I 'A goud iookng ~i blora0 pnd poor Iook- Ing iharneril Io thé woet Slnd of a cm- bixiIl od 1IO TES AND COMMENJ'S fCuy Antrim be ca rried out and Places nained the ruis of ceai basins' Provo frnancially successful a sirmilarj are croPpiný out, and bering is being wek uight be undertknbtwe iedo o h ups flct The long-meoted pro ject of a tun-wr -takn eteen thre denpfr parts0f theodeposit. nel etwen relnd nd cotandFishguard, iinmediatly north of rthdep atsotedpsi. bene betwe n t Ir bel oand sctlau Milford Hav en and Rossiare ner There are similar indictions in the becae aainthesubectof iscs- exford, where tha,,width ef the Ir- west of the Province, [rom Prince- sion at the International Fugineer- ihCanli nyfrt-iemls o.nth iakme alyt ing Congress recently held in the Un- iSh Ca tnnel s lyUrtic st ailed ton Str i laknernVaThenypse sianl Gulf, it. weuld, we adutit, h o-j necessary te Show înore ihldetail and at gr-cater lergili than we have doue to-day that Russia on the Fer- Sian Gulf is net. il, fact, a men(,Iace te the Qinipire. Knoxviug, hewever, tlat we shah net figlit te keep Russia off the Gulf. it is reafl onlyl The Ilng of Rangea DBuchî's Ilappe Thought- j, t',- tc'W 4' d.rw rn-u~{ - -- i-atene. I ~ l~ £~,- A A: i a i