Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 23 Oct 1901, p. 1

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~2 t 1MS-4.0PRANlOUR TOWN AND OOUNTY FIR ST; TEE WORLD ÂJTERWAPRDS. Al, A, JAMES, EditoradPopitr NEw SRRI~~~~~8. ~BOWMANV1LLE, ONTARIO, WEDNESDAY1 OCTOBER 23,9O VLMXVINo4. LADIES' i ji FaIUierCots 4 COUH JO)TTT &i CRYDERMAN are njowN showing what _ -'tliey believe to be the flnest and most elegant stock of Ladies' and Miisses-' Coats ever shown by them, that is to say the finest ever 4shownin Bowmvianvifle. These Co ats are ýot; only perfect fitting, but they' are elegantly 'iesigned, very- stylish and quit e up to date inl 4 every.way. -We do not ask anyone to accept our statement atout these Coats, but invite every lady in West Durham to eali and, judge4 4for href Weaealso showing a bigr stock of Ladies' Furs, in R difs, Coats, ~~ Caperines and Fur-lined Capes.4 No Finer. Goods and No Better Values4 Anywhere 4 BOWMANVILLE. -41 àB~âBmMmIaa.StBSmmm8O * must jWe are offering you thct largest assortmcnt "ot Chairs and Rockers foryourverandah, lawxt anti sunimer cottage ever o)fferedl before. Wc have 80 -Reciîning Chairs that we arm going te cle ar at'a Special Prie et $1.10. Ask to sec them. Thêýy are the most comfortable Chair you ever sat in. Don't buy until you have trieti one. W M. IMw S S ON. E Undertakillg receives prompt and:personal attention. BOWMÂNVILLE. 4, Youcndp Icaefe parts inl 5. achnespurcuaýseti there are )ev , cr you lave fIe choie of se" 7. T.,N. icharvd bcigr lro i l hemateanti if yeowa vo leNw Yerk ing-er for maFchine te if, for $10 lie hlýas aswel sm rn1ooi THE CANADIAN STATE8MAN is published every W ednesday morning at the Office 26 STATES- mAN Block, King Street, Bowmanville, Ont., by I. A.,JAMEs, Editor ai Proprietor. SubSCrlip- ion $1.50 per anuum, or $1.00 if pald strictly ta advance. Advertlsing rates, transient adver- tlsirg, ten cents per Une, first insertion, tii-e cients ver line oach sbequent insertion. fdon- tract ra.èb on. application. Ail kinds of Grain wanted at Mackay's Milis, Bowmanville. Hlighest price paid for Barley, Gats, Peas, iRye, etc. GIVE ME A CALL BEFORE SELLING Delivery ýat my Milis, aiso at Newcastle John Mackay, 31-3 mnos. 130w mAN'vILLE. Now open in ail Departments of the THE'PRESS TRIP~ Scarcely any person in Ontarjo is famîliar with that littic islared1 province on the Atlantic seab)oardci ld Cape Breton, for tili quite reccntiy it was beldom visited and was very littie known to us western pope.The' visit of the Canadiani Press ,soito in AUg-ust WiII resuit ilï CO!1ý ying- to the other provinces a great aimouint or informatioa about the extrene east end of the Dominion flot prevîously known., WVith the limited space at oatrdips, only a few Partieulars com-'parmtivelv can be given in- THEi TTEMA but enough we trust to cause ou readliers to seek for àdditonal onweg f Capel Breton from other sources. fThut vi it was trul; a revelation tO tben 1ewsýPaper men of our party. Pfvosythey pomsessed the miere-st shadov, of inform)'li- ation about the w iýoniiftil inerai resurcs ad ionand se4idsre now in prto and in co'irse of con1 structioni. Prom information obtained at North Sy dïey and Sy n3ve are enabled te givej the- su)stane 0f thîls article. Sydney, the ancienit Metropolis aud largest towl; 6f Cape SBretlon, was founded in the year 18 by-Major i Frederielk Des Barres, and named after1 Lord Sydney, the orke Thomas Townsend, who,' in the samTe year, was chiefly instrumental in sepaýrating the island from the then rvic of Nova Scotia, tu which it was re uniited in 1819 The town of Sydney is pictur- esque set upon a peninsula, and lias ail the guarantees of of a nioi-el city in the mathematicai dulineatloni of it's' streets and the gent1oie iniie of its territory toward the wates, wichi leave its shores on the north', ea au West. Its proximity to t'neiingi areas of thje Domninion Ceai Compnanv, and the extremieiy safe sheltibtafhords Co the Storm Lossýed mariner, renlder if an ideal point of shipmet f lr the pro. duce of the mine. Previusiý to theý establishment of the great îindustry of1 the Domninion Iron and Steel , mpny which OS 110W partially iili oper'ation, S: dney tlaimcd 'a populatiion'of 350,jo which. when the cenlsus rietnrns areý available, will be shown tphv i creased te hetween 1'2,ûO nd150 0 It lias been prophiesied bv S:I. i lliamil Van Bor-ne aurd other proaliw3nileti neithat in ten yeatr.s he eiaino Sydney wilil be ,000 ionting thei town 15 the sitthPer1 nDrm f Sydneay barber, amgnfct sheet of xater , and- a avor-ito res,,ort of the rii ) an Frenchi na -,i sýq1ad(ronls onphieNorth Atlantio Statîin It is prityse- tered, ha, adepl iof Lt 4 îeýoil wateir a tlte eu of its ma'njst Wvf am s eoi fa snl Isel t us a vertabe pradse or qui tics. -Týie" town is equipped with a tîelephoneý systemn, good lire de1(partmet, eleri liglit. water works ,a nd sewveragel 5Ž stems, atic is rapidly accAuiring i modern conveuiences. iJy far t he most exten'ui4 stalili ment forithe manufactuire e0 iron and, steel in Canada is the Doiniîon Ironi and steelC. Sdnpo td by Il. M. Whitney of Boston, Smeof the heaviest capitalists on the c tietare interested in it. The land whvich was expropriated by the towu for -jpresenta- tien to the companly as a site, cost over 81U0,000 and lias ani area of '460 acre, There arm, four blast furcnaces, at present with a coinbined capacity of ovcer 50'>ý 00> tons of iron annually, but a fuirther, addition of two furnaces il, the niear, future is intended and theroý is a pre.ý diction that ini five Years 16 bl 'ast ifur- naces wiil be in oPeratjion. 'Thle iron ore is obtained from the Wab1ma amine, Bell1 Island, Nfld îThe first f urnace beg-an produciltg, iron On Feb-ru--ry 51,h last There are aise; in operatioii at thec wroCks 400 coke oyens, the total Caipac;j-i «P Young Men anti Women are cem- ____________iug in from ail parts of the Dominion te attend our School because they futd with us vemy superier ativanatages. Our Catalogue explains them. Write for it. W-NEATAYTIME, .. Uoneanti Germard Sts,, Toronto. AW MNSTRA 18 her fortune if hcabceste; be a Patti oî Wh Vou Should Buv a Sewing COLt% PMNXTEUR and nightwith the greteatsi car.Nthn Macinefro T N.RIOAR . ý 800K- wonoan olit t, bc afraiti of a does ntknow af smeswaot wua-vice senaiforever bydieswicbga I/EEDEDQ with a slight couglu. I~LL LflO Theuse of Dr. Pierca'a Golden Iv.edical. 1,.1He las tom salis, ra e Icfiscovery will ensir l pemaec crao very bels 1flakesthe most obstinlate and linge-riugcouigîis. vey es mke.Can havi nerghtplace 'Lu anýy »USi- Even Wban thle 11111gSara unjvolvti anti very îowest pcs. vrIl"Goldenl- dial !Discovery s eaa1 îro ti F-ie-'l'iBusnea C-leeseffective,- esoig c îae ogn 3.eîng se near 1homJe yncu !O ai it cei tT t ointi heaUt-u-aud trcngt, Thýic'aels aiwysbeshwn n>thugyenorut, nalcohiol ilu the "D'ýiscoverýy" antiit is wish lite huow abouit a lmchine. IHamlton, Londlon, Otnaw, Samnia. exitîrely freeCfreo )nlin, ocacýIzî ali al case of anackeîu eiin, Gait, Gueiphl. ,St. Cathjarines, ether narcotics. "l-iit iiliii " ýý tn a01e-)e', ranii , "i arn feeling quite i," rte Mss ocs "ligî runing."liastIc avanfge etexpet trauingA. Lewis, of Ne. 112 24h tetWahno vealkntsaniinmkigyrselection in book hepnDniaconac.N . C.,«and I ewe it aIl t r iroîGle râ Lnd a d ', lilýriMedicai l ievr.I b lenquit, a sufferor, uecti te puca aain u umlie-im, s eteime me fJlanno-f0enr.fa ogtieaCaer »-roce tpuirchase will be built p<prl nteo.)omnSe e Mdl Advi.qor bh t I-wotld Ilmminn n, ry lits Gle Md m io'.e, ildnt oo manic, e is competentïte1BIISi1IIl $2.0 at, ha e0consiier ataé uprir Y. _1. C,, BIDIG su:ffere- fr moe-dnto ar.tlo~tse 0 tNnT j , àneiianCtors, but lu s possa1i. Ai iac, paper i- v1r',, i r t -eou ttketaeelen ocite no-nt ut y c S. 5y bru LeiV Sea% b errns of i '.anse f c uouatimA .Ad Watcmakr,~0tican nti e-wlîe. ~W~~au LO~S Ot~SVLtP 2e. reý_ss Dr. , lu. .1iro of whieh is 1,506 tons daily. ý The gas- fmom these ovens wil be consumeti in the open, hearth furnaces, white the coal tar.and ammonia accrning will be valuabie assets aise. The open hearth furnaces and blooming milis are rapiti- ly nearing completion, and the work on the slip plate and, rail'miii was com- menceti in May. Within tlie grountis are operateti twenty miles of railway, anti the water suppIy fromi the head of Sydney River amounts te 3,000,000 gallons daily The grounds are, liglit- ed by elIectricity' whicb is the motive poweýr for a large fraction of the indus- try. lu addition te the departments of the îin'dustrY above mentioned, there are foundcry and machine ehops, eiectric; power huse, pattern roems, black-" slniitiL shopsý, etc. lu tact the wliole territery owned by the concern present an appearance agkin' te a large- manu- facturing town. The general manager Of thae comvany is A. J, Moxham, late presitient ef the steel works'at Lerain, Ohio. Tie cap~ital of the ce mpanv1 is S25,000,000, The mauntfâcture of il-en and steel wi)l assniredly be followeti by dependatinutris sncb as roiling milis, wire anid nail milis anti the like. Therej are now in view projects te erect a sh ip-luildJng, plant au. Sydney and ailso te make the hartbor the first port of cail for the fast Atlantic .die . The erection et grain elevatens, etc.,- andi other schemes te enhance the value of the harbor are aIse being favorabiY considereti. The werks ef the Dominion fron and Steel Company are locateti beyond an arm of the bay on the opposite side Of the town. As we tireve te the works there were blocki after block of build- ings in course of construction Passing o\ or a bridge of haîf a mile ln iength, the private propcrty et the 'Steel Cern pany, we enter the groundts, and are gretei b lngrows of newiy uainted, reti anti white circular smokestacks, 100 fee3t in height, above which towered sil mightier chimneî s 100 feet higlier stili, these latter beiching volumes of, smoke which seemed to reacli the very heavens. 'Getting inside the gates we f ounti acresof tunneli, trenches, con- erete feundations, pillar bases, railroati betis, heaps of meti earth anti tons, of siag,' reminding one of the pictureti ruins of some newly tiiscovered city. We iearned the very grounci upon which we stooti was reclaimwed landi anti were informeti that the armn of the sea over which we crossed anti upon which the vessels now saileti would within a short perieti he flueio-with slag anti weidstlifrtier 4extenthei omay' lantdetiineess Arund us anti 'ail aboýýut us wero airads nt switc>hes8 runrung at a ;Il age~anidail g-de cars leiacted with il mon o- ,lime- stonie, sared hbot metai. iron in pi-g, pseiantCIi repasseti in aildretos inclines. until, te the uninitiateti eye, ever . thing seemed chaos anti confusion. Yet as we studied more ciosely we founti that the utmost harmony pre- vaîleti. We saw leadeti trains ceme Lpuffing in from the mnes, one car con- taining coai, another limestone. another -iroù ore. Wu saw. lu shorter time than wt can tell, these cars unloaieti, the contents of the varions cars mixeti in their proper proportions, carriedti t tie particular building where the procesa of iron-making was' begun, hoisteti one hundreti feet in the air andi ail withont heing toucheti by the hanti of Mau exceptse fuar as lie controlleti the eiectric lever. It was one of the finest exhibitions of, labor saving we have ever seen. Theme was ne loss in energy, time or movement. Even the electric liglits flasheti on anti off -as darkness or daylight crossti the pa th of the tramcar. For the moment we thought net of the millions that lad built up tiesa buildings anti machinery, butý of the master hanti that hat motiel etitant i gven form anti methoti to the whle. The entire plant, we were toli ù, was piotteta scale in New York boeferie construction was cemmenceti anti the various parts anti the many buildings, which extenti for- a mile a long the 'water- front, form one bar- menions anti connecteti whole. Every labor-saving tievîce anti the finest maïuhinery kuown te modemn scientific steel mxaking has been installeti inside anti outside the wais of the great mîlis. ilere is ne brutalizing labor by human machines te affront the bebolder or oppmessthe empioyee., An ever- increasîng army of artisans are at work at one part or another of the magnifi- cent plant, but whethem the work' the individual pe.rforms is lifting, moving or pushing, the man memeiy touches a lever anti power dees the rest, Power is the key-note of the estabiisliment. It is in the air, underground aud ail arouni. One man site comtomtably in a cage ln midair anti obedient te lis witi anti arm, linge steel huckets clirnb an inclineti plane te the top ef the tuirnaces over 100 feet, conveying coke, 1imestone, etc., te make the charge. Asending anti descentiing the buckets go up anti down like toys, as tic man in tic cage decrees, to suppiy tic OCTOBER WEDDING. 1MORRS-CARSCADDEN. The Dominion Iron and Steel Com- pany, in whieh many capitaiists and investors in Western Ontario are inter- ested, was organuized in 1899 -with a capital of $25,000,000. Work was begun upon the buildings in July, 1899. The first furnace was blown in February, 1901; the second in Mardi, 190t. The other- two, makiing four in ail, are practicaiiv compieted. Their capaci-ty when completed will he 1,000 to 1,200 tons of pig ironi and 1,000 tons of steel per day. The qualitY of the iron mnan- ufactured is exceedinglY higli. The first two cargoes to Scotland were brought, into direct competition with the Gartsherrie and Somerlee irons, the highest grades in the worid and the Sydney one was declared equal to any- lhing produced. Aithough producing but for so short a seasoni,1 already shipments have been made to ail parts of Canada, 800 tons to the Ulnited States, 8,000 to Glasgow, while an order for 8' 00j more storod on the books. The iron ore of the finest quaiity und in unlimited quantity is procured from the company's iron Imines ai Bell Island, Nfld., soine 12 or 14 miles'f romn St 'Johns. Three or four large boats piyý re-ularly between, the - mines and ,ydney,, carr% ing 4,500 to 5,0 O tons each and taking but 3 te 5 hours each to be loaded at the, rnincs, Whule the other chief ingredient. I imestone, is procured riglit in Cape Breton Iland, trhe cempany ha'cing two quarries opened uip, one 14 miles distant and the, other 6), with their own raiiroads rci- ning direct te the works.^ The coal is precured from the Dominion Ceai Co:nipany whose works lie alongside the Dominion Steel Company. it is undi(erstood the.two comî'anies wiii be amalgamated in a short time. With the-advantages of ail the raw material ithin a few hours' haul the Syvdney; wexks shouid and ean meet anr-thing i n t he world i n comipetition. T'he, transportation question with them is a smaii one as, the mannfactured products are shipped at the works f rom the comn- pany's own piers cirectly i n-to thle ocean steamers by the -quickest and most modern, lanor.saving appliances. Al vessels with iren or manufactured material go to the company's own piers inside thecomfpany's gates. The finished products are pig iron, steel billets andi finisheti steel vroducts. The founda- tions fer the rail miii for producing railwa.y rails are already bu!iL-Jlie coke ovens are finished anti will goi inte operatien as fast as the furnaces are3 blown in. There are five hlowýinîg enigin'es of 2,500 herse power each.j Th,", are thie largest ineeer hlt Ea chighi over60 tons ai itheir cem1fbmned Power vwou11idequl the ex ertien of1200hor'ses. The 1blewNing eluetare ý!10ice u~in uee adeach enginlewill hiow 5,00cUbie feet0ofair perinute. Thiepesuef the ipst is; 15 pounds te the squýare inch and il is raisedttea tempeLature of 2,000 degrees Fahrenheit. There are 16 batteries of two boilers each ef 16,000 herse power. The capacity of the water pumps is 6,000,000, galions per day. Trhe fly wbeels of the biowing engines are 25 feet across andI weigh 60 tons each. There are 400 poke avens in batteries 50 feet higli, the inside of the ovens being 15 to 38 feet lonZ, 14 to 28 inches wide andi 5j te 7 feet highý The weight of a charge is 6 tons of ceai. Capacity of the o',ens is 2,003 tons of coke in a da « . Ini tact the immensity of these works may bie inferreti frem the repert of the Deputy Minister of Tiradto who returned te Ottawa that week fremn a visit and says in his report i n the daily papers that "thle Company will eamn a hounty from the Gevemument of $3000 a day. Tht, mag- nitude of the eperations may be judgeti by the fact that the Dominion Cempanv; lias 2300 men on the pay roýli." The works when conupleted wili empioy 4000 te 500 men while the wages of some of the shilieti mechanica wiii ho as high as $5 a day. For Much of the latter part of this art- icle we are indebted te Mr. John W. Eedy of the St. Thomas Times. Since] this article was written a $300.000 lire lias occurreti at Sidney, wiping out about a third of the business places andi rendering homeless many familles. M. A. J. RECOGNIZE MERIT IN G. T. R, The very heavy tourist traffic, as well as the thousantis of people who have visiteti the Buffalo Exponition this ) ear, over the uines of the Grand Trunk llailway Syshim hias natîirally brought ferth severai very favorable criticismis more particuiarly regardiag the management, equipment andi general excellence of this railway. rhe Goner- al Officers are continualiy in receipt of letters from traveilers praising the facilities that the Grand Trunk now offer on all their lines.' Passengers. as a ule, are net in the habit of inferming raîlroad companies of the satisfactery features lu connection with their ser- ACou gh 1I have madee a most îthorough trial Cf Ayer's Cheýrry Pectoral and anm prepared tri say tha*t for ail dis- eaýses of tht luongs it neye-r disap- points." JEarly Finley, Ironton, 0. Aye 'sCrry pectoral ontcure rheumatism; Mwe neyer said2, twould. it woGn't curfe dyspepsia; twilcure cough,-Ps and ee 'Oc -n E E" A quiet homne wetiting witnesseti by eniy the immediate relatives Anti intim-. ate frientis et the bride anti groom toek place Wednesday evenftng last at ,lie residenca of Mrs. James Camscaüdenj, Beecb Avenue, wben ler tisugîter Editli Victoria M. Vi., anti Mm Frank 'H. Morris were nnited in the holy bonds of wediock., Rev..A. J. GU. Cars- catiden. Windermere, Muskoka, broth- er, performe thte ceremon.y -at 5 p. mi_ The bride ws s vemy becominglv dresseti in a travelling suit of castorý clotu wllh blouse of pale piuk silk anti carmieti a bouquet et pink carnations The bridai couple weme unattendeti. After receiv- ing congratulations anti partaking et a cheice wedding- dejeuner they were es- cortet t the G. T R. station by a uum ber et their frientis wlo gave them a generous, seni, off of gîoti ishes andi rilce as tloy, departeti on their heney- ecoon. The bride receivetila very pretty antisuitable collection collection et gifts from bler unerous friontis, tieý groom's present being a hauisome t3 ur caperine. Mr. anti Mrs. Morris will me- sde on Beecli Avenue anti will bml At iiome te theh- frientis ou Nov. 12 anti 13. Our best wishes 'are extendet t tliem for a very happy marrieti lite. MT. VER NON. Visitors: Mrs. E Harris, Hespeler, at, Maple Corners; Master Gordon Souci at home. -... Mr.,--and Mrs. E.- Milisonà, Misses Myrta, antiMa *y Milison, Messrs. Absaiem Ab)raham ti m James Garft are attending the P'an American. -. -Mr ELt Millsisen ttendeti the, receptien- et the Duke antim Ducbess a't Toroutte....- NIL Vemnon choir will sing at the re- openng ervcesat Enniskiien Su.n- day - . r.11. Abraliam lias a potato; weiging2tb, 4z '. .. Attend Mn, Geoe ENNISKILLEN.1 Tic re-opening services efthe Metl- odist chunci wiill be lielti as follows: On 1,unday Oct. 27th, Rev. Dr. Carman, Genra Sperntendent of the Methodi ist Churcht will preacl at 10 30 anti 7 p. m. Mount Vernon choir wili tuarnisir musie- On Mfontiay a very noal time may be expecteti when 1ev. Dm. Carman will iv,e l is enitertaining anti i nstructive lecture o"Fîo m Gibraitar tu Jereaem atithe mpon Quartet of owmnvilewili sn.N4,nk sho111li miss fl0 t re'at. Admission 25e.i L ntp- t 8 p., m. WÉ'Psiliis ÀfPort 3pe las bechï1ýs guet o Mss nne PeMss l, \V. liamns. . . _Mr. O. L. Byers bhas be ou a business t.rip te Londion. 1% -Ms.F Rozers is vislting lier son Mr. M. Lee, Pickering. Whio is very ili witb h ic totem. - . .Mrs. C. J. Mountjoy, Mm anti Mrs. N Byers, Mm. F. W. Lee, Dr. and Mrs. Mitchell were recent visiters te. Toronto. .... The painters have fiaisheti the repairs at tlic Methodiat churci anti ail will be ready for tbe reepening next Sabbath. ORONO. Mr. Len. Doncaster is home ...- Miss. Jennie McCuliagb lbas retumne] home from Tomonto .... Miss Maggie MeKay, Untierwooti. Bruc(i County, is visiting lier sister, Mms. Roberi Cooper...Misses Clemeus, Bowmanville, anti Miss 110w- son. Salem,. were guestï;,cf Mrý Coi. Stapies, recently_.Mrs Su..Leis Aibaun, N. Y., andt Mrs. Nuchois, Sydeniham, are visitiog their brother, Mr. R'. Hnghrson.'Messrs, Beverley Cow an anti Elmeo Patterson bave m tumnoti from Manitoba-...Mrs. MCl lagli wlio as been visiting lier son, Mmr. Wm Lynius, Buffalo, N. Y., meturneti, home accempanieti by hier daug-hter, Miss Frank 1M. NMcCuilagh. - - -.Mr. anti Mrs. J. L. Williamns, of Arkansas City, Ncb., wlio have heen visiting at lisý uncle'a, Mm J. A Jeromne, las meturneti home.- .. Miss Sandemcock Who hias been- visiting lier aunt, Mms. Ilobt. Moon,, turing the summer mentIs has retumu- cd te liemhomne at Rivesie, Cal., accom - panieti by Miss Clark, Guelph.. . . Frank S Fairfielti, Bangor, Maine, la, visiting frieutis here-11..ev. L. S. Wigbt,B. A.. of Millbmook, eccupieti the Methodist-cdurch puipit S,3uuday eveuing - ... Ernest Bowen, son 0f Mm, Henry Bewen, lias gone te Paisley....- Rev. J. J. Rae, Oshawa, wili lecture at fhe Presby temian anniversamy services,

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