DU.L.I. POTTER. iDffce ard resldence,ChuirclîSt .,oppn2ýite Trlnity CorgregatioeLal chnureb, Bowmauville. 215-605 MlISS ETHEL MORRIS, AiI'IST. IrFtrcictone given inlPA.INTING 1i tW~c ~Ir2id~ta Sketciitng an~d ni g ut iusual prires 1.05 DR. J. C. MIITCHELLSCj MEM BEP.0F C0L'EGEOF 1'YnTj N mand Sur geonse, Ont.trio,Coroner, etc, Ridnia. KecikiUa74~ ThîZcv. Dr0. Talmage Speïaks mi the Amioyances of Life. _______________________-11v. Dr. Talmoge prearbIeti froctise' get god sexv,*P.e(andtiut keep il is A.E.MoL]5UOLLI,,filowing- tout s "Tise Lord tiiy Got on'eoft tise great qietci' os cs f thet Barrister,Soiicitor unýi Ce-v cyanror. Otise- 'I*. roagýýntty. Scmtuans's it cay b' the"tor Birskiey liioek, iog 'tret, imissb.G. Jar:l snt tise hme.'-iu.vii. r~i~yct icosteaecs e Mony t ba ut ouosubl raes. 46 r5,t 21.euplcyeýrss, bht -vahatever b2 the tact, Inu ïy tuai. th-,horu -i. flics oit ca w e avIli admit, tiere are these in c- ItOBEIi4 OUNC- 'V. S.m ion i. as'i ' twCp ncujaa se s w.tnging tiseir w ay et (X ss1uu IN WEST DURHAM NEWsl'trom3tisescul1naryistaepartinent.fIf îLe B, Llock, ahere iim.uref or lite a3s5t5iiiiiwiii swfin iÉis ailticU and ioaidut i s ] recm e th uinaLu uprlutisenheart of letonndfrs.snSa. m. toOp. in. Niguit ni' ttl'.i ts tot..is teic:ture te man or the boursekeeper. she canet m ita terpicor erîipotî irive bhod.Caiât-Y hast .Wc have al ceeu tise cattie hber eqn:',iîbrium.n The m:n reine houle teilîcun. 1-1Yr. ruLellosilaunsier the r ut. ot ts aitilht antihear the atory of tise ýn tAIRrat luboue J u oed e sandiscru -troubles are very lttie thtugs. A dîeoer.cai u Sus Dc~sa-~'sati iFd~usly' ueokinJ er rhe globular 1~are sînali, email as craspos, b-at Rutt sud Cor of Ontario i oiiexsis.vxlle. i3il t hne.q' fiaujthue treebiaach, andti iLy sslng. whl î,wee ioicikia- at tise w onsier- 1 have noiced in uthe histery ot ARMLAGE Lil'FS-.A. tui rpaoruord coveoing, wo were 0e Of etMY congregution that riseir 1xcFs seer os Marlage Licensee.s. i.uck a 3ii etiisg îist sont us an yan-'e. are muiti;plying, an t îLt e. tb'y bave a batndreti ahero tbey useti Reâdece; Centre heliee. sisriekînuJ axxay. The3 hornet gees sn la have ira. Tise natualiIsi tell,3 us six aras, . It Las captains, cicr ban- tLou a waesp scmetimes Las -a tamiiy SIMPSON &t BLAIR. dretis, andt tenuv cf îhem alighttag cf taxeuty tho',sand wxasupo, antiA uteos D. 1i. SIMStiON, Q. C., CHAS. P. BlAIP.. o n mn- I rdc cranseai as if every annoyarcocf Barrist is;, Slitors, heuartes, etc, îxs-i' . 0 mn wi ruae eisan ll bread'ed a Million. By the Isieck, utsstai-s, iig Street. ItîwiniVlie, tdea L h. 1'îL e Fi-ifSaitemped ette 0hcr oIt Gost to-day, 1 w-uni. teset in solitirs for tîle Citaîte Bauk. Privai e sýri pdt - moneys leaied aieueet si es coquer a Chre7jtirin cdry, but tbe e- a counteir current. T'a' hernet is et pliants anti the, b'ýaei.on i-h iLtise1n uue f Oàye i ! The nainralist Persilans rode waere ussaulieti hy the' telle u3s thay are very important in DENTISTRY. stL' wurviTd'.s eceony; i.h'y kili spiders, G. .3ONNYCASTLE, L. D. S,D. D. S, oui s a, .eavsl am andt Ly rieur tis'atmosph'ýre; sud I Houer G isidate ii in nii'try of Toronto Uni- I brokea up, andtheibeisiegeti city avas realiy b'Eýeve Gat sends tis' anueyF- xermily. Opscîcsr-0ver Concis. jolinston and I Cy deimn'âsatore. Bowmaivil. 1rslyr. 'rcn Ti. £isibnmn2ng anti noxiolls noces etfour Ilc up3mnus tekilI the _____________________________ sseci. ctang oui. tihsHittites antisiede i'sulat ecerts xtMusph're to te tis'skies. Tises2aun- it.F.IIUTEIthoe CanaanýLies trone their country. noyancels are seut ou us, It tbnk, te AR ITl F. 1TBJTEIZ, OT M7Yiai. gieamiog swnýrd anti chariot cf. nakc us frem our i'-thargy. 'Tisere Publie Coneaeer. Money. Prîvat e asic] xx r cosalti nidaccipili w-as donc Ls notiing tisai. iak -os, a suai s uliiaeuy 1-1- - - - ,,iý..,o , --aia est of ',rciluu,- 'su,,t o" sandc f Uýomtai' nm i ecna oWlOý~t i~ by the pua-tureolfetan inseci.. The~i'tstî'eaunncsari- OFFICE&S: Ring St.,î opostieDr. iiideii c1tikthttepanyacs r n Dental iteume, Bonmsnville. 13-6m' Lord seint the boruet. ten det te p'ýrýsuad' usetf tise tact that My frientie, vbeu ave are a'-sauited tiss5 id, net a 'savirit for us te stop TO EN y grea t Behemcsit.sset trouble, av0 in. If -) L;ad a b2d et everythirsg Dý thet axas attractive anti tint antieasy, n . on gond mort-b ,ý-"oms ecisvalie, and waisassa ait n ai. w-eut ae w ant etfiscavin ' ai otiseet c istiiet cin,; we gelon thehigi-msettied Lhik that bthlliaw-troc senis ýth, 16 -6tc. se o u organihrit o hl th' dcvii sentiti a ra ary hare i. iss, ati if tisebornet. I1 -ui.te correct your ac lyuLchsae acousemeut arogerth;e,lngy. "Tise Lord sent the iser- anti bettor tlsac w honaxe -%ient in. jTL'-n I tiik theae anueyauros' conue ~ENTITS. Lt aies 1 for th, iÎnecti anaoy- ta us ita, ruituma our parience. In the aîsof;et lte se c tee s lu cmxiigyn myo fnuprght prailu' Wii Leat iacstelcOictis ilet ~sot-these tisings w iheout any avr-t- cadi, otL'-r for tL' p'-gs te Le put Mnnday et ac menth, eoteefirein duîsoss w ibht-uhe guits, andti inl. TLeu tise gyarna5]t takes a peg 10 a.nm te 2 p. e anti at Nev.'cactle n--7 dges, anti the flics, anti tise wa lin eicis bantianti b' begins te clinib, from 280 te 5.30 p. n. on tise secend idasti iLs' iseois. la otiser avertis, -,ieuoe tncis ai a time, bseginnir-g, or tv blna feach meicth, au alsiggauyf ee or three luches, uandigetiing Lis il tendlluy et anoace O tirengtis rultureti, reacis atter Os'icm,,-Temperance St,, Bowmiau- ciii life aîLichi drive us ot ansi use îxh' tise ceiling. Audtit soones te villerea-r oet Hi.ggtbotisam's dru.- store. sas up. Iii the Lest ceindiinet ifet, me tisai theýse'annoyan'ceî in lite iara ________________________ for ceai'5 grand unti gleriOu purpose a morel gymnasisun,, cris vrriment Gcd liassucnt tiheisoroot. La psg axth avîich wae are te cliib I remark is, ise tiret place tisat b'gLeranisibrlCritaata- D E NST "Y tûese --mail anti stiogiog auaoyanees ment. _Wo aitini te 1e'e patient.s, maylroc' ' - in esane et a senisitives but it mniot b' culÉuroti in faim fierions organization . People wiso are aetheýr. 'I. is a cbiiti ef storm. If C. IIARNDEN, L.D.S. prostrateti ussld'r typuut.d fevers or vou Lad eoxu-ryi.isng desirsîb' anti ax-lu breiken hune'ý gei pieoi.y et sym-i rwaas nati fi more to g't, xrbat 4îmdutc of thée-Royal C'-iirgeofe Dental Sur paiisy, but viso pitie.s anyu-dy tisai. îu'ulti you w-uni. witb patience? The geisc, Otaio is nervon, ? Thso dotors say, anti tishe oly t'me, te culture t is avisn yen famiLhy aey, e ec ry body ,ays, "Oli, or'lý ed alsut anti ciai.tid, andti c, OlFClii~Oîs-oateExsueeOB ,hc'ts ca nly ai rlie nox-oas ; tias a Lait tiad. I. jusitaioD ~rjuciî VITALIZED AIR al" Tis' 'ouzud et a beavy toct, tu-' trsuuil' ,te fit u3 tnr u-sefolness anid ___________________________harsis clearing- et a tisrat, a dis-or d1 'xsn bnlyquetstion is, aývise- in muse-i, an inharcnuny ba cnthe t-î ae shall tait' ilt in tis' bulk, or cicaal andt ibeîgiova on tie se an,e cor- isulacriretianti granulatei. ecre is sou, a ciit an xrer, o paeeig e-Lee ian w Le til u in the bulL. Ris ONTA IO ANR the xi rlo reistise eesr, aoyonueet! 'c se e reken, or hist eyesighst put roctusues tel do a Generai Banking Busine3ss ut en tIllcsanti ,nnoyance, opens tisei oui. or Càee' oi.isr acixfui calaci.y b-e- £avinvlle Agos cy. de ut tori'tise borner. Tise fatriDs, tbait alhi hl; xx ii' tisu vusimajoerity et tise ssi. mojoirity et the peeplu in, peoGiple taLe ltis s ib ingplce-mou], DEPOSITS tthis country ,arc overw-ork 'd, and t ? 0f ceusse ici pecoe-aceailoDtter iîeceivsd In Sairigs Bank Dfepartment and ' tiseLi neuves are ftics tiret te giu'o eu L'hc a wi e rhv literet aslisxî'iai lîrreisi raies. Netes of!I A gis-at multitude are nnd"r thei' ave tire aebing teetl tisun eue brok- ithdrawa)lnaotrecessary.. AU depositslpay able jstrain uf Leyden, axho, aihon La aas enii ja. In tits mstt'-r et troublýe, I usa demnaîd ttlib i ii] untsi fi~tt like 'tineueopatisic doses-s-mail pci- EXCIIANGE ~ne. stop xorking ari]' bs xvii-,in_______________ t'cgh arS cîas bbftîssedspn Breesi*cLpour pbysical heaith ie b' aulti uitîd ftu tc] riCujisdu.,aise Gale Six-er anc] die; -- lc tor, arbiser I lus e or tuel iiutcd States Qîceiiacls buaigit and seld. tis eiclc o ketlsep,ing round, anti COLLL~TIONSthiosugis 1 mauy bc tisseppointeti in it, 'il b-fore I tie Itinn'i surps sir: Fro~~sy uadeutcrreutute pori ali parts\Villiamn Joues in protouint Oriental -frono rCataa. leUstdtae nihD-lieruture, mîsy no, tarOu reuf forl Telegrapli Traîmfer u ex-or profai' a brtrr. 'EIliese, ' I o hv ,o Telegrpli Taiisfrs cSesituve poisons cf whiom. I spuaki Haetfc Jougýs'emas.,s m01on ciparts of Suive bieediiug senss-tiveacss. Tise Lies Lknow it You catleda. 'lbi,, tcpeeitlly advartageonnsto Per- love te *ýfLghut ou ,aor ring raax, and klo i sf'use lia-h g iniluiiteba or thse Noeth-We','it t et cccpeol' r ietb aant makes 1îls'fîis ax'alable at once t the place - abouartiLeib Cnthnee et pAYMcisî. spokeca ef in the tout, or in tberco-- ' - aboufeelieg Fer otherpamticnlars ral ut.the hauik, toui-tiey bais a aery thî[a dorer-- ev feln A. J. MCusCtLA,cs GEtI. MctILL, in and are vuînerable ai. ail poet. intse.oîah h Arroi tai Malisager nitb od eitise ninet." formation of gash ________________________Agate. hahse msm ssl t anny-j - ancs ic. my ern" te a' in the sisape nausea, sick hecadache, RELIABLE oft rieauls sandi s'-uaiuitarces, xio are and general weakusess of RELIBLE 'Hieryss ae Ceai-' pcoîsl. th t c rare W N E .. MEN awysayn diugeaseiig the whole body. n ey oicality thiouglisCanadla te introdilce as.t iu'cxxith for bslî an heur hu L yuYeu ca,'thave ita week ,lui gocîls, ts.rkti k uts hw ardli osatrces, tfoscelcrotiantieomtori.ed. Thon wtotyurb1 d ucîscîes.,qIle ndaun sd alit ensptenorîs uaces, itisrasmooi.erpoole isa cnne b iln tsifliii.g 'esali u'tverîasing matter. beinircote popeyo imotb uisî'isuor siarflsytoaper iaîenîh antd lu jth isein ue bu fuse yonu te - in ipure and your exp seinto I xeerd $2.50 iper day. Steadys orohie 'They do not ti-i.urb ynu, bult nerves aIl exhausted. s empnieuîeî t teilcu, soiie,,t, iellabte ne NoIte sigyat u cc Te hr' utoermd experîse cettoedfl. îriste for fuît paîîî.nurs. tilc1 seatthher p ailris' e ymss a'sizsîcls tise for yoî Empire Medicine Co., London, Ont. gch"stps epin ani putitj. 'Tii ,y 5-'sris ____________________________Or up all tis'adverse erisicinose asout _________ ler personi, ahouot oui busc'-3Sej and thcy maka foir car tise sunneit 'jute w Ls'hih y pour il. T'Ilî-taauis hc t 1y -xhýýiiticy tell fuuas licugia PR M L' S1. U iths' I½'ýk cet ut ; -Naeiaent Afs~/'aLs "lcw en re lovnt- forts Leautiful anti xx jUte bo nctThr' nohgne Wrfe-t or inîc.--.tine be-kosof .'-itiîy esiese n o-tad ins.e mouS nusi a rosgho sketch or suodel ofSwi n-? 0 r ut, oî ~a au e wterl - 1 ci Li hi aahl cerne aboutu gad I ~~ ~ yu betet c mpocrsii os w ii ztm aituax cd, auît --sick, anti pa. r. isieeîîmepinceeths-Uer ii p eta'Ily iX Lhact i: icb 'frioatudo v hen eretto i.'Twas i haeIa1, RejecteS epff5c'uparenthaseetoenk ccisuu'fiiy Plccattb u.ac au'ri i- iy ie i t an old Sarsaparilla befoî'e cunduct tuliy eqotppcc]offices in ':Itiitreal a a nùea'd ocf girian- ber.- ommoni <su] usiugîo;tbsqntîicnsopoîîp->s ue' cciolwtisa, wahttidti iey de? other sarsaparillas were 51y dispatch as-omI ant i osly eecnrcPatents> as brc- sc]te invention, Highcstrefe.-enrcs 51îe I Le assi nown. It made the word - non ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ Teý ueev spc lnts hiliu isrcinlr- em h a ios -ai > «Sarsaparilla " famous , SPuteuts proc-red Clrougis Marlous & Ma-ale uic.as tens b rr e uxeupr tsrertir uin "ui wfui bat yen teblook" When over the whoie world. the orminion. ruýLxdthes" mnsslmy 1, boLet xery There's neoother sarsa- Speîally-Patent h-5iof oMacufisu- ita'tj ' 'i-,ansiecyyefo ailieit naead ' tiers sud Begineere. pl - rs, eey er fr prll if t n g n MARlN & ARlO I four- or axve yeare, a hundredtitsmo a PARIOtNExpert IONnd 2ar 1 w.aa a f'Led dnoît the > power t0 cure if' " Tiie offi{s: Ncw York Lte B'Id' , l'lutreitl <'napu And pasting thsiangis leader of themai. jAtlaoticE ldg,Wusls o ürD.C. t1.' seucn, 1 wc eîlt semence s isear > s$.6ô a bole, Ail dusggLts. ____~%S~'~50~ 0.ýW r-pi' stigisanti s-ay, A-bî i nui. long Ae'sPs foîr ubduxoîti '1rcsolret uls tiose ye's ilscure constietenj ' [ tmy yeîîrr am.1apasiia DiiJo'f. iti'.s il has'lse1 n2vi, ifln conen-rsa - lAfeuffeing temtsy a ;IincA isi sy aî.is.tipecu, tock thmecbot s ant uiow fet lika j 'vfF4hS ~d oc a i te e brpiof Gesi Ihaie Leptt R uewnuin. I wotld advise ail my Idr, tfilias steaut the test of tunie u.12 she efcîî icare 11sp,, ;reap auds-t ite se ct iecurative Powrer cauuru be ex- d'ugptsie Oes.oyemeIt 2il avm-idoi s ai priet.Soe - .G *aes uareerfed te Cure ail I'h-tu'c- C i tdirsrJu-nu oeI~ an. 'lO,1. Gonon,Ta femme Sexu?'~,5aauneeiicfelts et bu ts çls i YUsagree. them arjîlis'a bilar- I~ ,enIiO. Bone a or:, uxesleta orv xcesitie cie cfTc baý,s " u-MOT ing, " andti tiscrnmeIWRt fho eao buCia-Oium r St a' antL.lItalleti nu' 1, ý l- zinout o-a aeatepoe I I enhs nyou1stbie piy s cb Scne.1 aiiesi J. GlIà ltani ecc'eb u aseuo. msi riain ise prlrantithe j Ala snhî!si f e c', iV 'ils La<c5srrr~-ssrur~ atter and asketi fer a simnilat- dish- Thi.s, hnw-ever, hc dia netlkeeal s5o eý eiathe last. andi cîlling the w-aiter tonl hlm se, when that wer- thy elv : That' vey atrange, s'r, for jt'e- dateti. vs hu ýni7z-e---TD No medical d iseevery fer yearrs bas provcd as sisecessa n as Dr. G-iniberg's Latret litial Teatment. Ifigisteoutenme of reaors of experieiîce ; 12 ritalizes the systieni, rqualizcs circula. rino removes aIl obstructions, consequently i8 thne nîy înothod ecgnizeti as a spardy and permanent cure for Vas-irocete and Strtcture, wîthout use cf kîiifa or lorssof time; it rhsorbs the ' wermy condition, alo the stricture, stops the smarting sensation, unnaturai diseharge, tbereby strengthening the parts as well au the back, and rostores l*st pnwors. -- 1 Tells the story Wben your bead aches, and you feel bilious, consti- pated, und1 ent of tune, with your stemach Êeur and no appetîte, just buy a package of And take a dose, from 1 te 4 pll] Youa wtll ho s-rr rised ut how easily qthey will do their work, cure yenr bedache and billousness, rouse tbl liertand make yon feol happy again. 25 cents. Sold by ailnedicine dea lers. loets off annoyance rather than smail kncl -swndSs,, of calamity. Kiy tricnds, 1JsaJ1l fot lhnv, preach- ed this moerniiig in vain if 1 haye sbown yauthat th?,annoy3anes, of l:fe, the spiril annnyan'csý of life, may be subhoorvient to your present and your etercial adrantage. Pelycarp wa', condemned to bc burne-d at the .stake. The, stiakpe w-a planted. fia was fLst- eried te it, the w-ead was planted ti.reund th' stak2, it w-as kIndle-d, but, hy sente strange c'orrent cof the atmos- ph-ro, iÀýtoýry tel]i3 us, th-ý flane bent ouEward Ika ih-ý ails eofa shits nder a stýreng breee and th2a far above rýhy camýe tegeth 'r, making a canepy; se that instead nof bcing destroyed by the tlme , brc h2 stood in a tlame- boyant bhoser plantedl by his perse- anoth"ier wny, and by th2 point of the poniard. And I have, te tell yora thi, ýmorlî1ng ttt G.cîd eau makiala]. the flames cf your trialsq a w-alleofdfence and a canopy foi tÜhe e ,Gu1 God is, js a -w.Iiling te; fulfil te you as ho, w-as to Pelycarp th-' promise, "XVhen thou passest through the tire, thnu ahilt it lv' burned.'"IluInhearen yen will acknowled-e the' tact that yen noeer ad one annoyance too many, and thrmeugh ail ekernity yen will -be grateful that ln this-w-orld th-_ Lerd cfl send thýý horu-et. "W\ee-ping may endure for a night, but joy cometh in thernorning." Ai thiugs work to- gerbeý.-r for good te thýui that love God." Th2 Lerd sent th' suonsh«lr>. "Thýe Lord sont the hernet." FOU OVER 1711JT r YEAUS. Mr*ý'W7inslow'g SoothingSyrup bas beenu mecby milions of Inotherg for tbeir children whjle teething.- If diturlbed ut nlgýht and] brokea. of y oin rest boy a sick chic] euffering and crying ,ih the pain of euttirgteethsend ut once and get a bttleocf Mrs. Wjn'lows' Snothtng Syrup for Chidren Teething. It wiil relieve the' poor littleR uflerer ut once. Depend upoiiiil methers, ,hcrciý rio0 mj,take about it. It curee Dtarrhoea reiolates the stornach andl hnweis, cures Wind Co le. eoften% tie gutmo, redues inflanmmatton, and] gives tono andoergy to the whoie systein. Mrn. Vinaows' Soothiug Syrup for rhildren teethtng te pleasant te the taite and 13 the p e se, iptton of one of the olde8t aod best lm phyieirans and nrses tiiutthe United States Frire 2Si bottle. Soud hy ait druggitî thro' gh out the world. Be sure and usk for Mràc.\V it stowbî Soothtng Syrup "You mustni't tatilte corne toe burcb next Stundtly," saidl the 11ev. Dr. Third- Iy. "I have arranged te hiave the 11ev. Dr. Mlarkthirst deliver au address on bis observations tri tise slums." "Aren't yeo going te prcaeh at ail T' "Oh, yesý,. l"i proach tuny regular ser- mon, after w-ýhtch Dir. artrs will tell yen sonie things that will open your eyes." As a Resîsedy. "I want te get copies or yeur paper for a week baick," said the visiter te tihe nwvspaper offi"e. "WVouidn't it ho botter te try a poe, nus plaster?" sug-esîîd 'ie tacetious i.el..-Philladeiphiii EIecord. The lIisister Won. A minîster was ene day walking aloug a rond, ard, te is.astonishmneot, lie saw a crowd ef hoys sitting lu front ot a ring with a small dog la thie con- ter. Whcn lhe came up te them, hie put the follewing question. "What are yen deiug te the doýg7?" Oine liii)' hboy saiti, "Wifeerer tells the biggesi lie wins it." "Oh," aid] the minister, "I arn sur- prîsedl at yenu lttle beys, fer when 1 was lke yen i 1nover told a lie." Therews silence for awhi leuntil one etffthe beys shouteti, "Mand hlm up the deg!"-Lendieo Leader. O'Ves' lu Sweden. "Over ln Sweden the suhurban rail- way linos have te rovide a freighit car fer intexicatod persens." "I deu't suppose they label it that way, de thev?" "I den't lsnew. Prehnqbly they brand It eitier 'Spirits le packages' or else 'Hardware.'"' "H.ardwa.re?" HIINT$ FORJ THE FARMER. I FARAI UOPICS. Thero i6no neue tiîg se cenduscîve te comtort and pleasure tn a faim- or'.s tamiiy as a well roguiatod garden, anti with tise exception et a few meiinhs b s&-î'jïInoting a out the tare is so neglocted. The gar- don, tcgetiser wjtb the ornait things of tise farm, if well manage], shoniti uttorti hait the living ot tht. farmer's family, sud at by far icc tssu ntise cst et theoethor hall. Wbere commercial fortitizors are in- teiligently useti, thiey may flot ex- baust the ccii. If, bowever, onoe ap- plies a single elemenË, as phospisorin acid to the eoiu, and takes of!- a largo crop, it must ho ovideot te anynfle wxho gives tiese uhject a ein thoug-ht that a systomi wh,*cis 'supplies eue tbing anti removes a dozen must resuit 10 a condition et affairs un- der which profitable crops cannet heW pmnduced. The proper rare aoc] management! ot peultry, so as te get mesi eut et them. is a very great probiene. In the first place, ýunloss tise pouitry bouses are warmaly buill, it is uext te impossible te get eggs in wioter, anti t is winter eggs that pay, It las net necossary te have tise houses' up te summer bout, but jusi. warm eneugis te ho frest inot. But crme bouses wx-tîtnet de everytlsing. Thse bons muet ho ted properly anti regu- lariy, anti Lc matie te exorcise not csased aroufit perindically witb ai whip, but that tbcýy must take tbe ne- cessary exorcise et their own accord. The varions scbemes et tormenting a hreedy honunuti obe forget!ï ber nsotiserly instinct, by starviog, dip- ping an colti water, or putttng ber in a barrel, wbere isba Las to sit in tisrep iuches etfvater, may Le weii calcul- ateti for the malin purposeofet reaking np ber broody inclioation, but tbey are net oten a success in getting ber back te egg productien agaifi. Nifle, times eut cf ton a yeung. well-fod isni will isatcis eut, ber noat cf eggs, cure for the ciikeas unti large ennugh te' cart. for themiielves, anti get back te profitable layiog scener than shei Iwoulti if sheeLoti Leon brokea up by: any et thmee arsb methotis. Shu s is literally broken ap physically.t We came flot Wvhetlb"r it le dairy cews, Leef cattie, -eecp, sw;'eor"n peultry, tesecret et tmprcvîngfise' stock le tirst in pmcuring botter blooti eoprduce whntis wanted, anti thon feig witb tise tuame ebjecl in u iew. Bieod aloea aili fnot do it,' andtihie, longest pedigree is flot preef agaiflet short teetiing or improper feediog. The nid fariner who oati bo likedtiet have bis coar "Lait Jersey anti the otber hait cemumieal," -,ras on tise rigbt track, aithougis Le migbt now, witb tise knowledge et resuîts, by soie cf, our Lest daîrymen, and tise many grain tectis te cheese trem, tinti abet-! ter teed for butter making tisan Lay anti cersmeal. But ho opoke frein tise knowledge et Lis day. The colt or lacis et botter breeti than its mntisem deserves botter feeti anti ietter rare te Lring ut np te tise full capabil; tics et its, botter hînoti. 1 arn prepared f0 do ail kinds of bicycle repairing. Old wheels thoroughl y renovated and newily enarnelled. New wheeis made to order, A il w o r k guarlante d . Get your wheel in n11W se as to avoid the rush. Grindiag of, al kinds. W. FISHLEIGH,' Mar'ket Square, Bowmanville, r iefori 1- i i et a iac.su t f or y ts 1 1 1 h. e w e 'ye sn shi e1- salbcges sss. I'lse liotles e..lximii, 'i'onto ~3u ndsedîuad0iîh, Staie wheiher yeu ewish Men.s i r orLadies'Bicyrle, height cf tramne Eand edgear weaied, andw e seiltaa Ientihis High Grade 1 i fode][ rnn.911.leBicycle by Expreisç Q.D.1 BICYLEbjeri an examinuion. Yen caoý exmîatiingiy. ali yosUr - press Office and if ..und prcîy afcîey exoctly os represrsd A HIGH GRADE 1901 MODEL f -. ISN'IINE E LclfenvBICYCLE. ,-,dthe xpres eradiicates the poisonfn houzcn;i c patchos on magne or unuth, sw ogan: "r fsolnut. blotches onbdy th Sg kin, or oTrsigne of this awful dis- caise, Yenusvill find the Latest ltethnaTra U curllmoe u w 'thout M o\ecr erotassium, Facts For Patients. THE VET EH TUBÂATDIENT, 1. Dr. Goldhcrg has 18 Diplnmas, Certifitcs and JMnerses,wicih is sufficient guarartoe as to bisestaninng and abiti.a 2. Eacli tme il cati you. sec Dr. Goldberg penocr.allv,-,ehile all o4ther Ch" nie, 'Pri-;î rate a-id Blaid Poison Specialiets haro Some doct or in clu rgn et their cffice or have anJ asesisant to doctor yori. 3. The Latet Methnd Treatment dtseorored by Dr. Goîdbcrg te recognized a3 the Most epeedy.and permunlenteure fer Blond Poison, Chronie, P'nvate. Nervece Dohility and impotency. Varicocele and Stricture cumul avithoutcuttingc)rrtretchtiig. l fOuir reenrdo show more actuel cures than al ether epecialists cmbinIcd. 5. We accet non incurable caso for trcaf mentË. 6. We are the only docters of eur specialty who are .villiriF,'te svnit for, the pay sontil yen are convinced that a comiOcte cure hue heen etuli3hid. If y ou doubt it, tmy us andsc. Call or write forhlaok forhome treaiment. Bnekfrc. i:nlurs Oa.m. teS p.m. Snndaye lOa.m.to3p.m. 291 WOODWARDAVE, '9 DETROIT, MLiICH. CAMERA à,- gie fraeiegob'T AOOUTFIT OVC 1bfor seliynO iolye15fuii-oioecl b xi le.) Rvîrybo.dy mson a n rouioue etlier M.jooty. ¶'ey ar'e eoiug like widiflr. This Camera lies a1p'atue xS - / inc ý he,. iiOuit omiis.if 1box Dry Plats, i pkg. Hype., i1 PrintIng Framie, 2 eveloping Trays, 1 pke. Oeveeoper, i pkg. ' uS P.pea 1i k. Si-cer 'apor, and luin Direcionso.M'rit.. for ' Photo'. CSIi ,, etntheimoues'. and -e snd yeîîr cameraL iii Outfit, poaip.id. l hoto CO., cOXiSS0Oriosoo. Bicy, Éc epaiLr Shop.. I ~'~s,='~:. b' ~Agetthe balace de - 1x.O-a COOKIN~G- FEED FOR COWS ANhD!i ns ecNos, 45, 50e ndiS51 Charges. 'hesexparess ch.arges ece only 50 îo 75 fsoec,00 nues. No exîra charge lor L-adies Bicycles. EVERYGNE KNfIWS THtE ELE BICYCLES. lions. 'Tbey are tise liglsest Grade wheisi macle; nuoiticycle bas a boter reputation: ne Bicycle hue ber. Seenyer ao ouhtafoot Seze wiclcly ads-emised by tise makois; big favouriies withisot Bicyrle Ctubs; tise leadiag wboel with Seven fors ugo bougbioa g on atearîtoýrs. iition houe, flushijoints llnestis-oger, bissuand beaîtng. igies grade equip rookr tht I aveused sinn for- ment. Fisti as-us Vicier Singe Tnbe 'Tires. 2.50 oaci for Morgan & NV-iglut Tires-S5 f0 extra fer Xk.cnp Iies. Heigiuîs cf frauiicMen's 20, 22 snd 24 tus.Ladies' 20 andt 22 tn.-onanrtbod fBtack. r eoking feet fer Legs andl scalting i* WH OFFER sptendtd chsr ance ogncoat each iowss. Send ici Catalogeoand cmli fer Agonis' Di tt'rso Anty aest..1 W. BOYDMs' '&. SiON'rlsL foe ofr rears, irrites Mr. E. M. Van )5Aeun Wyealtgi. 8rOo$5t . W.r. oYD SOO Dyne. For the Loge I taire six bush.________________________ sasali potatoos, appirs or pnmpklus,t muse tissa tbrongb a moot cuttor eo ticy aili cooL qnickiy, cianrben tis y ARrt_ are tioesmix un one Idusisel cern ma lgarscî-essvtoîuua i anti oee usiol brani. This muLes 10011 c . d rhpteso-kam Thesstxiss u iuisixorttk icsot galions et fîxet. \Ven ut te aIl wil oi o itl ad ra-rnr ids euisiO.has impierAolc - If .t swts,, iuito- ripaad walniit stock, and shots lthtsirriJc re ,sd îire t 6 et ax-cltogeruer I taiuethe foedot ,r'mcoaws rrarahscs sttmmictseonyduevuec et tise coker anti put it in brhumjir,-IExpr.- s. The scasen feo gediulolsclmiue edSs~ls oTmii tisat are pueketi in isaxitust, whiicis------ keepe tise tecti arinutitil it is ted1 vantuge lu cooketite"t e tis at ahl the dueb aitb butter, or grouse, o il, up. 1 f ecdth ie lange ah tisey aili cat foui ee are destroyet se tisai none Tiseae enly fatigue the Stocueil. anti et tisis tbres times a day. ,-,asvinegoges bock ou tise landti e spielit andtihie Lest cnek is she w-be uses iýý, nover ax-oghed the Loge for a-test Ilgmeaxraveotis sanuet tel] exactiy heu mucb gain geCronBeue."etl a - - ' HOW TO TEACH COQICING. TeCodnBu frunty iu tisere îs froc sueokîug tne recul err English anti sometîmes Amer iran teeting it uncookoti, but reheuldti iink i Ipuole. Fer £4 a usentis a pupil knay aou ne-fuscirob ft n rsu t siuîuî îsî,re.attend every day, icarn te COOL her Oiie ushelcobs nd anarmf ofaon dejcuuor, and have ut sorv e4 up oit rails Split uIp for W-net ailI cooL inl spte cf eccasienol pin-prick cru- assuoon as it us reudy, Hemercrif, tise 1001 gallons feet. Fer ceaie 1 Put -sacees France is, adter ail, a ebarr.ing martyrdilea, happy uugury, for, eue peck isarloy upreuts in a galvan- ,aau uti neiglhbour te Great Britain, marrieti bappinees. Oneofettise prop- iz"d Luebel busket, Lest 'watom in tbefesgers et the scîseel l isecemateti ivitis ceeker toe i scaiding point, fi11 upf anti ss'e nexi fers us a Lrigist exana- tise Legion et Eonuur, andti al are, ut tIse ba,-ket antis axater ut nigbt, int pie L tomcstio pmogre5s. -Sheise the heIsof t eir profession. in tise mornineg I hsavo o baskettul of 'shoinîîg n-s ow- te preduce geet couLe iR ecentîf tise Cordon -Bleu L~e* nice, tiie, luLewarc foot. I givo tý, LodonDlty Ma"l,. tabli6het a circuit systein'for tise four quurts toecarccv lu ciik,xihicis o j ife wt errpttinfrproviuces. lEurs chef in tumn taLeq I i.isnk barreuses the flowroet ilî ai.Nt u steix-ts eheuo.iafrbs tour, andtihie Trench Govec'nrýaent the leeset eue-quarter. Anetiser ut- g( oacrocking, Pa rts is f ouoating a flO w svieiskaava tise value te thisntion. culinary leaguxý,e, w-liicisishaIl tisseml- of gent reoking, aeagutïad inate the knoxxl th5e isesaucepan ofttiseprovincial lecturesi anti dcc- for anti aide. But aireatif sho has a o nstratine BluesRiibboc et the Kitchen. et is is------- L susece. mgs mtt. SUSPICIOUS PI1ODIGALITY. Fer tsa Comtien Bleu se a teachig uvereiy, contucteti Ly past-masters Wigg-WLy titi feu lose your p0414 etftisa art. I. is mataugeti iy a coin- lion bu the leanlý-piayiiug tbe rlcos? i ys mitteee et gresi.cefs, ail etfxx oasiWaeg-Nopo. Expesure te cold anti damapain- have borna, tisebrut aud burton ofj pLoe udsudenchngs i tsewath- 2tise day in mauy a savoury kitrise , Xxîg -Jreng drink? ohr clod tsuenchcntie sie anti risis They bave tiseir iseadquarters iu that -\Vagg-Nevcr dralak a drop linm tismeas tise wasie usatter w-htci shoulti tanions5 reldezveus et gourmets, intho e escape ibreugis thoelukin hueiron tise Palaus Royal, anti' bore tLey ariVelti t igg-Poer, esybe? ktdneys. The effeet upen theseoe'r- tise oest flkilful basting-sponeus n wagg-N-bexer piay. burdenoti organe te w-but Is known as France. "'colt on tise lîttneys," avistei usuly Arouat a coi pulI'nt nid chut, croxivn- Wi.galcmeutatsi. develeps imie regular kidney diseuse or e vtstetrsiteu rliecp \ Vtag-TliO Presidleni. caugiot Bright's diseuse. ih aigapaeo tabrIý' ;t The eslesi symptoms et atling kit- dozen or moes young vnmeuc avatrit tbe oattng a p tue oettraeranessi it neye are Isookactie, pinifîs ant i'-i- confection et a ragent. As ho rutscyirafttsetsrdyntte Ing seusatiens aviin pusstng arator anti uP the vegetablas, prepures thialdi hebn xmnr di'po6tits iu tise urine. Ienmedtatoly on sauce, aut jugglos aitis a suucepauc, tise appearance et any efthiese indues- be maintujus a leanetdisquisition, J A GENTLIE DISPOSITION. tiens reor. shoubti ha matie te Dir. intorruptoti noxi auti again by a ques- Chase's Kidney-Ltver Pille, w-htch avilI tien trom n a inquiring pupil. j It us a little unroyinr ,te haae tii len a surpristugîf short time set tise Tise Cordon Bleu hue iseen ectablisb-' get up in tis" emiddele ltise nigbtý, andi kitocys anti heaels tn order and lu- oui for tuve yeurs, anti doring tisati.luul for burgiars, ccaii Mm. Mde suie the rotum etfiseaitis.t Dr. Cîsaso's Kidnoy-Livor Pill a ru fiie bas turnot out euny, efficient but Ilcnrîettia se2m2ý toeuejuf aci ba absoiutoty roet upon as a cure fe, ceoks. uts sin is te teucistise art md o e-cary torm of kitney ant i ivor derange- et cookiug xvell anti econeasiculiy, formeds, mnent. One pili a dose; 25 cents a, box. French a iseswives preter a cuisinore V/ia.a'! cvuit yen de i£ yen reîall7y w-bn docus net waute matorial. fou cd a burgilar? r So the chef explils tisati. t le ot a\eti, l'e se kunt-isearteati thut I'ni eceessary te att a lump of butter te nfrssid I arontld hat aL'int 7 d - V~every dish. "The naturai tuf ttise-nrtte p-"1 tis thanor aut i.cuî H 11; meut avouit in ne'arly every case ho thai. if ha, dîdunlt gs u u . suf*-eerlt" o.sns,"a u t lis y f n so ritt -oull coi- dci esi abs ; lusmoufl neressary, te suppiement every tend, teiiscae