New Year' s Re&a1d insido pages this week. Watch for remittance blank. Maruets same as last weex, Publisher's columu on inside page. Cartwright council on inside pag9e. DOlUS mrN..., Giandies Ladesreqirnghair done over ,,euj should call on Mrs. Dickinson, King st adPrincess Bouiquet hi an odlor in 'e- dngfiime opopuliar a Ét McDerrnfid's Drug, they Sto-re. The CuDs and sau-cers, toys, doils, games, tlheir 8ertin o make the children ,happy cedar atNîofs CW of Cawker & Tait bave Snilron T-rouit speil ' in halbl Very fine and are selin-g arn o!at 10w prices. uwnr&Taîts ,re offeingsoetin kas tr'nt1j choice1 Ili ar Mt, have laid aside twenty Ladies' Coats ilof wich wilI be cleared out atTw Do'JAars each. Thev are ot ail the wvay frorn $4I,50 to 14800. Coucb, johniston & CrAderman, Cbrîstmas Greeting: rngs Lm 011, Gaps, Figs, Canies ecs Nut,ïRasin Clusters, Fruits o!f ail kindcs, fresh anid go;dnd Dvnhr cream reg'eevdyatTHKi'n iFor Cr, mstr;nvel useltae Lacýka 1snl~f s ir sinit athj s t2f alo. Excursion rates to ail s orts. For fuli particuîars el P. F Uox, D . A, EBuifalo, in the torm or a pretty Ifoler bearing the imprint of a bunch o!î beathe r, Mr. F. Wood, ileadrmaster Mode! Sehool, Port IHope, was presented with an address and a most practica1 gilft- a luulu oc tnd stumber ýrobe- by te mmber oftheMode l auss. FlornceNigti?~leLodg-e, I. 0. O. F., hi givigrgatid reception au banquetto C, C. Lyman, Esq, Grand Mastïýer, fil tho Opera lieus;e. Bwmn. vi..e on ew Xeal,'s evemilg at's8 p-m. Mis ii ,uver to oDf 3o' eJohni or the Pr rae, rticulrs auccourit a laîrof ~ Nx ftlo Nx Doo,ýr to SaladBlk adU n ceasVd tiVJ. a tairen apd ari andGnt'Frihns -OW-3.1 NVY,- 1E. . . .................. --------------------------- 1 , LUM, &J ý m ýý ýÈW 9 JkUj -.- .. U . LL E Vvl' Y 1 A R s