and buils Thefirt idictios o anattack ,of Cold and if you are wise yu il proImcure a bo-x of DL W1Z ~ OL Tbcy ae chocoUate coated tablets, easy to take and will cure cod in two d2ays if taken in tLie early stages, 26o a BOX.; Forý Coughls and Colds> of long standing we cala confldently reconnend our C QD LIV.1 QIL MMU~LSION~. This is cur speccal prepa, ration of the Pure Norwegian Cod *f Liver til combined with with ilypophosphites, it is very palat- *f able and easiiy dîgested, it .>ntaios 50 Pur cent. of the 011. 1 Largo Zottie 35c. # TOLES We st sni rug Stor FOUR - FALL - FAVORITES Rochester King Qullaity INSPECTION INVITED. jýEOLD POST1 OFFICI.BO-wMANVILLE. The eCanadian Stâtesfan1 [,OWM1ANVILLE. OCT. 23, 19011 ONTARIO'S NW JUDGE. The swearing lin of Mrn Justice B. Mý.! Brittoni, the newly appointed Judge to the Supreme Court, Ilighi Court and King's Benîch of Onitario, was a -very re presentativu', gathering of thubechan the bar. î'ie oligch1oicely word- ed addxesýs to 0thu ew JUd'ge 7was de- livered by Dr. Johnil loakin, K. C., at the conulusgion of the formaI ceremnonyt "My Lord, 'Or. Justice Brittoný, in 0he abseqnce oaf theAtonc eerland of the Tresuero!fhe Law 1So7Ciety, hiave übeen r equestud by m,,rthe of the bar, as seor c) ounýsel presunt, to perform the pleasant task ( f ctonveý ing to Vout the cnrtltosof the bar, and we do thisý,,flot meroly in a few pur- funcory hrass, bt inalilsincerity. To attain a position oni the benchi as one o! Iîs Majesty's justicýes is a pardonable ambition on the part o! any barrister, the reliZation of which a<mbition2, low- ever, of eest falls to the lot of but few, and for those who reach that eminenicu beCause of their knowledge, skill, judgmunt and abilit 'y the m embers of the bar and(i the pu blic hiave profonnd respect. It is oin this accounit thlat we offer you our congý"ratulations. You have beven ratisud c o a p)osition which has been filedi by a llong ,Une of distingý"uish1- ed and emninent jurists. who have Ieft behind themi,imrse uponi our re- ports, ev idencus of ther industry, intug-ë iity and abilïty. We fuel proud o! tis record. whicht we a re con ident ill ibu sustaiiied bvYyour Lord ship, atd we aire surej thit thea traditions of the bunih and the bar wiil bu prusuerveýd, the rights of the publiceniforced. and the e2itim-ate interests o! the profession conscrvedl by your Lordship. The uxpuriuncu which you have gained lu the discharge o! your duties lu matters arising undlir thu administration o! the drainage act will doubtluss bu o! much service to you iu 1 our more extended judicial duty. As one o! the benchers of the La'w Society o! this Province, 1 had the pleasure of buing associated with you for many y cars, and I may safely say, on the part of mv fellow benchers, that in luaving our circle vou carry with you our best xishes. You' leave thu arena o! the bar 1wliere you have distinguished yourself, wîth thu good-wil of ý our latu !fellows, and we are sure that lu the more surene atmosphere to whieh you have been ad- mi'tted \ ou wil receive thu hearty wel some'ý and suppor't o!f our learned brothers the Judges. 1Ini conclusion, ami on hehial! o! thec bar, i express the hope that your Lordi-(ship mapy long hýe spared to adorn the position to wh ich you havo eceunelevated .", .Mr. G. Parish Ie!t for Buffalo last weuk to spend the winter theru. ...Miss Gertie Crueper and Miss Ada Cryder- man have returned from a pleasant vis- it with friends lu Toronto and Buffalo ....Miss Nonie. Ibm again officiated as organist Sunday in the absence of Miss M. J.* ,Elilot.... .Miss Louie Wilbur, Tly- roLO', spent Suîiday wîjth !riends in the -, U .e... .Mr. W. 11. and Miss May Moo(re spent Sunday with friends at Nestitoný . isLeta Ularku left Ilst week for an exten-aed visit to Bellevýille ...Mr W. H. Gav lost one of his bebst WE[T ED HOUSE10. (L Qdng uiothir.WSnNDHUE E ~ 01'vercoat On You. ýj ~There are a few men left rigoht here in West Durhami who hav-e neyer bought Ready-to-wear Clothing, but they wil some day and the day ils fot ne far oiff.Thiere ai e Men whio have bouglit Coats and Suits this season who neyer!did before and everY une are maore than satsfied. It's -an easy way to mrake tive to ten dollars. Socle Agents for 2Gth Century. Clothing for- Bowmanville. àlIMEN'13 Pure Wool, L'eaver Overcoats in grey, brown! black or blue shades, farmer satin linings, hair clotli sleevýýe linings, French faced, silk sewed, either lu Chesterfield or Short Box Style. Tailors' price $16.00, ours -$1O00 ~ ENSCbesterfield, Piecadilly, Raglan or Yoke S tyle Coats made up in Cheviots and Covert Cloths in Greys and-1 Blaeks. elegant trirnmings, extra fine linings, silk sewed, eloth shrunk before it is made up, (these Coats ail have the new slash pjoekýet.) We have thein fromn $18.00 down to - $12,00 MEN s Good Iteavcr Overcoats in Chesterfield style, Italhan linings, neat trimmings, good fitters, worth $8,50, for $ý17.,50 MEIIN'S Suits in ail w~ool Tweeds, we]l put iogether, strong lin-ings, tough trimmns odLoigSifr - $7. 50 31UNIS Suits in lm .ported Worsteds and Eine, Tweeds, made up with single or D. B. vest. good farmer satin liings, îp st\-lish trimmings, s] i sewed; tailor's price, $16G.00, our ready-to-wear prne $ 10. 00 Men' s Heavy Over coats and RE efers. M EN'S lleavy, Frieze Coats, wide collar, slash pockets, good linings, f&,r 5.O ýV ý1MEN'S Pure Wool, Frieze Coats, slash poekets, wide collar, tweed linings, for $7 .,;Ô MEN'S trog, eefr aats,, wide coliar. well lined, for MEN'S Frieze Reefers, extra heavy, extra linïngs, best we'ever had for the mioney, 50 0 EQOYS' CLOTMING. ~~ ~~ Your Boy will look keener, brighter and sharper in good warm Clothes with style in vY seamn of them,, than lu shoddy stuif, poorly made. l BOYS' 2-piece Suits, fie Patterns, well linied, for --.2.50' BOYS' 3-pieee Suits, good wearers and stylish, for 1 $. 00 Sfl BOYS' Reefers, wvide collars, sizes 22 to 28, heavçy frieze 2.$2-50 BOYS' Overco'tts, tweed liedvide collar, slash pocket $.27 5 BOYS' Fancy 1Reefers, curl clot'hs, beavers and whipeords - .4.00 K -Jo0hfiM C-M Ur try 0OWMANVILLE. MEN' OUFITTR. oura' OTFITER.BOYS' OUTEITTER. f1HNDAL. GOUNTIES' NEWS. ilSerg't, W, H .Il Polton, Bellevilie - jwho Ser'Ived wVitl1 i Btterv iu SouthMl Il MP FNT