Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 6 Feb 1901, p. 4

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Ve We beg to inform our numierous custoniers that we are bookingý or43ers for the celebcated GOLD MEDAL BINDER TWINE at 121,c per lb. PlanE 0GIJAANTE ED. Do not place your order ,ntil you see our sam-ples. No better value anywhere. lleadquarters for Ha rdware, Stoves, Tinwaire. One door west of Post Offic-e, iowmanville. rrheNo doubt the electric iight compaiiv haeput.forth vers' grÉeat cfforts te give The__ Unaffian____________________ town a good servîcebat their plant "_ -y ne meauis perfect yet and if their BOWMANVILLE. FEB. 6, 1901 patrons conlain occasiolially tIcv mýust not get oit their car about it, but bond their energies toward iraprovilg' If the towns and villages would make the matters complained of. They Up their minds that their iuterosts arc shouid regard criticismns as fayors; indt e!, they should invite fait criticism -with agriculture more than with manu- It should help thern te stili furthcr pet- facture, a good start ' would bc made fect their already irnprovcd system. towards widcspread prosperity for OntarioELECTRIC LIGHT CONTROVERSY. That was nafiier a geod jeke tha flic If lias offen licou impressed on us fiat fie editor et tic News is ready te liecome Toof eigamgf f o IeCn-anionkey for auuy and evcry porion ivie servafive purfy lest wieeR wlicn if ex-lias a grievance againat this journal. Aay- claimed "Oli, but fheConservafiveptarfy way, lie is forever frying te taie cieafauts will go te Ottawa in a meod te fake flie from flic ire for somebody else. He Oathof lleganc an evey oherseems te have ne mind of-liis onu, hbacc Oafhcf lieganc au evey olerevery person who w anti a drivé ai THE oafh fliat will give if a chance te STATESMAN fanda a ready fool in our con- swcan." frere. But we shah nover accuse him et wrifiîîg fief lrilliant "editoriai" lunflic Tic lofelunen, brewors and oîiers News of Jen. 31sf. He siouid know as eugaged in tfliquet traffie slewed ~aiofcrkuwwohaeeeuclgis trul poriotc ad reeret spritto-in their lieuses, that ý'H-ouseholder" stated tnui porietc ad neerot spritth fliacts as they have existed. The com- wands eut bte iamented Soveneign by pany is paid for a public service and la lesing their bars,steres and distilleries, nef abeve crificisun, and il1f ivants te adil alldy o Sauvdy beaus itwasa Ouf f0 fie town, flic article un fthe Newa ah ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~a dyuSuudy ecueiWR liiforever killed flic little acheme, fer mucli greaten financial sacrifice te unea if lias lirouglif for-th from flic pigeon hlb cf them flian te many cof us in te letof "deferred correspoudenc" fwo lettons pursuits. whidli miglit nove,- have seer' tic îglit ____________had fle icvews expreasedl in fliese coluains no e licdlallenged and fie fhrusta made Tic News fluda a fertile fild for et fie edifor fer bis criticisis on pul ic critcisin ic helot fer et Househelder matters flic pasf few weeks, We refuse publialein lhflu journal fwo weeks ugo. f0 aaswcr editorialiy anenymeus cerrea- Wel, w un pbuse tehav ti~ Nwspendece and knowsing flic article pub- Well wearepleaed o hve teýIewslir-hed as an ediforial in fthe News waa direcf-g attention te flic articles lufbils1 writfen by a man wlio dare nef faîlier if. progressive journal. Ifs ewn readers 1 w e shahl, for flic preseaf, withhold furtlier become îuterested uand fliey troequent îy Icriticism But if ho w 111 come ouf fromn iehind tiec clunky editor, wc will giadiy subacribe as a resuit. Se long as eut cross sivorda wlfli him over flua eiectric confnere assiafsslinboemiug eut tub- iglif confroversy. acription 1sf lu thts effective way, wc ,,rnt kick. rvxaain. phunria I Outr ifizens have shown dite respect te lcmemory et eut dearlv beloved Sovenigu Qucen Victoria, and new tIat ale is laid ut test beside fie ne- mains cf flic man she ioved se deuniy duing bis lite time, let us huliew lian memony but ut tic same fime tutu eut affection te eut new tuber and strive te prevo as loyal and devcted subjecta et Ris Impenial Majesfy King Edward VII as we have been et Rer Most Gracions Majesty Qucen Victoria flic geod. Theo Nous man lus bciaved himself admirably since flic new century cpcuod tili basf weck wheu flic frioadly spirit he lias showu towarda flua journal acem- cd te yield to'te tfempter and lic accus ed fils greaf andpopulun pepie's ucws- paper et publsing lescount les' council ncws flan ha cown great imitator and scrap book. But wc are gcing te ty te make up for ail pat short comings lu flua ycar ef grace se fliat lhe shah acft tnuthfuliy charge us ugain witli derelie- tien cf dufy in this mat ton. nev. S. A. Dupran, Met hediat Min- isier, Censecen, Prince Edward Counfy, Ont., staies :-"I was irouleid with lfching and bleoding piles fer years, and fhey ultimatcly attalned te a very violent form. Large lumps or eh- scesses fotmed, se fiat if w as wlth great difficulty and censiderabi' pain fliat 1 was able te steol. At ibis se- vere cisis I purcha sed a box of Dr. Chase's Omntment, but I iad lutile et ne fait h lu if, as I liad triod varions remedies befote and te ne purpose. "New, Imagine hew greaf and joyens 'was mny surprise f0 flnd fiat jut thfe one box curod me, se fiat the lumps disappeared, and aise flic external sweiling. 1 feel iko n differont man to-day. and bavee net fie leasf doulif fiat Dir. Chases Oltaient saved me frem a very dangeroti« ouandpairrfuiouW- enaflea and many years ef sufferiurg. 'Yen are ai perfect liberty Vo use this testimonial as yon s e fifor ti,-'lbene- fit of others _y i2Â afiicfcd." 60e Rf ailbdealers'. rP C. ,)-5. J. CHRISTMAS IN WALES. The following letter from Mrs. W. >R. Rowe, (nee Miss E. A. CVourtice) will be read with interest and pleasure bv STATESMAN readers wlio remnember many of ber former letters from Devon- sbire: 30 Bay Yiew Terrace, Swansea, Southi Wales, England. DEAR STATESMAN :-At these festive seasons one's mind naturally turns tc the old home and dear friends there, wondering how Xmas Day is being spent and if it is the good old fashioned cold bracing air with the merrv, merry sleigii belis, etc. Heoteiii this corner of the worid we have ne sigus of fros' or snow o r cold. Beautiful warm autumu-like air with of course fthe usual ail day rains occasionally. To day tbe wcathcr is ail that could Le desircd. The sun is shining se brightly-sucli a delightffui beginning of the new year and new century. May if be an embleir of ail the aff airs of thec wor!d f0 follow. Xmas here iu Swansea is looked for- ward te quite as machi as et home. Indeed quite 6 weks ago wc ovetheard the conversation that it was high time te be laying up moneY ta be spent in Xmas treats, etc. Just liere, I might say, thore are many peculiaritioýs about this town different from what I have been uscd te. If is a tewnnotcd for grent mamtfacturing w o r k s - t i n, cepper, steel, spelter, etc. This noces sifates large num-bers ef working people who arc paid weeklv and who seem to let it go as rcguinrly. So 1 fhink you catch the idea that there must lie a special effort in saving in ordertospend the jolly Xmas they look forward to and which beaves them a w'cek lafer liol quite rostorod in body or pockef. Weei. s belortei sie shows, swings mnerry go- rounids, w ith hir charîning music, etc., ivere or. the scene rçoady foi al the stray pennies, while the litfle oneswerc up and down the streefs with tlîelr inîiteboxes for sometlîing' Vo spend. ln those di tricts ftic town lias ifs se- calied public ovens ivhere all h baie- ing is donc and at ail tirnes duringfthe ycar %ou înay sec the people carryinz their bread, meat. pies, cake, etc, f0 ho baked. Ont Xmas miorn yen sliouid sec the iîarefooted ragged peopleo succeed lu gettin'g ln addition Vo their beec. spirits, etf,.. gîcat joints of meat, puddings, etc. q hese ich heavv pud- dings toade o, dozen or two or fhem a monlu or two belote Nînas ,ceea almoît indispensable bere a s iin Devonchiire.ý We hiau a largo one given us quite 3 weeks befere Xnias day. I vwas goiug to fell yon somoûýthiog ofi tlic ordiîîary Weish oven lu the privae homes I was inferested 5 vears ago lu the Dev'onshire stox os, but I hase been more so intfilscombination Yeni will fiad lunthe kitchon wall a block of brick witli au open square and itou bars across the front. la this is placed the coil and fn-e with jusf at the right an open flue over w hicli is anogthe(r open square xith au iî'ou door eaiiC(1 oven, whicb arswe-svervy well, 0t course there is a flue for the smoke et flie back ef the firepiace, but on baking day ther; wiil use sticks of light wood aud place thieugli from flic tire uîîder tlic oxen wHue the tire is bankeu]over thec top that it ma ' folow flic sticks and thus, mak'eflic oven very hot soon. Yen sec if is quite an idlea sucli au econorricai appai-atus for comibiniîg, bof h bakiun' and Ibilingo for'liy placing an irou trame over the tire place you mnav place as many saucepaus as if wil ôld. Thoen- ie notice another briglit idea which seemis te 1)0 a universal cnstom by ail ci ases and fliat is> how mothers carr'. their littie chldren. If is doue by wîudiiig a sliawi around bofli shonîders and arias in sucli a way as te take theiweighf from the arim. Xuîas lEve flic choral singers go around iin cempanies from door te door as in Dev onshire and receive tlîeir usuel treats, etc. A very Polife way of bcg- giîig is for a porson te waik down street dressed in dîrty ragged elothes and sinig "Praise God" or " Ye must ie bhem again," etc , at fthc samne time holding ouf flic iand for a penny. Wluat was f0 us very iox'ely was fli ail churches and chapels lield their luofe sacred worship and there were mauv who aftended. There aie rnanv earncsf Cliristia n workers here and mucli, vcry nîuch te lbe doue. Jan. 1, 1901. Christmas day liere as at home is prîncipally set apart for family home gatheringa whle fthe day folowing, the 26th, is anothor public holiday called bexiug da.y. The former lias a divine enigin but I fhink the latter lias reter- ence te ftle opposite. I rememhcr weiI Grandfafher f elling us long agohw that seme were ift with a black ,goye o lamne ieg. Ilowever, judging from the throngs in flic strqets and flic crowded hofels andi coffee taverns thîs days looked upon as fat greater by a certains ciass of youug men and idie pleasure must be pleasant in summer. Mn fereigu-freiglif steamers corne in *or the varions cargoos m.-nufactured here, f1 which I wili try t tell a littie nrýre' later. Since wrifinz a week ago we! have been havinýg seme winter-lWke weafher and snowing ncw, yet ine fr,f, te speak of although I think we feel tI a danip cold bere m ore than we would 'witli more frost at huome, B3ut I must bastîls' close new feelinig very thieuikfti for flic appearance of flic weicomce SIATESMAN oach week--eOur nogular w'eekly letter Item home, aise for fhec many, kiud messages from fthe dean inoends in flic homo land-" Home Sweef Home.' Yonns siuceroiy, E. A. C. Rewp, IJeruuary 8, 1901. A CAUTION, EDITOR STATESMAN :-You say flic present population et Bowmanvible is oniy about 3000 and the town debt close unoot 8I0O,000;,if this be truc, thon surely if belioves every eleetQr te con. sider flic present financial position and flic hoavy burden of taxation fliat flic ratepayers lunflic future have te bean, Would if nef be judicieus on flic part of every ratepayer aise te fuliy cousider and luvestigato every soheme f laf may lie sulimitted te tliem liv the Ceuncil for their cousideration liefore tlioy sanction or guve flic Coun cil Dcwor te lucrease eut corporatieun indebfeduess or te impose a heavier rate et taxation fli-n «ffhat we have te hear at prescrnt. I ask flic uew ceuncil iikewise te welgli weil ail proposais for addifienal expen- diture liefore making grants te new undertakings. FREEHoLDER. Bowmanviile, Jan. 26, 1901. General debiify and a "run dcwu" sfat e calis for a general fouie te flie sysf cm. Sud istfho D.&L. Emulsion. Buds yen up, increases, your weiglit, givea leailih. Made by Davis & Law- rence Co., Ltd. BOWMANVILLE MARKETS. Corrected by J.lcMurtry each Tuesday FLeUR, -10lIbs ........si1170 to $2 50 WTHEA ' Faîl,,busli..0or) etO065 'i Sprmng........ û0 fi O 65 Red 1Fife ....... 000"fi0 75 fi Goose ....0 61ri0 062 BARLEY, P~ bush, No. 1 ... O 89 O 40 il il ri2..,. 089 te040 Il et ri 3... 025 fi0830 le ilTwc rowed 035 il0836 OÂ'rs, white il..........O025 iO -026 RYE, ri............047"ri0 48 BUOKwIIEAT Il..............O0 0 ilO45 PEAS, Blackeye, IP'busl.. O69 il O 75 il Canadian Beautica O 69 il 075 fiMummey e O.0 0 leO60 il Small il O 0 il 0 56 fi Blue i O60 il O65 BUSTTER, beaf table, e th.. O 0 0 eO018 EGs, e doz'............ 000"le0 18 POTATOEs, V bush.. .... .O 090 et' O20 IlÂv tn ............. 900 ilî0 00 Chil1dren Cry for CASOI>T OR lA. Children Cry for CAS-*" >TOR lA'1'm Children Cry for CASTOR 1lA, RECOM1VENDS A NEW PLANT, GENIIRAL ROBERTS. EDITOR1 STATESMAN,-I sec by your Says, in speaking eofflic part fakcn lîy pajper flic timc yeu arc having tô et cfte, Canadians at flic cattie of Paarde- getier a new, councii which I think y UILbeoe fhat if was their fotward position arc veîy mauch in need.of I lhave noficed whiêh was flie final meove f lat compeil- 'Mr. Mifclicl's suggestion rcgarding flic cd Commandant Crenjo te iay d-owu fown buyiug thc clcectric liglit which is nef bis arms on flic anuiversary et Majuha ia flic fewn's iafercsf I thirik. If flic town Day The Wý,eekly Globe is cuiabiing werc f0 liuy this plant for $iq,ooo tlicy ifs yearly suhscribers toharid dewn te wouid neyer sec flicir owa as if 15 f00 thei chiidren an excellent momenfo etf compiicated aadcosts f00 muci te operaf e, flaf important event by presonitiug The plants lu other up-f o-datc fewns are them with a cleveriy executed pictnî-e doing as I thinie Bowmanvillc shouid do, wil oscsavr orc dae viz.: instali incandescent are iamps on fthe Boer laager and flic position of fthc flic streets Two wires from flic power am in troops at fliat turne.. bouse nicciy wvonld' operate tht vholeCaaa town As for running motors ln Bow- Mr. Frederick Hamilton, The Globe's manyille if will nef pay for a day service, correspondent, and others, who were Auy iuformiat * ouwuid like te know 9ye-witnesses, express flic greafest sat- regarding electO"'e iigiîfing i wiiiliebcisfaction with flic picture, au d if cor. pleascd te let you kow or find ouf for tamis is werthv of thaf jeurnai's enter- you. ELEcTRICIAN. prise in makcing if possible te keep flic Toreato, Jan. 2, 1901. evout ever lu memnorv. 'lho picture oaa lie secured by beceming a suliscrili- A GREAT BOO0K. et of The Weckiy Globe, at flic regular prico. The picture eau bo e accat flua From the Goelph Ileraid, Jan. 211th, 1901. Office. The deafli of Out illustrious Sovereigu will naturally be followced by flic publica- C flou of mrny Lives of flic Qucen." A wcll wrttca and arfisticallv produced Wethe uudersigied, d) lier eby agree te book on Her Malesty's lite anýd reigu, will refonudthe money on a 50-cent bottle of Greeoe's uaquestioaabiy command an immense Warrauted Syrup. of Tar if it faits te cure sale. An oid book wifli a few pages your cougb or coid., We also gnarautee a -S25 cent bcftle to pTes'e satlsfactory or moy addcd, a reheasluef inewspapcr articles refanded. tlirown fogetheýr lu a day, or American J. IIIGGINBOTHAM & SON, books by American aufliors, will nef fill STOTT & JDIIY. flicbll. The Hcrald is gladto announce U AN TED-Parties te do kuitting that THE WORLD PUBLISHIN 'Tw for os ai home. We farinish yaru an d COMPANY, 0OF GUELPH, who bave machine. Good, easy work. Good pay. Seud been foremosf lu the pasf in tlie production sta Mu' for particulars. Standard Rose Ce., of higli class lterature, have lad fer tome Orihai, Ont. fime iu preparafion THE LIFE AND -GNSW NE -ieo ue REIGN 0F QVIEEN VICTORIA, which A GVieti a'Ph Qee reDlfe D ohu~n will bica standard workz of greaf excellence ceulter from London, Eng., John A. Cooe and is heiag prepared with greaf care. If. editor of Canadian Magazine, Toronto; oa is w rittea by John Coulter, the celelirated 7W1 pages; quality neyer equalled; price lonly $1.75. Se e ther advt. inutthis paper aise two' Historian and Jourruabst from London, revjews iu this paper. World Pubiishiuig Co., E Englaud, assisted by John A. Cooper, Guelph, ont. 5-1w Eduter et the Canaduan àMagazune, Toronto. MIr. Cooper wul ive special attention te Canadaunuder Queen's Reigu.enciudîugnOLI Cet the visit efthle Prince of W ales toCanada, C e io s ai-d flic Regal and Vice -Regal connectuen ef Her Majesty with flic country.-I Froii advaacc sheefs and prospectuses In the 1'Iatieir 6f the L'stcute of MARY thaf have licou cxamincd, The Heraid ARNAOT, late of the township of takes picasure in sf afiug that flic work- Darlington, in the County of Dur mauship wjll bc more flian excellent. liam, widoiv, deceased. There wi11lieb a great number of portraits Notice is hereby given porsunt te Sec. 38 of and euigravings, ail of whicli are genuine Chapi. 129, R. S. O. 1897, that ail persons having work of rt, îîd quaite fic bsf wrk or eands agairist the estate of the said work ofartandequl tothebes wor MAY ANOT, de ceased, who dled on or f0 lie fouad in any magazine of the day about thue ielh day of February, 1900, are te- ie paperand manufactrewil inl quired te send by post prepaid or deliver te the eîfInc ilichraer fflcndersigned sdlic'itors f o" rufie Trusts and kPîng tfctuarantee Company, Limited, administrators publication ad thcwoli l v ty ofthprerye the said deceased on or before greaf corst ft nopstinwr hc the FIFTH DAY 0F M 51C, ' 190, their ras . a.oppoitio wor wh ch.hrisiia and sornames and addresses with ful lias been sulitted f0 us for inspection.parîjeuiars in wrlting of thieir dlaims and state- -The Herald predicf s a sale cf thisLF ment of tlieir aceoas and the nature of the 0F THE UEEN greafer than ha:; ever seeurities ýif any) held by them dnty vertfied by licou rcaclicd hy any other book ln Cana-_ statniory deciaration. Andf ake notice that after the said Fifth da,, as, if sccms te us, every loyal subjeCf Day of Mardi, 1901, said adminisfators wili wi11 desire a cepy Th'le work is f0 lie proceed te distrubute the assets of thec sud de- sold at a lows prico fo hring if wifhin flic ceased among the parties entitied fiereto, hav-' ing r egard oiy t the ciaims cf which tiey reacli of ail. shali tien have notice; and the saiS adminis- The advertisement et ',THE WORLD frators wili n ot bho ialae for said assoIs eor ýauy PUBLISHIING COMPANY," cailiugfor part ihereof fi any person or Persns of whose dim notice shah 'net have bee eeettis'led hy agent s, wîll lie fouud in another colme them or their said solicitors ai the time cf suc h et our issue oftot-day. distribufion. Dated Febtuary Uh1, 1901. Make your living in yourown home TaE TRUJSTS ANI) GUÂRÂNIEE COMPANY, eaoily-at your leieurol We have a Limited, T. P. COFFRE, Manager. new andi profitable plan. Write us. SIMPSQN & BLAIR, of Bowmanviih- îJand"yuraddreasoen peat càrL adwewMca,,dyoupa'e-6-w Siltrfo lddmnsrr. hm RPL'SYifiÂE Derpt%. Myne i.T= -W Soiios o ad d2ûstaý -"'OR SALE-A two sf ery trame lieuse -V -situated ou Ontario St., withlu tee minutes walit frcm centre of to-wu, centa.iniug edo-ht reema, cilosets, pvantry, cernent dcoor celflur The 'gardern tîF,,tocked wt hichice fruit tree~ Jlard arnd sr,;, " ur 'eTc'.lrterma and par. re ticniars appiy te J No0 C. W Eaas, owuer ou thic premises. Lady oethflichhuse îooking into fie ernpfy flour barrel said-. 1.. C. IJ. R. M. T." l'Weil, I arn glad as 110W I can get ail My Bread, Buns, Cakes and Pies at Luttreii's and save ail flic bother ef baking my8eif."1 Kiug St., BeWrnlanVille. Telephone 97, Pretty Týhingls. Are what yen will find lu my stock for flic holiday seaseu,and at iowest prices. Christimas and New Year Cards, Bookiets aud Caleudans. A speciai Christînas Endeaveur Caiendar, 2c Alto apecial carda and Bookie ot r Suuday seheai classes, Feloubeta Notes for 19i)î. 4 Big range et Books for ail classes 4 neaders. A very special bargauin clofli bound, popular authors. af 95cfs. Meody's, af 25e. Mveyer's and Murrav's ut 85c. Photo Albumns, great val-ti, .50 cfa. upward. Bibles Itemn 25cfs. Gcod value lu ,Teaciera Bibles. Teys and gamea cf every description, uîîequalled. Faucy gooda in china, glass, and elluloid te please every faste. Liberai discotunt ta Suuday aceoils purchasing librarues. Subtabie preseuts for faflen, mother. brother, sister, evcrybody, The" 'Farmers'Advocate "of Lcndon la pcsitiveiy flic best fanmer's paper lu Canada. Sond for a froc sample cop. A post card will do. $1 a sean. Cluib- bol with THE STATESMAN at $1.90. -Add. "HoQme and Farm," tlieu is v6~ 2 E-West End Hbuse. We have marked several leading Unes at very substantial discounts. 1200 yards extra. fine white Steamloom, 36 inehes wide, regular M price l2ý1c, February prico per yard 103/2C I 800 yards fine white Steamloom, 36 inches wide, splendid good cloth, regular 10e a yard, H February price per yard 82c 2000 yards good Flannelette. You'lI not buy it anywhera for E less than 7e, February price Per yard 4e 3000 yards good heavy clean Factory Cotton, good value at 9e I.to 9'20 a yard, Fbu7 Febrary price per yard 7 1 piece super-quality, double threaded, satin finish, bleached table Linen, regular price $1 a yard February price per yard772 M 1 piece fine half-bleaehed Lin en, 62 in. vvide, regular 45e a yard, *February price per yard 32e 250 yards linen Crash Toweiling "Minto Brand" regular prie 12'2c per yard, February price per yard10 450 yards pure Linen Towelling February price per yard 5c GROCERIES.--Wve have a ehoice lot of Marmalade Oranges and Faney Lemons, Fresh frozen British Columbia Red Salmon, Select Baltimore - Oysters, Golden ?addies.

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