Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 9 Oct 1901, p. 1

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£i 17ORMS :-81.50 FER 'ANNUX. i oua OWNÂND OUWY FI8T;THE ORL ÂETRWADS.M. A. JAMES, Editor and Proprietor, .0' %W FzlYe We a-re offering yvou tlie largest assortiment'uf Chairs and~ Rockrs or eurvrandah, lawn and sImmr otge ve offered befoere. W have 80 Recli-jnig ChIrsthtwe are goin tecler .1t a Spccap Prieof$..Ast echm. They are the most comfürtable Chair yocver sa, in. Dcni't buy nntalo have tried one.t I. D WIîLLIAMlVISled SONJ..« g:Undertakiflg receives prompt and personal attention=-I BOWMANVILLE. Seven Rasn Wh Vou Should Buv a Sewing Machine from TL N.- RICKARD. - Al kinds of Grain wanted'at Maekay's Milis, Bewmanville. Hlighest price paid for Barley, Qats, Peas, IRye, etc. GIVE ME A CALL BEFORE, SELLING. Delivery at my Milis, aiso ai Newcastle, Hlarbor. John Mackay, 1-3 me0s. BOWMANVILLE'. Now open in ail Departmonts of the TORONTO. 'Young Men and Women are cern- i in [u rom ail parts of the Dominion to attend our Seheel because they find with us very superior advaniages. Our Catalogue expiains them. Write for it. F ffENTER AT ANY TIME. W. 14. -sl-1AW, Principal. Yonge and Gerrard Sts,. Toronto. 1 n creas-e -Yor àAhirr i. Hie bas fer sale several of the Y IV ý i very heet makes. -HRe selle them at the very Tic boy wbo starts Àvork aller a veryion-st pcescourse ln Ibis Colegre will stamt at - ~ 8,Bein seuearhom yencauwages lwo or Ihece imes greater than alwas beshon~thing.yen be cenld hope te obtain without Ibis wisi. le mow abuta ahine special training. Colýees ai Toronto,, 4,. Yen can dplic t epartslu ca ecf an accidenit. Hamilton. Len-Ion, Ottawa, Sarnia, 5. Mchies urcîasc Ihre re 'ligt mnulg.'Berlin, GaRt, Guelph, il. Cathemînes. I.ilere ýYen h)av e lie choiof seeraLkinds anud ilu mai~or eeto Now le a geod lime te entsr. Al par- ou teau fieel ual you wint uee tepurchase again iiiyut - f-tme as tclr ru anîIn! Riekard advies ynte prchase willI'be bulît properly audi îýof tclr r lie best materitale. i n. ýe,, 7T. N, Richard biga toruhbehsi, h ecmeett ~ie~ 81~ l~1tl i1118 ig luiihomalter, Andi if yen waInl a! low,-price(d dr'pha s' e augv von theNew York Sngerfor 3 i,00 ud, whal -f wcosdrafnueir'Y. 1 2 CA, UILDING, ý mahiet lfor$2.0 aPo 'S eo C has-anteteek51 ti e e 1'. Ài i t Iandscape andl te tho bonundiess, bInie oea as lhe eye conld mal pling waves swim;ledt rellisof sappblire cro'i' pearîs, aIlcrbiigtc bevon.t compare o e Our party'eoje(ifed I sea bath off Pleasant i pleasant heur sportini These conditioniil ;[i i mucih our farmer ra try te add some m üoref agriculturaillunes that attention. Is told by Most people. the whole commierc-ilo would fail to pieces. sands upon thotisands testify to Ille curtses Pierce's Golden Medical Diecovery. Trhey are representa- tive peopleeintheir communities. Yen would believe thieir word on any ques- tion of kuowledge. Trhey speak the simi- pe truth -when tiey tsify that Decto r Pierce's Gplden Medical Discovery -cures dy,%pepsia, nweak" stomach and f other diseases or thle11 stomnach and its al-1 lied organs of diges- tion and nutritionL. It cures when aIl ý other remedial means havefald It cures, perftLly and pernianently. There is neo- hol iu the "Discv ery" il is free frotui opium, cocaîue ani il- Accept nisbsitt Golden Medical ico uething "'juet as geod)i.5 'U was a total wekCO writes Mr. J. 0. Ba, of ný Co., Mo. «PFor twoyas doctors, bot recei e, eyI;l Cls land atren ýthl,wano day'a wor-,k. crnnf Golden oedical c'.ver,' mlhinir ar nli theri membe rs ry of a saZit Lwere flot, icial fabrie are uhou- eople Who (1 by Dr. -r narcotice. Dr. Piere s-l Trhere je ose touo a gooe id when f 7ad ingsceers Aproahedbysea-the r A Wrght, lIiter Uatt, uuldor 1',ear, 1 vie1w is rmral fine, the pastoral T A Wright, W C Fergusen; Bull Calf, t quiottress of the ecene seldlom ifÉiling te under 1 year, bamuel Br-ay, John 1 elicit' admiration. Steamers run direct' Wright; ilerd, T A Wright. between Charlottetown 'anrid Montreal, GRAD)E,t Sdevandl St. John's, fc. n wce Cw ht1l, od eir a ~ ~ ~ N . wanthdtamot o h Ptearsw, 1 Whitfield, T AWrig; ieifer aUneeputhje n aearance, ofthselntg eu yeIr oitd, WTCFrightu; Ieifeor t'he, terinusaof the tanp from stione aif underiy, JasCE eauock.efe vie. trainusax. ther p ref ous ptnCl-ner1yasHEP, col dla y ira Charlottetown, (twe east and CTwus twe wst traversingithe leugth of the CTýo1S I and ud onnecting with al way Ram.,Jas-Coates; Shýarling RamW sttosamd places of Interest. It is a Dares'; Ram LambW ac l and stnigjokeo ibat wheu a man is seen 2; Ews1ae eaeW Dry appreaching the railway the train stops Shearling Ewes, Jas Coates, W Darcy; iihearrive.Sta-erybot eep Ewe Lamb. D Irwin, W Darcy. up commnic(ation between Charlotte LEicEsTERs. tonanthle sections of countrv onthe oppo)site side cf the harber. There is a Vam, W C ergnson;Se arb.ing Frm splendid bystem of- water werks ien lsnMro;Rm ab.WCF- operatien, the waier eu of the puresi z-usoni, Jas Marlew; Ewes,W C Ferc quiality; a sewerage systemn bas been gsNI a 2 hari9Ewe Marlow, Jas Marlew; Ewle La s establiseed,,thero is a very complete îegsn aiw telephonie and telegraphie service ail FeusnNMalW over the province, and a cabie connecte FixE Woor- the Anglo-American- Tel. Co.'s office Shearling Ram,Thos Wood;Ram Lamb, with their systemi on the mainlaud. Thos Wood, English ries; Ewes, Ed There are hotlis and boarding- bouses Galbraith; Shoarliug Ewes, E Galbraith; lu plents, the rates beîng very reasen- Ewe Lambs, English Bros. able. Carna&ges ma " be, obtained [rom SWINE.c the varieus livery stables. Thie prin- BERS1ERE. cipal bu siness houses a re ceutred around Quecu Square inlie centre of Boar, John Wright; Sow,Geo Forder; the civ, in whicii are situated the Sow under 7 mouths, A Taylor, T hos Public Gardens and the chief publie Wood, buildings. Evening hand concerts LARGE BEEDu lwice a week in summer make lhe Boar, Wes Mounitjoy; Sow, A Taylor, Gardons the chief promenade of the WHI Pari; Sow under 7 moulis, Jas towuspeo.ple and visiters. Ad jacent te Parr, Auson Taylor. the cily, net more llîan ten minutes' POULTRY. walk from any of the holels, te Victoria -Park, -a- -uin little -ic e awns -imuhRee -o -oJh garden, surrounded by the waters of Jebb; Light Brahmuas, T Wood, 1. and the barber and flanked on the seaward 2; Dark Brahmas ' Thos Woed, 1 and 2; side hy a very excellent railway. Black Minorcas, T Woo, Dr MeCul Ticshressu rodssin-gth riets ough; Silver Wyandottes, T Wood; proiride pleasant picule and excursion Wood;k Sabisb, T W odLgherns,2T grounds more or lese remete from We;HmugTWoisd2 Charlottetown, and many pi ,asant Turke.ys Thes Wood,Johu Jebb; Geese, spots may bc reached lu the ceurs(, or T Wood, John Wright-, Ducks, John au sflernoon's d-iving. Jobb, T Wood- WWle Uhavlottetown hqs net ticn DAIRY PRODUCE. modm rchitectureoOf t1 eteî 2) ibs. Butter; Mrs W C Ferguson, cies, tior the appearance of pruresMrs J Marlow, Mrs W Saxnmels; 10 ibs. an lrift that ciaracterize the greate.r Butter. Mrs J Y MeLaughlin, Mrs J E cuommercial'and, industrial 'Centres, ài s Beacock; Bread, Mis -W VPerteoui, Mme a oiy f fine public buildings, loveiy L 1re J Y MeLaughlin; Rue. Mis Nelson publice r-e1,' d ilhdvstreets,' Nlarlow, Mrs Jas P-arr, jr: Cannedi comforlable u e and every appear- Fruits, Miss S Parr, 1Mrs JamesPar an ceof cmotsd olnnet eleSre J y SrLugliM WC i~~~~~~~~ Imogis nabtat. twoods.Frus I m.~ ufer e omaruavd ltdci' MLMNS tcf12 dO pepostita nanilnd DuleWgonWTun JHoms table, Miss E Bea!ockMis Parks; Ber- lin woel work ' t Mis Prkçs, Mrs W 0 Fer-gusou; ernibroideryý oit whýte cot- ton, Mrs W Porteous, Mrs J Y Mc- Lauglfin; point lace, Miss Prout, Mi s E Beacock; fane ' knitting with. cotton, Mrs J Y McLaughlin, Mrs Moet; flancy knitting wîth wool, Mrs J Abbott, Mrs J Y McLanghlin; crochet work with cotton, Miss Parks, Miss S Parx; crochet werk with wool, Mrs J Ah',ott. Miss EL Beacock; crochet work wivth slkMrs Monet, Mrs J Y Mca eln ollection of crochet patteru-ýs, Mis Prk, rs Monet; patch qlt any materialT or piattern, Miss ar jog c&bî iqulit Mrs J Parr, Mrs WV Porteous; k niquil4 Miss Parks, 1 and 2; pieeod qult. MN1 'ý W Porteous, Mrs J Y NMcbaiug-hlin; B3erlin wool work raised, Mrs T Wood; chair scarf, Mrs J Y' Mefaughlin, Miss Jobb; babv's dress, Mrs W'C Forguson, Virs J Marlow;- handkerciefi satchet, Miss E Beacock, Wlss S P'arr; collection. of house plants, Miss Parks 1 and 2, FINE ARTS Paintnin lo, Miss E Beacock, Mre, J Grham; painting in water colora, Virs J Graham, Mrs R J McNaily, peu- cil drawîng, Mrs J Orahain 1 and 2; crayon drawin-, Mrs J Graham 1 and2; nonochromatic drawiig-, Mrs R J Mc- Nally, Mrs J Grahani. M'other e 9My mother was tro ibled wVith consumption for many y erS. A last she was given UÀp to die. Then, she tried Ayer's Cherry ecorl and was speedily cured." No îmatter how halird your couigh or how long you ha2ve hA t yr t's o risky to ai Cnti'youhaveconsmpJ tion If ou ae cog 51n The

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