Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 27 Nov 1901, p. 2

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Hurt To Eat. The pain, nauseý j tess thaut DySpeç after every meal permanentiy removi dock Blood Bitters. It tonts up and r stomach to normai c( that it digests foc i- causing discornfort. Here's proof posii ~Miss Maggie Spinlde, Dt wrote the followiug: " I stîfferer from Liver Compl pepsis for the past two vtry 'rserable.- -I -eouldi food as it hurt me to eai sait , 'wby don't yen try1 j"", using two bottles, vihiel eomjiplete cure that I eau 1hirî ike wtotit causi Itel outr show cards on trea,, "" Ipicen,.ue places. iedsrbtn Ilate. Comnission or salary $65 expenses, not t e exced -.0 etpiYnent te gondhuii eprec nedfui. Write foi TH MIRZ Me ICINE Ce( DR. WOC NORWRY PN A poiti7e eure fer al AvA Branchial diseasos. Ilealinc sud soothing la pleagat te) take, promp tuaib in Its rasults. Mr. Chs.JohaesorBear wrtes : "l1wqMstrêibled wit and mol-e ibrtoat wîhthe flonnoed Bronohýitts aud rec<i to try Dr. 'Wocd's ?forway 1 did 30, %dia ater uslug th was entirOly eured."1 TaIre a Laxa-Llvei' Pi ln. 'Twlll work whillî, yo oua r ,01pin ,eurîug i 'n, slek htadaehe si sd malte you futl b, mornaig. prie ,2u5. The ONLY Agrloultural AND ADIMEOLr Ti Ledt g Âr1INrflJollrna E-Ieriy department written hy hlghest authoritles in their rsspec Noe other paper pretends ta ce] qualifications of editorial staff. Gives the agricultural NEWSi 6onipleteuess flot even stteînpted IrîDISPNsriAISLI ALL COUNTRY RE WIIO WlSHl TO a and dis- xics --uffer- can ail be td by Bur- 'estores the -ondition so od without itve: EXILES IN SIBELUA TOI-PAI ENGLISH-MAN'S ACCOUNT OF SOME IRUSSIAN P-RISONERS Privrileges of MIen 'Banlsheýd for PltclReas;ons -AWo ansPrison. MAKE 1THE FARM PAY1 IPr-ogre-ssive sitock breedeýrs, dairy- %~en, poultrymien, grain, root and fruit growers, beekeepers, agricuil- tuiral students, and home makers fid-he- rtclsandctanswers_ t,- questions in every issue of the AD VOCAlE and HOME MAGAZINE sipyunequalled and indispensable. Ifyuare flot already a subscrîber to the most helpful, best printed and beautifully illustrated farmers paper published, we invite scrutin y of a sample copy. A post card will bring it free. Address . THE WILLIAM WfLD CO., Llmlted, LONDON, CANADA. P.S.-The subscription price, $i per year, includes also the superb Xznas Number. lhousie, N.B., Cuiîrn nciiito ba l b ave been a s i iigo cniinta h laint sud Dys- give so inucli vor da.ily te the Go', years anti felt emmnta. ual lake mach "Tht,- chairs- womuare f-ivo -epui t. My friends vreight for tht, legs, andti Io fo B.B.B.' I did tht, vinaIs. A convict viltît n i: ,h made sncb a sentence ivears chaina 1erorcigi Lnow est any- years. If the punishment is twent, uag tue diseotu fr frs' yers. in canare wor, _________ for__ 'Tht, use aitekotis.slt ly 1,aisti. A 'plt a h ee 2iable ia euei at svre Ltveghcigh ' locality throngh. punis vll alaite!se t eathei aaada te introduce tnpering frein the liandle te thie goode, tacldng up circulai~ thongs th, sikýe o! a fingeýr. - rade and al2,11aptl uis cond.snt.e ig emal advertieing "CptlPnsie osnt.x M,00 par zmouth and ft iu Rassia, but a fiogging xilh; per day. Steady 'plet' la equ.ivhlenlte a death set relable aman. N o ec.-h klu lgrwi il ,r fulil partlculars, tne Tt klu lgtmyliî i.. London, Ont. mnn îit six blovis. Womnen nre îîevtr nov set t( vomr lu inte mines as thie men ar'e lbey na-e neyer floggtd." lTe saine correspondent gives i )D'S description o! a visît te TIIE FEMALE PRISON u t lîlrt slr, xx liclt- ta very liereni freinlte genemeal idea peopleb-avý of Russian jails. "We vaîkedti tttugit n village t shanlies, - anys the, xxmter, 1"tc vitllooketi the best itetse ilt-1hi place. Thec Gevemnor tutuedth ie h-an dt, aiflte gate. lie vient jute th( -yard--a blggiedy-pie-gledy place lit lereti viit lol bricks ai-d the rab. bisb of sointbouse that hadtibeet SYIJ enoisheti-nl saw soi-ne rathit Tbret, autg soue ciiltietipla ing about,. ani Tlioat Lng oni, hilii-n layngwith aiitten -'l'Il sent ifor he inatron' a-ait a il-s action,. te Govetuot'. pt sud effec- - I«s ti,is ie iNn Iasireti h saine-aaOen r Riveor, N.S., "Yathaslieoypronv thhrsus h-vii rtsr for wmn C doctesot - "Il v-a, sua l arge sizeti ortiinary omm&aded me bous,, abitting on te street, bat r Pius Syrup. not a single seltiler to ect tiat no lre. bettiles Ianc openeti the gale and matIe off. 1 could't itelp -iuughing. "The niatron xvas at large-boneti 0obfore ratir. conmanditîg wvainz-anmost sultabli ý sloop with- for thie post-atd vins a utie fias- gbillouanees, , îe'eîat Ibis anexpectd visil. With- 9 anti dysPp?. ouItndo vie îahked ilo oabig lovet boter lu th&. roon. "There vins net iapleaaînlt aes- piere. Il vins a scorcing ht day, - andti ierai nere ne wiuioxxs epenu. "There veret, Iree long, sligittly 1831 sloping siteixes runnitîg along cither Bîîoty-Iaold Yer io- ~ WOMEIN S1RAWLING4 ABOLÎT 1902 Wf the itil clbî,'em. " Thte sent' renintied inaetfa. isit I once inadte tii a cbu-ap lodging bouse for wvoneit la the East Et-d oh NEWSpaper, ame-H was indeedi sickeîtinýg etun îtcmtyolti clotuîimg 1lying 'ibout. et the World, 'I)ue wveme ýýn, vite vert, Sittingg in spelaissthgi-oupaviten vie diatut-bedtlint, wxre ct unkenpt, andI moat otflte chitdr'n viaoult have been beîtelittt by a mîete wthitlaWaslh Titeme xere fortly vernîttuttI about tweuty '-hildrcît. witb a degree oai - iitîaehsevnnitrfr' 1by thers. I Iaskt ae. eeWninhr o? E T'Et cryLhum-ig frou petny thefi. le tatîirter -, SIDENTS f 'Shitvnae aotnic ot cour norder- crs. in- an of- ied LIS, 9ire qre eil ley .er he in icy of er- is Iny1 ýon lot ith , 1 A crrsonen ritinig teC) Londoa aîyNesgives somle terIesting ifrmtonaout them dem nconditions, under çicheusl ---etle~- ~o-ltica anI cîmrnl, l Hie ays "The, exiles may be di-rided in three groups: first, the political0 fenders, in a mineriîy and banishE for strang insurrectionary or relug eus opinions , secondly, criminal mostly fergers and thieves, who ai sent ta the, big prisons in tht, iute iom, and thirdly, miurderers. who, a sent te Snghalicn, where, ev( when tht, sentence is finished, the muSI sPend tht, remainder of thei lives. ' Tht, political r.risoners have ti best parts of the country te livei -namiely, lu the, west. Other pri encrsa -re exiled nearer te the ic r'egloits accordîng te lte gravity their offence. "Tht, Political prisoners may prat lice handicrafts and, by special pi mission, medicine. A 'political'i net identified with tht, criminal an more than a debter is with a felo ia Engiand. Such offenders do 'nc Ira vel with ethers iu a' gang. 'Politicals' get £1 16is a mont from tht, Oovernment, but this vai les according te, the district te whic thŽy eare'sent. Wîves who accompau their hiusbands are allowed Ihîrt3 six pounds of bread a mni, bu nmust submit tc the, regulations C tht, clape. "If ail gees Weilhuilha'pitc lie gels permission te settie iu sein Siberian tewn with his family, bu nny allowance fromn tht, Goverumen then ceases. He is just the sainea any other resident, save that he -GN-NEEI LEAX%,E--SIBERIA. "11f he wlslies to farmn the Goveri ment will give him a plot of lai and money te work. But Ibis mone- must be paid back by instalments. "0f the, crîmînals, there are thosi dead ta the enter world, who los ex erythittg-wife, children, property and all-and those who retaitt wlf and propety, and can retura t their own when tht, sentence is com Pleted. If these second-grade cen victs btbave weil thty are allowe te fils own amubitioni. They ltave for the vutleeti Cdams Oat,-!-ght",nngles, r lin ta itatredthultilspenka vieil for Imigli J siycue iette give way. IWI SEn elville. TLIREK ROCRETS. -- - duS. te gov" tiney varrJiag of xtîy 'l'HE NAUGIITY, HUSBAND. increase l ite Cwvolunie ef lt e Dauglier- "Qii deay, sudh a limeAiig breughî devin by thqt, ributary as I du btave vitit thut tusbautiet uo uesionnasigtial stattioti vasilin- miite. I tian't have eue îninuite's pîovised I 0ue xîiinge of Maire. f pence ihten he's l inte bouse. I[e'asoeine tenty mues u y lte Maros alwaiys calllng nie te do semettino- rivert, andi l1vs( a-won # 'dlbat the, or the other.- 1dangerxvan: hsoud bc Ibretrockr- Snios oser-euz, dp t b ts ù e inNViliiC KEEP IUP WKTH TUEI TIMnES. 1"The inatron calleti ou five et ' s!i vint-i novi'>' htott Cu xle show1 nP wuhidene 1w'anen te stand on eue aide. Tiiere Paugiter-' île iaits tiet te go itp- dtttt5t, six vet 1 h fimeil as a ,îgle Subseriptlent, $1.50; wa nothîng le distinguisît tîteln st-ait-s luat te itrelid a ne fr signial Iha,î lite danger v-as axe, T w e S u b erî o e S b cr5 tO u i, $ . 0 1 r i h o r i a lo tllîtul p e a s a tt h lm -- e lita t le c a m i me n ti l s a i bi ta i e '- h z in ig l t sa a e l t e - Elv Sbeciplee, 1iirn lt rdnm clatîtes.'- tite te- r(te-t SPEIA1NDCUIE"OneIER iowevx c, xvas taller 'iitibel- Oti tu tgttfMt i 2i, lt 0F LARGER CILUBS, ter looking. ler teatitres veî-e ce-eai- v-atch- o l lie sttintileti tîtat, -' c~ut ant i er liait' tarr. Tiete vas n N Ta pmove ta you tInt Dr., lte uesx uetali iiî at Four 2JoinUss' fflal Trap 50 cents. sinuîuter. angry gle.î r iii lieu- tyt, 4(ithae's (Ointment is a certain SPECIMEN COPIES tbough sit icacutteti ear preseîand absolutercure for eachim cadaî ii temiVtgntt th ug sierewýit ( or reene.an cer frm ofitching, thtt 1Ctl n-te ditt: 1 1ttfortutîiý- SPillE bCnOPedIeso rqES twîpaan ' 'Tiiat', sai tue ntatlroti ',;a emr i>bieedingond protruding ples,'t.(h-- cgtbrtg ftte, tn will~~et. bit conter. Site, la-- Jeuet evas antiayan the msîufactureri have guaranteedit. eetes- bodylunteresteti in any wsyin countryîlifeto send taif la th 1al pr1,a nýir ioreib .?x uIe . n-utmek f si..e is lieî-r e- ie posei le!' borswhatthcythlnkoelir Yort can uset COI! it.hhenitalcoîudî' In garthemn. Atidress the publishars; iinb:t. eiomtnhrrfoeta teaa.ts"îaslta îîî,tansie t LUTHER TU.CKER & SON,. i~ltta. ie~U-i at dealers mnîtao-Bis & ft.Tutot~- ta .ecdoŽkîsIde ' ewThe IKin,,IKof Ranges 'Bucli's Heppy Thought- When bulyîng a ranlgo tlln k berorc you buxi and then you wlU buy a Happy Thoitghf, t, i uyiing a 2HýppyThgt yen- L ave the .nstinte(l recommnendation of 150,000 previous happy purchasers. i;..Range building is a 4 specialty Tjith us-it's flot a side 44' îsue-weleave no room for improve- m±nmt in our construction of the H~appy Thought. e d& .0 AP dp q 1 1 surdiity ai thje place aýs L prison, so far as wýe iunder'aand jprisonýs. -Rc'Lly -,' Tde1 de,'dIo,-ou mean tesa these womnea o' go away?' awa nthe 1,r11CTheusiual roîl- c'Ill was maeiluthe ePvening anld she didL net, answe-r. We sere surpise ;Ld ait lier goinig, buit W- were more SUr- prse tree days hlaler vwheu 1she cani c . 'e explained litaI slîe watecd ta sec hcr lver, and as mnaare niot -allowed- on S'uaday,whhst is itors' day. she just wenl off, and ai- ter seeing hlm camne back again.' GUÂRIAI'1OFETHE KING MEL VILLE IS RESPONSIBLE FOR EDWARD VIIL Nemnesis of Anarchists.-Special 'Protector of lthe King of England. meiville, special guai-dian of royal- tv, special Neniesis af anarchists and aIl sorts of plotters ug-ainst «the state, has had a lively time of it sinci- President McKinley was shot. Melville was in Homiburg with, he King of England whcu tht, fatal bul- let %vas fired, and ho went soon aiter- lward with H-is Majesty 10 Denmiark, and that xvas a good place for hlm to'be, for the extraordinary olcc- tien of royalty gathered at the pal- ace of tht' king's aged, father-lu-law Whien Slgubr Crispi, an aid m-an o f -- Neîghex tzTolcnhone r- at th 'at lime was badly frightened by 1 seen tuirouign a layer eft tieir tîny Thmeughout Canalda mucit ait ch the, news, and Melville, was tht, mail bodies, apamdte the englue-drivr lias been feit difng the pastf iy te raasuüre tem. teb oii rliitao-the gcaler 4Ino1tls at the outbrýeak of smnallp -y- iHetdid il se Weil, lu tact, that Whtch lalb"erblem. ai danger al that has accurred la varions lhe )ut King Christian decorated hlmi with Lhi' rh ter ies and thousauds of dollars ho of the Ortier efthlie Danebrog. The dt,- limm la-Sjgnalling, messagesbenxpddadrihls-u tectixe bad a lot te do at home, but Of animprtn are usiialhY sent pressing 1t. And yet ycar' in il'w-len iteKin dehde tego e te l cyher a c artrad oit at the yeam eut this country suffers from ne continent lie partiduharly insisted reeiing tatil by an officer, who plague that ciaitusnore victlmso ut hat Meiîhi, i pesensbold o chîseu-h htte ahud as 1i- is sig- nualhy than have been carried off lt wth hîlu, and se "tht, special and nll " Y bis side but a 11111e ,tinatty epidemic during tht, past quait as political departtmnt. 0f the ci iminal rear et bitais anotiier officer, Who of a century. Consomption-t investigation departuient at Scot- takes dewn th letters frotulit s COl- great white piague of, tht, norlth- land-Yr" a a-gtahong-as-best 4aî'Iicai n falni g oi hemr ebe-drcadtd than- any o it could without ils famous chief. lte. wvr, a pectiliar officiai demic. Its victims tltreuglt<ut Cà nd Thlit de1îaî-î uertt xth thc lotng jaon is sd T., B., M., S., P., ada are numbered by the thousan name is uscd le the chiei's absenîce, aao-d V., fo r vitce belng kneown re- annuaily, and Ibrougit its rayag eyhowevtr, for the King rai'eîy maires -Pectixthy as'toc," 'beer," 'emmua,' bright young lives lu every quart e , loiimportant jeut'ney without tat- '«asses"p" anid "vic," are brought te an uîîtimely en lse îng ýr'TEl SOUP. llhY? Tiero are two reasons, bte 1-IS SPECIAL PROTECTOR. sidieus character ofet tisease, t ftaiog, suahy u te sme ompmt- No re te curielus pliont-tic sub- the -aIl too prex aient belief th te meont 0f satsinno ute adoipaing sîltutes dehe mýere 'unauthomized those Who inherit weak lungsa a- metîrom bif hris s itea e Tht, de- local eenrct.On lte contmamr freded 0an carly death ai n- teiv issews n riary poliemanethey are used by "flhng-w'aggems Ithat the, mosa. that can be doue ]S etd ul on wagan odny li emacnverywhcreý,, aad are duly set fortIl gixe thte loved ones temperary meI or - uyoii-gnittLcûtlhel nohd lookcig, -an 1 ------ litjoumney ,towârils t o grai Y',- nhOoi ~bu~ ir-I oud-lolug anuis ; t,ý reason being titat, a This is ra itk. Md cy qulck-wtted, fils the chothes thal onedisagetmtke dc ~ c th, mst ashonale ! Lndo dsaster ma oce withln aul ace , of science now know's thal censutuptio tailors maires for him, bas a benuti- beiug brouAglît about titreugli a lisp- Wbenil i bas net eached au acu a fa ulto,1uch -of Irish- brogue, ad i ning leueae!signailers prenounc- -stage, iscurable. -But ijettet' gtill-, or entertaîning companin.11eiy ing those picýuhar lettera in suchi a is preventible. Suflerers frein weî As reui, Ie Rngway that they wre utistakeit fer bings Who will ciothe themstlycs pr tI lts guardian's secîety, and many are otMusmlr-en in na tti b il eptt lo -y lte gaines ofcrate ae lyd I 'sduîgtt uiydays, and andI rd, net only need-notdrad ce- -together wben theme was nelbing bel- tt xc haigo ie msedsîpin u ilutmîi 1eýr te do on a ýlong jeurrney. 'At nmessage is. 1 teuse a ýtwehh-womn eint, leaithy, obuse ,pple.Amcl prs, "bat L the Misîs of an- t ,o j Pon wîîonm conisuîl.onii1 1iomnburg and t Fredoiîsberg, itlila sal Iht Ie RngwasnOvr et t tquiy,"bu th imediteresait tenld'ils fangs, an1d Wlto hlc ~~~~~~~~~~f~~~~~~~~ _(1lessihecpîl oetswa la a ubretbxso sa rvd b iis is curable, ila M o! elaaton.whn ot, f he iîcf' ad csesettinedsou wr selnt idgeStGorgeofSt. Jerot: Ibe, sitat Iorup tht, watlch, f eat hstete7acerand aseQue. 1li3 story as related te ar At tlhtfamily gathering ut King sit pase fsàhapulaei ani cseporter etL'f eirdu Nord, xiii XCristian's - palace - titis remarkabie A hrmgnOef i iiioca interest te similar sutllerers. Ml a Iishmanil was among peileta 1ac-setAsndlrnt, foEr, ei-i-oen t. George sais: Up le lite age îquaintiuces, te nerlry every oee a sa inltaofe 1e otcl tenyars ha alrrs en po awitom' at oee lne or another lie ltad os,, dame net disregard. the Les t Oet beaiti, but at Iflat ai be'npersoncrlhy introduced and for the fatefulioiirg mote lpon thte ai ral o en Swiiuae sifl lie had belli persoitally cars of the ýskripper of the, John Rut-1 cler,5uft1ted coîtstantly frein1 be, responsibie, ais cacit important rey- ledge, of Liverpool, duriîîg lte niglît aches and pains it tht, sides; ntya, alty Who visita England la u-,uahly o! Febrmary20th, 1856, lie puthi petite le! t n- andi I bcraine vol a Piaced , hîeim ~~oiraabouit atid altereti bis course Wa.Fruîad fIic er -u_çl)II FIIIVLLEý- WIG lowartls 0the direction whence t etbeughI 1wits bainig utedical troll hMELVILLE'-4,, 1 Ilintt-the trouble xvtnt on. Then from the moment of setthttg foot 01 seund came. Eýven as tht, shi wtgwsntcrdb ogat Engist s-.rouirng l,>:tht , Ltld cr botard- a sec- tbld thiri I was in cisumiption Tii t ie-ides -the-Kiîtgand Queen i Ofend repor, lowdut shortirîtr b otrwoWsatnigm le lingland there xere aI Fredortsberg vai thohe n e nohr ee d c 1o tbe LaureutiaignMo lte Czar and Czariiîa, tht, King and Extra sli vinw claped ao a Èe ard ie e h 1l tt cangeou 'Quceti ef Groee, lte King of Sxxedea tht,e 1Rtide uber 'Suposed aikr Wi Ibe hoe t , 1romain( ntblr ot,crov-)in princes, and somne twenty erraune!mec, iofalelea,îoî here for soierti me, but did net tn 11 leie oyal higbnesses, anti as 1tht, th, o,-îyjd, sel beard guessed' topie nat"li u t Inoc n lniIa - prove, g1 _lrr ,'oj nd returnedhomte feehi Lem n utofayof et emws th i tiaPy; dtntbc tt eî hat I had flot mucb longer te jil ~~ niluda 0f ail et thent w-as the tepic huw m iber tt wifter tovards lwattithtmyIaetdci - on wbiclî Melville k s îpposed te1 1ILwste ha Yprnsdcil Élio moe tailarl 0111e v_1 1NIT LDET Rt , PJT[O N. ltaIt,1shouid use Di'. Williamspin - inox mre, ha -i n gay t -e%,u inan londsv- Pilis, and I begaît taking thelu. A The e' rse ionfthe arls(l0ý 10glli'3 3ed b a er lusilîg set emalboxes my appelit a hai;been extraordinamy. The iii hpindsrs ir meay caluseili bega, te retuirît, andti lis seentedti 1dviainiters brauglit hinm tuto pro- by th edn ni teariug oiîo!fnmark tl change xvich brouglit aboi m ii.ence in 1884, vit,he in s scarce- hugefagens rein a gigauthcý ice- my mtcovery, for with tht, improve iy tb,!-rty. Tht, aihegeti attempts ta jbeýrg i rcs tdsnerto. avPetite came ,grudttial -but s(lrely il ibleu, up lte lIuse of Commona and!WliuIli(À tints flier course t reasing slmength. J_11 contIinýutd tE thtTvirbridge, andilte dynamnite belng a 1terei hJohn uthetigelus3e Ofthe pi1ýiaîeal et tf expiosion act thte ltiSoiaiYard s-truc lt eg bwsouî, nd fxeviaUes ia bdîraen ae gave 1itim bischance, iaiid i e caught it nltes lter se ws scmryîîgstemu m11y life dsePe tuitil tiraý,Lhy wo aind Iseumed the conviction o! mnoal icremost dý lowîî, deitugh tt aan ljeitggot luî, ni tic t fbtemen implicnled in thie plets, nmit, or mte ibhcr t t Ia iy ! as those Wo oxv ,me cati see, înciuding Daly, viho la uoxx-mavor of between hber antin eboi tom - af tht, show tno trace etftte ilinesa ps Limerick.oCean. 11liitof beruthî -crevi Cs- tirougli. Ibeliex-t, Tr.Wîiît Ile vas bitteî-ly charged at the, cuped ilu, a aniiliboaI la teil the ie lît Pilla saved my lite, anaI I lie' tinte vitht ha-ving "phautei" lte taie e to caasrph.The others atY slatenteut vii l ittiace sîli xvhole censpiracy for bis owu glorifi- sank wulh liet-. sullemers to tmy tiîem" --cation. Ris repltation becanle SE- Uduteiltowex-er, the itiesî Dr. Wiliams' pljIt Pilla, nuire ne, cur-e wihet lie dIg up dramatic instaný ýce of the itirtdit i, ted blooti. Wîtli e-ery noet A NEST OF ANAIICHISTS Of a signailvns hal xvhich. eccir-red blood is slrengtlîentd, the, quantit xvlo xere imaeulacturing benîbs at 1iicatntecta i t- î li 1nthetr erribli lutin- increased, and titus tht, Patient laes r Walsalli. Que ef the lot btrd set eut dationt ht-t dstroyedtihtu city e! able i net oîîiy te tesist lte fut wixtth somte bomiba te blovi up Green- ýSzegedît, jugry i Mar-cii177 aa d is-s, u ont vicli Observatory, but nccidentaliy F'or tIysliier le the catasmpwsoeit di ea-liat teg bhew iinhselt up inistead, and ivas theviet' bati beît stoi'iny and te If yoît are ili, or viI,oa i-o sufttrii feuli scattemeti about lu sînahh piecea rîtai,,l atotie -abnoomii., It vias frein aay dise-ast, diete poor bloo u inGreenwicht park. know-h thal the Thicias xxas full te or wenk îîerxeslaIte Ii. Wiihirrm. i!clviile made a specialtyetanr-thel,, ani liýta lte danm vwert, Fini.. Pillsataonce andticiy vihi se chists and tnonat'cls atter tat, utnd net rivet'rot, ut experts iîad ad- inlake Yen ,voit. These pins are -ol - its-aserc-l---b,-no- n-os--g u tseitt -thiltiliî t it 'mewtano by ail dniers hi inedicinca, -or w.l tleast by sight, eveî'y attarciist eofrîny re-il dalnget ies a frositet alieuld be seti posîpaiti ut 50 cents a bi: consethueuce !il Engiand, andi meat of occum in tht'Mars 'iver, a tributamy or six boxes toi- $2.50 by aqddressitl tht, importanît eues on tht, continent, of lte Tittý, , vlchi jolns lte maitn the Dr-. Wiiin's MediciunCt. .11can ey s tita n u enth.l, ,ftstrean, r.e..vi il" a, -rcte ity. - r1hcukyllie, Ont. al nmnonment. lNatui'uîly enougît, ho FInuthat etise ,htey atideti, ioviever, - ls declaî'et by tbe bî'otIhrbeet t be titere wasvuery grave danger i-ieed', "aa"si iteWli, wi -utteriy uusct'upulous andtiready niut as the new foati hîuring ito t he , . " arhhtieWhle any tinet, teSacifiice alîy ont, o! tliettialready overdoüývei ixer and striking 1kitid of fruit cornies fronti an ai: j1hL -h-ae mxyittng la uuecLariS ix oca lthe malîegny tu-ces do not grevi ýgin groupa ;manch less are theme vitoh, tg toires .tÉaso! then. 'hey are scnlîeî'ed, tI hadbeenlili-g.. h.-.ki. ieyo y. , eo lere h,!cdvarinei T eicnrAt quires Skil' aliciDoan's Kldney Pillz, whicb Il got satýL thuies okillant otrr ience te 'Il(' Fr, lanats drug store, sud arnsincerely the. T f~lla tct inoles l1i1e ths6t I did se. The wrong action et MY itw ork of two mnen foi a whlole d19Y. kidneye made me sick &al over an aused S - yse doing yn. are injttring his business, Present rates9 make it possible for you tO have a Teie- phone in your naine. PERFECTION- FORHOMEOR No, wiriog, or pipling, yet beats gas and Electricity. Cheaper than il. Neyer out of order. Gives a delightffully soft light which does not strazin the eYeýs. Frea- descriptive catalogue. Write for it, AUER LIONT CO- MAS,4= ONREAL Taiors' Ba ôacks. ?alO The crainpôkl up poui- wvorks ornes Lard on . hie kidueya and hard on his baok. Vl'ery few escapo bmacahe, pain /. uthei laand eril:r~ another.% disea9se are neagleoed- ' ~ ~ th; Ink ill b ll aright jick kidueye wenî't 9,A welI Wilhout helP- DAN'S KIDNEY PILLS Are the best friend lof kidneayg noeia assistance. Bead the proof frein, tili iro bas tried themn. Durham' Ont., gives hise epelenco as foilows: btiailO-f"A turuy, mreffior lte OlIi -itar the baste-týlige trait, ;i su-nfoiti now a thing e!fluhe past, becaerDomnl'e ma. Andi Silence reigretu.L is eî-ecl -a ndî'îtil, anti abve titis. Xidney Pis ciured me. 1 havki«,jmAd n -t a iicigbcO! fitemi 10 feut te 15 trouble or incouveniance witb la-klduey Sayl'i t (rop et lI arsfe, teei-'is eut, se that the h-tfo aksneIto hs exakbepii tiiiýsthinlt.' Do yoît beilexes?"Part isî, -eally lest. 'Tht, teled tret, sud Yen May b. sure ihst 1I <ladlyree- 1,1on t 0 ISthen f eetloaf buanchues at-d iiauled lmeud thtoa thur sufferersi. iron i ect ae o ,ii- igo y ýxn et muat tîljuIt puetty liard vihen il feu 0ihvgo- vox, ett _____ ou is igll c-io,. roîses!"neneat tieî' xheme rafts ar-e tante ______ ________ ant flî.teddova.LAXA-Li VER PILLS ' arethelaie- -av-ýic-1 cI T f Y u C uld ook A uius baroineeî- is said t10lie Af into the future and sec tha condiltion ueih'Ib eian ttn rari-Lowels, cuiug Constipation, d' yspeps-ia, siob' t wiih our cugh, if neglectei, ian trc. viditinitabîts tite-sentit- beadache aud blosus.Pie2i whlI bringyo0 ou 1ol seelc relief at emntlîet prov incetof Chtili. Il con- ouca-nfitat ntarnl od ttc through sisîs of tle cast-off aiell of a ca Tue aý leni shh1 vihite in ~r ty, ATFCM.l(N woviier, btiniithe t Pprîaci1ýt Guarantacdt-ie craCon- camnes euimhvittaa( nmn i Se) tclil 1houeyfcois eyittul.Tt Cern tion, Bouch itis, îî--go--îîoîjmî Astre' aandi ail Lung uhc,1t 1), an sc Troubles. CursCougs and codsin aday. I-----~-- oehtt oile ta.c .tlia 25 cents. Write to S. C. WELLS &Ca. Toroa to, Csp', for fruee triai bottle. o.î iun'i2 eod i-t oe - -____________ ~..-. - - tecoî'li-d a- frtnatu îgtidi Karlk -1 ~eteemreIh lad k-' Itlie reýL e-. tfi-J-- tsa arad. sf rse j; i aistance 10t deatit, mauy rensons, vert, put. forth 10 accouaI for tht, pheaomtnoa viclt, afler ail, accord- -ing to bi& ovin testimony, l a, a-very simple ont,. To greai. natumni vigor of bedy vas atideti a lite of absolule 'aubniely anti reguiarity. Wkebtr titis abstinence vas ttatural to humi is itot lrnown, but il is certain ltat thmough yerurs af great pover,-ty il bec-ainesecod ntLure. Wh1ili ALMil-a for sainleimne! lie Siept eu t travanti fetionu breai -ant salad, viie vie; nyerpasset his lips. To a nvspprfrientidurn his days o! eýxile lit Piedimont, te salti: - To live 1.I uaI iaber ; give nie vomr,"-anti atterwatrtis fer ualong tinte tihouglit linseIf luciry te ltave political articles te viIleuttnigitt shiinîgs eacht. TIn inter lite ite vins atn b-ointel enig-ma te hfil -fienîd Pti-laeBs tnack viten lie i isited i iiaiFt ei riclismaie, lta capacity of! lite lattet tom beer andt-i oba cco beiîtg viel irneît. & mutt-i vho neyer sinoketi aI table. ouly juat lnlted one, or tvio of t-i, irnesIsiniple dsie, i- timanttoniy ni ,gîas ef oute irLitt o! vine, ah-vaya nixed wiitît vinte-r, attd neyer 100ka. gi-asti ofbeer bae (,en me-ais, *,vna a stutiy verliy et soun.-e attenttion atd'i ucl admniration. iii lus ovin lieuse luis coir ltad as nuclîh trouble te prepnu-e simple djslîes titai lt ie ulti e-atas lie vouiti have i-i-al 10 concoct idli disîtes for ana ther perst)n.Mau days, dui'ing tintes e! poîlica strsshe haýrtlhy ate- at ail, -but vas aiiJa.ys rgaarinItîstinies -,f goiiig 10 tueails. "Ilegttiarity ai-d tîbstinit Ii, are tht, secret e, lite," lue bias been heard te0 say ; :a-nti triy lie seems'ta have pr-ox-etit e Why not hav~e ho ree use Of yoam ains 'and legs. Driva out ithe rien- tntmand feel tint 111e is Worth liin. m. Lee, gardener, No. 793 j Prneastreet, Kings'ton, OnDt., suf- lte slfoulders anti arma, Titree bat- îles of Drý. lall's Riteamatie Cure made a nuîw manofai m. This grea't blood purifier is put up la bottles contaîning ten duys treatment, 50 cents, at druggist-s or The Dr. Hall Medicine Ca., Kingston, Ont. FIUTIIIC, FPZ -t--- NY 8IUNÂLS wEIIE 141MEAD FATAL ETJDES VADE il, ItIAKING OR TAKING THEITI. Cochineai Insects in Mexico Turn a White Signial Rd-te Mlexico,at-acdnltc-se o xv-tc asai frsîancomýpiele mys- -tery-tts-titt-ict.A-traý1VU £ý ,in stoppuI,-kyt- for. ove bl!anbmau 1lu i;didtle ai a setin, iLI l rsa t itl viltitdi-iastrous euis WORK 0FINSECTS, Tht,-acien atpeued aI nîgît, anti tute igne -river asserteti that lie haiteti blis train vibeme lie did be- canse tu!e distan i!ce signai vas agaluat liai, viheras lte menritose daîy il vas 1tatten t the signal iii ques- tion avore posltively lb-at lehiltad setiet1tdL ceeut." As tluts latlem's evidence vasilupart coraboraleti, it lgo-at, bard viiththlie idrivj-, tînt ý scimeoute bethougit i hlm 1te, tuly xamine lte signai 'hamp in qtsto.Titeav-as feunti, atihriagte iface o!flté glass, a nanhere!uviatlooked like-to quoa tht, o -iciaireort--'"vet'y minule, ir- tegla , luetianti, concave grains." 'riiese verturtiter exainineti under a micosop, îld the inystemi' v-as selveýd.Ades armnof'cochiutal lasecîs b-ad se-tiet upen lte lanteru, xithî te suh lbaIthevhite glass, ishes-at nce firedtreof his own, as niniato that assistance woul shotly e fothcoming. The eope o Szgedin Saw with sihof 1re1ief wet pfio h Werce fired, ithe latter perig t theciizns '!ha istance away as- havig ben set upfrom thtsamne oaly.Afte-r ecagn o- home to hed. An hour later the flood came, and in the morning Szegedin was ne more. 0f her sevenlty thousand in- habitants, t.here w as scarcely one but mourned the loss of relatives or friends, whCle of her six thousand five hundred and sixty-six houses churches, and public buildings, only three hundired and thirty-one-and these thie meanest of the, lot-mnostly bovels, indeed, inhabited by the low- est class of Magyar gypsies-were left standin4g. MORE TO BE, DREAr-D'T -HAN AN OUTBREAK OF SMALL- POX. No Epideinie in the Last Quarter of a Century Has Carried Off as Many People as Annually FaU Victîmns to Consumptionz. ALLAN LINE STEAVUEP ST. Jo"INt H.4LiSFÂ Parldaui. - ..........Suit. Nov. 23 Mon. Nov 25 kliimldlau.... ...-....' i" 50 "Ila1) Jot,, ew ......... Dec. " "9 T i u n l s tu . ». . . . . . . . . . 1 * 1 4 1 6 Parsa ....,..... ""28 "8 Numîtdian ....... j..4 Jn lonlan, ew-1' Jtn.Il an Cornthjan .......... iS " 2 RAE FP"S2e" 5 8'lrst Cabîn M5.00 and uwre returïx e%5 and upwardis. Second (Jable5$35 p to *40.01 Lý -db"-1.5Strextra.TidCap 2 u pol Londonderry, Leol, iQlasgow ami FiorTleketesund every Informaý.tiott apply te M. A. JAMES, Alîau Lina Agent. sowmaaivile SUBSCRIPTIoN RATES. STeATESMAN to end Of 1902 $1 00 STATESMAN, Globe and Pmemium 1 85 STÂTESXMAN and * Weekly Mail 1 90 STATSmiAx and eFamily ilerald 1 D0 STATESMAN aud Farming (weekly) 1 9o STÂT'ESMAN andi Farmer's Advoc-tte 1 90 STATESMAN and GuArdipn 2 0 STATESUAN and Montres! Wituess' 1 75 STATESMAN sud -Mesmeuger I 25i STATESMAN sud "'Montreal. Heralti L 75' STATESMAN and Westorn Advertiser. 75 STATESMAN and Bmeeder's Gazette 2 50 STvÂTnsMÀiandLadies'HorneJournal2 00 STAESAN and Toronto World 3 oo STATESM AN sud Daily Globe 4 75 STATE SmAN anti Torouto Daily Star 2 50 kiTATEUSMIAN andi Eveuing Globe 3 50 ST-ATESMAN an-uDail W itness __a 50- STATESMAN andi Weekly Sun 1 90 STATESMA4N anti Saturday Globe 2 50 STATESMAN and Toronto News 3 50: 'with Premiuni SECRET 0F LONG LIIVING. How Signor Crispi Lengthened Mis They are manufactured by THE WM. BUCK &TOVÇ Write for au Itlugtrated P'ampihlet. QX W.H. D-STARý,l U.- 1 1 tO iv(-ý-w-m-!SOTr-am-d--wn-rý

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