Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 27 Feb 1901, p. 7

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DR.t. POTTER. Office andS t sids 'te,Ciuecb St.,opposilte Trieirtý' MISS ETflEL MORRIS, fiTIST. Instructions given lu PAINTING n 1,Waxer Calot aind China. Skerehiing anti psînrItm nature. RLILN on premises, fir -1rg at usua] pri e a5 . 51.m. Y DR. J. C. MITCHELL, M FEMBER OF COL'4EGE 0F PHYSICIÂNS and Surgeons, Ontat io,Coroner, etc, Rlesidence. Enulîkillen. 74 .A.ER. MeLAUORLIN, Barriste'-, Soli cior an Caunvoyancer. Office:- Blt-akiey Block, Kiîg treet, Bowmanviike Misoey ta joan ai reasan able ates. 48lyr, ROBERT YOUXG, V. S. O "FF1CE IN WEST DURHAM NEWS VBloek, 'ta eie lituseif or bis assistant wilI befonnidfrom a.ni. toi p. M. Niglut catis et reidenice, db ectly opluosi te Drill Shed. Galle W' t:1c -aph or telephitoue wil reccîve prompt at ,c 171 - yt, dons over, cali. ai MeRs DeiMIsox sK!it'g East and Cor of 0ttario St Bown1®,i utle34 t' A4RRIAGE 'IE SS-. A, mLV JAMES, Issuer of Marriage Licenses. Reolaiece: Centre street. SIMPSON &BLAIR. D. B. SIMPSON, Q. C., CHAS. P. BLAIR, Barristars, Soictors, Tatai-es, etc., Morris' tl1oek, Up-stairs, King' Sreet. Bouxaniville. Soliritors for te Ontario l Bank. Pi iv ate meneys leaued at1lowest taites DENTISTRY. G. C. ROTE VCASTLE, L. D. S., D. D. S, Bûon Gr doate ilu Dentistry of Toronto Uri- verstly. tE1a~vrCauch Jùatstonanud Cry dnsmaiss store, Bowmanvifle. 18-lyr. IL. F.RUINÎTEIt, rARRISTER,SL,0LIÔITOR,NOTARY 13 Publie Canivey an ee. lanoyey, Private anS Comnpauy Fonds ta letîd ai loweat encrent rates OFFICES: King S., opposite Dr. Haruidense Deotasi oaons , fowmtnivlle, il-1n, $,flflflflflfl TO LEND "Vt\t\jkekt on gond mort. gî9ge pcu-iity ai mea aietes ciini est, A. E.31cAuonaîI, Solicitor, Bowrnan ville.Ont 1-6m. DENTISTSO WilI ho at Binekstocit on the Zerst Monda; of ecd monti, at Orono feomi 10 a ms to 12 p. m. and at Newcastle from 2 30 to 5.80 p. ms. ou the second Monday of ecdi moti, OFFî'Csi:Temperance -St., Bowman- ville,reae of iggînboîhans's drug' store. O. HARNDEN, L.D1.. 1,radote o the Royal Cahege f Dental Saý geons. Ontaria OFFIE.-ppoitoExpessOlilce. V1TALIZED AIR ONTARIO BANK e eDlnunes ta do a General Banking Bosiness et S owsuanvilie Agency. DEPOSITS t ceired in Ssevitgs BanoS Deparnmeni anS biteregt aithawad iv coîrent cacas. Notice of sitbdîawel toitneessacy. AI deposits payable n emand EXCHANGE d,üegsb edsh aSDafts issueS upon Europe, Cua Ststes anS Ceenada, aiso Col S SUer auS kitad States Gresubaeks binLghit anS soiS COLLECTIONS i'romptixmn-Seaierrettrates uon ail parte f eat Britaiea, tis UnîteS States anS tisa Do 'iniint o: Canada. Telegraph Transfers lie for large or stuehi sutus on ail parts off Cauda. TFils lspeeialiy 0edva, rageougoi'- t eue living in Iticitoba, or tise Nort1h West il m'aaS a ,'he fonds avaîlableaet oeuesallihe plana tpaynn. For olier nartieniars cai attise hauk, A. J. MCaennaaa, 050, McGILL, Aeconnvaav Manager WANTED., E . nLard, You. haookiHgi batik on the ',asfcd Pfe 'tilh Say; "l{n#whave J bat- Tell the Ccd instrnction ana my liert daspis- i aTll tory. When your haeS dreraf 11 areliepatte L alcies, sud Yon feel hilios, canarii- snmrnm s e nSeS anS I amn net mv- If F011 have this awful diseuse you are i pate, an ou of une ih ýouSYmPats Yeu notice should lbe a warutug Th li lev. Dr. 'Jalniage Speaks OU stornarh Saur anS ta appeti, Utc d Th o'rd "ecann I ciîai anSerse th swlnhdî as cahhon n We5Ib buy a package oai1 mth asi î' al e g l n s , e t soe Eli'jah's Petition. 12:takea i :t?. e i>andd les reATLvef%;;:hout The original testimoniale con tes A Sespatot trram Washingtansanys: bean rensomed ? Wes that cross of in- tbey 'alil do thair nons, cure your ylecreb.:eantse;seuetraî Rev. De. Talmage preached ftram the ,expe essible pain the prce that wae headache anS hiliouness, rouie tte 1 '- bam up. V opiz ey wîîhnotic 1 lvradmaks yan feci happy agein.ba p oeye.wl e tptreatinu following tcxt:-"AnS tinre w'ts a!paiS for our rescue ? Loo e te 25 cents. Soldbyalmedicine dea ers: that -teiie tedsae. I n o e afai 11h m-rnthe-el thaerl e dtiefotedsammoe aId te great rain"-1. Kinge, xviii. 45. ýpaît tie, tnt, fitteen years cf outr I8 U" 'av murn -iwa prec rokw A lon, conumingdrougt hadcome iIIEIELnu-h w±sed w.uuiuitt! e'rger efenicide. To maSs a sure thiug A lngcan urnng rou it aS core lte aw ach was'- op nre 1niy -loner,5ta it will ntoretur. Very s opon the land. Th1e lenves cennepled; Peofaissing ta lire for Ccd anS avec- "S" OIE OF THE RESULTS 0F THE CASE NO. 248,083. the car-lj braMe open; thc bunkers nLity, bes not aur profession sotma- bnaihm aeyutcsm I amn bappy ta say that yeir rmedicines1 îay b ahhm a-eyutesieQUEEN'S DEATH. thing 1I er toalv. caee Swn an the scany hottone ofth ti res teen a lie, anS aur position a by- postiveness of expecration ? Do you - CASE NOuetra3eu1bse00dn4.wn w'll, anS tounuSno watcr; tic catrit od'OmleebaaSssers "e blteve Cod really means jr whcn1eti faen liedeFmIyiee-ets CASE Mo. 218,116. Ct llowcd witb thiret on th1e hanhes of mast corne dawn ont of thfi- priSa, f et uilhtaaiitso 'ower hn Ger- 1 have confidence in you as a docoer, te: tin ravina, that was once nil a-rush W inuet -humble ousescves befatre enys: "Ask, 'anS il shahll e given inasay Sefere Saii Th!ea.s Iere anS Itfeel vhat you cured me. with iquid lrightness. Aies! must Ccl, as FUisi 515di. Church i GoS, you; seek, anS ye shah finit; toýck, Cemnten.OU LA E T M lia nation dia'? IUp the sie ai Mount repent! repent!1 To 'the luit. Put aSi ha a.atelur yut r Thc Saaitt ot Quec Victoria and SBlond Poison, Chra ,n, le you - imploration a mere matrer ai the accesýsion a! the Prince of Wales CttU R SKidney, BlaSSer, t:i Carme.l go Elijai, bis servant, anS on sacklth! Wccp aloul for th ny Ont prhas" Te aa ot ONSUILTATION FR1331 Oel on or king Aie»,. Tics-c is a rn"gniiicu-t sim1 Waihfor thc Sea! inenr pras1 hnaa ec Bâ7tihthtbcae have been tic FREE. Haurs 9aa. lo8 P nm. Saaday praspect tîom tic top af Matrnt Car- I rejaerS again in regard ta the with your prayers; rhey wlll Sic en cause et a harge numiar cf questions - mal., You eau loak off upon th1e Mcd- Iptio oh'? Fluet: It was a Saefinite your lips. C'oming ta CaS xx 111 suish tpon varijons matters conceSwi 7 lie-cncn nSsa vsslemoviug up jprayar-. heme were fifly thig anuling nilef awilsathttc Britisli royal family anS conetitu- i anS Sown, caceylng tie commerce ofnitit Elijah wcnid hava ,iSeS tea bava you away frone hlm. O mny Sear lion. Pechape thc simplest plan wili gect aton.Tt lh a vey conspicu- iead foc ainse-if. 'There ware fifty bernaSsitsinCatiwh te answcr them. together. c'us oint Thp ailo to hill;daycal]sthm'gs le, wsldhaitlianStbhavaggc.r wanSalScndbtagImm'addiatelyImmdponlytheo deeadtt cf c-u C poit.TC arm l iu l a hIbiday lo eioil t:nsfo ewrld buit' liSgeS t hae' ih te Bible ful of pro-mises, anS Quci Victoria, ber eldest sdon beceme ta rhe top ai tie mouatain for 1t1e fine _anSkSeir onue t ua g, anS thar heaven mfll et glanies, and GoS full King;, uo ccresnnny wes necessary ta - prospect. Ha wcnt np thera ta pray 'is Lait. mry n alain o ilt pa p tsec title, the covimation ta long- for rein anSd thetie says Lh a c-t My friands, thrh'ccare tan many 1 remacit agein in regard ta' that onswh cnturicg ,a le deene.8A TIGFOSF himeeji do',,do$nx te rnudond uticitegeout ialtie ianS prpur. ragrhittecing wa asugenecaonlitiase' ega lute eurne prayers.FACS bise face batween hie Stee, anS crieS I tlk ther is tiheesoni tiey f praer iEie:L asascaauWhau ttc Prince ot Wales beceme myigitily unta tha Lord tiat th1e land do net rounut ta muni. We- musc ryrthtlbegtwa 11e!Kîgtctlewibb a on CURES GUARAF migit not piarisqh, butuht the show- go baefoire GoSwj rt ie seacifie er- wanted, which was reiintut rati for' tes ny thee-,sooce yeaes bacame ces - a~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ny for the traugi ai tiec conîc;etnt;ta ,thrjenwnPiceronandspde esmrghl couse. As soon as bh baSljrand, anS siay: "Here are my children, ntri ut nuhtteri oc alasns jîttre L anc uùPrncelhsmma ilibdtcfirer pý yar e, h e sent bls i iaingars ta the coenuant oet gracee; eîa? s son-lfcu s emý ýiservant to the auttook ai tic mount- I ving no Itact or lot in tisa neatter. Si;ulri ncg owttcaid il h i au eratde- uso etes;g dlooll' k pciaîy 'salcacels-deposit iunree neset f tain ta sec if there 'tvceeany signi O Lord, iSave in'y cid0 n"aS utfores te anS soanS the ficIde, anS sieke j i n bsec » ptn pu enèrgy sud strength - W& CA0N UA cf ecin. Th1e servant came hacheý and cail tt'-tQ 1»'naine. You -have beau te- Se et York. sai: Nosins f aîn" AganEliahaskngtha t,- omercalwo ri e iebtirsu of a wiole nation, Rein TicUie et Yock became at once REST7ORED TM MA N saiS: No sius ai ein.for taieElijbiaskig tin raincinorertaewald <L prayed anS again tic servant wenî b cansecraled ta Christ, anSditwa e th e ouuan, ei frth DS of OowrnWcall, foc tiat titie, JOHN A. MANLIN. JOHN A. MANLIN. the ondL'oCeS anS camne back wit thle a gittaing geucrahity. Why do yo trees anS rein for 1eethe, lu wae. It stougi iioherent ta, the teir of tse semae information, anS hthi tue ime -nat iay; Rare <i My partncveagrarei! Nw r cc nin ironse, dues nat marge iu the King- anS tic fourrh, anuS narein, anS lie nees, ail absorbeS in 1t1e wo'el; 0 the rrayer tint wiil bring tic saime shîp, li S acsa nu hei.r, if living, oe fifli' time anS ta rein, and the sixti Lord, conývart hîn{ by tiy grace, anSd ucaWeS o vatri aramains jn abejanca untih an, icir is lim an nosina f rin.An tin sowhlmtb4 Ite l soerhngmuch on thefilelds, but it le1 min an bain. Thc Dý,-nhy oi Carnwall beinge Elijai tice'wbimscîf mbntoamore im- hantter foris secul tien thli weciS.' che tender hanct of ciýldiood anS the ta its hoQlder, revenis-ins amounting bc portunete petition, anS for tic seventi i wisb. I cOnîS naSe y"ou fcah. tint yeu xcay pnt.a h"ndsaa ha 'cabut £50,10 a year, The othier limc lie crieS un4o rie Lard, anS for are respûnsibie ne,'S; it in rein an rie beerc, herd 1 litiste whici the present King suc-- rie sevenhtirsli e sent bis servant 11 031hMEOE OL.xi nha dcoaght of sn or xited ceeded et bis birt, likewuiseSvvd »oTEÂMs.AE'LArer under tesuni-sîraka ai wocldhinass, upoa thcD' ea ac. Teyue ta the outhook. Lu!1 the yaun.g met liavoia not suppose chat wir-niyou eO NASES OR TErII!siONIaLS. camebAcStayng: I se a <11e cme baficrcGo-i in judgmcnt, hai t iespiritual rein chat wa teeS. Hîw bueOa RohcsyFanafReerche IMn A. hU clouS flac ar six taches long, about ticexviii nek you abour nhoie a-vec îmi e ITcwnyFhji otst.AiBco at Ren w, Lord oath11e les, VflflICOCLL, tmidso y sizw o aamsn's han-." Fhjaih la.ped you baS anii nflu-nce ? Wi lieîanat au r pneecbîng about it anS talSinig iPrince anS Grenu Steward -et Scnt- 'EMISSIONS AIb Igave ap rh about t illii nt bnîng ir. ln adj lofIw akgn frontm siece-,s anS saiS va 1the ser- aSkYatu about your own ch ilinen?lnSaSFn iI4ui.j att: " Run anSdral Sing Ahai ta xii hai notsey: - Wiere is Juin, or \EMs PRAYADPAY. DAUGHTERS WOULD BE REIRS. 1rslienne ga'ae njo h atan i Gogo ay nSrho In Wc muet go an tic Carmel of Cheis- 1 lad there bmetnaoliving set ofthtie CUREO.lis n a Lesestwili came, aud unlese 11e flicse tbccacchytinSIl an expeitatiat anS 0w ouresieb-! new King ti$ hbar wanld be thc eldeet seilsst i yafie r archi nowhe illiieer et oine11 hetha her fre te Lrdandtho talla menL." Bau, h xiiiunen ethane. li tateu, xou say. eI don'r knaw, foe1 i Lrd1nStin i xxii om-. set aif hie daceesed son; taiîng a CURES GUARANTERD OR g"ts Ln tic chariot andS speedes own ani say: "Tpi ne, Sa ynn sec Sndai payrawcr p.otwii ait oet abldra» cf e son, tic Prince rmin. Leter on a 'gay lite" gn ariosore nie moutaan, anS Elijah, more cxx it- Eyoîa Snaywcwbît chat 1i t Wby, net camesas certain as ibere is a Lord, jOai Wale' dassghtere xv'auld bc beir- 1 Tseron lyeankntyes, em hd ltians 0 and you bave a soul immortel tobb se att itmei tc n t nerroasacs, neait hicS, e'c. SyphilIs canae footedthau he horses, eads Le cha- is te blood oseteun-ntriair tanhfie lest dayn.th. Prayerf t, oir fotd in i hres es i ca- sti inia ccrseleo tnr nboe pains, nicers la mauth and lot down iitic ill. lia chaud utla was e cianalonthlnt a.,Pr1 yr herbicths, eand ticerchihdccn efrter un od, etc. I tienS GoS I trieS oniy tIre or six incte.s long, taeuSe 1I o-aiesk agan thet rie s prayen et 0ow' prayer pccpctuelly.1 Ithen, iof&ugter aiticeleosu rttrdm t~ei unlili tiewhaie beaean te filleS x'iîh Eiij-îl ans ani ilanL 1pîîycn. Jsec liumeeting some who bave caugtaerstandIng ne a rar r.-f1$ gioom, anS tin w inS( blaws np fromt111eice n'as to "n-ay--'î" about it lbIien beoh-shîdees iconeGS T h trnc than ttc esons ai a #venit 1VukngCM &Vtr, ylz c-Il nea ta linemountein anS feain tiche 5wa rtewuh a pn~ttinsle i omno al;Idxgte onesiItte omno ale agte.It was this mie ai suc- KdnyadldeD as, neauneitsta 11e se, aS - ng, 11e set ilh servant t( na t-r ey sit Ibere no more. Once tbcy1 cession biset branugit ta tictcn 7YAR NDT'OT TU TLNES OO bL i nasr e~nb'jn' n , pray aS- lhey pcny ne marc. Once up-1 the Peincee5s Victoria, dangbtcr at EoEf;r-oavciuHv xxa gigtacma n t xat- t t hl cn tes oaan1eviinthe faurli cou ai George IHI., Iogi Nw tshdrntwiiiccjRasorooS ai a andonng Jeites;butntebbensicadeunles, nc aiwiom ueccee i CNSULetdTrATI FAfS Na ee. what and there le a 'tilS, ovýes-w seiming know ch ' t c arsiý1osueinî ef Utsas-ivalfa roig ois bt o hysehduces u fwo uce OST'cg CrATI RE.sNoahe 8005basFt Ssi as tieclchuds baril, "anS, nie foc-r hti a- e tlc-mo)nt- stand wili mn tictir fetedon tie, otahe11e tines ofatHanovr, wx'cli1 mrearg e mIns etiotae, cents. e-ils~~~~~~~~~ ar!deIoc aSti ccisig w}t- tx hat the -ain would 1bleedîng menrt oethIeSon ai GoS. 0 oaSiSntut -bc octupleS by aQnnjN AE iSDWT --"AS teneave a mcamman."jase as ccctatihy asCarmol rase wendering hraniar, yavs caît GoS off, Cgat opes. Everythlng oontldentlal. "Wnl,' yu ay ' he i lir a cane binun 11e edleranandcyoc? Will in bcstranga if GoS If the Prince of Wales baine ciahl- ment, FREL. us JrI is anuincidenttlong ega paît - E asi s yen aff? Il wiil he barder ton dreis oc gcandchLldren, bis next bro- Tihe l'il Stop af char sihoa'cem i hi ai- i- :yctrat tic lest tian foc tbai& who- trwuu ahie nSatar im ed, the vany ast leai tint w-as washed' naver te-ok tic tirsl stcp heavanwecd.' that brticc's ch, lidmen in dcc cf by' il, bais gone iro Suer;, anS 'wby doe You sianed niaI yocr Sncw yonr duty. Ibelir birtbe, anS aiter tic Pnincc'sI you jirescnt it Ibis mortinp t?" Foc a How about ail thase peecious scens-buebs snes anSibirculden most practical parposa. J watt ta -inu xxici yen once commiagied? Wbere lt-c Gecnaan Emparar i 2 ult aaefml enshcm omn senS titi -waolec thpecch ta ilsesi, Oaf ie eHo a numc isuccession: 1the Sanite;rs otfc-theso, as a tact sic ad nu iawî-ly namne. J xvnrta ohava yaks andarîtand that rYueueuh Christ aI ast-tint Jes.us whur on Duchesî aifFie, lin eldesu Saugliter Unr inîhand baS noueecilice, tiyu:gh If you aili only go ap b lise Carel i - ' -- -hava moen peseccting by a wendaring eof the Prince cf Walas, tha Ladies lh awe, W li teboýuse ot Wettin. Tic of prayertul capectations anSdaS looyorelît off, i' htsnu ife? How rcnit yocslook hlm in lie fAaadaaSMn aiacaxiJsonnf AugusIue, DaSe of Sussecx, anS Fou eu bebald lraady vapars gathri ola, sud con- inaca antrie lait? Aie yen hapy1 anS saventlu thet lina.J Lady Augustea]Murray was Snawn ne iin to a clouS of mnncy wbich xiiilumîo 1a Thie-î a, n on a e Royal eMariaga Actait 1772 dlis- Sir Augastus D'Enste; anS for this haret lu torrents of salvation upon tichuealg iee nhoeciapial ue poses of th ic îim as any descendante! cancan lie namne oitD'Este is assumeSd people. J1-hava to, tell yaa three a - j sdbnor aa pya ccan uae f of Gaa'ge 1IV. anS Mes. Flta-Ilerbact, Simeieta bc tic tamily namne of four tinge nant tntia-votdrinl - yu hot prai a lnneietcicm if any sucb liera Le, It ioniaetie< 111eprensent German sovereliofo pnayer ail Elijat wbich resulted 5 wiIdso pto.YusaOo uI -î marLaga of any Enigliîi-bimn ce-1 Gret Beitain. But 11hi assuamptian i nsarvelously. agod1etbcSbtij uricl Ta wa cenSantofaioarege 1M. ander tiche fan encan, for ttc neason. givan aLors. Fiet: l ene tatil payu. McS mut Jdiiseve adI Tt mal araîiof 25 wittuDut lia King's consent, anS Tic Grand Duchase Marteaof Anstnia- Fle t i ln aoat tiuEble: "ut- c'Mait You mstgive >nîter lieu ae LhuttecOsn'Este. Prneese Luilpojl of Bavria, is 1-t, ~a-i~ ..~. ~.. ~your throat aud clntinu nal 1'ttrS111far ihu t îsn [n danger until oopietely eured; le vaoin * tqtake iturediavte treaiment. Don tput it off -, ouhav srethroat. patehes ou tongwe ot lotches on body, itehing skiu, or other signef *Goldb)erg personaNly,'wsoas 18DiplomfaÉ% he varions calleges, haspitalsadn States. which Seen Mt Our office ; $500-00 reward for ay lnts we publiait only the nitias. e ut or scratch myseif thse sape wtll rme as long as there is a aigu er it than death belleve yon have 1 s thanldfl to you for the gaad you fhen i came tai you, and was on theW I wauld hUre ta continue a whule .eegictufly yours, Mrs. L. S. MayS31 1899.% 3heiped My trouble more tunany Oct. 15 1899. ierfuhiy. i.D. Nov, 18, 1899. 1r Yen helped Me more thon as»' eue else bau, 'THOD TREATMENT i, Nervone, Imptency, Varoocele, Stricture ,ver, Stomacs, Female and Rectal Trou hies rwrite for blank for home treatmoutL BOOX£ rs lQa.m. to3 P.m. 291 WOODWARD AVEf.1ý k DEUTROIT, 3110E. DOR DISE7ASED VIOTIMI@. fJTEED OR NO PAYI,ý nt; w e ek or d eb Vitated ; t reé o i ge a~ ~'rài j p u Me; cfteams sud elglt ;3us; hasriar 1eç-kers- sors0 throaj rH 0008VYORS. K. & ýK. CHAS. POWEIIS, CHAt POWIU SED WITNOUT WRITTEN CONSENL Manlin aays:-'I waas oeeoetthe coSftless VI. §tyiqqcefrmmancdaietIn Fea 1 oa«e Y ?dc ME and spent 09B ia iuem a4& roilier acCUseS pe us a las$ rsorktonelt Sy slrKarga.- iommeneed their Bau methat sdinaf- ew weeks -aes a new xisen, with new Chit io. T s sa four years ao, sud ta I1 Bd and happy.I rocommeudlthas relisile R NO PAY.-CO>NFIDENTAL. ndation ofnMy re ta blond Si- symtom ofSyphilis, Emissions tr a i n I n o i te , , f I Sd on tngue, IaioceCrd 1Dm~ Kiennedty ir ahapes. CI-AS. POWERS. 20,000 CÙRED. NOC)~ K Yen hasit ho pe? Are yau contentphaUng mar- bAen diseased? Have yon any wsekuess? Our t i has done for others It will-do forocou. ES -'TheGolde Montor"(illnatratea), o 10 JT WRITTEN CONSENT. PR!--' D. No names on boxe@ or 9v Question lot and oost ,DfqTret- ýUjý 1No. 148 SHELV ST DETROIT, MIO-H. AQUICK oUE ~FOR COUGHS AND COLDS Véry valuable Resnecy in ail %THROAT or LUNGS:%ý DVSLarge Boittes, 25c. DVS& LAWRENCE Co., Limites, ¶Ja Prop's of Berri' Davis' Pain-Xîiler. ir - i

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