Cenuine .oLIELier is See Pac..Slmile Wrapper Below. Voey amafl and as easy te tlake as mga. FOR NL&DACHEIL CRTE«8 FOR IZZWPEîr. TTE FOR BILIOb'SEL PIL~ OR CON&TIpATIOM. FOR SALLOW SIU. ' CURE 610K 1'EAOACKE. a et at lowest xatezi n .~ Âi~. ~, ,wilI ae e e t t act. ~n Unlineee iiise cet lînes et àh w theîbts ar aie-uc ~ bu ing, and ilj.,give th une te con- .it. Out .11 Su a lU *~~' fl Yea , ailthe toers of haetw * ns of. mIuetyrsF, ýtcwer lcf prophets, tcwer 0. aposýties, tower of ovangel- satwer of the temiple cf the o d o -iad the Lamb are clirn- O eThat Wfll Declare I ývide nd n Coni on 1" Pardon fer- ail who forl ndleVeýfi U nii the End of Tinee.U IIussua wasinuoeue Of lber great wars, s i,,ufferinig cf the sol- _____________________ ders h been long and bitter, and thewee witing foi- the#- end of the despatch from Waaingtousa,!e iic.An e we oploy the wod atife. One dy a essuger im -11ev. Dr. Talmiage preached freüin "cone." It wiil take ail eternity to grea exitem]Ient rau ameng the the following texts, O enesis vi7, 1I 8, find eut the numnber cf business Inirtentofheam souinPae whio have been strenigtlened by the Pae!" Tc snie nga "Crn ; zlveaou xxi, 7,pomises cf 0Uod and the people wbo u-qkýed, "WXho says 'peaco ? ' " Anti "Core."have beeu fed by the ravens wîien the si!ck soldier turned on bis bospi- Imperial, tender and ail persýua-!other reseurces gave eut and th, ti mattress and asked, "Who says siv i th wrd co'e. Î 1 un Ien and werOnen wîio, seIing into tîîjs pue And ail up andi dean sie a hewod cone" ixhu-battie armoti oniy with îî-eedle or the enicaiîmeut cf the Rus3siausý drend an t eenty-igtties. m n'a saw or axe or yards-tick or peu or went the questi, " Who says foutiin heSeiptnrs.It tadstype or siîevel or shoelsst, have 'Peace'?' "'J'hien the mnessenger refr-1 at the front gate of the Bible, as ini gainied a victery that. made the liea- pondeti, - The Czar soya 'penc, e' rny irst texte iuviting ntdhvasvouis reseunti. With ail the resources 'Iha t was ond'Yugh. That r',ant ge- inte Neah's ark. andi it stands at cf {Cod proluiseti for every exigency ing homre. 'That mneaut the wvar was the ether goteocf the Bible, as lune one neeti ho left lu the ireli. over. Ne miore wounds and ne moreý mny second text, inviting the post-! But the -Word "coule", applied te long marches. Se to-day, as oe dluvians of ail later ages into tho those who noed solace wil arnount cf the Lord's rnessongers, 1 inoveý ark cf a Saviour's iuercy. '" Conîe" te nothinig unless it ho uttereti by treuigh these encampinents cf seuls is only a word of four letters, but Soele1eue who bas expericnceti thtat. lI cry :' -Pence between earth and it is the quecu cf words, andi îearly seince. 'hibt spreads the responsi. eaen! Pace betweeu Goti'anti the entire nation cf lEnglishi vocab- bility of giving this gospel cail arn- Iuulan Pence between y our repeiiting uiary bows te its seepter. It is au ong9 a grectt lny. Those îvio lhave Iseland a pnc.dening Lord e - if oceanujute wiich elupties ten thons- lest property ant be n coîlsoieti by Iyen ask nie, - Who suayq penc and rivons of îliniy-ig. -Other woî ds religion lintilat triai are thee 1CS 1 answer,' Christ, Our King, de- drive, but this béckoîs, Al uceds te invite thoso vho bave failotinl drs it : My pea-eo1Igrue -unto cf feeling hntiî tiat word "cerne." business. Titoso xho have lest their yen !I " " ence Of Godti hat patss,- Semetimes it wees ad semectiindts boaith end,, heen consoled by religion ethi l iuniderstantjding Eveiast- it inughis. SoretIiInieS it prays, arethe eues te invite thoe v vh iîe ar lll ponce soreties it eîtad soimetimes je peer healtlî. TIteowlî bave it estrys 1~!t i fromr the had bereaveinents andi heen conolei WRIZY AND LATE HOIJRS. dcc;'~f he cair cmthe se- jn thoe bereavements areto ce rgi os, f ie on. aties of te sî,nînathize wiihli îhnc' v oV orry and late 1inn,'serious1v THE frEIt~ERYTHAT rPL-IG- ED CHINA INTO WAR. A Clergyman Who Studied tie, Movernent Says it is an Old Frindlua New Guise. The 11ev. Jebu Rsa of Shanghai, iWhîo bas nmat - ie acauitl study of the Boxor ieveent ý- lu Chinia, says that heý has rlu h iero accu -iLu Eatglish a dem.rriptiecu cf tbe eeuinand de- velopmient cf a Boxer. Mr. Ross basl spent muany years lu Manchuria andi it was there that the observations were mnade who"e results ho gives lu a recent itunber cf the North China H-eratti. The clergyman dees net pretcnd tc Sa-y te what exteut the ialng was justilieti by the action Cf foreign mnisaienaries; that, lie says, has ni- ready been fully discusseti by ethers. HoI concerna lîimself cnly with tthe phase, cf the subject whichi is Inter-' esting because preseniting a curicos example of the vagaries cf huniai naturti. Mr. Rosa begias with the initiation cf a person xvho wîsniea te beciie a Bu'uer. "No inan,l'le snya, "inlteliectUai- ]y the inferior ceulti initinte bis su- perior. I have net heard cf a jun- ior înîtiating bis senior. A man could initiate otjiers ahe \vas lîn-' self incapable cf initiation. The in- «itiation iXis lnrgely by tcaclîcrs ci scholiqrs, cf apprentices by masters, of juniors l.y, seniors. By f ax the larger number of initiated were beys anti girls,. The freuzy was uîîiversai. Exvery evening and nighlit magicai The stomiachx is probab- ly the mnost imiportant or- gan of the body because it is required to dIo reaiLa rd work ailthe time--to furn- ish the other organs with energy. Mrs. McDor>',gh of Montreal w.as greatly troubled with stomach dîsorder. She was tortured with head aches,. stomach pains and palpiLation of the heart. She tells the story of her cure by Powley's Liquified Ozone OZOa e COMPINY, Ltd., Gentlemen: It is with much pleasure 1 write you nîy te-stýimoniy to the wois edful curative powers of Powley's Liquified Ozo 'ne. Fer five years 1 have been troubled severely with indigestion cnd bea(d- achs, ~dlsopalpitation of the hcart. Ito ranayd1rn kiids o remedies but noue didime any good. I saw Ozone advrie lu the paýper and about theâns't of August 1 proctured a bocttie2 and be- gantakng t.Before I had taken one large bottie I1ea to feel nly usuai healthl re-tuiming. I have taken onIy tlhree botties alid I arn cer- pletely cured. I can reconimend Ozone te every one siufer1i1n as1Tdidl. (Signed) MRs. MARY mcDONrGHo 22 Boyer St., Mot, l4real., P. Q The way to take Powley's Liquifled Ozone for i4 stomach and bowel diso-rder is in teaspoonful dose~s in