Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 28 Aug 1901, p. 6

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T EL EPI11-iO0N E 57. We have jast received aL VCery nice lhio of Mixed Pickles in botties, very Ch ea P. ilave -you-- trieci that- rIe-AVAthiebest out. Goods, Delivered Pronitly Give UIS a Calla Rcfiî,c:rW1or r ale.,80.of. Glicoîo f Tïo. Ladyi M the h, seIookrng into the ernpty 2ni barrel saîd--"'O. 1. C. U. R. M. T." "-Well, I amn glad as niow I can get ail rny Bread, Buns, Cakes and Pies at Luttrell's and save ail the bother of baking mynseif." A1ex~ Lttreli Rev. Dr. Taqiînage .5peakis. of a M oth'e r's Duty. A despaîcli froua Washiagtn says:,îng. Salesn ea exaggerating. Ten- kiiv Dr. Taimage preachoci from thýe ants seeking iess rent; landiords de- foiliowing lext -Genlesis 1,'27 jmandiag more. Goiti idgety. "M ie andi femnale createti he treu." Slîuggies about office. Mea Who are la lother Words, God, wilo can in îrying 10 leeep i; la; mo 0,1rymng aaeno mistake, matie nia ad 13 gel la. Slips. Tuies. Pc-ý )f ai- wo-maa fora speci-fie worLe, a t aiîs aia.Eitscper io n f parîlculai' spheres-maýn t10!wOmnan, tharik God you Ciave a home, eguanjý,t in bis î'ealmi, Ionian to bc 'andth iat you may be queen lu il. doialin hers. The b oundaî'y Belter be Ihere Ihan wîaî' a queen's lino betweeu ltaly anti Swilzerlauid. coronet. Better hcot'here than carry bLweeii Englanti aad Scotianti, 15 the purse of i pîfoceqs. Your abode flot more tlîoroughyiy marketi I han mnay be humble, but you cari by youî' Ibis distinction between thoempinire faittinf Goti and your chcerfuiness oif masculine aînd the empire feiiaedemieanor gihd il with spientiors s'uch So entireiy dissimilar are the fatIds las an uphoisterer's hatineaver yet 10 which God cailedt heminhat you kindled. ceau no more Compare lbem Iban you Whal right does womaai want thal eau oxygeu aad hydrogen., walcr anti is grander than to be qucin lasuch gî'ass, trecs anti stars., Al Ibis îalk a ,realîn? WVly, the eaLries of hecaxen about the superorily of one sex 10 caniiot fli across ta domiaion. tbc oliier is an everlastiiig waste of Horsts panliog aad wi7th lalhered ikI ioIti sp ( li. A j'ixeoî ny ihave fianiks are not sîvift tcrougli b ruîî a seule so deilcate hhocaawxeigh 10 the outpoî't of Ibat t rl. rhey lb"dus ofdiaoats, ut thee ae sv hat the suinenver sels upon bbe scie O eict Ia yncan the Brilish Empire, but I bave to m 1bl hî afetiOa sentl(iment leli you that on this roaiof no- aganstsenimet toughb aint man's influence ete'aiby inover mrarks thouph, soul agaîtnst seul,.ann's any bouad. Isabella lied froiii the wordaglîsta woman' ,s iVoîi ? pauiSh lhroac pursi db h n You coic ouI ith your itoî eolp- îon anaîbu ta, but siho Who is a cd remaî.-k ThaU mani s supieir to qucela--i a home -%ili nover lose lier wcman ia inte3lect, and thonI 01-eMIb ncd death lîseif xiii Orly ho on my dosk the swxartby, iron typeti, îLc, anexallen of biunderbotted xritiags o f Haimiet lAE YPRNI LTES Mairtîneao and Elizabeth Browoing EAEL PIIC AITE ai Geor'ge Eliiot. 'Von comle on One twiiiglit aller I bad beon -liiI- our rleî'eolyped remiarie about plîyiîug iitî thie chilltieî for soîne voman's superl'iîty 10 rmanilathie lime, I lat- down ou the couc.b 10 item (,f affection, but I ask Yenî rest,'aud, bal aslec-p anti half awake, wbeî'e uas Ibere more capacity t10 1 secmiedti dreai thiîs dream. h love Lhiaýt John thie disciple, anti f seemedti me th at 1 -,as in a lar Robert 'rýiebee the Scolehiniiua distant iand 1101 Peisia, althongh anti John, Suirorfiolti, the Mhetho- more I haîî oriental luxuriaînce crowna- dis' and 'Heanry it-arlyn, the mission- ed 11he cttics; uer the tropics, ai- ary ?ï The hiearî of those men was s0 bhougb, more than tropical iruitftil- large tliaI after you liati roileti mbt ness lfilledtu ie gai'tens; lier lt-aitN il hie beinispheî es there was room ,aitthougl, mor îe tbo'.,i Italien soltII(-'ss sîi' left t10 mueshu i the lests cf lboa- flled th~e a ir. Anti I weueioc-ed von and iset1up bhe thrio0f Ihe ? rouinti bol iag foi' thoras andtiî,-t- E=EJNAL JEI1TOVAH. 4t,1 but 1 foîind noue of lhom giew I dny o aun he broe nreiec-(hoe.Andi I ialled lforth, ad I 1 dey tomau he trosawnxchec-suri rise, anti 1 sad, 'Wl, i tuaiI tiny e w'înau(hotbro U xiijit set agalan?' andthie sun qanie af.,,toîîl. o larna prasctoy îot. Andti1 saw ail ftue people la wviti jever eine t!he sph1ores ix ile, oia;tprt idIsii ' o Il er-'is an îc,totion by xx bîc,îWe)lýldyaprl adI ad ýV lenow ioi0i n manis lu bis reauln wiil tbey put ouworiiigiun'sgr catiwbe a ouîum a terr alr gaiu anîd deiveiii the naine and aid li a ' lIl f i er re0f. i sîvelci aIt bbeforge?" :But neiither Ne bnging egiialu'e ugb 10 lte ga,-înents nîîeî uerobes cuitîoy aLtlemp)ttlu ake Ia defiition'or to Iîl-ut of*f, Anti Iwaiideu cd i lie seL- sa,, 'Tthis is the lire andti Iat is îirbs, anti I said, 'W beîe do thi e-e ;îpbury the deati cf tiîs greïlt city?- -. ,. . ~ ~, -- - i nti leket atour livthie hls Is out of order. The bestmdcre to rouse L-- liver andi cure al thselu, lefound in 21cet. od by aU edicne ealer». lravory brtight and sparkling grouIp, au,!wb1 I sw their step I knew it, and wbe I eard Iheir voices :1 thoughli 1knew themn, but their apparel was S o dîfferent fromi arrything I had eerseen -I bowed, a a stranger to stranigers. But after awhile, when tbey clapped Iheir liarîdsan(i sbouted, "IXelcomne! \Vel- corne." the - mystery Ivas soivoci, and 1 saw that tiime bad passed and that eternity had cone, and that (bd hait gathered us up 11110 a higher home, and I said, "Are aIl heu.'?" andi the voices of inîîurablfe genrations an- swere, " Al bolre - A1]c1i wlhie ters Cf gladneP.ss orVrIn, do Oour city 1>vîeî'e cchî hi we1co, te FR0 E120FR FAFER FEýrINTS STPONG TESTIVIONY. Letter From An. Ex-S oldier-Was Diember of Burg.aer Force. Tht eadn nnobca ewsPaper Of BemrPolitiken, the syînpath- ies 0fwîcïaepoBehas had thecauor o piepromninence 10 wi et it cails ' eenCe of the Eng- 1is in" lu te fî f au extract fi om aý leIter fronta PaneWhO for la-ny 1 eaî s Past has rsieinlathe Trans- Vaci, Ivhiere ,limarrieti a 1Beer wifoe andi bas r cupietihisoil ir the cul- tivation of a fac,,,whuihsiwbi oughît hlm lan dowî'v. l1, is iluch rospected by the Boers 0f b[is distr ict, andi bas helti severai locali posts of respoasi- bility such asb e rarely entu'usted to "foreign rs" in the Tr ansvaal. The editor iof fl-, Politiken statcs that when the -xr broke out this liane t,)ek bis platceili the Boer ar- n', al-1 ù ubt tCie English îin sover- libttes. lie was, îu course of lme ie, a bl/o<1 nlpou'to -, l,,-t SCIIEMtES NO !IIA!N SEr-1S AB3LE TO CARRY THRO&UGý.II Trieti to Join the Rlet Sea to thce Nile-Failure ',oBuilid Faumaur.a Canal. Bight across Egypt, froua the Redi Se o thbe 'iie, stretches a, buedicy diheh, ce ttimrg straighît as a hule bhrough a bundroti miles of irock anti dlesert. Ilere anti there the saîlt storis bave flleti ati ncam'iy bioienil ; but lu the rnoeîtaius o Srentravine shows-bhe amais of -the copuPier tools of I-haraoti hecbo'g slaves, w-ho tbu- cd there cwnylî en outuries ago. A million andi a hlf imin tiug there fer hall alilfettune, bcying t1, joiiu the watersoftifhelRed Sca 10 chose of the Nîbe. Thuem ono day carin uor-- dec- froar theîokinîg bbatthe w-oc-k shîtinit cease. The oracles w-oce un- favorable. If tho eking finisieti HIS GREAT PIIOJECT. lb w-eulthey saiti, be foc-the bene- fil of bis enoinies. Andtise thie big- gesî picceo0f enîginoemelut-theo iruht luat yet sceîî was left uilnis]îeti anti wxasteti. Cost nelcuier in nîoney uer tives w-asý any cîste-teî with the Pharnaols. But cost tif al Milds iuust Le aarrowly estiniabti by btie uoir uigineer. 'The tend city thaI ites bakiuug hue c-uiîuon the Atona- bic coas lire miles aoc-t fthue r'il/oc-Sa Juanîtel Noeoiv a dis- -mali testiuiory ho arithunetic goume ilroat-. It is n x"ýoc-d's record tof irasteti exuiense, In 1880 bDe Lesseps floateti the In- ter-Oceauuic Canal Comnpany, n ýitlî a etîpita Of lx',elve uilions. Oum10ina- tiret and tw-o hheusamuîioc-s. iuiuti'ct andti hirty shau'eholdert5 cigerly beughît Up tue 590,0(10 shares. Ou Feb-uc-îcy st w-oc-k began on the pc-ont PanumaCanali,-eut foc-fie yenrs 50,000 amenuc-uiteveî'y reseurce MOD)ERN EGNEIGTOILEM agaiuîsctleerc, litiet, andîîiîîcksantis. Moreand i more nîoîey irasuni seti, 1111 tlilyt-tci-eotmillions Lad been potîrotiail/y nylahie vork, anti an- obiior liemty umilluons w astoti in Eu- rope on olficmiauisin, conce'ssionîs, andi bcibec-y. Tea years laIer' the smîîashî camne, andîtsuch i -dc'spre"ni c-ui lis the îru has scideumi scoîî. Aîud nîàw lit I'icragoa Canl sîleuce lîîs tmýrehy outedth e Panauma, andti he tîmmatîlcity,thie e npy dtteles, cad rustiîmp mnchineiy, c-Jceady b'ddtenI Lv iiuickpi ri lum, tropical ccet-Oc-, c--o ail that romalis tuf tis irectird Tuiere eueclcaluahod leo 4bc 0 uiýilca ciblo foot n mnouri,2 r~-~' cbasori is r. amul Ptclir'spresripjQnfor inf'auts and Chljdren. It contains n':either Opum1lfrphine iior otlier Narcotie substance., lt is a h'iariiss substitute for Paregorie, Drops, Sýoothlug Syx-ups and Castor 011. It is Pleasant. lis guarantee is thirty years' use by Millions of Mothers.' Castoria destroys Worm~s and, î,lla-ys eeshs, Castoria prevents vomiting Souar Curd, curesý Diarrhoea and Wind Colie. Castorla reieve4 Teething troubles, cures Constipation and Flatulency. 4Jastorla assimilates the Food, regulates the Stomaeb. and Bo'wels, giving healthy and natural sleep. Castorla îs the Children's Panacea-the Mother's Frlend. Castoria. Castoria. «Caqtoria is au excellenît nuedhiciic for "lCastorla is vo weii adapte(, to citldren chiltiren. Mthers have repeateL, j -told lue huati Irecenlîmeut i hai suerior to any pie.' of its good effeci upon their chiltirea.",- Scriptio nwL l wlta e ]DR G. C. Osýoooa, Loaeil, Mnî L ý.AK CHERM.D2o1). n Y THE FAC-SIMILE SIGNMATURE 0F A9-PEARS ON EVERY WRV APPER. CORONETS TO iIIASUREF. Headgear for British Corouation Speciaily Frepared. "Wýe bave bati oeeor 1w-o oc-ters for coîonets for thîe cerenatieru, bal as yct the coring erent is casting litbie shîatioî befoiro in theo shape of busýine_,ss. t's a ilong xvyoh ye.'1 SosaiMr. Sianoîs, the Court ces- huertf tho L,*H -ayui'kel, te a Lon- don Expriess irepreseîîtalivc-. le adi- ttýi halthe U111, efthe, fertunale P0Of JàLO aigcroeswouiti proba- hly put( off',oier-Iing bbern liithe ast monien1t, anti Ihuenr expect thîern to ho matie iuHie by iaitoti, se te spe(ak. Ceroetsreqiredeicate xvoirkruni- ship ani cauotbc "leuccied off." Nzor Cari iîey e "tnjestoclk, ilike bals. A conel baýi ts to bho ma&tiel ineasure, (im> -,bsc-it is uncoînfortable. A peer-wiîb a No. 7 lîeti w-ho Irieti ,t9 p,it ito u a I~corornt wu1 suIer ain.h set bbc tissue paper on ire, The ci'- ciel wns of silver, hearily glhdud', ant1ijdLhey wec-e uphiQ1stered la îicb crinson vreiret, w-th a baud of min- tvrc. A baconet's ceronet, next dis- phnyeti, was much hue samne as theo ear's oxcept that it lacteet the crlîn- son velvel. Xhat is lest la impres- slvoness, bowevoc-, it gainet inf cool- ness. If Mt is 80 la bbc shade on Corona- thoni day il wili ho botter for soine reasons 10t be ,a baron than an earL. Bengal lbas4,6 wiiw are naider hen ye :aLstf ae beeîî in iiu- pltct ialea wh w-ouldid bate .'ea n ubct1 tn bb.' e<î ho te h (heur imraiprin, ciple xic-,s put iati il t bee tor- a uiles î'ice that nccîîIgeti them te do rlhit aa ii ls 11c's rîthat scuîîticîiloodtieîblnlthe clamoî' of paýrtiSaplîip ! Wby, ny frieîîds, the riglît of su1frag-e, as w-o men eeremse lb, seenis to ho a' feeble hhim't-., n Cliia-n ma, comce up ho the baot ox anti you drop your vote. IU Ligî, fttc- yo n cornes alibertine or a sej'thbbcohscoîin;,g of thme street, aîmd L tic-c s v ote, ant i s rets couiteracîs yeeî's., But if fa the quiet cf honte lite U a tatlter by bier Clistianîî deaeicm' a wife by lier indusîry, a n-rioîer by ber faitbful- aoss. casts a vole iî bbc rît-lit dl1- reollea, thon noý<tiiîîg cciiresisl it, acd the influece of that rote w-i tlîrob ttiîocagii he ternbities. lMy Cduel an.':ity, thon, is cet thal -orremîhaie otlli' rights acri ber, but thet se by thie grace of ALREAPY POSSESSEiS- 1 hî only have tlime ho spate of eueýý grnîîti antiad astbn ib thait ,,ciy wemna-bas ct le i te iilaie home litupPy. Th, c-l'ai îuo oîîe lias ever disputet it ltiler'. MenIonc-ay coin(, horne ah noon or aI itii, andit Iby lai îy acznt 'ie iy litie whife, but sfie aIl day îoag goverîls lb, beauhifies il, sanctifies it. Il is withiii ier pow-eu teuriake il bhe most attractive place eu carhi. it is thue oniy caliîuî bobr in lhis woc-id. Yen lenow ns w-cIl as 1 do Iiat t itis ontsitie rxortti andthte busi- nesworlti is a houpg scene of jestbe anicontentionu. The min iliebas a tiolhar struggles t o e lep h; the ninw-ho bas itnet tî'uggbes 10 pt lb. îic i.P-e tw oss 4-r Ioo yongwith the 0olor f 0years in Lx air. Ih's sad to sE'c ,youxg persons look prematurely old ini this way. Sad bc- cause it's ail unneces- sary; for gýraY hair May always bere- te in g - uv ths asben h ~' tinn. is an elegat ~, dessn~; stops lau- -'t Air grow ; and ~ lases the s cal p fr-Orn dandruif. "have been nseirng Ayer'e liair S Vigor fer over 20 years and 1 eau Lebartiiy recomnud it lu te public Ir . C i IEIîSON, SApril 24, 1899. Ector. Tex. If you do fnet obtali aIl the bmneà to i'au eiîeced frein the Vigor. Writc tleioctr abotit Addïreso, LaweJ. C. XaEa. - athoriti es protoctedti teiniliaevo ry_ NaewvYorsk. Suac mace uper riiînti J " 008.1> Ice oc, ni e3 U ~. isses',0C 5 oy' and tt outlili W correspond resect 'Iîeynîilî li-vofornct ~to end tihuiS 5tatecf lihiags, acon- iniprices. r cc-cu iii xiîi,iitîjt lîc r familles sut-ted Fat-tend andi Bassin, reefth a We will tell you what the stock is in ecd and every pair. Tho anictltexcut ,v rnaiei'i<Vb- cg a "crp n reason we do uhat is beeause we know. Latest Spring styles nosv in pe (etysciiure mîtc British pro- fonl"Sao itltbiog ci stock ini every ie. The publie 15 invited. te inspect our stock ; no teîJ n ls oat f t-oiî,"* that,thie li i riy, Alaska, across Behiniîg maovit hc1 culi iît laie brokeîîSTis, aîl tcc via Sli-î 10 trouble te show goods-we do it with pleasure. Trunks, Bags, Satchels; Mautr outli andi have steak round be- Lio ~ Shawl Straps, ac u li tDe ctevrybs htcnb hini Le riisi cii..The o Western Telegrapht Conlipiny' bought. Cheap trash dressing is dear, it will ruin the boots it is appli. "'If l'bc Englishîbave atie aniy IO: tie condr Ct, alti liî- tAt r8arscd te mBoe cl t'lîeýyir tratnab0f OeP- gncuit. o ees ddzustfo- Repairing donc in al its branches in first-class style. Fine work inioîî, i iltus ibeuiî lii îcqacîg tîtema .\ILY IN CEIIc made te order, sure fit or ne sale. 'Thankîng mny custornerr, for past vithî n gre t ei'a;l 10e niucb goed nu- wbot w-os thoen known as tlime Tete- favors and boping for a continua.ice of the tare. lumo andti(--mLee, ance." gral hiTrail. A ixide rondi, icarly twexec uiitiet aile s long, w-as eut PIANIST ANITI)CII). due ilerthl, ad theris ecy lithoe 5h"n'a a c-ohy -adwim ~ doubt but flînt the wori would bai-e Peaver PHock. Eowmnanvilie. She as prety nd hisone,1; hem brougt-tto a successfil Con- tîle',chîiti of luve ci' six siammers, anti ciasion ilat a' t bbc coîîîpleîicn 0f ilas reîuriig frini the Staes aWitht hie Ccst Atlanticcao put a suddoîî li be parents u a t-rouI Atlantic lia- stop 10 one of tetit-geýsI anti boîti- e. Patderews-i liappene oL s aga"igetrpic ie I AN AEFRIAL YVACHIT. That.w-as too initricate antid ige on te snie oal As s tmuptctoheutimies 100 irîiuch. En gli i neo- itrvliîg trveloat. Aysea is e pTledrg. orbgtlig les,1t- nventicn that Rivais th-, tof X1.nanuts fulty appreciate bbthep"p lis wont w-lieu in ý, ca o Te zLefr i hîn, h ros eu't tno noalt ho bl e lîs che ix cc-bd asstroimgiy in ls bilsSantos-Dumnt. aîîce of teproblem of iavigatin wnik ý:on dec rk btrh oltig t.Ie air, anti desire 1tow -a KJ j ofCS ' toccnlcdui.cuu~o t a uti nt oîuccusfAdspl - f--nLs't- a -i'~ctrsu o ,oca.acral eo - -- ---~--~~j- eF~±îîuvc-~ t, auaay4u4-l'Y a.ii. îîiti îaiui ~couti -fordteinflulgo sncb caprices tlpiane r(eaa bchis attccsouyeîir tiesîiresprovoti L ers.îlestopet cuilsîet.-',as- t10e muchfi fou' iîir engimeec-ýs o cary ~ liy nikiughîfsway e hi sah on ut. I h Iemefe-îal ue 11r' h iti erî -Tue (Ire, t -B eil-of- McsccW is n'ý 1- tleav0i-J, c oe tint-hii, octgcmcoffbhcr ot. rmnl. 1lîsLtgsc h ei ~. se pc-'t" -'hii~e e 01-c, lIer iîs .li t,(ttround the c-rn ,li-hen sîle loud t.1nLbig i.an n'as anti xxeiýghs 198 bos. The fcuidry wathiîglir. nihiec rylngc-rs lori' fs iiîehslig w-as erecteti on the w-ntieced o î lexriguOO.site w-hicei'eit n'as 10 ehouDng, but, "Mav I liîcp yeo'?" saiti Pateretu ski. ha' spite of tlis tircautlea, bbe rais- r 'PrePS Ieouti t-il/e ydu 4 ithtie hg of Pc-prevedti 100inuchi for the -siedthe lo 'ItL, i, i-at tis eskiui of seveneeleaf ceîîbury iussia, r repiefi11,0bulleuuiî."Ima s i eutb lies ho tiny on the saine spot ilouc< uifln't play î:.y - C5 " w-hemre il Lt'i'epoeotifer t,e pc st cric~~~~~~~~ ota't , i(i' - iEu-t iaof"f ici azm wia Ii-oli j'-c ' ;i L ' xtin. tma i i o ce I- thc directioni of aoc-ml iuîaigatGo.. Mc-. I eîrciv,îbSpenicer-. tbe no-eti bnloe'iist, slalet oui Wetiuestiay tliat Mr-- Fii.- uchaaiu, -ç arr wco uîear Portbsmouth, as the resait tif the worlk tI 20 vears, lias perfecteti an airsii1deuftied ta e 0s tho- creatieui cd M. Sno-)ioi. Mr. Bueiianan's unacuîino is an aoc-lai yacht, 'witb tire propeihers, anti -i sali1 te pcsscss heu bimes Itie power 0., tuhe S tinerieaîî's inleltr. Il is se rit-iliy corsîrecteti that a col- lapse in i îi u'is imipossible. Ther- oueglgeiag tests wix c l omatie Cocu if sulicieuib fuatis ca hbc o clileti fer the trial. "I do mielwisli," sait Mu Spenc- Santosý-I,ýlenib, ichose balioon, la cay opnois a;ldgelier' s uperior to Couîîit Von ZuppeIin 's construction nutc n av me r o a van ced heyon md fthe stage, tiefinc i lu 1lý7.5 hby MAL Renard anti Kr1êtis, thoic Frenîchî bahlooî,ists, v:1 lo siI- eti froni Paris b Menini.eo muiies, -andi succdsfiully tioscaidoi.M. Sanitos-Dumnt h. as as yet gono onl six or sol/cii miles." Potalocs foc-mithe worlti's gî'eabost single crop, 4,000 million beshels Lef(- iag produceti anîîuabhy, equal lai huik J 1 the entire w-bonI anti cern cirop.) Euugliud's tabiest Iu'ce standýs la Loi-fiBu owuleil/v's parle at Ibidgc li Buck.inghamshire. It is leî,eîvuî as bbc, (,eoem's beecb, anti s 1( eo The Sultan tif Tuurleey 15exrniî fondti of bis cidiitieu, erwhîî v, ia a tiny theatro hriehypa [srnal Ports for lus Maîjestý.y's delco-, Jtation. y: I -L f b-i

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