Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 19 Jun 1901, p. 4

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MED1CIN.ES. IFollowing, are some of our regular prices on Medicines. Paine's Celery Compound ý75e, Aý ers' ilair Vigor 75c, Ayers' Sarsaparilla 75c, Hood's Sarsaparilla 75c, Dr. Williams' Pink Pis (Genuine) 40e ur 2 for 75c, Dodd's Kidney Pis 40e or 2 for 75e, Butter Color 20c, Cartei-'s Liver Pis 20c, Thomas, lElectrie Oil 20C. We have aiways sold these standard preparations at these prices. This x.eek tu*e ar~e giving Speeial Pr-iees on~ Tooth 13ilisthes fiyrn 5e. to 25e. IMPDORTED - idnley Pis, GOODS special, 20c, Perfect Liver Pis, special, 2 for 25c. TOLE'S WEST END DRUG STORE A. 'Big is notalwavs ths e 0a IMost comfort- aýble-It dependsSo on the fit.& h EVER WEAR "King Qualitty." "King Quali*ty." FIT LOOK vvei I WEAR Choice «of Styles. P~rorrShoe Store,, ~F . oey, Heal Bros. Bowmanivi île. TE-LF-PlONE 5 7. We e just received a very ûice 1111e of Mixed Piekle,î in botties, very chý-eap. Have you trieci that rfeaAy the bet out. Goo ds DlvrdPopl Give Us a Call. Refrigerator For Sale ...... 0 Cboîoe of Twoo, HoealBos BOOR 0S T O RE. Frthe next ionith wie will se' li ail our-Remnants of Wall Paper -for less than cost. Some as large as ten roils with fringes and bords- ers to mnatch, Cheap Books for summer readling' I, ail the best authors, 2 for 25c. Express Waggons and To'y Carts. M1-ammocks, ore weaye. bevvitifully striped'i from 2O uwrs Croquet, wvhch is very popuflar, this year, at $1,00, W, T. Allen, B0WMANVILLE Wfintcd-99 YeungMen te buy marriag iessf-rmm'. AJames. flowmpavillecau furnish the best class ef ladlies for wives, INew Onrlori has plenlty of trsfe grants. IT'S u ilaat)t take that ofde oey t fr L;but it's death to ors f i lkin '4dR. LOW'8 WRM SYBUP, rrIct) 2be» AiU 4elow,. =' .Bowmanville.1 BOWMANVILLE. JIUNE-19, 1901 WEST DURHJAM ELECTION. The fellow -who essayed to bribe a West Durhamr yeomiani with a bag of oats must have had the vice of bribery pretty thoroughly in graîned .- Toronto ~Star. A coreal storv from West Durham~ show. that a vote was worth a bag of oats during the Dominion eloctiot.- Toronto News. When Mr. Thornton decliued to sit because of the iliegal. act of a supporter, who, if the evidence against him bo true, ought, to be punished, Mr. Beith could have gono on with his techuicality. --Mail and Emàpire. H-ow can a man sit without a seat ? Mr. Beith had-no more, to do with the technicality than the Editor of the Mail had and has declared from tho day of the protest that hoe w culdn't accopt the seat on a technicalîtY. What in the namoe of common senso does the Toronto Telegram mean ýby Isaying: Accorç1ing-. te the lowest -Standards of worIdly wisdom it; wasý bad uo1itics for the West Durhami Liberals to trow away thoîr chances of dofeating Mr. Thornton after ho had been uinseatod."' What has been "throwu -aWoay"-We-cannot imagine Why bas thoe Telegramn said such naughty thiligs about the Liberals down hero any way ý It bas beeni cal!- ing- insultin- namoes and throwug vile epithots at us for woeks. Wehat bas Soured our spicy contemporary against us? It Seoets a pity imau so much good rnonoy has boon wasted ln law costs, ýbut West Durham wilI uow have a chance to make au honest choice of a representative in the House of Coin- It was charged that thore was a cor- rupt bargainbotweon the Independeuts of West Durham and tho Conservatives but no proof wvhatever of suçch a bar-' gain w-as fQrthcomug.-To2,onýtc Week- ty Sun. The Sun editor is doecidedly ln error. The proof of said bargatn w-as forth- gomiugMr. Tona.thràough i bi Icounrsol stopped the, trial on this case aftor the ovidenco was called fol, andC Secretary Power w-as lu the box. The, potitionor reluctantly couseutod t o drop further proceedings w-hon roquest- ed by gr. Thoruton's lawyer. The Court has silenced the sillier, section of the Tory press, which bas boon roiteratiug that the Liberals stole tho West Durhamý seat, by- deciding that the olectio n1 is void' by reRson of Tory corruption. lIt is now eviîdont w-hy thoe organs wanted Parliament to give Mr. Thoruton the seat. if thore is onte îhing which the Tories hate more than another it is tO have t'o face the Iligb Couirt fJstc-H - ÏNSTANT RLE arnedbr ,n Mi lBURVN'S STiffi14NG EDAH POWDI"ïeRUNo tpsigaor1T. Mns. R. Stoddtard, De,.ii, Norfolk County Otwsiles as fnoUow-"I w-as troublotiw-flEczemna co'Sait Rlieum ~for over fw-olive years, antitrigthaf f imadotoe 'Iifh four dt1fereiit-pl-.z sicians-l, 1bUt1founti thaf fhe co 1ultioniy give z-empo,,rary relief. 1i aaw- Dr. Chase's Otuiiment adverlsei,- decideti btry Il and isefore I lad useti hlf a box found great relief antichng.AI- fogetlier I-lave useet tbee boxes and ams now- corpletely cureti. 1 bave re- commeudeti Il tornsy neigîbors, anti can say it Io the best 1 ever usd, anti ln my estimation w-omiS Ifs weiglf lu The keen mimevy Whlch many3 endure from tbe tortures of sairn diease la most aPPaillng, and .o1much flic wr. because it ha unnecessary. Dr. Cliaae's Olimrent st4nds alone as tlie one un- failing remiety for Salt rleum, ezemna, ocald heati anti every Cormmocf tfehing aih isae 60 cents a byox, at ail deai- ers', orEdaen Bates & C. Tor- O l nt me0nt Il bas heen a weil-known tact bore sinco election night tisaITisornton's alleged majomity was obtaiued by cor- rupting lise lectors, isenco tise persist. ency wi w-hicb bis returu bas heon opposed claiming at the samne lime that tise tecisnicality w-as coutrary 10 the Statute goveraing tise malter at issue. rise Toronto Globe says, discussiug tise West Durhsam protest, tsaI il w-as decided 10 allow tise election 10 be de- clared void on tise charge of corruption by an agent, Mv. Thoruton 10 take no appeal and tise petitioners against bis eleclion not 10 pvoceed witb ti untried charges. Tise fact that tise trial would bo prolouged at, a cost of $300 a day was among thse considevations Ieading 10 an agreement. The proof of corrupt practices bas show-n tisaI Mr. Thoruton w-as nover realiy entitied to a seat lu Parliament... The election w-as pro. tested on thse grounds of bribery and corruption by agents, and Mr. Beitis ciaimed thie seat on tise grouud tisat bis oppoiient, had not been nominated. This w-as 10 bring tise malter before tise court, for Mr. Beitis publicly auuounced thtiehowouid not accept tise seat on any legai techîicaity.-Globe. Mr R. Beitis having witisdraw-n: bis claim tb the seat tisere - wil ho al uew election lu West Dumbaam. Should ho again bo a candidate, Mr. Reis w-lulu ail probabiiity, ho elected. Tise Tory press boom Mr. Thoruton as au injured person, and ask forý bis re-eleclion, as thoug ie hiad a rigist 10 it., We w-ove amoàg lise number w-ho thougist'Mr. Tisornton olntitied 10 tise seat, but we bad no idea of bis majoritY beiug oh- Iained by unblusbJing corruption. To speak ofis gailant figist for bisrigbts," as tise World doos, andi bis "1winning tise- admiration of thousands." is thse veriest trasis, inasusucli if Mv. Reish w-ove in bis position,ise would ho souud- iy abusofi for thse practice of some of tise Most flagrant acîs of corruption -Osu- (iaa Reformer. Wardeu Rickard and 'tise other Counties' Councillors for Ibis'iding are against saddiing tise ratepayers witiste cost, expenso of management and support of a County flouse of Mef uge. Thore is amucischeaper way. Commissioner M. A. James applied bo Couuiý.ies' Council for authority bo improve tise surroundings of West Durhasm RMgis1tmy office. il is tise only oxclusively counties' property lu 10w-n and tise condition of tise fonce and grounds is anylhing but a crodit 10 our beautiful tow-n Dr. W.E. Tiliey, Inspector of Public Scisools, presonited bis semi-annuai re- port to tise Counties' Council and tise members w-ove so weil pleased wits the suisjoct malter of il tisaItb ey unanim- ousiy agveed 10 ils publication lu tise minutes of tue Juno session. Il con- tained sm information tisaIw-e hope 10 pubiis in a future issue. Tise numb or of pupils attouding Public scisools is decreasing for some roason. Can an11 ono expiain wby? Ocoan trips 10 Engiaud and velurm mav h b1ad Tory cbeap this yoav. M. A. James,, Bow-manvillo, 15 quotiug vo- tumu rates very low. Papecial Midsum- mer Excursion, 10 Liverpool by First Cabiu for only $40, or to London for1 $1.50 extra, Glasgow- $8.65 w-bore tise. Great, International Exhibition is lu progmess. For $100 a person can gel cabin passage from London speud a w-oek or ton dave seeing tise sigisîs and returu-nllu a mionts. This lise hast1 chance offoed this year so far for oceani trave.llinL-.1 Tow-nsip Cou ucils lu Durham w-i do w-ail 10 maize veady 10 provide for their indigents uow- conflued lu the Gaol Refuge at Cobourg. flore is a clause of tise report adopted aItishe Junei session:' "Your Commi ttee beiug unable hoeis n practical moans' of estais- lisiing abof o refuge at'peet w-ould advise bisaItishe action of Ibis Council aItishe Fobruarýy session ho stvictly adisered to, aud tisaIlise Cierk ho instructed to notify Clerks of tise minor Municipalities tisaI they must be1 pvepared to receive and take cave of their poor or indigents at gaoi -attise expiration of their commitmnent . Warden Richard while baving *1 1u view-tise interests of theo United Count- les' asa w-iole sisowed hy bis Dersistencv in thcEqualization Comnmittee, at Co- bourg aItishe June session that Clarike auNecRtb le er narls _isearît. Ho did figisI iard, and no0 mistake, to slecur),e a ýon.sidevablo reduction in their assesmnt.Oneoer-w-arden said "Mr, Rtichkard bas alw-ays beedi iarping about New-castle and Clarke's assess- ment over sînce ho( came 10 tise Count- les' Council"" w-hon tise Warden retort- ed "I have very good calise for doing ne gal igo dvo Ma. lay tho sof ed. w. C E. Ion lis Va- ýed te, of iev.- Ibo. lPI- the lce the blic by tho im nd- of. tho oir on- ilt- as ceil 'o- .lp Ur.1 ro! tho [e- ed. jed Est en, 'ho 7as gie Sof! n. dle nd1 of ne vn. 1~AMFOR SALE-771 acres of goocl F2laudmbeing a part of lot 18, con. 7, Darling. ton. On premises are -a trame bouse witli food cellar, frame baru wifb atone foundafion, sfraw barn anti lay barn joining twoyoung orclartis of 8 acres, 65 acres arable, balance pasture. Possession to suif. Smail paysnent tiown, Apply to L. A. Toaz, Boivranville, or A. HANA, Peferboro, 22-ff LADIES 0F BOWMANVILLE, I bave êcdeCàýd 1 s tay lu 10w-n for tise summor oer until MY daughter gels strouger anid w-ll go ouI sewing hy the day or take il lu the bouse just as suits au y customers wisiug my services. Al ordors left aI Mrs. Wrigistmau's King st. Yours reSpectfuly, MRS. A. N, Gï,FORD. 22-4W UMONUMENTSI Best M tras Prices Iteasonable, E R. BO*UNSALI, 15 BOWMAN VILLE-, Tý , Drags on but spriug 15 nigh and with spring cornes thouglits, of new Wall Paper, Window Shades, Cur.. tain Polos, Pictures, MIrrors i,.. Framos. 1 have anunsurpassed stock bý suit aJi tastes am cleireunmsfi nes. You wili 11e3surprise ac m-y Wall Paper. Tisose W-ho have, seeii the stock say "A Most slnddas- sortment and so eep.", Sample. books of twofatre for anything extra special1. If you wish il y ou eau control a pattern. My usual stock of Stationery, Booksi Scisool Supplies,- F a n c y Goods, etc., very complote, The account for drawing water to ODD FELLOWS DECORATE. For pimples,blotches,bad complexio the gaol lu Cobourg wil cost the Huod's Sarsaparlla is the medicino couinties considerable over $100 for five "Love caste gariands on the grave that muay tk-thsetbihdti at months and not one of the councillors net bloom again." _______s_____shd hi fct beleve, s fr a w- kuwtha thre Florence Nightingale Lodze No. 66, Th was roal cause for the spending of: a IOý 0. F., had a beautiful day for their Cute'Cucldcddo .dolar AnwaytheCouty roprtydecoration ceremony on Wednesday proedure with which w-e docidely d dolar Anw-ytheCont PrpetyJune 12. The brethren of the Three a1ppiv4e, namoely, gîving instruction1 Committee reconûneuded: That the ýLinks turned out in full regalia and Mr. . H. Holland, Counties' SollicitO: drawing of water to the Counties goal marched te the cemetcvy headed by the to take proceedings to quash ail iIlegi be discontinued on the first day of July, Dominion Organ Batud and marshalled commitments of indigents lu the reçug 1901, and after that the water for drink-byîr.EL es.'oyood at Cobourg. This action may invol, iug purposes shall bo boiled and that b ino.edL. their rot n e lla he cute utemnosep the Clerk notify the Sheriff to this very fn ntorpty n0w rgai. Se urevto ,inigo nos xone effect. We w-ould recommend that A large number of citizens and fiend s S ero lugetsi question ma fromt the country wore at the cemietery bottersev on their terras at t w-bat ever shight repairs noeded at the urahn hc ag ce w-as Couutles' expense, than run chancesi goal be leftinluthe -bauds of the em-nfonrmed hnw-ih a-arge lad potoda hall dozen 11gb Court suits thati muissionor. flowering plants lu the centre. Twenty. oui u ogod to auyone concerne( Iu the Juno minutes of Counties' niule deceased brothers were remema frersbered and as each name w-as read b)y If you noglect the aching back, Council thore have appeared vor ier- Mr, Anthony Mitchell, acting secretary Uriary rublevo anddable foliov freim 17 to 25 unnecessary pages, vr a brother recited or read t es f DasPlrolie a efe tually blank ones, for w-hich the print- seitr rperslce ln nd Cure overy kidney ill. erihas beon paid tho samoe price as for srptur o horperlaetheda lant The If y ou are troubled, try thomu. printed pages. M -Jmscle h baud played, several seleetions,, Bro, INTERETN RIAINSPVC attention of tho Couricil to the worth- Rd. Allen, chaplain, offered prayer, al RSIGODNAINSRI less expenditure and moved a resolut- jolied lu sluglug that appropiFiate bvn Th rintonorav . rn ion to discontinue thoeopages, sayiug "nloi lu(ess" nd honthomem the pam-phlet would be more compact hor1s a1&ssigned to the duty dispersed toGenaaadiduto asptr aud coniveulent without tbcm, but to «crt h rvs ftr2 iutsTiiyCnrgtoa brblu th bissurrie oly bre o for embrstho bugle es il re-assexubled thse breth- towfl took placeThray The coti supported thie motion. T'je thought to ren w-heu after more musieby tht band c tint~ the after)1oou anld trausactE hiimse-if thlat iîf the 'Indivîdual members Bro. Fred C. Kydd, Noble Grand, dle-th busiÏness, Mr. H. 0'Hara, Tor ont la opyotof their own pocketsfor lvrdasial drstehm a former highly estee3med member, Isadeýr to y- ou ntps150,$0 Aiewt ewssug-leclpa this-chÏurdib-eing chairian,_ and -Re, the renpt s theey a$5r$11~bd aeiv me" w-asundthehaplain Melville A. Shaver, Cobourg, Scribi f > blukpags. ffred maclosigaytete andgte reth- Later the ladies served a very temp Mr-,Win. Rickard, Warden of, these mnarhdbctoheodeom, Ing supper, lu -thse school romu, th United Counties, is the Liberal Can- DARLINGTON TOWNSHiIP TRIAL. tables being verv attractive witb ni( didate, for the Local House for West linon, china and flowers besides tl Durham and any porson who has read Mr W L Law owns and resides on Lot 25 Con good'things served therefmom. A publ his able address at the laIe sessio)n of 4, Darlinglon lie also owns the soutli 140 acres mneetig w-as beld lu the cisur of Lot 16, Con 3, Darlington, whiec ise i î1 vnn rsdd o of the Counties'Council, w-i say that works, necesstatiag his going between sa lu theeein pridd oo ho is ust the man for the place. Ho farmns frequently The original road aiiowance Mr. O'Hara. The choir opened th wiI h smehln mrethn avoiu las nve be opened between lots 16 17 andi 18 service with an appropriate antbe macine-Port Hope Guidte. Ho Laweindtandellig betwee luhis orc105te after whicb Rev, J Lambert Alexanr wrote tisat addreos imiiself 100. The souintole eibird con lune and up again to t9co r, Middleville, read the lesson and Guio s sigtl lueror arenbouse on lot 16 The house on lot 16 WaS about fo.red prayor. The minutes of tE Guid is ligtly n erorWardii mile from flic third con line,'which causeti *Rickard bas not-yet been tondored the bim to travel a nIle each way f urflcr than if Concil were read by ReV.M.A. Shave Inomination, isence it bas not been ae- he cOuitiget through the 4th con Uine if it were and thse laying-on-of bauds w-as coi ceptd byhim.- Hemakos a capital 0uleu euuig lots !7 andi 18 Thse Cunecils 1- ducted by Mev. Dr George, principalî cete b hm. Hoabout 20 years bavesystemaatically reinse te t Canada Congregationîal Collge, Moi Wardeu and receives much credit from open tbe road on tle grounti that the experse of the other members for bis prompt and building a road on that fine by reason of there real, w-ho offered thse prayer and we careful attention te Counties' business. being a bat swamp or muskeg averagsng over assisted by other momibers of Coune ______________5 feet dieep, aitogether out of proportion to the ativantages gatned-that practlcally Mr Law present. Rev. J. P. Gerrie, B. A., 'I COUTIS' OUC11., wouldibe the oniy one whowould useit The ronte, editor of thse Congregationalig COUTIE' CUNCL.council fortifieti by the opinion of its ativising extended the right baud (.f fellow-shi counsel that the openlng of a bigliway iliat The report lu our last issue closed neyer bas been opened was a mnatter entirely in a very cordial address te Mev. Mi witb Warden Fickard's address upon iunIlie discretîon of the couni themselves, andi Greenaway. Mev. T.B.llyde, pastor( wbicbholibahs been generously compli. neitber jutige nor jury nor any court in the the Northerui churcb, Toronto, gave Ih Province coulti it in judient on Ds discretion ebtemnseadRv r meuted. Fully haîf of. the time eltiser nor rcview uts acta, decidetitathie roati shonîti charge etemnscad Pi inu councllil sessioQr »gCommittee o tise nofle opened Mr Law for about 5 yearshlas cipal George tise charge to tise peopl w-bol w-as dvtdt dsùsô of ba ci gtin I&ooigo leroatiEc drs onandmcssn antilubas mat-e if a perfect fad ÂIffer mue h equalization of tise assessment 0f tse 'trouble lie got a Toronto so!;hiitor, tiie county prciu ieA nd was u;stiled t several municipalities. Exceptiug a attorney, a Toronto co)unsel to aià,hlm and withi much pleasure by ail assemblec slgtadjustrment between Hlaldimand Iilaunchet a criminal prsecufion against the Rov. W. J. Jolliffe, B. C. L , extn siigbt co~euncil, which was t aiCbourg before o bisitofth ebde and Cramabe no change walb made, but a Judige and Jury iasf Tuesday, WVe.inesday greetings o eil fteMtoi tise Counciliors were iustructed by Tlnrsday and Friàlay anti resulteti in a verdici congregation and Mev. B. H. Hayder resôlutiou te meet tise tow-nsbip concils of "Not Guilty" lieing refurneti The ativice M.A.. on behaîf Qf tise Disciples. Th given the Council by ifs solicitor -cas fuliy lu misir Divisions 'and ask tisem to uplielti anti the jury were foiti by fIe presla- synaphsony Quartette sang liRockedi agreo on a f air rate at w-icb thoy w-lu tng Juiige ta l,,ic discretion of tlic Concil was tise Cradie of tise Deep" and a trio wa recommeud tise assessment ho fixed, supreme_ in regard to a roati whicl hati neyer i eySung by Mr H. J. Kunight au We repaat the figures Warden Riekard benoeciW sa'nevrtopoueMse Margaret Climi ndMg and pulisb niext week a colpy of tbe charge ofni strulif as a basis for adjustig West the u tit igehîl contains flic law on flic suli- T lait M.Genwa sagaut Durham w-ich w-e considor are nut far 7'ts s ebIlieve itlai mosi important, that tise Conlgregational Colege, Montre; astray, f lieopubL ihave an authoritafive state- 1avad comeos witb igh recommendaîil astayas ollw-s Mte per acre-metfth position of unopened roatis. Darlington $40, Carke $36, Cartwright TiR.ED MonEs-It's bard work t0 Ho b'as already show-n cousideral $35, Hope $S6, Cavan $85, Manvers $25. take caro of children and to cook, w-asb, ability lu bis pulpit ministrattonts, au The aggregate assessment for Durham sw-oop. sew- and moud bosides. It makes isvory enîbusias.tic lu thse formation( County cannot ho reduced as that le a sbop of tise home-a .sbop, t00, w-here a Boys' Brigade. We ecordialily teicoM flxed by Statute at, $15,000,000, lidopen. sixteen bours make a day and yot thero Mev, and Mvs. Greouaw-ay 10 Ibisîowr dent of Port H1ope w-hic is 1 fixed aI is, mucisworking ovortime. Hood'à 81,250,000, What 15 roally wanted is a S3arsaparilla belps tired mothors, lu Chpld ren Cry 190r ,ab: adjueLàmenoftsseeamuii many ast refresises the blood, !m- pa1itios aI rates thatý wiil produce opvsthe appetite, and assures restful! E~~" prope tota. aiep. %0 1 aIMe Y June CIothing --June month a man generally needs a change in the way of lighter Cloth- > -ng-a Flannel Suiit, a Summer Coat, a Light Tweed Sit-anything as long ___ as it w111 keep him cool. You can give yoxfac ree scope here. We'11, overwhe1m you with varietg ad on't strain your purse. E Olothing. Megnls Flannel Suits in nice gray sisades wis stripe running tisrougis, made up swel; a ceap and cool Suit, for 8 6.00 Mfen's Ligist Tweed Suits, made up wibis good Italian linings, neat trixmi ngs, good fitters, w-orth $6.50, for-- - $4.90 IlMeIR Skeleton Summer Coats lu fine homespuns, -linons and lustres. -You should sec our SOLID ENGLISHI WORSTED COAT; tise price is smail, $3.00O -fëMen'ks Imported, Euglisis Worsîed Suits made u p in tise latest style, clots, shrunk before il is made up, guaran- teed fltors, tailor's price would, ho $16,.00, ours .-$00 S Men'à Fine TweedSuits iu tise newest patterns, Frenchs faced, good farmer satin linings, stvong Irimmings; Boys assSuits, aea niclte aàîmote ra g od b88it0 for$. tià'WseSuits, are ta go iteras ls e priceaiooSud o$,0 o -- - $ Strw hveMen's Furnishings, 58 S Mens Sra ats, w- e a range starîiug -as isigi s $1.50 down te 25e S Men's W. G. & M. Shirts lu ail tise new styles and patterns. Tiseveis notbing cooler than one o! tisekW G. &R. soft body Shirts ut à'-1$1.00 -' Men's Sof t Neglige Sir ts, a sw-ell assortment We have, nice ones at 5- 0ew M1en's Zepiser Braces, pure whsite, nico BiÉace for thse hot weatiser 25 Boots and Shoes.- _.Ilenj's Dongola Boots, 59 pairs wortis $1.75 pair, for$,3 Mýen's% King Quality or MePherson Union-made Goods, swell fitters for mon wiîis perspiring foot in black or tan, 35 ,,.Worsted Suit to Order for $8.50. *John Mc;Murtry, Caýsh or Trade for Produce, Seed Corn and T Ji,8-e1 t CLOeT. CahIfr ol

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