Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 17 Jul 1901, p. 6

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HPEALTU _RULES FOI, suMER. 1u1any Yvatluabie advlce about tIce Oramn f oncecf ilu summiier, the "dnts ust largeiy prevail. Dur- ngthle 110t monilis the g ospe, f b stinenice seid bemsics treullously and coinu;,"ouisly taiugî) t aud a(ccepi- ed, or illneýss le the re2suit, writes Dr. J. Livinigstone.' First, dot't oniey h t thîe silnliglitbeas it makecs the( room somewîut wrc or fades th(-car-- pet, Life is more ;than n-1,littioe - y y i cob, irix it, flot too tiuly, withl niilk, adid two or tie beaten oggs, peppecr and sait to taste, anid([baike haf u hour To Ae servd as a ve- ASAING TU-E DOCTOR. PDou't bho afralid to-)ask too imuch, ()f your fdoctor; you Puy ihlm ifo i 1s vstand thley siou)fld be Mor'e thun nmere social cls Somne doc- tors ruSli inito a room rpeat a stale jokýe)or two to make the patient laugli, or pay lier a laLtteiug com- pliment; then feel her pulse, and rlook -woudrorrs--iso-; thon-wite- re [prescripéiin for the denr kuows Whlat-but we doubtý very muchliif the [doctor loesI ten rulsh outagl A!,ïTSElVEN TS TF--,T WREýC-T--D GREAT FORTUJNES'ý. Passion for Golf R2u;Ined Kennet'h Price-Spient Thiree Fortunes Without -counting belýpttinjg as a hoýbby-which it is not-170 wealthy people hiave beeni driven to bauk- rupt,,cy, and inlu rnay cases to deatli as -wcL ï-by- a-violint-psf-er1or n pariiciula amuement.L Tls la lges and collectinig atarnpsb asLuo a oploscase, auid oa year after- udLiediednluextreme poverty, belrýg, aýs thc atLtending doctor cr tlicd, PIIACTICALLY STA1IVEP to death. On lis sîster's dcath the! collctin us sold, but did flot fSILa it o f wa leha penIt aun it. What Arthur Giffilis, hofamous dOg-fau,,cicr dId ne"t know abot dogs !was nIot ýwor1th knowýing; anld tou hec -,as wuthtley lnIda hlm luk l ieý tof lnsolvenicy at lust. Cou- sldrig Wthalie never 1lad'le,ss tliu a couple 0of hundred at a timeajid neyer sold aytiuh le of ton ]Igave'i thcm aIvay, this ists 1 rrisinàg, especially as Ilie seldom hlad one .T wuou. CviUU miyoneC.ClCC wmOc tu !ls ul s. Heu -C ' 1iU a foiU 1r aiyïrÉs mai3 LII t l. . . ýFusad rne {er~nn h GOOD )CATTLE, VW wsh we C,1u1d lmprespon ev-r ey owner of catlüthete imprtnc of the, best aiasofterkL over itue ifro usto be founlul l gTeater or less number lu so mauiy hrsamong the o1men frmers -Gnd--uiravvsof--výlef- hind -are -not- brecd(iulg such anlimis a erdc their ewndesiabjie caatrsi Il yen chance teo hiave ju oIT cluru- ing neyer selli h. A litile grain in the mniciger is a betier -way of getting tlie cow ,te (le stable ai milkîing tiiian te send a snapplng dog aiter lier or a boy that wiil yeliand dbase lier ail the -Way. Dld you ever ,sec por srany unicurrl>ied, hifl-fed scrnb c) f a lorseý( that idulitliae crubfor, aniOwn- e? Mlifynfiud a'tinan ihat Lias noting buit scr!ub herses)wios nlot much of a scruîýib hljself, write 7 t l i e ~L ) g r a t s c r o s i y o r t ea g e.ow y a iTAhelcp)being a very(l cir. ai mai ami a loer f agravrit r PERSONAL POINTERS. Notes of Interest Abo'-* Somne the Great People of e Worl. M. Jules Vernie, w1jo lias piuýas his seventy-tlird b Lirthdayi,ý is saiid td be, engaged upon lis iiinctyý-int1j Thec Sultan of Turkey la cýýo 0f the mnost cutliusiastic chess-piayers in Europe. THC will plly for Ili'rl ulow av ýnv iatter of staieto te e fr ithtie game in whilh at ti tîele is eggd -The'Qucen c f tîle Ntolad<e IL ) 5 ileg stO JC tSIUnleb tIS muuII( oxygen as six pe-ople and adds te the et. A lumIp Lules f ar lese lieut, but nînl i nid c ilan an ejectric llght,wlliue noue of the room's uxyvgen. ýLucIly, îhe heurs cf sum- mer da (LyllghIt ;arese long thut oee uulylias ail île time he ueeds te work or reaid, befere îhe drns ccames, aitd requirea u Jtile ailiil liglit. Doi't negleci your sleeping1 ,rooni. Thiis is ïaniostiImportant don' ,t.Bie sue hu, ing ii thu lien te- sunigtIs bein admuted tiq bcd spred eu seihatthey aswell as thle bcd, wIIl hecompetoru iya- ed. PDo net sl,-eop lu a draught. Bu.taioLugh you shoutIdid nt sleepl Iu a drauigIdtriîe air shiouid cir-cu- laie freel-y Ilirouýgl iùiroemr,Many peopile close tilicir wnosat igît, ýItaIse thley are "ufraýid Of the niglit ir"Nigi tairuno huîe ah-i seunceo0f the su, hoasbiiallzlng as djay air, bui is a ihousanud tumes ess dauig(rouis thiau the air wlh iiu a cI,le1-nro11, hco ehavy audc poisonou.s from i ilie exl,,atieus froni boili 1'7)dy and lngs. Do'i rikteet much ice water. 'ThIis is a o neruspractice. Ie watraîys i.hir-st for a few minutes witoati~uuehng t. For this rea- soeue wloio Laddicted te ice wa- ter usuaily drinks enougli te cause a, fi11 ald hie ated feeling, and te stpligestion by uuduiyr cooling thie stoinadlih. Lemonade, made froni ciucool-not ice cold-waier, is temest refreshing and satisfyiug dirink for summer. Let yonr hearilest meal ho ai niglit, or whenever your work for the day is over. F7ruit, toast, sofi-boil- rd eggs and oeaitmeai lmule a good brekft.WjIere thýe intermission hýetwcn heurs of labor is short, ne heuvy - pcid 1should îbe talonto el stomch.Hnured 0fpeeple wlo eut heiIiliy adretuiru te work ai- mes iumcdatey fter-wurds have W TNGA LETTERD. Ic mo111St strikinig tlini-g abou01t an IdeaLI ttris lis flavor ofet pe.jr- sonallty of iHie writcr. A lettoýr shudconre, aiisnearly u osbe le sami eci as, weuid a tal l e- Lweeu il ie wý,hrteud lier corresponid- erit. What u ai-,good lettir teyouir mioiier or sisj-qer perhaps woul1d le werthless te anyone cisc. Always remlember te whon you aýre wiig andi write te and for that eue per- Genieral descriptions and observa- tions ,ýwilit, le etof place lu 99 cases ont c0f 100. -Make your letter an in- de-x cf your immd iiou Ihe sbe you bejieve te bQ-IŽ~terc-sting te îlhe anc te wIhoin yoniý are writ ing. Dut youjr own iniduai(ility ûnto even yoiU observation ls ou tle wahr Avoid lonig excuses foer net writing eaer o pr frequlently. LIke ap-ý ologies feu 11oi rettlering visite or colis, those uCf the Lagglng bioter- M luf) for piculs setoig by wriiuig filly, smuhtely aad Iviruicionsý-ly, se thI t he pesr of readýinlg youir ictier wiii ou tweiglI anýy disappoinItilue)t you m1ay ave given, or cas t te, be forgetten. LALJNDEIIING SILK EMBROI- DERY. Te iaunder embroiderefl linon mule a suds aili fine soup and warm wau- tes Do net seul:, nul or aning île iAee butsqnceze île suds tireugh and thnrougli until i his dean. Rinse haclu watos and dry htae oar- e. h t ia fl ot te expose cemlrDi- dery to îleý air white ih is arci, and it shleld ïneyer le idnied i lu hosun, no11s11slould hcle bob(ldd0osroiled arlhiti is damp.Befeu-e ji le enire- ly dry imon h i on a piFcce cfihe lIaniIou a soit, pudded lbourd. Lay_ tle cmbreidened sa(i d dn, coers h ahti a dry coil, orstînat place a aret cloth and press ath a modes- ateby'hoti mon, Instead of foldhng it roll iou a largo, round arooden MENBING CHINA. A clevrs ouseleeper monda les broken china arilh a home-made ce-- meut. Mule a ihick solution of guni-arabie inu atos,then sthr in plater of parie untii a pasto le Xcnmed, Apply te ilie brolen parts aihI a brual and sot away. teliard-- on. DOGS OF WAR. Exhibitions of Their Practical Ujtility.< Some' cieven dogs-un Irjishareuf- heund and some cehies-hurc boen- fer mono tlan tîree mentis unosi cnrcfully and pnaiicntly inained hy Major Rautonrile Ricardsenailu ah île varied dîmies of doge - aiiudled te a negimientinluaur tueè, snye a London ietter. - Tiîey are triuod te guard laggage, guard auuaunitiemi, curry messages ufrein one part of tic ield te anc(iler an aat arpl h e 11laruaon tu!e upproaah 0, f ic onom11y by rua- nlung juteo camnnp -avi lout hLarlisig, and' te doaibula)uJýiceduiy ly seekn i1c wounded hn, dorer - or cnrrylng irai aid upplunces. Major Uiciaurdeon las for'- somec timo eci Gaermuusy lnvestigtilng îlIe mt od f trainiug tîcro, aud is itoar giing dniiy exîhitions in thc grounds of île Crystai Palace lu conuccihon Wth tlie anmbulance sec- tion of tîle Mai and Mihtary Ex-- hibithon of île practicai uses of doge atuadhed te regimonts ilu auri time. The performance opens atI au ai- tac by île enemny, lo are ropulscd.i Wlea i risg coutses îhe doge begin1 tJiis ar 0f cryhgfrsi idte îlie wouinded tand selig bese lo1 are foiddlu dorer. A fi)ed te île collas f aor nn- lulanco c g je a anahbotule eof brand.On Uler side 0flir sd- dbi et otli, ona ahicli le re cro ssis dousicuusarepoclets, neueUdon-- ialjg banagesand le Wýotfier nc esauiosfor"liri ad,"ilie othor a saýilno fbutf or îlhe dog lhm î-'.- self. irppd crese île bnicI of eacl he a auter(ý1prof cetfor îl 00g 'te lic on arIen1 guuardfimg blgg1ge, or anl ccnitsy dUty. Tie messenýges d - ltre 'a awaien- Plroof enTvelope tidbd tî ccil-- blars for île douneyance and protec--1 tien of ariten mesýsages and ddus-- lýJ, YUNU 1i 1 0 raJXL, GîUV cstauUljifiiOflL. ]J e Clit, cl au Looklinig aut tie berd eewouid le ut as by, ndfortwnt-ý-iv( vIllsaeag acole !ý,of rncw dogs every a boss toalewwhurth'Le owner Wa5 as bo, ad fr tcni-fle yorswce soeotmosîlý1ing prscrtsof lceping calttbe ,for. Tisis lajusi île andenigl-ifrll, frlehd ls nir aths lubs fi7'euds7. There conditi'on cf far tee many herds as arcietm1n dg lver wio do net found ou rnany farn a al over the welIlI0now nkns ut Ldeiylit by jIluofcf Arthu, 1111t-s; andas lis cuty hsalcre rma n electric urc-iigtse, ut acosit 0f Orriepesehobbonhhmntigcotr.Tlalcosfrmnl- $35000 9luretru-e feqùntb tSi ledîffcrenceaon the part of the owucr At St. Andrews and alillegrout wuda euta 0 eîa i ste île value cf île lest animaits goifing contres le spent Libcusands, ilolver île inferior. Tbore is netn staying ,ut île most costIVly otels wnbrthr s of ltak1ing Lîneiîeyforcwiler te, hoefo-,nndbut ren!'isstîe a idog 1- tiie egh s tbrI upo rier value f lî ln cf ren di- and practicaily livingon lie uIts.1trogI lis mus n ruî hmvdasc i er vrcbr 01 Hoe did Ulc tEing well, ce0uý,tainly, frmiVnîiec. l se ta -elelg.f Ysct ho ailstelpt rf ort le hld ire amateur diîponhpldI lieen over $35M00 for,, tic degs ndpid Lis privais"cadie" ohn le1 tue reqnircd clioite iý)iilae lis erd thon lad jlu Iod,1e o 1ucLîI ~oflroniy iho se mado lup1)feor 1tie work Mabod 1,500 a -yeaýtr. Btan, 0f c1n1ro ali hd ute wtlIe las uîud Phsi oeCape iroumuaster's biusJinesneod,,s lookling bt rIn -l teis woro soýid i clin arîd.luti breedioi cni ufier1; anaI,ôs goliilig tecýk upI al lis îl1f1w usAstley sale, tiiey dcid net t i h,,un itho slctd tmsure about ton dura a cr, 1e0l y pur-' which lo devoted te bIusinless, Iîlego Price profits dwinlcd. An2\l! nSttsabu egheu oiisuo. iVinle a areil bred steer wiil mule ho foui-d himself isîeterymi.t~-- twice as rapid groaril as anoiber, year île reason of hiebuîrptrand ain hle le grown is seaimade up was -ever-expeaditure on glf" le TROUBLE AT DARLEY'S. as te le 0ý f groater value per pouud diCd six mentIs later, ai et brg a nd eue c w ahigire twice the lIt-- a-as uhiing lktltrouýglït, r--il j mutl of atlieér cu îl-te saine-eood, about the downfufali:of Eliiot Re id, Ital Arose over a Little Mouse yei owners of these animais de not owner of tîeleafuons - Myrtela." and a Black Beetie. seeîu te put forth great efforitet Ile owacd ltogeilier 153 bouts in -01Oh, dear," gnsped ti1rs. Darbey breed thoseo f the lest. We once lis career, and for ion years ho as sic rushef.,i eut. of tue lieuse and bai d at nonbeeer 0f faluertier claiîned te have novrer been outioffisank ilitoea gairdan-seat îy île sideayiatlenvrsaauprr siglît ofcfio0f lis csl cui -is <lierbull lu an; man's lande, but if le love of yachting ainonaltel almosite lusasc_.really felt that hoe onglitte lave 1"Wluat Is îlt naion?"aslod Mr. nuoiora -ii hng hs n mhim te use lu bis own herd he con-. and heugi ls inemeDarley, aIsce as ho -could reUiove, trived soîue way te get hlm. If or- was given as $30,000 a year, itIaili greaît deILberaticu, île ciguscyo-e o atefl. ieta conld net lecp puce aili ibis ex-, froils~eye~e fcti e iet penditur2 oni bis hobby. Yei ho ' Ir as amise, Il ra je idwndgv or-paig tn speni hurdby a penny apuri froira hie jstfi, onthîe qnallty of the urinais yachts, for le iived ou hourd lie fa- ucross theflîor 0of île drcssing- Le is breeding there wouid le fcr reiecat-h Opyý".vn o .les inferior animais lepi than le ventecraf-iho'Oiny' lvinguo1i"Bld it attick -yen fiercely, dear, w lcae dwoling ashbre; and aIea she a ii "laid ne" ln île mmd foir île wntdr,, rbei. e ecp îb ao e- E ery canes keeps cuttile îra h iliudtebu combat ?" purpose. TInt purpose saoid cLei SILLIVED ON 1-1ER. "Now, yen 'arc ',muking funncf aie, innîetl. every animail red or Frnîk," l tile acunan pouted, 'k epi on île fan. With studied ai- Ile lad au exampie cf erery new ar "nd I ilî;,ý Lu j,,le unkiid cf yen.-' tenhion given te île maties these style of raciag-yiciat Inili for hlm " I don't li d1,clteo le unin d, dear, wculd net le the aide difference in wluen it uppcared, and le benghi ard'but ou uiwrys a0flc le ots fanasne soa sel hg achs lîosiwekl 1 ilevery lo(,i . 0ifceus --, I lao'v I:TIc lest, itie ideuls, are avrth te ing uny price île seler close te al, 'ttt h l a ery gserL feu of yonr île ownor severai tinic île vaine cfi but neyer gottinig niudli fer thmin ccx, but t is nereso why in- t1inliierîor. The points of excellence len le soid tibm. Ho tulked anddvdas hndne1r-e i b- cie saudhell1u.ia n dreaimed of uething bu yching slvsIf Itue habiîit cf gtlgfl;t l wner sheid ai every stop1i ýl and aras ùa splendid lbaud utalit, toi-ce melts esyilîne amouse aorkin.te tulai tndr.Tiere la maýndIn'jg a[illis oubus nd ",lie -Iesupoxne - s rnl rfi ago uîu la veriy Llnd 0f ya)chtcocl aie C hinig ile ablirreod. Iisr l orif1lues of lis rg Ilocrr, 1,ea 330 ,000 a yen(r lud btarer i cl-lar zaad lis neck Tefluet, 100 pounda c, f a plg nauy ,wonld neot standi( sud ia struin long, adt rglalîilsshndrFLe île cleupýesi as fuýr aI feedc is con- an a ls anruic lisyahtngaIi( lle li Iid :_ cerned, but thoy are nmucli the dear-I expensa wereguvn-fi-niy caiugh - "Waon .I est if we tale jmie a(co est Pains as,- tie roason forbals f ailua-o. Tic., ld 2"lto irf îis ot.dewn ky and luber ci leeling zniues their- eus- yaLchts naýc ls ouly assoiQs, every "it' 'yayncbeida,"~eitne penny of hisi capital-being spen,1 0, bacbeui Lth oigprertrvswl and lie wec sid y plical rde. Ir(oplied YtIrS. Daloy. -1'isaw h I le eTgpclsiirrswl and tey wec sod by ifricuîn rmalîb - g îlte lirai 100 pounds, uineî Eblliot Reid couîmitted siide aL cialingoveryens rccllar."!charcoses t cf"ton le imule a Dartmiouth a fcw wesla lter, dying; tlsîfty, large gn 1î1-ý-and, rigoreus log. 'The ab,înoî pnuisa irsJling Widy botwith lis ituenlies ihati îaauy evertukoîhliit- Neomnnoves loed liessesbotterlneud xiamng- le pigs areu noirens. A few cf île or Inea mono about 11cm, tloni "Tale h itoff.Neli talke ihoff 1nos 1mo sesers 1ima Wlyte Mor-bey, and i1y ee i1,îe aiyiin g -vah1 i liime.*I romn, as a hobby. Noi hy gaîin5iîig, iPlush your 1usd ît dwî Di ousi egine o ln ios 0 s, sudn(lust, Ilu i net lcust,ovonmrq. for hoe nover made a seliuýry bc."r ber al el i isIg dean ie fadm snti1eo odto lis 111e ; blile sport 1îîaree soparate t iail cf ()IblI 0, oh ifreig uipg h e fortunes.,utiis is zýtorture I Cent yencoac ail or ily îay ble4ibm dio aï)ything t1lep oio, ntedsqo ild wllch scarceb'cy ee ire EACI1 OVER $5,00 f standing star1isg hIe tuai 'l lui lreoding and training be;irces. Ho - du ol'L ýear, Iurid tsfed (ii inltor wlet Ile(_re ra odt a moderate extent, neeil 0 n gra~ swili nofni' wboa ganllgad u rrysccsfo, 'tilii sili 1 Hoar can I stand sh;1orts and 0olinleal twýi(c aiyle - and ai Tîirece Eus)m, Lis Place ilusieuiwiiÂL eouosting hIe tîn't fregrain, dry outs aîle moning Loîcsie lie, lelepi talanys le)é- puradisg 1np mmd doarmy siar n r or ingt ii ich ti etferityand fift'y toiouhhed cbua2"f aiîig ay t lbe ncsay ah tcud(ia1g -hO1lu 1 lubes ad aylsg Wil ibis Ms. IDarley tiarar hw lm.fl-: mtebut h l absbutey nces- ail lia rilen ai. As Ilis inicom cSo-If upnltic greli,und ad oroi d ères 4caryfronlý ti t e loea shforce coLild nover hlare bon ore thilnon Ihi"c lad, aileis fi-tîîl alefarowng.01 mal 1mueit hc led $5000 a iyear, ih lýeuesy te cee I10w horered oves hi,axenytrngIo-yigiyl te ginngbu Rlis iunk, luee wayý1, aras segondarl e holad ([culILbed, ioligt tIaa.t Mr.c. Briood soas, lfed, in tuIis 'wki- i1,lat, afidr e1, laL"d spent ail is Durby aravwsiJaing lu icii ee -fýilhîn or Lsreng, aiivçjig, moniley, fle r"ce-ived 1a ieg-aýV 0f $0-a pipi fit, anld, ariba rarerc - and fo wp Hi net le noccsar . -0,adbfore tînutaras qiegenle, cceof mmdinc, rsd fo)r autose, hur- lPige alenld Le plcled up) as faisi uneilher -ainIdIail o0f iabe anme. 11ng cincd a J11ý I Wl le tîcear aiL s tjaey ce rne ,andpacdin a box, - bellt. il tit]. ie tu iti r r tuie l Witl a flied 0f l a geod garr- Russia. den, îlenl froua a good coar, itho Tic J5ukc of No'rfel is ose of île pniviege -Cf ra,îilng Ilis eau aienýt mesicharitable moi-abrs nifItho PO-r- andsabsdethe use of a good, ugo, and gires eacrniicussusuaa warffa lieuse, bcci1de lie saiary, alint younly. lIe lus a gr'eat cotemýipt man aihI a job iiîle ciyiy leegt- fer apponrunces, uLd a:itery is teld ing se nuach ? 1,,oti rîny ; ad if cf lis Iaying osie day bon mc arailw-11- lhe is a sensiblc, apoltr felloar, ing dean Pali MaiLI a big brearut i i ho aril ade thils aIe a ili seo ih, papes parci undel(i s amiu. Upon uand tley aill show ilder approcia- a, fnicud's inunisisg abatiill(lie lad tien ly bceking altos yensLintoreaý,ý,ts.iere, le infermced llm ii la:, t, wa Tliere are men aro ail i net appreci- - "asnîfm"1e aras on) bis aay utc, tis, and waime,-itîabsethe te o sain-om ai Buckinglialnt ,Pniilefges giron, but ihere je neoiaPalace, ut iarlicl lh]wi ae to coll i «ng eete o epsuch. Arsd uppeur gorgeos )in ed ,aknd gold. heeare goed mout) calning Presideai loubetle ru(IdY (dria/ fumas and grcwlng pocres und poor- aaglis imasteefcraoest e- os oach yeu, as vic vililmule firsi- pair. TIec Prosýident ariil ot lavE suie nmeîa If avosiiag for aroîlor cercmeny; it does naot fit anià MW mani. Sud a ce is boiter cff hy happy, impetueus mlannies. _Dîs(ctly far under tegiaco0f a goed. bis visitons arrive lie, rushes fùrwai-4 lenesi, conscieîai1i)ious îan. Trea n ad gires a grip off îlie laaîd belo man as a mur, and if lie las uny lis beariidered atedatias goVOiIu oraet hin - i ntaviiLeuaaanannetAu aueit. Cire hua a good home f Caý, ccpylnig thcexeample aI thQ ndages and le aIi gire goed, King ef îethiae , nîud nel doubt louet aork fer ih. rih happy recoilections of lis strng- gling lucies rdays, île Prosidet tales Mme. Loubet ouite disie ut a "M3OLTZE SiIOKES AGAIN."Y cale in tle open ais. Punlsiuuas are deiigited. A Sulphr Itlesnet ofien ilat ithe leir te a A Suihur atch Tiat Won île linndred mllins onf dollars is of a Batile of Gravelotte. seroususins of mind. Mr. John B.ý It i maR tht a th batle f Rcckefeller, tIenicliesi man lu île Grvlte Is al tngthn e att-Pu cfarid, is rery fcrtunate iu lis son.ý _W Grn alite dnsin îeforuace-Pors- Rockefeller junior la quite a inodej ai a -riti- Poin oLthi ld a" Y019 a n rgmi, wai e nohr snokcs nos. aPPoarnce cf greater succese ounitie dik n ae il-l o p-art of tic Fronda iia of île Gos-lyeusg 'mon ai île Fifila Avenue lutns.VonMolke vd 11aptiat diu-cla la Near York. Inox- luns. ea oite ld bn mdeomable duty seoma te le 1is loudsiur.: aarie of île porilons position of lais Ho spouda ne time lu idie amuse- forces' ln tînt quarter, and le lus- ot. am ucsiuidontia ried te tic spot. Fer soîne timteit hmns. a lenmus lernideefi le-a as olsesved hy tbose aseund humfr eali uehm .oi fsc îe tithb ppued acuscealxins eaderahip of lis Biblc-ciass, aiiîch ilun tiei.à- leaninent poiimbor, Fn gnhied a penalnen peshteîi, R s aan, lnleuestiig siory of El- alirioo h aas gseutly exposed toeococu u c rgairding -the fumons onîysflie. [le hld Ilis cigr le- acr tareca tire lingera cf his lbit h11us, s'sifnc.Slars sna frniun t tn sriîug nsetao t drIfor 1bap1tisai'111~ - anîd uppiyhsg ii ,teo tus accd, but ai- c mgt au useil ld' aras rgicîur t pu îl diar e-cru»dile oruanîic-tal ntItog1idnarni tue~çýati go!(f!celadbes brnada f1iýc('1-- U(ït )ýintandcra'd i s a sîimme ,fuli cf hlady selics, uihinýg bunt ibe cohd aslies of tiie epot?îlypesid re MolI~"edier emiud.This nlt~edigtdilie fuier. At longil i Blsmurck's attention was î'iora DBuse, i1 vr ldte pus di ctdt hi g-ett genosal, upen tison,,gli greifi- riails annd privation arIoso sngadiy il.e ferinocf île before shie alevdi-e geu sco ligu-t se lurgely dcpended. 'Movîui nVrnnt l g cg teen luts up te Ihnm, Bismarck qulctiy simd îlu carcirof uh et. teni a Insee, applied i t t oltke's cigr, Se i iItian Maia ouyoaI and the irolComo shgii 0f'île bIne nejut heen elctd rofesser of i obncco cieCurluing np lsem the FlA t, connîuuder's lips rewaded île ai--innasalcuecitîtujc, icof îlie ('hianceilor. 'Bismarckl hing, s d s ,o iii Cli' of draig nc in lis couid ary, eaid, Art ai Universiiy Coilege, Livr- aiaextuiin labis voIr'e: 'Ailpooi: lut it'le prelah,ýlly as a mousn- muet nea bo dI, Meh ll tineer tili bele st Inoars. In q'iaekes agn,:in." -The b Latewaaswars. 192lc aras lu îIýe le Rialayas, _____ a le e limhced a pealI 32,000 foot, A THO10USANýD MILES AT SE.A. higi. lun 189)4Ile- travessejed ii4dA1p s from end (lte end, anid inaJ 89 3-97 lh, I-_n Severcal Pa,,r ts cof the Eaýrth "x"ejdîe noirfSplr SlIp eaug~î laif arfron iu1,,88 laci ee d aud sur 0baJBeljlhn LAies, ascen(1 ,L ad.Sparta, 11i i lInali, anid ahso g The question Ihue Ienudlehi cgna.le lias aritten largelyr p o s'5hih 1eto saýli ,0 usfrori i up on n muineing and iico rt land ? Tls C Dan l oue aiseveral D. Logiun CumpI)lbebi, arihu 1, Jent.'y ieu ing SnFrndic officiai capudcity ias Mayevos aind salling nriaîesIvaard ie îoth lele JDulýe and Ducleose0fYork on' Northl Pacilic, a spot is readlced ibey ianded ut Audîbani, WNew arboee re is nelunîd-uot rcu a ldis mie <n0f,île grand 0Joiid nofm Isiet,-L-fe-r 1,000 mliles ilu any Tdlrec-1île fAntipodos-. IHo lu;s ac u tini, Sn, icen, salfilng lremi île sou- bauld groar front ianunatcnanUd(t 4 -e ienu peint 0f Kncala eii--wm ietI tc lurgesi of tue Meaew ouastarard, shipe readlih a point eqa-Zeahanld chuies. Borala Editilurgl Fried Green Corn: Cut the corn from the cob, and put it lu a skillet that l.ias hot butter and lard mixed, Sesn with p(iper a nd s ait, stir it ofLen to keep fromn burning, and cook it with a cover over it. Corn cOooked ou the icoli, if any is left from the meal, w-ae be cocked in th!is way and put In the even and browýned. Cora Custard: Saoî, sorm freinithe All ie puniss aiibpreserre tijnour-- mai relative positions aihlont cruels or fissures. The tearer, ablel lisaoeut 1-1.5 fot ligl, la 5 fot oui of pespoudicuhar ut île sunmht. Tliere are no secords te slow arleii- - or tic inclination aras pari of îlie us- ohiteci'e design, or arlother i 1- île sesult of uan thiuale oS of slow changes hn île inclination cf tîle seil. For muny yeuse there lus tbo(,n ne change ln tiae lope af the 1tûarer.- thing up te $2,500; andalne spent in tuis amy net cnuyhIs lucome, but uis-capital, arhidli aas neariy $100,- 000 alen hoe first lad ht. Mosti of hie time ho speat ecuber huutlug lu odd corners fer "lind," qtcading walsarre le ans a aell-lnoan fIguîîo, or porisg ýever hIseu-ouuns ai île studios. Erenitually hoie -- camlie banlsrupi; but scntmbefore lie made ovrstîe collctihon te lis shester, arluedld flot survive lim long, -hoarer. ,- Ris baL!kstptcy was Theoreticall y the(re are ne slaves lu H-ong Kong, as it is British terri- tory, but in reaiity "the City is ful of them,"acrdg to a, curreut historian. Theytare :the imaid-ser- vants and nurses0of the Chinecse. Evcry small-footcd lay neds slaves to help hTer aulIt, anld in thehose of tlie rieni, whlere tHere arce maniy dIgLer, i 5rot ilomon to find from twentyý to tlirtLy slave2s ini a.sne f amilyi. dlssolved ilu atos un 1cr swilll. if thc irai dose dees net cck, sepeai altos twe3nty-f eus aoun s, andi ami cckl imtacnty-feur out 0f taon- ty-five tumes. If constipation le tIc trouble, lucrease île sarîli and oil- moal untll île boareis more beosely. DA1RY AND STOCK. Be yen sali your lorces ? Stand by île Cea sud she ahil stand aby you, and penlapo ta lîtlèfil, oi' ihloasut irle of >am and albit of ualad or heel- I realby tialul bah' iuacao- lR s eowaO lmnerrupiod ly a voice froni tle otlior end of îhe aire. Madame, i sadcoeldly, eat ahat- oves yen pIeuse, Thls le île Meteor Rulber Comipany., This pointeo is oaiy hall doeMy dean, eaid lie, crossly. Thon ouly eut ufc i, my love, Ishe l afa&c- laCd te depend ou miybiroltherJuel te brilsg up bis didren. Nonsense! -Wleu did tilithappefn? Ofton. The ideusud te sun ila preiiy frequeui tote icr fu sec- lice, vich aras lu tIcllîI' ls Wly vdn o yu net eut yo'r appie, Bsiggs cemel:S iiïg ~Iiue a mmucliter aren ztlaese's cume othier- f-louw ote ulyou et 'e"t 1 ý-L -1 a ý4 n4

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