Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 22 Jan 1902, p. 2

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i g -T---------'----- ta leyF p "M I vie active business man is i niý, as liable to take cold as anybod-and because lie feels lie canniot afford to lay up " with it, he iieg- 1ects it-and a neglected cold leads only to Grippe- and Grippe W thre open grave., COL. WOOLS-SAMPSON. flept Ilel lXteiîia, e o fi'es, In seujtb Afrra, and a o1,,.f as 11raye 31etrie as E"Ver Rt.-d of, Colonel Wools-saumpe4on, who took connniand o! 'the B.ritish column n t Dakeula1agte ai teir ('olorcl enson's fail, is regardecl as the bcst Field Intelligence cbe in South Africa. lie is an Englisb, Afrikander, an d strongly attached to the old couln- try. Hle has a wide acîuaintaucc with the TransvaalI, and lkndo'We the B3oers am.d the Kaffirs thdi'oughl'y. Xhen he %vas-quite a youth, says 'The London Star, he was one of the volunteers, chi)efly British,' who fought in the Sc'kukuni war. It was a war of great danger nnd hardship, and %Vools Sampson got well season- ed. In Decenter, 1880, Wools-Samp- son was in P-retoria. second in comi- maîîd of Nourse's 1-10rse. an irregular corps raised for the defence of lPre'- toria, then besicged by the Boers. Owing to Nourse bein - invalided Captain Samr son was ini commanîd of the corps at the storîning of Zwartkopje laager-the onily British victory in that wer. Mr. Duval in lis book speaks of Captain Saips'on NOTES 0F PRoQEFEDINTGS IN TUE ONTARIO, IIOUJSE. -PETIT10NS F01R PROHIBITION. The business of flo oding the'Legis- lature with petitions in behalf of a prchibitory law against the sale o! liqtror aio comnîcnced yesterday. Those introduced- came fron, quarter- ly or official boards o! tihe Methodist c'hurch and the places heard front we:- Goodw'ood, Sunderiand. Girimsby Circuit, 1Snith's irailS Cir- cuit, Thorndale Circuit, Mount Flor- est and fiorrisburg. NEW NIA(ýARA AGREEMEIFNT. The Premier jntroduced a bllito1 contirmn a hjithjertc unpublished agrc- nient datod Juno 19. 1901. between the Corumissinners o! the Queen Vic- toria Niagara Fails Park and the Canaulian Niapara Power Company. The> aurecnieni. xt'nds the tiixue for the completion of' the work until Ju]y ist, 1904, by whiclu cime the ccmpanty must have coinpleted an outflow tun~nel sifflicient for 100.0f) horse-powver, and must have actuallY A cur tatcuesCori,-uxptIon sud its vmy kindred ai'î- ments is now ywithin the reacliOF evcry suIfferrr F-UI-MýO COLOS was perfec.ted after tuany years of satudy and exzperimentiug - --- by a'well-known Gérma1 scientist, and bas effctei mroOHLL cures than any other preparation which iias been offered to the public. FUI-Mo, while somewhat new in Canada, OUK bas keen and is curing thousauds of cases, and me have on ROCIII f3le many testimonials and kindly letters written us by grateful people who have been returned to perfect health iOHiWET PUI-MO le, the only absolute cure where there is Consumption, Throal and Iung trouble, Coughs, Colds, La Grippe, Bronchitis, Night Sweatol Chilis, Fevers, or any oCher symptome 'whieh may indicate a tendenc3 toward consuniption. FUI-MO bas curçd thousands of, cases wl'lch Ii*,. beem4reated by physicians without success, and fi nally pronounced by thesu as hopeless. FUI-MO0 stands aloue---the use of any other mzdicine asanu'sitant le fot necessary. Est good plain nourishing food, get plenty of fresh air and out-door eýçercise, and use PIMO as directcd. that is ail-Nature m-111 do the reBt. r V _ <~< ytt Quito, in South Amnerica, is the only large town at a heiglit of over 9,000 feet above sea-level. Tc-provo Lto yon that Dr. CirmesCh intment i a certaî'n and hgoutecure for eLch and every ferrm of itching, O bleedingand protruÉing piles, thxe manu-facturers have guaranteed it. Ses tes- e;nonialq ini the daily press and ask your neigh- or. Iwhat they think ofit. You can use it and get your moune- back if nlt ured. 60o a box, r AUl deiers Or ED,%fAlISO,B'ras SCCo,, Toronto complaints against the waiters.' -W hat's cioer Éabout tlhat?" "Why should the propm'itor be 'glad' ta receive comnplaint-" 'Because then ho knows that the custo mers are not getting more than their money's vworth." us ie!ýefor Blitaun, One-half of theý tobacco uipon whio'h Britishers pay dluty ina tyear le mname into lj,000 cigaiettes, at a cost o!fi00~00Û I//i ~1( ,ri( I ,'//"'-~'/'~' "' ~ chises, saîo lu anc-Ouses nrte D e di- - iae devof ,tny unpfeasaut it eet,S'.rs~NudM1ecrI2 rectly assessed, but te h-e taiken iuto prompt aud certain in action, pleasant te STrLrES3uAsZand 'M ontreal ReraM îi ý considerat ion in dletcrmining the va]- [teke, cheaper than cUrer Quim e pre-Sr-aissuW tuA etsn7 ne 0 oieî'proeu'y "STATES;MA I~ICIudBreeder's G;a ettf - - - Provision is aradpfo the obtain-]paretions. Cure Grip, Coldu,, Couglhe, SÀisAadaislo o'a2 in- of dM th,, dptails o! the property SrtraNuaga n i oldi TArns M.ýnssad Taront Wrl 8t owncd by the,orporations !rom o!- weather complainte. Relie! in a doYsa, ST2T!ý'IES 'q aldDaiyGlb 47 fnor ndern.t Any pu-son r 1, - arc .'h-riava I uig i~eUcinformation re- cîe.Te r su talh"r~A u oot al tr$f1 qumro w'r be hble e a fe o! times sud an occasional dose Nuil main vL raA u ai ina / 1 10a day until it is !orthconriug. tain the health---"utwa e e 'Si 'n alÂNsu eeIklw u i l- .Hîf. - I YNG TAN RATE. been looking fo,." AiU drnggists ccii t, Sà2A z!, i.-Nana Siturday Globe - 2 at 2 cents S: KiLI an d 'lorontoNes - 1 liE IAJSTYQ4 ENAIEXAIXI*- AN) Ri)E£,'RYCF After ho sseýssmeut is determiried a 5Cnsper-boxGàwtr rmir WÂLE~. Uic rae o! taxationis '10 be etruýcil 801o0dby JF. oes nueiln

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