cenuine 'Little ier Ls Muet Bear Signature of Sec Pac-Slmiie wropper HElen',M Tory aman and as eaer ART b D IES CURE SSK LDW 81d. Startllng Statement b3 Sir James Grant, of Ottawa. 3000 Die Annually la Ontario Atone Through the Rav. ages 01 the Gireat Whlte P9ague. neterd the Canadian Mdedical Àssariatiuu beid e 4trawa a tew dayes inre, Bit Jamues <i st, rhý octet physician, nmade the taîtlung eatuaneît 'tht 8'O00 persane die auaily in Ontareitem r,îtI eý çulusis. Truiy, cousUriiption lm the tract terrI disease ln the n cr14. Iti lthe rcssit t fgei atracking the weak spot. For a quarter ut a century Dr. T. A. Sloueur, ori cf thsetrust emineut scientets ufthtie day, bas rnad, the cure ot cuusumoptlunj a Ilfe tudy sud hi, eucrerded, in conîpaunding % eSîern etoftreannern whicb portiacîr destruys thse gerntuat Producel thse di ese, t thse saine tira buflditg up th, aysteni ard creanIng fet, sud bieed. PThre is ni hkumbug about Dr. larra, lis krows exsctiy wat lite treattrent w't du sud affirme emphaîlcatiý %batal itcures iu inety per cent ut cas,.Ti dertur bas sucis confidence lu t) e Siornîn systet Cthat lie uffer, treaîmnent 1penrnîvEînprE toaia visa desre a,uts. FBoreiletbe uffer: You or yaur ,ick Inoendseacu have a 1PREE course et Irsanuent. Sinîpiy write tu Tas T1. A. SuOcer Coasi CAL Ce., LAiuxtul, 179 King St. West, Teron to, eihing Pot office sud express office sddres. an( tise iree medicine (The lucuin Cure) 'tit bh praîuptiy sent. Wiaen wrltiug tôr thons alwsys mention tlii paper. Persans ln Canada, soeeig Siacumns troc uffer fi Lenerican paliers wiii pleasoeseudl for @amples tc the Taranàte isaratonies. rwrite for Oun tnterestst g books '1aIvil t or'& ieip" cand Il"oeaon are sarmndird.1 Sent usea rougitsketor tiroeniofiyo n- l tventionuOrinapmoueinîcuf ccld sac a'iitell a'nm tfroc or opiniun as Sa alantien it ibei oiselaI pateniable. Reletet sppdlca/ behave citer conduet tulyequippet offces lu ttnSlreal suit Wasington ; tisuacimfies us te proii7t- Çla' dispetc eiso'rk ac ui u seiscre Patens las bnaitas tiseinvetiou. IFilgist efcrece furiisait. -Patents prerurerifanogi Maioc & Ste- nion redive apeclal natice as huset charge in ave 0n sapepens distributrt tlîrugisoei ~the aomnioena. ~ pecleta':-Patent business of Menuise- tnteîs raàEingimeers. MARION & MARION sPatent Expertsas nd Solicitors. Offices: {Nuw York LîleB'ld'gflouîtrea! Prinoess TabIet Are whar yen rani fer ait tartre t 'f tmait' tronSies; au infallible rem( il ta' -sev erot bye t oramosi terne cgccci1iet; gearanteed a"s apositia cura; wiil pesserveiy esteblisà th THE LANTERNS OFSI. EULALIEL. ,var met. On haife a dozen eccaciene In theOctobr aftrnooniasiinvitcd me to dtop inîto lis warerîr-H Orange and purpîr anc tuaicnn corne in case I feîînd rnyself niear - hein, and 1 admit I teck guite a liking APPI ES. Gars quiet sutumn, lamp lu haod, 'e bile. Ils aife aras more teserved Wbemoi auertsrcin Aboot tise appir tolortd lard and lese te le ceeu. but yet the' four cf med tl.c faos uitr hiiy,gtîreare Ta liglat lu rveryaspe rftracus arent tate leater eccnsienally in otterswhedeut eaint igthe er Thse lancelas af St. Eulalie. ' (an~fy, ad she aras agrecahle if net teswodri emltftfr Thay glirnmer in thse orohard shade talleative. Hadan was a fair sized beýman consumpicon. Iberefere, Like Ocery opale set in jade- maai, was l way s sbaved snaeeth. fils wtrere decear disaguce, are muat Crimcu ndnsar cc tirgal redis lor vas sout eu cfbisfie t take the re.speîasihlity oef the matter Yedlaw sud greren snd sî rlit aid. tccth breken, aad lho linped a lttle, La Our own1 bads, using cdaaaaou sense Andohwhe 1 m fr aayfroinauou ld accident, Aay policeman and judgmcnit in drnliung armtthc AnC ohwrni rn fanre ay, ceuid bave picked bita ont cf a crexvd vexed 4uecstioinu. Ail fruits are fer- on a description. Sauders aras a mcelrtcîie, excepit tht' banana, the ap- ln crcwdrd sîreot or bat 1 au in arger ma, antIhlis turninig gray, pie the leasat of ail; lot in bat Or uu't'r thes erlge aostral elon perfect teecli anad ide wablirsera. Davn- r Whru the hararsic riescaveis an me -,sou aas a smiller man thon the' ether wciatlier or wan appied are -net fiai- For tise greatIyîsar se tise ses, tare, w black baîr, o black mes- 1,ierad, they slouldaidnt hoeaten tache and a prorninent wart on bis rw nfauit, t la alarays safer te AS ndiîdar, t brirndysnda cî(ck. Hladan lad the volce'of a coek thein. TIc applea seeme de- wrîsan; Sounacrs speke sioarly and sigoned by natr as essentiali y a fait lu dreamaini rore 1 shaîl bcisold, I a grîi, Davisen lad arlaf might and winter fruit, as if is flic lest Lîke spiral ligs t <tae globes ai gld, le, termied a fats veice. adapted te acernpcnly the' riel gaine îugout in carry applo rce, ano, then, fer six years h Caca flese tami, reast, ducîk, goose and pork. It 'fla lanterneaifSt. Lulalie! tIret' men, aad taso ef thena acre un- las hadispanlsihie te tho latter meat Q eO..O..Oe.O.eC.eO..OeO..O..de4r espienagc. I foiked -antI tbcm, ate' antI drak ah thin sd nyerJndghug frani ic ctemLcalI compoai- A DETECTIVES ~~ imirlidthfe tointcst ides that I as i wmstlücu ti t ôh igs oli tewrd n a tlit'le Oet&came value ta the' humain o araîormic, s c.e. raI. oniil fhlm dateocie nbfedtaîersudîl aûs pburerus w th agueasy fIer fraluiteor a'.oe BOeo..Alo . QA.o lic acrk tht' undestaker fonnd that tIc to those avto are oblig'e,.d te iead a WIt'u I retired fo detectîve ,ir o lck lais arnd mustacle aud wart eedeury lite andi also ta those wbo oaffer anr execrience cf 16 ycars, ft'e acre ail faice. This wae a revelation laveceiTe ass pubalic tress aqIltmy <tony friands acre ere tai theaife. Tht' affair aras Pub- ottedi pleosrd te soy îlot 1i lad done excel- lisled ln tht' papers and inla es an very materiaLiy in ranaia wasrte lent seravice. On tIc s' le t', flpaise itare days it aras &found that 1Hadan, substances frein te systei n sd cor- sos des"sa cd, lut at the' caieBie, lisanuders sud Do vison avere ont' snd reatingttc effeets of over-indulgenre oneasae nftoast, 1 lad slow n a stu- the' sainenaan. l1e lud padded lis lady in mio dief. pidify veîtly cf fIe grecuest patroi fta increase bis size and appar-ent Muet hanleaii donc by eatiug île manon auLeedens poli c force. 1hlad arigît, aîîd a taise tooth, alick-ers sn of thc apple. Ibis, aven aiea b eon at Scotionfi Yard for thrce yeors mustacle and a wart hld doue the' reat. eooked, Lanoct fi for tood, as h his arIen 1 rt'moned rny faaiiy te Qucen Yenuaili cay t oughi te lave detecteit ha n rioig n asi stee. t ra t a oasrnatlese ft'enet by the' veice. In aul ordinary good authtari.titîefpessse astringent anw un t efokift'esecond leai'. On thec ase~, yeslut flic man lad made a qualiîjes whist counteract ft'eblne- focs abeve wau a mrnricd coupla nain- cindy et dîcguicjiug lis veice and n'as fca euu haudta t ri ed Hodoîî. Tht' mon. os i caetteun- donfies a natursi mumie te legîn icalrst btiifonthfut darstand, aras a luaanufacturing jearcier aih. I neyer ca ught a toue taenioke itseof. Fruit skians are dccigtned for ta a ernoli ,ay. Tht' Hudaus lived, me suspect. te protection of the' tle.cly part or s cry quely and nmadeolie dispiay, and jYen n 1 ili soy flot a gead deteetive pulp frou insecte. > t'eit c e ýpt very mccl te hlîslf ' ouglt te penderat' such clallear dis- Dried apples are ture misai arole- Net as a deîecttvc, lut os anl occupant, guises as taise syliclfers. la- ansaver anome, and fer Manly purpases ttillest I leas ned îlot the lausbone aras hoete tfalt iime say tînt asisbcrs or cauvenicnt. La ttc dricit fruiftave eciy tara ulghfs per arek-flat le, le mustocle conr le mode folookt ce genu- liave pres3erved île lest que huies, aund cause borne ut 6 'ciock cei tar e aca net tnoneliving mon cau deteatt fice ana ae, et yeaoa 1mIgs ouot e tI ecorn, rt'incd oeor- caf. The aart waa onear dodgc andtertrlwtr'lib'eaoa nigît anuitat breakýfast and n'as sen eue 1aras net up fa. t vas seari otu, La replacied by tihe seiaking lu [neonacre fer flac days. This lad Icen donc flot t lad ceocu tIc man prîck if freat., eold arater. Thet' fme requir- fIaprolaîme er ra leese~ wifh a pin anit cringc a liffie as le dit cd toeotten or f111 teinaiutfo feir j caneate the baoue,anuit Iivnos nef a lit if 1 cbeelit lare it'lt bld cuugîtoriginal ulk La frein eigtt ta tavelve eut ins ever lif lcing feoicd even lad flcre leeino ne leurs. WIen ceekiing tbem de nat Y9i At abutefî'turneetf rmaoval 1I Rs in if, but flore aras a case. Tht' add the' augar un iil don", and net as n'a cc t naal e getolsvy 5I ils ersmiif vas a "fonce" fer, tîteves, muet as necesscry for fresd fruit,, as certain denier in lric-a-broc noait fîit'e bica-broc mnuvas anoflcî-, aud s raie. Soins iikottc addition ot a 1 Sanders. rts sbep wans ngoci thtreet'hfîttiles vas a tbird. Ht'en'as mas- ttb cnno rnepe. Te miles tîctu Quecu street. ile deait ta ried tota tret' differcut waren; le tived ltl lmiro rnePo. Te a arnues ot art goods second baninlatIret' different ports cfft'e city; lo eqîliro slow eeokiug. Icari ied on tIret' occupations; le repse- The approred memhildaroe te cither centcd tIret' diffesent mca. Ail tbis lake fresh apples avilI skLns re- le dit suaccssfuiiy for six or ceven moie or stew thein. Ootrarýy fo years and lut for ft'e fatal accident genri balLet, île applea coaked hin migîf love genle on tes ycars mort'. them ka r e csdrdwo r riý lis carecs le lad mode o for- rsknae ocnidp ~H\¶Yi Y <~Fsecore. If the apples are very test re- nnue, andt neyer o percen l ad suspect- meave te coro acd file center antI ed ft'edîsguises. If seems as if sa ifej Ienild bave defected iletu, but fte!auges. There is mare tha on eeay fil ýj bsec dit isot, or aitcoest co clûîrncd. Of etearug 9the apple, using tht' termu le H iie bifiibexes teri for ode t ene. T ecau le uasced os s tespecable meaiber af se- parait, cored unit steamcd iLa svery i jquetin. u cclsiLrnp made of acter and sugapor le tavelitad over tht' apples oud aibeare totacol caeaeseffI-ane ut:uclA imeringue*teýapcd un top ofthfe ap- - it antI bond boggoge. Yes; Iwans mode plies and lrowned siigtlinL tht' aven. 1' ~a foal of; but, fii îuafciy, i wactise Ttey eau Ile pored, balved sud caret nt~ onty ont' abo Caew 't, and I msy give cint steamet earetuily uni tender. fît'hetact otvay rnoarailntry ideaftity A sisup mate oetmes sud sugar, WH IEAD AG ASSTFELrA, DAPP b-mr loyt yreodt ave canglit oane rlemen pool, sud tte appies se u th sl rasalbutnewa nd thon nookcld a fea Mmencts. M sud if adbeen pet eletbl dtesaps fOrprofessionarae Ont- leidgi snpdHEADACHES. noany questions. lunv'stching lim 1 s- la the' ont' t'se I lave offset it a dozen cenaied auotber identity anuit ecarne as1imres oves lu mokiag n cuccess et otl- Mei wemeni suifer more or boss customer, We cm eleo ut triendly ternis, sud 1 idait'red myceitvrsvr, n af oraWoedy tbat le lad nttesihetssiin Erhu lnof Dittnrbn woo tredae Wyd ofthe' part 1wspa I A n ntewitro 89Marlon Crar- or cen trotret' tays. Wl te finie sund inotîes I1aras tIc meous et tord was luSon Froncisco on a lecture wmncfe oeta etcb enabiing s nember et leueliders ta tour tuilder Major Pond of Nea York tenmu Ltaafuiathiran secover eolen goeds Saunidets lad n-be reicted thfî'oaring incident: 1; or ol the' conditions et tîcir lires? No beughi, but tic mon nînnys enoded thcenias duriag bic sojonrai in île city fth t oubitIc bo eaitacîqcf taemnlv Ia. t gt ta Cuca îlie lived lu Son [Francisco leaas vicited by a rafler tiai tilaei caues. One ot item ýJane streel. euily ao testtbcs wsy, cancre ensthquale.TIc navetisin'as ila the tactîlthatheioir livesare fer wlere le lad san-it' eiln ont' chili. stopptng ut fIe Palace icetel. Many et more iudoers, and lu an>air boss pure. lOne cf our men ecccpied eamci ln tle 'thcgueste lad neyer expcrtcnaed suai Ttce ffncitfthILt eilo htt Llcy take corne bouse, undinl a coai al ay le oa sier. If aras sbortiy icere nit-labsxynietis ag tex- led lcaned tînt Saundera n'as boree ight, and ait ny acre in thllrcOls ioiefottu a, dte I ouly tare nigbts 1per acek. Meicacrne asleep. lu o ica secetîds tîcre aere ietifodhyoundtyal and acut os dit ryny uiglriordon. the' grautest consternation anuitterrir. Si troar off iess carlonio acid and A year citer I legun wotabiug tht' TIc hllîsacre filîcdit tIexciteit1 mca otter poisoneeus producte ef Iroken- brc--ro iaeptîcre avere compnlainte -nu i ss-eoaen, anitfer qcalile a npoulodnautissue, s8 that ilere ile ouc- cars. TIceî'easu i diit't was bacatîse 1i, crilicollook. "yn ertîatinly deu'tlookT nv e e Ia r n ait net yct suspee'ted Hadan ef aa s f e'devskaeitep ti!tIl loe Ocenria rtan of thiug and becanse I lad noe casae-- ait abselute cure forerco île oales e eery tanin ef itching, leC ogoîncith thrtare.As tetOht'r pt'tow Saw Et. ' eîdoga, protrudingiie Ve As se jaitan, living in île came .0- 11freoîthboe ynu forg tle manuface,-rr. : hovo carcuteciitSr'tera- tac lt mel alivse1 na e-Oot _cror. ltsWliutCýaunicl]sunth,ise ala tres ýand ask yosss aigl- biib-r5sctP,-v -P)trpÉt<t Soi cao us <t au. assieaaaîe -. - i c - c-.--' i.--i------k. -, ~,-'- - - - - -- 4m.îvc~ee.-~-ty~Oa~o'-.rt-oc.& i"'tttt ~ ~,, - __ ~_______ tJZii-,.,X.- i cî--~, J-.. -- - ----ni t tV ~iee~aa "e~~cs r~fl4..-~,iei4r - -- ~ ~. ij<.eaA/ttc'c- Ca5,"" c-'a'ec a'- -ru" -s -c- r.c, -ei---~isc~, ,r1 ~ 5' ft 5ii?~4t' t~r 'c- 7iŽit'OI- ~sat c> 5te'OiP s-dia a Pý N. M'tmi, MD., Rogersvile, Ps.: "t Sund youn nemedy ta c ha ie Lest 1 haie ruer tiinsutise treasmaee t osawisi pig -coueh, catrrhaisl touer, P.sthm, aieaon diîiiocisg nomas saiero stande fever sud dipisîhania pneval.' You don't' take Vapo-Creso1cne in to the stomach, you breath it. PuLt some Ciesolene in the vaporizer, light the lamp beneath and then breathe-in the vapor. L's, easy, cornvenient, safe. It cani be used with success, even for infants. Don't you see at once how valuable such a remedy mnust be for hay fever, diphtheria, sore throat, catarrh,-asthma, and other diseases of the air passages ? For whooping-cough it is a perfect speci:fie,, often curing the discase in from one to three days. \Vhat is Vapo-Cresolene ? Lt is what the doctors cal a coal-tar product; that is it's sornething, like carbolic acid, oniy it destroys disease gcrms. Keep Vapo-Cresolene on hand; if's not expensive, for the vaporizer lasts a life- tinte and the Cresoleneè costs b u t ittie. -h c e vapo-creq0lene fi; sold l'y druggists everywhere. The Vaporizer and Lamp, which should, last a life-time, and a bottin of Cresoleie comp eýe, Oi.5o; extra supplies of Vapo-Cresolene 25 cents and 5o cents. 1flustrated boeflet containing physiciens' testimoniala frise upon request. VAPO-CRESOLFNr, CQ., i8o Fulton St.. New York, U. S. A. Recom mended and sold by Stott Jury, Drnggists and Opticians, Bownianville. opious -ht-ater itrinkeng or a NOUIIISHING BEAD. vomit ail toelp fa cleanso the stain- Then hale lent la fhe cubjeef et an sa. L t semaine nexi ta ceanso ttc important geverumontai, scientitho in- bboat. This is lest todue by Isesath- vestigation, ahiel bas recently been Lng trecit aïinlais groat alundauce coneludeit. To teadli tht' pear ma as passible. If not aIle te go out f et bar t obiain tht' lest breat fer the' dansa, lie genljy su boit in a cool iat meney; to teàcI thceityspeptir reasu arcîl entilciet cnt broatte ail tise relative tigestibilhty efthtI vani- yeu can. Sametimea ttce effeet et eus Staffs ot lie; ta toalfIhe heuce- teep bsesthing acroases the pain,. la rial oit asinii Thoen make ec oeffert, lut Ircothe Irean a khng; te tecb tht' genesal ail yen con. Muc e bcnfii moy ceint' publieleswt ta defeat the ecrus of tise tram magnotie treatnaf etth"' bond bknc-hc r h'pieps by s persain assitasmcgnaefie-haut, pIse ft fhiewo c.nt by geuile massage oves te bat Thc stomacîs et peeple iselecîcit ait ek anit dean tte boack. Ibis frem in nlLteni aniCa etlite have been ceeois toateart inta actisvity tht' tai varions qulties of bscaa saiul- peisonetd or extiasstoit conters sut jecetof scsutinuu study. Tîcco gives great reliet. Ofton cleep tel- cubjeets ac-re requireit toeaeofilua tuavs thîs trectinent, assit uring dining-som se arsauge t fhet thiir slet'p Natureasiesnmu ceta way 5as1meols aboutit le partaken atfutos tie protuco relief. Wteu the patientI conditions as neasîy normai as pas- axrakouts hiemsiy tee wak,but the'cbe hofo1tcolis o pain La gant'. This treoatinment le Lu kept sepoarate. par netact tpuoiesutproal- Tht' oeang befose cccli expert- Jy typnoiaru ill le fouedt te 1 ont'nment began thc subject aras giron a e£th ttbest secunotes for 'lis trouble- a uppes et muik enly. Dusing île soentntormpiaint. Ttc habit of takhug tarefoîîesvlug tayst'theatooaras ui- metiine f ay cai ta totacî' i ifet cliefla' te the' breoit ta le Lnve.cth- vtcDusain Enthi en hamýfl. V(hlegatet, ani, geiaeraliy, MUk, butter methelcie e'm fîmes give tempeory cuit cofte ait h auges a. och mou relief, fliey te ual remeve île awses. arwas giron as macI oft hie limitt'd it Thiea'are e broien seet husteat et a asle waotetd. Whcnerer a nea truc support. fta fbotaa edi faa ascigboit ontquorterei,ont' quartes VOltOVEI Fî?TXYEAS. elng analyzeit îy a chemi-at. in irs.Witnsiaw's Seathii'gSyup lias sce' -uî'd hy millionts et mothes ons ton iritolirea w ils itact, ail fend fusateshed ac aecghcit teethuîîg. If dierurbeit cm îîigst acd bnoke>'!suit cnsiyzcd. yaur reet by s stik cilsilteing and ensî,g oi theisaneuorf crug îrrtlseît socie 'sud Atterevard ail not coten wares ina- ge a b uni;e offins. Vtlslowî' Scotblng Syrup! hîosîy testet, as aras flot coton buit or ChîldrncTerising. It wili relieve tise Cee' tiSSle auflenen ai once. Depenitupan itinurse s, nef setoiuet by the' digestive sys- lthee ne 'rilarakeabouitit. It cutis Darrica t m reoPlates tis tomiacli uanbels, cures lt en. iy ipl uireea l Ceit,aaoticîthe gumus, reituor indlammation,areigîfs an i gredienta cf foot and givre race snd ceaerga' toe scwiaie sysmeta. Sire Wînalews' Soonli ýg Syrop for dhildren faraisîcit, the, amount atualla' di, rerhîng ta ieaainrtIote ii ae aid 1î tise pie- se itie et eune oftmec ofltot arid Seatide legeatoit utcflatermîneit. 'itg- iiyetrian sud aurses iio mt' UsîritdStates i1hm ont entira arbeaf breait acre in Ps ire 25c eboule. Salit la'al draggits tL)agît otit riewrd. lii are ccd asieoi Mne Wîibtis sray cempareit. SLOWeSenhtliulg Snnuo i' XT, ., GRLMELLNG. A lady arriter itesises te impross np- on yenng aremen tIfe fthat nofl- ing la sise pcrmaaoutly unbocomaing su effecf upoin thc tact' as perpotuaci grumbliug. As tht' yecrs nitrante, unlappiiy, cecrtain, leauthfal, yeuth- ful cecutoura muai reuish frein a gin's face, andit ust gire aay t-o these eth- er tires ont forms -n'hirla betokon aer- tain characteristies cf tempesait cf tcmpernmeut. Laies on ha bite, ot course, Tima's rcleuîiacs fingers ahl tra othar ont deepor linos marCbag remtrseaabsy tise yocrs tlat Cave; gacsc; but if is warse thon feelish for' ana' girl tio do hets lest ly constant! feuit tiodiag te trai hosoe geiag! lires prematunely, ondt ta givu te ber face, lu ber youag tays, an expression1 etf crossuese cuit iisceutont arliel ne! i e amie oreso ycieldeeîthea iiglcsi 1perceiltage ef digestible nuiriciu. Entire abat Iront, raie, frotu fions net conta iaing the tIret' oster bay- era cf bran, rauk'it acxt. tGrahamn brcait, tram the abo.ie n l'or grain, gave îhe ion est percentage et di- geatibe nutrition. Th is sesui stîll le a great surprise ta ttycpoplis, amoag arbointfe eafia"g et "sa'ole waat" as "entire ss eau" Ineoils hýas b2cooai a foi. Wheac flours aon- iainiag part et thI' wl-,ýat bran avare isceveredt te tiraisb tIe bals more minerai matter thon flac w bih:t e fleur. WA/bale aheaf broat La ,lesa diges- teble thon that matee fthel'wnite et tic, gracu alone, naît pacbala' e- couse île bran is fililas ith sharp, rougI particies, selli irriiote île membranes et tise Liestines, cuit wlieaýt ground up. This, invented 14y Dr. Sflvester Graham, an Americao physîciani, La made' by simply wash- ing and cieanlng the grain and thonJ grinding Lt ail batween two stones.. 'Entî,re wbheat" fleur la fo'und te b. nmade by runniEng grain tbreugtia machine whiob removea flic tbre- 1 enter layera of bran. In fliic way the' suppcs5edily useful under layer Le retained. The beast white floua' Le ncw made by removing the bran frein wbeat' and tht-p ýrunning Lt tbrcngb five or more pairs cf'rollers,, set near- er and nearer together.,f Valuiabie rabs by wh,idh the bouse- keeper oaa judge goed bread fleur offband are giron on the basis cf these Investigations. lIs coaer sbouid be wrhite, with a faint yei- iexwisb tinge. After being pressed in fhe land it sbouid fait ioeseiy anart. If it r, tays in lumps th bas tco mucli muisture Ln it. When rubbed le- fween the' fingers it houid not feel too emocili and povvdery, but its 1in- dIvidual particies àhuuld b3 vaiguelyJ dietinguLslatl.. Wýhen put betxve.en the teet il ,;hiould erunol a lte ias taiste isbould b"2wê ndnty witbent a suspicion cf iecurnea, Wleai la th-- besi redm of e ail grains. Tbis conclusion isa-i; ed at afte.r cxparimenitiflg- wifh ail of thc cereais ont cf ubicli tle wcr]d'a daily bread. is made. Bye giýes a less elastie and clinging icaf, hoavi- er and not auxveil raised. Bye bread la frund ft e second in importance te xvheat bread, but leas digestible. Barlay and cats produce less gluten sitiLI, and centain more indigestibe matter. COrni contains more fat,ibut less fi:ssua boling anateuiais fltan wh:eat. lia flalur contains no gluten, and flic is avhy the bo;usuwîfe cannot use lif clone la makîng a goed lbat, ralýsed awiLh rast. -NOT VERY GIJILTY. Semewbat sugigestive cf the Scotch verdict, "Net proven,' is tba judg- ment rendared in a Wos-tern iown, wben the mct cpuar citaýn liad saundiy whipp'eu ac.teoib chtavrter. To viadicate tiie rayty fiîle i.aw the offeudar -,as brought up for triai 'The- jury were ýoui a.bout twe nmin- nites. \Veli, said tnt Juo ý l a fatmiliar, affhend way, w bat have fIe, jury ta Say 1May Lt pl1ea-e tle court, roapeuded tbe feoreman, weth.îe jury, hind that nthe' pýrîsonlser iaIot guiliy cf hum'in witl latent le Ciii, but sdm1ly ta pealayz',; and le donc Lt. The ve-rdict vaa rccivcd seul ap- 1plause, and tht' prisoner reýceivcd an tece snhc o nnauriactasses! ibm, lasienftoa througb cb'm. Tbe ovation. et cmsahilmy e cnpessibla' efface Inter part lu the, bof tom bren loyer arbîch on mantains lis nitrogen tees net seoin LOOK1'sGC FOHWAIID. Thtc Quecu cf Ihala'lajs maeaocol t a hrng-'tiete. Tseft Ant he was clwcys sýo courtacus te leecen o oitsises cre cnot ma' theusgara efthel'grain ahen grelnidl gstîehu -u lecLin of ld shE3s oce owed bythe ustamera! sige h maeipeople. Soe o f ber rarest cale aswisola avisettflous tidpi te Oager, reifersiag le thý mhasing te1111. r shacs are enes nistal x'aere wana 1 91Midis nanec.. I suppose b" oincys ktpti .mtI ,,-----t,-e-- a'~-'~ - I ma1 .---c-rc-0e-H'-- 't tsgktA 4 5~"lJ- ~r ij ,a J- e- ~ <-~>"t- Ca-~r~g~ -~,It4~i-5'-~ sSfl~a'-l5~ -- i$,~st <-et g, -' - 154- - ' 4w -w. -4- t-i-c 5, c. O' cnt-v i "-~tsc-. raricc - <or c.> c -Žitci. cii.- J et>'