Qctelune Li t tie Li*1V'er P 11s. Mi~uet Bear Signature of ~-4. The Great Responsibility Resting1 Upon Each-ù of Us. [Euteed aoord eAct of, te Pl"1,e ofL Nt-7eaîso in My text the jafiLiu dred1 and O ", o ihimB i G fTrota Oie fleaîme 'Af gitu tu-, Oaa 'l i týo a, 1rngard the eflej'ct 'AIlic ou0rM A desp ateli froirnWashington ,sai'If:Coitinnt has uýpon other continents -Rev. Dr. rrýalmage preached Iroin o one hentis'.ph-ere upon thu otliie the following text: Job. xxxvýiiw ;1, lîunisplere. Great ,liarvest or "Canst thou bind the sweet iif.ueii-drut on one ide of our vtorld ces of Pleiades?" 'aflects the other side of our world. Wilhat is th Uic nanngi_ or that quesa ,1 ixç nations of the carth cable- I tion which God put. to Job? Have !grarnmed together ail feel the Asthmalene Briugs Iistant Relief and Permanent Cure ini Ail Cases. SENZT ABSOLUTELY FIIKE ON RECEIPI' 0E POSTAL. W- )rite Yolu Namew and Address Pl 2.nly. Coal BÏuâs are now a serious item. Then why humo coals for the weekly wash? Some Scaps won't wasb linen w-thout boiling, but S UNLIGHT rSOAP wifli.It's a. Ivise economy te buthe, best of aIllSoaps, vwhen b-y doir.g se the quantisy of coa uedonwashing day cati bc 50percnt Burjnîng coal to hr-1p infériorand low-Iriccd Soaps 50 wash is like spending- a 5 cent tram lfare to L [ 11OLLS, GEMS AND MFU. YCast, ilablespoon sugar,apec of I, Theize of zan egg- i nt m and! foreog to make a;if battn. ut he rilk011te ste1 hesit, sug r and xcast into the flejur. Add the m1ilk, being cîÉrel not te put it ini too hxot. Kneadj thoroughly wvheniriixed, at night, and only slightly the next morning. 1 Roll out an inch thick, and eut out w ith, a larire-sizefi biscuit cutter. There isnoýhinL- like Asthma-nlene. If, brings instRuntf ,rel ief, even in Vhewoi cases. It cureq when ail elFefa ils. TIhe Rev. C F. %VELLS, o( Villa Ridge, Ill., saýs: "Your tria' bottle of Atia ]one receîved in good condition. 1 canniiot tell how thankful I feel for the good le rived frotn it. 1 was a slave. chained with putrid sore throat and Asthina for ton ýears. 1 desent red of ever belnx cueîrd.