Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 17 Jul 1901, p. 8

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J, BUG DEATH, *.Sure Death. To any kind of inseot on beaves of being ' non-poisonous is at the sarne time a nutritious plant ý food. SOLU ONLY BY J5 Higginbotliam &Sion, Chemists -and Druggists, Bowmnanville. e a Wite want it and ail merehaI-s do. We take it for grantedl that yenj agrées th at 1ail maerchiants besi business polieY is te se treat their enistomiiers, that they cean kýeep thema for their custemers. Censdcher yýorïelf fr(es te go in and eut o! our store ai will jusite look ouar ge)ods, over; ws take ne grip on y.onr pocliet book., don't even thî lo ' s izeof h jusi bec anose yen step over our threshold, We wautt yen u i nspeet t'asc goods aud compare qualities and prises- we fear flot t'ahesuiyn i'I',so a customer of ours. We are offering Special Sniaps in CLOTHING, GENT'S FURNISU[- iNGS aued STAPLES. WeýI have t'as proper. sorts and styles. Suits mnade te it any ma or býIoy. Our Clothlng'is right in Fit, Style and Finishl. Tweed Suis mIade te order $8,00; Fine Worsted Suits made te Nwa few word-s about ouir GROCERIES. We alwaý s have a ful s'tùek on hand o!-ft'as very be*si and ehoicess Greceriss; aise a nies lins of Gas ars ad Cceekery. Highest prises paid for Produce. Barrel S3aît always in stock. Give uls a sali, W5R~NKPuCOLE. Su nmmer Sehooll aLnd cilers to diveiop inicreascd e arning powe ata lmite exens oftiïme and oey rite nsU boutit.1 -OUR REGULAR "WOR1K CoLlnllts rilght &long frorÂjnou-qth tomon tha. Stu(cents enitering ln June r July finish a course hinhe feUa when many are just enter- lng. We have no vacations. We do 1t!orýough work every montb in the year atath çpring ~Ont vnnnsr TORONTO. I invite you to euand inspeet o ur Cossitt Root ScfferPalmrerston and thre-hrsePlow laid Whieel- barrwsMacine011, Nead's Foot Casor O an-d. Me-, BOWMANVILLE, JULY 17, 1901, Bradleýy's scho<ol lias the hionor o! passitig two candidates at the Entranc examý.-B. Leask 657 marks and W. Rigers 710 îanrks. J. Arnot, teacher.i MIT.CARSWELL. New efflcers of LM t. arswveil Divi- sien; W. PM, Bro, MacKay; W. A. Sîster Brownui; R S, Bro MeeKeuzie; A. R. S. Sister Irens' Arînour, F. S., Bro llancock; Treas., Bre. Balsoin; Chiap., BroColdg;Coud., Bro. Il. GToynes; A. CîdSse Ethe3l Balson:! As., itr aies .& r.Mc- lIsew'ent visitors: Mr. and Mrs. J). H. Ceaies eud Sou, Lynne, Brantford, ai Mr. 8 Coie's; Miss Annie Cryderman, tow, a Mr.0. Axford's; Miss Laura B rimecembe),town-, at R. D. Suewden's; M iss Nettie Trimble, Toronto, et lhome; Mr. W, C. Frank~, Hamilton, ai home.. . Our teadher, MNIiss Hauceck, is te le ýongratulatsd. Three- 'o! ber puptîs for Entrance and ai! wlio wrote fer Public Sceltol exems. were successfuni...,>He zunewd- en f amily uiumbering abou t 60 nicnicked ai Burk's Beach Saturday The Misses Chasley, of St. Thomas have bjeen visting- their cousin Mr. W. Cltorthy. sctiôn Foremnan G.T.R. WUIii positively cure sick ;headacýhe ani pravent its returnl. Carter's Little Li-ýver Pis . T his is ne t talk bilfltruthl, Onle pil a dose. Ses, advertisemcnt. Smnall plil, Smnall dose. Salprice. Miss Lizzie Harris, GIencop, who lias been guest of Miss MNabel Clemnee left on Monf)lday teo visit tke Pan-An..'..1 Mr, Will and Miss Lizzie llenry. New- castie-, were gu"ests of iss Maude Clemean ce on Sund ar. FIFTY AGAINST Two-It is niot reason- able to expect two weeks OÏL Outing to LL%& 1 i tedng thfe lPan Amierieantin Bufato, . . .Master lFrank Virtue distinigutshed himscif, 'did honor to bis teacher, Mr. Stacey, and brouglit eredit to our school and village by the excellent pass be macle ai Entrance exaff., heading the list wiih over one5 buncired, marks to thec good... Many from bers attended Bueketon enniver- sary and Nwere greatly pleased and profited by the sermons and lecture by 0cur old ,friend, Rev. E. Roberts of Lindsay.... Miss Addie Pye is vuiting fiends in Bowmailîle-and Soutb Con0gratulations te MiSýSElli Rig,-s ou the exceedingly bruitnt pa3ss ler pupils. made ai the Enirauce examina- tiens-A. Canîipbsll' receiving 837, and L Stainion.717 marks., Te M1r.s Albert Ifahm:, DERMADA'M:-We, ihe offilcers and mnembers o! Enniskillen Council1, Ne. Il--, C O.ý C F., desire toe couvey te yen oure bearifelt sympathy in your recent sad bereavemeut. We realize dear frisud ibat wliat ws offer yen seems sinaîl compared with your great lees, bu1t we ceMMend yen te thet Great and Influnite One Wbese poiver is uulimited, hboss geoduessiiunequailed, and who Ceylon and India lea. N A TUR11;A LL à-EAF -%kË E E NT E f Us Free from Aniy Particle of Ooloring Matter; is ,)a),nty 7andlu-: vigorating; ïs the nliy tea that suits fastidjious palâtes ancd. is whole- somne for the, most delicatle digestionis. IT IS AL4SO A BRITISHi PRODUC. SbrALADA Ceylon Teas are sold in Sealed Leadl Packets only. Black, Mixed, -Uncolored OCylon Green. Free samuples sent. Addreass 'ýSALADA," LESKARD. T. 5th Ci, s-Geo iIcks,-aley nillngs, Fir- prAilen To'-Sr IV- âansen Bradley, Millie Mrris; T Jr." IV-Bertha Coram, Garnet Cii- bank* To Sr 11-Aida Riobinson, Eva Allen, Neta Brown, Ora Trull, Norman Allen,. Walter Spry, Orley Cha pman; To Jr Srd-Ethel Hicks, Russel Brown, Perey Chapman, Bertha Brad- ley;To Sr 2nd-Zenes Vaughan, Bertie Robin- son, Freddie Brown, Ette Morris. W. J, INCHI, teacher. How Boys 31ay XIake Money. The suggestions put forth by Toron- te Saturday Nigltinl another columun as te mak-ing, money bY canvassing for that excellent wieekly seem welI higli-cass and serves te interest, i struet and amnuse alageClass Of people1 ail ever ,Canada îýIt iabove ai]l"daný and net.senàsational. The travel articles on Egypi anid ible Holy Land areý Mxclent EINFIELD. ing vacation wi Li hle Misses ee. Mrs. W. H or lies returued frein a pleasani visit with Hlope frieuds. Mller's Worm Pewders cuqre fils lu children, Sold ai Tole's drug store. Mr. and Mrs, Afex, McLeod were recent guesis o! M4r. W. H.Peerce. -My eytrns lias-ieft-me-entirsiv- as a resui o! , taiug ilIr' Compound Troui Pilîs. Sold ýai Tole's drug store. Mrs. W Jaks n d^ Miss Effie visited frieuds lu Port Hope recenily. New lif#3 for a quarter ; Mlisr's Coin- ~po-1nd Iron lls. Sold ai Tole's drug store,1 -, Mr. Tbomjpson Bailla ,glindian Hlead, isvstnî s 3sister t h de Misses Theat tired feeGitl is a burden yen ueed net carry. llood's Sarsaparilla makes the -we(ak strong. R1ev.CWBrrt was home -previeus te leaviug for bis new appoiniet ae HAYDON. overcome bthSeIetertot ltmV, éWUS3KS confinement. Take a bottîs of Hood's Sarsaparilla along witli yen. Three doses, daily, of this great tonie will do more good than anything else to re- fresti your blood, evercome your tired feeling, improve your appetite, and make.vour sleep easy and restful. ]PROVIDENCE. The followipg is the resuit of promo tion examinations at S. S.No. 5 Darling toný Entrance, Ada L, Wight; Jr. IV to Sr. IV, Leslie Jackson; Sr. 111 to Jr IV, Millite Jackson, Mebourne Wight, Eddie H-oar; Jr. III to Sr. 111, Ilelena Bragg, Myrtie Bragg, Tena Prout; Sr. fIl to Jr. III, Rowena Bragg,,, Lillie Hoar ; Jr. II to Sr. II, Dora. Prout, Arthur Bragg, Harvey Wig-ht, ,Oive CowlLeonard Fiee, Freddie Wgt Pt. Il te Jr, II, Florence Allun, 1,rank Colwiil, Eden Quinney; Pt. 1J'to Pl. II, Alex Prout, Bertha Quinney', Rhoda Quiîîney. Russell R. SMALE.i, teaclier. Mrs, Cuimmings, Ottawa, was recent guest of bier brother, Mr. F. G. Byam,. ,Mr . Toma Richards lias lbeenu nabîs tO worký during the past -weck ow'ing to a lamne arm rleeived by having- a wag- gon pass ûover i..._. Miss Floýrence Fraser is visiting inr Toronto and Barat River. .ýComeî( an d enajoy an evening with Tennyson a,,tthe League. nlext Friday evening. . ,Barley he&rvesýt-la begiin, farmers report au exceptioualiy good yield.. .. Mrs, Zack Pollard. Li'nd- say, is visiting friends lire.., .The Glorious Twelfth was dunIr observtid by some of Our most loyal citizens display- in ' the grand old flag "That for a tliousand yeLws bas braved the battle and the breeze. FREEZING WEATHER IN JULY Would cause great dtscomfort and loss, but forfunately it is seldom known. A vast amount of misery is caused at ibis season, hewever, by impoverished blood, poor appetite and general debili- ty. These conditions may be remedied bv enriching the -blood and toning the stomacli with Hood's Sarsaparilla This medicine seems te put new life into the wliole physical sys!em, simaply býecauTse of is wondlerfui power te puirify, enricli anid vitalize the blood, create an appetite and invigorate the digstve untios.We advise yen ltoý geV bothand iry it ifyoua1eie net feeling jusi right. Ut wiIl do yeu m7oreý gr-ood than asix weeks' vafcationfI is the bet edcnemoe eau uy MIrs. W- I. Rogers, Hampton, visited here on ber retgrn from a t, ip to Peterboro .. Miss Grace Rogers, loronto, is guest of Mr. Fred. Rogers... Miss Virtue, Toronto, recent guesi o! Mr. J. W. Virtue.. .Master "Russell WOtton 2pm.tha services were resumed wlith hspester, 11ev. J. S. MeMuilen, iu the chair. A very excellent pregram, con- sistiug o! a short address by 11ev. J, G. Brown, reciietiens, motion exercises and singiug, was given by hs dhidren. By common consent tlie progremn was ackuowledged te heonee o! the fiest e,;v&r give-ni lu- Heydeu. -T-ho cbildren. spekeý very distiuctlv wiVh good em ph!asis and exIeression. A spe-cial fere -2thai elicited mcupraise was e petrietie exereise eutitled "Tlie Land o! the Map le"- given) by 4 girls, Editli Creelper, Fleda Wigt Lily Grahamn and Fieora Trswin, cýrowusd wiih maple ledtves weertng sashies of the saine decorated withhs National Colors aud bearing Union Jacks. The Ceai o! Arms o! CnadLýa was explaixusd, short patriotteadrsssgiv.en itb fmudli spirit and ai intervals snaidlies ef pairiotic odes were sung 0teithe waving cf fiags. This exorcise was espciaily apprepriete te a Dominion Day cese- bration. Th inirînnoio f ibithehildrin THE1 mMLMASON Go. BOWvMANVILLE CLOTH INU Seli gFreelyo 'We are stili selling large quailtities of lothing, likely belcause we have lots loft to, seil. Over 100 New Suits are 110w lit stock and the values are imade to please our customers. See our Whipcord Suit;, they wear like iron, See our Bluie, Black> Grey atnd1 Claret Worsted. Suits; Sack or Cutaway Coats, S. B. or D, . B etstr., Clearing LUnes. We have laid out for quick sale several Men's and Boys& SuJits. You can buy these at much less than regular prices, Sec on.r Boys' 2-plece Suits at $2.00; our Boys' 3-piece Suits ait 22.90, anid Men'ýs at $3.50, $4.50 and $7.50. Boots and Shoes. Several Special Lines are just to hand this we Children's Strong Boots, buatton and lace, reg',$1 00 for 80c. Men's Bicycle Bals., relg. $.5for $,0 Men's Dong. Bals., a- nice light boot, reg, 22.00 for $ 1.50. Ladies' Milking Shoes, a good line, only 8 c SEE OUR CLEARING BOX, Some are selling at Ualf Priî3e, Gents' Furnishings Juist Received. Nice range of English Angola Shirts, wortli 75c., we. ai!e e1ig at 50c. each. Natural Wool and Balbriggan Sumrmer Unîýîrwear fin a full range of sizes. Our Imported Black and Bine Clay Twill Woyýted are wonderful values. Now is thes time to order your New Fal1 Suit made-to-order. Our prices range from $10.00 up, style~-n fit gnaran- teed. Dry Goods. We have just opened ont a large shipment of Ladies' Blouses, bouglit direct from the factory. These were bought at a big reduction on the regular prices. We have also reduced prices on Muslins, Ging- haxn's, Prints, etc. Print Wrappers. Ready-to-wear, nice patterns, good -naterial, well made, fit properly-$1 .00, $1.25 and,$1,50, THE MASON Go. (Received tee fate fer last week.) Barlev liarvesi liaé commenced., Mr. Alex.Gibson is able to be about on crutches. The Misses Cowling, Toronto, yisited with friends bore. Miss Alices Creeper spent a few days with lier cousins here. Mr. John Farrell, Kincardîne, visited lits sister, Mrs. Jane Campbell. Miller's Compound rou Pis 50 doses 25 cents. Sold at Tole's drug store. Miss Campbell bas returned from a pleasanit visit wiih friends uer Oshawa. A picnic at Lake Scugog is betng talked up among tbe young people. Mrs. Archie McNeil visited hier daugliter, Mrs. Robt. Moore, Taunton, lest week. Mrs. W. H. Creeper, Miss Edith and Master George are visiting friends in Newcastle. If yen are tired iaking the large old fashioned griping pills, iry Carter 's Little Liver Pillâ and take some com- fort. A man can't stand sverything, One pili a dose. Try them. The flrst sermon lest Sunday by the new junior pastor, Rev. J. G. Brown, wes very faverably recebved. Burdock BloQod Bitters is a medicine made from rmots, bark and heîbs, and is the bestknowu remedy for dvspepsia. constipation and bîliousness, end willl cure ail blood diseeses front a common pimple te the worst serofulous sors. Congratulations te Theron Montjoy, E jbert Wright, Miltou Siemon and Edtli Creeper whe passed Entrence Exams successfully. Gond llealth is impossible without regular action o! the bowels. Laxa. Liver Pis regulate the bowels,, cure constipation,dyspepsia, biliousness, sick lisadace and ail affections of the organs o! digestion.' Pries 25 cents. Ail drug- gisis. Miss Rose on lier way from Ottawa Normal Sehool teý lier home uer Steyusr, spent a week with Miss, Edih Mountjoy wlio accompanied. lier home. Picking the nose is a common sy mp- tomi if worms In chuîdren. Mothers ivho suspet their cbifd is troubledýf The anniversary o! Haydou Suundey Sehool on Dom,-inion Day was eue o! the Ineet suceessful ever hled bers. On Sunday, Jue '30, 11ev. J. H.- Turu- bull, M A, Bowmanville, preaehed up- lifting sermons in the efiernoon and eveninif te overflewing cengrêgations. The, siugiug by the-thildren surpassed that nf s. (,e ~a eîn MondaV at ebtined before a Justice e! Pesos la Cobourg on tbe information by a con- 8teable,thst the perdon nained was witl- out mneanso! support, la ibis way the aged 1.and Ifirîi were confined in geol ioirinealy wtliout a liering o! eny klod as they were secldoin or ever savon Lt i net te le suppised, or la IVeg- gaetsd, ilat al.'were kept uuwllliugly, oui, a feýw cirtainly wera. The infirin- lites bodily, or mental o! many, were perhlips ln thensolvés sefficient r.aasoti îor the confinement, during w1lch noces- sazelss aud eveu coinferts were fraoly, su.pplied, snd tr ickne a sbenefit o! Vhe gaol Surgeon's aki i wa',ethile cali e! a» requlrînln eîcl aid, Thia sbtoteof :affai.re might perlieps bave qne on w 'ith gonereily beneficial rezulta, te .11 lie munlelpalfties, 1for yeera stfll te cowes lid netthîe 1Crimninel code bssu emeuded by euaotlng, that neoae or lnfirm nerson shall ha con- ail prIssen, Reeve ClemenIý side I miinutes of lestc meeting read ' Id con-T firmred. omunctinsneerecsclv- ed frein D. B. Smso ste counsel fe es t i !t 0o!W. L. Ls.Froin N. F. Meenach' inP., i.> Indigents, fyled. London Lan c. , fyled. Frein Coun- tisa Cisrk, advlsi ng ameunt c f Coeniy raie te bal,ed. y Darlîng o.u for aur- rent yeer, ,36and î 'king fend $261.10. The Clork vas instructed îo> cular wa s receýived from theo Atterney Goneral's ofiie wlîb couy r rop)oaed amendmnuteVothe Aqý3eFsmenV tact; laid over. A itiiuu agned by w. Heooey, jr., and 43 ùthers, eskLiing ,aid te Mrs. Spronie. IRranted et $C monith. ly. À petition signerd by iMarvini Burk sud 56 other ratepayerequesling thati the Cou naît teks e -ectien iu gra ,ntlng bonuses3 for building wirs fencem; laid ou the tale A report wes reelîved frein Vhe Asse-sors as te Equ.-allsing Aa.-' sEsament o! Union Sehool sýeCtiOtaS R follows: Sce. N 1IO. 1 Dîrlington. Cîsîrke 32,%; No. 22, Dtarling-en, 36pe cent ; Clarke, 64 per cent.; No 23 Darlingion, -22 per cent.; 0 ïý54 per cent.; Meýnver, , 24 pser- recoived and fylsd. Mr. »ollacot's d0alm laid over f rom laest aieethfig was net allowed. A. Shiarp. e ate re- duction lu rent of roaýd a$wec;1 wasaellolwed off for the future. ThFe Clerk w-as requeBted te esk Mr. S. A. ýBurgeSAs te erect ra fenC6s ecrose ýthe iroad More Busineqs IÂIArrON. 1 i ý O"Ivr wi in Fi MIF lrii>ï.vii. PiAiti i eh. ýe rff;- ýf 1 Two pupis of Miss Mnty, teecher at McKen zie's school west of becre, scored bigher marks than other two canididates from one sehool et the Entrance examinatioxi et Oshawa. Miss Irene Bray, cieugliter of Mr Samuel Bray-made 802 marks and S tcoodman madle 870. 1The new Division officers are : W. P., J E. Dyer ; W. A., Miss E Wotten ; R. S ,L. C. Pasrcoe; A. R.S., MissO0. Niddery; F. S., Fred Reynolds ; Treas., Miss Jennie Ashton ; .Clap, Fred L. Bray; Con,, John Wotteu; A. Con., Miss Leua Hurîbut; O. S .,- Walter Bryant; I. S. Miss Fanny Reynolds ; P. WV. P., Arilhur Hubbard; Organist, E. Pascos N EWýOASTLE . Miss Aggie Rowland', Deseronto, is home. Miss Darlingý is guest o!flier cousin Miss Ada Barrie. 1Mrs. ýBanfiew, Toronto, is guessiai Mir. W. H. Pcsi-'s. Miss NrbiaTrnowsrecent guest o! Mrs. Snod MsazlMcCoy, Toronto, i us o! iNssLaura RIekard. MIrs. MKiand sou iy, Tento, are guests at Mi-.Mei's MisNe6jii e Cay TVisited lier sister Mrs. J. Loerd, Zioýn, recentt y' Maste2r Rg.BraLey "is vîstin- Ilis grnparnisai. Port Granby. Mr, and Mýrs. J. W. Bradley visite d friends in Port flopsw recently. Miss Annie Moepo!sinlnurse, New York, is vstigai home. MyissEdittu Creeper, llaydon, is visît- ing ber aunt Mrs. John Douglas. COUNTIES' COUNCIL. Re-commtment off Indigents. At 'die ajoredsttirgi 4f"tie GnrlSessioüns oÀ! ihe Pdaoe for Vie, and D-arham lield on île 6th Iday o! July 1901, a-i eppeal 1o! general inter, est aud im-portance wasi trled and dis posed of. 1For the pasb few yes.r3, as vagr&nts, old and 11c poor poople, have been cemmitted te the counties goal for~ per- lods uûuaily o! six monthe. As disse i 1 i ý - 1 ý- m i i is'yjetýng ýa-Toront.o... Mr. 0. L. Byers il- -t- l , ý -.-- 1 ýýLAaL qlg .. . ýY-- M. % pli llltliiýa.y .- 1 senfenCes exoimd. a c. 1 1 1 -L -1 - L

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