Cenuine MYuet Bear Signature of Se ac-S1snle Wrapper Below. Tery oa» sud as easlyi ARESFOR 01-! ITE FOR D-LOSES IVE rom TOPIO LIVER 1FDR SALLOW 8KN.j FOR THE COMPLEXION CURE 810K HEADACI-E. F--or Man, and Be2ast.ý Cali and eaminemynwFrCa. cosarisag allbay Wobat, Dog sud Set eeation Fur Gauntiete, Mte, Imita- tion Fur Cbest Protectorsalso Sakat. bewanl 'Bnffalo Robe Goat; Robes and florse <lankets Immense quantifies ef ail woul, tcb Kersey, Saxouy and lue. But lu &e the otfit complets You tmcst bave a, se< et unr S801 Nickel or Bubber Triuemed Rarnesesud Palmerston Cutter. The place te get this ks at Jno. S. Rundle's East End Hlarness Emperium.n NEW S and OPINIONS -0F- NAJIONAL IMPORTANCE, .-Tbe Sun,. Rione Contains 13oth. Dsiiy, bv Mail, 6 6 a year. Dalv aud SuInrav, br mail, $8 a year, The- .Sïnd-ay Sun lthe greatest Sunday Newspsper in the wcrld. tee 5e a Copy., By Mai, $2 a Year.t Adaresa THE SUN, New York. 'DUPtE LLYORPlSWT SImpl; e, otasd QuloCre for RAPDARRIIOEA, CouGI-!S, NEUPALGIA.- 25 and 50 Cent Sottie. BL,ýWARE 0F IMITATIONS.- 130V ONLY THE GENUINE. PENNY DAVIS, -- -- - --- Ring Eclward VII. Proolaimecl Wiîh Pomp of .4nient limes Ihe Proclamation Read at Vasions Points of tise fetropolis After a Fanfare of Trumpets-The Vas. Crowds Took Up the Cry cf thse Ring-at-Arm ad Sîcooted i'God Save thse King" -A Brilliant Spectascle, ILendon, Jan. 25.-Londen was giS on yesterday a glimipse et medîae- - val turnes. Tbe qtsasnt ceremonies '- wîth w hidi R-ing Edward -\ fI. was - preclainied at varions points cf tice ' Are often capable nîctrepelis exacaly fellers cd ancient cf doing iojury te prececicurs. Tic fcticals purpoely ls positive pceoltevr npai arrassged tic ftuction, an heur abead cf ttcir affirmation nsaking rip fer lacE ef tic publsabcd announcement, and of argument 4ind -want cf evidence. tie inhabitanta whuu ticy arveke Andi the worat of ah degînatista are werc surpriseid te finti tihestire xvay tlsosc dectora nie, kaRking batik te sertue betwenr St.Jae' Palaco, andti oldegma cf the scîseela, isst that certaiu patiens are beyend ail medical citj lissed wvlti truups. About 10,-1 heIn, because, forsoeth, their diasea 000 seldiers,' Lie Guards, Herse are eodtC iitdneia nw Guards, Feot Gisards and etier cav- letige cf the degniatiat. airy anti infantry regîsîsents iad becu Il/heu tic physiciana hadl given ume brouhtfromAldrsht an Lodonup I1'vas cured by th ti se of Dr. Pierce'a Barraclis atter midnight. Att tie Gelden Medical Diacovery."1 That state- otufccra bati crape ou ticir amnis, and mrent, varied semetimea lu formi but the drums and brasa instrusmeuts Ilenticai in fact, is cne cf the cousuon sircudeti wili crape. flic Ircepa expressions found iniuthe lettera cf Ibese made an impescng spectacle, but reti by tIGelden Medical Dsscoecy."1 liey werc enlirely eclipsed by the Sometinses the statemneit nîa; III vaa sîrange spectacle prcsented by lthe given up by four decturs," sicwing a offiiais cf thc Cllege cf Arma. deaperate effrt te Sund relief in local The rroeîamatios. grastteners. But hoîvever the stery Theceruîoy bganaI t. ame' teisil almost invariably cutis w it The er,--- begn. t S. Jaes'thestatemeut, I f ams pcrfcctly coreti by aaewice-c at 9 o'clcck Etiwvard Dr. Picrce's Golden Medicai Discoery."1 VII. was proclaimeti King of the Persona auffcring froin I wealt" loungs, UJniltd Kiugdum ci Great Brilain hiemorrhagea, deep- aeated congli, emia- ant ifrolaud and Emperor cf India. ciation anti weakuess, bave becu reatored Tie proclamatiou, whiici crs read te perfect health by tiseI Discevery."1 by Wiliam Hienry W elden, R1ing-ut- The philesophy cf the cures effectcd Arma asince 1894, aisd formierly Wind- by Ibis miarvelous medlicine 18 nol liard mer H-eratd. was as tollen s: te nnderstand. Life la sustaincti by .Wh1ereasB,t lias pleaSeti Aimigbty 'foed, tigcatedl anti asimilateti. The Geti te eau te fRis msreY 011r laie basia cf health isl a geeti appetite aniS a Sovereign Lady, Quea ,Victoria eft uti digeatien. ln aluîeat alcases cf lbiessei sud giorlous me-mo>',y by o lecease thse Impersas Cruwe futhtie dîsease bs cf appetite isana early symp- Uiîed i.lgdem cx Great.Brassesund tomn, andtisisslaprcuîptly fellowcti by a îrelaud is sudely sud r glttulej cossels wasting cf the flesh. Fer souse cause lu te higli andi mglty l'rince Aibert Iddwîird, crs, tbiev"tare, the LotOs, tic foodi caten is net being cenverted spritual sud temporal, eft til realus, inte nutritien sud the bodiy sud its or- te sag ass;isted bytua'stse ot leeî late gaus, beiug tarved. imust grow wcak. Msajssty'a Prevy Ctouteil, witb nunes- Tiere is only eue way to get treugth bers ot other principal gentlemen et qsality, Wcril tuse tortd Mayor. the sud that la by fod. Dr. Pierce'a Golden aldermnen sud the itesens oi Lundon, Medical Diacovery iseals diseasca cf the du nuw hereby wltb euie vu ce, con- stesuacli anti allied ergaus cf digcstion sent et tosîgue sunt beart, psiblisb sud p1reclalus tiat thc hb'gh and mlgbîy sud nutrition, soecnabting the body te Pr ince Albert litwant la now b lauthasîimilate the needeti nonniment. desîli ot cor laI, sevces-gn et happy Thus varions forma cf îîweakneas,tt so- nsemory, licceme or onia' lawfi andcaea aecrdb heIDsoeyl rîglittrol loge lord, Edward VIL, by cae neIyIh Dscvr" thse grae ex GeIt, King oet he Uitedi weak", lunga, ' weak"1 heart, «wcak" Ringdeus et Great Jîiria n sd trelane, ucîves, cweakt1 or sluggiah liver, etc., De'entier oit the Fllit, Essper et becanse the ergauls are made treug by Inde, te crioatewe de sekuowledge br ail taaililanticourtant uheticuce, witb oo, xhich la perfcctly digeateti ad ail1 herty'sud hsuble attecnsen, bc- assilateti aLler the IlDiseovery"l lias1 scechiug Ced, by Wh mn ail keugsý and hcaled the diseases of the stemacli anti gieens du npigu, lu hies tise Royal naeatd rgacfiesonninu Prince, Fou ard VIL,. withi ieug e rgnsofdietinnndnu happy' years te reigu aver u.-g nd trition.i Greeted WMitis Cheers. Tîf-e-pcc m4'o - sasgreetýti hi' a fanfare cf triomphant ceoccaanti cries cf iGcd Save lic Ring." There w-as a large assemublage cf officiais anti cellege bemaltis. Amneg these in allendance noeeParI :Roberts uud n'cvshors ofl tce eaqnarters staff anti cher arusi'officcra, andti lie w5as presectt a gresat eocuerse cf peeple tresu te cemmeneement »t lie clos-e. At tisecnclusiocuoethli ceremnyi'tic bkvnd belouging te lie Feot Guarda, in tic F'niary Court, play cd "GetiSave tic R(ing"- 'llise Ring iNt Ps-isent. Tho Ring nec net present, but tic usîeca ci bfis seahaiti itensseti thie ceceena'-rons Marborotugh Bouse. Ou tic baleony ovccieoking tie Iriary Cort, frein tviiei ttc proclaatsion "'as reati, -w r0 tic Psske et N orfolk anti cher clllcers of state. "Tie baleoni' cias tiapet ins crincacu cli. Besidte c ffciale in reapîcueticu niferns wece statioeot the Stute tImupeters, antibeme w'erc ceeu muny presincaet perseona, aîaoug lhiîs Sir Arthur Wite, Private Se-- licitorlc te Qocon. In tic yard ef Marlbemonghi Honse anti ticemurir Court -ias staliened a large o tdy' etpolice. seldiors andi PAIN ALL QONE. "I b ave talas-n yeur miedicîne w'tb thc grenteat sattafacticen,"ý writsaMcc. George Ris-bt, uf t,eck- port Si-sioe, Westmocs-lanOdCo., Pessîs'e, sud eau hioest5y say Dr. Pics ces Golden Ms-ducal Discovs-'ylias enreti ueetfa paie in ira'rigist lsîeg tisatishe best doctors cou oltne slp. My appetits- a:d digestion have improvad 50 otint I cao cal anytisîs3gaet ail, sud 1I tel bOter tCtan I bave ft e ast. voue 'Fa-votite Prescription' bias cnrs-O me e of wis trouble that 5Isffers-I froin for ifs-en a-cars, sud _ceinteSl monibla' troubles. 1Ieam rcta criols- day eand net gel tie-. Ma' pain is -lIgnue anti I sel lOrs- a us-w p -csj. Isuifs-ced sais bs-Ide-be tllthtfr ime, uas have niseadacîse n tines- akisg :Saur ostO lus-. la-soc'Golden Ms-dirai nis-covn-a"5 sud ,favorite Pres'rspton'1dol tisat a-no daim for teis-t, and me-e, toe. I bave bs-eu nctredý of tronbles tisat 1 ts-cýéed fro or fo dtes- e asr, sn uecbs-st ductor ientbs- State counît i nt cors- nse. -'Golden Ms-OSeal nisovrera"1 cnrs-Ome of ns-osalgia that I întisred trous tor five aears, and if su- letier rien cave one otiser poor soifsrer, a-ou cati pubs ha e2 îIî tokaL a acers. e lii aue tllcd lu tise bronclitai tubes,"saies lt-v. itrank l ia'. cfIUer- tenvill e, Jefferson Ce., Kansas. I"After ttaing meds lneas labs-lc " Sure Crs-," ls'soet sitisont nosisber, 1I ras led to iry nr. Pis-scr's Golden Ms-dira 1 Discisverv. ITlong twu hoiti es and cras cors-O, antd bave stars-O ni sel. ýWiseuI I thinir o tlise gss-at pai lied t e sn-- dnre, asnd thse terrible rtîegh1 ibail, 'isters alnosa smiracle tisat I ras su cs' nrelis-vs-O:' Dr. Pierce's Picasant Pelleta enre con- stipation. They de net re-act upen the systesu anti becemne a eceessiti', as do naiy other pilla. JNEWIIJNÂREANBSTATfPB SOME CHANGES CAUSED BY THE DEÂTI-IOFf THE QEEEN. Il WliIINet Affec> tChage la P;rllament iletit.-TseGreat spalilmay sait 1ne Usoe. A despatchi freti Ottawa says:-Tbe passing cf Victor-ia and the accession uf Aiberi Eclward wiIl necesaitate changes. The Governer-General and the members cf the Cabinet wiil, cf cana-se, have te taka the oath cf ai- legiance te tise Kixeg, and 'the samne obligation will develve upen every public officiai in Canada, wiho by vin. tue cf his Office is requireci te plodge lis fideliiy te the Crown, A higb con- stitutional auttority has given it as hie mature judgment, that a new Privy Ceuneil xviii bave te be, created. '1'ucd laya it down ihat the Privy Couneil is a select band cf cenfidential counseulors, "appuinuted by the Sover- eigu te ativise and assist lunte gv- trament of the îealim,"eisimilar, in the Dominion, the Queen's Privy Council cf Canada la appainted te aid andi advtisc ttc eGoverniaient. As ail the Canadian Prîvy Ct-uncilors were chesen a is her M ajesty s Pri vy (o n- thut thieir office has lapscd, but tbey will alhie reappeinteti et an earîy 'l'h abrs al ,lsr. amackdeLe laelbelsatil .ad sampIa et amrk de>e at the bosse of a sbarctulslar. Mahnefildout u rritaeand we wilI allo0t you Stock auJnd ùâi you machine and oulfit ta hegin work at once. lcosrpsrated by Provîsic harer neteter tisa Onterle CempacîssIl Ast sî uarr Authorlzed Capital Stock, date,. T=M5%Pdg - yI ýrVt5 W it j %.FWSIW LýJtOf A' new great seal will have te bc Th. Syndicat. la Offering a llsnltcd amount of Stock aI 81.00 per' share ln lots et twenty aharea, (t adi subacrloer 01thtie twaaty sames to ho fuerleshed s înenîy-telsr kaizting trisAIne ircete werk fer prcr-ured, but Mr-. Mille belds tint it tAe Syndlicat. mndtot sisare lu the net pioflîs of ail geais amade.) is quie legal te use tte Presenit seal Thse SYnciioate isas be-in fs-rmed fer thse purpose cf manlstaetur5ng ltrstted gonds cheaper thon any esa5ting temps-ny, laelussp slawnprices, outl aucweu ,sa radi, ntite sc- sd t ceos tie egsk.fniiig Combistes aud Cempanlesa5sseh hase joued ti ard erasas prises. Tasdothissauccosstusiltls nsessairy taoge tiensttc iter aîingfeetthal uecu ysrn ai tiret cosl and ta manufateure goudasais thseIeel possible expene. Tisrfre- tios te iterstig fct hatQuen i. Ti, tiysdicate supplies lis otavn ysen andi machiis. Victoria used te great seat cf ber 2. Tise Syndicale has ail geeda ruade by sharehaldors kuitting at i soesn homes. wnce, in wilim I.,forsoe Dne 3. Thse Syndiscate pays for ail properly muade gonds at once upon receipt cf sae, andi besîdas peylsg for thee wark waisn sent ln wlll seml' uneF' RingWillIm IV. fer nus5 tuc naually divida saishis tewos-kng sisarehiedees tise net profite frein the calsetfail gooda ruade by isehareoiies. or ten nttsalatterbis deathi. lu tbe 4. Tua Spedscaescslis ail geeds mode by ils wceklsg sareltuiders. 6. To ensu subibuer eftlwenty *tlO a haores thesSydiS-livs sfres s twanty dollar Ksitting Machine ta keep, ond aise supplies$eac ,reign et George III., tbe greal seal '4.orilng sisareholdar, frtees charee. fuldsrections, 5i5isandi va-n tlu serte goeus. et~~~~~~~ ~~~ Tneniwa tle ri t ei diaalu-, lsooua siaes'leidsr, a woniser, tiseeau nr oetoneue e iseîsci'iues, teaSbe Peitifor lthe wark yendo, snd can ta partîcipale inlthe equasa of.Engandwasstoenfro th roi- ivasO" h 0m 'Ir it..-Àou-hve only lte j- enosoa meuiber ofîthe Syndica s sud taise t.tac' 11.0strehai-es saihieSslît tst veis tunt y dollars. denc cf tc rus aas'-snn n ris eaasnsss[E lIssusppi-j lis o a y an e-d iseilling machines tals issrehoidrre, FRaE. Syllisplan 1l keape. me eet was ît uuihiuu r mccen t s's; esr ieibt t.sayndicatsle nt ia enefiteadete harchisoeers bywy etfdci des-d%ý immSedsately reperîtte tictheRing, and ibut w isee sercet a ragniar empîsysuant a"mi nesanîr ast sai- homes.tise Syndicateleais ty prepareal te kesp ils shaahoidarssupplîst with j ai-es for daln< tise varions kin-ts aorsaork rtquirs-cl, anti itise also su c position tas dispose ot ail geats lenittetitrons tisese yarns ihi-ougislarme a new2 seal wias ready te - oftIcai use Jelstiers andt s-o te ea & l si-oe as ftct ns I: i tn bc sent ii-slsesisarshlâters. i ot -al be aeme - Et manufature geouda on se lai-aOsosie It saualti b e ncassary le have n nun'lser c kilýlng factorise; saiicis woul4r nexit day. N limje will betat in s- meanuthîlestmleenot lisotsautie efdolai-s, Sasies taxes, inssueusce sud jutceat on semae. W W cas lerafOre, net easly manutacture gacie 'cuirng a new grîant scal 1c;r the D,.ýmiu_ cissapar sud l i-naqunehies* but pay ue sisasehlders dividende seml-anr.uatiy. l to.THE MABI N ï".seSv J"laîturnsiess a hîgh spesal tamilytcamleae kntting machine, andI wili Isat a UiftieUnwfthrda gG a jCOINAGE AND STAMPS. c-t Cananvisa ai yasn tise came as Sand viank, but eighty limes tester, 1n tact a paiereof ics ci- Stîyî-le hase in swenty msinutes. Wllh cshc Anoter hane c imca anc xvll achines 5<111ut-t-stle sent logotetissi-lsa supply et yaen te commencea once. Tise guide accompsnvlng tise machines is se plain andth*Is opeesîson sas simple tisaI anyonnofet aidnai-y intlesnce con mal-c eny oet the keilteti gases reqiet by lise Sîndiclete, siseis as Gants! Socls lae the ýsubstitutscon fer the presenjt Ladies' Stosisuga, Gait S -cycle Hoas, sY. nlcess-ua Leegiugs, sud Teoqtes tor Chiliden. TU ~ ith e -uliatlepays tee initleg the. e oot eare' tiocis, $600 par 1ee pairs; I edaes' Steciig, $100Q0 par 100palms; Cens. pealuage anti revenue atampsofeta ncw' THE rîîiu I Golt caid Br-assî Me complets, $1.66 par M 0paies; Loaaina-s sud FQeeB Ocrcl i Me, e5.oc per iZO. paire; fine Toquas, se erigte inte fte ig 5.00 prtMO. Ali tise egoudaai-re qsiîciiy nmatie outisemachsine ea t esepries a y ersen wiing espr nn-ieg atipy. mueismes-e set earig tt venetr et ic Ing, tian cleiinlustore, worialn baisp or lsberiisg n faret. Siserehelda rs eau desote nal]os part et tLr i nie knîaing, butitas ail limes tlcy ai-e ýAnotter change whîch wîli take Pl ace, expacteti ta wr oristlie iniereets aftie Syndicats. i new coins arc us-uteel, wiî l e the I O9ANJo Ailupesans callhng ta accept sud leouesily kît tise yarn leitruted ta thtar, auns te ratum matie ooda pramptly te thse substitution ot the p'WHOClcX'cf thtte fer thet cf Quecu Victoria,, but itîltidendM UT n at JON ta o r lo hi ylla ,rcývie a s ,s t h okisesetlsusl- be yeas textreett pr c einage is ,outlthefollowing APPýLIOATltMFORM. sigritiseirnsme teola, fslllu atdresanti roeronce, ana enciase il;slti Expuessear PQ&t OtleMoeyQOrcîet ebstlutety celled in. tceSnias 1Lb5 7 immtiiate o er effec. ...... . .... ... ........ ... .................... ....ber ...........a-. ... jîsrËy's ti ah wii hi' nettcetile et 01- I cawadturcng ticcomiug s se. Ità 15 asSOit knownuye-tt o-w ingilpueid Tnf PEOPLýES NITTINCIyov fr Stc u raNie ei~ unîng nl la pm'las il 'fi SYDICÂTE ,11LTIDais, iofwill bct ro gIaiti su T h, t130 VoNce ST., Tunoavo, ON,. Geveiofmuts t edineths ,, -1Ienclose 'tue lerecrilis$2000 ln FULL .PAVMJ2N,'T fer 2o <harts af stock (subjeet te naoalliers-ait) jinTisa Peoplee@Kardtfing Synftte, sptct b he ic Iperial; ulic es Te Lsmits-d, criichI I rs alluttîd leanie, aieecf 'tear $2000 ,machinestrce, sasse as 'tua furuiis roue shacisoi'dees, togetta- -athfret change cf Sovuereigu will ni affecet samples, înstîectionsud 'tarrnisici 1 lali sent ta e oso80 es possihbleoes-aille nie tebs-gin nori toc tise Sundicate et once "pou the meeting el f Parliemen t, the tWO rec iplcf s-mne. Tile ssid stock to entîtte me te participaein-tutise sens-ansuat dividende of tise Syndicats lu addition le bains pait cash en i Hotuses wicll esss'mcnie ouni dt e .0 delivera' for ail the Knit4isug I do for tise Synâdicale on rny matise. whicilthey Whave-alceady h5-n auna- menced. It ii î.iuýtionnabte, hoevver, .seessrîiietEzjaoficeaessi X______________________________ whbethr th eite an-y Stute cEn-TetOfc nar on tlbnilit thoeopening, and lit is cetLa i Gj~~1 overnoc--Gcn- ni.-t-15 .-'îAeuJtfrscs-r________________________ estal's draw-g-iusec l:11 tadispensed 1 wîtb. Thc. se-,ien wil liep a quset eure (F. ccc state huwrach lime rasa eau devo ate e ori ansd tsar yau rus ab hopsld-roekiy, morthia' or as -oundnte a os.- soially, as, xstheliecxc pticecoe.n off a_____________________ fau u vdiuner partiejs, sucre w-su 'b I/tt ,or ne euîiertauning, andtihte ladi;a e!Of beas et taet.nt - LlhA AI bcd cxp-cted te( spûnti a gay tus-e lu Ottawa doùriîîg lb hnext twe un tire0 -nree ie'R l0 5Rl.'a-' ic tîe O LI M JOI insstha ný:ul be dsappointed. is-aieu u eb5sssieiaCacssreda 0-e uSmouicia iy se-se-.M 'ee.îs 1 itaslse isises-eibîrlers ud crisde.c I s ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ w -"- -Ssese ecelt-, ogsult-pn- ee-ieiefofes-, 0-1ie N-A Edward VIL. Says Ho Wîll ho ai ,, vsecswerLîiraessuugncsssîc,.îîa"-e,'1a 5srd andsýr ii 7etltreis Constitutional Ruie. 4 i Lerth1 issusae os.!-Te asee-rii sslgic 't -m 25' t iaedpe ine t-icse, A despaicli Item tendon says;-Anti:etb t i"trScsee CO IT NS ;5 su;tsisJStail i extraerdinany issue csf tic Gazette on a' crans,-tlOsiis-ItM.SINII lGElE Ltie'tss.ssni>Petîoe i- with black boa-ties, arnneances tcIeltrlIttrees-s not5 lastscrolrQi't'itian 0tOBr o-ia death cf Quaec Victoria, adding;- . r r "'heievcran/c bas- eauseti eue universal I ' r~ feeing et regret cuti serrvrwte hemr t$nt-à - late iiajesty'asitaLl sutiecta. te e3 /~' as < 5. 1 L I EU&J $180,000 King ERetaros le Osborsne. Janti eue, more important, ihii i enasÀlc htGed - , anti-Id-sireNelse atieSouo St. PetrdsreA, At 12.55 p. m. King Eticard, es- giVea himan-lif. that lits nemi' shoulsand clone eorled b' a aquatiron cf the IHerse 'tcss-ln ethe lisseS uf. "In+ 'u cuclussosu, i trust tePar eblow the Bcard cf Trade tuildin.,- etaurasaucma niene n i m--ni ùlýLLLattou i iSettl[ u pporttme ]suni 5U5 <-tete isetn Scluet u p- acopu i telueuconstruetien Lie weuaan wiu insis.tahettcardueýus (duies lac n'. no TiIte sul-gs-tyi ts.iast jbng andti aia anti llica-nobles, j the fire ta gilty ,ot making 1noendi- n eeric edriem hl(IIe- t--,f' i-t irst~.ss~, and --Ii.- , t.ak-a.eftc tat 5a1-Use-f ,acs t-.assei- ~ r, re a15 St fIl t a emanccbi f~t liI ,iy Aler fvsg a iaiCIhs' tt-n- Nis-bîdis ati-ecti, dcstmoyng tise'big vsyei-c et. ts-isihis aeso~berne. u te he C-'u-cil, tac GGezettean- 'ie,'ectaîam n 'thle bluet. issaîci-itra'tnekseîr- GWrette.wssensible persansa e grewitb u dunce>s tIsaI tbcKing saberibedth le" h1,1estlImns Los-ot Jantra -AneTarIsi- Dn' ais oth"-thvso- b-aieu1tyoftt tsi -OSSs-Sît .'- ArAs']ary "Gazette" publisicti an erder-in- t liebottns, Oharchi c otland, ciefîme confinetia t lcbts O-UI 'vcISpefr u <o.,-i~. fW. miîltary genius. de Gaurtsnay and Ce., mershants; Ameuig a numbe- cf captored let- Canadlan Shirt Co.; Aieax, 'aeJArthur, tr is eune freinC e n. lle r t,,,te ro p)apes ereant I ien Steyn, as3kingfr ,0 nm. Tbi2 Board cf Trade building was ai Glerks and,[teciergy are the ,moatL maignificent six-,storey squarebuilding nerous patrons of the icyclei. co'nstructed cf rcd sandstone, and tr-Teaehers are &isu great patrons (if u.cîe:d on St. Sacrament ýtrect, in the the wheel. 14SA n- - Tnpnpjlrn_ CI-4âîvâr,)A m We rant a few more wor kejrs ili ihis - - -------- localîy, ai once, and in order 10 secure your co-operation without the delay et, correspondence, we herewîh Lexplain Our K~l i fuit plan in this advertisement The wùrk a a is simple and the Machine is easily 23~ts operaled, and with the Guide requires ne teacher. If you wish to juin oui staffo Wrcslt us hear from you prompt 1 wi-th the Application Foi'm for stock an