Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 16 Jan 1901, p. 1

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T7FU1RM -el.50 PieR ANNum. OÇX TOWN AND OOUNTY FIRST; TEE WORLD ÂiTERWARDS. M. A. JAMES, EditoradPoc NEw SERrES, BOMANXTILLEI ONTRIO, WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 16, 1901.VOMEXVIN. COUNTIES' COUNCILLORS.MrW.JS1 uha T hlid e tesffc ~~~~~ ~~~o. 1-A. M. MclaBrighton TeNweU ne i o th ouh Kng ai n temxoýsr were appone srkn To.Tweedle> RATHER ýSTORMY MEETING. that the entire output of a factory can nommittee, and retire o fw'n I - .ÂlI~No. 2-A. A.,Mlbolland and T. J. - be sold abroad, Utes. The report ,a d[ec fe NalrCmpelod MAYOR MITCHELL'S ADDRESS, The great drawback t'q our town slight-alteration as folow ®r. No 3D.C.ampbellfod obrn;for the last twenty five years, bas STANDING COMMTIS MM .~, MM ,AA , N. Cr% derînpn, Norham. The New Centurv Couneil met at 11 This political and personal feeling. These standing crmteswr NoM-M uhMseroAnwc;J . m. Monday according ',o statute and Ths siould be (Aiminated froin muni- appointed: Il ~~~~~ F ~~Cryderman, W arkworth. ognzdfrrk Th personnel of cplafi~ Finance-King, Ti, Glrih ilINo -Hg Msuro, lw1k tebor i:J. B Mitcheillmayor;[ The citizens ln general, and the Mitchell. INo. 5-John Miller, Castleton Geo. J.hKe braithW.CB 7g Council in particular, should put their __ _ _ __ _ _ _ __ _ _ __ _ _ _ __ _ _ __ _ _ _ __ _ _ __ _ _ _Mitchell,Batm r .J K. G lr ih W .C ng, o n _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ B a t i m r e .P e r e y , T . I l . S p r y , A r c h i e T a i t a n d R . s h o u l d e r s t o t h e w h e e l a n d g o f o r - R o a d s a n d S t r e e t - p y i g SN o. 6-Geo. Spence, Cobourg; Robt. Worh, Members subscribed to theI ward with a determination to accom . ercy. Fishier, Bensfort, qualification of office and swore to the plish something which should give Pubie Property-PecGlrih DuRHm, sua decaraion Aftr te r inueitet a boom such as it neyer had Worth. Urom t-dyCOUH, JOIINSTON & CRYDERMAN will, sel] ail kindg of N. -1,1.DU'akrI-IMPort Hope; T, f eclarametiong were e mnutones ie ref we mt nucst ae the Cne TrG aith, Tit Sry Tompo, otHoe irmed., Mayor Mitchell read rpii te e. If wtehe, wihtomucstang te Cinre Com --TaitWrhKng hGarden 1hi1 M following town as attractive aý possible. \Vc _________________________________________No.__________________Mrhave___aapetition fullv sizried, for the Printing-Tait, WorhSpy Doado.INAUGURAI, ADDRESS.: submission of a Park By-law to the Poor Relief- WortheryTat No. -. Ferguson, John Kennedy. GENTLEMEN. -In presentin , the Electors.- This is a matter- that Police-Percy, Kin2,Wrh _iý No. 4-Robt Cowan and Wm Rick- Ma vor's anual address 1 wish te con- should receive the' earnest attention Manufacturers' Co-KIg a qwb ard, Newcastle. gratulate you on being eiected to the Of the Council. -ýE No-- . ae ndPu rei-(ouncil for the Year 191l. The rate- It have been informned that the and Council. *~~~- L AI SNOT ok o. 5M . anesn Pu reipayers are worthltv represented by Agriculturai eit av no cock, Bowanville.' yoIIý,and I arn great v pleased lu hav- consideration the pur chase of new TiWrh i~~~T ~~~XIN, CTLY I Devitt, Bîackstock; ing theasstneo!s ag !e rounds from the Raines Estate, A lot of cross-fintokpaeor odcounciliors h have servedth southeatothe ligh School. The these committees anathmoeiot- towin faithfully for several years. Counicil should consider the question ant ones were carriedbyhecti- MUNICI AL ELE TIONSThe Counil for 1900 have been cnit- of purhasing part of this property vote of the mayor, V ev w r w rd H ~ L F PI C 5 ~ TBakerolinaicized unjustly, aLdC in a mannier un- for a public park, and the opening occurred hetween M.Pr~ n h CARTWRIGHT. called for, lu the public, press A up o! Duke St. as a, direct route te ao eea ine. MPrytl -AReeve--Anson Taylor, bx- acclama great many things have heen said 8o the station.Auntdeor hldHsWsiphthedntkovan %M.tion, Councillors, Messrs, .JE. Beacock, strikingly different frorn the views also bc made on the part of the clUi- mayor who had disgraEedtecar e-R. Jobh, G. L. MeLaughlin, T, McKee. entertained by the ratepayerslu gen- zens and Counceil, to incluce the he had that day. Onbennmiad CAVAN, eral, that I venture to offt r a few sug- Dominion Government to erect public chairman of Manufacer'CmMr * Reeve-Fisher. Councillors, Kelly, gestionls by way of reply white the buildings in'our town. Percy declinied to acceptteofcsy -~~ Shields, Staples, Shaw. subject isistili f resh lu the minds of The question of Municipal owner- ing "[refuse to act wt oM MANVERS, the electors. shiio of aIl public franchises should Mayor, on tlîat commte,"ada The actions of ail public men are receive the seriou3 consideration o! stating bis reasons, irl Myr a * Reeve-Preston, Councillors, Stan- open to fair and just citicism. AIl the Councîl. Tlhe expropriation of hlm to order thusly.,Iws t a These are not last year's styles, but ALL NEW GOODS MADE FOR ton, Stewart, Evans and Bruce, that has been said lu the press in re. the Elpctric Light Co , by the town, to order. Mr. Percy. Yuaesyn. PORT HOPE. gard to the relation of publie, opinion lu the îure (rest o! the citizens, is a what is contrany to facts" lO.Kn T I E SNST A Eadae n ubel th ietlot of Coats :HnyWh I.Adermen - to representatîve men will, 1Ipresume, question ttnat should receive careful explained that hie plae J.Pec CA. aetaGo asan.J be cordially concurred lu by ail pre- attention at your hands. name flrst on that cer. hra e-vrerMcM iawerian.Ge. MeuleHa.r ndrtsmBran , h sent. The real leaders of the people-, The re organization of the Fire co4inuing said: I caledyutor ever shown in town,~an S. ule1,ru etBuna, they who give voice to the best Department should have- the prompt for saying what was asiti a COnouuçG. thoughts or aspirations of their coun- attention of the Fire Comrnittee. Mr. Percy. I F\ýLS0D'.l. try men-are immeasurabiy above I trust thaît the members of the After the stormi subside ylw or, E, C. S. 11ucke ; Ceunciliors, those who consuit public passion only varions committees of Council wiil întroduced for appointeto o e.M. Ferris, F.- M. Field, W J. to cater to its worst tendencies. strîve to carrv forward ail work en- offleers Aof___ od o ecendou taot afpie Maher, W. H. Floyd. John T. Field, It is a" high and worthy work to j trusted to tham, lu a businesslikez Geo. E. Mitchell.' '-chool Trustees, study public opinion for the purpose manner It should be the aim of h mynapoaend. .Monrf Jon0rwn as, Fer-r Wm. Barr. of iearning how best to serve the evervY citizen to advertise the advan- Eda aaudt r.2 eucirappitd55 Susata Rdcin wl lobemd nal id f usadNEw'C.s ILE. publie good, but to study to learnnhow tages o! Bowrnanville as a summer Mr-.B Yarar, ., wsr-p kd f FJs Paake best to serve ourselves is base. But resort. The town is situated on a MrJ.B abar, 186. MaiforoPan sr 15 it is important that we nnderstand h igh elevation, and is surrounded by poînted HIgh Sehool Tiuîe Mens' and Boy 3' Overcoats. as, 8.Majwh Pr,,, 5 at we mean by public opinion. It runuing streams of water. Frorn a Mn. J.O. La Belle was eaphh CoucilorsJou tcet, 16 J.R.is not an infallible standard of -- point o! vîcw it cannot be the Board o!filea IMso. - ri Fisher, l0i ; S. B SîlobfeIl, 100 ;Geo.- for it is sometimes, wholly wron- Itbsmn fleadadGroD. ti- .'te Joli, 91 ; William M ,i8 ; Th oras judgments are frequentlv revirt residences, and well kept members. * Quinlan, 74. First foi are elected. reversed by its own consent; bi Its educational fa&,.ites and Dr. James Coi i- ntd IACLARNA- ,. true that. after a f ull hearirig, g wiil cornp 1re favorably Medîcal Health C , salav $25 mi Reeve-James Brow, 5o2 «.; T. W. opinion finally adjusts itseif on a basis with anv in the Dominiion, Instead Chie! Jarvis was re-apntcSa- C ou , ol ns oi & r er ai. lnderwood, 405.M'1 for Brown 187, which will be pracsically jnst and true. o! continuai f anît flndlnv, and un- tary lnspetr 1Y'Counilors-Hira,1. _ Mlison, 550 H 1e greati'- erns who eails ail the pass- ning down the town and its public 468 ; John F. McM4lau, 14., l{H h Gîbson, 438,- John D, -'Ide 69. First four electe, USE- Mayor-F. Lb Fi- - yacci. '.Juncîî~s-j x.rrierson,<0. ttez- TU11E LATE DR. THOMAS, zelwood, E. i ows( , J. W. Provan, A. French, J. F. Tai,'.,1yn. A Crookston, Minu., paper contains WuIITPn U~ the foleowing ou the death sud funeral 'I o! the late Dr. James H.Th as Mayor-A. M. Ross, accl. Pf( ~ A u s iuyoungest brother of Mrs. Hugh Molion Counilors-Wm. Richardson, E. R. o! Bowmanvilie: -On Meuday after- Blow, Wmn Robson, JohuSmith, T. G. D ,,~~ earth~Il remains o! Dr. J. IH. Thomas. _________________ r- r se ~The news that ho had passd away came __as a great shock to many who had seenWh IM k hlmn upon the street as recently as Fmi- Iwhaime Home Sday, sud who did not know o! the Not the house, howe,;er fine lb may be; sudden tumu taken by bis maiady. not ita fumniture, pictires sud appoint- fo r James H. Thomas was bomu at Port mnenta. The wife sud îmother makes the SHope, Ontarie, Nov, [0, 1843, aud was home, sud te speak o! going home Il * Imarried te Miss Mary E. Clarke at mneans te go back into bbe sheiber of the l"'1(~ I ( ~'IC eudaîl, Ontario, in 1870. Hie came teinîobhcr's love sud caie H %i .JI ê, a L4yàJ Crookstou ln May 1870 wiîere lie And wben woma !y ills aap the Spactised bis profession o! deucistrv sudiother'asreugth, the hom.ie-life suifera. ________where bie bas s:uce resided with the The food la net cookel as ahi: cooks, lb. exception o! one vear spent lu Florida. Býverywhere thbe Hie leaves a widow, a son, sud a daughi lack of wifély We invite you one sud ail to corne in sud inspeet our ter. The funeral' was condncbed byuevszan stock o! Fumnîture and see the rnany useful and inexpensive I Lev H. M. Green under the auspices of -motIherlY thongbt- articles ta we have that will make a useful and beautiful tde Masonie Order, about 50 members fuîs is apparent. Peethat rce ilbemd s o sposbe beiug -present.Amog the beauti!ui - Wht a change, Ou rcswl emd slwa osbe floral contributationis were a crescent ilheu, when thia to meet the demand and requirernent o! every purehaser. sud star fromn Zumati Temple N. M. S. i wife aud mother SWe are offering a. nîce Rocker, golden oak or rnahogany, aI !Mneaeiadobecaedcge<ornes back to take $2.25 and rnany other lines equally as good yalues. Cal by the different lodgeso! Scottib Rites lier old place in the aud a square sud compasa by the J farily, Thonsands and see them, il wîll be a pleasure to show you through our local lodge." (if womeu who, be- warerooms. ______ cause of womanly ~ IIIIIARIGRADTRNKABUFALOills, had heen ahut, * S Nand home hpi mvi . VW ILLIAMYS SO . 1 An officiai o! tbe Grand Trnnk Rail- iness, have been BOWMANVILLE. Uudertaking recelvea prompt aud perqonaI attention, way, who has been at Buffalo for bbc cnabled te once »~last few days, bas eurued to Monti cal mor.e take their after having secumed space for the rail- 'lace in the familyv af ter being cured by way exhibit at the Pan-Aniemican ex-1r. Pierce'a Favorite Prescription. l _____________________________position. The space secumed is eue o! establishes regularity, dries weakeniug the most prominen t on the grounuds, drains, heala inflammjýation sud ulcera- sud'600 square feet of the floor o! the makea weak women strong, ick women A rsonibuw.u gCorected by J.McMlurtryeach Tuesday macbinery sud transportation building, well, _____________________which is said 'te be eue o! the finest le cornrenced takîng ycur Favorite Prescrip. tion' and 'Golden mei.ai fliscovery' about FLeUR, P 100 l'os......... $1 70 te $2 50 architectural creations on the grounds, the ioth of iast necember one year ago," wxivites aie n emnWIIEAT, Fali, bush . O.... O O f 65 sud is completed sud ready for the i- Mrs. eliza Wright, of iVountainview, H-oweii Laie ad enemnr; Sprînc'....O l()T 65 stallatien o! exhibits. It la the inten- Co.., Missonri. "I have *,een ver>' slow about r writing to you, aithough 1 arn thankful I arn Both Rlch snd Poor, R led r ife..... 00 O 75 tion o! bhe Grand Trunk te make a dis.' bere to-day aud have the priviiege of saying I Goose O... 61 O 62 iplay sncb as the company bas neyer îhank1ou a thousaud tiraes for your kind ad- lu extending congratulations on BARLEY, e bush, No. 1 0 3O 9 0 40 yet iustalied lu any exhibi ion, sud this vice, ieau truthfuiiy saý- that it was through tbc suceesa o! the Holiday Season, I fi 2 ... O 89 O 40 wiil comprise a large.selectien o! its W,,,of the Lord iliat I no iiving today; 1 arn must express my appreciation o!fbbce il 3 ... O 25 0 O30 choicest phctognaphic gema, iucluding iu better health than I have been for three lîbemal patronage whîch mae the past fi i Two rowed O 85 O 86 a number thdt were awarded the geld yeans. 1 have taken one-hiaif dozen botties of echimedicine. 1 arn ale to do lu>' washing year bbc greatest lu the history o! mny OATS, white fi..........0 25 0 O 26 medai at the Pais international exhi- for four in fainil>', aiidab rny louisework, cook- bsns.RYE, il......C 47 O) 48 bition o! 190J. Canada wiil be epre ing sud rnilking. in 'at, i fee like a new Meetyl alveywelluis l c KWIEAT.............. 0 O 45 sented by nnmerous.sceues o! the resorta wornan."1, N'dsyisalvr i nispaePEAsBlackeye, P bush.. O 69 IO 075 rahdb h radTuk u l Dr.Pierce's Pleasai-IL Pelleta cure cou- uh--stcopsmettte, that il Canadian Beauties O 69 :fi 0 75 expected that as a result o! this the stipatien n îs il lrc -t countiesa couse- fi u- cuweg ! b ae Mummey " O 0 0 O 60 influx o! bounîsta duriug bbc season of quencea. Tlîey do ';ot reacb ounbthe r Ino!tedgbusine saud b l Small t O0 0 IlO56 1901 into Canada wiil be semething sysbem ueor bcget bbe pili habit. nglve y bapplyiufthe uieat nldge , Blue t 0O60 :: O 65 phenememal. The building lu whicb a eel &sely ngta my en BUTTER, best table, P thb.. O0C00 20 tne Grand Trunk exhibit is placed il; Methodist MaZazine iud Review for Effls, e doz ............0 00 fi O L8 situated in a central location ou what Januaryllegins_ thfýe îew cent:ury wîtb, Sh knowledae accompanied b y FOTAToEs, V bush .......O 000 i O)£0 i uw s teMi, rahdb bcantbe ubr "hnal1mus n'est- buiug o! the very beet goo de fiT, » ton ............. 9 00 r 10 (X) Ambereet street trate. While at Buffa tien " The Edito)r cescribes.pa wiuteî, ýj0nthe -îanuifacturr direct sud for -__________Io________ the Grand TIrnnk representative visit to the Mediterraiiean Iiivicra. Dr., ca as placedtme in a position al bhc made a cameful inspection o! the entire Sutherland discusses '-The 'lwentic th way along 10I gi."viteu cb value everv MNIs. Chas. Smith of Mimes, Ohio, gonî u eot htbcmng-Cnu' u isos J. R. Millar. lim vo puchse romme that nite:-I ae'se veyheedy rment o! the exposition is making favor- B.A., Depnty Miniister e! Educeatioîî for are. sure to coe gain and "last btIsîck headache I conid bear o! for abhe rgeswtthbulis.MOnaorns"1ýf;te net ýeast" licIlmesay here that youtshaii past flfteeu yearsq, but Carter's i"ttieale p gre s with ýe.the obuings.oMaxone tnieet s A E hrcatîfr sbc bo r-cced ý4I-n - othl' fh e rePs ddm oe.odta l o! the fiuest expositions that hav-e ever ud poi rraiit e! Lord S-raihcqna arc through1 1901. h rsbeýen held lun melo,v which, though igiven i; TOt cieve-, 'nai winter, ne(t quite a svass theýWorid's Mane Poetltt, B A , asia draai T. N. inernioîeterai se AG-fai, ill exceed lu quality anvtiir ex!ioi sov,",Sisti in l e , YA~~~~~~~~RD'S IELLOW O II 1not i e 1)-Iba vrbe edontewsente lr. iîanBroos oo e g lind fo(l aii.ava. Midnthe.d'aýÏd fluaiverdict o! pul lie opinion. Wh 'ile recognaizing t!is, the general justness and ati.ost 1omnipotent powe-r o! puiblic opîniion in in a counicil like our-s, i iualiy vlin- portant that the idiiua iani should ýnet be the se-rvile and uques tioning foliower of the beblests. We May value it as a gui e we ay ac- cept its iessons, but we sbould ne',er- be ils slaves. There is a circle of individual rîght within wbich every man 's opinions are sacredl1v bis ownÏ, even in deflance o! public opinion, and which bis man hood and self respect demand that he should neyer surrender. But there are public questions bef ore the electors on whieh the voice o! the public bas a rigbt to be heard anci cousidenea by every member o! the counicil. Gentlemen, we bave been cbarged with not establishing a pork-packing industry, a creamery and ebtaining better railway facilities. With refer- ence to the pork packing and crearn- ery industries I would simply Say that no proposition bas ever been submit- ted to the Council on the subjeet. If Mr.Ja 'mes or any legitimate company will submit a proposition in writing to the Councl for the establishment of new industries of any description the Council are prepamed to give thern all the assistance in'their power tosecure the saine. The Councii last 3 ear offered to give a bonus aud to snbmit a by, la w fora canning factory; but the repre- sentatives of the canning industry simply refused to corne bere ou se- count of poorrailway accommodation, Your Councl were, and are stili, ne- gotiatiug with the Hleluz Pickle Co. for the establishment of a hmancb in this town. One of the conditions o! theïr locating here is that they must have -a railwav switcb or siding lu their yards. The Counicil have doue everything lu their-power to get bet- ter railway service, uotwithstauding criticîim to the contramy. I would suggest that a Board o! Trade be formed to work in coujunetion with the Council to assist lu secnriug better raiiway !acilities, and the establish- ment o! new industries lu our town, I trust that the Council o! 1901 wiil be a progressive oue; that no poiitical or personal iuterest will enter luto the discussion o! any business brought before it cluring the present ycar. 1 would respec'tfully ask the assistance and bearty, ce-operation o! every member in carryNing ont the work o! the Councii for the present year. lu lookiug over the financial state- ment for the past year, I feel justifled lu saying that a reduction lu expendi- turc can he eff ected in several e! the celmmittees for the v ear 1901, and that the rate o! taxation will bc nineteen milis for the present year. A united effort should he Made ou thepart o! the citizens and the Cn- cil, for the etbihei of a Fumai ture Factory iin our tewn. Tlere Vever was a better oppî'rtuuity tharn th , present; there is not a furniture couotry east e oet.Tenm F niueCO. are kaw ro u enridof 1,Ca i. i -ite [hoother, by 1h trac1te baS deý- ped îlu furn-iîtune i the( last few Ye .'--- 1 1 arn satisfleda hecommencement o! the new century and make a pes.l effort on the pýart of ever3v ctisuLo puish the town forvTward uintil it t;îkes it.s plae as on( e o! tha leadiuto wns lut Canaà- da. We'V hýavýe5 madle cnia prog-ress lu emnn sdwls The attenation c! the Roads & Streets committee sbould be dineeted towards cenStrncting a sample piece o! Macadam mead. .Mm. Camnpbell the -Provincial moud instructor, ver.y kindly offered to corne here any time dnring tbe sum- mer and supei iuitend the construction o! a sampie piece o! Macadam work, if saime arrangement can be made fer the purchase or rentai o! a steam relier. The Concil sbould embrace the opportunit 'y o! accepting' Mn. Carnpbell's offer to give the citizens a practical demonstration o! modern road building Iu councinsion- permit me te say that I will guard the interests o! the town, and endeavor with the assistance o! the Council, to keep the expenditure as iew as poQsible, consistent with the best interests o! the tewn. I shail be at the Town Clerk's offica every Meuday, Wednesday aad Fri. day fromn six p rn te eight p. m. to attend ta any business in connec- tien With towu affairs. Mm. Galbraitb delivered a sharp lect tire te the local presiî for criticisms on the action or nen-action o! the, 1900 cenucil aud denounced Trip STA'IESMAN for sgying that 11we had not enough ability te de businiess;" [whicb THE STATESMAN did net say-ED. C.S.] fH claimed that the counii had done wbat it could. We will encourage factories when propositions are made to us., Mm. Percy thought Mayor Mitchell aud Mm. Galbraith were makiug a gzreat mistake lu attacking the press. Ih was the duty of council ta reacb ont for in- dustries and make effort to gel them. He pointed to Peterboro, Woodstock, Oshawa aud the sucess that, tbe coun eils had met with lu securing industries. H-e sensibly suggested ta the b:amd that 'wo do not food ourseives on taff y at the start." He favomed giving the local press evemy liberty te cniticize the actions e! the councili The' mayor thougbt Mr Percy's remarks eut o! place. Mm. Tait said il was net possible te get the Smitb Canning Ce te locate here as Qshawa bad a suitable build- ing. Mr. Galbraith asked what more conld, the council ha ve doue ? He would support any conceru with sand if it of- !ered. Mm. Perc"r: Did von or the council reach out te help establish a pork pack- ing factory here ? We should look 1 about for suitable factories and extend inducements if we expeet toaccmpli lî anythinZ like other towns are doing. Mn. Spry: If citizens wout belp t! em-i selves theý don't deserve help. A ,oodý epening exlsts bere for a fumiture ; cot- ery. W.,uld favor a good bonts if local cgslitalists wili invest liberallMr Fercy Wnat inducernent did Oshawa possess oven Bewmauville ex- cept a rýiailav switcu whicb we cau -et !,NrkLioleexplatn ed that corres g rant o! $10, the mayor and the treaurntbro rnoney to meet current expenses. H enoequal as a rognta»ld osi- tive cre for sick beýadae, l>iiuses, contiatinpain in tbe side, and ail liver troubles. Carterr Littie Liver Pis. Try them. TOIWN COUINCIL. Regular meeting of old counicil Jani, 9, 190)1. Members ail present, Mayor Los combe presiding. Minutes lread and confirmed. Mr. Geo. McG'iil gave- a statemnent o! the balance uin itamîo Banikon Dec. Slst, $585.89. Mn. Jeffery reported tank at eabt end lu good or- der and recommended payment fo,. saine $71 to R Trenouth contractor. H, Baskerville and Anthony Grant resignedfi !nm Fire Brigade and Herb- Creeper and C. Wesley McFeeters were appointed to the vacancies. Mayor was, instructed to sigu an agreemeýnt with J no. Percy lu ref erence to dra in, dr tai*npoor persons had their taxes re mitttd. 'lhe following accounts were passed aud ordered to be paid: Sewer Pipe Co. .............16 OSý R Darch, repairs........... 1 55 W. Jordan............75 J os. Fletchen, work........20 i75 B Diiliug, ..... 53 Geo. Lyle, " .. .. ý Thos Lyle, teaming........ - 15 60 C- Pindie, wr .........4 88 P. Tr7lok...... ...7852 M. A. James,................45G, W. G. Giover, iivery.... ......l1 O0 Sun Ou Re!. Co.,,......,,.,-..1 14 04 Gutta Percha Co., supplies. 124 50ý W. G. Gloyer, act ......... 80 O0 Thos. Lyle, act ..........-....400 Municipal World............ . 6 55 Mrs. Sinte, et ai rebate cern act. 5 OU G. D. Fletcher, rent .......... 20U Clemk, tel act.................. 4 7& Div. Registrars .............. 23 9 R. Trenouth' tank act.......... 71 W. Edgar, tire dept............. Jas. MeLean. postage,........ Jas. Gaie, printîng............. 44 Aiert Ilose Co........22 50 M. Burk, grading.........850 Total $645 14 Councîl adjourned sine die. Maàkes5 the bread I more hatfl ,~ guards te oo I K I » J /~ -Y t) 1

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