Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 28 Aug 1901, p. 3

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Save Yor Hiler with S àhampoos of NO.TES ANVD COMIJIEIV PS. The re-occupation of the Province of Bahr-el-Ghazal by the British au- thorities cempletes the restoration of the Egyptian Empire in the East- erio Soudan, wbich was overthrown by the M1ahdi and hîs successor, the Khalifa Abdulahi. Not only have peace and order been re-established throughout the v.ide region, but there is aiready a revival of indus- try and prospcrity. It wil ho re- membered, that in 1894 Eogland leased the Province of Br'br-el-Ohaz- ai to the Congo Froc Statc iii re- turn for the oae f a strip of iiid between Labo, ananyaand the Nile basý,wbc srnwT frnaljnk in the route 0,f thle 1pro- posed raiiway frein the Cape to Cal- me. Owing te the opposition of Gcrmnany and France, this inter- change of lbases had te ho ronounced but until the other day some sta- tions in the BeOhr- ci hazatl were stili occupied by IBegian garmisons. It was ibis- anomalous stato of tbings, Beiuns haviog no legal dIaim and Egypt having construct- iveby forfeited is original title by non-user, that pronipted the French desire te securc tihc territory, a de- sire wbich bcd to the Marchand ex- pcditien and the Fasheda incident'. apartaîcots dcsigriod for the roeptien 0f the Buke of York in the hands of Yankee artists. WVe have in the On- tarie Society of Artists and in the Royal C-iaaian Acadcniy plenty of talent capaýble of doin)g the work in a cieditable imanncr. But, apart fmom the ability of Canadian artisis te rival the werk of their brothers of the brush froni foreîgn schools of art, had this decoration heca on- trusted to tbem they xvould have givcn it a distinctby Canladian touch. Thoy have vwatcbcd Nature in her moods along our lakes, and streams, in our forests and harvest-fields, and îvould bave been able te introduce E into thic womk saine insp iration typi- cal of ouir owncountry. Tlhe liuke would i:ke te, see bis mineritance as it is. More gildod apartaients would fnet strike ini, as he lias, ne doubt, scon niany sncb la lus life ;but soithing instinct sîitli the spirit of the Caniadicîi soil wold appeal te hins stroogly. Lahor-IJn-ion minatauMontreal arc fprotesting at the course taken by 1Mayor Profontaine of that place in -askinig Carnegile for a donation te- 7wards a public library. Tiîey regard ithe moul ti-millionairo as an oppresser of the workiiîg ina, and- think te acccpt a proffered git woold ho te countenace bis niethods of amnassing ia the country, instcadi of leaving it far below ibat bevel, aýs lu now is. Sir Robert Cien woi ý,uld offer the p-ivate soidier about fil ty centsa diay in cash, free from anýIy stoppages and previde hlm with everytbing in the way of lodging, fuod and cloth- ing in lieu of the present system under which cverything is net found and the pay is but iiienty-five( cents a day, subjeet te stoppages on va- nous grounds. Whetlier theo romun.',r- atioîu svieh is pîopesed by Sir Robert, wliich is equal te the avor- age pay earned by a Biritishu werli- mian, îvoulCd attract a sufficicat nom- ber of recruits. cainnetho defioitoly known tili the offQr hbas be-ii n mde. The -practical obIjecionLtua a Lrge adion te opay of Britishu sol- m.;ers is tnat it would swel na- terialli- the cest 0f the araîy. Even on the presont establishnuent of 155,- 000 nmen at home, and 55,000 mer in the colonies, whose cost is charge- able te thîe -British budge-the Brit- ish soldier ser-ving la England is paid by theCautr Governmouseit--1 the addition cf tweii--five cents a ___________________ s UORESE MASTEFJ8 WÂYS. 110W A CORPORAL MAI4AGED THE MORGUE AT FROIS.T. Ile Had Speefai Texts for the Marri ed asnd Unmaarried Mec. Boninet Burleigli seads the foilow- iîsg description of a solfier placed iii charge of the dead lieuse as the front, te tise London Baily 'foie- graph My friend tise Corpse Master, as I venture te call hini', is as yet cii un- knowii gotuus. Ile deserves public- ity, and I ans stiing te eîligitEn, -the-PU4,-7jc respeCj-ng---,is uri-t. AI -ese-eî -et--suvcsci urs lryt no euelas beennOi tetacchug eut 0f hlm a h anter or oas nost t5db. A dar, ediuin-sizod inan i S e, wl-h dm011 soriousaess as, hss set fa- cial expression, t îdhie olaginous dcnsureuess of ais undertaker, and muade se by Nature.le h si cm ruifld, cotver fussy, and aiws'.y lut 0f furereal coisidcnati on ' To-day lue is somiewbcre cwaiting doeoved ccle- brity iithin, I tlick, twvoity msiles of Londons. Liko asiost groat mec, lue bas tasted of experioisce anfrd 1vr- Hiy.le uas Peen alunent everytinig, fromn a cattle cierk te anu ordiîuary osiilltiamnai. It nos in Natal, at lEsîcouri, anud during tue war, that I fist met Privato - In lu hoseo dyas since, we iuad Poilu sick. and i uqired for rnlitaryservice orily ioct bho distor-bcd b toIns n of thc Peiviýsies, and exlibiting con-, clusve roos o prores. Cdarlune nian iii every thousand of ,ls bic ov&n office eal is sonded by tbe DOCLEMETL s OLD clsio pees 0 pogrsa Goa jfPopulation, Creat Britain Peveîu îiw i iostruinciit. That will awakcn, hlm The qabit ni cli takesgoedt re ofît the black oartîî î'gîo.n fr< 1 odidTio"iiian inîstant. 0f course, encli sourid ,mcst valuableo f FtOc ,ntals is its Ibnwias 'cotton sol," now bas a Ilis is exactlv ef the saine degree of in- doacility. Thac eîlnning hainimer of population of thirty thouscnd, andi ans 11pr0 , lidded, tiiat t1 ltaitadit is îîy uet0aii' tbf ~ssutlu eau'tuicr Lt linsi t-t Gi-iabt -ise wuco-e iae- O.iYWliCb attraets one in ývel v 0f tihe car tbat causes liim te dis- ai-tliing. Tbe more stobboranîmet- . tioosand wouid draw oeeil ovorv tinguisb bhis office Cali evn asicop. is cruinhie nfter tloy have been re- aciv ixtcchego0f reocIlwtbis is undisputed that there---- ducd t a ertin oin 0 fiones Ayssnia th iunier f inab-e-a mltitude 0f uecmpioyod mici Peru holds the record as a mining bu odcan beho nnnnered loto a itanýts bas incrensid. "At Kssiau -sle OcUo)itcd K-ýingodom, aîîd country. Slih ba 2,500 mines, fromi sho einfiiteiy fine that 282,00,0 and ail tihe other imortant place oftumpiled ,0oe0 oneathe otIioýr nobody tioubits iliaLt many nmoog whicii 70000 rkîn dig goid, sil- w oold ne oan inchli tick !And a recontiy visitofI bhy tOc Sirdi tPe I are phb1î y uaif ed forver, suiphur, cea,,phosphate, quîck- iiak iofgoifi tiîuy ni:p, be ci urni e mi-roentative of Anglo-1t ' ysc1yqa i 1rsilver, borax, coppor, lead, and pe- ho drawn ut iiia flue li rcafithan EgYPtian outbority, -tlie natives iiiaysrie Vitirtss natoe evr assun 10la i,; ider tiircad - ere àt the utnost pains te sic coulfi ho iîiduccd toecnist by a In the past 40 yealrs the revenue te a:ieîgtof 500 foo.lyiyaneotnict. T .er :is cier of bighor pav tbaîî that now of Australii bas incroaýsed 233 per ne doubt that the conqn-est of the; given te soidici s is, of course, a cons., ai-id its debt ý781i per cenii. Al . !uesio tebe trweied y xpei-records have bee,.bwvobeaten 'flic voluntary offrings iii churciios Soudan hy GCen, Kitchener was a vic- question te Le answeiod by-1expericent inEgi.dlatyzisuone t ent bol tbe outeenie of sncb aus nrae0 rdadn osta aEnadlatyirn utdtetory for civilizatieus. TI-e vasi re- i,,s flm i esta 7gmlions. inow bas soine prospect of se-e-expcrimcnt may ho forecast by neot- 3,350 per cent. incre-asýe of debi. Creaied Cornofi Bcef. Puat essooLglu lng Cedon's dreanui fulfilied. At ail inrg bow augeriy i die mon enter civil ____________ corii Pool te îrakc 015e pînu into ovo-ets ils people îiaqy look forward' emploii-monts wher.i equivaintwae fine (ide, or un it t11u1(,anieýute ana Ge seu- f weI-belng can h1 btie. swepitc nt,' ) ' chpo.Mai-o carn a ce with tbptheylbavoe enjoyed for waany on aiczoiflccliof iLatter aoiid yiams.se oninetim cg, Si r Robert Ciffîinh- CTAeCR ______________________ i~SCat irýcto ta hedca, flur ao d oeýcup of uiikiSliele stht th ,ecruiiing problempat b heImrve loe -ý passg ,si ci drapp ;iu -ui d, wit corsebre'1 ruiihat ase à,1eitutorites a1Ridau1Ri îioigîng 1Site soLildos paiy 1up)to e efe i ks eD. .Ci been br n j e ,u ibtter. PILiaig t'eL dceatin f the bovel 0f','thaeaewgsrcie e~cc .,,tmneaSBO, took aine off, for as Isaid to hlmiiiY ioa0h005' WtLlOt te thecas'fe "'- --------- a l'd raibor bave suiistroke nnd take shoot and filentification cards. l'Il cor.I sl otcfrtui i-a hlmt. 11thn îotpa nu r lave ne nistakes. Inmarks io R.C. glass dîs bas been worn cri the spects te ibo corps;." ,i luiis inaîuin on ithe rigbt big stage iunovlud Tcclrfct tue ad roud tutbof hige-' fr aof the dm055 onder a strnig ligbt are Aj"±uPîiirIl. ' ~~' Protestant, tuai boups when the ser- w u:îderful -licatc shades of Pale Feor Corporal - was ond vice is coming 0on te give the par-son green, pale blue, and /silver whiite iîug uexts an(-'plaeing them on1 the aod bas givon muny bossages te for- ing rapidity as tt ermwaiks. coffins, se lue was bine oLp before suce, and lis btter half Is as full of Thc dross does nist ml it, lias Major' Rayes. Ilis, expianation Was., f altl as hlm 01lf, tluai. ilu- yeuog iindescribablo silvemy slucen, and, as "'PleaLse, sir, ITlaos 5(cin texts out nmelutlîs are senut te ho al l ed. Wbea ,; the wccmrer îîuovos, the ýsilvoîy llgbt of thc Bible. I lias ece -lot for thbelho beft the armny on ibis side, haviag rî'ippios f*01iiPoint te peint on the miarriitd mec and anothen for tbe taken bis discbargo, lieue nnste Maý- 1dress lk waves le tho e oilight. singe. For the single mina1Iscys, jor I-layes and roinarked :-" Sir, l'inV 'Neot dead, but gone te bis Father' pigawy eus ue oy id OULB)N'T JO1N TRAT SOC1ET. na Jweaton, and for the lmarmief one, Ï sluouid like te Ihave the hoiuer ef Cailet' (te lady of the bouse): Fer- - 'ane n nysef-'Net decS, cniy slîciang Ianis îitlî yen l' ve.just haps, iuadnîui, YOD c<uld get y,,our lent to the Lord.' If hluhas g t washed aste nd al't touched 0, husband te put lii'-suampule tn îîpoi childreis 1 writes a terse, 'Prom bhis corpso t a.Tak yeu, sir tise moulof oui'socioti-. Thle s sorrewing and lesiîîg widews and goed-bye te you," anîd Corporal scription is oniy $5 les a11e mi eilîdren.' You soc, I searches thesa --bowed himiself Ont and grilnbY besbip. frst, aîîd if I fiafis anylittlc tria- salnted. o ad f thie Iouscý Wbnit is yOr k-ets la ibeir peckctS 1, kaows the 1 -,Y widowýs wouid like to have, 1 nnilo Tie Society fer the Repreqsson of and seads ilueiuu homo e t he missis INDIAN MARRIAGES. Ciue on mother. I akstlîo e pay my VIA receat Covemont ýccnsus Ofi I1 o' thinkxroyhuao wul psaeoxpetîso-,ccd I nc'ta riCh India coîuiains a rcmnarkabhe state- came ,te pult lus came decfor anýy mac adbies yu, ir.I kewsnient ia referoace te yutfu In ý udttîiîg tbem tloy eîuechi sefis e bck inages. There are in10 thai c0o1t'y hypt mrore tha i(tearticle cos ) te s 1id(lC,01.759 grsbten fiUe ccd Because omae Ili inlg bU homnie. 1i kaws if I wvas d:d 1th ýne years of ae bbae ýulu ,b(ela or Crime.j, wîw--se' lkotu hae omtb] gr I dews.cf 1li ai!Is ho a'lcrîminlýl? liPe 'O Ilý%e t'ille zs a detective. The ' ing of PRan§es'. -Bucls's Happy Thouht IsNone forany flouse- Record Thant's what -,onui:et when yo-1,b-1, a Hpy uoght. -'ason of tlise fil-si. ane Mo-ire 1Happy Thouzilt Ranxges are rnanufactured _ard_ old eaçchyeat1baiiajL eýtlhr Cafladian i - Pkes obid--OOO e-gnw-n- Whenbnyig by Caadas Faorit, "he HppyThouglit," flot an experiment., YLnufactnred by The \Vr. Buck Stove Co., Limited, Brantford Wirîite tma-,,ufa tnirers fr Ilura dCatalogue. DUSTAR & HOAR.

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