Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 22 Jan 1902, p. 1

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TERMS :-81.50 PER AENUM.OUR TOWN AND COUNTY IIRST, TER WORLD AiPTERWAHD8. M. A. JAMES dtr u.Popitr Nzw SERIEs. BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO, WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 22, 1902, VOuM XL II o.4 ~~RIDING AGRICTJLTURAL SOCIETY. ELECTION ECHOES. issuing EmA. iha KEutraabouth deorF T7E T D DA I' but we hall nothing whaitever to doI Ire. MEETING ADJOURNEL> TO, F11UDAY, It was a hot fig-ht, eh'? with it oniy to print and deliver it toi JANUAILV 24. BcwrnalniI1estoodl by, Beith. the committee room. More than that, Another otScesu S ý mpath V was a vote winntr. we oppo$ed the printing of the extra Verledt h I I.. I... fl Ž4M~..County Agricultural Society!1 The Hitohelr!Mjrty1. edition.ea M MNM adjourned meetig ot West Durhiamn 1hrtnwnsoemr Thornton's supporters paid the -ex- ci M ME M ME M '/W' ~~~~~Agricultural Society wiII be held on Tknoiwnsoerhr hance penses of the legal, proceedings arising Co ay'Re rd Consr% tivs fllyexpcte towin frm.his election, something over $2 200 - ~ - u riday. January 21th, 1902, at 2 p. m.,n Coshotie fgreed te.te totet win.bsan in the Council Chamnber, Bow,ýmanville, Billvý Bennett. M. P., was Thornton's andwhnearedtcoetthSbsniaIeeaeiEeyDe "l'for receîvîn-- the Annlual report, elct. blow hard. constituencv lun the bye.electiou they partmentMakthOpngYe. 't,~N» ! on of fficors and generatl bus3ine3ss. A4. Do Coiiservatives know vet what they speedily made lep for him a glorlo)us oteTetehCnuy SEc e a y C .ME S resd n. M . J M were fighting for? ca mipaign fu d.-T ,ronùo Telegramrý __________Tholrrton mnade bis fight in bis own Another floweryý Telegra, phraýe- nTO, an21ThNnnalmet township.--Telegram. "'FuIly persiuaded that Thorton"u) OO Liberal woi kers connted on 75 major. be thie w inManverisauemvptied Cou o aaa a ed ody ,,~jj,. -- ity in town. It was 79. 1its prýeside3nti n i lvrMwt -~~ otuer w~ýav, O thers bew tLe hior daysago t t e o e i o h J. as Wtr lc ork wl talkwîs- are bltter io nibbttetd - e ntheLetGvroi h hi ?ý M0u h m% n t t-- r d r a rF, W,me for a dew are ks vi - Mr and illminated eetion ni;gtt. back lu confuslio." re province on th a u da e de c s o Couchs. ..ns o &r Cryd rma v.r as reel eLr]Lere fotw in this fight if an The Mail and Empire climes the S hispresidenlladest-a ettd w eredn ii runi ar .. . -Eng.e.16 de teat of M r. W q llace il, Wý e st Yýorc to h t h a h r t f c t o f c n r t W iS.A om ntteciuý, _hr- Lwquibbles" didn't cause this the activitv cf th)e Liberal macine utn h meilLf suac ~~r WTiJJ in order to redu.tce their stock, sel al inter od t ral day evening is worthy, of your pres- electJIii-it was brazen brioer.fcn The returns indicate th)at the theil stantilpors herpr umt prices. ~~~~~Solina- Fridav night jan 24th and Prtltr tera Trsy. Prkdale votesth,!at were not cast wolld(, aanaddaohrsceau er HmtnMonday nhtnext. 'loronwntehats!teifcounted, probably alter the resuit.- it'nxeldrcrd e ieisr ~ HamptonVOFgen--tlie controlled the men. Toronto News, (Conservati e.,) 1ance applictinaotng$.97, to lN'q Thornîton was flot trippedt up on a Sinigular, says the Telegramn, that 000, were reied Thnubro L adies' e o ats. -- ~~~The elIyes o! the whole Domninion partisanship mhould have nearly brouhtiose.radhemuttero Ai. kdis'Cat-nwgodsa 3îpe cn. isont Jv., M.Tae Port Hope, Mýiss Tape, were on W-~est Durham lu this eloction. Beith to bis linees. A3 e! Appepling consi derahly neca fta o 90 Ail Ldies'Coatsnew gods-t 33~ per ent. iSCOuot. El-in countY, MisAlice Toronto Telegram-"6No bîimsiitone to sy-ýmpath.vwas more effective. When The more impratiel ntesae an r hs reeper, Tyrone3, viïsitedi la too hot for the Grits."ý-Chas. Jonas canvassing a Liberal, hie was a Llberai; ment compare ihtoefr10 r à. t mr IV. Hl Creeper's recet Lt1... Thornton. t a COnservative lie wvas fightinga as follows ;- Ž~.~Misp' Lily Gx-'aham and Mr. Hall, Oa-1Conservati,,e battle and to Lis deîso o IceePC Osh- Techical quibblers D)reveted,, bis L..F .1 ~t II ~,wa, spent Suia rD. Ga anche iný town. petvanî ,r' i9265 $12970 Total,6 21. I~~~~LII ~~~~ ""M~~iss Lizzie Washington has r eturn -1 ."Tlga o h vl pendent.finsh a ticl ne1 oa @ oBethany a! ter a pleasant visit at IT u iitf'orliteý,.etbe s it not possýý,ibl)e thtfhisuvy 2 Tota.l As- '.xreat~~~~~~~~ WI7ehv ensu o oetpebcne people ovriethe vote o! the larmenr19, o!larlbetia iiith fam,ýilv. .im . M. elecos.-eigr in refusilpg te gîve Mr. hornton theonolle Ovecoas, b ienin il thr W inerG:dsMe'sad oys ~ Broad recentiv visited Detroit to a tten.d Bowmanuville elected RoDt. Befth just sometiin ad bel it Oro48 I9l79 20f97 thefuerl i isdauighterixi-law, Mrs, as O"Wen S01u-d aflected lion. W. Pater- Nemws. Why do the Tory paprs mis- Prnlil1uin DesGoods at haif-price. John Broad, Conigratulatioiis to a son lu 1896 -T,elegram represent Mr Binghiam thus? Hle was fCm..,3980 9570 59025 *rmnnmnie lu cdmnunitv, Thornton carried Bowmanville in advised by the betlea 1one lu 'con froni y~~~~~l bi lc 9Jb ,s's The Telegram. That's Toro-to to rfrthe whole matter to Intareet on of these ;W tien with large mnajority to theý position nother-'it was boodie did it. 1the Clerk 0f t.ho Crown in Chanicery, Il've8t 3,7 35 7294. Oo e earvy an secure soD3., o o! township councillor. In the people o! West Durham there who we behieva was appoincedi by 1 aL MersedadDscua1e tni aari otonshbodwhe s ..ra.v.oenm..nalnoe95,9 4862 9,592, GIEN'ui1rl l'vm BARGA.INS. rmkb]hwtrogl hleasvaojsed by injustice.-Toronto - nItay be interestinZ to eiw Pdan Alne r gv a n acm itea n se to dis- A Toronto reporter called our great rc dofW st Durham which was last hoîders. . 374 7,2 527 9. a i appear, the mmd wandert 'smorpipocession "a rabble o! lin horn tooters June rendered vacant byheCut Colding, Si.lvrsi:" o. V4fails and despondency reig! 1ýlme. an -kaoc performers." Wasn't ho because o! bribery proved on the action umne o! neow buies1lot$ 0,0 ~e'Dr. Chase's Nerve food meanV o! an agent o! C, Jonas Thoî'nton whosewstrsaed hihnictsta Go ciîoi]oi r a r a and energv into the Thiornton's- weapon was "the virtue majority was 40. This statement ls bothl the manaeet]dteaec body, builds up the sý f is causoe" said a writer. What was rmteMnra al tr(osz tf aebe eyefcet h paralysis, prostratiop bhat,5 pray ? Ambitioni fo get intoPar- vatiVe) eivngit to be correct. :-Pre-!fc httenme !apiain ________ment violsg record ln West Durhami rtactewaunuallrgad that O WýV M A N V ILLE . "D elirium of victory" says the Tel-, 18674 ...B a e Lib , . .40 ma riy he death- 1o s s bv(ee e a t a MAPLE ROV » gram. No ",deliriumi o! defeat",say we 118712.BLb..... Acclamationib were expected hwta uhcr lo saw the conduct o! some oýf tlie! S 17L, Blakec,, Lib __,,545 majoGrity has beeni exeise ytemdc e S Base Line Christian Eue rVisitaoseviv. 17...,.. Bur!,e, Lb...4 aoiyprmn ntesIeino ie h our League this Thuirsdayv üV1ing... Wi 52... Blake. Lib 11 maait iopany's tjdnwaonigt '~burned hast Wèek, l,,eturaîh aCv4 ~~~ _198 rnaiior l..,0,hvbecaeuhivee s~~~neh~-l - ."- - ______ asoI Fûot _sLe E TXLE- L'in ~ ai~i eeG erUn,t --~et1ckt~ riti1L "fi ýo 1a_____ - ~ -- ___________ - ezeIa 1o- 15~~ ~- --~ ea6ýw- ~ ~ T~P~ 1 eir mx rln -m ro-wee~hiitneb~~itFmrchWi~en ratzltê îm ~~"W o-ZR9 U~1iI ' hTI E--~ d~~ V ~ II s-nlaItb -he sd,- ,.toiaie~tnÔws EETWC7~l-clii -uhta1-c a are d____ 1-Glâ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ Mlla 9we4 aid ajï" Ï4 m-drolsifý !;ýýî6i, i 7 1w -* ~~~~~ ~ ~ ~ ' -r o_ _ _ _ _ û~i lt7 e' ~ f~ e-______ F - nw3r-'oniaïe st n l r -- - - - _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _lu- <1flhI~~~~~~~A1iU1N~~~~~~-~~~~ nn-'hi sadr itun-a-~-hrtn'"ia-h toz4 ù*f . XWTniX -~~~~~~~~~~~~~bo for __- - - - - -~4 ~ - ~ e~nu _____ 41ý lm il_ __ _ _ îoe-o-trv L-2--1itFK- the e'lp-" O Wil -Zï06j- A~~~8 vu h.-o Î.. f4_4--~- -1 toi -coret- -4l~U S 4 resu wer43 364 4I Piüi. u muai '51 y1ng frheD,,usr ere 1BfYeh~tt T ric4 a ei~h~ +ee±wr~ 3z-93 ~ ~ ~ '9,~ A-4 --w r_ - n &_ A -n a- YU y1- - lier_ __ ____ ~ 1 1 ~ 4 i~ - a - ~ ~ - _ ____ ___ -- -- ~ - ui ah~1eatwih-asiohos1 lu ai.- ~ Ê~5 ~ ! -- --rret-iy~ a~ecit - ryufoe7h t5- -~ -~n~ The-buhettn__. wsiI~~f~t1o1~s~ QI 4- i~Meuutwee- vervlage - -- - eIt -Urie ,ewr an - -ies-r'- cs-ereat a -r-e - l i- -i-r -W- -C e_ __ _ inoii r  e -LeadS~ ~ ~ ~ ~ by a'î'~ -Bi Mojýîî4- - -- --------4h---- t4er~~~-ûrnp~~-~~uer4 thenn yuurir Mi.ier - - i a h o h i i e i ~ b e t _ _ _ _ _ _ ~ -ke- idkk-iiihnoitzU ,inzle-d ' uiurnx1vN~e~var - reo îth 1-snn nrcnhipsol-m i1gyJ'nu-su beîrr iPs u-az 0 'ubl J-1 aIft e ~ 4 a m ' , _ _ _ _ y - ý

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