I T~DvMII INn ENFIELD.FOREST FIRES, VIsitors-Mrs. W. ilumpage, Cleve- Tt was witlivrosfeins'!pes 1a,11àhlas been viAsiting withý frieulds ; ure thiat 1 read o5 our home gatheiug(I Miss Staintonj Oshawa, has been guest for Old Duarbam boys-, and girls, I would of Miss irene Bray; Miss Edith Tord f, have, loved tof)havep participated, but Brooklin, ha s been viitîng at Mr. J. was digsomeuthing far different. Gilbert's; Mr, and Mrs. Gray, Toronto, Hlave any of! your xreaders known what at Mr. J. -Repburn'S; Mr. Beacock, a bush fire mens?1 do flot mean a FAIR NOTES.T A speci;al meeting of the directors ofH fa or last Wednesdav when E MSON Co thefolwn membe3rs woe appointed to aut oi the managinig comrittee: BO~IMANV E Pres. A. E. Clemens,and MNessrs. J. M, Joness, J, Jeifery, D. J. Gibson, R. ýJrvq T ,,,Ivfd nd .Avm ýl I P P - - - WYfATl'a£Oil, 'JUsi ... 0Ju'J V Vb V9 Sprinoe .... o (M "0 60 Ve Red hfe.......0 00 !e0 7a -V1Goose ....0 00 055 BARLET, Z bush, No.'i.. 0 40 0 4Bq soM.Kni Morrmon anJ wife of 8 soînMssip, also bis daughter, rs. Thompson and lier son of riloridia. companicd- by Mrs. Morrison and n, Dave, and niece Miss Rhirlevl vaus s kin Uiseases8fti5 ldhaooci. TYRONE. shrod t telofanohermigty vctov ~ UUi. . UV~U JiUi3OIITi (~boug'sfirt Kndegarten which wl fo 1or th ivdeThr ag i we ee a y her niece Helen from Chattanooga be opened this fail."Hlan for he ivadr. Tee aÎinwe 86 ais spending'a f ew weeks with her sister, giant that bas stood to its tim it, but no Mrs. Caoey Truli. . ...Harvestin.g is over The property known as "lui as suecor is at band and it fatis, Mid a and a god yeld is reported .. .. Many Dale", John street, Partha mi--htv spittinLr f fire somnm oi ....,, orof IlUCKWH.MAT i.....JUV'Je PEAS, tlackeye, V bush.. 0 00 l i Canadian Beauties O 00 l il MUmmevý il O000 te '"betongings of thoiir tate be loved m ot 1Ie.r 00l Athe Ibemmbers of the famiiy were 75 present.- Mrs, Williamn -Hockridge, Services. Mènrday Sept, 2, Labor Day and s n wanunî t ece tho aiso h ogea'nwl t he grand cinx when with a mighty lanies of icen ie suppregatimmiiifl ourish and ,rand disl fnature's A Sluggish Liver Drings Biliousness8 permonth upto the day o! ber death, _____________________________________________________________________ - .-~~-------- -.--- .- .-.,- e Blue ' BUTTER, best table, e lb., EGi,ý doz ........... PO ýOE.P1us. n 10 e 001 I-'erbor; Mrs.MBrdly dlreroikMis 15 Pauline Kirkland, from the Pacifie il oast; and Mr. William Kirkland, Port 40f r.- -- - . - - lernonade botl îl e on t biu aimegreat giïeera'stuborn resis- the laies, booth will ho aonducted by tance is boaten dgown, and his army proramwtll be rendcred followed uhesyntyïvlr by the treat of thee-tnnz a lctuphv nor hi pluek,ý but by the decree of Hleaiiaehe, indigestion a»dCnt ration-To Set the Liver lllghî YOn Mu st Une Dr.Chae's lKidney.. Liver Pillm, The British governnient is- sa'd to have been paying Mrs. -Kruger $1,200 The way to regain your health after sickness 15 to take Hlood's Sarsaparilta, near tho mnouth of the I udian which, was Idetîlfied b)v Mr. Boyle, ~uao of the Ontarir Ai ÎT T elber, C. E , Peterboro, a under Instructions from My, B -He is preparing plans of thjis ilIt ing relie of the dead past--of a n, f un u s Yt01*IV'V .'J.... Hv. J. A. Adnt McKeen bas- gone- (o Anitworp, New 15, Jn . u u e Yorki in respon se to a telegramr an- Cre nunuciug (bat bis sister, who receettf M x x X X left Orono for Autworp, is d ring. C I invite -you to cail all DOCTORS AT SEA hr Ella Wilson, oni was catii n Sunday.,, me over Sund Lecture aIught ut ýo IîI5ke tue îîiht nereer piinpies, bochsand ilver kspots';th lenan T~.the -sec un brighter, and- the- defeat- tongue, is caethe head ahe, i- and hoe.greater forth mighty King o! the gestion is inipairefi and the boela a' -re forest. What Ceau sta nd the great irregular. Tliere will corne speils o)f obe f Rcv. A . enemy of the o ýre1st and prairie?~ The dizziness and weakness, palpitation, on od frendshortness of breath ad menstrual de- onodfins forest oneo1day, a thing of beauty, the rangements. tn sympathy wîth the ussel Bingham next htackness-,oiie dayv green and fresh, liver -the idneys becomneogean e left on Mon- nas if,,0 n riath. -Ilo+eian- I)t"J-ýlUYlWUU UU ULIOl VentïUoi1IaUU V1 ÂLL UT Lýi., iclead and OVemOTiwig 10 Ro that nîpeg. - ~theso. graves are of h~ rhs Sm;art ued nd Belladonna, comin- torie, and' large foiresi trees b!lvegr3own bined with the other Augredieuts used oveýrthe spot. lu the porous ýplasters, make Carter's 3. W. & B. Backache Plasters the best A HEALTHY WOM-AN, three -horse Plow '71able. E. C. Dean, - D aily British Whi ity editor of the Kingston, Ont., nighaî is spendinz a couple of b er uncle's M,.r. .inz-ham. tolV o U 'J ur 01wni, and n ot s I we oet a, good downpour of! n C'hase's Kidney-Li i lire 't Paw c rr-,-li ing a 1e OU y uafz.CUYV, iU'JUULVflL.Oa d exelustvely to m ilitary Corrnick I3irider-Twîiie. - stEnd liai nesst, h.,îî en-Leut ýAndCarniage Emi oi l Coit uci tore, opposite 1T. Tcd faîleci to relieve him, but tflree botýt1es of Dr. Hall's fheumatie Cure completely enred him. This great blood purifier is put np iu botties containing ten days' tréat- ment. 1rice 50 centsaut ail drug stores or Thie Dr. Hall Medicine Co, Kingston, Ont, '-"""-, mence again, but on the tell tale lookr _her -s carce ly a ho-me in this hewi ll attend "Lin dsay Higli Sehool o! al naure. Monuinents not inwhole coi ýrtry -wher Dr. Chases Rid- uext term.. . - Miss Alice Creeper arriv- htbuiîbclcre-,ugvad .yLo Pi' nkow. ±y edbon Strdyafter a pleasaut dirti so it l ho withLis if the uvil in haie made thei--i: oy by for eof nienit visit in Port Hope and Trent... .Mr, an'a'tnres i ltp~scosadpo bk e A. Eý Clouions returned froma the Panî over the good, and te Illw'er o-f our (oûn nia'on then,-. -iacu last week euraptured with the sigbta ho age aund stireugth only turnou ît tû ai .e i saw there. . .. Remember the Harvest black sigu post to those who came ii&Cooit, Ho011e Sept. Ist and 2nd, af ater years., A. S. G. nS oTrno a robe in Murray township, at the County Judgo's Criminat Court, h&d July l7th, andi sentenced to six mnonths at liard tabor, escaped from Cobourg gant Tueýsdav m-ornina' hv scalin,- ( he wetwali c.! the womain's ward. The io (unry lias bpen cearchied la valu and at lateet aceouint lie was stitl at large. time or another. "Cýlirnax" Iroti Tonie PRIS cure sncli complainto. E adi box coutains ten days' treat- ment. Price 25 cents, at ail drug- gists, or mailefi on receipt of price. Address: The Dr. Hall MedJcLne Co., Eingston, Ont. Children Cry for -L