the acre, scattered as cvenly and have mom for only one it is diff i-1~g\r e tmvb ae cut ta, chOûý between English ivy tcover the fertilizer t, Li-te, al- and Virginia ce per, though thp-lat- f TlT','W F I 1 thougli I ha.'rdlyý everî go to that [jil gA e iaems to Le a eneral favorite. EI fllFIft!. 1?tobe ---ne and green in smmre he r For- seul I prefer potato o ed nL ss rrtiu k hjibih ium to srnall sýize and do flot believe es;________________________ in dtiz t~pto~le rot do so Weil at the paýi, nr anmet.Bef, -re the poittuu apa W.e rearuth fuod cuhart, by the yard, ve and beautilul red f1,owers-, i?1 - - --_-1 _ -- -- PANi PP CII waigive it atra. ( g n e d ) C R 1 T N A Y U G He Did Not Think He Coui4 L7e, p Doxplmsion of Canada, Previlnee of On - r- -~ I7Wa 1er Bhop.pae~d, of the T~Wm ~mf ~yCondensed Oxygen---Remarkable Re- ~ ~or~h fGwill4niJi~urY. la t1~e Ceunt~ -~ ~ N S U- M P T 1