Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 28 Aug 1901, p. 7

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Li. . POTTEM.. ~. flanked by mountains four to sixar only suitable te persolis leading f ce ard ci csiOenee,Cbu-rehSt.,oppOsit Tiîytousanci feet high. There had been otdor11e. Lake Ontario and Bay of Quinte Steani. boat-Company, Liniited. Str. "North, King" BETWEEN 1> SOÛT11 BOUND L,,. Cobourg-:.: - . .. 1.30 UP. lu. ýýPort Hopeý......... 2 30 P. M, Ar. Charlotte, N. Y ......... 7.15 p. ni. Rochester, via N.Y.U... 7 5) p in NORTH 1BOUND. Lv. Rochiester, via N.Y.C ....8.25 a. wi. .ýCharlotte, N. Y........ 9.0) a. mi. Ar. Cobourg".*-.-*.-..."..-.1.30 Pl . . ..Port H-ope ............. 2.10 P. nm Right reserved te change tme with or without notice. H. H. GILDE RSLEEVE, (General Manager, 17. King-ston, Ont LAKE ONTARIO NAVIGATION CO, Str. "AnRGYiLE" Sea-son of 1901 to TOROÂNTO. c(1OMM~ENCING ABOUT THE 1OTU- OF~.~l J UNE and continuing every TUESýDAY7 and FRIDAY throug0bc>ul tessnwill leave, Neneasle t......80a. mi., 65e Ilewanvlleat,. .7.00 a. i., 600 <ih~aat..........8S.00 a. m., 50e VWhtîbýy et.......... 8.45 a. ni,, 50e Chidren lilf Fare. Arriving in Toronto ati 1.15a, Ini. 11e:urîi L leave Turonto at 5 p. mn. Tickets mnay bu extended two weeký, upen application te the Purser andi pai infclut eof25e sditional. 1,eiw freigit rattes. Freight handled proniptïly and carefally. For tickets. ex(cur.sion rates te auy point on La.ýe Otario and general information, appl-y to H. CANN, B. R.IIEPBUIIN, Agent. General Agent .- BowîaeavHIe. Phone- Main 1075. Geddes' WVharf Toron to. Lor Stsbry cs i- l' im ces specciatieni as te wirtier tac Clactu (cane brandy), ancd sat dewn next ene weuld bit or net. Stili, iL on miy saddlc te witch ùh2 'ther fel- is enly honest te say tIret I was fa lexvs corne across. 1 wutchedý thoni about as bine a ftind as a slf-res- - with ali unhely satisfaction which pecting adventurer ever reants !te ufterwerds convinced me thut 1 lad find hinmseif. a considerable ameunt cf original And yet mny next oxperience w as sin cenceated about my person. Thc absolutcly the reverse, aIt hough tlie bridge cellapsed a tew duyslater. da Ne as if anything greater. It rvas au oy up la tire Sierras et the Andes oit the road tromn Cuzco te the TEACHING DETECTIVES. rail liead ut Sicuani. As 1 wae rid- iiig over an oid Spuinish bridge Ucross a torreat, 1 Iceourd'thc crack In France They Must Go Throtigh cf 'L. Manlchier, and feit a bot. a Regular' Training. stinging sensation just albove thO The Londen detective lias te join elbow. the police force as an ordinary The fîx I nvas in was this: if I lad "bobby," andi rely upea bis ewan in-~ rîiden on 1 should have been potted telligeace, coupted with a goed deal te a certuiaity. for atter the bridge cf luck for promotioa., the path;was se steep up the side efTul France the art of beinga i- the gorg~e thatý tec:tive, is tauglit ilaargur graded MY M11ULE -COULD ONLY, CRAWL. school with lessons and examina- it was dusk , and I1 ceuldn't sec my tien. ilîan. Ile was-behiad a stone like a The studeats are first trainec inr brother Boer, se there was nothing the use of their eyes and bonds. One for it but te let huai have another of the tessons consists la placiag a shot andfi ire on the flash, se 1 slip- pupitl i. the middte et a brilliaatly- ped oiffaand popped myv sevea-shot tightecl reen, fuîl et furniture. H1e repeater across the saddlo. Ilappily is lef t for enty a fexv seconds, xvhea iny muteliîad been threugh the Re-,flie roon, 18 darkened, andf ho is ro- velution, and teek ne more notice quired te sketch lastity a complote of the sheoting thali a stone herse mnap of the reoin, indfcating the, po- weuld have donc. sition of the furaiture. Af ter this lie My tried fired again andi missed. f5 altewed telooek ut a face fer a t luckily got bu lfirst shet, soMo- momeat or tWo. The studeat is thon tliinig whitey grey tunîblefi out freni 1 requirefi te describe the face and the behinfi the stenle. Tire devil ian me celer oethfle huir anîd eyes. EHo ks vuns awake now, andi I dliberatetyl afterwurds -required te recognize a l)Umaped twve niere bullets mUe hlm( phetegrapliofethte face aîaonig ev- te iake sure, berause if lie lad only er t IhundIred others. disableci me I si'ould have lad a ýThe educatien of the hanfi fofleres. belle iin me, been stripped~, and Thc pupil is placed inl a darkened throen over inte fthe river, aind i m, roomi fuît cf curions ;ad unusual ob- eneiy, wlîe xas a dischargcd sol- jeets. Ile is requirefi te toucli them dher out on flic roud cettectiag his rapidly and aftorxvards te recalcx- arreurs et puy, weutd have made a actîy wliat lie lias teuched and ,vrite \Olry finle liaud. a description ef thora. Ire înust re- Nore, cuîieusly eoeughi, this time mnember evea flic sligltest details. I ivas net frighteaed a bit. 1 nover One of tire exorcises- censiet. ia plac- iietaut a bied or a target more:. ing a jewellcd kuiife before hlm lu q1uitly than'I difi ut îay lriead the the dark, rehici Ire is alloedf te hiý4iwayýma but then, yen ecteucli oaly fer, a meurment. After- ini1i, tleliret place, Ilwvas aranedinlarvards lie must icîl b'y tend what 1h ecn was iia the right, oniid tire jereels are-wrehether rubies, dia- 1at ,itfultat colfi, deibrae onde, or epats. niger wiccemsovra ma lee lie has beon iui)fairyit. Lno' 2cnoeis ae a Se lbore yeu hlave flic samne maf i onns9 eirt'îc c a îwoslrotlg ase, l ee Ie insaggregate area ef 2,210 acres. like a scared rabbit, se frightcaed tînt liis teef h clîatterod ritflleur wlhen flic trouble wuns oer, la fli other lie beliaved as if lie reere oe of two boyss linig a duel wlth peu- shooters. 1 andi people agree that Scott' s Enini- But nioue of tirese experiences iras . qurte tire w erst tIrat 1I na remnern- -ion Of cod-liver oil is the best thing ber, and ,-et the inildent n'es a per- to take for '<don't feel well andi Èectly simple eue, Ni ith ne etemenü cf r-oma>nce irlatever abeut it. don't know why, " especially babies AParty et four of us reere ceming bcifrein the Pererie dist iict, hlrli -they like it-men and women ti dics 1 U , îL rn tisc lcAr o'ini dif, but babies actualiy 'l'ie nlyron upte r nudhs coca te oeîreîît tac tîttie yellow "liaudy-maui" te anl cxtraor- dinary degre. lau this theyaie oaly fettowing eut the weoIt-inoweii tact that the mest energeti nactions have invarlably been fthc greatest nîcat-cuters. The tunguiid, lazy nations cf Southera îEui'ope ai-id the Orient are ail sural mneut outers, whllsf, on'fthe etiner hand, Great Britaiîî and-tIre tUnitedj 'States, felloxved by Gernîany, ait euti censiderably more meat per head ef population flian tiroir less go-aheadi bretlircn. Tire-liaýiter suvaZe races, tee, sucîr as tire oItl tiare Red Intian and th ireaugificet Zulu wai'riers, reere aIl great meut ý,calters, anrd, as such, capable of te nest incredibie FEATS OREC)FACE On the face et thliags, it irouit ap- peur iliat theani- etcaer lad net a tcg te stand upen, But tiiere are maniy sound arýgumennts in laver ef výegeturinism. It is net te be suppoed thut cvery- body irouit be benedîttid by the1 adoption of a vegetarian duel. Nev-1 ertbeless thoro are theusande et peo- piele ho euit be imnmensely imprev- cd boili in beall and mrental pow'er, ceutd tbey but thîrereoffthtie curai- vereus habit. 1 Mea eau do quite as geet mental and physical performnances upon a .uegetariaa as upoii a meat diet. The tifliculty ie te recegnize wlîether yen persenally, are, ocre iet, cire ef Nature'svgerlrs Speatcing generaliy, the vegetarian le miore abstenions thun tire curai- vorian, andi, therefore, longer livedl. Only tast year a septuagcuarian Rilburiî ctcr gave a strikiag proot efth tcefllcacy et muscular vegetar- luniini. l\otwithsýtunding bis seven- ty-eight sumirners, ,ibis truie old gen- tîcînabi*cyclet o'/or ,i1,000 miles of tLhe United Kingd(om l iinaa ment b, up- en a dueL cf baîrlaîas, temiatees, bread.ud ne h(,ceseaiicecea. Equall remaicable ow-rs the resuIt eftk lie fnrousBo-ln eViennu walk- iag o raee w93 heo ere iinal sonnle sixte coîptier , anthte île 0f IL. The thiird irran,lwvr aintdtroiremainder traiggIed la ut -varie)us distauncesý. Tireuml:azing dis- crepuncy betîvoon the foranetf the irst tir ene and that of the re- mainder ncfurally excited much comn- muent, anti an expianatien iras enger- ly seught nîter. IL iras spee'dily tortlrcoming. Tho wianems Were veg,- etarialis- TIE OTIIIF'RS WERE NOT! Wiry de such large nîrarbers .of business mena sufici agonies iritir in- digestion, turning as they gron' eld- Pri' fte ceniîrmeld-tyspeptie, wrth rheumuatic and geIuty tidrrega- lere?Te eaolatioo. 'l stress of mdî uiesrnosit imposi bc- fr- terrrte tke Le n oculists, a chiropodist and liîeorary chirepodist; two,,Court physicians, and tlireo specialists for ch-c Ozarina. None of the reigning familes of Europe are peculiarly graceful herst- mnea with the possible exception of the Emiperer of Austria. The Eum- peror Williamn and the Duke of Con- naught have been singularly ualucky ia the matter of bad fails. The late Czar xvas a particularly unskilful horseman, and it is said that sonie uncoraplimnitury remiarbe of the tiernian Eniperor on his riding, which were repeated to Ihiim, w the prinrury cause of the coines wluiclr ex,-isted between th1 ýe Gerinan and Uussian Courts ini 1890')(. 'la tiis reýspect the preseait Czarrceml hlis fatLher. AlLer fýifty-oaie years' service (ýýin tre, navy Admirai Sic Michiael Culmie- Scymnour, one of th,- most distin- guLihd and nest corti etnaval officers, goes inte retiromeat. F1e hias just celebrated bis sifxty-fifth birtliduy. No euie connected rith the King's fleet lias had a miore stirring career. The hall-century betwceen bis entry on February fit1i, 185(), and bis last sad duties as first prinici- pal A.D.C. on the occasion ,0f the funeral of the late Queea was packed with incidents, nauay of theni of' an exciting character, and noue more se than these of the mionths whcn the troubles of the Arinals were ringing la English cars, and Sir Michael was la commnd of a menac- ing fleet "up the Strait." Dr. bmms 11f ny LterPOIs, one lî a dor-, , c. 'r s lit, ue oxp>g for O. in tineir rares. Tne "J arx-ey eof tue ucCodton ?wer2e . T, s owiu day stood frn, and .c for Lireila- havetîied lt.ttielr testimoniats and thusandM tefercuce et n narîoîýchairrnaster ofotibers:-G. Mlls, verriekville; T. ~ar~ who dvisd l'is clleguesto tust empvill; IRHohngt.iverpool, Regland whe aiieci fis cclecgmcs e tr s otd by J. Iig-glibotllini & Son, loraville. tote cspoîntanicus gonerosity of tle Thes Dr. ,c(*afisày Medicine Ce., KRsmptVille O0 public, thorrnn iitht have boon un un- secîrnly riot. Public g"norsity 'ditiIl__________________ not decelve lireur, andi they bound tînut in înnîîy istances tlrey receiveti FLEEING, PRomd FEViliR.ý a goinea la lien of a slîillhnig. The cereiroîial in conîrectiomi reth The village et Ostia, about itweaty- fine coi enation ofOr prescrt Rinig, threc ilies froan Reme uitut, tire is, ire are inlersuet, te occupv tire metofe the Tiber, lias Of@dse d ays, andlie.tînink itiL es a n'ell, iiaiai during flche ati'x nd irben wiricadtihtecaccouai, of reatoîry1bo1 tn r tete Kinrg Cei-ogo aird li§Queen went.sulimnet r. Tue foer sae emsl firregîr, te dîvido tIre ordeal bv tire Aprit or May, and lasis Liii tic, end duys. "At 9 fie Kýimrg aeutQueir ef Novetaber flc lthe taisde- came ia tliroir chanirs te Westniunster i s-ert tire village tuing t) eid Irall, andi tîoîîrthIaf until 1-J thmct returulng, fa Novociber in ,order te) niiglit did tlrey have te-oîra bc- cultivate, the fertile iedeTley fore the public, plnying threir part crewin mb uts otf Lie ireýst purimi- with ns anucir dignity as the strinii tive kint. Tirefliber is eX ofmL>ie, as andA atigue cf tire situation woctd are tire door posi s anrd sonîn 0(f flie permit." lower part cf rebat ire miay cuil flic + ralîs, but tlie upper potioni andtihte FOU OVER FWt'1Y TEARS. rotarecorîîpesed et branchtes und hMrp.Winslow's SoothingSyru a ineelyiuei is ave a 'hlbin tire milons of moiliers for thefr childien while î-eef te alloir thfli sckete scape teetlriîg. If dkc-urbed au n hti anti brolien. of mien fIes' muke a lire, but tire cli- wlith the pain of cntting teethrsenti ai once anc aei oml ta hyd o ge a bittlseof.Urs. Winslows' Soothing Syrup olteiln uet a tire fer wufmatl, wmile ter Oilidren Teethir.g. It wll elleve the poor coigi ocousd.Ti n Oite sufferer aionce. Depend upon thes8 eigi ei usd.Ti n thsrel, nommtake aboutit. itnreiiarrhoea signiidecît anrd fever-stricken village regeljates îthe iromnrîcî anti bowels, ere3 Wlnd iras once ami.iimportantf port ut Colle, Eoftens thre ear, reduces inflammation, wiril rere latdetail the supplies anti gives ions i î<menergy te tie whole system. li. Winseeî' Soozhiý,g Syrup for chiltiren for Reine. reelhieg la phsasaritie îteetaïtaesed la tle pre- 'criptlon of oe of thre olderu anti be8t f enraie eh *iinsati' i-e i ie ntaiStti 1 LUCI-iY DISCOVERY. cre 25c a bootile, Soid by ail druggisist thro. gh oui the werld. B3e surs anti aîk for Mrs. \i 1-i Tire servamnt cf a Vicirna jeweller SLOWWS Sethiirg SYruti ,- -- nAnr.y x,.rdn TT WAS BEYOND lIER KEN. AlitlitaI I uni, Ire sad, loeking preudîs' ut mer, I on- o tenîy wmb. She loeotIii irnere ut tirai mo- ment th un.she ever' Iaci before. Il iras se noble of hirmîrte give ber fhIs high praise. Sire reantedtot go right over te hinm andl tiroir lier- ansý arount tris acck. Thon lie'raiset iris liaianrd rubbe thti palin of oie of lus liants over lis baît heat. Alir hrur lateî' siloe as still ç%on- dcring rilit "fire silly foots" Iraci SuIddenly cenrarcîrce t telaugb ut, autdmliy thes'looLet ut lier ns if. she mere tire cause ofthtie jeke. IORETELLINt'r THE MWTlIl l.Z ý,ýttracted by tire sîrrilI rehistie et tC2 çvid tirmeugln tire otîvomk et ,,ires before a storîn, Dr. Eàytain, a decrmami, lias mîade a novet investi- gation. 1le is non' conimcedt Lîaf atns'uilusualI tisturbuace n lie toto- giapn utes oretelî1s bad weorther, rcr !mtfic charactcr eofithe it- fren ti' ouni.A deep seui o f romrideobl- sieugli.for friue mnneeraf ivnde ithii fh' iiy-fiî te fet-ib'er, euc iap, discovory. Accerting te lii le(_ pick- et up fa tbe stu-cet sonne ycurs u; go a, sirahl round kîreb, apparentiy brokçeai of ftroinseme article et furniturc' rle tîrren' il lie ûami opemn drame.- at, homo, vndhrt-it rennainied.in laurning this kirob a short filneugo uround betireen hlis firgers le, fond tînit It mnoved, and, lraving unrsereweet it, be discoveret mitlîn flchecpcl niore tîra 100 sînalbrit ratsrele Up ii paper. The luet great joirwel robliers' fiVienmru i ýira î 18,ud live Yoars h ' Limte jncldsatof Marsinal Rndoisky ra stlei rom île arsenrul. If ne euepuis fa n. dlili tirke bulint illjI preblAi fail te tiresrat EEG OULAT-iED BV CIRZCUMýSTAN- Dorothy-Klmlarilre, I do't sea hem ,yen ceuldbe se, umîrîoveti hmn thieopeople wnoci i sccdeepgiet. Katline-Ttorothy, I nvamted fu cîy nwfully, but I lin fomgtten nîy' lýiatkerclrlf, EVEDENCE CON'lCLIJSIVE. Miss. oded ywecldlag trous- seau, is se) comiplote that 1 knon' I sba'i ecdunygeýIns fora ihrole Is-earlie Mr Hardrowyeu d lvue

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