Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 27 Feb 1901, p. 8

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SCoughng before it gets the start of you and runs into Bronchitis or Consumption. mo No. 301.0' Colds, Coughs, Asthma, Bronchitis, lloarseness, Weak Lungs, La Grippe. ~ There is nothing better for a Cough than NUMBER'301. J. HIGGINBOTHAM& SON5 Druggists, Bowinanville. 4" SOur Goods Speal 4We only ask you t. 4-our store. We buy ther Ma.rket, mrade in best w( Sprices, If yon intend fi our limes and get Our piý 4the goods of any city st( 4contempiate a fancy chi Siture for the Holidays the largest and prettiest KE3EP VOUR EYEON 0( SBOWMANVIL..E Nos, 8 0adS tcets for cad 500 miesC', etr charge for Ladi Tey r h fghest Grade j.wb"eels made; no1 U,.'rie d,,ly aed.verîid by the inker*;bgf~ ~Rofessional iders. Builitonhon2or uhgin.,of JDiipTiresw. Mihso rmeMýs2,2 *W3OPR, plendid chance to a 0'o agent i IDiscoun .. I~sig .. asd.0$3..00t.o$25 iecure Agency at once. lWa .fuve we5 i ofd" J ns Mns ,,t Whe Ses îsesd Paga ]eic,, kue Nýflthe Sest Fee,-,=osstheuit. fix the markeet hfo emnc we wi FKeu. t6 ý CouLica merisofmhe "Page"' Fene- %edWile, awde îalm. eue ow, IîyeMU wOvea byase. h~~e alreadIy tg pus aup. ~ ~oe I~E ~C o. (Ui.) WLtVIS.LE, ONT, JL BROS Il you are, ou;'r.ng'for mething g o o d i ii snned goods - Toma- )es, Cor'n, Peas, B.ians, -C., -gve us a caîl. u ~T'BA3 and CÜ"FÊEE, QD VALUYE. ist a ldsecur d lue PATENT RECORO j i- saltimore, Ma. the beaeh between lota 20 and 21,i order to procure gravel. Referred to Councillirs Aunis and Bro wn. lnac cordance Yrlth Invitation, W. J. Devitt, of Greenwood, attended the meeting anid addressed, the Couneil with respect to the cernent concrete sewer pipes manufactured hy hlm. Couocl being convinoed of the Buperior quality cf these sewer pipes contracted wftbh hmi to comae early ils the eprlng anid manufacture a quanitity for une of the municipality. A communIcatfon was received fromn Arthur W. Ruebnck, respecting revisfon of the prement A.. sessmnent Act. L&Id over. B. Moore's tender for working grading machine with teatm for the season waa accepted at $2.â0 per day. H. Wilcox's tender to work was also accepted at $1.50 per nay. Application was made by, Geo. Preston for permission to cut two trees opposite hts prernises. Granted. The Auditors àubmitted the Treasurer's fin. anoiai statement and reporeed the sanie correct, and on belng approved the Cierk was inatracted to bave the seai published'-as the iaw directs. A By-iaw (No. 584) apnointing township officers was read three timea and finally passed. A resolution introdc.-ed by Couneilior Foster was pasoed approving the object of a motion intrc.duced at the last muet- ing of the CountlesW Concil by M. A. James, 0. C., whereby ht was Intended to provide for fnrnishinag to the publie more promptiy the proceedinge of that body at a nominal cot, and making a emaii redotion In Lhe audlfor'as i- iowance. The Rtev'ewas authorized to grînt ordera on the Treasurer as fol- Iowa Municipa.l World Audit Starnp, $1; J. Franer, work on town lino, $2; Simipson & Blair, revising deed, $3; C. Hooper, rent of land for road, $2; 19, Poliard, extra service's $20; F. L, Ellie, services anditar, $12; J. J. Smiîth, do, $12; Indigente: JarGt Wîi- cox $5, Mrs. Iloidge $4, Mrs. Lane $3, T. Wilcox $2, T. Wickett $4, Mrâ. Couiter $3. Conncil adjourned to Sa+urday, March 30th, at 10 a.xn. IN MIEMORIAM, 1. aý1 àOnMondaythel8thofFeb., 1901, at ý0 Co e an go tjý4t8.30 p m., Mrs, Anna Mary Sîllence Barn. g o e S t, beioved wife of Rev. J. H. Bftruett, corn and thi'ugh eîi aaîeep in Jesns, ab Bowmanvilie, aattiest Furniture on the Ontario, For over two yes.ra her strengiki graduaily faiied, giving the disease irons ,oods and we sell at close 4wkiici skie Wass uffcring, a greaier chance furnishino- a home, see s ix months ber suiffering bas been intense. Abolit 8 o'clock ber husbsud bail just read rices, and compai e with liber diy portion and prayed with ber, and Sin about hait an heur she wss with ber ore if you wish. If you 4 saviour. Ber lusi dey on earîk Was spent air or any piece of Fur'- 4 uat prwat iser fandtsnksgîvfiug season. see our display, 4 Deae eshml h aibe ad a ~fordi, near Salisbury, Englosud, Hem ;t ever shown in town, 4 roter wasa, devoied christiau and a membr oftheEpigcopal Otinreli bo ai. )UR DISPLAY WINDOW. 4 teys set a Gediy example to lier family., fltr dangbter, Ana Mary, nover forgeS bo 4proîse sud thank Ged for snobh a pions 4 mesher, because tbrongki ber influence " i feoiber ealijest nhildhood ber sirogest Sdesites veore te be a child of C od. At an '~~eully ege skie ccuflrnsed aud duriug ber Furniture and Undertaking. 4 11e she kise oten referred 10 thie soiemu 4 moment WuthenSie hop cf Saljsbury laid bis band upon bier head in the confirme. re MrC -kp- - tie prayer, and 2he Ibere aud thon offE refi ILerseothSke-Lord Soeiyesr-1 later 0', m ne c ~Beî ongbl the Lord aS a ~'d~icyIehsghofrrme ptoitiVe Metbidisî umeeting kielda etber liunoîe'e bonse Wh bske beeame truiy con. e r verted. AttSke age o! t'xteeu she was >ý ýP sud gear wanted, and we will seud preýssed loto publip Service in the donom- yu Iis ttigh Grade 19051 Iode, i asin nd given nppcintmentsto preacb su ec tot examination. Youc au Ofl theSotithanipton and Salisbury Circuits. eamine it thoroughly t yeur Ex. Eler labors teere wenderiuiy biossed p ress ffce and if founti perfectly satisfactory, cgotSi eeFres aud interven- exadtly as represented, A HION GRADE [SOI MODEL cutyintecu fio 1snes GENUINE EAGLE BICYCLE PSY to the Express nouurbuSecsnesonsfsne, Aget the balace due- Ï29o.0 - and Express On the annivsrsssy eofiterhtirt day, Juno Charges, The express charges are only 50 te 75ý 10, 1869, skie wB marrisd te John Hether. les Bicycles. EVERYONE KNOWS THE EACLE 8BICYCLE ,Bicycle has a better reputation; ne Bicycle bas Meà ingten B&rnet'in,lua ePariSb ChUroki, et rtes wiîh Sest Bicycle Clubs, the leadingwhýýeelw b er native home, ber hinsband tslsing ber ueth a usdbeainghihesî grade equip the saine day Ite b-r nowkomeousear Bristol, 1.5 etrafo Moga & ngt Tre-450Oexta or Gloucestersbire. On the second Sunday ud 24 1.-adis' 0 sud 2 i.-eameldBa -- 88l 3 NL ied r .l.OanSrMareL ia ~Sne l eyprs0 sgad inetr aodasei a. iu smen Si neme.Ta.uffor evrrs ysas nilspar S r gue dP sk rn Agentsp»ii erugeis TOM A V BL F B, 27 1 01 aiSe vcs, a e am e coure was pu ued 8 3 S ý M beginn )in u te oin o y pat saofem M ass. DARLINGON ODTJOIL dWnenwauitately l ier bnsan es pransd te enter Skie regular miuistry in Pittsburghi, TowN BHALL, Hamnpton, Feb. 23 afler tbrea weeks' prayer sud waitiug, te knew God'e vili, skie accepted Skie joys sud Regular monthiy meeti.ng, ail metn. soreotes ef bing a Miiter's tie. For bers beInug presenb. The Roove pro- îwenty years abs entsred beart and seul tidîr.g. Minutes of last ineeting read wtiliberhbkialal the work oft he aud cenfroeed, R. E. Oàborcse tendc- chureli tcr the soivation of goals, troquent- ered kils resignstion of tho office oif ly preachiiug sltemnaesy witihlier hubnad,i Assessî r. Accepted. Mr. Harlisrhy the first iew years of iboir mniuiteriai reqngeted to have somne improveents lite beiog spent wilb the Cumberlandt Pros- made on the, bih) betweep lots 4 and 5, byterian ckiurch, but:è the latter patlu the Cou. 8. ]leferred to Rgeve. several Cengregetionai. fier fsitb, patience aud perpons -hem the Long Sault district terbearance wbsu calied te sufer bias beau compiinedof te roda bing adlya ioedation te ber hnsband. During bomlocked o the no audebe bdltheber lesufew years lu Bowmnviiie, tbrcugb Clonno i t aengs o wardnd hulid- ail the trials skie nover faltered but praified Connil o mke raile owade uil- Gd ed iehoconvergod sud kept ber troni 1119 wiro fonce$ te prevent the difficultl? girihood SInte moment sabe breslbed lber lu the future.- MINater conidered but tast. The ioiiowing lines seut by a bro. f urther action poatpened. Remunora ither minister In the beresared bnsband, 0 tien for damages by the public passaing seemle appropriaes fer the close et suehi a hi throu2h their prenilses teas Rranted sas besutili le. folloows: W. Esri, $4; J. Wriglit, $2; 1 ash ine iunSthe liglit of Ged, sud J, Fiasse, $2. Mr. Thompson'm Ris likenesastemps my brow; [tmodi, claim was laid over The Reove' sud Theengb the vallsyofet skiy feet bave s Cours, Brown reportled baving arranged And 1 reigu lu gler ow. wlth tkie publîiser tif the State. acs No beeaking heart i@ bore, No licou sud tkriling pain; b for pintlug rEqulred for current year No wasted -nei, wbore thie tr(queut tear P st a larLgo red notion on lest yaar'ï pricea. i4sth rolled sud ieft its eatin. Report adopleli. A letter was roelved 1 have eeacbed tkie joys etfkisayets, front Mr. Gaie as to prlntlng. Filed, 1 aut eue of the saiuted baud; T A communication vrac reeeived fmom For my lîead a cown of goit i. given, a Mm.F.Aisie wthcoy f speitor ~And a hisrp ia in my baud. e Mr. . Anele wth opyof peitin Ihave le mned the gong lkiey sing, oppoasnug the paig by Legiture of Wbom Jeang bas set irees;C s propossd isw for estabiishtng s systoni Aud the glorions waiiso cf Isaven stili ring o! coouîy roade throuzhout the6 province With -y uew-boru melody. P wbeteby taxes wonld ho geeatly iu- No sn, ne grief, ne pain, th erestef-l the powers of local Couticils inî Safe lu my happy home el 1he à .ce'& ttenhip offacrs %Mjy tars ail lied, my doubte ail slali, th curaild.ThoReve udCirk cie lMy boum cof trium ph coule, W aurthiozd Tohaeu e etind on rkw Oh9! indi of morts) ysars, authrizd t sig ile ptitIu o ba The teustsd aud the tSens; bal ot thpo tuwsblp sud forward to W Ye are watckiing stillinl the vailey et tsars, l H. Reid, Eýq, the i. cal mrember, fiit' Put I wajttSe welcoone yen. ~.LoO ' e..î n-'iT -Qrget ? Ohkr- 1,c cîc r sie es1v.-j Trtsî <j,,n Furr mewxcry's golden cekias; Machtpo'y Co. 1F e 1 CII, hall bind my heart bu the kisarts e lew, a Ci S 'er rrev ( teo~TM tbey meet te toucb again, a Naian, Ceê rounry , M) ýN fac- VýLukiunie is troug and brigitý Na-tn onyC,, j . D, Abd ove'd electrie firme ; r ý'orû res>)ect1mý!h 'iO'C t ..acted Fîowp trsely down, liýke a river of lit, Sraruiîere~a g~ -if In l'o tkie tocifront rsbîcs I came. 'rou mu'îwheu eno'her ' tay, '-.ines out lrom tlieglii.re s'i è tLÀLrw . v- G ")à,-a cep wher) he rmîu'c ce war, L.w i-si -2 ,,, Q Ž-O\ndthe netews oof il ec di- ? f on pgr, 25 c-b 1 'a by Frîui-d pour cars rocs dtwr, A .* "t lrGia À A b ~d yzîbr his,e s ely rhen anr~s ~d i-'.Ither ri-i!p, e Far snoter verii in lIc Sav-Wa r'i I g bie (con.; ~, epwo~ cd o Aud anctiier soli rin eaven? THfE Twenty- eighth Annual Meeting of this Comnpany was heid at the Office of the Company. on WEDNESDAY, FFBRuARy 2th, 1901. The fohiowing Shareholders were present.:-MESsRs. W. F. COWAN, JoIIN COWAN, W. F. ALLE N, THos PATTERSON, WM. READwiN, JOWinzCaRTEiR, T. IL MOMILLAN, J. A. GiBsoN and others. The President occupied the chair, and Mr. T. H. MeMiiian officiated Ais Secretary. The Annual Report, embracing the transactions of the Company for the- past year, was presented by the Chairman. DIRECTOR.S' REPORTYEAR ENDINO DEC.3i, 1900. Your Directors have pleasure ln iAying bpfore, you the Twentv-eighth Annuai Report of the Company for the 3 ear endîng Blst December, 1900'. The amount loaned on mortgag'e, etc., lias been $55,811.99 during the year, and the repayments on loans have been of principal $45,196.20, and of interest, etc., $14,79i3.02, or in al $89,989.22 of repayrnents. The accrued Interest and Principal on mortgages has been paid with promptitude. During' the year the Company disposed of several properties which were on their bands, Af ter the payaient of ail ascertainedl losses, the writing off of ail replace- ments, repairs, insurances and taxes connected with properties in which the Company is interested, the earnings for the year have enabied us to pav the usuai dividends to the Shareholders, and to write off a considerable suai on de1 preciation account, and add $1,000 to the Contingent account. The Contingenti account iow amounts to $25,000, and the Rflst Account to $75,000, and Gross Assets to $923, 4,1.58, being in excess of anv previous year~s statement of the Company. For fnrther detalled information 1 would refer you to the statements just piaced in pour bauds, in which the fluancial position 0f the Comnpany h; cleariy exhibited. OsHAWA, 2th FEBRUARY, 1901. 1900. Jan, 1. Dec. 31. 1900. Jan. 1. Dec. Si. W. F. COWAN, PRESIDENT. RECEIPTS. To Balance ... . ........ ... . Repayaient on Loans ............ Intercsst on Loans..--.. . - .......$10,769 15 Interest trom Bak ............. 125 47 Revenue Accouit ...... .... .... 3.898 40 Deposits Received ... ........ Debenturils Issued ............. Western Bank, Osawa.................. 152 19 Add 9 Cheques not presented .......... 96 01 DISBURSEMENTS. By Western Bank, Oshawa .....1.... . Deposits Retumnîd ..... ............ Debentures paid... . .....- --1**11 -, - -«1I Loans ou Mortgage, &c....... .......... Interest paid . .. . . .. ... .. .. .. ... .. Dividends Nos. 54 and 55 ý....... ......> ExDense Account ,.. ........ . ..... Ontar~io Bank, Boirmanviiie . ............ Western Bank, Wbitby...................... PROFIT AND, LOSS. Dec, 81. By Intirest earned dnring tbe year, ............... Revenue A cu t... .... .. ......... BanInterest rece..v.. ...............,...,,.., Dividends Nos. 51 and 55 ......... ............... .: Expeuse Account iuciudiug Commissions on Loans and other charges, Goyernment, Tex and License., Ameunt transferred te Continigent Account.....,... ASSETS AND LLIBILITIES3. ASSETS. By Mortgages and other Securities............1 Office P enss ................. Cash lu Bank............ .................. Cash ou baud .... ....... ..... To Capital Stock ....... ............ Depositors ....................................... Centingent Account ...... ......... Reet Account - ........ .... ..... Amount due Western Bank.... ................. 1900. Dec. 31. Dec. 31, Ziec. Si. $3,214 60 45,196 20 44,793 02 190.'21 05 241,800 00 248 20 $525,573 07 e9,411 69 170,138 92 241,L00 OC 55,311 99 19,919 72 17,966 48 6,003 98 4,413 62 175 57 601 10 M 25,573 07 $10,896831 3,898 40 125 47 $44,92018 ?19,949 72 17,966 48 6,003 98 1,00000 $44,920 18 $906,851 29 11,00000 40000 4,589 19 691 10 $923,441 58 $299.441 85 279,951 53 243,80000 25,000 00 75.-0000O 248 20 T. H. McMILLAN, a We bereby certity that the above f3tatement centains a correct represeutation of the affaira cf the Company as slîowu by thie books Decenmber 31, 1900. W~e have examined vouchiers and securities and find the saine correct. JP. OWENS, Aios Oshawa, February 16, 1901. PERCY H. PUNSHON,5 uios The President moved tise adoption et the Report, The Vice Presiden' secorded the motion, whicb was carriedl. 11Mr W. F. Cowafl, seconded by NIr. Paterson, moved that thie suai ef 8150 ie paid to the Auditors, Messrs. Punshon and Owens, for their services for the past year, and That they bc appoiuîed Anditers foi, th(, coming rear. Carried. Mr. Carter, seconded by Mr. Readiu, moved that a vote 0f thanks lie and Is ereby tendered to the Presîdent, Vice-Presideuit, Direetoîs and Secretary- reasurer, for the very satisfactory mnanner in which they have coridncted the ffairs of Sthe Compan *y duiug the past ',ear, and Skiat the sui of $300 be preqent. d to the President, and $200 te the Vice-Fresident, for their services te the Company. Carried, Mr. Paterson, seconded by Mr. Gibson. moved that tbis meeting do now receed to eiect, by ballot, seven Direciors to flliithe place of those retiring, and bfat Messrs John Carter and Wm- Readwin be appointed Scrutineers for said lection, and that the poil remain open for one hour for thie purpose of recoiving hoi votes of thie Shareholders, bu. that shoubd five minutes elapse at any tinte, without a Vote haVing been taken, the poli shall be clcssed; and that the said crutineers ho paid thie sui of $2 each for their services. Caî'ried. Chair resuaicd, the. Serutineers reporteci thc, foliowiua' seven gentlenten, who weî'e duiy eiected Direciers for thie ensuing t ear:-W. F. Cowan. Esq. R. S. ITaniin. Esq., W. F. Allen, Esci., Wm. Brien, Esq., J. A. Gibsoit, Eaq., John owau, Esq., and Thomas Paterson, Esq. A vote of tbauits n'as toudî,red te Sthe Cliairinan, and lte meeting diourned, At a subsequent moeeting of tise Directors, VV F. Cowran, Esq.,w as Ina nimouslv electod Prp.sident, and W. F. Allen, Esq., Vice President. -fau às4 -que.i ' i iO1 W", T ri h-d rItIi, 8 $ THEASON Co. BOWMANVILLE OFYLON'AND' INDIR TEA GREEN OR BLACK. IS PURE TEPI:. "Pure Tea calms, restores and cheers tho 3e in distress." DRINK IT. Afree sample of delicious SA.LADA Tea sent on receipt " of postal mentioning which you drink--Black, Mixeci, o r Green T ea. Address "1SAL&DA,I' Toronto o r Montreal. The Twenty-Eighth Annuai Report -0F THE- Onttarlo Loan, & Savîngs Co.,, FEBRUARY 20th, 1901. Our orders for spring of 1901 are very large; somo small lots arealready here :-2 cases New Rats, 1 case New Caps, 2 cases New Prints, several bales New Carpets, 1 case Cottonacles and Moleskins, a large shipment Red- path's Sugar, several barrels lligh Grade Coat Oi, Càý dian Prime White Coal 011, 10 doz. P--., -Geam iTa ltr Baking Powder, 10 doz. our own Special Brand which we se.'l at 15c., new lot of Brooms, Wash .Boards,White Wash and Kalsomine Brushes and Scrub Brushes, large ship- menits Christie's Sodas and Fey Biidcuits,a large shipmenv of Starch directfrum the factorSr, 3 cases Cow Brandi Soda direct from the manufacturers. This wih give you some idea of our receipts of goods. during this week but it is f ar from a lll st. We shal have the best stock for the coming sp ring's trade that we have ever yet shown and because of the recent sharp adl- va-i ces in many lines our ecarly orders and large p urchases will be very much to our customers' advantage. Now Is the Timelto BHy , . f 9 1 "The Early Bird Gets the Worin," Such stap le limes as,-Faétory Cottons, F lannelettes, Cottonades,1Shirtings, Blue and Grey Drilis,Table Linens, Towelingys White Cottons, Cretonnes, Skirtings, etc,- We ask all economical persons to see our present values ý,tnd Save mon ey, Our stock-taking shiows very satisfactory resuits, for the past year's business in fact more favorable resuits than for several years and we see no reason why weAt. should flot do, stili better during the comilg year. We shail show an elegant assortment of M1en's and Youth's Worsted Suits this season. We have tle D. B. Vests in Black, Bine, Grey and Clay Twill Suits;, also in Faficy Tweeds. B5icycle Repair So* i amn prepared to do al! kinds of bicycle repairing. Old w htý '1 thôrougfiy i r ae7, and newly enarnelled. New wheels made to S order. A il work guaranteed. Get your wheel in now so as toý avoid the rush. Grinding, of al ,' kinds. Visitors: Mrs, R. Fowke, Toronto. ai Mr. S. E. Souch's; Miss Kennedy, Emns- killen, at Mir. H. Abrahams'; Mr. and Mrs. job White, Brooln, at Mr. T. Wilbur's; Mr. and Mrs. T Stainton, Zion, at Me. jas. Garfat's; >lisses Louie and Ethel VanNest, Solina, ai Mr. James Heatiie's; Mlaster Norman Trewillager at Mr. Johin Pascoe's: Miss Katrina Argue ai Toronto, Woodstock anîd Listowci; Mr. and Mrs E. Annîs at ber mether"s Mrs. Helden, 'Wýhitby ......Mrs jas. Heatlie, sr , is conflned to bed, resuit of a fall... Mt. Vernon ccntributcd $i3o teward the Methcsdist 205h Century Fund. A ToNic von MOTHERS-The happi. nossi that ceaies te a home whth baby'à adveîst is teo freqnentby sbadowed by the ili bealtb or weakness et the mother, To restos e the mother's stren-th, to briug back viger or energy, and to sus- tain ber dnriug the nursing period, Dr. Chase's Nerve Food is uudoubtedly the most effective preparaticu obtaînable. 15 inakes the biood ricîs, ritalizes the nerves, and bas a wonderful restorative influence on the wboie systeni. 50 cents1 DARLINGTON, and Affiicted Wornen. Mr, jas. M.c.Millani is reeevcring front a severe attaclc of la grippe and plc urîsy -. The Wouderous Medicine That Cures .rs, Alfred Mann has la grippe....vIr. Levi Bartieti, Nestieton, visited his sisier f1'ie Al"ter1Eu Mrs, W. H. Wcodý . . .Miss E. T. Gccde - \. bas gcne te Scarboro, . ..Mýiss Edna Van- ICamp retiurned frem a visit wlth frienos ITbank-ful and gratef ni womeni in Orone .. , xi iss Vlabel Curtis visited thiroughout Canada takeo pleasure lu re- Mrs J erksetcnry... ~M Ecomrnonding Paý,in' el v Compound VariCamp is residing with lier sister Mrs' hi fhco ssèt h avl *j L. Dic10ie, Oshaw a. .. .Miss Sybil L. In eiiepo l gvsta Jetteli spent Sunday in tee n wi-h Mrsbealth and stren gth that ail wearied, Isaac Jewell. nervcsns despondeut and, brokenadownl Scitool report for Febriav Ciass V-woen o m c ne *Ireîîe Langm-aid; Ida Jenninr; r i v -1 Jessie '1. -Ross, Quvon, Que., writes Lesie -,iiv; Jr IV Rey Va.îCamuîp, ,Iias folows. Guly' John tiark; St III £thei Kundle, "15t affcrds me muh peasureto tostify Noble N,!etcaif, Gorden Vaohampn î, i-te the great geod thUi Paiue'sý Celerr baîr Brtn- o; tIII -Sa-nu-î CrCt' eý on------- tusbiti-n; lN iFwo irlotely ruîîlew i ba Uh ndavtif Britttoii, Chu-t Nichols, Frank Rundle: '(À fmalie weakuess, adarrusiug J~ l elr mi ,Bruce XC t Nc - beboti-le, cf the g-'eat onponf. Oei) hieCee~, îotP *t -tu W nascopi ily cnred ishebS Ru t1l [-Herbert I ir -Nellic blood pnrifie'r î1 riseor f aJIree jGuy. S. L. j_v r, reht nend it te ail wbho sufer a Idi, -W. I*FISHLEIGH, Mrark~et Square, Bowmanvilae, The Iilustrated Buffa[o Expr-ess has been a success and a populiar fa vorite trom the day it star- ed. It hias more fripnds and admirers tçdav tha.n ever befor;3. Buffalo mayv.weil be prolud of it. A MESSAGE 0F H"PE TO lothers, Wives and PAINE'S CBLERY The Only Banisher of Dîsease and .~4* 4~444 I 4 e 4 4 4 For Thems~Iv~~. ~ Spring- Goods Arrvillgi loi

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