Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 13 Feb 1901, p. 8

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SCoughng before it gets the trtof you and runs into Bronchitis or Consumption. ilNo.30.k SColds, Coughs, Asthma, Biîonchitis, lloarseness, Weak Lungs, La Grippe. There is nothing better for a Cougli than NIJMBER 301. v L HIGGINBOIHAM & SONI il ~~~~Druggists, onavle Our Goods Speak For Themselves. We only ask you tu corne and go through O our store. We buy the nattiest Furniture on the OMarket, made in best woods and we seli at close Sprices. If you intend furnishingý a home, e our lincs and get our prices, and compaie with the goods of any city store if you wish. If you 4 Scontemplate a f ancy chair or any piece of Fur- O niture for the Holiday season. sec our display, the largest and prettiest evershown in town, O KBEP VOUR. BYE ON OUR. DISPLAY WINDOW. tO BOWMAN VILLEB Furnihure anid Undertak'ing. OQ ut this ad. u 10 $3. ndsndtouswýit:h10 rate- heher yo% wjsb Men's aud gear ,atedd,.Iei ,. E you thisIIghGrade1911 'lodel BIccIragl Biycl byExpre ss .0.D. 8 1 C Y C LEcYEoý-t 1to- exam.'-ination. you can examine it thoroughly atyu x- press Office ýanti if fountiprfcl satisfactory, exactlY .ras e 8esntd. A 141011 yRADE 1901eMOýDEL ' ~ . GENUINE E îcL ÊBCl CLE, ay thIs Epress Agenteth blance eue - $29.00 - âme Express No,4 5 0 and 31Care.TIeepress charges are *ony )0 t07 cents for each 500 iles.No extra chargefor Ladies Bicycles. EYONIE KNOWS THE fACLE SICY CL!11 .Th -ely a vrti edtGrade'wb ig ad; uicyes bas beter repntiýa.t oyle ba s b w ee i moe ely av rte h ma de ; B ig faourite s ith be mt io;n BicyclClb;c le a ee i prcfessional riders. Bltonhs, flush jit, iei hane . b b en.. hielses rade equip menýnt , tte I th Victo>rSingle Tub>eTires. 12.10 extra for Morgan & Wright Tires-S&00 extra foPr Dt.slp Tre, feihts 0ff m-en a20 22 and 24 in.-Ladies' 20 and 22 is.-enamelled Black. cnts, W.P1- hel ,l lglstly .use S, IS o5.0. _T.. W OV & SON Stctire Agency at once. 1883 Noruqt OusA Sr, MoNwrnsaL.- sl.uouate fCrame wth ef ahoe. $.O AFree C-a1aIoJgues If yen havent receivcd a copy ask for it or send for one. It 'slustrates the famous Goodyeur -Welted "Siater Shoe " in the scasons popular shapes,, styles, leathers asidcoiers.------ If theres nic "Sia ter Shoe'" Agency ini your town, drop,, sa l headdre s fereunder andi you cao or- der what shoe you cant by mail. Every dSlater Sboe' bears thse maker: anieanà e:)0 or JOHN HELLYAR, Sole Local Agent. iOUR FRIENDS. Ar-ýDPAT RNS.. w e atidresseti yon tisnough tH r on lsiXmes bas corne anti g ain brýingng wlth it the New L- idCentury iwith is presperity, 'sity andi a vasi variety eoSonh s' bses Tisane is eue suggestion wc uaie wtisassurance. If çea v. s '-ineyen eau have it by T . lor eyLonT noua hoUter. T, T3kn owticr, ocui r. ha ns, Tr frusgreutîtiCoffee, pure. N il ,. nager aux-Quaker and s. ekor Jack. a te Telephoue I\-o0.57. BOWMANVILLE, FEB. 13, 1901. OSHAWA. Mn, E. Munxday, Editor of the Re- former, hds been electeti chairman of the Sehool Board . ...Mr. VVilliam Sand- orson, cf Pont Buron, Michigan. 18 v.uiting alrs. Phiiip Goyie . ... On Sat- uraFeb. ltitnulatinwil] be ne- ta.,..jjý'Ao o. ~tt îoau f Ceunciior made vacant by tih esi to f J. F. Tamblyn.. .. Mn. Githert Axidrson li wtiting froni T7homùpson, IN.D., s.s ..We ere having a fine wintcr here nio, ohtbprainc >411 wlilut-r . .. ivi n- nie> Mhai-id Miss Maimie Fr4ustb,' Jiav paseti ith firi glasis houons,'. their p1 n exnsinîln (st ear) e o Town Coc-l-0i have gîsuteti $450 t10 Ihe Al hudden cHliioftenîmsrsdo i îc'Pain-Killer 'Us ail Ihgt isndd te wenrd il (ff. UiîwqulalPed f'r Ci, . în andt diaorisoez «"Aid ubs*iv te,her îs tut olle Pain !;lilLes , v Dss;iV'. 25e anti Ne TYRONE. 1 he Home Circle at Tvrone wiil give a concert on Friday evening, Feis. 15, li Sons' Hall at 8 oclock. Very ciever ententainers have been engageti and al who can enjey an evenixig's fun with soxig and story had better co me. Pro- viens entertaiximents un de r H. C. asiewere notable succosses. Whoso ceewill proneunce ihis one botter. Admission 15e. A NEW BOOK. For Feminiine Home Workers. Sent Post Paid To any Address in Canada. The manufacturers ef the celebrateti Diemond Dyves andi the pepular Dia- moud Dye Mat and Rug Patterns are new issunxg a xiew and enlarged edition cf the Diemond Dve Rug Bock, that shoulti bcli the hands of every woman and girl in Canada. Many new and attractive designs for Mats and Hugs are shown as weil as full directions for thse making and coloing. Thousands et women who are interested inlxthse making cf pretty Rngs are sending for this bock, Senti in yonr atidros s at once te The Wells & Richardison Co., Limited, 200 Ilountaixi Street, Montreal. Que. ___ ENFIELD. Recent visitons: Mn anti Mrs. Griffixi, Buffalo, N. Y.; Mr.F.Hurlbnt, Oshawia, at home; Mr. A. MeCuliocis, Ashisnnn, et home; Messrs. A. Dver, Toronto, A. Curtis and Mn. Bih, 'Oshawa, at Mn. John Dyer's; Mn. M. Vickery, Wood- ville...., Mn. W. J. Ormistoxi has pur- chased Fairview Cottage on Temper ance St... Memonial service wilh bo iseit here for the laie Mns Tapp Fois. 17.-. Our Division is Prospernxg as thene are initiations nearly eveny week alid Propositions are numerous .. . . C O.* C . F. attended chureb Sunday week and were addressed by 1ev. Mn. Aluin, G. C. 0C0M POU NIDe ÈiThe Truc le lth-Restorer. Paiue's Celery Compoundi bas donc Imore te heal thse sick anti roiievu suifer ing than any other melieine lu tise world. Beiug pure, palatabie anti pewerful, it is thse medicineindorseti by our best physiciens as a true cure for ai! nervons diseases. Sickiy ehiidren, woary wocnen aildt tined mon have fount ili this wonderful Compound, healih, stnenglis and happiness. For ail ihose diseuses whicb are the resuit cf weakened nernes as dyspepsie, beaacierhenmatism, nenralgia, kidne antiliver troubles, faine 's Celény Comýoundis the:conlY sensible and reliable nemetiy. It stnices at tise robt cf the disease, anti makes a per- manent cure. Beware cf substitutes; get «'Paine's," the kinti that makes sick pt ople well. HAYDON.' Visitons : Miss Mande Oneeper, Whitisy, Miss Annie Creeper whe bas heen visitixg friens inx Toronto ai home. Misses May Bawkey andi Mande _Hodg-son,-Tvrne,- Mn-. Wm Gree'îa- way anid bride, Maripose, ai Mn Wm. Tnewin's ; IMns. Riley at her sister's £urnncc.Asamnnunautien fromOntario leet 1 eÊflaUion a -*-...J-." anti wîfe are visiting iheir son Cyrus whe isteaebing near Omeme...-.The cemnsuni -y ,siipathïze witia Mns.J chu Mucanghlin in tie loss sustaineti by the death cf hon brother, Mr. Toibeni Evans cf Manvers ...On Sunday lest Rer. J. S. MeMlien proachoti a flue sermon on "Love, The Supremu Gcod" taking for bis text 1 Cor. 12 :13, "Anti now abideth faits,, hope, love ihese thnoe; but the greatest cf these is love." Sncb eamnest discounses ougbt te work lasting gct-iulitise-heait-ta nti ives cf tise members of tise couirregation. ThouFands cf Canadiens cen voneis for tise efficacy of tisai peeriess ceagis nensody, Pyxiy-Balsam. Il cures a ceiti very qacckly. 2e. cf all drnggistat. Matie iy the poprietors cf, Penny, Davis' Pain-Killer. ORONO. Miss Kate Bnghsen bas been il.... Mnr Joseph Johnrton l8 home trom Motana.. ,,Mns. John J. Gilfillan is visitiisg fientsisnluHamiltoxin ... Miss T. Thonspacu, Oshsawa, le visiting et Mn. B. Boope's... Mn. C. E. Cuttubil iii wih inflammation ai iis home in Leon- don .,.. Miss Boua Dodtis, Exeter, 18 visitixig ai Dr. Jas. Rniherfont*s ... . li.. Tises. Vinson, Toronto, was home Sun. day week...-. Mns. Nichoies, Midant, taugister et Mn. John Bewks, formeriy ef car îown, fa visiiing et Mr. Aaron Samis'.... Miss Allie Buckley hagene to Wiiby Ladies Coliege, where se wiil take a course ixi music anti ebocu- tien,.... Coancilenr Gec. Joli. Newcastle anti Miss Mabel Collacoit, Darlingion, visitet ai Mn. H. Boopon's reeently... Mr.. William Webber, sou et R Webber Esq ,tis millenaime butcher cf New Yonls-, was guest cf Mn. Wiil Davey reconly...,.Mme. W. Caitwehi. Tyrone, whc lbas beun visitiug hem sister, Mrs. W. Themnien, for the pesi wecek bas me- tumneti home, afler t3pending a vers- p!easant tise . ..Mn anti Mms. Daniel iHafl anti son-J. F. Rail, cf "Milivale Dairy "; also Mrs. Mencer. C Banntti. Mr. amlnti Ms Win. B'treti, Mms. A W. Carnetsi-, Mrs Cee. Glanvilie,. Miss E. Itien ave been snffering v!ith la grpp.. .mA J.' Kiox la onoanzîug an 1 ocetafor tseMc--hoisi çhancb Sundv Sisoc...Pte Weich, a cccxii-' n retunnet Senis A 2frican iserc Ses %io iiixgSr.Mn Welci tecki part, luigeema ega;gements ai Grand River, îaud a i tise fah tJohanînesburg, 1u ai» 'It ,eti'apassing tiiroughs with- I I j'eeing is Betieving." When yo= see peopte curtd by a rtmtdy, you mcst betit'rr in ils po'wer. Look around you. Frienefs, retatives1, neighbors att say that Hood' Sarsaparttt, .Americas CGreatesi Nedicine, eansed the btood of their dear -ones and they tise en masse to slng ilspralses. T1here's nothingq lIge il in the vwrtd to purify the Mood. Sores-" My heatth 'was poop and 1 had a sor on one of my tlmbs. Myv fathier éhoughî 1 beller f ry Hoodrs Sarsa- parilt, and .1 dld so and the sorts art MoW aff better, Whtne'ver i do not feet quel[ 1 take Hoods/' Mss Nettie cA., Law., 2?ýchmond, Quebe BlINDER TWLNE. l'armera, dela 'y ordering your twine until the Farmers Co., give prices. They will do well for you. P. WERRY, agent; for North and East Darlixigton, Tyrone. 6-tf FOLEY. Mr, Joseph treleaven died Sunday morning, Feb rd aged 77 years. Rie retired from farming some years ago, and has since Iived in Foley. He was a hard- working, industrious maxn, a good neighbor, and a mani whose word was as good as lus bond. He leaves beside a widow. a son Joseph, Meaford, and two daughters,. Mrs P Thomas, Dakota, and Mrs. Silas Th3)mas, Taun- ton. The tuneral took place to Eldad burving ground. Biliousness is cured by Hood's Pis. 25 cents. S. S. No. 4 CLARKE. Sehool report for January. Names i order of menit. V class, Bessie Staples, LilY Quaekenbush ; IV Sr, Stanley Porteous, Helen Mckenzie; IV Jr-, Edua Sharpe, Tupper Johnton, H. Patterson, Kenneth Wood ; III Sr, HI. Porteous, W. Mili-an, M. Stapleton, L. Millson ; III Jr, 1L Britton, R. Rich, M. Ovens, E.Edwards; Il Jr, A.Bragg, L. Mitchell, Thompson, E. Whittaker; II Jr, 11. Sharpe, A, Stapleton. IB. Thompson, Hl. Whittaker; Pt. Il Sr, Olive Johnston, S. Holman, AggieZea- land; Pt Il Jr, Verna Convey, C. Noden, W. Bragg, C. Convey, S.Gibbs; Pt. I, 1H, Whittaker, W. Porteous, C. Stapleton, W Bassett. BEAUTY 0pFFoasi AND FiGuREF-Health and beauty always go linked togethher. A wrinkled, tired and worn looking face tells nmmediately of nervouqness, worry and the many accomuanxing , lls and irregularities. Dr. Chase's iNerve Food fis the shrivelled arteries witli new, ricli blood, strengthens and rekindies the vitalitv of the nerves, anid gives a well--roxnded forai, and clear, healthy !omplex ion to those who use it. 50 cts. a box, ail dealers. NEWCASTLE. -Recexit visitors . Miss Evie Clemence, Kirby, guest of Mr. J. M.- Cobbledick The Misses Colacott, Salem, at Mr. Geo. H. Joli'5 ; Mr'. Fred Athinson, Aigoma, at home ; Miss Flossie and Mr. Ed. Martin, and Mr.j3lake Synions,' Hope, at Mr Geo. P. Rickard's recent. Il ; Mr.,and Miss Hlancock, Crooked Cxieek, with Miss Almeda Couh....,.. Miss Minta Warren has gone to New York to go in training for a. nurse.... Miss Mabel Rickard, teacher, Hope, at home._. The Epworth Leagne gave a very pleasant At Home to a number of frWeids in the Snnday School room on Monday evening-, Feb-. 4trk- A- choies program was given consisting Of songs CANNING FAOTORY. Un Friday mornlng laitb, Mayor Graham, of Belleville, and Mr. Finkle, who lu weii known bore, met the Coun. cili n r.sferQrnca te the establihmeinnt hoera ef au Evaporrting Worke anda lae a Canning Faotory, Mr Graham has an Evaporating Establishment now run- uîng at Belleville, where ho pute np potatotea, tumnîpu, cabbages oniis, carroe and other voetabiee. Last year he ran the business for l11ýrn-nths anid paid out for wage a and materil $47 000, and employa from 75 te 160 bandes and proposed te tart a similar business here. Ho saked the Council ro purchaeo theolod Qtîeon-street churoh property and fit ht up, whîch would ceaS xi the îîelghborhcod of $5000. Re wouid put in a plant coating $5000 andi a capital of $12,000, andi guarantee te keep it ruunlcg for ton years. Whie the planit wouid bo similar i aiza to the oe i Belleville, ho would ogres te stari out wîs h fift y banidsanad would pay on, the firei y.an $3000 li wages andi $5000 for matorlal. 1Thse Cannixig Faltory wouid hoe a Ide issue anid would requins a builiîg 50x 120 foot, iwo torïes hiah cf frame andi oovored with motol. Hoe would want the town te put $5000 into the building andi plasanti ho would put in a capi- tal cf $25,000, tmploy 75 te 100 banda andi aie n a Tin Shop, making bie own tins. The ibros taple artileB canxied woxild bc tomatoes, peau andi corn, Mn. Grahlam bas at the present timie a cossîraet cw'e years aheut i wth th- Britiah Army for a uxany car leads pen mentis, of hie Evaporaeti gooda. .Afîscn tulkïog the matten ever the Crnni adjournoti until evening andi aked a nnrnbet cf tise business mexi <f tihe town t0 attend the meetinv, but as t'ho attendssnce was net large it waý decided te eall a mseetimg of thse rate.- payera for Thurzéduy evaning, l4th huai, a report of wh!cth we wii give neXt week. Ohildren Cry for Children Cry foe-r C.hildren .Ory for GASTO RIA. TOWN OOUNL.'IL. Member ail proseni, Mayor Mitchel preiding. Minutes cf lest regular and apoclal meetings read andi on motion confirmeid. Couxi. Spry pneaenteid a petitien from a number of ratepayera, residexit on Scugog btreet nonsh, aaking for an Arc Light. On motion the petitioxi was rot enred te Public Pnoporty Cem. te repent on Mt neit meetiig. A communîcation-waa neceived from thse Truatees cf Childrexi's Hospital.- ackuowledging reeeipt of $10. Rece. eti anti fylef. Cccii Spry appiied cxi behaif cf Mm. Downey for leave te trim seme inees li front of ieî place, andi aloo permission te eut clown a poplar trou in front of w. Armalroig'a. Reforreti te Roada & Sîreote Gem. wjth-power *te act. Mra. ERamis appiied for permission te remove eacme hodies from the Cometemy te Temoto; aise for powur te inanafer plots. Granieti. A pplications were recuived from Jas. Mobean, for position cf Ucliecton; Enram Jas. MeConnachie anti T. B urden asking for t he Aausaorship.'La1ýid on tise Table. Tise Mayor road a communication [from, the Governor-General'a Secretary; acknowledging recoipt cf letton of condoiexce. , Piblsledl -anotetur c'o]. umn.------ uthierford andi Mr. W.D) Spixiks, Bow- SuaAc33olatli - narceivedan manville ; Recîtations bUy Misses Lenia flîed., Warren anti Mag&gieTait,Bowrnanville i.BgaSutof'etry At tise close of tise progrmn coffe antid .Bgal ui feeey cake were senveti anti the remaintier o! prosenutel report cf inteiximente in these nugwsspeti asocia way Coetemy the pat MontIfReor frientis bore necenthy ...La grippe cf Etmatucea puîssauuYtbrongh bis banda patients are receverng... Mn. J ohn thse peet mentis. Receined sant fyleti. Riekarti wio broke isis lez~ soute timo Cccxi. Worth presonteti Report for ago la on tise meni_... Misqs Lillie Pick- Pon Relief fer tise last beif cf Da anti is visiting lu Pickerno...The anti -nontb of Jan. amcuntîing to $49,29 Royal Templans ef Temperaxice s4isitud- ReceLved-axid adopted. _ -- Bowmnanville Council Feis. 155h. New- Couxi. Tait prosenteti Report froin. tonville ictige aise iseing presenit. A tise0Cm, appointudta 1 conter with tise very enjoyebie tilîle was speut. A pncg- Gem. fnom the Agricutural lSociety, ram-was given by the two visitiug which on motion was laid an tise table conneils afion which ercshmunts wene te be taken up ai o speclaI meeting or senveti. . ..Miss Emily MeCulion IS visit- ut thse next eglar meeting. ing tieutis in Pont,,pool.. . .Miss Anne onK gCâra tfFinc Dougles eiotaineti about 25 cf ber Cm rneeu epgort,âranef Finance .oung fienos Tnostiey evoniuxigpron Cayern ofeaon ct epnt, recouniig ions te gcung te st st. Mar-Ys' te iearnnpmntcacotsa utng e the miiineny. .. George Law bas hineti $353.29. Receîved anti adopieti. with T. H. Everson for tise wlutor. .. ....Coun. Spry auked lbave te Introduce Mr.Louis Barnett bas aceepteti a situai- a By-law for tise appolnt'nent et Town, ion in Toronto as hanness.makor ...Officers. Mn Hanry Rowand, Toronto, spent On Motion Rois 33 was suspendeti Stindayat homo ...Miss M. Wilraot, anti <jounciliwont nie Cern. ef the Peterisono, bas beu visitiug frientis wboie, the Mayor Iu tise Chair, wbon isere.... Mr. ant irMs. J. Uglow enntis te folinwîng appeintraen-tu wure matie: taixiet a uîumber cffionda Friday aven - Moneti by Ceun. Peney, scendeti by iug. A pleasant tise was spent, i CcxxiWorth_ tisaitthe Chairman cf erokunole and ti oso ganses.... Mrs. F. the Finance Cern. bnung lu e Report at Perrixi ana Miss A. Tait, Port Penny, tise nexi meeting, ehowing a stetement were guests cf their cousin, Miss Isabel cf the debentone, debt efthtis town, Sleensan, Port Hope, Sunday. anti money apent li Granolithla Wsika anti for Water Systeus, total indebteti- Xnoe, e&c. Tise Mayor etate t tisiho a vuld goS all ti1q information isy oing Lifei'më tetae Clerk'a Office any tiras. Ou the * motion heing put the Mayonrtieclane i ti -1isat îs jusi what they say bast on thse follewxig divtsIons:- Yeaa, cf Vao-Cusolen. T eroey,, Wort,. Galbraith; Naya, Tait, * vaperizer is pnactica:î'ly in- pyKng moeits'ieau c destructible, and tise Cresc. $50 b, atdd ta the (Jlenk'aReport for -, lexie is, certainly net ex- pos Relief. Camieti. pensive. This way of treat- Meveti hyCoxxi Galbraitis, secnuùd ing 'affeçtions'cf tise ibroat is mnosi by A. Tait, "thaçtishe Ceinaîury Gem. econemiocal, aud is aise toosi effective. ho ampowerccl to purchaâe necsaan Ou ttepieture illustrtes how a tîtmber anti epir crib work ai crac-k Our~a utl tCemeýery. Cenniei., used. You put some Cresoiene in Moeti by R., Wodi, secoxideti by A the vuponizer, light lamp beneatis, Twait sitisura of $100 ho granted and then breathe-iu thse socthing, te tise Homo for the Agedt beh paid, lieali-iog vapen. For whoeping-couigb 3te is Treas ofthtie sam4 , Mn. T., anid cc'vo, -ifs a perfect specifflo. 6 bingisas. VapoC~r c s i hvb rgialýeverywbr. 0 Motion tise taxes crn tise oild ng AVp C . s . i O eVaporizrpnd ,occurictifor thIs Home for lishe AL-f- Lama whst rt al s on n and a boss.lc. G leuess cn soo ~i.'sseboecnt wnc-d by the Orapan- Factnx-y alad ~ 'p-r equsi. ,' ccule1 by Mr. NSoade. THEMASON Go. BQWMANVI LLE SNAPS IN SEASONABLE GOODE FOR FEBRIJARYI Boots and Shoes. Goat Robes, regular $8.00, for $3 50. Hlorse Blankets, regular $1.00, for 80e. Horse Blankets, regular $1.25, for 81 00. Men's Feit Boots, reg. $2.50, for $2,00 Men's Cordovan Bals, reg. $3,' for $2,25. Men's Baïf Baîls, reg. $1.50, for $1.25. We have put many good lines in our elea ring out boxes this week. Now is a good time tor a big bargain. Groceries Primrotbe anid Trilb.y Soaps, regular 5c a bar, now 6 for . 25e. Art Ocean Wave and Lion Baking Powder, reg. 25e per tin, now 15c. Reekett's Box Blue, reg. 10e box, now . . , 5e. Brock's Bird Seed, regular 10e, now 7e. Dinner Plates, stone,china, negular 75c dcz., cow . 1 45e. We are clearing out every article of Crockery now ieft li the stock We have Tea Pots, Sugar Bowls,Jardineres, Wash.Basins, etc., etc, Clothmng . . . Men's Ulsters were $5.00 now $1.00. Men's Twoed Lined Pants, were $1.25, now , . $1 00. Big Boys' lixied long tweed Pants, wene $1 25, now . . . 90C. Men's odd Vests, negular $1,00, now 75c. Boys' odd Vests, reg. 75c., now 40c. Boys' short Pants, only a few lef ü, 2.5e, Jewellry .y An assorted lot of Stick Pinsà, W( >î from 10c te 25c, your choice for 4g~. Some odd lines of Silverware at HALE PRIOL to clear. Special lot of Solid GoId Ladies' Rings,worth from $2 to $5 for $1 .50. Watces, wazrantetoL run and keep time, from $101) upwards. Now is the time for bargains. Gents' Furnishirigs. 10 pairs Men's heavy leather faced Mitts, regular 85c, for . 125c. 12 pairs heavy mountain muiil itts reg. 50c, for 1 . 4Qe 4 dozen pairs extra heavy f leeced * Underwear, regniar 6e for 50c. Elegait assortment of Mon's Puif and Flowixig End T les, regular 50c, for . . . 25C. Large, ehoice silk Bows, rg 2c for . . . . 150. 50 yards heavy al -wool Canadian Tweed,choice patternsre.0 and 60c, xiow .'.10c, Dry Goods Ladies' Sailor Bats, were )Oe.an 75e., now . . Ladies' Union Vtests, a good 1i were 50C., no w . . *~ Balance ot our Ladies' Coâts at . HALE PRICE. A few articles li Fur Goods, 20ü, off to dlear. Ladies' Corsets, heavy Jean, weli made, were 5oe., now 88C.e Grey and white Cottons at special valnes. We bave receiveti Several new lines Havixig puneeased befone the receut i n M e xi',r Claytwill Worsted advance. we are now sellixig for 4 Suits, some black a nd dark less than presexit miii prices. navy, some with D. B. Vests. Just as sure as vou buy xiow Sec these betore you buy a new v on will Save money. See oun fine suit. big stock. THE % iA S 0PG.ro. HOME BOARD. Tise feliowing la tise Secntary'a Report 61 tise Home, wisicls ws roferred la li Our last isBoue: Tisecotendi ear af aur existence has cloteti, andi your .Board cf Mavagerç report a fain measure of sucoe for tise Home nsm axiawsning the purpoe for wbioh it waa iii. aliuIed. We regret, isowever, tisat tisere la athli, on tise part of arne cf tise depen. ,dent aed people of the Town, a'dotormn. tilon net te accepI a01tthe isnefits cf tise Institution. Our exptrienoe, li ibis es- pes, la akin to %bat ef oîher pilas. We helieve, isowever, Lisat as ,tise Homo and, àsa moînetis bEcome boiter known, tis prejudice will gradusily dusappear. Ton Board meetings lbave been belci during tlis yeam, with a gooti reprosenta. dien of the ximbers at each meeting. A matter ssbiei gave tisatise Board coneidar- able concemu wasa tie expining of tise base witb tielse ot he mentisofet Nvember. Af er ecnside-Pabsle corepondeuee, tise prGmises con'tinue un île banda et tise Dnning tise "ard natosaiv0 i kuntis hans boen reseiNea fronm soute et our citizens, but no&ttlis amte esent ai dnurbi tise preninseJean, Tisese bave isexi se- kuo'aledgGd in tise tOttU PrSaî,a gRant ot $50 waa recoîefomm tise ,Oounty. Tise an- nuai ratonus bave been forwartied te tise Go't, sud tiEse show tisat tise Home la entitledti t a grant ot $13825 thetéfrons. This lias bot yet beau ruseiveti. Fromttise TowO counol tis xm et $200 bas beso recetteSd. -- Two pounti ocials bave baeu hait tur- ing lise jear, escis being bberally esapond- ad ie. Tise annuel Base Bal Matcis mel- lad tise sons t$ ,55 Tise memisensiip was net sasbarge as tisai ai the previaus Jean, anti an offert sisonîtibe put otnste make tisai ef Ibis vean iery much langer, auslise Fe@ le ouly 50Ota; ibis eau, ne Soubi, lie dons. Mn .Stevens, Tise but filleS tiseposition oi Maimon, ince lise openlug ofttisaHorne, iu Junuary, 1899, ut lise Nov, meeting, sunimittat lier reaignation teotise Boamd, anS i wa aepled. Hem suoceasor Mme. Caynar. teck change wîltiste close ofthlie Jour. Tise new Miutmon's salary ia $144 a, yaar, lier ycung daugister resitiuag witis ber li tisa Home, Tise number ot inmtIes. at tise begianing 01et tseer waa i jve. Dur- ing tise year we banveliaS 6 admi8ssien, 5 discisanges, snd J1 Seuls, Ihual etMrF. Tape, on Jxiiy 121h. she was greally b.3efl'te4 by lier oojoum ini tise Home. Dnring tise Jean thes 1uspecet cr f Chaîr!- lias inspeoted tise Hanse anti tounti eveny- ihing in a satiiefactony condition. Tisere asliaihoua xpendet turing tise year for;-ealary $150, Pro tisions #90 23, Mîlk $5 50, Meat $40 71, Liglit $5 50, Fuel $58 63, Breadi $18 00, Sundnies, $12 10, Furuuîbinga anti lotising 84 98, Repaira $7 04, Total $367 69 It la te Se regrtet tisai tise anisa hee nl regular miniaterial niuoitation te, cm de- natinalmoeLïg hasl xi iseHoxi~,dur., ius the latter hall af sha year. Tise Treas arrms axii 1 i tr eporte, weue road. On aeceOUûnt f t reifilng a grant tram, tise Tewio Gosseit gjýýl askeci for 'ln Noe r, Puýiconî weno uipali. Tise annual mee i-sg cf tise 011Ppe'a Home Board, was bolS on Manday evening lait. Tise Sec'. sud Ticts. proented tiseir tannuali Reports, wisieh we will pub- las nexi wc-ok, Eierytbing lu conneotion wiîb tise Home us wanhcîng in a eatisataory way. Thetollowing Tare eaboieS as cSf. cera fer tiesa nxg J'ean: Prei.-Jap. Gi fillan; lIVs-Ers-r J. K. Gaibrnaifï 2nd VroePre@.-Mrp, .)Hellyar; Ses.- F. Trebilocok; Trea.-T. Bhigiam; DL. reatoro,-Mesdaue, Tale, Cr3deunun, M*Laugblin,~ Southsey, Frieianid, eClehlan XOung, Borland, Audrew, Roid. Messra, Co'ssb, Gale, Jury,. Hohiya. mceClehian, Seaborn, Tait, Tilly, Trottin, TFawblyn. O11 will bud àyeu up andi make you fat and isealthv. Espeeialv beoicial te tiose wisoare'-ail-"maxin dOwn.' Manufacinnet by tise Davis& Law- rence Co., Ltti. Our new Wall papen isDow ~in stock anti we invitealitise ladjes t eaPl andi sou snpes Wetisn en 5tkivy or net, H-igisesi pnices for butere. ,dniedi appbos, antietc. Store close a 7 30 oeh, ovouung except Baturd7ays. W. J, -Wctton-, -TisePeople's Store, Enuiak3il' !en Mn. anti Mrs. Beliamy, Colborns, o.nest cf Mr. Il. Rogers,..,.. Miss Taylor.' Nmsanea, guest et Mn. J. J. Gihacu.--, Mn.. anti Mns. A. C. Eliott, Brôekuipç, Mn. R. Ashston, Columbas, gaests of IMr W. M. Woiton....Miîs Hastin0. Hampton, guesi cf Misa Arnoti.. mcst iseantiiy congrainiato Mn. f Williams on isis assansing tise editoh,% chair anti management oeth1e Ev"saw Camphoiiteu, N.B., succoss te bisa In his new lUne.. . .Atîondance ai Quartozr. ly meeting on Sabbats was veny enul cwing te Satartiay's blizzard. -. ýPrivate Hlenry er an olti resitient oft tW Icciiy atia nember cf the 2ii Con- lingent w-ho neonnnetifrom South Afnie a Short lime age is Visitiug Mr C We exienti Our: suncene t lb' o u ns e ny fieutis Pandxi trost thein libenel patronage ante id unees cf' goct iwlli sb"'v own ai4U turing tise pest 'yeam, ati bgÏ ibat We are atihi isene iiith tise neady anti wiilung toener Ù e wam ef eh wiso favon us w&th tfleir patron-. age- We hav6 e g oot inlacool cil. Trv a canfufl ot-,mi& ha -eotxj~ne- ud et W. M. Wc t(ý,Tise Puoplie'e Store. GREEN JEAS FROM CEY[ONfý-l AND INDri ARE CLEAN ANDPURE,,. JAPAN'S ARE 3COý,LORE] WITII WM-AT? T HI NK!! If you wnt\pure wholesome and economical 'fea,eitht-rgrn or blacl use oniy c EYUO W4 a'nd IfflDIRTEA. 1 1 t i i -l -r 1 il -1 .-L A ýA L.:

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