Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 27 Nov 1901, p. 6

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SO E MARVELLO uSCREL'S. waBrosie.Te H Many of Them , W rougheW thoit whybirn coals for- the weeli wash? Somle Soaps won't waship fle%-dicine or Surgiery,. SUNLIGHT SOAP wile tsa ï Wieeconomny to bu3thie bs of SAL OSIIOIN Ceailn Soaps, -wlien by doinig so thle Thesthe ioudbe b it cntj,ý A esathfr'i Wshngonsas rond'1hehok av~ f IC~quanUy ,of coal used o. was;hing ly separatefrom tij e ,barn, altheuigli -11v b Tlmgepreached from. habitants, They îest trot day noir dy a( e tîny eco ctdfhoeit' 01 th fllwîg te t li e s vi,19, niglit. Whyrest when they work y be connected v th aslo, f r a i.eýwthout fatigue ? Why seek a pillowR d c dsae oso Thý2eLis ian Atlantic e(ean of i lien there 15 f0oiiight therie ? 1 'lihe stale buldirig should be 0 f depthjUi and f ullness n ilht v oisc fon t w ant t o sec you a fte r th t e i(des,-- n y c c , ( t 8 "r i * wo&tl mytexf. is take, and 1only t trýa os f enrth has been ùexchanei eghtcaddin ne case should stor- Littie LIV s ~~~~waleny tievave at th,, bearch anoi îpowr0 lgtnvicte e c n.igtentutu ny Mus BarSinaur o iorit odsepesieofdlgh ewol.lotv-pricedi Soa ps te wash is like tfcally air-tight, but fresh ai r should o aborrence, words that easily Arni lot right ini sayfng that spending a 5 cent tram fare to« by îîe means bie shut out. find their way frein brain te Uip, eternity cati do more for nsthncaruiaea cetartclfrConimeociîîg wfth the top of the Words that have in tiieliniornings time ? Whrat wfll we net lie able te g cents. Wall, a sili, six finches square, should and nridnights, laughter and tears, do whea our pewers of locomotion ý thunderbeits and dcwdrops. in ail shall be quickenred loto the immeor- be einbedded in1 fresh cernent nicitar. seteFac-si0îIe Wraeper BCIOW ftic lexiceîîs and vocabulaifes tiiere tai spirit's speed ? Whiy snold 1a S~DA etdlongare plched t 6hesî, hre are f civ îoîds that have fer nie the bird have at swiftness ef wing whn feU.aprt telonegitoth s1 Véyaa and es oeas attractions of the last word of my it is 0f 1no fmportance liow long .it 1îýfe prtenie notesl t x, 'hilî ope îhal tae e mke tsaeral ay SUJNLIGýHT SOAPyousaveits with a -9x6 loch plate, spiked o1 topý There haie in the ourse - f rom forst tifrn n xc h otl thic cost of the coalsun the studding carefully placed and ~ DZZIE~Lbcen many angels of God that ha-s baes ulimr motn e- uentt ention the longer puieepcal hr h er CA E 9 FR EAAC looked 0-ser our shoulders, or met rand in the world, get on se siewly ? life of the articles washed. A r ianid Windows corne.cftudnhu I~LE FORRILIUSNSS. us On the road er euchanted the The' roeeuck eutrunis us, the hounds tbe fBulildingpaper inust be used' botlî I VE FOR TONUPW E darline(ss aw47t., or liftcd the eur-arqtieri ecae bu iat*nakga s-ihdad irpc, PIL$1 CO8WTO. tains oithe great future, orpulled until C11 lets usloose front it , Sulfht oin-cli tuea, st sihdeatitry non- FORSALOWs~n. us back frein thre lrecipices, or roll- fitationsad idemot. Thf conductoî' of heat or cold. This pa- dcwnupo usUicîapures nu- uI firl belo.The startiîig post FOR ~O~~LXiON le of the lîcavenis, but there, 15 oneC wlll bc the toînbstonc. Leaiîgth1 Udo mr okwtietcae e myh rtcedtihccpo ectio-ages o a or eworld vill bc graduation day C',î add t n Wieybtter7, tha.n i 'Jexpen)sive boardiiig. Seivage should 2~~~CB ~~~~ nîuirch for us that ite wisli tlirough- the chief work of our mental , w alt fcmocepbelf nteppra I poîs CUR 85K EADOHE ~ eu ai -te and eternity te cele- prtulcrer. Hope ses i, sapwi: o ltOals. Tesfifn tereach the windew and c1 I'lRtE 1ý Ç1 KÎ_' L zýc.brate it-thje angel of Hope. St. door opcning, the victor's foot in otaltrsiiulcr majerity ofthe public seen find door fî'ames, whcle should bieniade Pa'd nakit h cnreo. a ou tîîrup for the mounting. The day I ethat' h UN LIofTrue cenmy.JIJT WIDE ENOGOH limcesitthecenie0f grupbre. ks-first flush of the horizon. htswi ULGTbA- DR. L. POTT1 ER,.(-f three, saying, -New abideth .a is asked fur b three people te te Lli the spacc betiteen thre flush faith, hope, charity." And huhThe msscn of hope will lbe an ever latn isoa nc f ti u 0 sgfray oîlîer soap sides of the inner and enter bocrd 2ogealnleiîcBwavf 56 m* lhe says that charity is the grecatest jhi en,,i "eeatr sinthle hv nthe rworld, lngthe paper nailed te the fi-anlie of tlc three, hie dees net 1050 one Iofc si h ah edges, aud extra strîp of paper put DR W. F. MAOKAY, plunme freîi tire wiog, or ene ray 'nowv Sh-d ivwe have gained ail as 77 soonliswe nterveilai celstil--1 'ovceri-this wichchis fiiiturn covered crdat f Torciite UivÉrslty. Dr. Me- of lustre frein uthe brow, or oe ea-so sieeîe eln ceta ith the casingadalniddin rubt 0 , id ffîie, Newcastle, Ont. 39. rera front the check, e-or enel othing more te learo. rio other tgt h ai ae sol frnite eieeftlcanel0 îyheîghts te ciib, ne neîv anthems te ______'are___________ MlIss ETHEL ORRI, te theWhic ho e ag o Tmaise, a monotony of existence. the he taken whereî ci joints ar miade 1 .9er-MORIS, ext -Wich lop." sane tiri ove an ovr agin oriarourîd air- 'fiues, at the plates and A&UIT2. Instrueflons gveni . TIG That ivus a great iight for sni hîn oe ai oe uan frs iio.Ècvwchiln'lepealywr teWl 11) 011, W ater Color ià i ina. Skthendless yeaî-s ? No I Morepors rtsgî0fapahiidyihhslsndeicalychethial sbîlg ro ntue.KIN kleisganwî,esi aBetleemcar1ai-is as sure te- cerne as te night ivili paper "joies the ceiling paper. Care- 1< a a prieea. 51.6ni. sary the Inifant Rloyal was hemn, and lin that wildifilanit e ever made tiri _________________________this. Hoecivill stanmd on the hils be fellowed wit!h to-morrow. Things less worknicn will nieed watchinig et that iilI bc a great niglît in the 0fhaoundoefr irritare net geieg te in. The Lord's suclu Places. It is the nunîberless lift- DU. . C';MICHEL, wen hrisianhopeis ' hosts are niot goin'- te be drewiefi tic details thiat detormine the value DR. .~.~. MITHELL, arkne.s iche Chrisian ho ei îing lanclscapes, other transfigura- iiiteio e ftoul.Mransc h sal hî ifhd EM BER OF COLTEGEOF PHYSICIANS born. There will ho chanting ~ ions fcl ewgoisrligtimbrel Reiluplayou the hîghhainks o hestee roer xvinh ud. vn m au d Suigeons, Ontarlo,Coroner, etc, the skies and a star poîntiog te the I the scene, ooiv relebrations of[ ibe i tntehg a il Ton ciieg s per ido adSvefot Besidence Emiiskilleu. 74 Nativity. I iili îlot lother yen over i torioîfs eae "is . fh ipefr ie iltonaA hngi poIdedShould wlth the lhusk of a definition aind telli . tohone IHîli hbope foi the church ! above' thr(,beo. As a stae sol A. E. 3ICLUGHLIK, ye ,mng Hfhhhope ifer the eworld ! itnonucase jîrovitle for storago eover- Op i iter, Sllehio adi Convejaneer, Office:- WLA OEIs NEt îAES'lion euiiutiope in regarud te lîead tire ceeling nmay bc very light. ~k.ke~Bne, sigstreet, Bowmaîvlllt. sn f ls mnidwihlre o our own h-atl, our owl' 'inancial Joists 2x6i inches placef tlmrceefot e~t eas ùa le ate , &ly, W en ive sit do uî ung y u a tab e, com i g a m ore brilliant glass iingl - prosPerity, yo r w n o ug vity, by apart i bc e heavy e oui for al- ivede et van a anlytculdi- iîîg witîî a more flarning lire. "Whiri ',seeing 110W ili othr people (ted imer- noest any stable, ne niatter ithat Fi ER OU G, V S c u se a t i lat br a i I a d ifully 1,i ex-ese s th fngs and brings t e lic size m ay h, as it is supported C( ý NWET3UHA EWS it on pass it round; 'hope.a sic TF1cL, cE 0 iN eST Dr hlsassatM gO t 111se five s a ue But if you iili not tako the hiXlpass the uinox-,pected, renimbering b y gas pille upriglits that held cow telfOuîîfruliia.m.to9p, m. Nîght catis et "pure 1hope": Peter rails it a 'hiveivof I boi f bd cnvlececeI thamih giodbtst morhd 't the ' lsa dtrepattosi repcej(-, dlbectiy opposite DrUilShed. Cll by Il lie point you t the perect body yoiitanle. ýiiii u riped attepc- fekrahmor elphnewil rceve roptauhope"; Paul styles it a "go od hope- are yet te have if you love anmd s'elast, and, fuiir by riaklng sr h ehugjit iesikdt h teto.171 -yr. a -Sure hope," a "rojoiriug Ihope," th, .i r 1oeth wiili put -'-L-.-f your eenlsa;fety tiîroxîgh Jesus noltes and raters, ',bus ferming tics Andai tp nddovuîtle ibe t <d anaesthetic upon your proeot Christ, uindrstaodi, that yen are te strengtmen the building. Building iZPýCE jCNEM A.spekien of as ai anchor, as a harbor, 1 body, and on îill iever again feol 011 the ivaY ite palaces and throios. parierl, is tacked te the uuider side of ofJrrae ieEB, sa elleas a door. aace orpiaîdte nhis This life is a span long, euîding fil the joists and înatchied, reilîîîg mii- -Nee. o btter inedicine did a mea cizer good time î'ou wiî lha-se a resurrec-1 duratiolis 0f bliss that meitieî' li- cd on beloîv tire papel -This ceili. g - -take than hope. 't is a stinlulant, ýticn boîdy, about which ice knoîv ne0Iman lier archaugeIli facittus man nay bce inch staff or thinner. Came ýi1_]PS0N & BLAIR.- a febrifuge, a tenir,. a catholicon. Itilng exrept that it wiil te painiess nîcasure or Ostiîniate--edoIencc of ia shoulul bc taken to n;p, the reiling 1'. Bi. SIMPSON, Q. C., CHAS. Il. BLAIR, Thousunuls of people long ago de- and glorieus beyomud ail present ari- Ispringtime that ,nover endls and founr- paper with the paper frein the 's'ide îlairü, oies, Ntaries, etc, Morris' parted this file wouid have been liv- reitn. Xhtms ho tlîu tains tossinginteihtfasuuîalsebvee ruoorte Pekupsai, igStreet. lBowmantvllle, prcain ht ms ci lclgto u al ol-pn pu o h Solelorsfo fi Otae Bnk Prvee ng to-day hut for the reasea they Ihealth of that laird îîhich nevurfulstatnee sts ay Ied thrilns ATIMUISSION OFAI. moneybs ieed ailowest îetes let Iloile slip tlîeir grasp. I haie rut of ceid or blast of bea. and i ith autcpto0f tiSimmnorteli - k~~~lnoxvn people te live on hope aimer where there is noewcat wiad s'owiog gle Wihhp "Ail inside iteodwork sheulci 1ie dress- ~~ p ~elle logvas gone and.disease h lad pmuina ntear orf~teud free frin a ;ny,,beading or pro- seemerd te lay b old of every ferie nssgeaeitaîlim oro er ARble oISTeR,O'lICITORn,NOVaRY ,and m isci n i-tom-y andl hone. your eye, Uý.ýghý clearer ýthan ou egie fla VR~ Y EARg. poet hoodmn f dust, îvhic Puli one n er. Mnney, it iic(Gtn, starting for isky ;Vperfèct health, fin. a cuuntry mrp.wles0,ý,,1- oohu'syuhe be fii uerde ag ing l teStt.,ri6teD, thdu2 e wsili 1 l-the divded ispro- weealteihbtnsaeever- 1nus on" 0fof fomain thmings to ho cait- LzunlRolisom w le 13-6m" perty aog teMaredoiiaits,. 1e lastin1g yiel Inih ae î~teethi r. I hebde iltaebroem e Wndow stools should be týnidese ~~ o m um yoec ~~~st b i. eidefnrîgndeYiîmg narrew that tbey ivilI not becue gave 1-, xillagc te eue, a port to an- you- body an eîîcysted beillot ever tihe "paýin cof cotii g teeth men dat on ce anc the rrptle brcry om, 5'OOOOOO1,% 0TO ,LEND tlmeî, lu ield te anether and ail bis sinre tbe civil war ; yen iimo hvegelaab1,lc-iowî' Soothing gyrup br h s od ttie or urrnd othr rs 0--o n g ood mcr t -,estate te bis friends. 'iheiî Perdir- kept aiivî- only by preautions adl.tesferrauoc. IDependi opea theca. that rc e ntrîîeta iicoîvt * E.M cLÀuioiirüeas,ý esold oottow-maxd oher traî gi ecuilty t mtderte retesox Iiere3t, cas askei, 'W'hat have yon kept fer self denials and perpetual îvatchin)g thorel,3nomi tekc aboî1ît. lcrsieru le ~yoursellf?" He answered trionîiph- of pulse and lung ; you cf the' deaf- regimates time solma eh and bowels, cures Wlnd ng dust anud other- dirt. îe- m.Colle, <oftens the gm s, re mues inflam m etion, E qual ai-c sh eul, ho ta Ln iitlî antly "Hope,',' And, îvhatever else crieu eam- and dimr vision amîd tlic se- aed giVes topei toi energy toîhe whalestm.todu. omfresae ad youî and I give aîvay vo' nust keep vere berkarbe ; you who have net â1cm. Winslows' Sothi gSuu o yefil he ador. Dt-faeaemti f lîlIOII oi- ourslves hope--ail ronîlorting, boum froc fi-on pain foi tell years, tethfilg la pleesant to the teste end îh the Pran fitted the saine as tire window flroflri CMNnn h ite; iption Gfioofthe ldest sad best lemale fra ns with the exception of the sil. ~ lIiILÔ U.I. , ail checriîîg hope. In the heart of lîow de you iike this story of pnysî- p1tysiiensand inursu eî intUnited States 'This is tride narrow and roundeul so DENTISTS. Qecmy lmari, ivemaf anmd chilul that cal reconstruction, î,vith ai voakness Tee e ahottus. 13)ld by ail druggists thro' gh hefars, or rends this sermnmnay Geul andl suffering subti-acteul andl cvery- Out the world. Meý sure adtek bor Mr. W i that the doom- will shuit tiglit against Wil b atBlcksoe onth fiatimplant this pi'incile rrgnt now! tbing jorund and beumîding auldeul ? SLOWS So>thngSru it wutiiouul, a jog, or jaînb for the ar- Mondbay of esc-h oth a onohe nd - 'Maiîy luave 1full.,assurance ihat alAgain, lot me intredure thoee(- cummulatien - of du-t. Tliero is no Moda al ay ad I ewasieli s riglît iithi the seul. Thîey ai-e ment of hope te thoe goed people HITS 011 DPIMEN. objectionî to having thec sili eight' M«daval] dy, an at Nwcaste is as sre ofheave as i theyhad ho ar inchesairhigutthe ashethcglcoasste casilyas stope as uidenbavnds f lmy adiie rehidepar bot.heworld's The geouldai-ycew i15nelt lasoeitndtemru crer s Wedneday fomIl -as, assed l iipearly panels ef the moral condition. Tboy have gather- the fat and ieekone. - wa see and timre c almiCi' u 0Frîcn:.-Tempoiance St. Bowrnan gate, as theuîgh they iccre already cd up aprialling statistirs. They tel Sdlncagsfmbcliîlcue Tero hudh eprtvh ville,rear Of HigginAbOtharn sdrug store se'tted in tfi tpe of (ted unroîl- of the number of divorces, but do th rowste sriin ml ilît. austeTeofi, shaytuilsce mathe om îng the librettoet ithe heavenlly net take into consideration tîat Poeseu hw hehed l h îtee lm as to shot luvd f ov ,m m N M 1 s l". R - cho rister. 1 rengmatulate ail surh. there ai-e a thouisanul happy homnes dairy rews at nihkfdng tume, ered withm shingles. Thue sizo of r'aft- ~ .L ' 1 wish Iliaul it toe-full assurance ichere thero is one od marital dis- Ire-coldliae is crtain aid iîilm - eîs iilI drreenu on the sire of build- -but with me ft is hope. "Which cerd. Tîmey tell yeu (if the large iisinthfl fnikfrnninheg geriyspaiu2x C AR D NLDS hople." Sinfil, it expots forgive- numibeî-in our land -îvhe are .hiviîug cow1. (ýVo nik rnt jjýi ches plred ive fetal peartfor2x4 nuss; troubleul, it experts ielief; bc- prefligate luves, bnt forgttemi- in vese oîtiio lji s 'for p e1jfo-i1egt, i iL_ýradiatc of Oie103aiColiege of re, ,it1experts reunion; clear cdown tien that there nueîay ilon fniuch prebermabI)lo t c 'ocks î tme t-e ,uubfi netidptl u Dental Surgeonis, 0Otarie. ut experts wnste lift; slipwrecked, mnanul ivomen îvho are doin1g 1 , 1are vessels.g ýr01iý-,io. GFFIE---Oposfe TBnghrn' ofice. experts lifebtat: baimlrupt, it cx-' TITE BEST THEY CAN. Agolendfi-soletetoeî0'WIOS pects eteýrnal riches; a, prodigal, it lam ato.il ýiý1 s oî 1 T ilIE M TTVE Y-1rALIZED AlIR. exp erts tire widc open door of the Th ey tell you tie numuber of druujn n ilh oi qma at fgy rqi-srueelraieali.Th cries in this countr-y, but bail to commn and lobelia.ionn- PATEH' FAMIIBSE mentioni the thousamîds of glorieus Wbtem dees net1, ii i d 'iion mheudb1lig lul m it A1ui'~u~ I1nfnA ~ It does net ivear itself eut looking churrlies îitb tîvo doers-ouue door lob bttr, llde tenndsnbc bnueurd u e LI.iIUiU UJ VJo L i.>barkiva-; it aiivays looLs fr pnf or'wrail wîîo wilenter frpar-, as aîbttereo aagrnd usigb te adm i len t nig. What i5 tieue of c giving se much don aiid consolation and th1 thi-IDcu't bcl1teim ý inhîk te the suîflicnthy large te ri dr by radia- t iiie te tire rebearsal of the past? doeî opening iite tireliîeaveîus foricaif Sour. ileat milî tot about -90 tien tel great chlanges fm11ttnmpera- Yorv sae r e errelb the ascototciseuls prepareîfoide 1es hiefomo feediîg. 'i turc. If possible, sunshine should ho This is lOy mette -Elac-h ear as reiOxiW. Your losses rani jt, by translation, T1he separateî,- on the bai-ni meîuîves anIL tdiuo coy oei0 h the neW iMproveM8nts are fpiaceffl od -vr t -_ ho ý . 1, I loi-Ho ---- _i -- ii - 1 1'- tmeosiiit-o1mrne eTstbe.Fr lî upooudtop -M imrkt, aiwayki tusse t a s8pecl1 gains. It us the fut ure that ba s the "De ahi yen am itîu jBible andl pen espare nmo expense in equippmng mnost for us, and hope clîcers us oni. sriellinig book andl phiosophie appar-j yshpwith the best goods and appui- ýW'o bIave ahi crnînitteul bluuners; but atus, but toil with the sunmlighît in anc-esiving uny patrons eppertunities does the calliuîg 0f the roll of tmniyour fares or yeur efforts wil hoa Unobtaînable tuttaide cf largo mauufac- 'niako thein any the Icss blundors? faîlumo. The pafllor mn thie sky is net tunies A supply cf high grade sun-i Look ahleaul iiial mattc-s of tise- anotlier phase of the nigbt, but Itho drues Ralays kept in -stock. Brazing, fuhness. Iloxuoxer nurb you inay - - -- Enameling-, Grinding snd Gera arcoîîîPîîsîîon for Goul aîd the Reputî work. Tire aWeids betterunent-oum roatcst speialtyv. Your, esteemed paroag ulsetoness is ta reie Ne, says An u î respectful]y solicited. 1s0oi uone, -'iny beaitîî is gone.- ~ ~ I WN~. FISHLEIGH, "No," says senie onie, "îny money BOewMNIýt\ uLI Market Square. 1 ' gone." "No," says sonie ene* a~eiu etrtv ui " the nest eofmy ycams arc gono andàO teFodlos etoaie ul _____________________________therefore rmnY usebuloess." Wluy. you te fD.t-aeteme o ADVERTISIN(G RATES. Tsl îNÂIAvS rATiesMÂN us pu lihubtevecy Wednesday monui-ig ai the offi ce 26 STATES- irAi Block, Kin- Street, Bowmanville ,Ont., by tien $1.50 jer amnem or4100 If palu stritly li advance. -4,1v er ti,4 i nra tes, tmensiadver- tlsing, tenecents île* ine, irst insertion;iv cens mmmxcinen eich snhsbequeniutnsprtxeim. Ccii- tract ra.ee ouiapiain ~î'~>ou. voyensuppose thtalu yeur raparity tedo geoulis fenreuld in by thmis life? Are you go- Mintebhoa lounigoer anul a, de-uotuing alryen have quit this ivorlul? ti is nuy businîess to0 tell You that your faruiltios amue-te be onhargeul and in- tcnsified andlvuur, qualifications foi- uSefillmess niultipiied tejîbolul, a hun- IdredioluJd, a thousanulfolu IS yîmur hîealtb gomie? 'i'boîîtiat ia signl that yen arc to enjey a celestimi bualth ronipameul with 'vvhirh the Most jorund amîd hîilau-iomus vital- 1ity cf eartb in invalidisîii. Are your fortunes spent? Ileieniher, yen are to ho kings andu queens unte <ted. Anul bow much mou-c weaith I ,onui-l! mn-mm- îîîoîu. youm i eign toi-- ce ci andl ever'! Iivaut to soc YOmI ivben yeu geL yeur heavenly werk dress on. Ti'iis little bit of un spck <mi a îvomld wecu aIl the enrilfis only the place ichere IEGET 11EABY TO W Wr rc oelyîtjoumneyme hm e, h uit I i!libhe master wimnen theme. l leaven willbave no loabem-saign Mc. A. R. Fawcett, the wcu-knOWrl editor and pi eprietor of Tht Leaderi anu Recorder, 'berento Jonction. w rites : "It lui very selnkým tiat 1 n*- eii-1 cine cf any d5srptioru. but tii:, spring I get se hacly rur doîtn and ontcf sorts renerally, that 1 heranie sme- ivhat alarmued. Chanring te read s testinieLial a"eut the resuits deriveul freni Dr. Chase- e Neive Foodl, freni a gentleman "u hcse cas seenieul te bc identical with mny os n. 1 purcbased n box, and cemmenceci using it. 'T he -'euit was -Innply maîveilons. I was benefileul brn hie brst, and seen nestereci te my usua gced bealth. I neyer feît btter In nîy ife than 1 do new. Te tell th,- sinînle truth, I dîi net have ve-y gr-at faith ln any medi- c-me until J useul D., 'Ciuase'uu Nerve Foodi, but ncw i have ne hesitation lu strongly ecinmenming tiuis great remedy te ethece, as a valuabie and ef- fective remedy." Dr. Chase's Nerve 'Fond, thce zreat nerve resterativo anul bloul huilier is mekîng i-L-boests of cures iniail paerts cfr ,(bis boulDmnin radulally ;sud( thoreughhy it bulluls Up tbbc system 50 cnts za boýx, ahId1 a r c idman- son- Bates &ComuPan1y, Turonito. ral ou skiîn ilk. i veut uînnoressary radiation of lien The foonh foi- tute cews shîould he at nigbt and during relul weatber, it of such a uia-tu1re thînt ne baci taste is botteî te bave the mmcessary ivin- ýwihI be iprolte the nîlhit. dows se barains Possible on the south Une oeddaiy rw i suuicrte or soutberly side of the building. thrce peor coîts in the daii-Y. The'! windoiv shoulul ho provildeul at differerire is in t,-he cost o etbcul. naclu gable eîdý Thoseiiidows GoL the iiiU îitroui the barnî jute asiouhd ver n igmoovea to slide eas- cool, wel-vontiilated place as soo uly up or dewn OIS requimeci with ns possible nbuem it lues heen drawn. mol e a:ttaeîuunont that niay he oper- Cet nul ocf that idea tîîat yon have ated broni heloiv se thi't tluey imma, to sterve ltIlecaif if it niakes n geod bho orenelci' rîcoscul as reutuireul. dairy cowl,. It's a delusimî ýund .111 W iLl a buling piut rp un this sua-e. ulanner aind fu-oislîed xxitiu iîy Raie i hefood you 1eaM foi' screcns, dr( l- îiids, doublle nclors, grounul. In that xvay you railgeL oerly amdl çumefuihly fii , i hai ' geednh îney for, thie crcps tlîoîîîsoîves.: s'table imbichi nay heshut imblmr ticahhY air-tigbt, anîd une thu ixul i ho a very umuhelthiy plauce for al "But, sulï .", urgeul Barlow, "su-mals uîîhess preumded îrith no ing is bleimg" " encossami- S3-Stennof veltilation. by," respýoniîdd obson, "Foi- lui- stance 1 Mn -00' youî any nia' v.hbu Ct REEPI'TE ST1AB3LES CLEXN. as t le oc'.ing yu-- i mîoxo finishien that suenne. 'rho cou- stable'- sheulu l lum'e light, Veutilailioui, reaîmsiîg, dOu ig-, rilo CANKER. ofenîsive uîmttni' nlIo\ieni Oi 'ut th(, stable. suihiient supplîl of ir 'a- There is a mistaken ide&as ~tomteraund îiolesouuîe food feu' île co-s. the cause of cankers in the mouth No duiîyî shouldii h o se egigeîît and throat. Suiffr ers imagine that as . to hbcmespomsibio foir the traus- mi'ssionm of disease thîmeuglixthme sale they arise from Stomacli troubles, of nîiflk fer the ivauut nlof 'uii but it is ïnothJing more or less than Oumr best authoiims rhmini thLatt i' the resuit of impure blood. Nu- danuger- frin cow tuiberv.ulcm-'sis menous sc-aalled rernedies bave ,,,iliconîpa-enh witi flic damî geî- been floated on the -Market, but Îunn i l îîuroreruîî- bui un!ouics exper!nce bas proventhat there is ab t medi- 0111Y eue cure, "Clirmax" Iron Tonie q- - 5 Pi.2cents abox a1talI druggist, OL Ol '4uSP'V1lu-" -hail t edei-(10G., RntoOnt. mntui1ng c0t-miUe r ; ýi b"dpuîî oi us ýfat a'-itno"hl As,,thmlialene Brings lirstant Relief ani dPermanienitcurehin Ali Cases. SE NT ABSOL(JTELY, FREE ON RECEIPT 0F 'POSTAI,. Wirite Your Name and Address Ploiily. opium, merphine, caîloroform or eth - Tiuere le nothiug ike Astlhnalaene., 1$ brings instant reflef, even in the wor@t- cases. It cures; when al l se fa-ils. The PC--. C Pl WEL,cF Vula 'tg 111., sau: "'Your trial bo)ttie e Ao ha le nc elveci li gooni condition. I cà%nllt, tel! h11-Vh1nk10-ie for the good t4,a niveni frm it. Iwas; a slave, chaned wit putrid sore threat and Asthma Iforwto Yeaus. 1 despaireil cf ever being: cpd, 1 Faiv your aietsetfer fthe i Iis dreafula ana trmneting 11 Asthima, sud theught yeujl had overspokec yourseives, but nesolved le give ià atilaL. Te îCy astonishment. bhe trial aebed i ke,4 1EV. DR. MORIÎgi EHL R&abbi cf the Cong. Bujai sa. NEW YORKt,. J&n 3, 19401 Duzsý TAPT as. EICN o Gentlemen: Yeuar Aîhalnet an ex collent remedy fon Asthma,, and Ïhay Feves aud ils composition alevasail troubles, which combine witbuAt a ls sutýcces is asteulsbiug asud woniderfi,.Ir Af ber haviugil carefuly i zdwe cati state that Asthmialen c ontàîuFe nef Very Iruly yours, 11EV. DR, MORRIS WCILR Dit, l'Ar BRO Mxrcîic Go.AVON SPRINGS, IN. 17., Feb). 1,19, Gentlemen: JI write tbis testimonial froni a sense of duty, havingý tesýted i iie wonderfal effect of your A'ithmaleue, for the cure ot Astlira My wite h'mbeeri afflicteul with spasmedie asthmna for the past 12 years. Hlaving exhausýteýd m owýn skill as well as many others, 1 chanced te sec yeur sign upen yeur Windows on 18th street, New York, I et once ebtained a bettle of Abthmalene My %wifei cemmeneed taking il about the tiret 0f Non7ember. 1 very snon noticed a radical improvernent. Afler usieg one hottle heur Asthuma bas disappeared and s'he 1fi entirely free rem ail s3mptoms. 1 feel that I can consistently reconïwend tý hc unediive te ail who are afflictcd with thîs distressing disease. Yours respectfnlly, 0.1D3 PFI E LP S, -1.D Da. TÀinýr Bitos. MEDîCîIzr G o. Feb. 5, 190!. Ücntlemen: i wai troubled with A8thnia for 22 years. I have tried numer- eus remedies, but they have ail failed. I ran ac-rnes your advertisernent and. startod with à trial bottle. I fouîid relief at oncq, I have since purchased your fuil-size beiGle, and I arn very grateful. I have farnlv of four chljdren and for siix Veers was unable te work. I am new un best of healtb and arn doiug busi-' tiess every da.y. This tebtimeny yon eau make use of as s ou see fit. flome address, 235 Rivingten Street. S.BAPAEL, 67 East 12fth st., New Yo;rk City, TRIAL BOTTLE SENT ABSOLUTELY FREE ON RECEIPT 0F POSTAL De net delav- Write at once. addressing DU,. TAFT BItOS.' MEDIÇINZ C0., 79 Eiast 18th St N. Y. City. SoId by Ail Druggists. T"HE PEOPLE'S PROO,)F?,, Want1 anything strenger te cenvince of the mciei or ny artidile in da1ity use th]-an th umsictedi testînmony ef the peeple who've used i-,T? .., ~ ' bas ail Canada te ts back in testifying <~ç5~X~)te ts nierts ini everyîhing that -ces te 71 malte ia the imest perfect s ~ 2--S, tee in the world of stoves - ,te-day-and the armiy cf -, "Souvenir" ewners 1ecruits , -. ~by the thousands every yecar. Weuld that be. the case if il had net bce-n preven "thfe best by test"'-fer appear- ance-frdrbit-fe 's"'-cenvenience-fbr up-te- dýateness in appoinîenîts- iniprvemýenis-ecenemily iu fuelrad genierai' geod ser- 'vice as a hecater, cocker and bakeri f youre tbinking ofa nrngeqestion yourself a bt-then pv' thc "Suei"o t te test. Sold everywhere. One %vil! last a'tifectime.@ RIC E & Co5 Agents, Bowvmanvil'le. i Made by the GURNÉ'-TlLDEN Co., Limited, Hamilton, Onitario. < ltahhoness The iuter hias k-nown f TUE COSTLIEST'PAINTIN (t. .~~~~~~~~~~~~~o 'vt a bord -f poo cow te . - 1U ý a ,1 ue0cigý1ýuiLc h try to beed (boncii se as te increase- their capacîtiesý, but be bas never known one te succeul n doiîug se. It pays te mtart oaly with goul coîts, whether i-aise-,d or puircluaseul. The good cow begins te pny prefit ut once, andu she continîues it for a long poriod cdiyear, Ais a hreodoî slme puceîpossibilities inot niscov- eumble ii tb'epoou- coiv, IIýEEPINC'FIIE COWS (ÇLEAN. 'l'lie ch ý-nrng of coms by using the 71~~~~~~rs mui taumycnm oui th- as1vrr )W,1,fo- i" -î, cd to be te possessor fterst est painting ini the wrl,-which i te thie pmeopeî-ty of the first Buke 'cf Marlboroughu. 'rb7e iuctui-e is kem as the "Bleonîmeini Madoin," -paint- ed by Hapliaei in 1507, ennd imow val- neul at mme less thaîî $350,ooo. î, t Sft. bigb, andlreree t tîmeMadoui- nma 'andl Cîilulsetel On a 1throne ith a figure of St. John tue Bnp tist on the left andl that 0fý St.N- chiolas of Bar! on tbe ighit. îts al- niest fabulous value is ýdue te ýthe farýt thiat it 15 00e 0f Itle 1ost-pîe- as a vat o ubrtotose wiîo FirsStndent-"VW bat iake'ýs Û bai nom'trieul îmepii, bot if l ook se nioianchely 2" Second St coitVS îWoî e se trite lite esuit dent-' '1have been foolei. I asîtoufi ivoaul h uiio nLanl btter asmny fatiier te senul me twenty-five dol0- the rais vsuouid hocmn,l ouufotahle. lars te, pay my tailer, andl'a, feis It is moi-ce îpu aît e rush ceuxs davs iatem I receiveul h1, reeip,2 thîaa hou ses,lutsmiedirt bu oui the tih b'shill It comys oasily filuds btsu-ey ilte the mi 11- A LITTi LET0t) HOT. *Little ,Jant, agoni ber, noticod theoetixer day at dinneu the rest of the tamiîy helpîîg tîmenslves ibemal- !y teo tim'. mnuistard. Nobedy efferiag bei- aumy, sue w,îîted uîîtih seniething dm-otaiay - tuhe attention et the oth- ors,, i len skie ifteontheie ustard sîîoun, lihemahly dauhoul n piere of hr ýamiWith iL mcad tookI a groat bite. lie hmnulmemnedateIrIctai u jp te - tel'l111 w ri ii hutj2ily gets TNE YOUII NEIIVE M A KE YOC, WE LL ! Pr.BcrEv i Meç.MdSnpt ofth1,,,Prot. jHosmï,t for ieanoIllonreal.presoîbesIt oe~a andoe sjsrî.c os"i ae Mis Oi,rk-Sp u sn Hosp-t- eoco wcasieihssasoseltwththhetrCcI s Overrffty years a bouseboini emey for 11-,mn G, Spreins, Wonnds, Bruises Coughs,ý CoUe andul al accidents lin hiee coeur in eveny home. CAUTIONP--There Is enly one Pond's Cxtract. Be sure you get the genuine, sold only In sealed botties In bu#t wrappers. -t i - ýl --lui -L T -T 1 rýý

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