Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 20 Feb 1901, p. 3

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DRIED FIGS. lStewed dried f igs are excelle.pnt anc make a rich sweot table sauce. Wasi the figs and eut in amali pieces anc aî1low to stand covered wUth water foi etght te tee beurs. Place over tlh fixe and simmar until tender. If, foi variety either mild or stron.g seiz i wanted it may be imparted by add- Eeg more or less pure lemon juice t( the water iu whieh they are cooeked To avoid a bitter flavor use no othei ot f the linoeu. Poor figs, if nel 'ÈOLed, are improved by cookiug SLeaming modifies slight imperfec- tiens, and couverts them into a gooc table sauce. In ail cases the fij 5heuld be left iu its natural, sizte ne form 0of sweetening being requireé fer they need scid, rathar than su- gar. Delicious DrÎed Fig- Pudding.-Cul two lbs f igs izte amaîl pieces, afte goakiug them for tan-or twe]ve heur in eue quart water. Chop oue lb suel very fine sud add haîf lb fine breaé crumbe. Mix these with the figs, anë edd haîf lb fiour aud twe eggs, whic]: ebould be welLbeaten. Mix the 'WlolE [nie a istiff paste with the waî er à which the f igs were seaked, aud il net sufficieut te moisten wêli, gemE miik will have te ba used. Buttera mo'id, press the pudding i.nto t, tiE Lt dowu with a f]eured clotli, sud boil for three hours. Turu ente a dish and lierve with a sweet sauce. liain flatter Pud'ling Sauce.-CboF one lb dried f igs and ' tew until soft ir ne quart water. Straiu througb a sieve, raturu te the saucepan, ad& eue ounce butter, the juice ef eue le- mon, sud, if desired, a very littie su- gar. Serve bet or celd. Ê'ig Pie.-floil eue paund figs iu as littîs water as passible until tender, Add two tablespoons hoi3o.y, a small piace of butter, sud a littla gratad j nutmeg. Bake with two crusts. This quantity makes twe pies, Fig ëobbier.-Wýasi, eue pound f igs in wurm water sud soak in cold water for teu or tweive heurs, using 0nly sufficieut water te cover tham. Take eue plut sour cream, a piece of buttar about te size of a hao's egg, a littis salit sud fiour tQ make a stiff dough. ltub the sait aud butter into the fleur add te the cream baif teaspoon bak- ing soda, and stir te the f lour. Roll oui thin, and line a dish with it, Pour ie the figs, with the water thsýy w are soeaked iu, and place aver ail a layer of -dough, wit-h a slit cet lu the mid- lu t let the steam out. Bake la e ý r'_,k even for eue hý ur, watehing vcry carefully se t doafi net but rn. s~erve het with crcam. WARM BREADU FOR BREAKFAST. Peel sud hoU lu oeequart watar tbree large potatoas. Whau weii cook- od, mash Lu the watar they were beil- ed in and strain ever Oue quart sifted fleur, beat well, addiug anc tablespoon ea-h ef saft sud sugar. Soak prev- Lous2'in l a cep of warm water a cake of dry. yeast, until the yeast is cern- PletelY disselvad. Wheu the fleur sud Potat0ees are lukewarm add the dis- soived yeast, baatiug the mixture thoroughly. Caver the vessai elosaly aud place iu a warm place te risa. This batter is ýusua.liy prapared at nioon aud by eveuiug t will lia light and foamy. 'Iu the evaning sift about lght ibs fleur ie the bread peu, add the foamny mixture sud about two quarts lueamwater or miik. Stir ît ta- gfetlir and kuead the dough utila ,Smot, shing dough s formed, add- Lrg more fleur as neassary until the dough is sLooth sud g-iossy, and will met :stick te th b lauds, whau cover It l. iseiy with a warm clatit, aud al- low it te rise ever uight. In eold S weather, an eld, cdean blauket, kapt Wfor this pur pose ouly, is wrappad about the bread pao. - . ,viN AS THEY PASS, THE HORSE SHOW. ~ ~ William Hey-wood of Honolulu is te The Alabama stata record, 2:091A, raproseut tLe HIawaiieni Sugar Placiers' hebd by Sherman Clay, 2:050/4. ass5ociation lib is country-. Excel, 2:1"4, iS said te haeue of tl E. H. Kelar, anaeaof the doerkeopens of finest road herses lu tha countny. <r' --- ile seuaie, se ntucb resanibles Sanatar Ed Geers bias already diven a 3-yea - \a-,orhat Seuster Wolcoti ai' Coloradaoeld a haîf lu 1:071/aet Jewettviule. -ecuty iistaelk hlm fart het sesor rman Fox, the Conecticut traine Sanratar Thomas R. Bard of Calii'erc'e staried the pacen Teddy B, 2:1214, la'. and Itis brother, Dr. C. L. Bard ai' Veise races lu 1900 sud won 17. ura, Cal, aratý oetract s baspital lu that The 5-s-erold Missouril brd pacer A C- is- as al nmomrial ta their moter. Tbis hart Allisan, 2lt startad lu 23 racý ào hospital wili eoseniually ha presenied ta th e sson af 1900 and wan 12. tae Cils-. S. P. -Kelly ai' Oil Cits- Pa., bas k Congressman Allen, popularîs-IknOwr-7 gan1rsdherse lu a bas- geldiug b Sa f iPris-ste John Allen," sassha recani- Eus-ia. Re eau stop a 2:30) gait wiib E .1ys made au investmneut thai netd 150 training. par ceut. 111 beught Suîzer a 2 cent Frank Rockai'eller bas boughi a 150,01 ÏX i'. newsspaper," says Mr. Allen, asud haier ac luKwacutKane ýr Love sud Deat are paid us- car fate," Wichita, upani which hae wil taise lia: )tbotit dcuîcted as arcit- - Robert Diek Douglas, a gî-audson ai' nass hontes. era. ÎWÏieu Lame sts Stopheri A. Douglas afI llinois, Las beau Dr. R. C. Wells di' Lacouis, N. Hi bis araw ie a worn- At apîîoiuted by Gos-rner Russell ta the States that bis horta Battlesx bas a te, -au s teant sud shle affina 0f atlarne enrl i th ao- ad ai' 2:261/, not 2:18M2, as bas gonerail id tu!rcs sud 'albews, - l ne. i-e is but 25 years aid and the beauii eported. -< youuigest mac ta 611l that position in leeier hrt, allitea oîtofraic.The correct record ai' the pacar Cassi lie aughi sadder ten Joseph Jefferson, tLe acter, lias par-bsDctn r-kssne2:5/,h d tht't site shauid ha led by tory Lave juto elaased tuai esa nlau Chicago vatluad at 2: 17i,, se J. W.Eshfieman ai' Patterý -tin-e au'bush wuni- Destit, arroas-oOustring, I$87000. Mr -. Jefferson paid that anieniat bu tg, Pa., reports. waittî ta plant bis deadis- shafft in ber for il, giviîîg *4<jîjO lu cash and as',unu The 4-year-oId colt Dormeatb, bs- eLii breasai? Val so ilis.'Tinte sud again îng a uiortgage aof $40,000. Tite proerty 8ait-Law, 205 lrnultrni'er.Theiias Ma it Love proves la ha Deats decos-. And consists off a tbree storY brick Rpartîmanî adl eagattrteTeobrd ýr ollen wban te grini archer fails ta in- building lu Forts--sev-oîth sîneet. 1 lia stepped a Laîf lu 1:07. ,s fluitnttriai burt, tie lestes the sufferiug D. O. Milîs of New Yor-k lias print- TLe total wiuuiogs ai' the black guidin unomoian ta creep tbnough 111e lita a ised thaeUivearsity- of Calt'raia about Cotinor, 2:031/1 (2:1312ý trottiug) uppreýý dbrolcau-wiuged bird. ? $24,000 la defîay the expenses ai' a turo mata $22,000, of' whiu'h emacurt leaer Why daes loto lesd ta, sui'faing? ye astrecernical expedîtien i'î-euîthe $9,875 te Lis ci cditin iurIe tesson ai' 190- id Msuy s woirîau blas askcd that qitasticu Iici, obsai-vatots- ta South Anterica or Conoor Las nieothi 30 Lests -a hi h piteausly anîd ps-sioualely. Ste lias for- usriaîLabetofwiblastd- crodit as a tratter sud moto thau 100 a saken faîher snd notten ta cleave tunie Ai t lo-errol i' tars lu îis e sliced acr Sher hulshacdlunte beie'tai 5se wasssgi A fast gi-eau pacar ai the Jawettvill Iachiesiug woraacs igbesi happineas. f ]but insiead ai' bappiness siteltas foucd Professer Giovanni Schiaîpar-elli, direct- cas-ai-d tract l is LaeHait Apparenut, b misery stugled witl t uill sîrugghce or of tLe Btrc-aaso-sataî-y nt Milain, Las Cimat, date Gracea Rmua, Ls- Manib-i -seuîed useless, and et last lbas corne te beau eetiiad afler 42 s-cars of service. Ha o ein. A .Pre ogtTeIe aaccapt lanruîisury as the Ilcross" laid up- is calelîîated for Lis discos-ers- of tLe cei- Arpparent in tLe spî-îg of 1900 for $25C eor wun wta lave sud ruarr-y.itais lu Mats. His observaetions on me- Net leng ega Le w-as dris-cu a mile i thera ta no reai reasonl why aimeat leoritea, on tLe double stars and on tLe2:9,îebflu:0t. es-ry if au mote sioull al eje -pi-tuais Mercuts- and Venus are ai' the seîaud tealht. Tire causes af'lber utisery i'esi astronilcal velue. FOWL AND THEIR FRUIT. j lie lu diseases whiclt affect tire drlilcate, William Ma1Claîs- ai Philadaîphia bas p woraaly organisit. 1isagreesuie draisns gis-eu $50000 ta the Masonie hame of Suppîs- tLe 1lis-crs wilh boue, aystt 'tarc carryînig awaylte vtai farce. In- Paîîurylvvattia lenîemet-s-of is ou hhadvgeal. h lmain a ittdisSe for slow CLaries J. MalClars-. Ibia is deaire iL atI The Lest lasralii gpnerails-lbe fon itentant. Ulceratiosi la e atiug ihue tLe $20,000 La used for thLe general woii'are to bc tLe motat iv lise hns. i tenderntilssues. Fatiale ureakitesta et the haute, and that the îamaining $30,- Wilgcd nuanitpuir-a - utking ie s daily imartyrdlous. Ta il 000 Le ased for estsbiishing au eî-pban- amntularngedc bito, ans- asndertat lte certes ara rac'cad, sge for tbe children ofai' mmbars ai'the urasn f'I frmciisia' --that appatile fails, snd cîghti, wtickli ordan.1luriigfwsorm t nea o isitould briug nuit, bnitîga ortiy resîlessaiGent raI Joe Wheeler wri-ies lu ,,es'ggs ys-a wauthe large bî-eeds sud ilias aud troubled dea is? ibtat the czar's pouce plan casme te Ilsughti ta rwiîil- Dr. Pierces Pavanite Prescription cures "beccuise it woulîlL l Lenture ai'1 Dry pirlrnd fowcspiresoui tLe Lest ap J tae weîiaiy fisuises unrhidli urtdermne thiiigs impossible fer man aud nations ta aruaeu aIta et,-'odypc d.tte geureral Ieaitit. Il dries tiue drainîs. abi-upîls cait aside s habit that wasac-sueessfulls- pick w hile the flash is warni puis otttc fire of inflammtion, iteals qit d L'foe histors- hegâand sulater Whleu i'attening gease, as ceeui as îLe3 the ulcerated tissues and cures fatiale 'ail, un instinct. Ail anlîtîsîs," continues bagie ta shtow s lack ai' dasia for feec weakuass. Iu a word, il mnates weak -tbe gaîteral, "fighi and wiîî continue te, 1 îLes- shoeld haeald, as îLes- îill tha: woiceu trnansd sErt unvouici weii. ihink" ,bagie ta loge. r Feaxoit esnipe.itcai Es snoam- lý he IDLeaai'Ruiland, cow 82 yeara If incurased egg ys-l IhLe abject,se perucemedcin. l cOlans 'a acah olId. Las beau a mietuber ai' six cousecu- taect îLe raeat constant las-ors and mat( y neithar opiurt, caraine, or allier uarcc,. tive Brtishlaiet.Hî h as u.thmwll okee ifte--tlyn Siot sud ailingwas-aen are inirted ta . aaiinem e f.Lrce la he Ist aur- mcm is-tYeu avcekri L eta- cousuit Dr. Pionce hy latter, fracaetengiane a'Lr ebysfofat-ati sa ae chare. Al caresetîîuce îîisîm-aîiotî and alase e ldasi mambor TLe higlîcai prîceq for fowls are teý r chrge Al coresondncestictly pi- o f tLe Caîltoti club, lu 1841 the dth- cals-adcals- by lhtoat wrho are aLla t i r vaîe sud sacredis- confidential. lu a t1ian Lord John Meeuaîs-was William compl is thî the damaîda aof the mrel little moretan thiris- years Dr. Pierrae, Gescîasfllmmark o Nw rh- Ls sîpy rassisled by bs starf' of cea rly s score of E.-ldtr(' elwmme o e->vihte npy Ipltysotaas, bias treated air', rred aven at-k, le 1898 lrietis a palllîearer ai Mr. A god ration fer the production el -1l aii' muilliont -uvetti. Wîte har-iotî Iaso o uaa.uggs le wiuter la hoiled and eiashed po. fear or fac, te Dr. R. V. Pierre, duel r ai rwausfral-eu Oa ,ihban1ia l wr -conailtiug physiciat- th îe Invalids' r40 ai'ofîLe mest premimnn owîîera oui tLe scs-et eiilk foi- breakfast, whuoe heai tel snd Surgirai Ittetitute, Buffalho, N. V. Astrtalian tari' and a wcil knoacn Sydeys at 10an sd whel,. orntaned aaî ai nigbi. ctizeand man ai' business, bas Laee HAD GB YEN UP HO-PE. makteg îevatious ai' a seusaîlonal char- ', Ift wth ftelintgs et tuccre g titLude that1 aeler n garding borse îacicg ai the an-' g ait t tre tr ou r-r-c t'Airs. a-ris-A. Brown, tipodes. He confessas that hoe bas bait PEN, CHISEL AND BRUSH. M" Otouar Peiiabsce' caunt-r Maie. 'I1 wrete £3(),()(0 in honse racing and that with hi s ch*lýi ar-in-tn, avi2nd luadiseprie mg liniedepeieeelibssean about Frank Edwin Elwell, the nated Newi tae vontFavortiePrescrieptoan sd - olOei 30 waaithy men îuined on tLe turf. York sculpter, lias modeled s huai ef erdicai Dir-coveryr-' which t ý(ii accrding ta di-_________ Louisa M. Alcoit, which Le lias pîa- rcctioas, triO coniiuîed r iî tI-i ra1rfis- atdl L cse-is i -ss mac-,ths. Itoleutc ueIrNtleir- o factI, t'rc- ,ý1 THE NFW CENTURY. etdtthUnvriyoKas. scrýtîo,1 sx o medciDi,3ovey,>William Gillette, tLe plas-igbt, sas and four ila',ofli 'OD- 'rtes yd-rcaer-tIthe-o ne e ecameanauappî-oîrice lu a was diplrcernreet and i r-cer-iau cf they diternus-, The fie de siecla wonan lbas stepped thine "uatot1 tus h and 1 wqc in a terribrle condition i etIrpain adcinciop"nuti estd h we akness, aud liatd gir-cii upait hope- eof cicr i'0 fOr-rd anîd Lecomne te nets-ceeturs- linge sud characieristica ai' the genuine * eir-g wrll int. 3, Jo î'Owitit four dif- woman.--Louîsville Caemmercial. - tmecai." fcru 7ai O-tors withmir-r i roilhs, ndsut-tad of' geiing Oct-et was ,rowiag wer-ker til t he i-ace s-oi canglit on ta tirte ew game Mlark Twa-in sassha foud 64 et tice. tI d'rided te 'ry r--ur vî,îcintes, as 1 lînd set? Il la gueSsiîg uhat wi'llLappen t0e itote religionsa tacts in South Australie. * lard ot tIre cîaîîy cci rrsuttijog. fron iim lle svarld lethetîew cecurs-. Ans-Lads- Lii bat, as we w-are aersalvs-aawel unie.t1Irought is-e r- ttîcisud feir ce ninrh Ot- ter aller aclis- thn cract 1kepr t, n it1aint e as Is-i, sana neguets is as geod as rtîotgli sapplied, le decidod eut toim- iwetl as eer inn-t if-é, atnd ta Dr. Pierceailttthe aualbaer.-B-ookls-n Standard-Union. poa es-rie tha Uuited States. pie se is cite. "5-fatal1 began iii-g vent niediciir 1 nl Ean-h ane off lita New York ecarspapars John McAuliffe, tLe celebraîed paintel I wigied ac1aacd, Iîîo ni 0g î,ar ~eclaInrs ta bav-eprieied tLe "flîst paar uif horst-s, wba reconîls- mat with a fastal I gaiîîd r'd 3, -pounds- i't sx lout1i. ton i iblis,,hod ile enew dadais-." h5t oo [all fi-ra a iudow in New Yrt, bail deto f ieno e. N i natdeer , a t i buous- . Ld t a have the century tar i off w i îb a in t e co u se ai' is care r pai t d po - 1h-r- tshah nisrite t. Pierre evers- O 1e tam ratsuîîderstandicig lite Ibis, - Atlanta htilts af avens- herse of note in this iwn perfect health-thauks to ur. Pierce,,, journîal. coui-s-. IaDr. Pîerce's Caînîon Sausa MadicalI h would lhea asensible thieg ait te Le- nltr pcjwuhrercetI-sadta Adsiser le saut fraeeait receipi aof stamnpa gieuiîîg of the ucu century ta bave eur if earls- le lifa LaeLad madeo h a ule ta ta pay expeuise of custares and maling tintepieces niant 24 haut-a le a day iestead ausccer anly sucb ltteîs as came fremr oWîy. Saud 3t euie-cent stammîpa for the ai'fîleîblieg ou lhemselves lu two sets af friands antd relatives Lis contributians psaper-bauud book, an fer clatit bindinig 12. But il la tee sensible fer tLe Legin- j o lilciatute wr-alti Lave beau augmeuted secid5o stantps. Address Dr. RL V. nicg ef the twreuieth caclurs-, îbeugh it s L diinofetlattrevlms Pience, Buffalo, N. Y. ivili oma eegLofera bofbagiuno af _______volumes_ the twety-flrst. r- l -1THE BOER WAR. we ll doue. Add a lutile sait and- press BRAKES AND COU PLINGS, ne îLein e Tdaai'aalluisbid ulosu. tbraugb s ce-unsaaies-a. Thon ta as--drteha fufiile uies ery teacup squash, sdd eue egg bal Prencis Raula ai' Philugdeîphis Las bean 'portland Otegonian. cupsugr, ne easoonficr: ndalactaîl prasidant ai' tLe Halifax and Yen- A Landauhaanter sassthe South Afri- ccp oga, ou tespon flursudnîcaîb rilway, La succaed Thomnas [lob- r r'n msar la uow castieig tLe Briih peeý nuumeg ta êseason. Lineas deep pie eî-îsau. pic $6850 a minutea. "lima ta miottey, plate aslt pste, tim the squash wilh - Roeet S. Logan, forme, Is- ai St. Louis, r-iaeeeegb in ibis case.-New' Vert tilt sud fili the plate. Swect cream bas beau made assistant ta the geneî-bid \Voï'!d. oran smsal piece ai' butter adds te the maager oi' the Grand Trîuk raiiway ai'f Creinr-'r Chrisltian De Wei casee ta Canada. Oeaci b-ng capîuîad îLe alLer day thul flaver efthe S. lle Victor;a, Vancouveran ed Eastern rie pin ted mn a Compiles- ai'Britilsh ci Biact HiIîs- Cake.--Ona ccp sugar, Raiiwes- cacans Las beau at-ganized te ,n- sipdtena'iaignsni cc sa-e!utt cssfe luxedîîag h toea iigds Cmîcry tribta-Oedten.fter ui n _ eV 20 AI- ýaI ar- ec 'y sa, r- i s [y 'eo nis as le eir . -we wanî a few more workers lun ihis looalîy, ai o nce, and in aider to secure your co-operation withQuî the delay of correspondence, we herewîh explain our fll plan in Ihis advertisemen 't. The work is simnple and, the Machine is easily operated, and with the Guide requires no teacher. If you. wish Io juin aur staff oi Workers let us heai tram you pramptly wiïh the Application Form for Stock and Machine fiIbed out and remîitance, and we wiII allai you Stock and send yaumachine and outit to begin work ai once@ &ratPoraled by Previali Char-ir unrier thse festarle cempanIla Ast. iL IE r Author!zed Capital Sttock, R-Ei 8 r_ Vo# HEAD OF'FICE, --TORONTO, CANADA '1 a 5udlueis Offerig a illrntedl ameunt of Stock at $1.00 per eliare ln lots or twenty $hiaros. a1îa-tscr- e etthe teuty shares te bu furrnlslhed a twenty-doiiar knlttlng machine lic toi worlk tor île Svilcîîte snd te shere lunibhe net proîha ts fail goods Made.) 'The.C fnàicte has laer.ormed for the purpose of manufacturinc kniîlted goads cheaper than'any exleting Company, te kesp cdown phae,~ And teaop33e th large kn Ittig CGrlbince and Cemnpenias which have joined hande to raise prics. Tc do hs auccestfullvlât la DSasary te get l'ara ati tcos en J te ns ufacture goods wilh the Isast possible expense. Therefore- 1. Th ýyeidieat2 supffles lis own yarn and machines, 2. , a , ;ay ce s ail gec,,3 made by shareholders knitting ai thoir own homes. 3 T'f f1 wiicate pays for ai e-operly made &code ai once upor receipt ofseme, anîd besicdes paylng for thme werk whesa sent ln wfll semi. tnntclly a.h,ae wi:h as wcrk rg shaeholdcrs the met profite frons the sals of ail goods made bv is shareholders, 4. Ta S. c ae kail goods mieaby ite working ehareholiers. 6 . lo'a r, subî3cribr rfet w'riy $100 shares the Syndicats gives free a twenty dollar Knlttlng Machine te Weep. and alse suppl4ee each aarng harloI'-,fred of criarue,. full directions, samples and yarn ta mnake thea gooce. Týb om isae Ioide. a sen-'sr, the owner of one of the machines, te be paid for the work you do, and aise ta partIcipats ln thes equai divsion of ha, t4profis ou r-ae njy t become amamber of the Syndicatsan taketwerty $100 shares whlch wlll cost s-ou twenty dollars. HE M 1 t F ~ SïD~ T a te unpîs- its wn yarns and knitting machines ta its shareholdoes, FREE. Jy this plan it TH Mtil-i,ýàl O THE IýlNOI(ATE cenradjis-cbe ean that the Syndicate net anIs- benefite ite shereholdera by way of dividende, but is the ssur-c' of et re-guar c rployrmact and income et their homes. The byndîlcate a is-il prepared ta keep is ehareholdera supplied with Varce ror dong the y- cloue ki-nis oc voS required. and ft is eue bl a position ta dispos eo ail goode knitted from these Varns through large jobbers and cti û e g-eral trazie as a ft as it cen hosent lh yi te iharehldcers. h wî ml b3 ran that tae asrerca eds on so large a scaie t wou :d bc necesaers- te have a numnber of knlttlng factoris, which would mao the invassrcct of thousandsao'dair',besidles taxe, Insurence and interest on saea. Ws an, therefore, nlot anIs manufacture geade ceper a-nd in larr-r quant'ties, but pas- ou,- ehaeholders olviciends sem -amrnuallt. , h ydcPto rrnises ea high %perd fami yscamlrsa koittlng mnachIna., nd will lest a Ilfetime wlth ordinars- usage, IM of M.clia woi y"tes-n sh work, but sights- times farter, ln fact a pair of moka or bicycle hase ln twenty minutes. Wlth sacS ielach ne a tuli autffit is ent logetý>lr W flî a suppîs- ef sarn te commence eit ence. The guide accompenV-lng th@ rmachines le sa plain and tIre ep-rati.n san ampleit,,at anyorsa of 0,order-y intelligence can mate ans- of the knltted gocede required by the Syndicats, such as Gents' 8ocks, Ladies'Sitockn', ail'n1 aicie rIar's. lbnickerv., Loggings. and Toques for -icr. toqe Siocatv pays for iitlng tise gode ara :-Socks, 85.00 per 100 paire ; Ladles' Stockîngei, M00 Opar 100 palra" Conte' T HE PRICES Golf and Sicycle Hiose cainplec, IMO.OJ p2-r 10 pairs; Leggings and Footiese Bicycle Hase, 85.00 par 100 paIrs; fine {qa su ca pe'lOO. All those ?eOo-i "qziîckt1 n O ac tIn hýr achine end et these prices ans- persen wlling ta work con nake gocd psy. mueh Me4I than cleriîng in store, worting in cIre, or lobiringoen tar. .harehoiders çaen devole lî or part of their lime knlttîng, but et ail times thes- are expected ta work for thte interests of 'She 5ynccte WH(JUA~J ~Ait carrons wiiuiing ta aecept and honestis- knlt the s-arn critrusted ta them, and toreturn made gocils promptly la the WHO AN JIN.Syndicats. 1 ~~Ech person cdsiring to becamae a shareholder of stock, partlcîpating ln the ssml.annual dM.. YïflýI YOUJ mu ST D TU JflIMJ. dends, and Iao work for the Syndicate, recsising pes- as fast as thes work lesent in-muai eui out the folihowing APPIlkCATION FOItM, sign tlesirn-,me ta Ilfil in addrems nd reference, and enclose il wiin Express or Post Office Menty Ordîo ta the Syndicats. ppIIca,. o 7Tom for Stock an Âable vil PEPIlS NITI*SYtNDIICATE, LIMITEra, zîo YaNaitST., ToRONsTO, ONT. 1 enclose you berewitb $2ooolun PUL 1'Âv1tNv for 2oe ares of stock (aubjet ta nie ellier call) ln The, Peorle's Kttlng SYudlcae. Lintitr-d, whih I wish atlottcd ta mre, and one cf yr-.sr $2r.ao iaaciines free, sanie as yeou furniah your shar-ehelders, together wtth free aeniples, instructions antd yarn, whicla I wish seul toa ne as soon sa pos-thie te enabieinie te begin werk for thea Syndicate et once upou rec-ipt of sanie. Thre ssid stock gota e niea teperticipate in the semi-annial dividendu cf tii, SsndiCate ta addition te beins paid cash cn detivery for ail the Knitiig I do for thîe Syndicat* on uay machine. .Wrneyar,- rsiglLarees offie: rer ent__________________________________ Bowmansiie Statesman, Pucrt Office NaMe Refer-rnece, Af r. a Pt ýasc stats bc.se mach tee e onca dswte te the werk and Itos Von wtsh ta ha peid-weekly, snothly or as -ose send the bwoxÊ b TT(TTlTl~C patrons ef Lewis may ha meutîolited. ways cefesed te, maka kuown the NAIPGJJEÙN O UUR R Oua of thasa was the Earl of' Clan- atoiut of bis lasses lu this ceuece- carty, tefiftb bouder of tha titIib, or the ga nfa by which lha as HOW SAN LEWIS FLEFCED THE who, about tweive years ago. whila 1iniduced te serrendar bis cash, but YO1JNÜr BLOODS 0F LONDON. stili kulown by the courtasy tilla afi' t is beliavad thai tha swiudlars.bilk-. - Viscount Dunlo, married Balla Bul-letIbitni through yugar son3, cahe Sixty Per tCent. 'Wastise esi<barge for ton, a variety singer, upan who ee0hi ms ree1 drc !tY 1oaslag M"rît'Iird ofL Mîcg. lle the callow youth squanderad s-ast victins.' "a"Lewis, who was 6.3 yeare of s ums oX. moncy wbicbhali had abtai ed OuaQ h aetscnasi hc ageat th trmeof is eah, ad erfrein Lewis. ThLte latter fouud Clan- Lewis £lgurad was the casa of Lord ageai ha int ,, hi drath ha Nrcaî-ty s vary undesiralje debtor, and, William iSevil, the fourtit son of the ofmn y es iarldan th osîraeas je bis effort te -force such settia 'Marquis of Abergas-euuy, whe, ln anduf ntay eoingaea uuuates, meut as was possible had recaursa tal February, 1898, pieadad guilty ta, mucbmony tht h aciali dide1tadve'rtising taenobla Earlinluthe' fraud sud was senteuced te fis-a know whaita do with it. Ila lis-ad Landau Gazetta as a dabtar wbo years' impri-roomeut. Ris finauds]l lu uxeiaîs tya a 23Graveorwould net psy bis bis. difficulties were firsi veuitilateil in a Square, London, and liait more than nu te ,ed patron ai' Lewis suit brought by Lewis ie the preced- eue splendid seat lu the country, sud was the laie reprecate Marquis afi' Eg year against au efficer of the lu awnsudcanrryalîe 1555aa-Alsbury-knawul generally as the Guards usured Clay, through wbom ha ýn ownandcoutryalike as c- Costermonger Marquis"-wha, wbee bad casbad twoa noies for £11,000 for custonted te euieztain lavlshly sunohb aejtaatml ite u odWila e-i. ei cnw persans as wouid4coudesceud Le accept iecm tebefmy ilsndLrWlia Nvî.Lwsa-ko, Iis itaspitality. With the, preteuded asiates on thbe death e.f bisgraudfath- ledged1on tha wtsiles stand ou til abject aof geiting rid et some of bis ar, lu 1886, cvas £(,und ta awe Lewis occasion that 'Lard William iad boas; superfluaus cash, haoivas accustomned a suraiai £250,0005 which lie bad bar- paying hlm fzrom 30 Ia 40 per' centý ta -fat MuleCaco, ut bîscys ~ row'cd ou jostobits -nd squaud-red ou for bis accommoadation. ha camit Mn ca rtei b te re sit ai' the notorlous D lly T ster ai' the L ou- Lewis bas oficu beau da,îuuced nsaking more meney than hle st. df ait tge tm aiinallY for his pracîjs, but neyer sa forlb- ibe auk" narried. "Io enable hlm te repay ly sud affectis-aly as haew-as during Onc EtEs aid ha'~bak Lewis for bis scinuffodations lte the înqeîry by s Honse ai' Commous and le cradiled with baving- distribut- ni. ai'ef Ls wuuisgs rnen th Marqsuis, lu 1SU2, seld bis ancestral committee in ta tteas-ils afli' uey poor f Maseiles.asiate aof Savernake ta Lard veagh beudiug abo~ut ihr[a years ago. Sir pora'Mrele.-an alieuatitxu w1kîh bis unele en ereLwsth mnn ayr Lewis wras, in faci, rather proud of -uIGeg ei h nmn ayr bismunficncetaîLepoo, Lt h uir-presuoplr',r-e, Lord llcnry -Bruce-ansd s ms-mber of the higitesi stand- failyglaue wau piukig beatamptkîd iu valu ta pieveut itY s îng in the Jewisb commuuity of Lon, fai.ly loatil hon luc-ingthi resort te the courts. Whbau te case dan, lu bis argument bafore this- com-, aristocratie sîîeudÉbrifts wbo were a inltgto hscamn iteopandpriualyfte bis oxdy patrans, as ie steai'astly ra- a-ial llain ii b'uigmte apaudpriual i h fesd a tauacibuines ,s-thorde-young peen sa oie that ite isasr silil transactians ai' saab man as "Sam" aryperou . Ha as now toevey-recei-ig money frem Lewi£; thaï,. Lewis. Sic George at id that "the ary ersns.Ha ws kowula a-er-.in faot., hoa ass nainly depandeul Up-Jeibcnruly ated sd e- body who bad mnrey to barrow ansd.Jws omnt lab- n e net aa meb scurîy u on cbtouhlmi f or bis daily maintenance, aud spised tbem, refused te shlow them2 [barrow Et, To hlmi it was ltai tLe that Lewis stead, as hi wera, betweeau te hold any position in the Jawish gilded yolhi nlu undfrihlm sud stai vallon. Lard lv,'tîgît rankesud the'Jewish rabbis preaced tu Iear iffiulîes. o knw thin ad agreed te psy nearly £800,000 fer aauite u hi rcie. Sas-eruake, the greater part of wbichi aIl su thy al uewnui, ad h wuld bas-e goet te Lewis. The jet- VICrTOIA'S STORES 0F GOLD. had aveu acqaixedaîu>ng these saýme- ter had prolmised, if tue tuing wveut Îecln fVooiteeal limes fris-ahana y uurg persans the re- the eoiouytef VicoriarthAilesbury puatau e bin nr no aba f lebrugit hwlrd.iabr division of the cohouy of Australia, bas ba ier f ai ' n is s u- a al e-£2000 A VEAR for tbe rentainder of bis Ille, but peuedrn L a- a'eu SLXT FERCENX ibs pllan-n i~ s mais sitedthetuny, mre agald than any otlier caun- .Wasverylikly t be ati-ate biry ln the worbd, wtit the exception wass-r-n llcey a b mtigstd-Y view iet Marchienjess Dally, ashoý impulses ofi' charitable cansidara- firmly refutsLd ta o ias of otur i CalifernEa.,Mc., Jamtes StiErling re- "-. usai ,a ~ r- -ar-cri r-,-'ii' -r- ---rr-c. t.ce ---r_71oca--'--- ~tii5 r-' -r - ~ ~ a.c-ucai rc-..-~ar--1~r- -r---rr--~---- ~ -~ - - - - - -- ' a-rm -- ,~r-~rirt" ~~~-'- -r-- -r- - - - - teins--' ~ ~ r-Iinil-i~aa --c--r-r-r-r, - ~ - '-r-'sxt-'Lx-' ru-r -- - ~ --------------- -'----------r--r--------' - --r-~-----r--- i-aî-x=--s----ii~ --r--- c --'-r---r-----r-'.--i r-'-Oa-i- um'r--------- ai r-x.i r-. r- - . -r---- '-c-i 'r-r'-r. <i'i - - - -c-r Liii ~ 'r~r-- - ata~r-cr'~ ~rt cs4,r-4c~c -. -s-q----- --r -~------------- -c--~-----c--- --r- - -r- -r---- - '-r- O-'~-e----rr--~-.r-~r-,---~--'5-- ~,~-,--- -~~~-s- -r--'-' -'~* ari-rarai-- -, c- '--r, c5-5 ____ r--' frr--ee---'-,±. -----~--------,--.----r- - - ' - ___________________________ eus i as (t ~ c', e uu~pn~ta~ij --2-t--ri2- ~ -~ s-ht fqlbl k Stti.2snniaie at!iiLsieiiLtl ,ii~r-~ ~ aurcrs _______ _________ ir-i~O c cma ________ _______ _ taiu.~,r-i~it4Ar-~ ________ ~ ~ - -~ ~ - __________ ______ nc-za ar-irir- L~eai -r-~ c- _________ ni~m.Ls-eie c- ____ ______ ~'~r74r-r~nri5- ar5---+nir-5r-'--r-r'~a5e~5-(t~5~---- - ~cr'urr,~ ar-rr--'-' --- -- --'-aI ____________- - s ~ ,-r--aura ~ nUd t u~ t~b1j-siienrr-, r- r-, ,- -,-r- ,-,~ r - ~ lite o ~c'z ~ - a--Pr-e-~tianr tt~r-S4iari~- _____________________ ~ ~ PLtiSt _____ ___________ ___ ----r--r- - -- - arc-t r-: - ',u5-~5~t5t"'L~~itY - - - _____ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~- -r-- ------r~-r-r---r-. -~ __________ _________________________ S _____ __ __ 's-e r-cCrgt,~',,g~jz. - 'r -r-r- --r-r-~--~~---~ zt1lrra c '~-r-ra-----c-- -ai~~7 - - ________ ___ ,~-- ---~-- - --r-r- ------ arrr- - -rr-- ____ ~'irîn ~ ~ - ~ . 'r-t - 'r-c-rr--r- ~ .-~tu~--ail~. ~arn~v-ri-r-r-rramtminer7t~:r-r-,r.,~ - -"_ __ cars- -'r-c-L sera -,esr ~ r-~t4r-j~s- ~t~c-~ni~gU - -rr~ - __ - -~ c- ',r ~----,. t l r-- r i' - :'. ~-se ~ r-, - r-r-r-s- o-, ar-a beer-~~tr-r ~ se ~-r-Jto-rrir ~a-~,r--. ~-r~-~~--r----- ~ -'-r r- ---ar--r---- doneata the ho-e o f a shuzaholdor. - ------- ------------ - --- jý MIT 11

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