ete., t hoir à, Battle ef Millionaires bv the pictures reproduced in tints, u. -!WalStett;ciies. l)eolty on His Travels, Bis vs upon uty ýpicai New York- -'iuigdlpiian. Bostoianî and toitarts of Chicago and Waah IlarnAlien Wh ite on Tilîman Gl Ueveiand aîîd others. The Forest Ruuner. Serial Tale o! thie Mexican Woodsý Josepitine Dodge Daskam. - More child tonies. Emmy Lon Steries by George Madden Martin. ~rted prnsio)ctus, descrihing in fuli many other foatures, sent free.j S. MeCLURE CO., 141-155 East 25th Street, New York City, N. Y, ONE DO%%iLLAR !A YEAU, -But at any price THE -I3EST.I to talkz over whiat pa9pers and 1 ee our new ciubbing rates on an sý, ,ou want in 1902 with vour inside page. M' A. JÀmEs will be glaid toi ________________ M'-iîtLgntreatmuent l 1pro- Qftsvon tiesire. We know o hîiule besi efforts and-yDnu ùudu for a photegnapi .'itllitelikýe, beautýitl. We _,ecived a lot gut ulaneerv les in moufta, Corne in and -xl door te STATESMAýN Office, rufAFl r TRADE MARKtS DEdaGNS CopyRIGI4T8 &C. -nding, a sketch and desrution May ýi-ialn oua opinion free w ther au ycplOtIil.aiîdbOeDkGonPatents l ~n~or securing ptents. Sfreeirsm .~ ,5iBi4W~ ew York .lscSiSFt.1 -'to. D. C Sports, Quebece February 3 to 1. 1 190o2, retura tickets wiil be issued al the foliowiDg rates : Toronto, Markhain, myrtle, Peoiboro and easit tereof in Canada to Quebec andi retura, valid goitig Feb. 8 to 11, inclusive. BOWMANVILtE 15.80 QUEBEC AND RETURNý I. I Port Hope to Quebee, return, $15.20 Cobourg to Quebee, return 15.05 Belleville to Quebee, return .15.20 Proportionate rates from intermediate stations, Tickets valîd returning from Quebec on or before Feb. 12, [902 Tickets and ail information from Ag'ots (14 rr'd Trunk lBsilway SYstem. M C. D CKsoN, District Passengor Azent. Ticketcs and full particulars at STOTT & JURY'S Jrug Store, Bowmanviloe.-- 111crgrnbotham's Emulsion 0BwAv SThe Sons of' * ilng a marna Ul F idayeveniiJ EUh gamn o! diaic and instrum<l C od rs U:Littlejohns an With Hypophosphiles. 8 p m.. r on Thursday traiisactsome Troube and with the ostate The best remedy for Lung rulead Mongomev.. éattend the SA SGeneral iDebility. The taste of the oui s so ton Monday ni disguised as to make it as pleasant to take as 0 ietln h Sany cough mixture and is easlly digested.0 v Visit6rs: Reý Only 35o a bottie. r s;Ms R dence', Mr.1 irir Dakota, at M g~ ~ ~ ~~ li JIIGIBTMI&SO, Taggart, Miss ijru'!liSi, Xie, t r. M Culiough, Eufièid, at Mr. D. Heddon's; Mr. and Mrs, C.W. Souch and daugh- tors atNestieton;NMrs. S Souch at Bow- manvilie; Mr. Thos Abrahams, Detroit, at homo; Mr. and Mrs M. B. Crvder- man,' Hampton, at Mr, A. B. Fergu son's; Master Gordon Souch at home. .* Rev. T. J. Edmison, Newcastle, gave an excellent missionary discourse liera Sabbath morning...,The Iollow- in-- were successfui at the rocent pro- motion exams: Frein Sr Ilite Jr Ill- Roy Heddon; Jr Ill ho Sr III-Florence Annis, Ethel Gilbert; Jr IV ho Sr- IV- Norman Heddon- J. A. MCTAGGART, toacher. A PEEVISH CHILDREN. 1 broke a neodie in ber thumb lash week, medical services wero necessary te re- move the piece. . ..Mr. Jno. Y Colo ah- tended the tuneral o! bis sister the laie Mrs N athianial Porter at J arvis, Ont.. .Ail tracks should lead ho Hampton Sons o! England Hall noxt Mondav wben a varicty concert of a hîgli order wii lÙe given. TLe foilowing artists wilI appear:. Elocution, Miss B Han- cock, Miss Eva Foioy, Miss Lona IMason- and Dr. F. C. Trebiock. Vocal, Mes- srs. 0 A. Gamsbv and Chas. Saîowden. Comic, Messrs. Jackson and Ruther tord. Violin, Mastcýr Sydney Ruther- tord, Admi8sion 15c. 'Doors open at 7.30 p. in. Concert to commence at 8 o'clock. Nak th Mthe'sLif On e' GreWe Dispense Drugs of Standard SWorry - How te Keop B aby 1 Streng'th and Purity. Healthy and Happy, Indigestion la one et the mosl cemmon diseases ef infancy, and it is also oee ,,f the moat serions, fer unloss il hs control ed, the constitution will be weakened, oth'ir diseases wiil find easy lodgeinent, and tho chld's whole future wiil ho lui perilled. Ah the final- aiga et indiges- tion, or amy trouLleofo the shomaci, or bowels, Baby's Own Tablels shouid ho adminishored. They act with prompt ness and perfect saf cty in strengtlion- ing t omach ana nemoving the o!fentdiug materiai Mrs. W. C. Te!! t, MNarkhamn savs :-"Up te the time my baby was a menti old, hoe was a per- fectiy iealtliy child, Thon bis stoniach begitn te trouble hlm. Ho looked piuched and tarved, bis longue was coated and h is breati offensive Hoe vomited curdied milk, a n d was aiso constipated. After tak- in bis ood lie wouid scream with pain, and althoughhle seemod alwaxs liungry, bis food did hlm ne good. Ho was se restless and leopleas that 1 was almost wern out. Medicine seomed te do hlm ne good until wegave hlm Baby's Own Tabiets. Igve hlm the Ta-blets and tney helpedhlm almoat iinmediately, andila avery short lime ho >began te gain in weigit, and is -now rosy and healthy. Býabt's.Own Tablets cured my baby wlien nothlng else helpod hlm, and I would net be withhut thler in the heuse." -This la the only medicine for 11111e enes that give- an absolute- guarantee- etf purity. Milton L. Hersay, M.A.,Sc., (McGill) one o!thie best known analy-- afs in Amorica sovs :-'I have madle a caretul analysis e! Baby's Own'rablets. My. analysîs lias pro yod that tie Tabiets contain absoiutoly n o opiate or marcoti ; that tbey caf ho givon with perfect safety to tie ytuufg- est infant, and that they are a sate and effective medicine for tie troubles they are iudicated te nelieve and cure. " Such an endorsement, frein se higli an auhhority, stamps Babv's 0Own Tablets as the salest, thi eçs and the moat relliable iedicirie for the ibis o! childrçil babys; Ôwn TËablets are good for children o! ail ages. Tiey reduce foyer, cure colic; prevent and curc indigestion and constipation, check diarrhoea, sweeten the stomacli, aliay the irritat- ion accompanying the cutting of teeli, and promehe sound, 'healthv sloep- Guaranteed t o contain n o opiate. Crnslied te a powder or dissoived in water, thoy oaa be giveai with absolute safoty to the yeounzosl inf antý Sold by ail dealers ah 25 cents a box, or sent postpaid on rocoipt of price, bv add rosa- ing the Dr Williams Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont. -OnONif. NEWS AND) OPINIONS Mn.J A.-Jenomehas-been sick ... Mn. James Dyer,eGandenhilil. was ln C) Ftowin necently ... Miss Mabel Wrighit is- National- Importance. visiting hien sisten, Mas James McCon- mnack... Mas Popper, Lindsay, la visit- InBler faiher, Mr. F. L. Antinus. Mr. R. W. Wright, Janetvilie, was ln TH E LSUN town last week..-,- Rev. Fletcher Ciap man, Victoria University, Teooto. was borne lasI wek...., Mr. and %lrs Geo. AIIONE Rutherford and daug'hter B4cf ord, visit- co~IqT îIS 3OT14- ed Mn Ai! Chapman aud ethler fieids. -....- Rev. C E Cnagg lias neiairned !romn ~ ~ a vîsit down asat..-.. Miss Lillio Knigit wbo lbas been visiiug ber sisten aI the Dally by inail - - $ a year parsonage, lias reuurned te ber home in Daily and Sunday by mall,$S a year. îronto.. . ir. W. Lawson, Hlope. was ia town recentiy. .Abent hweuitN young ****' ****ladies mpmbers of 'Vra Leggett's Bible cClass were enuronhained ah the parsenage T ~ ~ ~~~j h. da un Monday ovening week a:îd. spent a Ê , ~social exenine lu gamnes, music. etc... is he reaestSuuîday Now-spaper in %Ir A. Leizh-bas co!n pietedhis coiltract 15 lice reatetif pnîtiug inithie uocessar' machiner, r ,n worid. fir driing a Jîllierr gricîdtn for Mr By ai, 2 ayer.lisElliîîtt au Hampton. imaking a Address THE SUN, New York, cotraci for tua' i iig similar machin- ____orv, for Mr A,-l or Ke ...... e i supplfimentarv meeting <if the Fan- Biîý-DER TW!NE mr'bstitute was ls.rgel'. aittondeti Doîn'% f"r2eu t o orden FA'1mER'$ be-inM 1ila 1ages~ e ttgperhaps'o! B1INDmI4 II vtýE Gîiiei'-lst îcî,iii kind even beld in tip -i, lc ivien, 1 ErER 1ERYzý, Agent, T.trm)ne. ' curi -I haîiiber being ciosel>' pý'kil 2-tf ' tîh attenive libteners. Our reputation in the drug business is established on sound and iasting principios. Wo givo our customers just what tboy ask for, and guarantee ail ourdrg to be o! standard purity, This means much when yo atr doctor's prescriptiong are to be filied. .Buy your Porfumes, Toilot requisites, Soaps, Brushes, Combs, Atomizers from ns. OnBEST SELLER. We caîl special attention to Paine's, bcine. a true heaith and strength ï-k and rundown people- Tt. vancy of spirits and i oecessary for theos- t& -,and heaith. Paine'sj celei51' ,,,n stands far above al other mnt icnes. Soid bv J Higgin- botham& Son, druggistsi, Bowmanviile.i L NEWCASTLE. Visitors: Miss Olive Walton, Dunbar ton, est of her sister Mrs. R Coiwillî Mr. T.B Edmison Toronto, at home; Miss Tamblyn: Orono. guest of Miss Odie Wsr-en; Miss Lillie Rickard, Wel- como, home; Mrs. Sî%mons, Hope, and Mr. Ed. Symons, Ho pe, at Mr. James Rickard's; NIr. Arthtur S. Simulons goos soon t o Indian Head North West Territory; Mr and Mrs. J, J, Ugiow at Port Hope....Mr. W. H. Pearce and Mr. Harry Pearce have boeen11U.-. Mr.---a nd Mrs. S. Rickard entertained friends vory Vieasaaitly Friday evening.... Mrs. Geo, ibecký was hostess ah a verv pionsant AtlHome Friday evening . The death o! Mr. Robert Atkinson Saturdav morn- ing came as a great shock. Deceased has been la fair hoaith until Wedues- day night when ho was stricken with paralysis and succombed withmn 48 hours. Mr. Atkinson's bovhood was spent in thîs village and with the ex- ception o! a k;hort trne at Castietoni has redided in thMs vlcinity ail Ma le and was universaily honored and re8pected. Ho~ ia vos a widow, 4 sons8 and 4 dau«h- tors. Fred residing in Aigoma, Louis and John in Mantoba and Thomas at home. The daughters areMrs. W. H. Pearce, Misses Mabel, Jessie ana Ethael at home. Mr Jos. E. Aikinson, editor Daiiy Star, Toronto, Is a brother of de- ceased The luneral took place from the Methodist church Mondav afternoon to Bond Head cemetery. Mrs. Atkin- son and !amily have the eympathy of alil.,.. Mr. William B. Hallowrell died at the rosidence of his son-m îiaw Mr R. Henry on Saturday and was inherred at Newtonville Tuesday atternoon. Two Extreme Cases That 'Were PositIvely and Thxor- oughiy Cured b'y Dr. Chase'u Ointmnent-Txc OnlY Actual Cure For Every Form o!fPies. Mr.* F. Stokes, 116 Dunlop atreet, Barrie, Ont., wrltes :-" I was troubNed with blind. itchint' piles for years, and conld get nothing i-o stop the constant Itching. I was always in pain until a cures Dr. Chase's Oointmnent had madE axnong lis acquaintances. 1 only used one box, and arn entirely cured. lu gratitude for- ibis anarvellous cure, and for the benetit of others sufferlng as 1 did, I send you th!ý record of nxy case." Mr. Amos P. Fishe~rof- Somerset, Ring's Co., N.S., a commercial travel- ler, well-known throughout the Pro. vines. writes :-"It le great pleasure ta Inform vou that I h'.tve been cured ol ltching piles by uzing -Dr. QC'ase's Oint- ment. 1 vwa s b ,:1e edwi'titcie a b o vE malady for twelve Ye-ars, and suffered extremre agony at tîmes. Thanks tc Dr. Chs'5Ontment, T arn coînpletely cured, and wou'dîcined it vitli fulleri- confid'-nce t, ail suffering thE toi+u - e of thîs t-rMhle disease" 6C (-- - a bMa i dae'or Edmanson, Agens wntedforDr. Chase's last nwdI npeeReep ok rt-n ,u a t. h. ~t. LOW'i Un eh11 SYTIÎIP L, usud. 2 o. Ahi oalerai. ILLE, JA-N. 22, '1901. ,fTempenance intend liar- moth Ententainment on, ng Jan. 21h, wben a pro- oguos, necitationa, vocal inhal musha by Misses ind Biekel and Misses Heal, Mi3s Lena Ma'son, and olliors. Admission 25e a couple. Concert aI D. Montgomnery leaves for Ballard, Wash., te ie businoess laconnection e o! bis son lie laie Aldon -'..Great maay expoct te, ).E B.S. concert aI Hampý aigit. tiuch an array o! îuid packt the house. r. VERNON. ov. T, J. Edmison aud Mn. ewcastle, ah Mn. John Pas- Lev.) J. H. Strike and child- r1Mas. J. Eltord, Provi- Hufiman and daugiten. Mrn. W. Souci's; Mn. 3Mc sa Katnina Argue, Ennis- .H. Abraiam's; Miss D.ver loge, Belleville, ah Mn E .and Mas. Snowdon and laî arnve Miss 1,11v Me, Dr. Namylli, Henry Henders, William Coulter. On wotlo"ý Measrs. James Nasmyth aud& WS. Parr were appoint- ed auditors. On motion, the meeting ajournod, aud the Board of Directore then met and appointed Mr. James Pa.ra, S-cratary, and Mr'. Robert Philp, Treasurer. The Board then adjourued te m9et ai, the cail o! the, Pr etldent. A FRIEND'S GOOD -ADYIOE. It Saved Nadam Quimond mucla Pain and Trouble and Site las Shown Appreciation. Advice la often tenderod with the very bost intention which il is fol, wise to follow. It is se easy te advise and suggesl, and one o! tho greatest annov- ancos sick people have te endure is the careless suggestions o! those who men weil but do net underbtand, Almost anyone who has net had stomachi troubles o! his ewn can tell a dyspoptic just how te be curod. The ouiy advice a sick person should follow tiatt one who has suffered za similar way -andý who has found relief. Madame Amanda Guimond, o! Grand Mehis, Quebec, had sufered froin Dys- pepsia for years. Many suggestions were madle. and many treatmeats triod but she gel no botter tli a friend who had been cured o! Dyspepsia by Dedd's Dyspepsia Tablets advised lier 10 use thhm. Sho did se and soon was free from aay pain or distiess The'relief with the first dose, and a complote cure with the f'ourth box., Now Madame Guimond noever-tires teiling lier friends what Dodd's Dyspepsia Tablets have done for lier. Sho la also lîory gratoful te the friend who gave hier such excel- lent advice, Madame Guimond advises ail who suifer with Stomacli Troubles to use Dodd,s Dyspepsia 'rabiots, and lier advice should be worth 3our a ttention, for she bas experienced both the pain yen now endure and the cure yen ina' socure if yen wiil but do as skie advises. CAR?'W1%IGHT COUNUIL TowN ~HÂLL,Crtwright, Jan. l3th, 1902. The Conicili met purmanit t Statute. The folle wîng named mnemberis madle sud subscribed the declaration o! Qual- ification and e! Offiae: Reeve, Arison 1Tayloi; Connaillors, Gao. L MoLaugli. lin, Thos. Wood, Ribert Jobb, Robert Ttiomnpaon. Thie minnies o! last meeting la Dec. 1901 were rend, and on motion con- lirmeéd. Comîmunication% ware rend as receiv- ed b7 the Cîerk. MIr. XcLaughlu brongbt la and car ried through a By-law te appoint Au-- cienr for 1902. Wm. Arthur 'Van- Camp and Fredteriok Hlland woi'8 ap pointed Auditors at a salar>' o! six dol- lors eoc. Mr. Thompaon brought ln a By-law &ppiýlnflng Daniel Eni!llsa, Assemer for <1902, at a saary oi $40. 1 William Barton wau appointed s meniber et-tie Board o! Hah inl the place aud îtead o! -John Hughes, Beq., who reaigned. On motion the Reeve slgned eoris on the Tressurer for the followlng amonnts:. Enocli Lambhin, indigent aid $4; Haart & Riddle, blauk forma for Municipal elections, $3 85; C. L Vickery, iumber as per acci., reudered, *$10.68;-Maîtthe-r Dawell,w-ork-on -Da-- lington Bouuday, $'2.50; R J. Bruce, Merchaut, ballot- box and i~m $2ê J. R. Mobaughlin, îakîng Robert Bart- ley to Bowmanvilla, $2; James Harni son, talegnapli charges, 25c; Daniel English, expense of election, inclnding peliing booti, $11; David Failli, ex' pense o! electIon including poli booth, $11; W. J. Beacock. expose of elec nion, including polliug booth $11; Jas Para, expeuse of election, $7; William I ,,rm' acct..prw icr aCie&uhknnoi ct rendered, $25 80; Wni. MoL,4ughlltî, meruber Bioard of llswltb, $3; William Bartov, rnonbar Board ot B wtb, $3; JmsParr, nmember B ead of Heaith, $;teReeBvpe, asexpeun.ý,8 f oîmseif, cuaeio MoLeuïzhliîaia d TreazureË lii c)umectlon wîth the Re*,lw ,y deben- tur-sa ad Schzol questiou, $8; Thomms Swio, je-, dr&w' g iuuih rt niCaes sr--.ý $1 25; th- Mun'o'i-& Wý-jrd for .5 coiitib ot thu Woî.., $5, Couneili ajôýirued îu la- t Monâay ln February 1902. Wm Luoa_ýs, u p. 016rk. 13e sîr'rm von ~.î i alwats had.-( ~ - lariî~ 'f 'Tic D & L " M li'-e lu Fin îh, um.~'is- n.'uiio'- la heu:en, iXIad. - & Lawreuce Ce., Ltd, y Davis TBFf-E-Mî-A S O N Co BOWMANVI LLE. AH W nir uoda ELECTOIRS 0F DARLINGTON, LADI)ES ÂND GNLMNIdesir8 to sinceroîr t1,hank yý,u for you,,r onfidene in eecting- me as Cejuncillor the past seven years and for'the evident desire on the part o! a large majority of yen, to have honor3d me with ttre position o! Reevo for the year 1902. 1 assure you the accjuaintances f ornied and the kind- yfelns that have grown between us will long be cberished bv, me. Be. lieve mue, Yours respectfuiiy, RICHARD FOSTER. Bowmanvýiile, Jan. 15-,1902 A CARD. We, the undersigned, d o hereby agree 10 re!und the, mone *y on a 50 cent bottle o! Greene's Warranled Syrup o! Tar, if il fails to, cure your cough or coid. We also guarantee a 25 cent bottie 10 prove satisfaclory or money re!unded, Sold bv, STOTT &JURy and J. HIGGINBOTEAM & SON HAMPTON. Visitors.:-Mr. and Mrs. MoDouga 11, Moorfield, at Mr. A. Peter's, ... Mrs. J. Robbins suffers sovorely frein a bone felon below one kneo.. .. Mr. Fred T. Allan is taking the special course la Stock Judgiag at the Ontario Agricul- tural College, Guephi...,. Mr. J. Gilfil. Ian, B A., occupied the pulpil Sunday evening giving a very iateresting and profitable discourse,..Mrs. ilannain Oatwrlght A.gricutural Society. Tho Ananel meeting of the above Society was held lu the office of the Secretary of the soclety, Bleckstock on WedneBday, 8th of Jaouary,the attend ue wss good. The Secretary read the minutes o! the last annuai meetLn2, which on motion wore oonfirmed. The Treuauer's acceunite as oertified by the audltcra were aubmidted to the meeting showing a handsome balance on hand, and on motion of!'Mr. Whiili sec- ouded by Me. Contes, were adopted The Audit showed In a clear sndbast- lataouory manner the financlal condi- tion of the> society with an accurate atatement of the raoolptfs ad oxpendi. hures during the year. Receipt-bal. mnce on, hand ai last audit, $86 70; Leg- isiative grant, $128; meinbershîp fees, $164; gate receipts, $240-totai $8618,- 70. EXpendiur-totgçi expenditure, $50265; balance on hand, $116,05, te. tai, $618,70. The election etf ofilcera was proceeded with when the !ollowiag were declared doly elected. Presideut -Nelson Marlow; Vice Presildn-J H. Devitt. -D irectors-Wesiey- Mount- joy, Jaines Ma'coim, John Wright, Teaudel Whltfieid, Geo. L. McLauzh- lin, James Coaies, Ândrew Devitt. Jo- seph Campbell, Auson, Taylor. lion Direcors-G. M. Gibba, Wm. Ross,M. P., H. G., Hatcheson, Wm. H. Reid, M.P.P., Robert Beilli, ex-M. P , Dr. McCullough. T. A.,, Wright. Bon. Coats This week we offer 10 Ladies Coats for4 $1.00 each, original price -was feorom $4,00 - to- _S800 n-t --- - -n -,, -.-.- , t/J.. t/J than ý- price. The balance of our coats at one haif regular price. We believe thîs to be the bestbargains in Ladies, Coats ever offered i Bow manville. Extra heavy wool- Blankets reduced to BIn t $2.25 a pair. INothing we have' ever yet shown to compare with it in value. We are selling a lot of Suits and OVer- coats just now, and no wonder either, at the prices. Lots of Suits are now offered hy us aless than they can be bought for 'wholesale, as we are anxious to reduce stock oefore we, take stock on February Ist. Kernemnber tliis 18 th2e best mont4- in the year for' Bar'gains, in any of our 6 leading Depaprments. T1HE MASONCo We regret te annonce the death of Mrs. M. A. James- la Governinent issu( Jane Devic, relict of tue laie Thomas De. of Marriage Liconses for Dunhai vitî,which eccurd lu ibis tcwuship on Jan. Countv. 3. at the mge cf 73 yçars. Deceasedwas in tie beEl acceptation of the torm '*a imoil- or i la lral" Ber womsiy bsaring, ex empiary life and christian fortîtude ilirough a long sud usofol cancer oecursd for ber the respect and sateom wbicli strict adierenco "e te duty nover faite te ascure. She was an 1W1' fj'.çI exemplary aud consistent memtsa o! the l~J/jj~ ~ iA&l Church of Englanci. She came te Cart- 'end wright whiltl a dbuld lunlissigiti year ef bier axo, where bs remained up te the ~' ime of!lier deati. lu 1849 abc bocame tihe ç ç wîfeofe Thomas Devitt, who pedeceased '"ý-""42 hec foi ly-flevarssThe deceasod couj le bave doue muai te beave ths commQunîîy bolter tban îhey foud il. They have l-.ft behiud thein au intelligent, active, exem- 0 L iy p]ary fairily, who are doiag tbeir palbinl o sui pusbiug forward ths car of moral sud intehectual progreesunutitlilke-t1îeir parents t l yiug ts ki laeisrfoot-prinîs a i90n the pýatb of duty deeply iudentsd lu the ssuds of! lime. 1Deceased i.s urvived by ene dbu sud t we daugiters; Mvr. J H bsvit, a prominsul public mani aho liai occapied thie mfoi importaat municipal offices lu the giît ef the peb~le. neyer having besa os- featgd-st preseLt leue of the moFts fc îerA members e! Northumberland sud Dur- ham'a Couunie.' Council; Mrs a>niei Eng- A HAPPY .NEflW lîsiî., et cwright, sud Mrs Fergnsou, or Conntiy o! Hluron. The conlege was one of YEAR TO YOU lie largest ever witnessed in tie district. 11 W. O.T. ~.FOR 1902. The Canadian W C0. T,.LU. held its +*4 annuai day o! prayer on Fnida>', Jan- 3rd, la St. Pauf's cinacli. The moan. lng session opened at 10 30, a. m., Mr&. Hoar, lie Presîdiaut, pasdiug. After BEIAL B sluiug "Ail Bailllie poueèr o! Jeansi' O Name," followed b>' praven, M Ba. M.LL Crydarman, Evaugelîistio Sept., 10k; B \T [,.VI L charge o! the service., Afton urespen- nive Saipture reudîng, led b y Mas. J. * . * * . MoCbelisu, ilie foliowiug subjects wene discnîssed-by Rer. W. Jollîff) sud oth- eau : 1. Wiy did lie Holy Spirit corne # WJ V # s ie ultheworld 1 2. Wliat are Ilie lin- derances le the work of tie Holy Spin- Il?1 3. Wlialla the wonk o! lie Holy S irit 4. -WhinI ligable-lor the. lAp> M K E I iE tietmo e! leol>' Spirit ? Mrs Higgin bollianitien, favored- tia audience wit.hr a Solo, *"God's Beat," followed by thie [A R iv irî Y Nooxtilde Prayer, loch by Mas. Freelanâd The temporance doxoiogy, folio wod byi Progressive stock breeders, dairy- lie benediotion, closod tlie mornlog meu, pouitrymen, grain, reot and session, fruit growers, beekeepers, agricul- The a!ternuoen session opened by sinu-: tural students, and home makers Ing ""Tii lie blessed heur et Prayer," iefid the articles aod aoswers te !oiowed by prayer. Ma. Jeif ry pave questions in every issue of the a Scniplure rend lug !aem Eph. 6, 10-19. Addreerss awene ~ jt IR. Turmnulîland B F. Haydoa, on tlie Advautagea o! Provincial Prohibition. AiE - Afler a searson o! prayer, Revu. Mesure. W. J. Jolliffe sud B. Groenaway ad-l dreismed ihe meeting on - The Imtport ADV A TE ue o! îeachîng Tomperance in our and HOME MAGAZINE Publie Schoela, Mca. Mason spoko on The Reuponiilîifty o!fmioru trainingi simpiy unequalled'and indispensable. tisir childrea te become tomponance1 If yeu are net aiready a subscriber1 workore. AMien praler by oua Pibca l te the most he1pfut, best printedt and dent, lie meutin« cloeed hy uînging ti beautifully illustrated farmer's paper Doxoleanad preuouocîng the Benedle! published, we invite borutily of a lion. A motion w'îi-carried ho gat 5 samaple copy. A ps card will briog te the Soidieru 00w vguig te SînutiAf it free. Address:. ries ow,.ids purchàlaiîîg Limo Juîce) or oi ber coînforts for ihtîn. TUE WILLIAM WELD CO. Llmited, The i f th, V C. T, U. tak- ooCAD. thia measo o! thskIn.,ïit'e -nstes o9f st P,is chUrci for îhzlm !ildoa o S.Tesubecintin-riC-1$1 o'~.~lrî,~ titeirechoo r on teîbe, sud per i- nlds ietespr fir the kled attention iey recoived. i XasNubr PRESS ,Urr. oer lm I 1< I I i [ A few' nice articles left that must be sold $12.00 Caperines for $7 i5,; 5 Gauntiets iFurs for $3,25; $5.00 Storm Collars for '$3.00. Other articles will be sold, at similar reductions Ladies ý JE -L-- -1 . 1

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