Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 9 Oct 1901, p. 5

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Are either a b1essing or an injury accrding to construction1 anâd the mnanr in w,ïhichr they are fitted. If tliey are the kind1 tChat are cOnýstruCted on Seiertîfic prineciples, that Can,11e propier1y adjiiste, tht old firmly without irritation, they will suaffPrin-, and xnay save life. A rightly constructed and fitted Truss should axert a pressure indentical witli that of the hand, Mauy who most~ of their ha-ve worn Trusses have complimùeated us on the higli charac- ter of our stock and upion the carefulness of our fitting. If you need a Truss we want to show you what we can do for you. WE HAVE A PRIVATE ROOM FOR FIT1INGi S5tott & Jury, DIUTGGISTS AND OPTIOIANS, BOWMANVILLE. ~ Ilioavv wvool socks îrom 15ec a pair at BOWMNVILEOCT. 9> 1901. Bohem-ian Minstreýls on Oct. 25th. Grand faîl Openînlg iow on at Nichols'. Mr. Leith,0rono, was judge on hierses at Lindsay Fair. Miiller's Grip Porvders Cure. Sold at Tls rgstore. Mrs. S. Mvanniing is visiting Mi-. L. Bennett, Napance. Medlicinal and mechanical îenovators at Tole's drug store. Ladi es see the children's woolen hose ai Nîcholîs'. Miss Emma Tabb ha-, been visiing her uncle Mr. John Bath, Whitby,ý Mrs. J. C. Rowe has been visItiný ber son Major Phbilip Rowe, icrig Sece our tspe cial line of Env clopes a 8à, rer thousand, at Grand Central. Ladies requiring hair- donc ,over shonld cail on Mrs. Dickinson, King st. Mr, W. P. Muligan, Newtonville, was in town Wcdnesday.--Lindlsay Post. Mr, John Cunningham of the Guelphi Paving Company was in town laot week.~- Duke and Duchess in the West-se inmide page.' -Our new stock of tooth brushes just arrived at To]e's drug store. Miss E. Goard, Peterboro, Is guest of Mrs, Wm. Foley, Concession Street. 1Rev. Dr: Grant% Principal of Quccn's College,Kngston.continues to improve. Miss Bertha Joncs, Orono, lias been, visiting hie r cousin Miss Wynefred! The rubber factory i8 being enlarg. ed lii consequence, of iincreasing busi- ness. If you w .-ant real nice wedding cards, Tua~T-fý -é,EsmAi offie is the place to go for them. Several new orders in French. per- fumes just received! Exquisite at Tole's drug store. Strawberry plants for sale. Apply to Gorden D. Fletcher, Duke St.', Bow- Ilhe buildings for -ncw f oundry are nearing completion, t h e brickwork being donc. Kcep -your eye open for -the gra nd Street parade of the Bohemian Minstrels on Oct. 25th. ' A large number of Darlington farm-. ers have taken stock in the Oshawa Wire Fence Co. Misses E. Collacot and A. Pollard, Tyrone, have been gucats of Miss Maud Wood, Cambray. Mr. and Mrs. T, Bray,Elizabeth, 11., have been visiting Mr. Ed. Bellman Vind relatives here. November the 9th King Edward's Birthday, will, be a public holiday tbroughout Canada. Rerý7. Dr Courtice, Toronto, editor Christian Guardi an,, arrived home f rom England esterday. Miss All en and Mr. J. Hloward Me Murtrv registered at the St. Lawirencc, Port iHÏope9, on Monday. Mr and Mrs.C. M.Cawker and Mi;sse-s Allie, and Addie Cawker visýitcdthei( Pan-America-n last weck. Messrs Aluin Bros, of Newcastle. re- fused an offer of $60 for a couple of Leicester shcep at Lindsay Fair'. Mr. W. G. and Miss Glover, Mrs. C. Arthur Cawker and Mrs. A, Bingham, visited the Pan-American [ast wcck. Canadian post offices forwared 178, - 288,500 letters last year, an average of about 8o per capita of the population. New wav s to cook apples,-s ,ee inside page. Dental student wantcd. A!,pply to Dr. Bonnycastle. Report ahl thorobred stokales to THE STATESMAŽN, Do von want a pleasnt homfSe Mr. Tu'rner's advt. e A squaish wihng1lita,. was ex- bibited at Millbrook Pa,,ir. Prospectus of 'Osbawýa Wire Pence Co., is oni an inside p age.j Science on thePa -rd work of Farn-ers' Institutes ion inside pge 25c -Any naw subscrib8r -can get THE STATESMAN tb end 0 f j1901 for 25e TEternal Happiness is Dr., Talmag-e's theme this week. Se insidle pagýe. Teli your frienids nd îghorsTuE STATESMAN and Weeký l'Goeaere to ncw subscribers to end ,of 190 tonc subscribers for 190-l,2. on( DISTRICT LEAGUE CONVENTION. The sixth annual convenution of týo w. manville District Epwortb League will be held at Maple Grove Thursday Oct 17th. Three sessions will be held open- ing at 10.30 a. m. A splendid program has been prepared. Papers on practical subjects, discnskions, addresses and music will be given by prominent Epworth LeaPg-uc workýers. Printed programsa hav been sen t to each league and a good d1elegation iý expected to attend. Reserve thie date and make an effort to be there. Mr. John Penfound is meeting with great success cauvassing for aubseribers for Oshawa Wire Pence Co's. stock. Several persons in Bowmanville, Darl- ington and Clarke have taken shares since the Prospectus first appeared. Sec it on an inside page. Notices of Li rthis,Marriages and Deaths 50 cent@; insertion free wiben mai,- riage licences are obtained or fanerai WAe cair y m.ost of the leadetrs in both 5e. and 10e. cigstis. TRY UIS-WE CAN SUIT YOU. S"PediaLrice y1owo~. - i rand 'C'entral. Stor e. 1 m WeA TO I this space for and Ne'w Advt.

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