IMarc h Winds Bc prepared and keep on han d a bottie of CREAM 0F WLTCH HAZEL, the best remedy for rougli skin, sore lips, tan and freekies. The most popular remedy la the marketfo ugs Colds, Bronchitis or La Grippe. Try a bottie of our COMPOUND SYRIJP HYPOPHOS- PIITE Lu tone up tlie systern af tor the Ail the ravages of la grippe. Altepopular medicines in stock at lowest prices. Quality is ne'ver doubted. at our store. ilJ HIGINBOIHAM & SON, Druggssts, Bowrnanville. Mr.T.LSapleýs, manager and pro- prietor of the 1Fort Wayne BuLsinesýs Col- lege and a formaer teacher in our Public School, made a brief visit to our village, guest of Dr. Mitchell .... Mr. and Mrs. W. j Stacey will spend their Easter holu- days at Springville. ... Dr. Mitchell at- tended the Grand Council of C. 0. C. F, at Hamilton last week. He will give his report at the regular meeting here on Monday niglit next 8th inst. Let every member be present... Mr. Jno. Cowling and Mr. jno. Hockin have moved-simply exchanging houses,.. .. The Albert Hanna farm was flot sold on Saturday but likely to be sold by private bargain very shortly :rOpeni Division at S. of Temperance rday e ening. Excellent programme prepared and a good time expected... Methodist Sunday School hold -their annual Soiree on Victoria Day, May 24th Rev. R. M. Phalen. B A., is cxpected to take the Sabbath services and Col Sain. Hugi-es to lecture on South African Ex- periences on the 24th. A. NBRSE'?S NOBILITY1 Slie Imparts Priceless Information to Her Fellovr Mortals. Miss L. Sean, a widely known pro- fessional nurse, publishes the foll owing letter, whieh will be read by thousands who are to day contending against difficulties such as sho lias overeome. Miss Sîcan says : "I desire t o volunteer the folowiîg information: M~y duty as a nurse is very exactîng. and seime time ago 1 become ver 'v greatly run down. I would get dizzy spelîs, ivith palpitation of the heart, on the least exertion. MY blood became thin and watery, and I was utterly unable to porforîn my duties. My friends became alarmed, and a physician was called in; but, thougli following al bis directions, I did flot improve. A friend 'who called on one, suggested that I should try Dr.Arnold's Toxin Pulis, which 1 did, and I eau tuthfully assure you that 1 arn thank- fui I did s0, as I amn my old ql again, and ledl better thanIi have. feit for n4any a long day. This is a frank, truthful and candid statornent. I neyer g-ave a testimonial before, but consider 1Iam doing riglit Advertise stock for sale or for service in this paper. IL goes to ail homes lu titis district. Couglis, Colds, Bronchitis, Hloarse- ness, Sore Throat, Asthma, Whooping Cougli vieid to flie curative power of Norway Fine Syrup, as iL containis the lung-liealing virtue of the pine ree. We see, sevzral publishers lu other owns ,advertising for months for boys to learn printing It is very different witim us ,Tria STATESMAN office bas had several more applications than eau be aecepted. As a spring medicine Burdock Blood Bitters has no equai. If tones Up the system and removes ail impurities from the blood, and takes away that tired feeiing so prevaient lu the spring 11Home and Farm" is a capital littIe semi-monthly paper for fireside readin g. Prico 50 cents. Sample copies were sent to our readers last week. Here's our offer: STAIESMAN, Weekly Globe, and "'Home and Farm" for 1901. for $2 Anv other dollar paper may be substit- uted for the Globe. NERVOUSNESS ÂND NEavE-The more nervous a man is, the less ner ve ho has, That sounds paradoxial-but f isn'f ; for nerve is stamnia. Hlood's Sarsa- parilla gives nerve. IL toues the whoie systern, perfeets digestion and assimil ation, and îs therefore the best uiedi- cîne a nervous person eau take. If you geL ired easily, mentally and pliysicaily ake t-lt wili do you good. THE LAME LEAP Evidently the day of Mir- acles is Not Yet Over. STRONO TOWNSHIP SENSATION The Restoration te Health of Win. Doeg Whîo IIad Net Left Mis flooin in Y ears. Rheumatism of the worst Kiad Coxpletely Cared. THE MASORo BOWMANVI LLE O FYLO N NDITK GREEN OR BLACK. The Favorite Tea of Britain and her Colonies. Grown by British Planters. Amusing to see f oreign Teas advertised as clean. Is it not filth that colors them ? ~ ~tNA l U'N ~ ~Ceylon Teas are sold ini seaIed Iead ~iI&IM ~k'N~ packets only, neyer In bulk. Black, WDAL DA MIxen or Uncolored Ceylon Green. Sample onapplication. Address "SALADA," Toronto. CU R TAI NS. The spring Sun srýows up the soiled and worn parts that were hidden in winter's gloomy days. New (iurtains are a necessity of the season in almost every home and we want you to realize liow well we can satisf y your needs. We have Curtains at al prices; some very hand- some styles from $1.00 to $1.75. A welcome awaîts you as soon as you care to visit our store and look over these styles. Ladies' Dress Skîrts and Suits.r If requires skill f0 cut these goods s0 that fhey will fit an4 liang gracefully. We have taken great care to get these froin experienced makers. Cail and put them t0 the test. 1 You Are-lhinkîng About