Tellegrapli Transferis Ilae fr lîgeor mal su .1o ai pat cf Caaad. Ths spcaly a dvarI.geet. per- Fn( liigt a ore tho, Noth We t, it i ib ten fiids available, a onice ai b place u i a nt. ko tlier )artlcelartýs cal at thie bank. Â.~~~ ~~ J.CCiLLN LEU AGL L, Acc..ntaotManager La! e, Ontarlo and Day cfQuneSem boat' Com pany Lîi td 8fr "NrthKing" BETWEEN gQllllll, PORI MOP, gllRRtOJI, SOUTH BOUND Lv. Cobourg ......... .1.80 p. n S6Port Hope ............802p.0 P. Ar. Charlotte, N. Y ....... .15 p. i -aliti -pi -g--Iu --- -Sataes --ey--nonce -weavnrs--eft ment ot eatarged- pbote-gr-aphs-ah-o-w- îLyons , Fr.ancer-asan expression etI - ing thewrkatin-ti .tibs ca- b-ir--synuipaitîîv when -Pre-sident -Lin-- pany. Ferre nickel muatie by the new colis was rriurdereti. There is a fn electrolytie procesa lasbown n la tholelectien, ef foreign coins 1exhibiteti. foras cf bars, ant isl attracting the Thc walls cf the section are orna-1 attention et steel men wbo kaow the imentoti witli portraits ofthtie Secre-; value ef aickel-steel. I taries et State and photegrapha ot As a centrai peint in tise display the buildings oceup)ieti by the Ilepart-1 stands the maost reinarkabio tentur-e1 ment et State witih somne cf the bant-i et the Mines building in the torsa of1 sonet interlors. P'ortrnits of ail a Jthe Prosîdeetsaxae aise dispinynti COLUMN OF SOLID GRAPHITE, There is a collection et maps show- trem the Black Donald Mine, Bon-' n h3xotettetriey e tse Unitedi States tremi 1789 to trew County. h lain ade -np _et 1901 including --the --dates -1803, three3 large blocks, the lower one be- 1821, 184, 5, 1848, 1853, anad 1867, ing 5x5x441 feet in aise. A base ai which dates new possessions were tbree fet biglb cf limeatone ofet x- tto cllent quality frein Quenstea quar- add ry,- St. Davitis, Ont., was providetijA large cliectien et lettera frem by thiat compainy. On ibis pe-dea,- the brada et tereiga governmenta te tkht tal îne a statue etibe Unitet tae ae exsbiei Canadffa, exocuieti by J. m.] i Amng tise mosi inite(rstjig eft these Ba oafe Toronto..Its dignity et rc Ono trem Louis XVI' King etd antiexcllet traimnt aveFrance anýd anether frem roepresenta- pose adeclettetnn'ae tives efthie French peepije, sncludie-g creati Iuit -ersal admiration amnaiRbstre one gteifra exhibition sculptera anti artisis. Thet -obe irn rneigteifra Canadian Cerundum Conîpany'bave tien et the formation et the French dot the westeýru ndtietib Itian raweerry- uream u- ak-esa-uee -thn anti polis :(,h iwitb nid! nowspa-- themn,-and rep;orts tath- eute f tsait-,-aniun-quarter cep et -but - -pers.- 16,100 anti teund oniy about 600 e ocf mie 1saucpan ati whea h e-t - them in-hahitoti. New, there la a gins te bell, stir la ail at ence one, ETN HE Ilr goti chance fe)r any one ito miucp etf leur. Suir centantly until An errer anti fec a vcry coin- wnnaoyiiatthie wlioie clinga tegetior in ono mion ene, causiog serions dorange- Tisse et ass orbail. Lot ibis paste becomo mient et digestion is oating whon TeeparticeýýLr isianda are etpnriiy cegi, thon atit four unhoatoniroi. -ay pisn bn nte largo, as isiais go, but-very many i egga, ene ai a tinte, antioatng redtirotianti exhastinkfrei abor, et thent are safiei tfoc tho pur-1 woii hetwcen eacb egg. Drop i anti wook, ibaitfooti la waila poeofe a liebinison Cruso or any apoonfuls ou a butrereti pan anti nretiod, wbereaa thec stemai rrariy oihr onye shiprecit roeti arnea, or lbalte about 30 minutes. Wbon cool, ineeda reat. Ih la mesi true', as bias colnyof ,!îpý i(,kedmainesorspli open on coea-ide ant ili. i beoir saiti by an eminent writer on oehr or e wem mighwt ho caIrsi n Prosorveti Strawborrloa -Select the digestion,- a tiroti siomach is a eibon- orieseek -toc ibot purpesoi ofrnaking a home preiiy nsuch eut ichoîcosi t bre niiyaii e atsoab'at ntaie ii nocesariiy very larigo onos,- but per- lng the stemaiich foll et foot!, reat etm ob f bnsy w re. I tiac eci. 1cmi, anietevn ise. Presa the. anti quiet l msinedei.Act1ive, Sene e tentarecny a ace rrainti:orfet1thefruit toc juice tak-j1 violent, exrcise ijusi b(,otro or jusi iwe, oii eeaitýi abveiheofitie, ing oniy whitnp aiy bsoatc tn itiera geet dii i gestin wbie ohor a~ aquate eta mlebei-ries caýn hbei lator ca immi. Jbecause io itlonrge rodveli\- la~~~ dimtrat unn rn biTo cenie peuinti et juice ailew oe dto cibour porti1jon ettt ety quprtera mle or tof la l eg, antiaput tagrat at se1 niiu h tnab ebde quaterorbasetiboiogthladees any jeiiy. Beil tuily 20 mnia prepor aL' hane. breedtbiLl. ïMany etf ibont ar"e ga tteI isuntil asrly-----tim-a--m siructurestibat riso stooply tnom wihtefutslce n'i iweaty te eoentreti foot, weîîwib b ritsltt ni a quai FO OER FiFi'ry YEARS. coertiwth0ibso,-hreh -bîbarouat oet augar .;ati t ibsothon te rî Wioslow's Soetb 1ingSyrip lbas been need by coveed wth.rch oilthr gh wiclthe joily anti bell carefuiiy a f,,, millions etmothers ton ibeir chiltiren wbiie amali frosh wator atreama biurry te minutes noeon exact tinte can be tselhirg. If diatorbeat ni ight andtioeno the s. w h riirh tJie on, -,o-,... <o- - - 1------- _1 _- ___,_ý.ý ý, . brke type cf self-reliant, vigercus and amn bitions Amnericin manhecd . "-Chicago Times-Heraid. ýThe Popular Ohio Nove! by 1-talph Marlowe, ATALE -OI V-ILLAGE oLIE ReaUistie andI Fascinating. Handsornely'Vbound ln bright reçi eloth, golti lettered -12 mus. *1S0 Fo r sale at ail1 bock stores or sentwpk The Saalfleld Publiling Gomipany, Akýron, O0h10. Arpp Yfi ihi~ tir o U i-, ' n ni u ntutniinïglevtcry TUE-,ýSDAY and FIDLAY truhu the seacii wil baveuï- Nowceastle at,........0a . 5 Bw ayl&at M&ni-~ 't Relturring leave Toreato at 5 p. an. Tickets may ho extendeti two weeks upon application te the Purser anti payanent et 25e additions!. Low freight rates. Freight haadied prcniptiy andI carefuily. Fer tickets, excursion rates te any peint on La ce Ontario anti generai information, apply te B. R. HEPBURN\, Goncrai AgYent. H. CANN, Ag-e nt Bcwrnanvîlle, Phone: Main 1075. Geddes' XVhar- - Toont 1 Mite reselnik& Terra-û5I, {fC, pbetegrapbs. i M1r.Wti1ia1viH. jM1icha11 el. Cic which t an exellents oxpboet SteIIClor - swe a rrssiaIg tho xhbi, ba rrat ie a placeeilosbeeeoffon mnes c. Ili l adnfii-i wt 110- nt aeieoat sroni subiiîd t aanoeca inumoetincu-' bation. Thon Oite caterpiliars, issu- ing freni these eggs, rocoive anrish- msent suitable te thoir evolutien. A certain number oethebomosi perfect insocis are prosorveti as reprodeciors wbhiie tbe etbora are asphsyYiatoti anti meunitid. Soeofetthe aroc iasor'ts* ttcb on- ornions sema. A SL'MMýJEI1 IMPRESSION, This weorld's a, Terkisb bath immense Witbie a single heur, Yen tiwolin abettbtameat intpnse Anti thon yen gema a bewer. hir, Çeinacoea. Prinice BDr-i 4ceun, Y Ont. ames:'I 'as reuiet w th - niisIpurhaeain ox r r. ChsuE O"Jint tient, but I bat i utiJe or ne taitint Ias I bati trieti varices remetiles ho- foeoandti tene purp ose . "Noie, imagine bew groat anti joyens n'as my surprise te flat that lest tbo o box curet ime. se ontht the lumfps disappearoti. anti nUe tho oxtennai sweling. I fee1lulie a different man to-day, anti bave netthie icasi denbt that Dr. Chase's Outaient sa-yd in- front a verT ia-agereits anti psanfulcp- oratieti anti many yoara et suffeîing. Yen are ai perfect liberty te use tbis, testimronial " .5yen see fit for the bonefit cf ethers Elislarly afflicteti," Dr. Chaseas Ointmesvc. 60 cents a box, Fit ail deqIelors. or Edmranson, Bates & Ce.. Tononte. foinigbt.latri oatine Mte sedioal prcisei îiig bis uewn r vaîsan......... JeIy 27 San NuroidAa----------A8g B ayitgbt Pai.o............ Ang10 àan R-lAT'lESOKASSGÉ Tire C ic 550 nti psads;itloinS104 jastÂrnwa d Secnd bic$5 e 14,5o i iL ett Laafiisie~l~atnL ~a,,.,, ~ .,..~, ~ .,t ~,or f Lttrs vUft Uetlt5~~&,XX ,rtl~e~O ,17 41iiaUttfl4~, i iifierwsttUmmjrem---w a E ---Thss--excetlisni~ rec~4--nsa~---hy--r-tlse.- tlarMe Z0rm s-~ ,,n,,orr 'r-o. .c'-ec-?sw ~ ~ - - ~- xietertjQr3flLg~1Urîwn - ttit~ait0 StRies hnfflding- - ~ -- a~-obnan IRa Pdllhitrfai Gf% intrr mErù~i-rii,3rwntrsi since thai date la evidont by tho grenier varioty anti importance et the Pan-Anorican tispiay. It la tbe besi yei prepareti by tho Ontario Geoveramont. These interestot inl Ontarieosineral reourcea con ch-ý tain copies efthie lateat reports cf1 the Bureau et Mines, tho descriptive 1 catalogý,ue et the exhibit, anti any1 turîibor intermatien hy appiying te Use supertaitentiont, Mr. F. W. Spol- ier, pi bis office la ibe Mines build- ing. UNITED STATES EX-HIBIT. Tbe varices Ilepartimonts oethie and chlild, mun down-thiere are hundreds-lucky if yen are not one. JAnd wliat do yeu think tliey -at >fley want rest and a change, and can't get either. Fity to speak of it! Scott' s Emnision of cod-liver oil is almost rest in itself!1 SEN.FRinFR££5,5SAMPLE AN. 15V 11. ORCOTT & ROVfRE CEIr. TRNl toc.sar $îoo;ai ldruggiss tint xvtiioJt½r -a- hoRLrutuuiSîaad. - -Tlsatxvuilhda,~aitt -fLn- smsayaxrn- E-s t'PO5tO(lOfçTV~ sQiOOidttSPKand ~r- r. III ' Zi~~1Y.SX~ -~ I ~Wtb 4 ~11~ uEr' ~"t~W~ kfi $r <1Mffl~fTi'W~ on, r-e~ ¶r~tkne flfl~~~m a,~ 'sw nitoedi-pitdcapitrsad Ask h-li ýts ewît sosu.eody eise's nians, yer boner. Write îsîy nm-Le, sale U-iomayer. Write t -e noor's isarnul exciai'ssod the Irisbasan. Me cemmîi torgory, anti going lie i he police I ca't do ht, yer bonor. Ho ivas enrelieti on tue spot. Visiter-Yen nt your brother are twins, are yen net., my bey? Boy- Yes, sir. ht'a bard teobc iwina. tVisiier--Heow it iat? Bey-Wbea tatihor (don1 i-how wbicliîet us tices a th'ing, hoibrastLies sL. Allan Line Agent. lowrnanville. l sq;coesstuily usedimentil y yve? ),000 Ladies. Satfûfeo tuai.Laies ask yýour druogis t for CoatË s Cottes RcGiCos I mttosare dangerons. Ferite2, No. 1, $1 pet Ibox,, No. 2,10 degrees strenger, spe bx.Na. stamps, The Cook Coniy i ndsor, OE LWNos. 1 and 2 soid anaureen Mmenddàb7 ai Jresponsible Ïr:g:istsi: lu ;b BO5T11MM& S7, " ovr & k JULv;:Oroco by J.q% (ILLAN; Sei sti. by LDE- FÂnsUMlý tsL. "M Mf gy