Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 22 Jan 1902, p. 6

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ttcuonen call a baci luti île leacis t- . on tb gatuble, ho moines i oofiii- 64' - cd wuith a mail tesire for ssealt lbas- I - ~~~~tily moi .Sotmner 0-tiiOrlmeoc n ut~ilI rocr-rinm iîau and icomapioho, risiissal frili youn itucaionm, banin- Den'It negilecit Ihat persi'tent hachlng iuîtci---ptay hat-en hît lac hot ea cougb htilyo ied 'ourstlfin the ciuich of Prison nuL, it, is mny love fer- yea, Coisurioption. IL% ail easy Malter te atip tretli,'that maos Sm i ostoSe-ar, ilnow hy iakiog 1I secianIrreci Sharp yeaur blackt an- ~ woo s asaîa.at~, nîir ~ gel--theietait uie rue long iviltilinci PP.IýIJOGSNumlWhx rNE YUP.ryou se r-umpltely ftacyouî tutU bc Phis pleasant reniedy lirais anti scelles 'te longer- ahiette distitîguisa mrighi. fle longs atîi bronch' 1 thbes, tandicurai fi cimutrou Éingeitîg ,anci chrotile couglhs st-hn otiier - Von u ounea aret o fo fnil cff iyiimg rerneduu- î,; -leconclusionrs";saiti ho, riitablyi, Mr. W. P. Carno, writing froni Moipoil, heciosa of lime trnil untieiriig ber, -Ont.9, s-: 1"ihonestit- beiteure 1uoulti wortis, a il uuîh he ci nîot fai s'c- have durci cf cornotion oniy foc Dr. mog n spii- oef iiiîaaeîf; - anti as us- Wood's Norway Pite St-irip. 1 bat-e întitul yotui are ail atiiîy-, Tefart is Ifor years at-d consister it bas ne equal IliaItmu. as me f0 i-le quils, bu-ts 'oc set-are coidza nd ltrat troubles."t ny' prîde o ieSP-t' i-ou shobil- tii-s sed, i-o sce yea taturpot 11P i a box otf a place lîko ' titiS, te thial-. of you ï'e,-or ot, iorsbcase Ponm-ototr - tO~tîtîrOh i-ioetni na ut taih S siVimitloi-s-l aîtI el A, ifor rdci m eet-hismi'0 oite frtiir liatîua aiirdiig j ere fe yCtisodc tioi andt e'lc sr-i suldrîs-eîlIl eîs'el, ce--5ues M sise,- Oa ouBuilding, Checa- e111 ut y W]oAVIS,.) 1 'm pt, P. Loye, Police Station Noe , Mntea ~.efrequenthy ite PER Is-is' ' a-tanti ii tri , ca!. i erap ralatisc. ifO ,"ons tOw, itt liarnîtrpaena nt1 srmînî siî Fw i, 9.5c. nnd 50c. bettîrs., eOk'BOoton Ptot Oompound. -Atnd I fi-Il iir-so tmth yon peor. i narrtIe you p r-eu- ..5 ifti o n trlMr-s, eîîiy yuur lov-o, Gir-oir. eutn cai-p-cit- qiUtie homei, anci a jclea a-corc-iracncolitati I.mue sc<lciou- k- set my herati.i iest tiind ho non- teat-ics Ifi-aii sncbyen'-r -Viry Is- lailo t-t anceaîuîîg -e-nîght? Ai-e yo-'arc Yen geing otin t ih hîni?" I Iolfi-ey's eer-sii beneahh lier suveet, clear gaze ztnt lier hurtr5 Sht ie utas itieforic of i-bp wiuoa utho grot.ig- r-i lot- hieshatdIcilisc lub, or uveuic 1bmanc îe ord oilmife u.ciety of lis chu bu mon s; bmm- as os'h sawllewirb- 11001 hearing Iltma ofih i fLet, and< Jsieseci-îed poeorless Co cave hum, r If 1'red Sharp usas bis eîrîl gonmns lus ushe wst-ms is goo i tiagcel, andi fair erlioll ini sîrîeai-aticae ttifi tu-a i-i leri baîtîg- ut forl onctt 1er r-îireai-ies, hem Uooîtiotr1 notee uvosîtifoi- hec imobant b"urîcci isteuieciLu 1lits -ious 5tieis anci asls ciai. eoi.. beitrer o dci; iti riklthefiri otter o thle fiytales 1 ic lneSSlL'ý ý,ii- laL',i-un -Ud îlon li fr-id thoim. ' i1y salke Idiot is1 kmiiutkIlue"- If Geh-ycoulti havE rcaliecibai-k a i-bai.one n -cii y i-ho sacrifice of hiu onem riglit '.andi, hy yrîaîs of lian ý,, lit The o strds acre uftr-rcd drowiily noici havee uatr'ei-lctftheîn il 't-'y; an? Geoiey CGrey cpeiie. bis oyos and but the frat n5ne-verir- ratir-c. saut- is utiïo atatîctng byhy 8siclo. Ilo Liacistoleon, emabeziletI lis oniplcîs- - Thtm-o f a -c 1c saI i-licfrt- rs Inuuelic citant fdoicve hitlitacf duor, teuif, tiarluog," slip s-,ispoir-dý any î;gr.riu -iasoia uiilu-ciedfy; "it is ,Iyr. Shlarp.t om -hcrtouoci" -atui-ititi branti cf Mief îny suvetheai- miy busban 1, there us svoold ho iuia11ipon on lis bîow for- stîll tinte te cirait-bock; bat I featr 4vert fthe cris1 realiy is lioîue-your sloecp 1-te usas seo c.sr e trimeto ttlie las been se iroablr-î--yoa have mut- cialci îot bide theica frrl agitaimon toird sîtel stramge tiings, licoU. Il uu iicli nesrr bft i. l, andî grodoally %veont up i-o îy hedîounm, i'nd I knout' lis flilots-clrl-ks shi-ank ousoy tren douta andi prayoti to Geci i-at i-eu hin, hisarngawogs tiluigîi-t e kepi- freum s'a, ancitai-tIch iitutmpraaitutîotiîn-tlVes, craze fo1r -rltiatgîthm t-i ~and cilic stio het.y bcd luess ecithe se- - , in ilgi bi- L cre-t. Soetne i euthie mntcylmac ýeIf ';teousaiet.îa-nd, h r-n paîi it but ut-s net enterofed -o s-idws W, deanti le o 1-1 r id te tle loýdgeir- i- oo uoulci ho a s-lt- wýd , a 'us fac le tif -lus st-li ther Ca ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~o t.n;h ilesal fliscvi geo a-p oogaSeo i5 ape8 CoîmîrhcI'Lve te face iSei-e~ î lImes le hlought neo, Ioaat. -acî~mr or le, set lus teeth acid hd i; îelfi U îyom tsi.i~i lecuvre couvaicionogli le lOave -V occer-te ;i-' i er',lrisGcyfo Violet alloeand i dsgrac'ýoîiti ein -alting o tauoi eutt-og.h ao oir f if, atutI lis ut-ic s loue for lin uswas soe icoi i-ait st Nunît iIie.Lttm nai the pi-isena g-ios usitea i-le tto utas up, ont noter utter une Wtor-d o e procii tor tie lot-oc lit lad matie utlierr lufe. loribîr-si- lier! C od bliss liu-! -*1Oh'iif e coulci ct-r artone, ve e-ti-ti-irBut iwnas W)oo 14t(31 1-lort- i-arly who o-rt- h-to, mith a feloî's neIl assaiuing hum lihe ireft atîd bcaly ocfthe usonds sho lad se ofi-en saidt io lI- l "I 'If Is ac ualtîî aci luxury'ftha bring bappiîîess, lIcoU, dear. If s i-iuc love, snfficient for due dtlly ssatts, a contentedl minti, anci a -bear roîmcien".Aili ibe h-est is superflu- but nofiaO msS i-uprtiat t usiîneas te inatfooîuî- Viole,'s b thcamne qntck anti hard, alto diOct spe(ak, olmdîongh hec lips imouc c, but sIc ltept lier ucyUeson hec liushaad's-face and sent ep oee asf ipiai- r foer help-lîolp tha-i-to bumai hc:bng conif give loi- (befliey'p -anid Natid3red niecimoal- talIl' te , -is bîoas t ponket, uvîcre t; eccnos0 mLi dL a-off icleor xi-o i papr--hm-is-ates paidto i-O hlm ltaI affurnoon ai toc offinelic tiis; ntiees hbeJnging te Mi-. Mason, lue î'mmpioer; notes thal Sharp lsnuw lie expectcdti te o-n-bue tIti-f Cy, ai-cilîcti st-rang o protise Lefrom' lita aliulci ho iintitcdte him te put on -a. deati cOi-ta ity"- -i n trt-Soîy, Shnî-p," Saiti Gr-eoffrey, \el-"bat oui- littile busi- 1055 s ofi, ow anti forever. Vve doue se ispocuItliing, if costs tee mniucnh. 1I-Ina't afferd il on a clerk's salai-y Anci I bde sure Mr. Mason wuuii a-i-fer lootsunoý r a et inhies s to unteol atiy nînuolactorers of tala cîlass om gto,ýds,'a d he ave sale fer all e kattlng tu eacu ,bau- -utrn-ei eut. w 'lTp-ico we pay fta.- finialed i cyr-le a-ocinings Ils $1'D'00 per huntirot, or aIthe, ate of lic Per pair; tro irne tr-rks, 5o and r',etoriiouiamîttieus, 12e a pair. Ail otheri st-rin in preortio-L te lizeý The machine cati le oerated ly sny onet of a famiiy> andcint oui- pi-ies at'y ercgodie famiiy rîcuici ho able te su.staI-i jsmesves cemfertaitly, antIn tiZni e hoa-source et (irceendent comfor t. Otur plan le te enti ent oach nmachIne te bogi-iners wlti' na r' or 'itocilnnpairiilily kaittet i, td remahnitug lu the machine reaci to te li eoinue8, ahd ai seenoogli yar hi kout on.e pair Of i-mile so-si- orns teckitîgî aci a s'a'ple ,ndicomblteisTastrochun uGuie, siowig - oa tle crkin s te lie dene. When tle sarnpies have bei- intitsheci auc ret,irnod ho uns atisfaclory, wesic ouila tuantity cf yan, i-ihye't knhU and relut-n hikeaise when fînishie. Wo pi-i-py charger ou al suorkeet-ay, ant i r noulers pas- retucu chai-gos. Threacri, as-F~e hase staucci, la'sampie aci rauldit- tinte, (lie machine IavIng a rapacicy cf fon flou- s'nd stllthe a minute. We haurè manut persons,,mew lu oui- em"nloyv alo i-a init froua rwentm-five te (hi-tv pairs of enelrs or -tlerinos a dit-y, anCd wîere the titie cf a fai-tut- l.9 deoed ote o rin, -oucaCSOroadiy soc (lot $U100 or $10 .ff rer weoln con le eausl!y oarnoo. We fiirîoïlhoui- atriners ail te mfet-lals. yarn, ec., fi-ce, andi evei-yling tIatila e e'ssry for thse waur. 550 are fui-osýhing the machines onit- for the exclusive ueef ltn- cl esitrir te laine emutot-meusi wih us, silo must, i1 O-Cr ti-ie 1ei-cre fa memrfb, etutus',,ils Coul-ad Qi-dec Fer-u, urcos-v sgne Ihyib4m. anti ai1leastc te geoi, roter-- eut-. ani rmhltnco ccc-ciurrl, ho t(' -e usftise neeosarv Pi-- tra-e t-.th's e, --t'is a1 f v: ei a,'Iri--to iii f'-rit tite l t'm ahi net eviasteil or mspîo'htd <t,-Iili-ss i- ititirao ii s ce ý,nfk inotu t i Ser ui oi-ite; iestiswe larr deing an extesv ai r-"-, ceci ma"S h gîrru-tâ hy bsns rnib (l ev ?ir' i ii t 'w nt othev tian thosu tu a-i-ee te o '-u' tgfor us. Yf ni- env 0- e ter for encommence, -anti la-teo onc an emtnriit of acin rk noal Lthie purclase price, ant asIte dlg(-rcaiet, as tun aine bock machIne anti rofundth(e âainîtot raoidfofr sanie, after nletuctIng- cesi 0f or ex- pr'ýeOrlycut. Tbse Is a Laree IDoma-ot by the Tranie for (la- lass of ai-r-k, Ou;r arrers eau. deoroti upait Ilt-yrcafier t-car. paii, If t-eu rît aý ahI us (aboie or spare hite) t-e wil hi-en vomi sunalie,1i attIworin as long as yen cie Il eatisac-r torIîn for- us a-c r e4- cm Itpromptly. We entrust or inn-k- ere us11 large îîuaatitlra cf valuahie yaria.andi os angîtve ,irossiag, rollanid tic socureiy wltlî twinc. Put it ia a double pan, turn Over bot water, sait, and let Ï-L-baise four or flve Itours. F or the dressingý, o01 5 columon ci ackcjrs, season w ità sage, pLppcr and sait. WXhern CO!ld tbis will cut la nico slices for sa!d.- w'vichcc te put, ia the chiidren's lunch boxes. Two Cac o MiLm5s -A.aime filing for calke is made by boiling the fol- Wt alu $t s a gooTrauLco of g00dccithh, a)nd t0 defrar 'xieS ruerf shhpping,Lani at-e ailsenti ev.eryt.hiog i-o Yeur uo-o-t e, >oess cemcany, leaving a b)alance 'r twelv3 ip,rs t10 ay(he alent anci M cents f thîe rotera clargSa-, on ile n- 'y te lis. We rire se frequhunily anti onrnecesaraciy askr-t If one cati iearn te knit ithiout a leacder. i-ie Say, Xes; ht reruuhces ne teacher; aîuy po'-en ,cf ortinrary 'Intelligence ahoedau ir-ad the instrLction Guide cati bai-ai-o innit ai once. ,985.00 Cash Contreot Ordeý Fort' Te tle Gilagow Wecien Ce., 37 Melîntia Si., Toronto. Gecilernuu.i1 d,'îre te do lihe werk ams doscriheti lu thl edvî-o-tl'ernnt. trnd enclose $15 te pay for ene Auiomatte hvauttfýg Mn ne, to-zeiber wih maieriai, Instructions. mici cevei-ythimg necesaiy for tle wrik, the samur te bc sont to me by Erxresos, CH-ARGES PREPAID. Il la urlot alooci ad agreeciîlthatmIY lime after 1 hava cione an ameomilrcf work eqîtai te île purccase prIce. $15, and trial te discontnîue, lîsi the Glasigowi Woolen Ce. wlii tal'e lacin île nisch'ne ont outfh., mciiiafIn- iedcmtog tltell exiiense, i-cfp-id uie cie ameunt palth for sme Sentder or lîcat of fanmfly (If Possible) musi sign bei-a; F11u11 naine---------------------------------------- Couny----------------------Iri .............. Neoîe-st Exprress Of'ice I13a------------------------- Be ur t us iIlÉ-fru aoi-opndngyour remit- honn fe themachtt amu cetit sihcityoumusc il l' ac ave iudb i o n eoirtrneln t he, Triur- -n,-, 'ir'er ff andS~'ur , , -,. .,.,- %efo lilhtm ha pald, wcekly, mmotlly,_ or as Y-om:.o lu tle worlz. Scmmd or, roittance hy Express, Moey Ocde-, Regis. tercd Letici-.;or Pest-Office Meney Qi-cir, and wse wl pt-ompifrirw r machine, oui-fit, #and simple guide for doing ,he -"tiî -'i'hhs Is ti-best affer over made fer th&ý beu,,it Ut 'mats aho want i-c work anae ke aney at hommer. rlinodnon and mace, twL ota.spoon- new reading haLs chaaged ail this. fuis of eioves, Iwo outiaegs, gerated, The nodorn , cooking t>eoc'ýLr sayS and tvo pouads of lbai beef. boiied that wben the water is alwdtaà nc chopped. Mix al! weil and IlCtbail the. egg is tougli, Irn na- 4hem stand loegethor for a week ho- dige-stible. To coolz eggssot she ferù Using. 1further e'xpiaîos, they ,mi-U' h pt ii MorboroghPie-fLeat two eggs colfi water, which, 'stou t to a. s tir tîr thumin tto h tIf a cupi of temperature of17 eruFae- -ilIk to lhhia~s ho-ni dded a' tioy beit, and ailowcd to tad nthis piach of soda, and let, 1'is gec~oid. water 'rom six lu eigbrîint. o 11-Ut it lot a cup of sÉi anud apple- bard-boiled oggs, put la coidwtr ,W ,aue . 4CtUrk 4ILlU fU'I ee r- oata-a t hoeÉo îg utuo af l nis JtO-,'--! *~or rWgs OrCoka~ot ee- Al ,d 'r auo i boi-Tocîi h vsmn-,I- epcce nk e uaICUP wt" li.nacr atna il ua hnsthcttr h i~~dko ~und Ta~no tdir asailMixures pila fflddred-cdwos~mt ajd aat heinent tenifor lm. 'lckor au inets hoppd fne ad dep ic dsa Itl a iwercîus an botfory-fxe mnuts. Coke ii mi sre aO~rois. rfr, ~~ aîkooneb . iths~ nar lie a anrv errer lo2mai4ereepofreactoi-en oodgiei u omvr.îe hvo- e-e togh f uh h tmto en wa.li .r~al îreofbttr oraot-ia trp o atoarosth op rthswy h abme mdce i box;o.2lOdgresstrnge,$ferbx. N. i lo JotunoIlia h a onia wîe efiling ho2natl cea'i ca su- - j ~oly-ike ub:)ncueaîiydugsve ~No Imx 2se4aa ecmmnddb al d eaei-baN n-iraa uhiti -u a HNA 1 1 iFPES nf heolsaio ryad aC stms ie ekVontryWndo. n, ash rn-sihw înybrue jd- ld' ko eog aot uies tepoa aY.t teSCot-4-'Em'lîo i. -heibody vctory froni .defeat; and as she shjed hoppehicory nt atlst o g, 1 1sral h rck n y 1hul,tit batisnes bock; Lbut 1Fred Sharp had had a pri- nio o n efrysbeat1ýs7dPoacs-l ece m hoh iîn xat tp-adsea ttî isew ias astobere~îre lkeoterw'th flirfint door slanmed bhbind making good masheu pola tos 13 te along spncables ýoo tedo îîis bdonc iàli wter tt Vais h-hd ea cih ia wgcyesasthbcnisrfmre lkd tev ekep'thelu hot -wliie nash tmg, and te jicl qe ahîaevaporatespoint. The pouer fiavrt ta.. --it wus a deafi certainty, and eid hsbakagl aihdfree aeas h îky onp,-e Maso ne ld at mLon er notkr Eulsin frni hat ousea'm ifs fî~ box Cis rb nîik vry 'hot -ahon" it tory qoîckly, but nort tîîuiss do- strong at. first ir ardcd Inters l ,t eia oanlhrtingB adhScttndEmservenîs font or lareana ttlîatr' uch iasadis. tee tofouIly adserve 1sUihasti recofie week. lie liard contti of cial the soace, site hi-ard Qooffrey's dream niad iina b ih ayapic 0 utroya he â f oudaahug lace.[tonsan "t hmo,"is suli cash, anid lve bundred pounics at thi, - the medicine that dues it. ealized that it had heca sont e taLya arc-bttrh-e on n bdn pa insad-, ï' -banctoro weuld bc tunuod maetÎ u-, swor to lier prayors te pýull hack the On itle top and sýýrve. -I sntawsncsayt iocue ytcadto fht e andabefre ie h~d e aceun-derut hes poo boiesvearo tslîrrra f --t u~, onthe dgoof tc RastWithIbicssig-Pt ito aailthettîth siî pairsa cko bk- bolingwaorntecike-rt inusli.e oo bdproer utsiice aadoth mig erofathepan ail tegravy and' dressing bit îng day. To gi-case Ibopi, and thon rlesson ianttis niatter myh tt Th wr tmng a But liow late Sharp w as waa. lern orfrmo-ok eofi y i-r-y ýidCanci ivîere- hes 0v fhe dinoer ro tbeedcgtmnwth(r s.uiint-raitclsoassvesreth panter bas ta con- said si-vcn or-lQck,ad t %v foiwry fsàoe-or, oomat"i rmte ideg te ihfeu uliin disea5.. tw lappust popie n thewbol ol al er marlon. Should the ameunt toc a pilain layer cakse. 1-ost dehicioti tea fatin eld a tenci sith ils Iho toc- on et-gt. w aprtpol nte hl fpeaei is - i *le from îes. Thetr get thin boco -LednTi BtIh scant acic one celci polato, one Succeas ini eoeung drîed fruits de- i u'opcarilfrtvysrog i retoe.slice of fresl hîreaul, one te-spoonful perds on little , ekmng anci ommg a a ing itl ail- t aloencee ta Tholcad, ofcourse, _______________1__________________ "Ceiela o! Ioutt"t wanîd xeak. Sorne of the e w___i____lo_[f butter, haif a cupfal of lot %vater, aoakîîîg. After suimng thti fruit, r;This is diluted Èo ho teýhsih isbd i treitn f - ____ - thile ihis umixture ;s heatiag chip rhit ow ntobnat cf-t ih i -at h kpt biigi I ~ uiStoppagecnte n, hri u- entwl mail, thin slces f-oia the cold atoeat; ton amiî firt Chat îaay afflier, otr aïovar. This narter ant loe cut te Lkidays, in- -ones arentwelmade-an.-d iyteto hoes sso si îîcîii-trac o tn ebl i< olbtf ee fme niwae sance. Necr ajinci, conmm a0'gOW iî ia-a odd rdbie tae sii t'hc', ninkes theais al', -igit about thit hîz. - YbulËroail of the old ones are rackeSd , the gra'y aid dressing arc lot over ni"ht or evea a longert e.as neded. oo bol, paner's lhfe a dan- aluky iiluiste bl'e mni,,i l'ou have <m ri rad love-r t en~0t ia a iaý'r 1Acic flc sîgar ts e Iisaer ito -Japon,' sboi ait 1 p u adtrouble time mîîe(-ao i g-lît, oi course?'"ro igi g~ s tIielk as the toast. Soi-ve vcOry!di niio oui. the friu;lî nito aig geo-esail I IJte v îl ! hLi t, îmki t fa iii the frit i and sîmîl ici,~ eom oa. We ratinthe dra-l..-s l i Of uuml di-prosafu:n ,'zd scott's Emlsion fixes alL L~-~ pl ept---uct îhra- e ytl iurr e sil oar Wa sag-i iuiccct h ~in~fôrhmtobgoitcatigthOidtiys. hmmp umyssil----" -Syrupy 0one cup of segar, balia lîriseci te sce bownw î-l iaem ft i nlideveopmeat Of lh-ertiiy"si KT~~IDNEY -,h! hîi fo-gemte aik aler lier," kinds. It does the work both cu ~ep' f wssa'r-ýr, twe mncl pieces i otafa -oaiuapor.iclat-cobe."s"an-rdth Jrcpliclt cinamon aadthe flua rind fi olwia c-ei'ed miuidmy and willîmmît b- tc-."IftuisPemtcesso- t- rt - 'oljýý')n,% A d llîd n u. I m k ssf a l enti-, slicing -Off Clime vellous - pri-oiiry sonlimg. mml ci t ilfix (heans p-tace out thcefl ia oijuttik 'what il cnoimtuelie, 'Black ý,w a piet Lier,'pon r-tOI-eman.d' partOuon! 1118 5 ead'y heMalfÎJail c t longu mobpodnen sc ps flarradi a i-th fe eiiîg i-ep te la d îîth eîr-i a ci cI w n.gnio il-- andi cogeailr, o Oxerset Tîuf1 cs uanseliî,dc m o lcsfi. O i ethenaa4.i- itiet]. 'i'wosuar-s chocuterafo piersaro ce -- osi r c-d ot1h angooi up-o.ialy riradlnj i 0ilse ie îim 'ai On.,sit:Abu egt tcotsae assc i b ic aioI 1wom'mua mi Eog-2Lesponsb ,ildaci -aoiec a h-festaiaisnicr s tutimon ude , ntb, ko u 'c b~o i l-a îtu igsli cOý~ rrbishv ro otl h-A o'ch kdes teuas ell bad pir1'-ý1un s Srn ,,hAO andtia them i-ou 'o t - I c r la 3 cup fandrthe paanuhcs ca nd 5ae 0ieomfopîuS.,er îlkacesîe5 e-nasiitfd îîCilt' ufh itulafmtiig otatu fLieaadoblbouet1iîm1ooarr.7., wîioleé tî,) v s,1f1o'-,- statmg onem. ouds oltlsaInda i5 t vrylad ai t W-'i-m ne'ig MytVc . vMyeîie -ýio ow-lan desnt paisbtte s 'y t as ail the to a iar of Soia sgr m ase-ilItapon uge wl îpuc ai. Sî N oslcP,-ag- tlltic A es s1- ~a I amai ueani Ifel bttr tbain a 1;.amesflc ory orst n al i teElsaiti e- e po oda, 4 ri nith. luprvo d c cnmn j ,3 01liard un the laic f ùfalc coaekig the-ci bo mod îmm- sfrtugsmati pounfi o ceelts i-cii Xîdey Billsand sttart a ki fIea . t Sa uohld-siw ndh ietîu ~S OT i W E e alyrcn, fa wlmi cae if is a '-errantsi- ahtderianItiioc i u gt'ir acll e ta m (bonet on bnse, yspia ad1m gotg ba lrleliefui bo a -cakei ttet-ip o ys-s ludfru oeof e mafîigcfr-ii-n, slridlyo r-iioia CgpIlETII Odti-liardb aiF ndGRPPG noS.y smparwme ad 1fry-aabotdte r hnin s a ule, hi e conve ~- rsa in ali outh~Ieruf- i t i '- 't' y n soda Sa-d ri u îh ip-, p- d craisîr Ioa hard î i- îi -te faceofntifi c c T oii of lt o -lu -1- -t- r- -1 t 51 u -ýýL

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